Uh-oh! It's another dumb topic from Yoshi. Rex. This can only spell disaster! I really hope not. Anyway this topic is for the new members of the site to come and be able to introduce themselves to everyone, and talk about themselves and what they like and stuff (and maybe ask a few questions about the site). This is completely optional and they can still make new topics to say hi but I just thought it would be handy to have one place where the "newbies" as some call them could talk about themselves. If this is a bad idea then Deezer can quickly delete this like my other bad ideas, but I want to try this. So, who's new here?
Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.
Alright then, he comes the first disaster and that's a-me, weeehehehehh!
No serious.. My intro is in the topic: we luv mario from superstarMASIAH and my topic: btw, my topic. But from now on you can ask me things here then. :)
I'm-a back! I'll call myself a new member cauz I sort of am, sort of not... sheesh, who cares anyway?
BTW, Yoshi-Rex, I love the way every single time you post it's at least 5 lines! It's so... so... um, warm! Can you do a one-lined post for me?
"I could have more fun watching paint dry...
C''mon Blue! Dry Blue! C''mon!"
-The Decline of Video Gaming
I am not really new anymore but I am new and I like this place so far. I hope I'll like it forever!
Strange Mr. Rex, that you didn't post in one of the countless already created threads exactly like this when you were new. Oh well.
This really only works on more technologically advanced message boards that have sticky threads.
“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.â€
"I am not really new anymore but I am new"
Classic. XD
Hey, everybody!
LD: Man, I always forget the possiblity that someone has done the exact same thing I have when making these. Urgh! Anyway, I never noticed any threads about new members when I first came. Maybe there was one I just didn't notice it or something. Odd. Mr. Rex? Hahaha!
boomstix: Thankyou. I always make it a habit to expound on the material presented to me and blab on forever about things to make sure that I cover every single topic and make people feel special (or annoyed :)). I'm not that good at making only one liner posts but here goes!
Hi everybody. Really, LD?! Thanks a lot, boomstix. Uh... okay, I guess I'll just stick with my five-liners from now on.
Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.
Edited by - Yoshisaurus Rex on 12/3/2004 6:16:10 AM
im a new comer want to fight about it?
No, and I don't see a reason to. That was a rather hostile greeting... But hello to you anyway!
hi i'm new! i joined yesterday and heart this place! so gr8! ^_^
You're new here yet you have over 2,752 posts?! How did you type so much yetsterday?!
Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.
Yeah Markio, Me too. This place seems soo kewl!_!
Push Button...
Receive Bacon! ®
Wow, Markio must've outbeaten ME! Even *I* couldn't get that many posts in just one day. XD
Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something.
I'm new in the sense that my post count is low. And I haven't been here for that many months.
U guys rox0rz! W8 til 2mRO!
Im sort of new. What do all u people think? am i new?
Um.. guys? My best friend 032861 here is new
he may seem mean. he just hates the fact that people post dumb stuff. So dont fight with him ok? Hes a great guy! Really just go anser my topic on annoying people if he does somthin' wrong ok?
"he just hates the fact that people post dumb stuff."
Anyway, I'd consider you as new.
"Good morning. And in case I don''t see you again: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night."- Truman, The Truman Show
Hey-- I'm new. and I'm posting, so therefore I can qualify for this post!
Anyway, this forum is great! In the time I've spent here, I've enjoyed every bit!
1. Do you like the Mario Brothers??
2. Do you like the Simpsons?
If you answered 'Yes' to both questions, you are a true legend..!
Yeah I just joined I've been a fan of the site for about a week..I suddenly had this mario attack and suddenly thats all I've been collecting.mario images gifs and themes even fonts..what triggered this?
I was in search of Mario's glove for a cursor for a site I have...and then from there I just went out of control...
I also recieved a super Nintendo for christmas from my husband I recieved super Mario all star with it I hope to buy more games for it when I can
does any one know how much mario paint would go for?
well alright I babble to much off I go

Edited by - Princess Peach on 1/2/2005 3:20:07 AM
Princess Peach is married?! Don't tell Mario, he'd be crushed.
"Good morning. And in case I don''t see you again: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night."- Truman, The Truman Show
Hi. Im new I guess. I started a topic in general mario chat, it died with only 4 posts in it. Oh well, no biggie.
I've probably said this on everyone of these topics ever made here, but this is sort of thead does not work. Though I notice your good intentions, these threads are always doomed to failure, and it's not even due to the lack of a "Sticky" feature at these forums.
Ah well, live and learn.
While Black Mage is usually right when he says a thread won't work, it makes me feel better to know that he's been wrong before. But it's a rare occasion, like the Mew Catch in SSB.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.†-Atticus Finch
I'm a failure. :)
"Yesterday... when I`m smaller... I wanna fight that Mario the day before yesterday."
I am not new but I am returning.... Umm Hi.
I have been...
and then...
Wheel_kirby all of that over about 4 years and I am now returning yet again... Older, more mature and... yeah thats about it.
Some things are good left unsaid. This is not one of them.
Black Mage: If I knew that there already were topics like this I probably wouldn't have made it. Oh well. I'll just wait and see. Sometimes these topics go off topic and get really interesting and funny. I'm willing to see what happens. "Hey look, I just caught Mew! Yay!"
Wheel Kirby: Hey, is there some significance in the number 126? Just curious.
Luigi Simpson: 1- Yes, that is why I'm here. 2- I think it's funny but I never really watch it anymore.
I guess I should have named this topic "New Members Post Here AND talk about yourselves and your questions about the site and etc. etc. blah blah blah!" :)
"Oh great. From now I am shall forever be known as the king who talks to posters."
Edited by - Yoshisaurus Rex on 1/4/2005 6:30:41 PM
Not really but I joined when this forum was only a year or two old and was a total... "pain". Then there was no HTML in the forums but there was a loophole that I couldnt but but you could still use HTML in the titles of the topics.
So I put pictures and stuff up in them and those pictures literaly crushed the topics under them. That was a long time ago though!
Oh, and the 6th was my birthday, so I am 14! yay!!
And... thats my life story, the end!
Some things are good left unsaid. This may be one of them...
Edited by - Wheel_kirby on 1/10/2005 9:46:03 PM
I'm new here,I know alot about mario games.
I hope I'll have fun here.
Don't worry, Y. Rex (Can I call you that?), I've changed my signature.
''If Timmy has seven apples and Peter has five apples, why don''t they just shut up and eat?''
Yay! Stupidity rules!
P.S: The 'Timmy has seven apples' thing is my signature, not 'Yay! Stupidity rules!' Actually, the second one's kinda funny...
Edited by - Luigi Simpson on 2/4/2005 7:18:44 PM
Uhh....... I can't very well be called new.... maybe..... sorta....... actually not really, but I have yet to introduce myself..... I am Master Mario XP........ If you really get to know me on a first name bases(meaning you can put up with me enough!) Then you can call me Austin....... I like TMK and always have for nearly 5 to 6 years! (I know I said three years on my old computer, but I didn't want to sound like some over-obsessed psycho or anything.) I'm loads of fun to have around...... I'm just random! You never know when I might just revive a dead topic or some crazy things like that! ^_^
Why is Super Sonic invincible and Super Mario gets shrunk?
Wow! Someone actually remembers my frst topic! You should look in my member profile, I have a funny reference to that topic.
Wow, I forgot that I even made this thing. And now it's a sticky topic too? Hmm, interesting. Who's in charge of making topics sticky, just wondering?
Since I never introduced my self to the forums I feel like I should now. "hey, i'm Yoshiaurus Rex! gret site you got here. its awsom and so kewl that it makes me drool hahahahahaha! you have the best mario stuf EVER. mario is the best and i think hes the best!!! go mario yay!! hey where's the secret paget? okay, i have to go now! by!"
Am I still new, as I've been here for 1-2 weeks.
It kind of annoyed me... that Master Mario XP... kept talking like this... I just forgot until now...
Master Mario XP is cool. I know him on Kirby's Rainbow Resort (as "The Creepin Kirb" or "Shyguy").
He annoyed me. A lot.
It was fun to watch his reactions after the word "BANNED" was mentioned, though.
He was banned... The day before my 13th birthday.
Can I make an intro here? When I made a intro topic it was at GMc, so I want to start off again.
No one noticed that I was new. I posted my first post on Bird Person's "How to improve SMB', and only one person relized that I have even posted. Now, not much people notice still...
How much time or posts does it take until people start noticing you? I am 3 months old here, and still, not much notice me. Not that I REALLY care, but it kinda saddens me. Oh well, gotta keep my rep grwoing.
Better to be unknown than to be known in a bad way--annoying, rule-breaker, etc. ;)
I think no one knows you're partly a n00b because you don't act like a n00b. ~Peasant's Quest time~
You don't POST UNCONTROLLABLY like a n00b.
You don't USE IMPROPER GRAMMAR like a n00b.
And you're certainly not BANNED like a n00b.
When you're those 3 things, come back to face DEEZER the ADMiNiSTRATOR.
Thanks guys, I feel better. :-)
Better to be unknown than to be known in a bad way--annoying, rule-breaker, etc. ;)
Am I incorrect in thinking you are making a sadib reference?
From what I hear I was lucky enough to join after he was banned.
I remember Sadib. I remember him from my TMK board readings before I joined.
Am I incorrect in thinking you are making a sadib reference?
I wasn't referring to or hinting at or implying anyone specific, but if that's what you infer, sure. ;)
What's up everyone? ^^'
Hello new member!! Welcome to the Fungi Fourms!!
Hopefully someone will notice my post at the end of this long topic.
Hi, I'm SSJ3 Mario Brothers. I am almost a koopa(1,212 posts) in the official Nsider forums. I have tons of posts in many forums, and am far from being a n00b. I own a DS and Mario Kart DS, and am looking forward to online matches with the people from this forum.
I am a member of the DS Warriors, currently the fastest-growing, most active DS Online Gaming Clan. In fact, I am a Moderator there.
I have visited TMK for around 3 years, very regularly. I just decided to actually sign up today, mostly to try and play MKDS against Lizard Dude, MEGABYTE, and the other members of TMK.
Welcome to the Fungi Fourms!!
Hey, you're not new here! Mr. I-have-380-something-posts!
Long time reader first time poster, Hi all!
Heya, Samsonite! Welcome!
That's an interesting signature you have there, Mr. Melee. What does it mean?
Just what it says: I break out the nostalgia! Well, it means that I like nostalgia and I like to show it, AKA break out.
Hey, i'm new. my brother (ledzeppelinrox) told me about this board, since he's always on it.
Welcome, sibling of the aforementioned person. I do believe you misspelled his screen name.
wellllllll I'm just say hi to Samsonite.....so (color=yellow)hi!(/color)
Whoa, me bro joined the FF, and I thought my day couldn't get any worse. Just joshing.
Why did Samsonite join and then un-join? Why must the good retire from the FF so young?
Hi! I am returning, I think Ill post once again on the board that got me into gaming...
Hey, Wheel_kirby's back!
By the way, are you a member of the Kirby's Rainbow Resort forums?
I dont think I am... Should I join? :p
It would only make sense if you did. ;D
Hi everyone. I ame new here and I am a big fan of Wario!!Please welcome me to this pad of yours and I will make myself at home. *munches on a yoshi cookie*
Welcome! Don't be too rushed as to not proofread your posts.
I can't believe you said the word "pad." You may as well have used "crib."
I dont think I am... Should I join? :p
Only if you use a name like Fiery_mario.
Hi everyone.
There, I sent out the welcome wagon.
Well, I was actually greeting all the new members, but hi to you as well.
Hi I'm new. I'm Bird Person's friend so hi. Please don't call me a n00b even if i may be one, it's not becoming.
I won't do that if you promise not to give me an even worse cold. *sniffs loudly* Welcome, newcomer ViRUS! I think I'm Bird Person's friend too. I don't know, though. We should make a topic asking who your friends are.
I think there was one... somewheres. But he's actually at my house today... playing my DS. We're watchin Planet's Funniest Animals, featuring the planet's least-funny host!
Hi I'm new. I'm Bird Person's friend so hi. Please don't call me a n00b even if i may be one, it's not becoming.
Cool! I used to have a few friends that went here, but they don't get on anymore. (luigiandpeachey & mariosassitant incase anyone is wondering)
You can gather from their screen names that they are really bad spellers. But, anyways, welcome ViRUS!
Hey! We should make a friends sticky topic. Can I have permission, admins and mods?
Hi I'm new. I'm Bird Person's friend so hi. Please don't call me a n00b even if i may be one, it's not becoming.
Hi, ViRUS. I would'nt call you a n00b, you have'nt done anything bad except for the sig thing, but thats not enough for you to be called a n00b. You seem nice, you're free to add me to your friends list if you wish.
Can I add Bird Person to my freinds list? And just about everyone else. All who want to be my friend say "I" *not even cricket chirps*
Hello fellow Mariophobes! I am new to the FF! Alas, I am not new to TMK. I have been visiting TMK for quite a long time (try 5 years). But, as long as a forum is about Mario, I'll join it. So...greetings!
Mariophobes? I'm not scared of Mario!
I won't do that if you promise not to give me an even worse cold. *sniffs loudly* Welcome, newcomer ViRUS! I think I'm Bird Person's friend too. I don't know, though. We should make a topic asking who your friends are.
Oh yeah, you got here after I changed that sig of mine... "You're all my FFFF's. My Freakin Fungi Forum Friends!"
Professor, I suggest that you revisit your studies of Latin roots. I believe the term you were looking for was "Mariophiles," am I right, Chupperson?
I send you my finest greetings available on the market.
A Mariophobe would be someone who hates or is afraid of Mario. How ironic.
If that was the case, this would be a Halo 2 forum...
Anyways, welcome to the Fungi Fourms. Go ahead and add me to your friends list. The more friends I have, the much happier I'll be.
Welcome, all!
I'm on a mission to be a friend to all. Who doesn't want more friends?
i'll post, i guess. i'm about a week and a half old. on the boards, i mean. i'm also new to TMK... haha, i didn't even know there was a TMK, i thought it was just the forums. Shows you how n00bish i can be.
Hi. I'm Mario2005. I found this site at Nintendo FrienDS (http://nintendofriends.net/?u=491)
Well, thats about it.
Oh no... How did that happen?!
That is weird, but welcome Mario2005!
Well what do you know, I'm still on! if deezer knows I'm on here still and didn't ban me, he is really cool.
Thanks D. :D
some people needa get a real life, fo real...
@_@: That guy needs some Visine more than I do!
He must've been high as he registered, because he doesn't seem to be following the rules.
I'm fairly certain our forum's collective intelligence just plummeted.
some people needa get a real life, fo real...
Crack is whack.
Crack != Weed.
*Changing the subject* Has anyone noticed that some newer people come in and never show up again? I was one on the AC Forums. -_-'
Yeah, if you look at statistics center, you can view all of the members, and how many posts they've made, and most have only made 1 or 2, while the diehard forumers have numbers in the hundreds or thousands.
I'm kind of new. I joined on november 20.
Soup or Mario?
Um, I pick Mario, anyways, hi.
Can the soup be Mario Soup?
