Fungi Forums

Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: GiftedGirl on March 21, 2004, 11:54:59 AM

Title: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: GiftedGirl on March 21, 2004, 11:54:59 AM

This is my new club. Anyone who posts here can join. And it's got refreshments and games and nobody but members of TMK can find it's secret location! (You go in my closet and say "Mario Animals Neopets Pokemon Animal Crossing!" and my closet turns into an elevator to take you to the MANPAC clubhouse that is underground) Now I'm gonna go goof off now. Byebye for now.

Solrock and Lunatone. Now that there''s a good combination.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: TEM on March 21, 2004, 12:18:01 PM
I love Pac-Man, so you can take your club and stick it up your nose sideways.

My other signature is a Porsche.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: GiftedGirl on March 21, 2004, 12:19:44 PM

Solrock and Lunatone. Now that there''s a good combination.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Popple on March 21, 2004, 01:47:34 PM
Pac-Man Is the total and complete old-skoo nirvana for me. How can you hate him?  What's there to not like?

Club Report Card:
hate Pac-Man= -3 not Aaawesome!!!

Mario= +1 Aaawesome!!!

Animals= +1 Delicious!!!

Neopets= +0 I have absolutely no idea what the heck that is!!!

Pokemon= +0 [see above]!!!

Animal crossing= +1; Can't afford it, but it looks pretty fun, but I don't know!!!

Your club's score: 0/6   F
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: WarpRattler on March 21, 2004, 02:11:43 PM
Popple, are you aware of the fact that AC is only $30.00? It's a Player's Choice game now.

Let's see...I like Pac-Man, I have tons of Pac-Man arcade games. -2
I love Mario(otherwise, why would I be here?). +2
I like cats and turtles, but that's about it. +1
I used to be obsessed with Neopets before I remembered this site. My username is donotcare95. I also got the two-player starter set and some booster packs for the trading card game for my last birthday.+2 +1 extra credit
Pokémon rocks! Too bad my Pokémon Sapphire cartridge was in my GBA(not SP) when it was stolen:( +2
AC rocks as well; however, I haven't played it in a while, and I have no intention to do so, because I don't want to be stuck playing Wario's Woods all day:) +2

So, that's it. Your score: 8/10 B

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
....v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
This is donotcare95, phasing out.

Edited by - donotcare95 on 3/21/2004 12:14:26 PM
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: n/a on March 21, 2004, 04:14:12 PM
Where is your closet?

IBM: Inferior But Marketable
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: MadRhetoric on March 21, 2004, 04:52:46 PM
Don't like Pac-Man: -20 I'm not a -huge- fan of Pac-Man but he is freaking sweet.
Mario: +30 Mario is... how do I put this... da shizzerizzle.
Animals: +5 Certain animals are pretty cool I guess... like a three headed yellow crested warbler with fire breath.
NeoPets: -20 NeoPets = Beezlebub's creation
PokeMon: +1 Old and outdated, but I'll give you 1 because it used to be fun.
Animal Crossing: Right on babay +7
3/10 Your club sucks. D+
Let's see....
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: WarpRattler on March 21, 2004, 05:20:04 PM
MadRhetoric(people who go to the chatroom will understand), you suck.

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
....v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
This is donotcare95, phasing out<•>_<•>
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Forest Guy on March 21, 2004, 08:18:22 PM
I hate Neopets and love Pac-man. Therefore, I will not join this club. (You spelled "cuz" wrong. Spelling an internet lingo slang word incorrectly is beyond laziness)

If it is black and white and smells awful, I assure you it''s adorable.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Chupperson Weird on March 21, 2004, 10:11:03 PM
*insert MMM's post here*

My brain does stupid things when I‘m not looking.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Markio on March 21, 2004, 11:47:02 PM
(TEM straight out insults GG, and you're worried about the non-existant misspelling of the word "because"?)

Mario:  Yeah, I like Mario.  There isn't much I can say about him.  hm.

Animals: I LOOOVVE the saltw.ater crocodile, which can grow to be up to thirty feet long, and can swim in the ocean.  I like tigers, frogs, lions, dogs and everything else in the world, too.

Neopets: I heard of them, but because of all the marketable products with "pet" (Micropet, Neopet, puppet, etc.), I don't see a difference.  I just see them as a thing.  Another ordinary, innocent thing.

Pokemon: When I was in fourth grade, I liked pokemon way too much.  I still play the red blue and yellow versions, and I want Sapphire.  Go pokemon, go.

Animal Crossing:  To me, just some thing.  Cool, whatever.

Follow the butterflies!

Edited by - Markio on 3/21/2004 9:48:21 PM
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Trainman on March 22, 2004, 06:02:11 PM
*Inserts Chupperson's post*

(except I'm gonna put more points on animals because I love animals!!!)

Do you ever get so mad that you hit something, then when you hit whatever you were gonna hit, it hurts making you even MORE mad?
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: nintendofreak on March 22, 2004, 09:47:52 PM

Mario= +1  What's not to like about Mario?

