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Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: Luigison on August 09, 2004, 01:26:48 PM

Title: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Luigison on August 09, 2004, 01:26:48 PM

Conker: Live and Reloaded for Xbox

More screenshots.

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Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Deezer on August 09, 2004, 05:39:21 PM
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Markio on August 09, 2004, 11:19:06 PM
That's weird.  I mean, it's on Xbox.  That's weird.

I wish I was in the forest with a dragon right now.
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Deezer on August 09, 2004, 11:33:35 PM
But what game is he playing?!?! And why does his tail look 2D?!??!?!?!?
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: MEGAߥTE on August 09, 2004, 11:56:37 PM
He played Killer Instinct in the original.  It looks like it could be the same game (it looks like there might be two characters and a status bar there).  Then again, maybe it's Sabrewulf or something more recent like that.  His tail looks like that because of whatever shader they're using.  The effect is sort of neat for his head, but looks like total crap for his tail.  They should use the regular fur shader for that.  Maybe it looks better in motion.
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: MarlieMoo on August 10, 2004, 01:21:20 PM
Woooooaaaaaaahh...........that's pretty strange. @_@
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 10, 2004, 10:43:20 PM
The tails in SFA looked a lot better than that... and that's the same fur technique. Transparent textures with polka-dots on them, layer upon layer.
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Luigison on August 13, 2004, 08:40:15 AM

WOW!  On the first picture he is playing on a GBC in the N64 game, but in the second picture he's actually playing Halo on the new XBox Portable in the new Xbox version.  It will be called XP for short which is an obvious play on the current Windows XP OS.  It's not a GBAsp, it's the upcoming Xbox handheld.  The reason for all the Halo handheld rumors.  It's not a ripe off of the GBAsp, It was planned way before the SP.  Nintendo stole the ideas for the folding, rechargable batts, and lighted screen from Microsoft (think laptops), but were able to go to market sooner since they already had a handheld and Xbox wanted much more advance tech specs.  The handheld and game will come out in 2005 when the Next Xbox comes out.

The truth is in the source.

Check out the very large screenshot at

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Edited by - lUiGiSon on 8/13/2004 8:34:22 AM

Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Deezer on August 13, 2004, 09:45:29 AM
Well then they really went out of their way to make it look like an SP.
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: Deezer on August 13, 2004, 08:28:24 PM
Ignore my previous post... apparently I can't detect sarcasm first thing in the morning.
Title: Re: GBAsp on Xbox?
Post by: MadRhetoric on August 14, 2004, 07:03:19 PM
Awww, I was totally going to buy one. :P