No, it's alphabet soup, but you can make it spell "MARIO" :D
No, wait. I get it. Say "Soup or Mario" fast.
You're right! You're prize is:
I don't know whether to be annoyed or confused, but welcome.
No, wait. I get it. Say "Soup or Mario" fast.
Woah, I never knew that, awsome!!!
That is clever. At first I just thought, Soup or Mario was an extremely weird screen name, but I finally get it.
wow. it took you guys that long? the instant i saw it i was like "haha nice," but maybe i got it so fast because i go to Souper Salad so much
I'm new here. And the Topic said "New Members Post here!" so I did. GOT A PROBLEM???
No! *cowers*
um, yeah. turn off your caps lock.
They were off
That'll make a nice lasting impression...
That'll make a nice lasting impression...
Wha do ya mean?
It's just that writing in all caps seem like shouting, and some people don't tolorate shouting. I am not mad or anything, I am just warning of your wrongdoing. Next thing, you may be banned.
What if he has caps lock disease?
He siad he didn't have caps lock on.
He's only using a little, I think he'll be fine.
Woohoo!! I'm sloooooowwwwwly returning back to reclaim my Super Mario fandom-ism on these boards!!
Who missed me during the summer?
I wanna play Mario Kart DS so baaaaaaaaadly right now!
You guys are so picky about caps locks!
I wanna play Mario Kart DS so baaaaaaaaadly right now!
Same here.
It's just that writing in all caps seem like shouting, and some people don't tolorate shouting. I am not mad or anything, I am just warning of your wrongdoing. Next thing, you may be banned.
Hey, he's new. Give him a break. Besides, he wasn't actually screaming in anger, it was a joke. If it was a serious problem, a mod/admin would have done something.
Hi guys! I'm new here, and for some reason, I can't make a thread >.>;
New members can't make threads until some time in the future, but I wouldn't know when, because I came here before that rule.
Some reason. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0) I've gotten 2 personal messages about this same question. Just proves how many people just jump in without reading the rules.
This sucks, I want to make threads!
But this is your chance to study the other threads before you make a goofy mistake, so look around, and maybe post a little, you'll earn the ability soon enough.
This sucks, I want to make threads!
Notice that's threads in the plural form. Posting a lot of threads gets you on a lot of people's bad sides.
Notice that's threads in the plural form. Posting a lot of threads gets you on a lot of people's bad sides.
Notice Bird Person's Wisdom. Listening to him gets you on a lot of people's good sides.
But this is your chance to study the other threads before you make a goofy mistake, so look around, and maybe post a little, you'll earn the ability soon enough.
Look at my post, viewing this may prove to be good advice, and hopfully on everyones good side.
.. i just realized how well bigmariofan1.0's custom title fits him
And that means what? I just like to help, that's my personality, I'm not trying to be a mod (At least anymore.).
Notice Bird Person's Wisdom. Listening to him gets you on a lot of people's good sides.
This is nice to know. I mean, no one really cares about what I say except on this board.
All I can do is laugh.
Yeah, Bird Person. You kind of set yourself up for that one. ;D
I know this is going a bit offtopic, but why can't I make topics?
Some reason. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0) I've gotten 2 personal messages about this same question. Just proves how many people just jump in without reading the rules.
Please read Poop Dude, this was only one page before this one!!!
Read the rules! Why do they never read the ruuuuuuules?!
And that means what? I just like to help, that's my personality, I'm not trying to be a mod (At least anymore.).
I actually would find it amusing if I had a custom title that said "Backseat moderator", personally.
After reading the new rules an guidelines, I'm surprised I'm not banned.
And what's with bigmariofan1.0 and Bigluigifan1.0?
im new. i love this webbie. it's tha bomb!!!
Whoa there! You lost me there with your hip, young lingo! And I'm a kid! XD
Ok, in my opinion, the word "webbie" should be explicit, because it is very... second-grade. As for you, Cap'n Nostalgia, bigmariofan1.0 and Bigluigifan1.0 are the same person.
i like the word"bomb" i could and would use cool to describe this site as well. i like the word webbie, too :-)
I know that! I just want to know why he changed his name! He's crossed the Dark Side, Chewy!
Please read Poop Dude, this was only one page before this one!!!
Okay, that be understandable. Thank you for telling mwa.
i like the word"bomb" i could and would use cool to describe this site as well. i like the word webbie, too :-)
I like to use bombs but that's another story.
Yeah! In SSBM!!!! Boom goes the BP!
After reading the new rules an guidelines, I'm surprised I'm not banned.
And what's with bigmariofan1.0 and Bigluigifan1.0?
Bigmariofan1.0 got a mod or admin to change his sn. Thanks alot, Bigluigifan1.0, now we have to edit all the posts we made in the past calling you bigmariofan1.0.:P
I should get a mod to change my name to Armless Nazi Elf Cop, then watch you edit your posts in pain.
Hi, I need help on posting a topic, its about asking help from all of you guys on a project me and my brother have started on recently.
So, how do i make a new topics in the main mario forum? You will not be dissapointed with what I have to say and show.
Read the previous 2 pages, I don't even feel like explaining this again. The little numbers at the bottom of the topic page.
Bigmariofan1.0 got a mod or admin to change his sn. Thanks alot, Bigluigifan1.0, now we have to edit all the posts we made in the past calling you bigmariofan1.0.:P
You don't have to, but if a new member happens to come by, someone can always correct them.
When can new member's post topic's?
After you showed you can post well without being too repulsive or disturbing, mods will give you privillages. (This is a I REALLY THINK kind of answer)
When can new member's post topic's?
When new member's learn how to correctly use apostrophe's.
When new member's learn how to correctly use apostrophe's.
Sorry. I didn't mean any harm... One of my biggest pet peeves is when people use apostrophes incorrectly.
One of MY biggest pet peeves is when people can't type. Oh wait... nevernidn.
Attention whatever n00bs are going to post here to ask how to post a topic: read page 9.
Or read the rules (http://www.themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0).
I just like the bold.
Me too.
hi, my name is Jennifer.Sorry about my spaces.forgive me yall.Bye
Hey, nice to meet you.
Hey what is your sig supposed to mean ?
i think Lizard Dude's siggy means that the kiddies cried when they thought the man was dead (maybe they loved him 0_o)
I think I like taking many spaces between words. Hi new person .
No, pt_peach. I was talking about soccergirl's sig. Duh .
soccergirl turned everyone into William Shatner impersonators!
I' ve edited my post about my spaces.sorry!
"about my spaces," Heh, this girl is funny.
The trick is
to 'press' and not 'hold' the space bar to leave no space between I' and ve. Simple, really.
But it looks like you fixed your other problem.
Who the heck is Armless Nazi Elf Cop? Why did you change your name? It's really annoying when people change their name.
Lizard Dude, did you do this?!?!?!? I'm enraged! I wasn't SERIOUS, the Armless Nazi Elf Cop is a character in a comic I made! Change it baaaaack! X(
Shhhhh...don't tell anyone. I'm a moogle kupo, and I enjoy playing MKDS or other online games. I am currently having my friend hack ACWW to recieve those uber rare hacked items only in Japan kupo.
Hello to everyone!!!!
I am new.....yay!!!!!
You may also find me on NSider forums by the same name!!!!!
Hope to have a good time!
For a second there, I thought this wasn't the new members topic. Welcome, one and all! I am Mr.Melee, here to help all! ^_^ This is my turtle friend, Les. (^.^)
I've probably said this on everyone of these topics ever made here, but this is sort of thead does not work. Though I notice your good intentions, these threads are always doomed to failure, and it's not even due to the lack of a "Sticky" feature at these forums.
Ah well, live and learn.
*points and laughs in his face like the Grinch did to the mayor* Sorry, I couldn't help but remember when he said this and get a huge kick out of it. Hello to you new people and welcome!
For a long time, I have visited TMK and read the contents of these forums. I have wanted to say something a few times, but have never registered so that I could. I would have registered earlier had I noticed this topic. I am the type of person who will read more than post, and would rather reply to topics instead of starting them. (At least this means that I won't really mind the restriction on new members starting topics...)
You will most likely find me here in General Chat or in General Mario Chat.
I love you, bro.
Edit: *reads CT*
Welcome! :D I always like the welcome wagon. (^.^) That's Les the Turtle, and no. I'm not delusional. I just like turtles. I'm nostalgia delusional though.
Psst! New guys! Mr.Melee's delusional. Seriously. ;)
Man, the new people must think were quite the insane ones. Wouldn't you agree, imaginary elf? *Chuckles*
I'm not crazy! *swallows $40* Would you care for a cup of Febreze? It's that fresh!!!!
Here's evidence that I'm not crazy!
Don't worry, new members, most of us are crazy. Dot point exclaimation...
BP's just trying to fool you guys. Weird is all I am. Maybe even unique.
BP, I made a better sound effect!
I'm not crazy! *swallows $40* Would you care for a cup of Febreze? It's that fresh!!!!
Here's evidence that I'm not crazy!
BP, I'm going to turn your quote into my sig, just like you did with DeadAwake's.
*Meekly walks in* Uh...does anyone remeber me? ._.;
I'm so sorry about the long abscence! I guess a part of it was due to college, but any free time I did have on the internet I spent reading loads of Tales of Symphonia fanfiction (and writing it too oO). I keep meaning to come back but...well at least I'm back now!
Yay! Hope you're not too shocked by the new forum format.
Latias Dita? Wow! Now this is a blast from the past! All of the old members are returning!
Well it's different yes, but I rather like the changes alread!y ^.^
So I'm not the only one returning after an abscence I see. Wow.
I had an absence from here during my newbie days for like, 15 days. But for 6 months!? Wow, I bet everybody was worried! I don't know you, so...yeah. Nice to meet you...I guess?
Wait... now to think of it, where has Yoshi Girl been? She abandoned her own bar!
Six months? *whistles*
Well then, nice to meet you, Khold :)
Yoshi Girl's been gone for-EVER.
Yup, even when I first came here she was gone...
Hey, it's the other LD! (And the original LD, as well)! XD
Welcome back! ^_^
Wow, this is awesome; there seems to be lots of girls here now! \:D/
Girls DO exist on teh intarweb!1!!11! (...other than me)
Hey, it's the other LD! (And the original LD, as well)! XD
Welcome back! ^_^
Wow, this is awesome; there seems to be lots of girls here now! \:D/
Girls DO exist on teh intarweb!1!!11! (...other than me)
"The other LD", now why didn't anyone think of that during that discussion over how to shorten my UserName XD.
Indeed, there are more of us out there, Sapph *gives thumbs up*
*gives thumbs up as well*
Welcome back Latias Dita, how long have you been gone? Like around a year.
Great to see you posting here again, Latias Dita.
"The other LD", now why didn't anyone think of that during that discussion over how to shorten my UserName XD.
Indeed, there are more of us out there, Sapph *gives thumbs up*
BTW, you forgot Khold. :D
BTW, you forgot Khold. :D
Hm, so I did.
Aww, thanks everyone! I feel so loved. ^_^
welcome back. never seen you before ^ ^. im not so old here, though :)
Hi new members
Latias Dita's not new. She's been here longer than you. Just, she hasn't been here for a while.
u dont no anything bout me, but i know bout u, Sam...
...Hmm.... Did you just go to the "What's your real name" topic or do I know you...? <_< >_>
I don't know anyone who cares about rap or lives in NY, so you must have taken the 1st option.
ive been here before, but i dont think u no me
Heh...guess I'm a bit late.
Well, my real name is Joey, and my nick name is Game Over. The poison mushroom is my logo. I have the shirt, belt buckle, wristbands, a hoodie and fitted hat that I made using the poison mushroom patch, and I'm planning on getting a fabric made to have pants.
Also, I love Mario Kart (ironic being that there was no poison mushroom in any Mario Kart), and the game that everyone knows...Super Mario Bros.
My favorite Mario characters are Luigi, Dry Bones, the Shy Guys, and even though they aren't really characters I like Bullet Bills.
real name: Layla
nickname: Lei
pt_peach r u asian? just wonderin
I wish your nickname would be Leia. :(
naw, im not asian. TEM, you can call me Leia if you want :)
(ironic being that there was no poison mushroom in any Mario Kart)
Uhh...what do you think those mushrooms were that Peach and Toad tossed (as CPUs) in SMK?
I don't remember them tossing that...
They do.
The mushrooms were red but they shrunk you like poison mushrooms. Or were they orange? I'm too lazy to check the Mariopedia or set up my SNES right now.
Latias Dita: I think that "the other LD" sounds like you're not as popular or something. What do you think about the name LD2? Shortest thing I got.
They're eithe orange with red spots or red with orange spots.
Smae goes with zebras. Turtles are either shelled or dead. X(
Well I never found SMK that much fun, but yeah, there was a type of poison mushroom.
See there are a couple types of poison mushrooms, there are my favorite, the purple ones with the skull on them, the mario kart ones, which were kind of a strange addition to the game, and in SSBM there is the posion mushroom which is the way it is so that you don't know what type of mushroom it is. Also there are some other variations in other less popular games.
Also, in Mario Kart you kind of have to name the items yourself, I just always called that a shrinking shroom. Plus it wasn't in any of the other games.
Someone reading the last 5-6 pages of this topic would never guess that it was about new members. So um, hope this isn't interrupting, but hi.
No it isn't, hi there.
By the way, I notice that new members aren't allowed to create topics - How long does that usually last? I have one topic in mind that I really wanted to make.
Not sure I came before that rule, and if you look back you can see multiple people ask that question.
But it will happen, Game Over and pt_peach gained the topic-posting ability.
But it will happen, Game Over and pt_peach gained the topic-posting ability.
It was at 25 posts I think.
i dunno how i got the posting ability. i was just postin one day and a genie popped up and said "you may create a topic, Lei" j/k LOL
Welcome, MintJulep! :D
What's the topic you had in mind?
...and in SSBM there is the posion mushroom which is the way it is so that you don't know what type of mushroom it is.
The Poison Mushroom is a little bit darker than the Super Mushroom.
The Poison Mushroom is a little bit darker than the Super Mushroom.
Yeah I know, but it isn't easy to notice while playing.
It was at 25 posts I think.
Yes, it is at 25 posts. I thought a mod or admin had to manually grant the ability... or is that what I was supposed to think? ???
i think that's what were SUPPOSED to think j/k
i think that's what were SUPPOSED to think j/k
I just posted a lot...
hey every one, meet the newest member bob,
I wonder what flavor of pudding he likes? Or does he like to eat the actual cup?
Hey, that's my line! Oh, wait, my line's:
( . )( . )
what are they SUPPOSED to because i feel as if i know what they are..
what are they SUPPOSED to because i feel as if i know what they are..
They are what you want them to be. They could be many things...
i noticed. glasses, eyes, etc, etc, etc
Now what is it:
( .)(. )
it could be many things but mostly it looks like a fistfigth between 2 big head men
Whoa. How about....penguin!
( U )
^ ^
( * )
A dangling eyeball!
Cool!!! (+[_]..) I miss my old topic. *sniffs*
which old topic? *comforts Mr. Melee*
My "Make Some Nice Pictures" topic. It was hot for awhile, then poof, there it goes. Soem topics are meant to not be...
i wish it was still up. did you notice that im underage, mr. melee?