Animals= 0  No opinion of animals.

Neopets= -1  3 words(9 words, actually.): Neopets are gay(not the "happy" definition of gay).

Pokemon= +1  No one seems to judge Pokemon by what counts.

Animal Crossing= 0  Never played it.

Total Score: 1/5

Why is everyone judging GG's thread with the fact that she hates Pac-Man when this thread has nothing to do with Pac-Man? I like Pac-Man but I'm not taking points off because GG hates it.

Edited by - nintendofreak on 3/22/2004 7:58:23 PM

Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: WarpRattler on March 23, 2004, 07:59:07 PM
Well, I don't love Pac-Man, but I don't exactly hate him. And I LOVE Pokémon. I just can't play it anymore because I can't play Sapphire anymore...and everyone at school makes fun of me for having to use my sister's pink GBA. And why does everyone think Pokémon and Neopets are gay? They both rock. I think it would be great if this club was real.

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
....v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
This is donotcare95, phasing out<•>_<•>
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Trainman on March 23, 2004, 08:18:43 PM
Uh, correction to my post:

+10 for Pac-Man; I like Pac-Man (not the new dumb 3D ones they have now on game systems) and wasn't that Atari's first game or something? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Do you ever get so mad that you hit something, then when you hit whatever you were gonna hit, it hurts making you even MORE mad?
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Chupperson Weird on March 23, 2004, 09:56:30 PM
You are wrong.

Pac-Man was created by Namco.

My brain does stupid things when I‘m not looking.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: GiftedGirl on March 24, 2004, 06:50:30 AM
Hey! Stop flaming me about this topic!

"For the people of this planet, I promise you... REVENGE!" --Shadow, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Radical Highway opening movie
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Popple on March 24, 2004, 06:18:39 PM
Popple's Pac Man code of conduct; page 7; section 1; sub-section A; paragraph 3; sentence 1: Flame all non-believers. By my one-man union rules I have to flame you or unemploy myself. You hate Pac Man, therefore, I dislike your club.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: WarpRattler on April 01, 2004, 12:31:46 AM
I have been spending too much time on Neopets lately and not enough time here. Hmm...BTW, my username on Neopets is...donotcare95, of course.

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
....v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
This is donotcare95, phasing out<•>_<•>
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: WarpRattler on April 07, 2004, 10:05:01 PM
GG, what's your username on Neopets?

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
....v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
This is donotcare95, phasing out<•>_<•>
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Forest Guy on April 08, 2004, 12:13:11 AM
Nowhere on this thread did flaming take place. People simply defended Pac-man, a famous, classic character that no one should hate.

"Legolas is a guy?!" -My Sister
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: WarpRattler on April 08, 2004, 01:19:02 AM
*likes most of the things that MANPAC stands for, and also likes Pac-Man*

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
....v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
This is donotcare95, phasing out<•>_<•>
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: GiftedGirl on April 08, 2004, 03:30:47 PM
My username WAS kirbia359 but now I can't get on anymore.

I''m Sonya! Sonya the hedgehog! I''m Sonic''s lesser known sister and I''m the keeper of the Plasma Emerald!
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Do The Mario! on April 13, 2004, 09:52:39 AM
No one here seemed to mention Mario was partly inspired by Pac-Man... =/ I definently don't want to join a club that dislikes a part of Mario, especially considering I like Pac-Man anyway.

Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let''s do the Mario all together now! You got it! It''s the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again! Let''s do the Mario altogether now! Come on now! Just like that!
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Markio on April 13, 2004, 11:13:02 AM
The club isn't about NOT liking PacMan, GG was just saying that MANPAC shouldn't be confused with PacMan, and she just happens to not like PacMan.

Signature under Construction.
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: WarpRattler on April 13, 2004, 12:22:45 PM
What he^ said.

("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who
....v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry.
Go to this awesome place. (
This is donotcare95, phasing out<•>_<•>
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: GiftedGirl on April 17, 2004, 01:46:52 PM
Well exCUSE me Do The Mario, I never knew that PacMan was part of Mario. (Blame my Chao.)

I''m Sonya! Sonya the hedgehog! I''m Sonic''s lesser known sister and I''m the keeper of the Plasma Emerald!
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Nameneko on April 18, 2004, 01:36:33 PM
I'm not doubting you, Do the Mario, but how did Pac-Man become the basis for Mario?
-And my Neopets username is Nameneko, but I don't visit too often now.

"There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people."
Title: Re: MANPAC (not Pac Man cus I hate Pac Man)
Post by: Do The Mario! on April 19, 2004, 09:50:36 AM
Oh, didn't realize there were replies to this. =P Anyway, I read it in both a book about video games (High Score) and some old interview with Shigeru Miyamoto. I don't mean Mario's based on Pac-Man (even though in the cartoon he's claimed to eat a lot) but more of the inspiration for creating an arcade game.

Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let''s do the Mario all together now! You got it! It''s the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again! Let''s do the Mario altogether now! Come on now! Just like that!