Fungi Forums

Video Games => Mario Chat => Topic started by: *~*Stealth-LinK*~* on August 11, 2002, 12:02:26 PM

Title: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: *~*Stealth-LinK*~* on August 11, 2002, 12:02:26 PM
i was watching tv one day and i was flipping through the channels.

i stopped at the warner bros channel to watch the simpsons and the SMS commercial came on and its GAY

its mario dancing around like a bloody clown and fred penner or some other fruitsinging some campfire tune. please express your feelings about the sms commercial in this forum

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: frostbite on August 11, 2002, 01:04:53 PM
Your face is gay.

La taille de sein n`importe pas. Aussi longtemps que vous n`êtes pas dégoûter gros, et votre face n`est pas laide, vous êtes bon avec moi. A moins que vous planifiez sur le nourrir vos enfants avec votre propre lait, vous n`avez pas besoin des grands seins.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SoCkPuPpEt on August 11, 2002, 01:29:42 PM
hmm...I haven't seen that commercial, but even if I had I wouldn't go *****ing about it in a forum. nobody cares. and anyway, the commercials don't really matter because any real mario fan has known about the game for months, from magazines or websites. third, if you want something really gay, read your signature. i think it has been established that Mario is not a drug realted fantasy land. A sleezy pizza parlor? were you born with this lack of mental ability or were you dropped on your head as a child?

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Super Mario on August 11, 2002, 05:13:32 PM
I haven't seen the commerical, I doubt it'll be on much considering the game doesn't come out for another week and a bit. It might be humorous and you just missed it, or perhaps you're just too associated with crudeness to find it anything but "gay," or maybe it is, it all comes down to when I see it, I guess.


See how the mustache hides the slightly sad smile... and the sideburns, portraying his simple, blue-collar roots... and his legs, thick, wide, the legs of the masses!
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SuperBeast on August 11, 2002, 06:25:39 PM
How can a commercial be gay? Does it frequently ingage in ***ual intercourse with other commerials of the same ***? Do commercials even have genders? It's a joke commercial. They're taking Nintendo's baby image and mocking themselves, thus saying :Up yours, Gates!
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: The Big Boo on August 11, 2002, 06:58:39 PM
Can't say I've seen it.

King Boo isn't dead! He will return...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SoCkPuPpEt on August 11, 2002, 07:02:56 PM
*ahem* okay so my last reply was a little vicious...I guess i was in a bad mood or something. anyway some of the commericials are a bit stupid, but i think everyone has accepted that now. i have yet to see the SMS commercial...StArMaN (and your lame signature :P) what part of Canada are you from? i'm in Ontario and the only thing besides the internet that i've heard of it is a crappy poster in Zellers. btw, SuperBeast, I have no idea what you are babbling about. gay means a lot of things, you idiot, including happy (not that anyone says that anymore without sounding like a moron) and lame, stupid, etc. But, you probably knew that and just wanted an excuse to talk about *** in a forum, but that's your problem and not mine. oops, there i go again. lol.

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Insane Steve on August 11, 2002, 08:22:28 PM
First things first: Sometimes society *shudder* changes the meaning of a word through frequent misuse. "Gay" is a perfect example of this. I once meant "Happy", now, thanks to society *shudder*, it can be the same-genderal preference (Took a while to come up with something that wouldn't get starred out), or it can mean "Cheesy to the point where it is almost unbearable." Another word like this is "Nice". It used to be a duragatory comment! Or, "Sour grapes". It once meant "Rationalization of an unobtainable goal", as shown by the fox and the grapes, but society *shudder* has misused it to the point of where it now almost means "jealousy". And that is why we call the commercial "gay" even though it has nothing to do with same-genderal preferences.

Ah well, that was long-winded and pointless, but anyway, back on topic:

I also thought the SMS commercial was stupid. It reminded me of one of those PSAs a(Public Service Announcements) that you see all the time during The Price is Right or something like that. I can, however, see some PSA with Mario to attempt to clean up a city's parks... I mean they did it with milk....

There is my thoughs on everything I have seen on this posts so far. They are (for the most part) opinions, and you have all right to disagree with them. I do not, however, asked to be verbally abused for my thoughts on this issue, for I see that that is basicly what is going on here. Thanks.

EDIT: Testing my new sig. Yes, it is taken, the idea for it anyway, from frostbite, But it is in Spanish, and has NOTHING to do with what he has in his signature.

Cuando yo me siento aquí, reflexionar lo que aconteció exactamente con mi vida, yo me dí cuenta algo. Algo interesar. ... algo que no era bastante correcto... algo que pareció hacer mi vida incompleta... algo que hizo mí se siente vacía adentro.. ¿Tan, usted sabe lo que hice? Absolutamente nada. Era el mejor desicion de mi vida. Mi vida no bastante correcta vacía.