Huh? Are you under 13?
yep, look at my profile. im 12 in the 7th grade. ithink the same age as you
Sorry! Can't tell! ;D
fine with me. i acidently bumped a topic
Hey! I can make ;D smilies!
me too! :) ;) :0 XD
:D ;D :o
How do you mkae the last one? I'm not a very lingo-ish person.
i think i did this: : o
Leme try. :o
you did it! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
You got to add spaces. Like this. :o :o :o :o
now youre teaching me :D : :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
:D ;D :o :) (^.^)
:) we smilie freaks
pt_peach and Mr.Melee has been having a disicussion for the last two pages.
Well, nothing to do when no one replies! ;D
:) it's funny. smilies XD!
We're probably going to blow up soon from the smilies, so I'm taking a break.
okay. me too...wait, im having an urge to use one.
I was sure that I turned off the creation of smileys in my posts, but it doesn't seem to work! Why??? ??? ???
im gonna blow if i dont use one:
:) :o :D ;) :( ;( XD
*comes in from last night* Whoa. We really did chat a lot. Sorry! XD
sorry for what? oops. i know. were off topic
*dislikes yellow smileys and appreciates that "XD" is not one*
Hey its smilie disease, jusT LIKE CAPS-LOCK...OH NO!
I like the old smiles the best. :)
The poison mushroom is my logo.
It became the logo of a lot of his topics, too.
Ah, sorry to butt into your guys' conversation but yeah.. Hi!
The names Unlimited Lumpia, or just "Lumpia" for short, whatever floats your boat. I'm a 17 year old Filipino dude from California. I have been a Mario fan since I can remember, though I'm sure thats the case with most of you regulars here. I'm also quite partial to the Zelda, Earthbound and Kirby series. I'm a Nintendo fanboy, what do you expect? ;)
Anyway, I've been a long time visitor of TMK, but I've always been sort of scared to join the site's forum for the longest time (don't ask me why). But hey, it looks as if I'm here now.. so I might as well make the most of my stay, yes?
Hey, Unlimited Lumpia, and welcome to the Fungi Forums! We hope you enjoy your stay!
welcome to the forums! weve got some really cool peeps here!
You shouldn't be scared these are some of the best forums out there, so just enjoy your stay.
Yes, certainly welcome! :D Its always good to see new members. ;D
Wow, you guys are really friendly.
I can't say the same for other forums I've signed up for. I think I'm going to like it here.
Everyone is friendly here, and if you're not, you've been banned.
We're EVIIIL! Bwahahaha! Er... Oh, right. The proper greeting. Febreze for all, on me!
dont mind Bird Person *looks at Bird Person* he was just going through one of his, eh, phases. yea, that's right, phases j/k!
Speak for yourself. I'm not nice.
uh oh. now, we dont wanna scare new members, do we?
YES! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
No, seriously. Have a cup of Febreze. It's that fresh.
it'll poisen us if we drink it
The back doesn't say anythin about poison. I'd say it's almost non toxic and safe! Do not spray in eyes.
i think i'd taste nasty even though it's the freshest thing i've ever smelled.
was it that funny lol
I don't even know what that means. ?-_-?
i think it means: roll on floor laughing, ya, thats what it means
I need to learn Computer Lingo. -_-'
well im computer literate!
I know the basics: lol, lm*o, now rofl, and I can't think of any others.
We R teh Shroob allies. We ROXOR U and ROFL. Then U am cry.
What's the second capital R one? ?0_0?
i dunno. guess im not as computer lingo-istic as Bird Person 0_o
Translation: We are the Shroob allies. We will rock you and roll on the florr laughin. Then you will cry.
you all wil 0_O???
Only Queen rocks people!
who'sa queen?
Ever hear the song "We Will Rock You".
That's Queen for ya.
Ever hear "Bad to the Bone"?
yep, major payne and the terminator!
Then you've heard George Throgood! :D ;D
who's he? the guy on your profile?
-_-' Yes.
og, am i getting on your nerves?
No. I just wish more people knew about him. Oh well! XP
I know Sapphira already told you two love birds this, but just to let you know it isn't just her:
Get on AIM or #tmk for chitchat.
*blushes* back on topic, please
Haha, TEM, nice useage of the "lovebirds" you just made me X to the D.
you smiled!!!! you said you didn't smile!!!
I wonder why so few new members post here.
Hey, readers but non writers: We need good newbs! No more of these porn-posting crackheads. (They're banned, so never fear. The badness was deleted.)
Well..I'm new and I don't post porn. :(
No, I didn't mean you. Just, there have been more bad people than needed recently. They all got banned though, and TMK is at peace. <ominous voice>But for how long?</ominous voice> But I think they scared everyone away, with all the flaming...
hope it doesnt happen again. im trying ot invite new people from other fourms that like videogames
how come i blush everytime i read this topic now?!?!?*scrowls*
Well..I'm new and I don't post porn. :(
I like this guy.
Hello, my name is Serafina Pekkala. I'm new here, obviously.
Hiho :)
I´m Yggdrasill and as you can see a new member of this forum
I´m 19 years old and I´m living in Germany. My interests are Nintendo, Swordfight, Reading and LotR.
I like playing Mario Kart, specially MKDS and MKDD.
So, cu
I'll get you somehow, TEM *shakes DK hammer at him*
In the mean time, welcome Serafina Pekkala! :D
You know, I've tried to PM and welcome secretly (not a secret anymore :P ) new members, but when I try, it say this member doesn't exist! X__X
Welcome, Yggdrasill! :D What's the origin behind your name? (I bet you were expecting this)
Fan of the Golden Compass trilogy, are you, Serafina? In a freak coincidence, I finished rereading The Subtle Knife yesterday.
Hello all you crazy people!
I know forums that are crazy, but I don't really thinkwe are, anyways welcome.
I liked your old sig, bigexplosions. Can you make it big again?
I'm crazy! What's wrong?
Welcome bigexplosions for big surprises! :D You already have a nick!
Welcome bigexplosions for big surprises! :D You already have a nick!
Hey to you, too!
welcome to the fourms!
Hello there. Enjoy your stay.
In my opinion, Queen rules.
Wasn't that a bit random?
Random...but true.
True, true. But George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers is my main group! :D
back to topic ;)!
For all those new people...
Oh, yeah!
I feel the burn!
OWWIE! I felt SOMETHING all right.
Er... huh?
Well, I make this chicken dance also then.. I just received a new password out of darn nowere, so I thought I'd give you whimps from this lousy forum a second hello!!..Thar ye blow.
And that was the last time I've sworn, I promise! So Sapph, pls don't kick me bum!!(or that "banning stick of Doom", sounded so creepy btw)..BOW..and BOW once more..
Just let me stay and I'll behave. Hi there all again! Salut..Gegroet lieve vreedzame mensjes.
Cheers, Marrie a.k.a. Sharpen (forget about the stupid nickname)
Looking at your other posts it wouldn't be bad giving us a second good-bye, unless you can change.
..Unless you can READ.
Yes, I can read, that's why I think so.
Haha.. oh wow I just noticed my custom title a couple minutes ago.
That's wicked awesome. :D
Hahaha! THat is huh-larry-us.
Awesome! ^_^
So many CT's, I'm one of the few left. *Dives for cover from so many CT's*
Hi, I'm new. This place looks friendly enough.
Guh-... Markio, are you senile?
He isn't, but I am. I'm new here, and... I'll destroy you all some day. Sayonara.
Yes, I can read, that's why I think so.
..I think you're too serious? ;)
Look, just cool down some, you aren't someone like Chaotic or marioguy (Thank you for being less dangerous :)), so don't become one.
I would never be dangerous, just a little freaked out. But it's not needed now. I'm a woman, but not that "woman" :P I'm just a comlaining Dutchy! Oh, and I am chaotic, in my mind.
Nice 2 meet ya! *handshake (cooled down;))*
Nice to meet you to! *shake hand*
Sharpen! Welcome back! ^_^
Heeeey, Lizard Dude! Long time no see as well :D
This topic is going on and on, but can we post leaving for a while or I'm back remarks?
There was a topic for that. Mostly it was made up of posts of people saying they were back after no one missed them, wasn't it?
Hi! I'm new! I don't know what else I'm supposed to say here!
Nothing much, I'd say. You could introduce yourself a bit more, I suppose.
OK, my name is DarthTedd64, but you can abbreviate it to DT64 or DT if you think that's too long. Also, I seem to be insane. And I'm really hyper today! And I've been playing Mario games since I was 2 years old! Also, I love pointless threads! The pointlesser, the better! And I overuse exclamation points in this post! Star Wars is awesome!
Awesome! Welcome to TMK, DT!
BTW, heaps of us are insane.
Oh, and Tedd isn't my first name. It's from a webcomic.
Awesome! Welcome to TMK, DT!
BTW, heaps of us are insane.
I'm not insane...JUST INSANE-FABULOUS!
I am not insane. *uses keyboard as backscrather* Now DT64, have a tall, cold glass of Febreze. I make the best Febreze on the whole forum, it's THAT fresh.
I'm not insane.
Just look at my username. See, clearly not ins...
Whenever I think of your username I think of a man who hasn't slept in weeks and tears people in half when they don't do what you want.
Am I new?
Now Bird Person, what have I told you about drinking the entire bottle of Febreeze? Guess what? I saw my stuffed bear wink her eye at me! Mr. Melee! youre back!!!
Yup! I'm back!
Mr.Melee has returned! Hoorah!! Once again, we can finally relive the days of turtle... ness..!
Anyway, when I see the name Insane Steve, I think of Brain from Pinky and the Brain for some odd reason. o_0
Lizard Dude has reminded me of many things, but let's not go there. Nothing offensive, I might add, though.
Have I personally reminded you of many things, or do the words "lizard dude" remind you of many things?
It leans more to your characture.
I just joined, and I deserve a cup of Febreeze. Gimme.
*checks MaxVance's profile*
Date Registered: December 26, 2005, 08:54:22 PM
Sorry, only new members get Febreze for free. You're just gonna have to pay for it like everyone else. One googolplex dollars, please.
Hey I'm new
Hi, I think I've seen this name before ........
Like from that one Sonic Cartoon? Not the original, I think it was the second one.
As an aside, I have edited the thread title so that any member who was gone for a period of time but has return can post here, also.
Carry on.
This isn't supposed to be taken offensively, but maybe you should change your CT to "Side Note" for all the side notes you post! :D
For a minute I thought Sapph was gone, but maybe that's just me.
This isn't supposed to be taken offensively, but maybe you should change your CT to "Side Note" for all the side notes you post! :D
Ha, that was two in about 5 minutes. Astute observation. Although, for now, I'm out of side notes.
I noticed from two closed topics and the obvious side note in this topic. That's what got my brain turning.
Hi, I'm Ultima Shadow. I'm new here! ^_^
Uh... Ultima Shadow, you're not new here. Here's proof.
<Luigi_Simpson> Well, "it" is done, I think.
<MaxVance> !
<MaxVance> A new username???
<Luigi_Simpson> Yep.
<MaxVance> But what has become of Luigi Simpson?
Luigi_Simpson is now known as Ultima_Shadow.
<Ultima_Shadow> Who?
<MaxVance> NOOOOOOO! He's GONE!
<MaxVance> *sob*
Oh crap. I though Luigi_Simpson was gone. Better pay more attention to the CT's of all us wierd people ^_^_^.
A three-eyed smiling monster; nothing better.
I made that post before Deezer added the CT.
Um, not to seem "absent minded" or "complaining against admins' decisions", but I just now realized that larryfilmmaker was banned. Did this happen recently? And was it because he kept advertising? I saw in post that Deezer's edit said "Keep advertising and you won't make it to 25 posts.".
So, can sombody fill me in?
He purposely bumped old topics to get his post count up so he could advertise here in a topic.
Well, since I haven't been here in a while, I guess it's appropriate to say I'm returning.:)
Welcome back, PaperMario!
Welcome back!!!
He purposely bumped old topics to get his post count up so he could advertise here in a topic.
...and posting meaningless replies in White Mushroom House in the process.
Oh, he did? I didn't know that. He should have just advertised in The Pointless Topic, if that's alowed. You know, since it is a pointless topic. XD
I thought his film was pretty well done, though. I saw it before he joined here. It could use a little work, but it was very well put out.
I thought his film was pretty well done, though. I saw it before he joined here. It could use a little work, but it was very well put out.
Quite true. I loved the music he selected. It made the movie quite impactful (if that's even a word). If he improved on the graphics, all would be good.
But a spammer is a spammer regardless of his work.
Since when do spanners make movies? W- oh, wait...
Anyway, welcome back, PaperMario!
Thanks guys.:)
Here goes...
Welcome back, PaperMario!!!
Oooo, pretty. ;D
EDIT: Er, by the way: Is it okay if I do banners like these? I didn't know if it was flooding/spamming or anything.
Well since I can't find the topic where we can put I'm leaving remarks, I'm gonna say that I'm gonna leave. I feel like I'm hated around here.
I know this is off-topic, but I have a question for Khold. Who is Walter "Willie" Williamson?
Willie was my best and closest friend. I've known him since we were in second grade together.
Isn't this like the second time Aarom11 said he's hated? Why do you think that? I don't see a reason to leave, unless you're over-reacting on that CT of yours. I'm not trying to be a backseat mod or anything, but why do you want to leave?
Also, the "I'm leaving" topic is located within the depths of "Dearly Missed Members."
I don't see why he's hated. Maybe he's hated because he always beats everybody at MKDS.
Suffix and bobman37 always beat everybody.
Nah, I calmed down. I have to stop blaming everything on myself.
I am back! Back again! Tell a friend! Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back?
Where HAVE I been?
Dude, welcome back!
You were gone? I didn't notice. :-\
ProTip: You'll have to be gone a good month or so before anyone will miss you.
I missed the Dude. There.
Welcome back, bringer of 667 dudes! :D
Hello. New member here. Just call me The Baron.
Right, I came here because, well, I like Mario games. I find them fun, and enjoyable. Well, mostly the Mario Platformers and RPG games, and a few of the Party games. I've been a fan for years, and I love games like Paper Mario and Mario 64. That's all I have to say, for now....muhahaha....
Guess what The Baron? All the members here are wierd O_o. Believe me ;).
Here goes...
Welcome back, PaperMario!!!
Oooo, pretty. ;D
EDIT: Er, by the way: Is it okay if I do banners like these? I didn't know if it was flooding/spamming or anything.
Wow, thanks Khold! :D
Hello. New member here. Just call me The Baron.
Right, I came here because, well, I like Mario games. I find them fun, and enjoyable. Well, mostly the Mario Platformers and RPG games, and a few of the Party games. I've been a fan for years, and I love games like Paper Mario and Mario 64. That's all I have to say, for now....muhahaha....
Welcome to the FF!
Welcome, The Baron!
Well thanks for the welcome everyone! I have a feeling I'm going to have a good time here!
Sounds like another contestant for the "Best Newbie Award"! W00T!
