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Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: Forest Guy on September 13, 2003, 09:20:50 PM

Title: Politics
Post by: Forest Guy on September 13, 2003, 09:20:50 PM
Here is where we can all debate over Political Topics! I was in Debate Club for two years so I'm experienced in this. Let's see...
I am a conservative Republican, and I think Bush is one of our Greater Presidents. Of course though, Ronald Reagan was probably the best president we ever had except maybe for Wahsington or Lincoln. I don't like the French. And I've always disliked them even before they refused to aid us against Iraq. They always have disliked America, and are really disgusting ignorant people. They rarely bathe first of all. They don't wear much deoderant either. That's pretty nasty. Anyway, French Fries. They were created in Belgium. They're called French Fries because they are Fried French style. There is a stile of Frying called French Frying. It's just throwing the stuff into oil and frying it. So really, I call them either just Fries, but more often I call them Frozen Fries since they're always frozen before they are fried. Anyway, we had to go into Iraq because if we didn't they'd eventually have done something drastic and attacked America.

Only a fool scoffs at the laws of Ushido. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of evil. *Eats slice of Pizza* My cause is worthy. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: The Big Boo on September 14, 2003, 08:41:33 AM
I'm trying to think of something that I can say in here that won't start a flame war...
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Black Mage on September 14, 2003, 09:16:06 AM
I sure hope you chose your words more carefully when you were on the debate team.

"I am a conservative Republican, and I think Bush is one of our Greater Presidents. Of course though, Ronald Reagan was probably the best president we ever had except maybe for Wahsington or Lincoln."

 As for myself, I guess my ideals coincide more closely to the Republican side. And when I register for a political party, the Republican party is probably what I'll end up going with. However, I do not let my views be swayed by the Political Party I stand in. It's terrible to see when people are bashed, simply because of their affiliation.

 Personally, I find Political Parties something to which causes unneeded problems. I feel they cause greater hindrance to the Government, as they are now. That's not to say the idea is bad, as you do need to see everything from two sides, but when someone votes no one something, simply because their party has taken that stance, I find that to be a lost cause.

"I don't like the French. And I've always disliked them even before they refused to aid us against Iraq."

 I don't really care what you think of the French. And if you dislike them even more for doing what they thought was right, well, then you're going to have a lot of problems in this world. But, enough, let us continue.

"They always have disliked America, and are really disgusting ignorant people."

 Hypocrisy. How can you say such things when they've been our ally for longer than you've seen the face of this earth? They disagreed with us on this matter, and suddenly they've always hated us? And to say all the French are "Ignorant" and "Disgusting" is making a very, very ignorant statement. If you do not wish for a flame war, as TBB had hinted towards, I'd suggest you lay off such slander.

 Every country has "disgusting and ignorant" people. Yes, even the perfect United States of America.

"They rarely bathe first of all. They don't wear much deoderant either. That's pretty nasty."

 Yeah, well, that's a[nother] nice generalization. It's common knowledge that the French bathe less often than we do, but that's their culture. It's different from ours. Does that make it wrong?

 To them, the fact that we bathe every day may seem disgusting.

"Anyway, French Fries. They were created in Belgium. They're called French Fries because they are Fried French style. There is a stile of Frying called French Frying. It's just throwing the stuff into oil and frying it. So really, I call them either just Fries, but more often I call them Frozen Fries since they're always frozen before they are fried."

Call them whatever you want, but when I call them French Fries, I don’t want to be hassled by some Propaganda-washed person.

"Anyway, we had to go into Iraq because if we didn't they'd eventually have done something drastic and attacked America."

 I do agree Iraq needed to be dealt with, but for different reasons.

Edited by - Black Mage on 9/14/2003 8:27:20 AM

Title: Re: Politics
Post by: nintendofreak on September 14, 2003, 03:01:58 PM
Fries is a good name. It's much shorter than both names and it sounds good.

X-Box and PS2 Suck with a capital "S".

Edited by - NintendoFREAK on 9/14/2003 2:03:42 PM
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: jon on September 14, 2003, 03:03:11 PM
I think BlackMage would be good with a FAQs page of websites or instruction booklets.

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Trainman on September 14, 2003, 04:14:18 PM
Well, I'll say that BlackMage can sure voice his opinion very well. It is good that he had a great opinion for pretty every statement made by Meowrio. The Frencj confude me because they were our allies, then they turned around and are instantly our enemies. I don't get that. They almost agreed to support Iraq. That confuses the heck out of me.