Edited by - Insane Steve on 8/11/2002 8:09:24 PM
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: CashCrazed on August 11, 2002, 10:38:41 PM
More of an anti-littering campaign than SMS commercial if you ask me. But I think that commercial was a mistake on Nintendo's part. Older Mario fans who didn't already have the inside scoop on SMS already would be scared away by what the commercial implies as childish gameplay.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 12, 2002, 12:07:58 AM
It's supposed to seem like a public service announcement. That's the joke. I thought it was ok, but the SMA2 commercial, now that was weird. And sockpuppet, you're right about all that except I thought the commercial was pretty good. And anyway, the commercial-making fad right now is to make it seem like something else and make a joke of it.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 12, 2002, 12:10:12 AM
Insane Steve, SuperBeast, and Super Mario, I share your opinions on this subject... society is so twisted... that's why I'm homeschooled... :-)
CashCrazed... you know, NOJ is actually taking this opportunity to make an issue of being resonsibe with the environment and such... I think that's cool.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 8/11/2002 11:15:21 PM
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: j.boyce on August 12, 2002, 09:50:57 AM
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SoCkPuPpEt on August 12, 2002, 11:42:30 AM
ok, ignoring what ever j.boyce is talking about, it's sad how many words have been twisted and warped, so that you have no idea what we're saying anymore. and yes, society is twisted. was there ever any doubt? could a society anything less than twisted produce something like the XBOX? anyway, I do admit the SMA2 commercial was pretty weird too, but so are some of the GBA Platinum ones! There's the one with guy singing (who *dreams of going Platinum*) and the one of the guy in the docotrs office and the camera. but, at the risk of being a hipocrite, i'm not going to complain too much about it.

oh, another thing. GBA Platinum. I recently had a bit of an *accident* (my brother sat on my original white GBA and crushed the screen :P) and I'll be getting a new GBA soon. I got my original one for Christmas, before Platinum was out. now that I'm getting another I'm trying to decide between platinum and arctic (white). is there any REAL advantage to platinum? I mean, releasing it later and calling it "limited editon" are probably pathetic attempts by nintendo to sell more. but for anyone who has it, does it look as nice as the other GBAs?

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 13, 2002, 12:46:44 AM
I personally like Glacier, because it's blue, and you can see inside it. So I guess I'm no help on this matter. If it's not silver plastic, then the paint on Platinum would come off on your hands. At least, it would on mine. They tend to get sweaty during the action of some game.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 13, 2002, 12:51:34 AM
You could just buy another screen from the Nintendo online store, that is, if you're not missing any pixels from the TFT display.
You know, it's strange. I guess since I never watch any of the 3 national networks, I only rarely see any Nintendo commercials. Except the Pikmin one.... I about got sick of that... heh...

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Vegeta on August 13, 2002, 02:49:27 AM
I'm not bashing him or anything, but ever notice that frostbite likes to use the word "gay" a lot now? He just started doing it recently. And yes, I agree about the topic. They make the game look like it's for preschoolers.

Super Saiyan Vegeta
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: kingbowserkoopa on August 13, 2002, 02:56:41 AM
Hi. I'd like to respond to this too. That commercial makes SMS look like a game for kids in kindergarten! I mean really! Mario dancing around like a fruitcake, and all these kids singing this crazy song that reminds you of the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish commercial. Now that was dumb, too. Nintendo's done some lame things in their time, but that takes the cake. No wonder the Gamecube's not doing well. Everyone's starting to think it's a kid's system now. Even frostbite's brother thought it was gay.

King Bowser Koopa
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: frostbite on August 13, 2002, 10:17:31 AM
I only use the word gay when quoting someone, OR when they say something is gay and I don't think it is, I say they are. It's everyone else. I just process the information.

La taille de sein n`importe pas. Aussi longtemps que vous n`êtes pas dégoûter gros, et votre face n`est pas laide, vous êtes bon avec moi. A moins que vous planifiez sur le nourrir vos enfants avec votre propre lait, vous n`avez pas besoin des grands seins.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SoCkPuPpEt on August 13, 2002, 11:04:18 AM
thanks for the advice, but I don't want Glacier for two reasons. One, my brother has his own GBA, which is Glacier, and then they would get mixed up. also, i think it's really a purple and not a blue, and i don't like purple. you have a good point about the platinum paint, though. my hands get sweaty during big fights, like with bosses.

i don't know why everyone is always picking on frostbite, he's not that bad. critism can be good if it isn't too cynical.

i still haven't seen that SMS commercial. what stations have you seen it on?