There has been a lot of good newbies lately. Unlimited Lumpia, pt_peach(kind of new), and others that I can't think of right now.
Anyways, sounds like you're a cool guy. 'Glad to have you here!
Khold: Your best and closest friend? Oh man, I'm so sorry. I always well up when I hear about those kinds of stories. Ya know, cause I'm emotional. I AM NOT A ROBOT!...whoops. That's the Pepsi getting to me. Seriously though.
Yeah, anyway, I have a friend that went through the same thing. I truly feel for your loss.
And with that, I am out of here!
Thanks, Jman. As you can tell, I took everybody's advice by not thinking about it.
Thank you. :)
Yeah, that's usually the best route.
I was going to ask what happened, but I think that's a little insensitive.
Now I am off again! KAPWIIIIIIIING!!!!! *hits the side of a building.*
I'll just tell you here, I guess. It's better if I tell the FF now than later.
On Super Bowl night at 10:30pm, Sunday, Febuary 5th, 2006, Willie passed away. He was at a Super Bowl party at his friend's house. He was wound up from the show, so he was how you say, "absen-minded" at the time. His friend, Tyler, was leaving. As Tyler started to drive away, Willie jumped onto the car. At the time, he was just fooling around. He said "No, don't go!". It surprised Tyler, so he accadently floored the gas, and missed the brake. This was quite common for Tyler. He always mistaked the gas pedal for the brake. This time, the mistake was fatal. As the car boosted to 20mph, Tyler tried to stop slowly. But, he was too afraid that he accadently stopped too quickly. Willie flew off the car, and hit the back of his head into a curb. Yes, I was there, so I heard his last words. "I...I think I'm done. Sorry...". Those... were his last words. He died one minute after his fatal fall.
Willie was a wonderful and nice guy. He would be always caring and helping. When ever I was down, Willie was there for me. He was never depressed. He always tried to cheer people up and make us laugh. We've known each other since first grade. He was my hero, my friend. He was more of my brother to me. When he grew up, he hoped to be famous. He was to be a comedian. If that fatal tragety never happened, he would be. I just know it. Everyone knew him as "Big Willie" because of his weight. But Willie was proud to be big. He turned the age of 17 on December 15.
After that, peoples' lives changed forever. I try to keep my mind off it as much as I can, but this, you must know.
This was a little hard for me to do... But I think it's best if you all new how he passed away. When he passed, I just could not stop bawling. Two hours later, I had cried myself to sleep. The next two days, I had told the FF. Sapphira and others really helped me out. Their advice was very touching. I am so happy I have friends here the care...
When I saw bobman37 two days later in AC:WW, I told him. He also sent me a very touching PM. It brought tears to my eyes of what Sapphira and bobman37 said to me. Again, thank you all so, very much.
From then on, I pray for him every night. Sapphira has helped me pray for him as well. I'm sure he is doing very well in Heaven right now. He is in God's hands now. I donot understand His reasons, but they must be good for such a tragety. I just don't know why. God has helped me since then-- Allowing me to recover. Knowing that he is with God makes me feel better. His good deeds from Earth are sure to be awarded in Heaven.
One day, I know that I will soon join him. I now know that I will still be happy when I die, because I know that I will be with him. My parents, brothers, friends, and FF friends have prayed for him and I. I really do appreciate it...
I am in tears now, but it's okay. I am alright. I can cry, but not have to be upset. This was really hard for my to say. Thank you again for reading my tragety.
I just have to say, though. Things like this really cheer me up. :)
[2006.02.11 12:30:49] Lizard_Dude: Whenever people watch me play Mario,
[2006.02.11 12:31:12] Lizard_Dude: on 1-1 they say, why don't you get the life?
[2006.02.11 12:31:19] Lizard_Dude: and I say what good are lives?
[2006.02.11 12:31:23] Lizard_Dude: and they say if you die
[2006.02.11 12:31:30] Lizard_Dude: and I say you die at Mario? HAhahahaha
[2006.02.11 12:31:39] Lizard_Dude: I have no friends.
I am... so sorry Khold. I really have no idea how that feels, none of my loved ones who have passed away were ever very close... and I wouldn't have been able to bring myself to post that here had it been my closest friend.
On a lighter note, when I looked at the Latest Member note at the top of the page today, I thought it said "The Bacon." XD
Khold, I'm sorry if I've come across as mean for not replying sooner. The only reason I haven't replied is because I wasn't sure what to say. I, too, have lost a close friend, and know how you feel. It takes a lot of courage to say things of this manner, especially to people you know only through online correspondence.
BTW, I do believe I rofled at what BP thought The Baron's name was, and I also may have loled a little.
...There isn't a smiley in the world that can express what I'm feeling right now. Khold, watching your best friend die must be the worst thing to have to experience ever. Though I have never been put through this, your writing makes me feel like I had. Again, I'm terribly sorry that this had to happen.
I missed the Dude. There.
Welcome back, bringer of 667 dudes! :D
You forgot 10 more. I feel so missed!I'll just tell you here, I guess. It's better if I tell the FF now than later.
On Super Bowl night at 10:30pm, Sunday, Febuary 5th, 2006, Willie passed away. He was at a Super Bowl party at his friend's house. He was wound up from the show, so he was how you say, "absen-minded" at the time. His friend, Tyler, was leaving. As Tyler started to drive away, Willie jumped onto the car. At the time, he was just fooling around. He said "No, don't go!". It surprised Tyler, so he accadently floored the gas, and missed the brake. This was quite common for Tyler. He always mistaked the gas pedal for the brake. This time, the mistake was fatal. As the car boosted to 20mph, Tyler tried to stop slowly. But, he was too afraid that he accadently stopped too quickly. Willie flew off the car, and hit the back of his head into a curb. Yes, I was there, so I heard his last words. "I...I think I'm done. Sorry...". Those... were his last words. He died one minute after his fatal fall.
Willie was a wonderful and nice guy. He would be always caring and helping. When ever I was down, Willie was there for me. He was never depressed. He always tried to cheer people up and make us laugh. We've known each other since first grade. He was my hero, my friend. He was more of my brother to me. When he grew up, he hoped to be famous. He was to be a comedian. If that fatal tragety never happened, he would be. I just know it. Everyone knew him as "Big Willie" because of his weight. But Willie was proud to be big. He turned the age of 17 on December 15.
After that, peoples' lives changed forever. I try to keep my mind off it as much as I can, but this, you must know.
This was a little hard for me to do... But I think it's best if you all new how he passed away. When he passed, I just could not stop bawling. Two hours later, I had cried myself to sleep. The next two days, I had told the FF. Sapphira and others really helped me out. Their advice was very touching. I am so happy I have friends here the care...
When I saw bobman37 two days later in AC:WW, I told him. He also sent me a very touching PM. It brought tears to my eyes of what Sapphira and bobman37 said to me. Again, thank you all so, very much.
From then on, I pray for him every night. Sapphira has helped me pray for him as well. I'm sure he is doing very well in Heaven right now. He is in God's hands now. I donot understand His reasons, but they must be good for such a tragety. I just don't know why. God has helped me since then-- Allowing me to recover. Knowing that he is with God makes me feel better. His good deeds from Earth are sure to be awarded in Heaven.
One day, I know that I will soon join him. I now know that I will still be happy when I die, because I know that I will be with him. My parents, brothers, friends, and FF friends have prayed for him and I. I really do appreciate it...
I am in tears now, but it's okay. I am alright. I can cry, but not have to be upset. This was really hard for my to say. Thank you again for reading my tragety.
Khold, you could also post this on "Mario Soup 4 The Soul" on the Stroy Boards. Its like Chicken Soup for the soul.
I have to go, but I'll get back to you on that tragic event later.
US: It's okay. Just posting here makes me feel better. I am glad that there is somebody out there that knows what I feel. It seems I can look to you for when I'm in a slump.
BP & MV: Thank you for your kind words. I can't really think of anything worse right now. But this has made me a little stronger, and to know what the real world is. Things like this happen; And I have to learn that there is nothing I can do to stop it.
d667: I think I'm done writing more into this story, but I will just copy+paste it.
Jman: Please don't let this get in your way. I am happy that you care for me, but this shouldn't need to bring you down as well.
Cool. "d677"
*Squeals with glee!*
Although, I have relized, most think its '667', but its 677!
Six-seven-seven. if you forget, look at my sig.
Aw, that's okay Khold. I'm not down at all. I'm just expressing sympathy. Sorry if I come across as being depressed.
What freakish kind of DM allows an odd numbered-die to be used?
You know what just popped into my head? If you really think and concentrate on the thing you're so upset about, just laugh. Just think about it and randomly start laughing. It actually really does help. When I was sitting on my bed in tears about my friend a bit ago, that idea popped into my head. I just randomly started laughing, and I feel better!
Has anybody else tried that?
Oh, and sorry for getting off topic. I just thought it would fit in with my story.
I just write things down. Funny, I seem to get my best ideas for fanfiction and my own novels when I'm depressed. Would you believe I started writing my original character novel on the way to Texas on a missions trip?
EDIT: You know, I just read that post again. Willie sounded a lot like me. You know, caring and loving, with that comdeic touch.
Hi, I don't if many of you remember me, but I am not new, but I'm back anyway, I need to get that post count up so I can start a new thread.
This is the problem with the post count before you can make a thread. It causes people to make unneeded posts out of controll, before they can make even more pointless topics. Making a inscentive for people to make terrible posts for no reason is sort of defeating the purpose. I don't know, I am sorry for sounding mean. I certantly am not trying to be mean.
Well, I guess it's to give new members the feel of the FF before they make a topic.
Kind of off topic, but I don't know why the flood-control post thing affects PMs too. I'm not very smart with computers, so I don't know. Is it because it makes the FF slower?
I'm not sure exactly how SMF works, bu I THINK that it treats PMs as a sort of "board" that only you and its recipient(s) can see. The flood control affects the entire FFs, including PMs. :(
Hmm.. I'd say I'm giving you all an update, rather than truly returning. I might hang around, I might not. Who knows?
In the past few years since I've posted here, I have:
Started a new website
Watched that website fail
Had that website picked up by Wario Comix
Watched the rise of Wario Comix
Opened a deviantArt account
Developed a love for old-school rock groups, such as the Cars and the Who.
Found love, then lost it
Grown a beard
Attended my brother's wedding (The member using the name "Bluto" or "Vash_the_Stampede")
Created a small webcomic, called "Bored Theater"
Started listening to ska
Traveled to Canada
Shaved off said beard
Rode a few of the roller coasters at Cedar Point, and actually enjoyed them
Traveled back to Canada
Had my modem fried by a lightning storm on the old computer
Watched the fall of Wario Comix
Got Macromedia Flash 8
Made my first Flash hit, titled "Bored Theater - DOOMed Computer"
Released my second moderately popular Flash, "Bored Theater - A Very Boring Christmas" (Part One)
Grown said beard back, now with a mustache! (+3 'stache points!)
Recently started working on a webcomic/flash series, "Bumpkins"
And I'm now currently working on Part Two of "A Very Boring Christmas" which'll be out in the time zone of Feb. 25th to March 25.
Yeah. I'm a regular Renaissance man nowadays.
Don't think I've forgotten about you all.. Except those of you who joined after I left.
Oh, yeah, and I donated blood today. Hoo-ray!
Whoa! Dairy King! Hey! Welcome back! ...Sort of. XD
And wow....Khold... I need to think about how to respond to all the stuff you said.
Heh. I guess I might stick around. Now that I've popped in, it finally looks like things have a little structure now. When did that happen?
I said I was going to pop back in the summer. Of '04. Boy, did I not keep that promise.
Cool, an old member.
Dairy King! Hey! This is awesome.
I said I was going to pop back in the summer. Of '04. Boy, did I not keep that promise.
Better late than never, I s'pose. Welcome back.
Dairy King? I've heard of you... anyway, it's great to have all these old members back! Welcome back!
Hey, it's been a while since I've been here. It looks like the forums have changed a bit. Anyway, Hi.
Welcome back. There's a sticky for threads like this. It will be merged at least.
Dairy King's the man. I really wish he were around a lot more.
:( <---- Sad Face.
Edit: Oh, I didn't see his other post.
:) <---- Happy Face.
Heh. I guess I might stick around. Now that I've popped in, it finally looks like things have a little structure now. When did that happen?
I said I was going to pop back in the summer. Of '04. Boy, did I not keep that promise.
Hey there! Welcome back! I read the history of FF, so I know you, but you don't know me. >_>
Yes, things have changed alot. Mostly good. I came here around the beginning of the forum change, so I know just how much. There has been a lot of crazy stories while most of you were gone.
This has been a crazy week. So many members all of a sudden are returning! This is so great! Before you know it, Red Paratroopa will be back. I just hope that Watoad will return. He's been gone for a month now. I actually haven't asked around much. Does anybody know what happened to him? Is he on vacation? College? He was great. I don't even know where the "Watoad clone" thing came from... XD I've never heard of a staff going missing for so long.
Anyways, glad to see you all back! And congradulations on your brother, Dairy King! I think I'll call you DK, though. :P
There are some people that I think should maybe come back. I've talked to some on the Chatroom... MarlieMoo was really nice to me when I was new, and so was RP... maybe a Watoad clone should join?
MarlieMoo was here not too long ago, though. Remember? :D
Bluto got married, eh? That's the first report of a FFer getting married, I think (after joining).
Watoad mysteriously comes and goes. He'll be back someday. Also, he's not staff. More like a V.I.P.
I do have a funny Watoad story. I'll ask him if I can share it.
He's been gone for more than a month before? From looking through the history, he's only been gone for a week. ;)
Oh, he's been gone for months and months at a time.
What's with all these username changes?
Luigi Simpson ---> Ultima Shadow
Ledzepplinrocks --->Hyrulian
Khold ---> Syrhini
And now... Lizard Dude ---> Rager53!
I want to be Kansas then.
I just got bored of Khold. Syrhini was my older nickname from other places. The main reason I changed it is because I just heard of a death metal band called "Khold". It seems like I'm a devoted fan- but I really dislike death metal.
Here's a quote from #tmk:
<MaxVance> Hey, another member got a username change. Guess who.
<bobman37> um... aarom?
<MaxVance> No.
<MaxVance> It was... *sniff* Khold.
<MaxVance> SHE'S GONE!
Also, my "What if Khold got hot?" joke no longer works.
When I first saw that, I was like WTD? It was surprising to see you say something like that, considering I know you pretty well. ;)
But then I looked at my name. XD
Well, if you're talking about what I said on #tmk, I do tht all the time. For example,when Lizard Dude became Rager53:
<MaxVance> Hey, another member got a username change. Guess who.
<justinyoshi> who?
<MaxVance> It was... *sniff* Lizard Dude.
<MaxVance> HE'S GONE!
I will always know him as LD. It's kind of like me and the Eggman/Robotnik thing.
Gee, name changes seem to be the rage these days. maybe I should consider one. I've been thinking of changing my username to Agent 87.
I guess no one gets it. Unless, of course, I don't get it, which would be completely embarassing.
Looks like Lizard Dude decided to return to the FF. I wonder where Rager went? ;)
You mean LD is back?