It is impossible to lick your elbow. 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Forest Guy on September 14, 2003, 06:40:45 PM
There's no need for a flame war, and as long as everyone here knows how to keep their tempers down, we'll have a little debate. Nothing to worry about. I don't know if you really are, but you seem to be more of the Independent type person, and leaning to the right based upon what you said about probably being Republican, but you do have many Liberal Democrat beliefs. In response, I do not call French Fries Frozen Fries or just fries because propaganda does. As a chef, I know they really aren't French, so I just call them that. THe same applies with the French Horn and the Poodle. Anyway, I don't see any problem with just not liking someone or many people. If you have valid reasoning behind it, then it matters not as your opinion is as valid as the next.

Only a fool scoffs at the laws of Ushido. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of evil. *Eats slice of Pizza* My cause is worthy. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Black Mage on September 14, 2003, 07:31:47 PM
"There's no need for a flame war, and as long as everyone here knows how to keep their tempers down, we'll have a little debate. Nothing to worry about."

 I don't think flaming is a problem. You had said you wanted a debate, and so I had given my views. They may have came off a bit aggressive, but I don't feel they were anything more.

"I don't know if you really are, but you seem to be more of the Independent type person, and leaning to the right based upon what you said about probably being Republican, but you do have many Liberal Democrat beliefs."

 As I said, my opinions tend to agree more with the Republican party. However, that's not always the case, and so, on this topic, my views may be more like a Democrat’s. None the less, I don't feel that matters..

"In response, I do not call French Fries Frozen Fries or just fries because propaganda does. As a chef, I know they really aren't French, so I just call them that. THe same applies with the French Horn and the Poodle."

 As a chef, you should know that they are French. To French is to simply cut into thin strips before cooking, it's impossible to count how many times that's been said on these forums. And so, to call them French Fries is entirely correct. Thus leaving the French off, due to dislike of the French people makes very little sense. Although, that's not to say I care what you call them. Call them whatever you would like.

"I don't see any problem with just not liking someone or many people."

 There is no problem with not like someone, or many people. However, when you begin to make broad generalizations, especially slanderous ones, about them, it is. To call an entire race of people ignorant and disgusting simply isn't something looked well upon, and very offensive as well.

 If you don't like them, that's fine. But at least show them respect.

"If you have valid reasoning behind it, then it matters not as your opinion is as valid as the next."

 That's not something I'd consider a very good stance to take whilst debating with someone.

 It is true, one's opinion is no greater than another’s, but when no one has professed their own to be so, I don't see where it comes in. Its almost like asking someone for help, while telling them their help doesn't matter.

Edited by - Black Mage on 9/14/2003 6:32:22 PM

Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Lizard Dude on September 16, 2003, 11:31:10 AM
As for me, basically take everything Meowrio said and reverse it. Liberal Democrat (generally) all the way, baby!

Aussi, je parle francais! Mon Dieu! Au revoir, les amis.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: The Big Boo on September 16, 2003, 02:29:03 PM
How do I say this... Meowrio, when you posted what you said in this thread, you lost about half of the respect I had for you. I won't say anything else about that, but I will say this: I don't think I'll vote when I'm older, but when if I had to, I'd pick Democrats, definitely (I can never spell that word right). The problem with Republicans is that they always seem to make the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And you never see the economy plummet when Democrats are president( forget about Jimmy Carter). Also, I hate Bush, for wasting money in Iraq.

Edited by - The Big Boo on 9/16/2003 2:32:07 PM
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Forest Guy on September 16, 2003, 04:20:02 PM
Wow. If you'd let something little like political preference change the way you think of someone, then that is kinda sad. I have many Democratic Friends, but I could care less what they believe in. Whatever. I could care less if you're a Democrat.

Only a fool scoffs at the laws of Ushido. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of evil. *Eats slice of Pizza* My cause is worthy. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: David on September 16, 2003, 04:39:52 PM
I wonder if my political views can be gathered from my various comments. Hmmm.
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Lizard Dude on September 16, 2003, 05:58:57 PM
What's up with the staff posting these days, these days, of all days.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”

Title: Re: Politics
Post by: jon on September 16, 2003, 06:00:51 PM
Black Mage, as much as you are smart and stuff, I dont like reading huge posts like that.

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: Lizard Dude on September 16, 2003, 09:27:28 PM
In hindsight, I now find it funny that Black Mage didn't win Smartest Poster.

And I do always agree with him.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”
Title: Re: Politics
Post by: The Big Boo on September 17, 2003, 03:03:33 PM
Meowrio, I was talking about what you said about the French. But still, I didn't mean what I said entirely; I just sometimes post things on an impulse. (if you haven't figured out already)

Edited by - The Big Boo on 9/17/2003 4:51:49 PM