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 13, 2002, 08:48:16 PM
It's on Cartoon Network... I still thought it was OK. It's just kinda goofy.
My Glaicer one looks pretty blue to me. The Indigo ones look a lot more purple.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: *~*Stealth-LinK*~* on August 13, 2002, 09:47:46 PM
listen frostbite you hunk of dog ****

you say my face is gay
well, Your MOTHERs gay

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: *~*Stealth-LinK*~* on August 13, 2002, 10:03:36 PM
i also have a little something to say to you SoCkPuPpEt or whatever the hell your name is

all i was doing was expressing my feelings about the commercial so you didnt have to beat down on me like that

and if thats what you are going to do in my forum, i would prefer you not ever posting in anymore of my forums alright
GOOD, im glad thats settled

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: GoldenYoshi on August 14, 2002, 03:56:06 PM
I thought the rules said no swearing and no Flame Wars!
Well, I'm gonna be a flamefighter and put this off!
[LOCKED:FLAMING] :) Just Kidding!
No, really, Deezer could come here any minute now and boot off all the flamers and swearers! I know a few perple here who at least follow the rules, me included.

About the Commercial:
I haven't seen it, but it's just supposed to be a joke.

An extremly rare and valuable Yoshi!
"Who want''''''''s to buy a gold Yoshi? Selling Price, $99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999!" (almost 10 Googols!)
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: KinopioToad on August 14, 2002, 08:30:07 PM
deezer would have game months ago when thetrue flaming began? Has he, no. You seem fearful, don't you?

I hate you.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 14, 2002, 10:22:39 PM
Hey Starman, you said to post your thoughts about the commercial here... so now, what, you're gonna get mad at anybody who doesn't agree with you?

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Vegeta on August 14, 2002, 10:34:38 PM
I think that when frostbite originally posted here, he was referring to the Starman character's face in Super Mario being gay, not the face of the member named Starman. I mean, think about it. The character's face does look kinda dumb. So I don't think he deseves to be called a heap of dung, or his mother called gay at all. That's just rude. Consider the real meaning of something before accusing, don't just assume it's about you. I did that before and got into a lot of trouble. Besides, if you've looked at any of his other posts, they're a little bit wacky anyway. Just try not to take it personally. Life's too short to be angry about small things.

Super Saiyan Vegeta
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 14, 2002, 10:41:41 PM
The Starman from SMB has only eyes. It is kinda goofy... and like frostbite was saying, he regurgitates stuff people throw a him.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 14, 2002, 10:44:16 PM
I just had another thought about the commercial: You know, they don't want the parents to get scared off... if they did some macho/half cool weirdness commercial, (ala XboX) people might not let their younger kids get it.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: frostbite on August 14, 2002, 11:05:04 PM
Are you saying I throw my puke at people?

La taille de sein n`importe pas. Aussi longtemps que vous n`êtes pas dégoûter gros, et votre face n`est pas laide, vous êtes bon avec moi. A moins que vous planifiez sur le nourrir vos enfants avec votre propre lait, vous n`avez pas besoin des grands seins.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 14, 2002, 11:28:20 PM
No, I was saying that metaphorically. And I know you knew that.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 8/14/2002 11:23:48 PM
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: GoldenYoshi on August 15, 2002, 10:39:14 AM
About Chupperson Weird's Topic:
When you said the current commercial-making fad is making it imitate something else and make a joke out of it, it reminds me of that new Juicyfruit commercial. You know the one that goes like:
"Caring and Sharing, it can be fun.
When you have none, I'll give you some.
Caring and sharing, it can be.
It's the most important thing under the sun".
They're making a mock of Barney, but towards the end, that yellow thing looks at the lady's Juicy fruit and they start to fight while singing the song. They change the screen to a picture of Juicyfruit and at the end, the lady tore off one of the yellow fish's fins.
The SMS Commercial fits this category. They imitate some sort of kiddie thing, and them make a joke from it.

An extremly rare and valuable Yoshi!
"Who want''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s to buy a gold Yoshi? Selling Price, $99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999!" (almost 10 Googols!)
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: frostbite on August 15, 2002, 10:51:10 AM
"Happyville Junction"

La taille de sein n`importe pas. Aussi longtemps que vous n`êtes pas dégoûter gros, et votre face n`est pas laide, vous êtes bon avec moi. A moins que vous planifiez sur le nourrir vos enfants avec votre propre lait, vous n`avez pas besoin des grands seins.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SoCkPuPpEt on August 15, 2002, 12:02:43 PM
aright, so i was being a pain in the ass the first time a posted, i already said i over reacted. i was in a bad mood or something, and i like insulting people :P. j/k (but StarMan's signature is still retarded). anyway sorry, but you don't have to have a spaz. god. i forget to check this topic for a while, and i have no idea what people are talking about anymore. it's hard to tell if Nintendo is really going for much younger kids or if it's a bit of a misunderstanding. the MARIO games have always been a LITTLE immature, i mean, when you compare our pasta eating, koops stomping hero to some of the ones from shoot-the-*******s-to-death games from Micrsoft, Sony, and other Nintendo games. but it's that kind of in between kids and killing kind of game that i like, and it's why i like mario. i've forgotten what i'm talking about, so i'll shut up now.