By the way, I should have my name changed to the Blue Blur.
If you weren't here for a day-and-a-half, Lizard Dude changed his name to Rager55. Well, I THINK it was 55. I forgot what number it was.
Oh, and name change requests aren't being granted for a while. Deezer made a sticky about it. It was to prevent too much confusion.
But, alot of people are saying that they liked "Khold" better than my current name, so after we're able to send in requests, I'll change it back to Khold. Actually, I'll change it to Kho|d; It's my name on Zelda Philes. I like how the longer 'L' looks. :D
Yeah, it's always kind of hard getting used to new usernames. Like yours, Syrhini. That's why I've decided to stick with Jman. I think it was Rager 53.
Speaking of cold, my hand is darn near paralyzed with frozenness with these artic chill temps in my state right now.
By the way, I should have my name changed to the Blue Blur.
Like a Smurf in a blender? :D
sarcasm/ Yeah, like a Smurf in a blender.\sarcasm
No, that's more like Sonic. I'm a big Sonic fan.
Did you have sarcasm tags? My browser doesn't support them. :o
j/k... yah, I'm more of a Shadow fan than a Sonic fan. So...
*Teleports away with Chaos Control*
I tried to make them, but I guess they didn't come out too well.
I guess no one gets it. Unless, of course, I don't get it, which would be completely embarassing.
Hmm.. I guess my point has been proved.
I'm back! Heya folks, I need some clue-ins. Teh forums have pop-ups, moved topics, and no bacon drinks. ? ? ? ? ? ?
They don't? Dang, I was about to go hang out with LD and drink some bacon.
No one ever posts here to anounce being new anymore...
Yeah, I know! Everyone here is just having random conversations. Makes no sense what-so-ever.
Oh, and I'm new.
Not really, it's just that you probably don't know any of the inside jokes we use, and welcome btw.
HELLO I am Y4E or as i used to be know as "Super_mario_world_uncut" yeah i was him and im sorry about spaming and stuff i was new and i was a n00b but after years of experience i decided to return to this place so yeah...
Nevermind, already been fixed.
Ohh they are? ohh im terrably sorry its just that at the other fourms they let you have those and yeah sorry
I'm sure glad you desided to come back.
Yeah by the way you mispelled the word decided... yeah
Gosh, I wish I would have quoted that.
Yeah you should of quoted it but now it is too late...
I saw it before it was corrected, I've got your back, Ks.
Yeah i corected it so yeah...
Thanks, TEM, you're a real life saver, or somthing.
Yeah TEM you are a real lifesaver
So you were here once before? I wonder why, OH why, you weren't here long.
I wasent here because of personal reasones?
HELLO I am Y4E or as i used to be know as "Super_mario_world_uncut" yeah i was him and im sorry about spaming and stuff i was new and i was a n00b but after years of experience i decided to return to this place so yeah...
But you were here less than a year ago....Something isn't adding up. Or maybe I'm just looking too deeply into things.
Looks like Martini is banned. I wonder why...
Looking through his last posts, I don't see anything wrong. Chatroom, mabey? He was kind of a, well, I wouldn't say bad, but he was- er, I can't find the right word. :-\ He's the type that would get in trouble alot.
So much for the whole 'dr_sh0ws' thing.
Anyway, I do trust in the decisions made for him, mainly because he was banned once before. I can't remember the reason, though. But he was moody at times. One day he wants to help the world; the next he tries to pick a fight with the first person he sees.
Um, hey, I'm safely going to asay that I have fully returned here. I've been banned from Gamespot and now this is my Home Page.
How'd you get banned from Gamespot? I know it takes a LOT to get banned here, but I don't know much about other places.
I just noticed Aarom's CT. I wonder how.
btw... the buttons are back! Yay!
Hello, for I have returned to the land of TMK.
You were gone?
/me looks through Koopaslaya's post history
Yeah, you were gone.
Gamespot and Gamefaqs are very strict. If you slightly break a rule, you're automaticaly banned. Sometimes they ban you just for giving a member the wrong information when trying to help them. That's how I was banned from gamefaqs. This person made a topic saying "Which level of the Pit of 100 trials do I find the item bag?" I answered "I'm pretty sure it's on the 60th level." He posted back saying "What the heck?? It's on the 50th!"
After that, I logged in and it said 'Banned for giving false info.' :-\
I am returning once again! Wooooooooo! Let the nostalgia return! And cue the confusion.
Wow, I really need to keep track of when people leave.
I found out why I was banned from Gamespot. They found out I was under 13. lol, Anyway, when I turn 13, I will join the Nintendo forums along with Gamespot.
Gamespot and Gamefaqs are very strict. If you slightly break a rule, you're automaticaly banned. Sometimes they ban you just for giving a member the wrong information when trying to help them. That's how I was banned from gamefaqs. This person made a topic saying "Which level of the Pit of 100 trials do I find the item bag?" I answered "I'm pretty sure it's on the 60th level." He posted back saying "What the heck?? It's on the 50th!"
After that, I logged in and it said 'Banned for giving false info.' :-\
Ooh, that's harsh.
I found out why I was banned from Gamespot. They found out I was under 13. lol, Anyway, when I turn 13, I will join the Nintendo forums along with Gamespot.
My gosh I feel so old.
Aarom11, to me, you act and post like a sixteen-year-old. You have matured very early for your age. I think you're a very nice and cool guy. I don't know why Gamespot would ban you even when you act mature like an adult. To me, age isn't the deal. If you can act like a mature adult, you can be considered one. Even if you're nine-years-old. I remember one member here was nine, and he was a very well behaved member. If you're age is making you depressed, keep in mind that what inside counts. Heck, before I knew your age, I thought you were around fifteen.
But I know being young isn't why you were depressed, though. You said you were sad because of your friends you had there. You can get their email address still, can't you?
I do agree with Khold. However, Gamespot had to ban you for legal reasons. They don't want
to get sued by some angry parent. :-\
I have never been banned from a fourm before but I was banned from an account I had on neopets. They freeze accounts if you have more than one and they suspect tha you're just using that one for neopoints. My mom says I'm more mature than my age and wise beyond my years XD! I don't think I am, sometimes though, cause I feel like being silly.
Actually, pt_peach, I agree that you act more mature than your age. You seem to know how to handle situations pretty well. Acting silly doesn't mean that you're 'imature'. I act silly alot on these forums too. But you don't see me getting any warnings. XD
What you see in the mirror is only a reflection of your true self. A reflection is just a simple lie. What you cannot see is what you do not know. You obviously can't see how you act. You have no control, but your personality does.
To tell you the truth, you and Aarom11 are a lot alike. You seem like you're older, but you're not.
Yep, and were the same age. But I'm returning from a 3 day no-DSL-at-home and I've been miserable without the Fungi Fourms.
Yep, and were the same age. But I'm returning from a 3 day no-DSL-at-home and I've been miserable without the Fungi Fourms.
Same as me. But for me it was for 5 days
Dang it! My second account on Gamespot got deleted too.
Guess I'll be more active.
A nice way to say that I have returned again: A triple-post.
I left because of that whole PM thing.
Seems like there were a few changes such as new mods and whatnot.
New Mods? I never saw any new mods.
Black Mage's the mod for General Video Game Chat.
Ah, I thought he'd be mod'd sooner or later.
I thought he was already a mod.
That would be Megabyte. I got them confused sometimes, so maybe you did too.
Anyway... I've only been IP banned on one forum... and that was somehow before I registered.
I thought he was already a mod.
Oh, I never catch up with this stuff.
I am getting high-speed internet on Monday, as well as cable tv. It's all part of the same package, we have to get the CTV to get the High Speed connection.
Aren't you lucky. I wish I could get a better connection than this archaic AOL dial up connection.
Yeppers, I keep leaving and coming back. I guess I need to stop complaining and stay here again. I guess I have to apologize for all the trouble I've caused around here.
Yeppers, I keep leaving and coming back. I guess I need to stop complaining and stay here again. I guess I have to apologize for all the trouble I've caused around here.
Trouble? I must not know about this. I have been on everday since you been gone and have not seen any trouble. You must be talking about CT's.
I think the "trouble" he caused was when he sent out a lot of PMs asking for help on some website.
I never got anything like that. You're still cool with me, Aarom.
Cool with me as well! tee-hee! Neither did I, BIrd Person.
Well I'm new around here. Well actually I was new yesterday, but I guess I still consider myself new. Yeah, well umm..... I guess that's all I need to say. Oh yeah, you're still cool with me too, Aarom. Never said anything bad about me or to me, so you're still cool.
Welcome G-Dawg! Have a great time here!
Note: We can sometimes get out of hand here.
Thank you very much. I can see that you guys do get out of hand. BP gave me the initiative glass of Febreze.
Don't drink it. It tastes horrible (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=6739.msg420516#msg420516).
Hey, I'm new. I've been a long time visitor of TMK, I just...never...got around to joining the forums. Anyway, I'm from MFGG, and I remember some members there have said they visit TMK.
So what's up guys? I hope I enjoy my stay here. : )
Welcome to the FF's. Febreze all around, on me!
Yeah, I think I know you, anyways welcome!
I'm giving everyone free watermelons. Grown at the Fungi Farms. Perfect.
Aren't you lucky. I wish I could get a better connection than this archaic AOL dial up connection.
I have the same problem....It's for this reason I'm never able to race Khold in MKDS or visit her town in ACWW....That, and the fact that no hotspots are nearby...
Don't expect me to post all that often...
...not counting this one.
You used to post plenty a day. What's up with this "Don't expect me to post that often..."?
Come to think of it, why did you leave? Everyone was worried about you! Even Koopaslaya had to do the 2005 poster awards...
I've returned, computer was broke, it's fixed now.
Hey, whats up TEM? I've missed you man. Things have been pretty boring around here.
Eh, I dunno. I sorta just grew outta message boards. In fact the only reason I came back here was for Wi-Fi people to play with, since, as I said in another topic, I'd rather being playing against people I at least know to an extent, than to simply ask random doofs on IGN or something.
And I've been very busy. Much to do between school and work and what not. I don't even come online much anymore. I spend maybe 30 minutes each day on the computer now. Haven't gotten to touch my 'cube in at least a week. That's why I need Wi-Fi friends, 'cause all I been playing lately is DS.
if I see some topic I really feel the need to say something about, I shall.
Why did you create a new user name?
Well, you can't have two members with the same user name, right? XP
Eh heh heh heeeeh...welcome back Meowrik. Plan on harrasing GiftedGirl again while your here?
Why did you create a new user name?
He said in another topic, he forgot his old password.
Khold, that made no sense.
Anyway, if someone forgets their password, that's what the chatroom or email is for. It just really bugs me when people (not singling you out, Meowrik) create new accounts when they already have one. Then we have to merge them (or it makes sense to) and things get messy.
It's also worse to create a new account for a name change than asking for name change requests. People need to stick with what they have; that's why it's good to think of a username you'll be content with.
...I don't know why I'm saying this. Pardon the rambling.
/me points to her custom title
Hm? That made sense... I was saying that the boards won't allow you to have the same user name as another already existing name. If two members had the same user name, well, that would be weird.
Anyway, it's nice to havr you back, Meowrik! Are you going to change your name back?
I know, but what does that have to do with Meowrik's situation?
(-_-) Well, you said that he could've used "Meowrik" in his new account, didn't you?
I think Sapphira meant that he (Meowrik) could have used his old account instead of creating a new one.
Ultima Shadow wins.
Well, I don't really care much for announcing short-term absences and their returns, but I owe you guys an explanation for my week or so disappearance.
Long story short, I managed to put my computer out of commission. I was pressured into giving the newly released Oblivion a shot. It didn't take much pressure, however, since I rather wanted to play it myself. Regardless, I popped in the DVD, sat through the installation, and loaded the game up.
On a side note, character creation is really customizable. There are a crazy amount of options for your character's facial traits. It was very nice.
Ten minutes into creating a character, with my roommate shouting facial advice over my shoulder, my computer decided it had had enough. With a fairly dull noise, the computer powered itself down. Assuming the video card had just overheated (As it had done many times in the past), I turned on the fan I have at my computers side for just such an occasion on, and allowed it to cool down. After a few minutes, I restarted the process, determined to continue and hit the power button. No response. Fair enough, I tried a few more times. Nothing.
At this point, I figured the power supply had burned out. It was only 300W, and the components in my PC really required more than that, but after buying all of the stuff in the PC, I sure wasn't going to put out for a new power supply when I had a working one in front of me. Well, that wasn't the case any longer, and I still felt the same way.
I took a few days for me to remember that I had a spare power supply in my old PC's case back home. The problem was finding the time to get home. Last weekend I was stuck in our computer lab hammering out some code for Paint-esque drawing program, so I couldn't make it back then. Fortunately I was free this weekend, about two weeks later, and made the trip back home.
I did the operation earlier today, and I'm now writing this on the patient.
During the course of the week I popped on a few times in the Library or the Lab, but didn't have an awful lot of time to stick around. I'm sorry for the sudden and unexplained disappearance. But, I should be good until this significantly weaker power supply decides it would rather end its life than work for me.
So during your absence, did you consider yourself an active member? ;)
Hah ha. I don't want any of that one. :)
Well, this is the place for new people to introduce themselves and I'm new. So, let me introduce you to me, CreamCat. I've been a Mario fanatic ever since I was, oh say about four years old and I played a game of Super Mario World at my friends house. Ever since I've been a big Mario fan, however in recent years my love for Mario began to die and for awhile I was completely out of tune about what was happening with Mario. However at a forum I frequent I found a link to this site and eventually re-discovered my love for Mario.
A big ol' welcome to you. And what a coincidence, my first Mario game was also SMW.
Welcome to our community! Although my first Mario game was Paper Mario, then Super Mario 64, then Super Mario 1,2, and 3, then Mario Party 5, then Paper Mario: The THousand Year Door.
I'm new, obviously. If anyone knows me from starmen.net, please tell me.
G'day Ganondork. Glad to see you here, hence the fact that I have ne'er seen you before.
A big ol' welcome to you. And what a coincidence, my first Mario game was also SMW.
Hehe... My first game was Super Mario World... XD
Well, a lot of people's first systems we're the SNES, and SMW came bundled with many of them, so it makes sense that it would be people's first game.
SMW and SMAS were my first games; they came with our SNES.
Ah, my first non-Mario(gasp!) game was Final Fantasy III. Well, actually, I never played it for a while. I just loved watching my brother and cousin play it. It was like watching a movie. I think I was four when I first played SMW(my first game), and six when I saw other non-Mario games. You could say I was blocked off from the world at that time, I suppose.
My cousin was always playing Final Fantasy games and Zelda. She, other than my brother, introduced me to the world of video games.
Not me. I used to watch the older kids at the day care play all the SNES games (I remember Clay Fighter, Super Ghouls n' Ghosts as well as SMW), and they offered the controller to me. I beat Donut Ghost house myself and was instantly hooked on phonics... I mean, hooked on Mario. So my parents got me a used SNES and we looked for SMW, but found SMAS instead. Fine by me.
I love watching my brother play Onimusha. It's so cool! With all the cutscenes, even though it's not nintendo.
