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Video Games => Video Game Chat => Topic started by: Luigison on June 17, 2004, 10:30:58 AM

Title: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: Luigison on June 17, 2004, 10:30:58 AM
Bungie Denies Game Boy Halo Rumors
By David Smith

Bungie Software today denied rumors of a Game Boy version of Halo, publishing a brief note to that effect on its official website. Though reports from seemingly reliable sources claimed a handheld version of the popular Xbox first-person shooter was in the works, Bungie had this to say:
"Recent internet reporting has suggested that a Game Boy version of Halo is in the works. We can officially lay that rumor to rest.


"There is no Game Boy version of Halo planned, and none in production. It's very unlikely that such a version would ever happen for all the obvious reasons, and the less obvious reasons, that the ColecoVision talks fell apart and The Bandai Pippin version is taking up all our development bandwidth…",2053,1611272,00.asp


As I had thought the Halo for GBA rumor was just that.  A rumor.  But, in the tradition of making new rumors from old dispelled rumors:  They denied a Game Boy version, but not a handheld version.  Could Microsoft be secretly planning a handheld and developing a Halo game for it.  After all, Xbox would be the only major console not to have a handheld and Halo is their killer ap.

I don't like Halo or most sports games so I don't have an Xbox or plan on getting one.  I would like to play Blinx though, but that would not justify buying an anchor, ahem Xbox.
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: WarioLandMan on June 17, 2004, 10:35:42 AM
Halo for GBA? Sounds pretty fishy to me. They'd have to over-work the graphics processor to get 3-d. And it would end up looking something like SMRPG's graphics.

XBOX handheld! That just makes me laugh!

What in the Wario is going on here?
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: Forest Guy on June 17, 2004, 12:54:22 PM
Judging on the size/weight of regular X-Boxes...
X-Box handheld will be the size of the modernized version of SNES they release a few years ago.

What part of the chicken is the McNugget, exactly?
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: Mario Maniac on June 19, 2004, 07:09:00 PM
Umm. Why is Microsoft publishing their crappy Xbox games on our Nintendo Game Boys?

Games Microsoft has published on Game Boy Advance:
* Oddworld: Munch's Oddessy
* All Rare-developed games (NOT including Donkey Kong Country)

You don't believe me, just look at the back of the game box and you will see the "Microsoft Game Studios" logo... AAAAAHHHH!!!!

(NOTE: Actually, these games are co-published by THQ)

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 6/19/2004 6:11:31 PM
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: nintendo is sorry on June 20, 2004, 09:34:46 PM
Halo for GBA? Never heard about that. I know that they're going to make GTA for the GBA. I've seen screenshots of it in one of my Nintendo Power mags. Man, the DS is going to be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Now that I think about it, I think they got the Dual Screen idea from the good 'ol Game and Watch days. (The and signal doesn't work on this computer!) If any of you have G4TV (Guessing most of you do) they have this show called " Icons ". They did one on Game Boy. Well, it was mostly on Game Boy, they talked about Gunpei and the VB and other things. I remember they showed the DS and it had a Mario Kart game on it. I highly doubt it was another Double Dash. What I was looked like it was singular. I think the DS will have GC graphics. This is how I see it: GB= Portable NES GBC= Portable NES with a little better graphics and with color GBA and GBASP= Portable SNES NDS= Possible Portable GC. Nintendo clearly owns the Portable Gaming market. I bet even the biggest Xbox and PS2 freaks got GBASP's. I truly believe the PSP will be know threat to Nintendo's grip on the portable gaming market

Just another rare posting....
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: Forest Guy on June 20, 2004, 11:52:24 PM
No, the game performance of DS Games will be in between Nintendo 64 and Gamecube.

What part of the chicken is the McNugget, exactly?
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: WarioLandMan on June 22, 2004, 09:57:20 AM
If Microsoft releases any 3d game at all, I think they will be on DS. But I hope they don't release any games for it at all.

Anyway, all this talk of DS, any word on the next GameBoy?

Mac 512K Blog (

What in the Wario is going on here?
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: Luigison on June 22, 2004, 05:59:33 PM
Yes, but I don't remember what or where I read it.  I am much more interested in the DS.

Remember when Atari games where innovative?
Title: Re: Halo for GBA or XBOX handheld?
Post by: Luigison on June 22, 2004, 06:00:37 PM
Sorry wrong topic...