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Vegeta on August 15, 2002, 04:53:06 PM
Yeah, that Juicy Fruit commercial was crazy. Although it makes you think about what really goes on behind the scenes at kid's shows. Just makes you wonder....

Super Saiyan Vegeta
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 15, 2002, 10:27:34 PM
Yeah, sockpuppet, I think the misunderstanding about Nintendo being "immature" is that they don't have all the evil violent games that all the other systems have. Nintendo makes games that everyone can actually play without fear of inaproppriate imagery and such. As a result, people criticize them for not having all the idiotic useless games that everybody seems to like, and as far as I can tell, for no good reason.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SoCkPuPpEt on August 16, 2002, 11:26:28 AM
i know, i really don't care for the hardcore violent games. but it's not like Nintendo doesn't have ANY games that are like that. Goldeneye (for 64) isn't too graphic, but you still have to shoot the other guy to death. but even though some people claim the mario games to be immature, you can't really that all the puzzles are easy. some of the SuperMario 64 worlds took me forever to beat. you might be able to say they look immature, you can't critize Mario (and other games like Banjo-Kazooie, Zelda and DonkeyKong) of being too simplistic. some of them are pretty challenging at the end.

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 16, 2002, 07:41:43 PM
Anybody who knows anything of what they're talking about knows that Mario and most of the other Nintendo stuff is the best, and everyting else pales in comparison. Oh, and Goldeneye wasn't developed by Nintendo... so it doesn't count anyway.

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: SoCkPuPpEt on August 17, 2002, 12:40:35 PM
i wasn't sure if Nintendo developed it or not, but I made the reference because you play it on the Nintendo 64 (though you probably figured that). a nintendo system was my first video game system (a black Gameboy Pocket) and nintendo will alwasy be my favourite.

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 19, 2002, 11:06:57 PM
When I was little, the only systems were Nintendo and Sega. Nintendo clearly being the superior...

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Bob the Spiny parakoopa on August 20, 2002, 01:16:39 PM
its not gay its stupid...i mean it starts where mario is picking up litter and then a bunch of people run  around and mario uses his special nozzle too fly into the sky...heh...
Except the preview movie on the net is awsome...
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: LieutenantEagle on August 20, 2002, 05:54:01 PM
Never saw it, so I remain on the neutral side....I think.

And also, will there EVER be a day in which I enter the forum and there will NOT be profanity?  And Deezer...tsk tsk...I have a very little message board with only three members, but even I edit, close and delete profanity.  In fact, I fine...oh wait you don't know anything about the Super Mario Fan Club do you (that's my website).  Nevermind.

EDIT: Deezer please don't keel me.

Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

Edited by - LieutenantEagle on 8/20/2002 4:54:47 PM
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 20, 2002, 10:20:19 PM
Do not keel moose.
It's not umm... that ...or stupid, it's just a parody of stuff, and besides, it's funny. My slogan now is "everyone's entitled to their own opinion..." but I still can't help disagreeing with people who are wrong. Heh...

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: *~*Stealth-LinK*~* on August 21, 2002, 03:45:24 PM
****, i missed a lot!

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: *~*Stealth-LinK*~* on August 21, 2002, 03:47:13 PM
they bleeped ****?
all i said was ****,
its not one of those really bad 4 letter words
D@MN is not a bad word

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: frostbite on August 21, 2002, 05:20:37 PM
They bleeped out dam­n? Not for me...

The Vatican rules can not be changed. So sayeth the spider.
-Queen Spider
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 21, 2002, 10:10:23 PM
What a useless conversation that was. Well, anyway, I just saw the new SMS commercial, and even though the first one was ok, this one was pretty much better, with just footage of the game and some dude with a low voice talking. Cool.

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Vegeta on August 22, 2002, 04:31:39 AM
I agree. The new one was better. I think someone spoke up and said they didn't like the first one.

Super Saiyan Vegeta
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 23, 2002, 12:04:59 AM
I liked them both.

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
Title: Re: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies
Post by: *~*Stealth-LinK*~* on September 06, 2002, 06:29:57 PM
I havent posted in this forum ever since i was *~*StArMaN*~*!
And i have also seen the new SMS commercial and THATS A RELIEF!


Destiny is like the flow of a vast river, it never ends.