My first console game was Super Mario Bros., but I had played some PC games before that (Off-Road, Mixed-Up Mother Goose, and some space shooter I remember).
I have reincarnated like a mighty Phoenix turtle, as I am back. Hidy ho!
w00T! Mr.Melee's back! I've been doing a good job at being a waitress!
Hey I'm back! I really missed this place for the four weeks I was out, I was out because I gave-up forums and chatrooms for lent, among other things. But I assure you the good old ss-masiah is back and ready for topics and replies. Words cannot even describe how empty I felt without this place.
Hi I'm Snowflake. I got a long story behind me. I used to be a big fan of Tmk and check it everyday for updates. At this time I didn't know how to sprite, rom hack, post at message boards or anything else. I once tried to send something here before, but forgot what it was. XD Then I became a fan of other things and stopped watching the site, years later I beat Baby Bowser in Super Mario World 2 (GBA) yesterday and remember this place and see if theres a forum. So here I am.
And I may be new here, I ain't new to the online gaming community. =P
Greetings, salutations, and welcome. Beware of bread.
And beware of me *pauses*. By the way, welcome!
Yeah, especially her.
And her while she's eating bread.
Just incase anyone cares I've returned from my little vacation.
Hye, CreamCat.
I'm posting right now,
so I care.
Welcome back.
Hiya CreamCat! Welcome back from your vacation ^_^! Gosh, I love vacation *hovers off into dreamland*
Boy, pt_peach, i am ammused at which how your greeting was so much more energetic than mine.
So I'll try again.
Hiya CreamCat.
Nah, that wasn't good.
Ah, I give up.
I can never be cheery.
Only the dumbest picture would make me feel cheery.
Here's a dumb picture. Of pretzels.
Is that Homestar? O.o
Maybe. But I had to throw away that big cardboard thing when soda spilled all over it and wrinkled it up.
That sucks. Now your going to have to re-do all of those pictures. What else did you have on that?...I don't remember.
Deezer's hideout, a mushroom house, and Luigi's Mansion. Deezer should rent out Luigi's Mansion for his new hideout, more room for bread and more rooms for Mr. Face to get lost.
I'm new here. Been a fan of the Mario series ever since I found I could play Mario games on an emulator. Some time later, looking for a manual for Super Mario All-Stars, I found TMK. Been here (but not at the forum) for a few months already... :) Yet having played every one of the 2D Mario sidescrollers (except for Super Princess Peach, a picture with Peach in a hole covered by a Chomp changed my mind about getting it - those things scare me!), I haven't beat any, and I absolutely detest Super Mario World.
I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself properly.
Well...I happen to be a rather large Mario fan, but I was always a bit too nervous to ever post on a message board before, that is, until now.
I actually spent over a year viewing these forums to get an understanding of what it means to post.Theres an art to posting,an art that I'm still figuring out.
Welcome and Welcome!
Heya, The Chef. Do you watch the show Family Guy? I'm just curious to know.
Welcome Chef! So, eh, can you cook?
I'd like to see a chef that couldn't. XD
Hello, the names Neo. I am 16, and I live in Florida, Kissimmee. Of course, I have been a fan of Mario since I was four, and I played alot of Mario games (who hasn't?). I love Mario as much as Zelda and Rayman, but I could not find a forum as good as this one until today. :D I found it through Wikipedia. Anyways, Expect me to become a Regular member, because I have much to say about him. ;)
~ Neo
Welcome, Neo! Three letter names are awesome, aren't they?
Welcome-o Ne-o! Have a jolly good time here!
Hey Neo, so did you take the blue pill or the red pill before you got here?
Thank you, guys. :) I took no pill before coming here, I'm sure. ;)
Hmm, is there a number of days before I can post new Topics/Polls?
There is a number of post, but I'm not sure. You can either go waaaay back to earlier pages of this topic or PM a mod. They'll help you. I would...if I could. But I can't, so I won't scant (that word shouldn't even go there)
Thank you, guys. :) I took no pill before coming here, I'm sure. ;)
Hmm, is there a number of days before I can post new Topics/Polls?
No, but you must make 25 posts. But please don't waste them.
I won't, I'm not here to spam. ;) Although I am a noob, I don't act like one. ;) Thanks, guys.
Well, you certainly seem nice. What with all those smileys...
I would suggest that you, as well as all other new members, read this (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=9314.0).
Hello Mario fans, esplin here to cheer up your otherwise gloomy day.
I've actually been lurking around for awhile. I've joined for a specific reason that you will find out after I can post a topic
(24), good to be here.
Hey FF! Its-a-me! sushie Boy!(gotta get rid of this accent). At day im just a regular 9th grader. But at night, Im sushie Boy! the only person that can out fight-out run-out shoot-and out brag any man on both sides of the world. Did i mention that i once wressled five gators and then I ate em raw?
Welcome, esplin and SushieBoy. Hope you enjoy the time you spend here.
Yeah, my parents decided to kill the internet yet again back in Janurary. They always thought I was talking to 150 forty year old dudes who posed as 14 year old girls or something.... then wouldn't you know, NBC showed this thing about internet predators..............aaaaaand those forty year old dudes posing as 14 year old girls being caught in the act by means of luring.
So they were like "k no internet."
Feb. 20th was my birthday... I'm 16 now. Driver's license, girlfriend since Christmas Eve '05, although it's trailing off as teenagers always realize that... hey, we're just teenagers.
I'm driving now. I did have an '89 Mustang LX Fastback, but long story short, it fell through in the end, then we went to buy an '00 Ford Ranger.... beautiful truck.. the bank wanted two grand; we had one grand.. so yeah.
Something happened on Thursday night between the times of 9PM and 9:30PM that would change my whole family and friends' lives forever.
My grandmother of almost sixty-nine years, Betty Louise Bradshaw, shot and killed herself with a .22 pistol. There is a LOT behind the story of why, what led up to it, etc., but I get too sad every time I type it, and I've done it too many times... so please, no smart-<expletive> comments, please. Her funeral is tomorrow (Monday), and man... it'll be the hardest dang thing I've ever done in my life to date... also, having to be a pallbearer, too...
--For those of you who do, if you would please pray for me, my family & friends, and more importantly, my grandmother, as we go through this. Thank you.--
Now this would be the time for a 1-Up Mushroom..... :'(
Yeah, my parents decided to kill the internet yet again back in Janurary. They always thought I was talking to 150 forty year old dudes who posed as 14 year old girls or something.... then wouldn't you know, NBC showed this thing about internet predators..............aaaaaand those forty year old dudes posing as 14 year old girls being caught in the act by means of luring.
If they got caught, why would your parents need to worry?
Hmm, maybe because they only caught like 25 of the thousands and thousands out there?
I guess I should tell what happened. No, It's not Runescape.
I had Easter Vacation starting on Holy Thursday. Since my family and I are moving to Florida, my parents decided to go and take all the stuff to our new house. I almost died. (Not Really.) There was no internet, no Gamecube, and only 1 channel available on the TV. It was only my DS and I that were there. What I mean is that my connection to the internet is DSL and it has DirecTV as the one it connects to. My parents took all the DirecTV boxes and I was stuck for 2 weeks. Then when they returned, they brought back one box. It took a week to re-connect the internet. I was happy then I went to check my E-Mail on AOL. I got an E-Mail from DKVine saying that they apologized for being mean to me. I replied saying that it was me, not them. Then they replied back and said to help the forum as the subject. I opened the E-Mail, and I got infected by Spyware. It was horrible. So I think I'm not infected anymore as the icon showing that I am infected disappeared.
So I guess I'm back! Oh and even if my CPU still has spyware, I still have my sister's laptop.
I was infected with trojans and stuff like that.
My computer was infected so I had to install windows XP over. Last weekend this happened actually.
Oh, Trainman... I'm so sorry about your grandmother's death... I, too, have lost somebody, and I have mentioned it in this topic a while back if you wish to know more about it. Vid has also had an experience such as yours recently, too. I can feel your pain, although I may not know you. It is the toughest thing to experience at such an early age... I'm sure everybody you know will be praying for you and your grandmother, including me. I will pray for you and her every night, and I also pray that you overcome this tragedy. Others from these forums have also helped me overcome my emotional depression when my friend passed away, and I'm sure they will do the same for you. You have many friends, and friends and family are the best thing to have at this time.
If you every need to talk to somebody about it, you always have the FFs or your local friends. I am so sorry for your loss... From the way you say it, it sounds like you were very close to your grandmother. But what you need to keep in mind is that she loved you, and will always be with you no matter what happens. Although her physical being is gone, her spirit still remains by your side. She will always be with you to give you strength and help you with other matters. You may not be able to speak with her again, but you must know she is watching over you from above.
Now dry your tears and keep what I have said in mind. Keep your friends close, and you will overcome this, just like I have.
Oh, by the way, welcome back! ^_^
Trainman: So that's what someone was talking about in the HOPEFUL thread. Man... I'm so sorry, Trainman. I can't even imagine what that would feel like. Just recently a family from our church found out that a relative had hung himself and just hearing about that made me very sad. I'll be praying for you too. I wish that I could teleport myself to you guys and be with you for more encouragement. (But maybe people wouldn't want to have strangers zapping into their living rooms from their computers at random times) So, yeah. I can't say it better than Khold.
I haven't been to this topic for awhile, but... it seems like we're on the topic of sad things now, right? I don't know if I'll read everything (wish I could) but I want everyone to know that you have my real sympathy.
By the way... remember when I said a long time ago that when I came back I would have a huge surprise to give here? Well, when I first came back again I didn't have that surprise ready. But now... I DO!! X) My surprise to everyone is in the Story Boards and I'm sure you'll be able to spot it pretty easily. Hope you enjoy my mega big story, "Legend of the Yoshisaurus"! (and aren't disappointed by it) I should probably get back to work on that now too because I may have a long way to go.
Edit: And hello to you new people! *hands out more TMK souveniers that don't really exist*
sorry....ive been playing this game--->www.runescape.com (http://www.runescape.com) its so fun i got lost bout this
That's more than enough advertising, thank you.
Thanks Rex n Khold.
Trainman! Haven't seen you in awhile! I guess I know how it's goin', so I don't need to ask that. I feel gravely for your loss, pal. I remember the day that Khold mentioned very well. So, I guess I'll see you around.
I know you guys probably already know me but I am still new I signed up the 25th of aPril after I was looking at some screenshosts of M&LPIT on google I started looking at the Mario stuff and thought this was an awesome website so I looked at the forums and signed up immediately and now im here. (sorry bout the run on sentence)
I'm so sorry about that, Trainman. I'll be sure to pray for her and you family. I also remember that day, Jman. Very sad...But we tried to cheer you up! (kittie pictures...) Hey! I've returned! (um, 3 days counts as a comeback for me!)
Hey guys, glas, and little nerdowells of all ages.
I'm back.
Yes, back.
What did I miss?
You missed Hylian's comeback. He was terribly sick. And by the way, my mom terrified me badly this other day. It went like this:
She told me to bring her her plant book while she was lying down and I did and accidently dropped it on her stomach. Then her voice got really faint and she said she would have to go to the hospital because her rib was broken. I was scared to death. Then I found out she was just joking. I went somewhere she couldn't see me and cried. I was really scared.
Hey there, I'm new here! Send me welcomes, and such!
I've been coming to TMK for years, but never bothered to join the forums. I figured with all this E3 news, it was finally time to bite the bullet. I've been a long-time member of a couple other forums, and I'm a mod at one, but I'd rather not advertise/boast about those right now. :-P
I'm enthralled by New Super Mario Bros. and this Mario Galaxy business, and am currently a hardcore DK Bongo junkie. Also, I am obsessed with everything Mario Kart and Zelda, and I have to have all the games and toys and stuff. (Mario Kart telephone, woot!)
So, uh... hiya!
Welcomes I send to you. Warnings, also. I might be crazy.
You missed Hylian's comeback. He was terribly sick. And by the way, my mom terrified me badly this other day. It went like this:
She told me to bring her her plant book while she was lying down and I did and accidently dropped it on her stomach. Then her voice got really faint and she said she would have to go to the hospital because her rib was broken. I was scared to death. Then I found out she was just joking. I went somewhere she couldn't see me and cried. I was really scared.
I would be too. Crying is also not fun.
Welcomes I send to you. Warnings, also. I might be crazy.
Psh. Might be? I am. I am finished testing, too. THe timed math part was easy. Literature/Grammer was easy. I knew it. I blushed a deep red when I forgot I had my cellphone on and it rung...LOUD. I didn't even look up. The instructor said to go outside and talk and I did so, without looking up. My friend said one of the boys fell out of his chair when I left out and everyone laughed.
Geez pt_peach you have not had the best couple of days. I know how that feels, I hate Mondays
Yup, to quote what i have said a long time ago...
"Mondays. The armpit of days. The days when i put the peanut butter on the bread before putting them in the toaster."
Ah, one last thing.
Does bread come into a toaster, or toast?
*Dun dun dun dun!*
greetings fellow mario fanboys! hi im rubberducky! you may of seen me in the metroidmetal.com forums (i figured that you nintendo fans might go on metroid forums). im new to here so ignore my noob behavior. by the way i need help with something. i cant find the mushroom to click on too start a new topic. i looked at the help section but where it says it is its not there. anyhoo so far im having a great time on this forum. best mario fansite ever!
That's because it's in the Rules and Guidelines (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0) thread in Site Discussion.
New members will only be able to reply to topics. With proper conduct, they will eventually earn the ability to post their own topics.
Welcome, btw!
I find it funny that new people don't acutally read the rules...
I read the rules when I came on I just kinda missed that part thats why I posted that topic on game help. I'm not a noob anymore, I don't think so anyway. lol
Actually, by newb standards, or, new person standards, you still are.
Not just a n00b.
I hate them.
Read my topic, Fungi Forum Acronyms, for info.
Meh. You'll eventually find that topic posting is overrated.
Hello all, I'm Virtual_Boy (V_Boy for short). I'm a long-time reader, first-time poster of this forum.
I have joined the forum mainly for the purpose of posting in the Games and Stories section. I have this great idea for a story that I came up with while reading through the mailbags. It's a movie about the staff, called: "TMKM: The Mushroom Kingdom Movie!" *Movie Spoilers Below*
"One day, while going to accept an award at E3 for most outstanding Mario website, Deezer and the gang is accused of leaking the video game industries' secrets. Sentenced to the punishment of not being able to play another video game, Deezer and company makes their own game, saying how E3 has persecuted them wrongly. The video game companies recieve word of this and Deezer, Megaߥte, Chuppperson, David Dayton, Sapphira, J.J., and the rest are sued for slander in court, and when they can't come up with the money, they have to spend 15 years in prison. Only David Dayton can save them all..."
*End Of Spoilers*
I can't wait to be able to post it!
I own a Virtual Boy...I guess that's it
There's a bunch of new members here, and I'm probably out of the loop.
I haven't posted here in a good while.
If you remember me, then Hey! I'm back!
If not, it's nice to meet you.
Welcome, Virtual_Boy, and welcome back, Screech! I'm really Luigi Simpson, btw. I got a name change.
