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Video Games => Video Game Chat => Topic started by: Mario Maniac on March 18, 2004, 05:02:30 PM

Title: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Mario Maniac on March 18, 2004, 05:02:30 PM
The Nintendo GameCube sales have really picked up, ever since Nintendo cut the price down to $99. Only one question: why didn't people buy the GameCube before the price cut?

News flash people: The GameCube has been on the market for over 2 years, it is not a brand new system. There have been many games released for the GameCube that you stupid PS2 fans have simply overlooked because they seemed "childish." These people seem to think that the GameCube is worth buying now, because of Mario Kart: Double Dash and Final Fantasy. But the real reason more people are buying the GameCube now is because the price was cut down to $99.

People shouldn't base a system's quality on the price. If these people would just stop playing with their stupid PlayStation systems, they would realize that Nintendo makes quality systems as well. But no, they only want the system with the most games, even though most of the games on PS2 are crap!

If this is the way the public appreciates Nintendo systems, then I have a solution to Nintnedo's sales problems. Nintendo should simply launch their systems at a low price (around $150), and with a large amount of games, that way more people will be interested in the system.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Popple on March 18, 2004, 05:29:51 PM
That theroy seems economically unsound. It costs a lot to produce systems and games. Later price cuts encourage those who could not afford a system earlier to buy one, but they must start higher for those who are willing to pay more to get it sooner.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Forest Guy on March 18, 2004, 06:02:00 PM
As much as I like Nintendo, your post is comrpised mostly of opinions that cannot be backed up by facts. Simply stating that most games on PS2 are stupid is only your opinion. Obviously, they're doing something right because they're doing pretty well. I'm not saying I like PS2, in fact I dislike it, but I'm just saying if you wanna make a topic like this, you can't simply shout opinions out without anything to back it up.

If it is black and white and smells awful, I assure you it''s adorable.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: jon on March 18, 2004, 06:22:45 PM
The reason that the GCN got more buys after the price cut is because of the zelda bonus disc.

Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Watoad on March 18, 2004, 08:28:32 PM
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Chupperson Weird on March 18, 2004, 09:06:25 PM
Mario Maniac, not only are you incredibly late in posting a topic of this nature, there is also no reason to preach to the choir, as it were. It's like you posted this topic a month ago and it didn't show up until today.
Not only does this topic have nothing directly to do with Mario, but it's also quite useless. There are some games for PS2 that I would like to play, and I know other people like the system just fine.

I can not begin to express my chagrin at reading yet another one of your useless, pointless topics.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: MadRhetoric on March 18, 2004, 10:28:13 PM
Chagrin is such a funny little word, isn't it?
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: The Big Boo on March 19, 2004, 10:47:06 AM
Most of Mario Maniac's rants seem to be opinionated rants about how Nintendo should sell better.

... Am I the only one who's noticed this?
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Do The Mario! on March 19, 2004, 10:48:02 AM
I heard the XBox was the highest selling system ever. I hope not. =/

Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let''s do the Mario all together now! You got it! It''s the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again! Let''s do the Mario altogether now! Come on now! Just like that!
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Dr. Mario on March 19, 2004, 04:41:18 PM
As much as I hate to admit it I'm probably going to buy a used PS2. Nintndo will still be #1 to me, but there were few games that were released only for PS2 that I want to buy.

A Powerful Quote from Family Guy:

Peter: Brian, come quick! There s a message in my alphabets! It says "Oooooooooooooooo"
Brian: ...Peter... Those are Cherrios.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: ToxicYoshi on March 19, 2004, 04:49:44 PM
why do ps2 and x-box fanboys continue to think the gcn is childish? its cause they never tried it
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Popple on March 19, 2004, 05:19:42 PM
Most actually have tried it, and find the simple and unthreatening characters make it childish.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Mario Maniac on March 19, 2004, 08:19:43 PM
I thought the only reason most people bought the GameCube now was because the price was cut down to $99. Why is that? Don't people realize that the GameCube had the same amount of quality games before the price was cut?

And yes, the Zelda Collector's Disk was a big factor in the sudden increase of GameCube sales, but the price cut was the main reason.

Sorry about dissing you PS2 fans. I am just really tired of the PlayStation hype that is going around these days. In my opinion, PS2 is overrated, because Sony does not even make their own games, they only publish games that are made by their subsidaries and 3rd-party companies.

Nintendo makes their own games, which is why I think their games are of higher quality than the exclusive PlayStation games--Nintendo has more direct input in how their games are made.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Chupperson Weird on March 19, 2004, 08:32:34 PM
I am not ashamed to say that I would like to get a PS2, if I can get it fairly cheap. I might get a PS1 for now, 'cause I can get them for like $20.
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: ToxicYoshi on March 19, 2004, 08:49:18 PM
the ps2 is great,the gcn is better

but why doesnt sony make a price drop?
Title: Re: It's about time this happened...
Post by: Chupperson Weird on March 19, 2004, 08:55:06 PM
"...they only publish games that are made by their subsidaries and 3rd-party companies."
True, but some of those games are good.

"Nintendo makes their own games, which is why I think their games are of higher quality than the exclusive PlayStation games..."
This is true with only a part of their games.

"Nintendo has more direct input in how their games are made."
That is entirely untrue, and I am saddened to believe that people could be so deluded. Nintendo only controls their games, and games they are involved in. The vast majority of games for Nintendo (and other systems) are produced entirely by whatever company is making them, with NO input from Nintendo. Thank you.

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 3/19/2004 6:59:39 PM