Fungi Forums

Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: WarpRattler on November 15, 2003, 04:55:49 PM

Title: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: WarpRattler on November 15, 2003, 04:55:49 PM
Who else thinks that?

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
...v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
Oh, and Lizard Dude:"And there was this great Food Festival! Did you know that food this and food that...."-jon
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: stupidmonkey on November 15, 2003, 05:49:42 PM
Yeah,why not.

 I always have the latest info.Did you know that I farted?PPPPPPHHHHMmmmmmmmmhhh!!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Lizard Dude on November 16, 2003, 07:39:45 PM
The Complete List

I’m not stupid, I’m LD.

Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Trainman on November 16, 2003, 08:06:25 PM
um, ok.

I feel that stupidmonkey is secretly Killa of PS2 because:

-He never puts a space after a comma, period, etc., just like Killa doesn't, (and it's VERY annoying).

What color should MegaByte''s power light be on his GCN, BESIDES RED?
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: The Big Boo on November 17, 2003, 08:13:44 PM
Anyone remember bandicootbuddy? Heh heh heh. That guy was crazy.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: nintendo is sorry on November 18, 2003, 03:00:53 PM
No, stupidmonkey is not me. I'm sorry if I don't put spaces after commas, periods, etc. I'll try and start doing that.

Hey everyone,PS2 SUCKS![Notice the capital "S" in PS2 SUCKS because PS2 SUCKS!Also notice the capital letters in PS2 SUCKS!because PS2 SUCKS!!!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Black Mage on November 18, 2003, 03:23:38 PM
Remember bandicootbuddy? How could I not?

 For the longest time, he didn't leave the forums because he thought I had wanted him to.

 Heh, I didn't mind him much, though.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: WarpRattler on November 19, 2003, 12:08:03 AM
I thought this was about a list of who's banned...

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
...v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
Oh, and Lizard Dude:"And there was this great Food Festival! Did you know that food this and food that...."-jon
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Chupperson Weird on November 19, 2003, 01:29:07 AM
Ah, but there is no such thing, so it has been turned into a "remember that member?" topic instead.

Nothing says lovin’ like Chupperson from the oven.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Lizard Dude on November 19, 2003, 01:29:49 AM
Remember Marionut#1? Grr.

I’m not stupid, I’m LD.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: The Big Boo on November 19, 2003, 03:48:06 PM
Yeah, Marionut owes Sapph a Mario and Luigi. Heh heh.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Forest Guy on November 19, 2003, 04:07:18 PM
Hey remember Maestro? He hasn't been on in a while.

I am Meowrik! The 5th Samurai Pizza Cat! beware the fearsome fury of my fiery Jalapeno Katana!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: WarpRattler on November 19, 2003, 11:51:37 PM
Okay, this is getting way off topic.

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who

...v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.

Oh, and Lizard Dude:"And there was this great Food Festival! Did you know that food this and food that...."-jon

Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Markio on November 20, 2003, 12:01:14 AM
Remember Markio?  He had style ANd panache! (what does panache mean?)

I don''t have a signature.  So what?  I doesn''t matter!  HAHA!  I''m Freee!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: WarpRattler on November 20, 2003, 02:06:43 AM
STOP IT! This is supposed to be a topic asking if anyone else thinks that we need a list of who's banned from the forums, not a "Remember that guy?" topic. If you want a topic like that, create a new thread, don't post in this one.

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
...v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
Oh, and Lizard Dude:"And there was this great Food Festival! Did you know that food this and food that...."-jon
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Lizard Dude on November 20, 2003, 12:29:33 PM
I already gave the complete list in my first post.

Remember that guy donotcare95? He was pretty grumpy sometimes.

Panache? Heheheheh. Right on.

I’m not stupid, I’m LD.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Forest Guy on November 20, 2003, 03:58:12 PM
Hey Kinopiotoad is back! I'd say I remembered him, but I only joined 3 months ago. Hmm.... remember that guy Lizard Dude? He hasn't posted on the forums in over.... 4 min... I miss him.

I am Meowrik! The 5th Samurai Pizza Cat! beware the fearsome fury of my fiery Jalapeno Katana!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Lizard Dude on November 20, 2003, 07:34:04 PM
If it's the same one, I remember him. I didn't really post in those days, though.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: WarpRattler on November 24, 2003, 06:21:04 PM
You didn't give the complete list in your first post, LD. You simply underlined the words The Complete List.

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
...v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
Oh, and Lizard Dude:"And there was this great Food Festival! Did you know that food this and food that...."-jon
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: NintendoExpert89 on November 24, 2003, 07:03:11 PM
I think silverbullet should be banned. He's the sick, demented one who obviously is obessed with sex, and curses a lot.

She's drunk; it's funny!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Chupperson Weird on November 24, 2003, 09:55:36 PM
donotcare95, Lizard Dude is correct. That is the complete list.

Nothing says lovin’ like Chupperson from the oven.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Insane Steve on November 24, 2003, 09:59:53 PM
Well, my guess is that a "Panache" is like a headache, but since the prefix "pan-" means "everywhere", it is an "everywhere-ache". Panache. Heh.

Anyways, The complete list IS in LD's first post -- although it need be much longer.

Stupid Quotes: (9th edition)
AP U.S. History teacher: "Your groups may have no more than 3 people in them."
*About one second later*
Tom G. (Student in this class): "Can we have 4 people in a group?"
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: The Big Boo on November 25, 2003, 03:12:51 PM
Woah, that's a long list! Thanks, for posting it, LD!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Markio on November 25, 2003, 05:32:14 PM
Panache is similar to style.  And speaking of stupid quotes, I was in band and a boy and a girl wanted the stand at different levels, so the teacher said, "Let's compromise."  And she lowered it a LITTLE.  Then I said, "I'm hungry too, can I have a compromise?"

The End.
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: WarpRattler on November 26, 2003, 06:58:48 PM
Doesn't Deezer have a list of them?

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
...v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
Oh, and Lizard Dude:"And there was this great Food Festival! Did you know that food this and food that...."-jon
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: Jake on November 27, 2003, 10:35:21 AM
Well, what ever happened to Jason Vorhees?


Luigi hated it when he craped his pants. Boo!
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: WarpRattler on December 02, 2003, 06:39:16 PM
No one cares. I ask again: Doesn't Deezer have a list of those banned?

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
...v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
Oh, and Lizard Dude:"And there was this great Food Festival! Did you know that food this and food that...."-jon
Title: Re: I think we need a list of who's banned from the forums.
Post by: The Big Boo on December 03, 2003, 06:09:17 PM
Yeah, so does Lizard Dude.