Screech! Welcome back! I remember you from a couple of years ago!
I guess I should tell what happened. No, It's not Runescape.
I had Easter Vacation starting on Holy Thursday. Since my family and I are moving to Florida, my parents decided to go and take all the stuff to our new house. I almost died. (Not Really.) There was no internet, no Gamecube, and only 1 channel available on the TV. It was only my DS and I that were there. What I mean is that my connection to the internet is DSL and it has DirecTV as the one it connects to. My parents took all the DirecTV boxes and I was stuck for 2 weeks. Then when they returned, they brought back one box. It took a week to re-connect the internet. I was happy then I went to check my E-Mail on AOL. I got an E-Mail from DKVine saying that they apologized for being mean to me. I replied saying that it was me, not them. Then they replied back and said to help the forum as the subject. I opened the E-Mail, and I got infected by Spyware. It was horrible. So I think I'm not infected anymore as the icon showing that I am infected disappeared.
So I guess I'm back! Oh and even if my CPU still has spyware, I still have my sister's laptop.
I was infected with trojans and stuff like that.
Yeah, some hacker kids managed to hack into Andery's (one of the admins) file and send trojans to all the members of the forum. Oh, and right now you'll get a virus from even going to the forums thanks to these hacker dudes.
Hello persons.I'm a new person here and I'm new here and......hello.
And greetings. Your call may be monitored for customer service quality reasons.
DARKSHARK! You've arrived! FF members, allow me to introduce you to my friend Dark_Shark.
*Slaps The Chef high five and accidently breaks his skinny arm off*
He's my hired assasin.
Just kidding!
Why the heck did you edit your post, Dark_Shark?
Because I can.
Editing posts is fun. :)
Jolly good fun if you know how to play your editting cards right. ;-)
But that's besides the point. Greetings to all of you! Even though I've probably already spoken to most of you outside this topic, I still feel like it's the hospitable thing to do. :)
I always wonder what it would be like if i had joined the forums just after the big upgrade.
I bet you would wonder why the forums lack such common things as avatars, sig images, and background color. Even though I joined after the upgrade, I had been around a lot before. I just never got around to joining.
Yeah, I'm Darkly. I like to hang out in dim places.
No you're not. You're nmskalmn.
Boy, I sure have done a poor job of hanging around The Fungi Forums lately. I've been playing alot of Mario Kart lately -- and the New Super Mario Brothers -- so I thought I'd come bye and say "Hello." Isn't it a wonderful time to be a Mario Fan? New Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Galaxy, a direct sequal to Yoshi's Island...Ahh...It feels good!
Hey! Chocobo! The guy that lauched more than a thousand posts!
Hello my name is Krisp and I like to play through Beta levels and stuff like that. I am really interested in playing through some beta levels in Super Mario Bros. 3, but there is a problem. Apparently, since I'm a new member, I can't make a thread to report this "error"... so I'll just post it here!
This (http://www.themushroomkingdom.net/smb3_lost.shtml) page links to a ROM patch to play through Beta levels, but for some reason, it just appears as weird symbols and stuff. (I mean the link on the page; not the page itself.) I'm sorry if this isn't an error; but it just isn't working for me. It may be my browser or something. If it is, could someone please tell me how to fix it?
Thanks. :)
I am J0hn...and....I can't think of anything to say...
Hey, I'm back. And this time, I've got more pixels. Wow, I've missed you guys. So, um, did anyone win Mario Word Association yet?
YAY! My friend is back. I no one won MWA, but I blew up Endless Rock Paper Scissors several times.
...To my endless dismay...
Avatars are only available if you change the forum display in your profile, in our history, we did not have avatars, so this format is made to look like the old forums. User-posted pictures should already appear.
I'm new, hello everyone.
I finally got back home. I'll talk about the trip later.
So, um, did anyone win Mario Word Association yet?
Can anyone win that game?
It was just a joke.
Ok thanks. I was getting really confused.
Hey. ;)
Markio! Where ya been!?
*Puts away Markio's gravestone quickly*
Uh... hey, welcome back, Markio! :D
Markio's alive! That brightened my day.
Yes, yes, YESSS! Please stay, Markio! This board's been a real bore without the Markio brand of humor. The chatroom, too.
Greetings everyone I am Keldor (yes I am a He-Man fan), I like Super Mario, He-Man, She-Ra, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Marvel Comics, Batman, Phantom of the Opera, and Dracula. I hope to have a good time here.
Welcome! I like Frank McCourts book.
Thank you for the warm welcome
I really dont know where to post this, but I Need HELP!
I'm looking for a song, that I heard in a Mario Bros. Cartoon when I was little...
The song is played, while there is some kind of a baby bird in the picture...
The song goes like this, as far as I can remember: "It's a bay-bay-bay, bay it's a bay, and it's a bay-bay... And so on...
Do any of you know where I can find it?
So, um... hi... *is scared*
Let me start by saying this is the first time in about three years I have set my eyes on these forums. Out of complete boredom, I had a roam around some of the sites I used to go on, and nostalgia hit me... so here I am. This is a new account, but a select few may just recognize me as my old, pre-teen, spam-master self - Yoshi6.
Please don't hurt me, I have matured considerably since then. >_>
C'mon, there are all the classic members? Sapphira? Black Mage? Mario Master?! Please tell me you're still here!
Yoshi6! Weren't you the one to start the thread about thinking it's time ... we saw each other?
Cool, welcome back. Your old account/password will still work, by the way.
Don't know you, but welcome back, Quijo!
Yeppers, he was the one who started one of the most prolific threads of all time.
Heh, welcome back Yoshi6. Great to see old faces popping back up again.
Quite a few of the older members are still around, though many don't post as often as they should.
First of all, welcome back, all of the older members! A strange coincidence that you all showed up in the same month...
And... I'm back! I've been VERY busy with life... you know, getting a full-time job, getting ready for college, getting into a big band, getting a Ford Mustang 06. ^_^ Anyway, yeah, as Sapphira said, I have been lurking around here every so often. But only to check PMs. Those of you who I haven't responded to, or responded late, I apologize. I did see your PMs, but didn't really have time to check back on you.
I got a PSP on my birthday along with Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories(Very fun!). I know I told you guys I used to have a PSP but then sold it, but that was because I had no idea of what I can do now with my PSP. Since I got some updates, I can get some music on it, download movies, have email, camera, browser, etc. I still think the DS is a little bit better, but only because of the games and game play.
On a side note, I have been reading a few threads and posts of the FFs, but haven't posted myself. So I do know what's going on.
For those who remembered my birthday, thanks! It was a blast. A couple of my friends and I went to a LAN gaming center called Combat Zone(If anyone is familiar with it). If you don't know what it is: It has a bunch of computers that customers can play on. It has many games you can play, but mainly Steam games(Half-Fife 2 kind of games).
Anyway, I probably still won't be here that much, but hopefully will be posting more. It's nice to see you all again, and I hope to see some of you in WFC! ^_^
Yee-ha! Khold's back! Ah, how different the forums (and AC:WW) were without you.
Well...hello, I guess? Anyway, I found the most difficult flash game(those who have played it, plz don't tell how it ends!)
Welcome to the forums, Moronmail. Most of us here are experienced enough to know that that game's a shocker. And that particular one isn't very scary (or difficult), either.
oh...well crap.
Well, this isn't exactly a return, but my computer locked me out for 14 days, which greatly reduced my time here. But now that it's been fixed (apparantly for 3 days and I was not informed), I'll probably go back to my regularly scheduled activity-ness here.
Hey there!
I'd heard about this place for a while now, and finally decided to join up!
I am back from my weeklong Bible Study/leadership training camp. It was a blast. But I will tell you more about that later.
Hey Jman welcome back...hope you can get a new chapter of Revenge of Luigi done. :)
Hey, I'm PaintGamma. I'm new here.
Hello TEM. I haven't talked to you in a while.
Hey, PaintGamma, and welcome to the Fungi Forums. Don't forget to read the rules if you haven't already, and have a good time here! :D
Hey, PaintGamma, it's me, EvilTrailMix from the SWS2B forums! Anyways, we hope your stay at the FF is long and enjoyable. Don't forget to learn from Fairemaster's mistakes.
But isn't it-a you? Mario?
Hi, hi hi! I'm Hsiao-Chai, and I just found this forum a few minutes ago. I don't really like the new Mario games much, but I like the old ones a lot. If I knew where they were (they're lost somewhere in my house) I would play them again. Me, my mom, and my cousin used to play Mario 3 a lot.
I usually don't stay at one forum for long because I get bored of them, unless it's a really good forum. We'll see how this turns out.
Yeah, you won't get very far with posts like that, kid. :P
Hey I'm Dave, been playing Mario games and Nintendo since I was 2. I even went out as Mario for Halloween 2 years in a row. When I was a kid people would call me Mario lol. Well, looking forward to chatting with people on this forum.
Ok, guys, I'm officially back. I say "officially" because I posted once or twice while in San Diego. My aunt and uncle have NIIIICE monitors...
And in other news, my internet-failure horrors might be over soon. My parents said that when I was gone the internet man came and checked our hardware (the last thing they could think of) and it was fine. The last thing that could possibly be doing this is that TMK is giving me spam somehow and I need an anti virus thing. Don't ask me why but my mom didn't keep our Norton subscription... but at Costco there's this discount-rebate thing and we can get it for 10 bucks. Just had to post that.
Hello to all new members! Welcome back to all old members!
...I think I covered all the bases...
Yeah, I guess I'm "officially" back too.
Hi. I'm Iced T. LOL! I've been playing Mario ever since 1 year old (beat that Dave)! I've also been Mario for halloween for 3 years. Until 8. (ㄱ_ㄱ;) Oh yeah, Iced T. was my answer to the T. at the end of each Toad name. I've also come up with, Oolong T., Midori T., and Earl Grey T..
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, iced_t! I wish you a great time on these forums.
My cousin-in-law's name is Dave.
I missed the return of a few people, but all the same, welcome back Khold, Bird Person, and MaxVance.
Edit: Oh, Khold, that Combat Zone place sounds pretty cool. Do you by chance have your own Steam account?
Hey! I'm back from a mostly fascinating adventure to eastern Washington, western Idaho, and borderline Idaho/Canada!
It all started at a boring graduation party for one of my various second cousins. I played Brain Age. Once that two day event was over, we went to Cour D'Alene, Idaho. This was our gateway to Silverwood, a theme park in very northern Idaho. I must have ridden the roller coasters they have at least 10 times. In the end of the second day was a fantastic fireworks display (it was July 4th). I also had a really cool dream (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8955.msg436602) the day before the fourth.
Attached is a picture which was not intended to be purchased. I had ridden Tremors three times by this point, and I had decided to make the strangest face possible. This prompted my father to buy it. Great job, Dad.
That face looks like it hurts.
I've been to Cour D'Alene myself.
I'm back I've been busy for the past month but I'm back.
Yay! Neotev's back! Glad to have you here.
I guess I should post here since I haven't really been posting until now even though I've had my account for quite a while.
Well, since you haven't been posting...welcome again, N-Fani! Nintendo Fanny? HUH? HUH?!? Whatever...
n-fani is a regular in #tmk. He hardly ever posts, though.
A regular? Not only that, he's a half-op (chatroom equivalent to a normal moderator on the forums).
OH NOES! I think n-fani is climbing the ranks fast. Soon he could be replacing my unwritten positions like, E3 tag-along, credits videographer, and lead storyteller.
Sup people...im new...and i like the site so far.Pretty awesome for a Mario Fan.So who here is an avid mario fan?
We all are, otherwise we wouldn't be posting here, silly.
And I take it that you are a fan of the late, great Eddie Guererro and the speedy Rey Mysterio.
Yeah.I am a fan of Eddie and Rey but mainly Eddie.He was like my idol growing up and still now.Rey is also awesome.But i remember when i was little, my super hero was Mario,lol.It was probably because i played my first mario game (SMB) when i was like 2 or 3.^_^'.
Hey LatinoHeat. Welcome here. Throw your hands up if you're an avid Mario fan! *throws hands up*
*throws hands up*
/me throws his hands up, but gravity prevails yet again and they hit him in the face.
I was going to say something eerliy similar to BP's post. Stupid time zones. >:(
*throws hands up and elbows pop really loud.
*Throws hands up, WAY up. So far that they don't come back down.*
I imagined cannibals who couldn't keep their food down. I know, I'm sick.
Here's what I was going to say:
I think I'm gonna be sick... I ate too many hands...
/me throws up a bunch of hands
I'm back!! (cricket chirp) fine...
I was once on the Nintendo forums. I liked it. Then I tolerated it. Then I disliked, and eventally hated it. The rules were horrid as were the members. I was so mad at everyone, I posted a prank flash. People got scared and after that, I left for good with no return. I remembered visiting this site one time, and I liked it. So I came here; for a good Mario forum. So here I am. There's your story.
The Nintendo NSider Forums are horrid, aren't they? The ranks make for such elitism andsuch things as proper spelling, grammar, and not double-posting seem to be mising there. Anyway, we're glad that you're out of that place.
I'm going to Colorado for a couple of weeks. I leave next week. That is all.
Colorado is one of my favorite areas.
Wow are the forums at nintendo that bad?I remember once i was looking for a good Mario/Nintendo Wii/Nintendo DS forum when i went to codenamerevolution.com.There forums are ok but people only post like 2 days out of the week.Then i came here(havent been here for like a LONG time)and was like "Sweet they have a forum" So i joined and that was it.Then i got up to grab some Dr.Pepper when i stubbed my toe on furniture.I know it has nothing to do with the topic but MAN IT HURT!! X_X
I'm going to Colorado for a couple of weeks. I leave next week. That is all.
Hey Jman I wonder if I'll see you, although I don't know what you look like. :P
You all are silly! *looks back at all the "throw your hands up" post* Shinji Ikari, welcome here!
Sup guys, I'm back! Miss me? Okay, so mabey not.But it just feels good to be back.
'ay, look who made it back, it's the much hated TLW/UVG! Alright, I'm done making [a fool] out of myself, and decided to give this place one more shot.
~Nice way to make a comeback. Posting in all color and swearing. Please don't do either in the future. ~Sapph
What a great way to announce your change of heart, by including a swear in your "hello" post. Anyway, you need a meaning for your name... How 'bout: The Last... Wombat. Well Mr. Wombat, clean up the language and all will be well. I wish you good luck in your fight with extinction.
It'd be charming if you edited your post and take out the cussing. Welcome?
Did that guy say he was UVG? teh werst speler in teh funghy fourems?
Yz, izt its eye, teh worst spellerer. Whoootnessesors!
Thank you for the nice welcome. This will be fun. :D
Hey, it looks like we have a new questionmark guy.
Um... hi I'm new. I'm Area 64, but you probably already know that...
A little about me:
I'm the youngest in my family
I want to become a cartoonist and/or voice actor
I have every Nintendo system except for Gameboy Micro and DS lite
That's about it...
Welcome, Area 64. You may choose the Light Side or the Dark Side.
I Am New <<< in Simple Terms
n Mr Yoshi-Rex.....Dont Worry We Are All Strange.....In A Way :^|
i am narfvader2
i am a rampant nintendo supporter
i have been playing videogames since i was 2
my favorite videogame is legend of zelda:a link to the past
like area 64 i want to be a voice actor
i am currently 17 years old
Link to the past is such a great game.
Welcome narfvader2 and will_4_italia to the greatest forumy experience in the world: The Fungi Forums.
Um... hi I'm new. I'm Area 64, but you probably already know that...
A little about me:
I'm the youngest in my family
I want to become a cartoonist and/or voice actor
I have every Nintendo system except for Gameboy Micro and DS lite
That's about it...
It's been a while since we've seen a newcomer that can actually spell properly and has good grammer. Anyways, welcome Area 62, narfvader2 and will_4_italia. Remember, don't do what Fairemaster or Stairemaster109 did.
Who's Area 62?
It's been a while since we've seen a newcomer that can actually spell properly and has good grammer.
AND we're also waiting for a member who can spell grammar. Or citizen of the world, for that matter. But I'll let you go with a warning this time. =P
Well, this is actually my fourth post now (didn't see this thread until now).
I guess I should explain a bit about myself. I found this board because I had a question about Mario Kart for Nintendo Cube (the Double Dash version). I have both a Cube and a Nintendo 64, both of which I use mostly for baseball and football. I also have Mario Kart for both systems and Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64.
I'm not a hardcore video game person like some of you probably are. I play if I'm having a quiet afternoon and I don't have to work or something. You won't find me setting aside hours each day to game, nor will you find me hosting video game parties like some video game people I knew in high school used to do (to me, it's not a party unless you have a DJ and a dance floor). So if my terminology on here isn't right, don't be too harsh. And I already know I'm not all that good at video games, so don't poke at me too badly.
There look to be some fun topics on here in this miscellaenous section!
'Ello, ello, ello-- Thanks for stopping by. I would remark on your bizarrely long screen name if you didn't have such nice speaking skills.
Thank you for the speaking skills compliment. I always try to use good grammar and spelling online. And as for the screen name, I wasn't really sure what to use so I just put together two of my favorite things.
I'm back from Morro Bay...and I wish I wasn't. The weather was perfect over there, the highest temp it got to was like 74. Now it's back to 108-112...crap. My trip did have it's downfalls though. Overall though it was a worthwhile trip. I found a new favorite clam chowder place. :D
108-112 is definitely above what broke records in the Pacific Northwest a few days ago.
Clam chowder place... was it that really tiny one with the huge lines around it all day? Splash, I believe it was called... I've never been there since it's so packed, so we always eat at the fancier place across the street... but if you ask anyone who's eaten at Splash, they'll tell you it's the best clam chowder ever. My mom is one of those people. I'll eat there, someday.
I actually joined a while ago. I was just on vacation... But anyway, here is my first post.
A few of you may know or heard of me. Although I am new here, I have been visiting this site and forums shortly after it was made be Deezer. Fantastic place...
I know a few members, but only one in person. Khold is awesome. She showed me this. So no, I'm not going to be one of those bad members like Game Over, Mario Maniac, KilaOfPS2, etc.
Anyhoo, I hope my stay will be interesting. Nice to meet you all!(I already know all the active members, but they don't know me, probably. ;) )
Now to get to those friend codes... Meh. EDIT: Nevermind; I can't find my DS.
Welcome! I hope you have a GREAT stay at the TMK!!!
Yeah. You and Khold should visit the chat sometime. It'd be interesting to see you chat with one another.
Welcome! I hope you have a GREAT stay at the TMK!!!
The The Mushroom Kingdom?
Well, It is The Mushroom Kingdom, isn't it?
Well, It is The Mushroom Kingdom, isn't it?
Ummm. Yes, but saying "the TMK" is redundant because the T in TMK stands for "The". Did you not read both in his post.
Oh I get it.........HAHAHAH, oh I'll shut up now.
Oh I get it.........HAHAHAH, oh I'll shut up now.
Awww, forget you guys!
Forget who?
Well, I return from my strange absence. My mom grounded me from the computer since I was on it too much, and so I can finally I'm back.
We don't have the Java thing for the chatroom. Why are you so interested in seeing us chat? Besides, I'm using the same computer she's using. So it won't realy work. When I get my own computer I'll try to see if I can get Java to work on the TMK chatroom.
Oh, I get it. Luigison thinks I'm Kold.
Hey im Bird Person's friend, i havn't been on in like...well pretty much ever. I'll try and post as many times as possible and SPAM SPAM SPAM!!!! (Joking ha... ha.... ha)
Howdy. I was loosing faith in the Mario franchise after games like Mario Party 11 and Super Mario Bowels but thanks to upcoming games like Mario Galaxy, Yoshi's Island 2 and the fantastic game that is New Super Mario Bros, I have returned to the rank of Mario fanatic.
Hi, I'm Spüne Gooman @ Moon Town. I'm new to this forum, but not a new fan or ... forum ...goer. I have my own site for flash movies and that junk and am making a Mario fan site which is "very different to your average fan site." It's more about fun then information of reviews. Not that info and reviews aren't fun. Been coming to this site for years and fealt like joining (I prefer the term "JACKING IN!")
So, see 'yall around. And hello to all the people in this topic.
Coool coool.
Hey, I'd just like to say that I have returned, but I'm going to be gone again this weekend. And next week, I'm going to be gone for the better half of the week. So, get your glimpses at me now.
Well, hey Jman! *weekend shows up* Bye, Jman.
Hooray, I'm back from San Diego! And I'm pleased to announce that not only did my brother graduated from Marine Corps Boot Camp and get promoted meritiously to Private First Class, but the whole trip was never ruined by anything stupid! That is a very lucky thing in my family! I'm so proud of my family now...
And I missed you guys too. ;P
Oh, and my brother was playing a game on his computer that I remember playing at a pizza place when we were younger: Bust-a-Move! That game and the theme song are awesome.
Hey! Markio posted that 800th post!!
No, that was the 800th reply.
I'm back.....
*waits for the imminent boos and rotten fruit*
/me is chased by King Boo and many other boos, that are throwing fruit
Welcome back, CashCrazed.
I'm back from my one-week disappearance.
This is probably a waste of a post, but I'll post it anyways.
<TEM> CashCrazed is back
<TEM> yeeeeeeesss
Hey guys, I'm back! Had a little 5 day break, but I'm happy to be here again.
Yeah, I'm a new guy :P
Hi new guy. Welcome to the Fungi Fourms.
Yeah im new but i got to say this is a pretty cool website
Hi, I'm Stapler__9_42, I like old Mario games, hanging around the computer, watching movies, and I play three instruments: piano, guitar, and clarinet.
I'M BACK, BABY...well, no, not really. The reason I wasn't here for a couple of months was beacuse I'm looking for a college to go to. Yes, I'm enrolling a college. Well, I'll be on today. I hope I can meet all the new members that recently signed up.
Well... I'm back from my "Playing Gunbound Revolution for the whole summer." I sure had a blast, but today, school has started and it just goes downhill from there. =/
EDIT: im going to finish off some of the old topics I started for the sake of it ( =/ again )
I'm back. It's been like a week since I've posted anything or even seen much of the internet outside of my e-mail account, AIM, fantasy baseball, and fantasy football (which starts THURSDAY!!!). But I've had fun away from it, hanging out with friends and the family, getting back to class, working out, and other cool stuff like that.
Now that summer's gone and I actually have more to do again don't expect me to be as much of a regular as I was for a while, but I'll be around.
Hi, I'm reletively new, My Name is the blue griffin, I'm a bigger fan of Luigi, Wario and Waluigi than of Mario, but I love that plucky pisano. anyway being a newb I have yet to figure out how to start a topic, because I have one incredible story to tell
You'll be able to start a topic once you prove yourself as a member who may add something usefull to the community.
well I've been a Mario fan all my life, and I've been working on my own fan RPG based around SMB2, SMB3, SMW, and SML
I'm also friends with Charles Martinet, in fact that is the big story I wanna tell
Do tell, please!
Problem is...
anyway being a newb I have yet to figure out how to start a topic, because I have one incredible story to tell
Hah! You can tell us here.
alrighty, and let me preface this by saying that I cannot post the sound clips, but I can prove it to anyone living close enogh to hear it in person. anyway:
awhile back I was chatting online with the illustrious Charles Martinet, and he relayed to me that he needed to find an MP3 of Watto from star wars, to do an audition or something. anyway I found him some lickity split. about a week ago, I felt comfortable enough to approach him and ask for a small favor. I wanted to change my windows start up sound and I asked if he might be able to find time to record a small snipit for me. he agreed, which blew me away. I didn't want him to get into legal trouble, so I asked him to do his regular voice and not the voice of Mario. well today I reminded him about it and asked for "This is Charles Martinet. Welcome to windows, Jared" yes My name is Jared...like the subway guy. so says back that he could do the Mario voice as long as I don't sell it. well I'm certainly hopping on that one, right? so this guy is so classy that he sends me 3 snipits
"Hello Jared, it's-a me, Mario. Welcome to windows. Wahoo!"
"Hello Jared, it's-a me, Mario. Have fun today. wa-ha!"
"Hello Jared. Have super duper fun today. Okie dokie? Wohoo!"
Wow, that's quite a fantastic tale. But yes, you can post the sound clips, and we'd love to hear them...
All you have to do is when you're posting, look for the attachment form.
I want to hear!
no I mean I cannot post them because he could get in trouble
He won't get in trouble. You're not selling them.
true, but some one on here could swipe them and do so...
Right, then. I am officially skeptical.
Martinet would not even get in trouble if someone else sold his stuff. If anybody got in trouble, it would be the actual seller.
But the more I think about it, I don't know if Nintendo or anyone could say they owned the rights to a high-pitched voice saying it was named Mario.
So I predict no one could get in trouble no matter what happened.
Unless you're just lying, you might as well post a clip.
No images or styled text in signatures or signatures longer than 2 lines.
Hi! I'm Chris, a big Wario fan and Mario fan in general. Nice to be here, been a fan of the main site for five years or some such.
Hi! I am new! :) Everyone give me a holla!! Thanks, bye bye!
/me gives MissJessica a holla, whatever the heck that is.
/me feed a hollaing --()> to MissJessica
Hello everyone, my name is SushieBoy, I am posting from my cousings computer, so I don't have much time, Clap if you missed me. I'll explain why I wasn't here for a while..... Later. Oh, and, what I miss?
You missed plenty. I, on the other hand, missed very little! I have been in Pullman, Washington for the past three days, and got back to home sweet home only 30 minutes ago. I discovered something quite interesting... I was in a newspaper article! Of course, I knew it was going to happen, but it came. Here's the best part.
Goodbye to comfort
[Ian] describes his study space with a half-smile.
"It's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic," said the RAL senior. "My cubicle is only a square yard. It's connected to the main computer room, and has no windows."
"It's a closet."
In his snug domain, [Ian] has studied hard enough to pass two semesters of Web Design in one fell swoop and programmed his own MP3 player.
"It's usually silent," he said, "but my computer has 4.1 surround sound, so I can listen to music if I want to. I usually do math at the dining table, everything else is in the cubicle."
For a break, there are episodes of "Stargate" or "I fiddle around with my electric piano."
That last sentence is very strange, both in grammar and use of quotes.
Congrats, I was in the paper a couple of times. It was only my name and picture, never got to state any opinions though. :(
You're right about that grammar thing, Lizard Dude-- it just plain doesn't work.
I've been in the newspaper before on multiple occasions, but like MASIAH, nothing as big as this. There was actually a lot more to the article, but that was the funniest part.
I'm back from my well-deserved break, and I'm still alive and kicking!
Me to!
Yay! SushieBoy!
Hello, my name is Dan. I am 15 years old and I enjoy my share of Mario-themed Nintendo games. Despite the fact that my name is Sonic the Hedgehog-themed, my focus is currently not on Sonic games. This username was created when I was 12 years old (for another forum that I still visit every so often) when I rediscovered Sonic the Hedgehog games via Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, and it is so easy to remember that I register as it for almost every forum I attend. Anyway, my favorite game console is the Nintendo 64 (despite purchasing it mid-1999 [the latter half of its "lifetime"]). I am not a fanboy of any sort, but I am still rooting for the Wii in this next generation of gaming.
I hope to post often and will always post logically during my stay at the Fungi Forums. Well, see ya around!
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, Metal Sonic! Can I call you Metal Sonic without the v2.0 XD?
Awesome. Welcome to the Fungi Forums.
Wow, Metal Sonic, you sound a lot like I did when I first joined the Fungi Forums. Which is a good thing, I believe. Have a nice stay!
I'm back after a hiatus of about a month or so...it's just been so busy for me!
/me has returnness!!!!
I'm back to the Fungi Forums now! I came back already, yes, because I've learned to better manage my time. I'll still be absent from IRC for a while though...
Well, SolidShroom, have you gotten better at MPH? I've kind of slacked off, if you can call doing a megaton of school work slacking off.
I never really left. My Internet connection has just been down the past two days. I got awfully bored.
Wahoo! I'm finally back! And this time, it is official!
Hi my name is NES641-up. I love nintendo and am a great Nintendo gamer. Iam a new member in the Fungi Froms and it seems pretty cool.But I got a question, on some main topics I can't post a new topic, help
Read the rules (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0).
New members will only be able to reply to topics. With proper conduct, they will eventually earn the ability to post their own topics.
Hi my name is NES641-up.
Ah, that's an Algerian name, isn't it? We're getting quite a well-rounded variety of different ethnicities here! This is great!
I'm not sure if anyone really knows me, but I'm gonna be gone for at least a month due to not having enough cash to have internet access...
EDIT: Aw shoot! I accidently posted this in the wrong topic!
Nope. You're still pretty much a mystery to all of us. Good luck with fund generation, and don't forget about free hotspots!
I just returned, after a week. I GOT A NINTENDO DS LITE!
Welcome back! And belive me, you won't regret you DS Lite!
I'm back after some time off to focus on my more 1 on 1 relationships, but I am ready to get back to the old grind.
I'm back again, after 2 months. Right now I'm at Cornell College, at my laptop. So far, classes have been easy, but hey, i'm sort of a Techno wiz.
Well, i'm back. Hope to post more.
I'm back after my partial absence. Boy, jury duty's tough when a man's life is at stake...
Hey,I'm Captain Jim. After registering last week, my confirmation email FINALLY arrived today...so, yeah. Expect to see me around.
Aye aye, captain!
Arrr, that's a lad, another fine buccaneer for our crew! Arr!
I've been very nostalgic lately.
Hi, I'm returning from my long break from not being here.
The only reason I wasn't here was because I was upgrading to Windows Vista, and it took a while to get my internet back. But... I'm normally on a wireless connection, but I still can't get it to work, so now, I'll have to get used to dial-up.
How long, exactly, is "long." I hadn't even noticed that you'd left. No offense or anything, of course.
Less than a week, if posts are anything to go by.
Why do I feel the need to announce a return after almost 2 days?
You were gone?
Hey, I'm back guys, I was gone this monrning. I haven't checked the forums since earlier today. I hope I didn't miss anything!
Someone has to be gone for at least 3 months before I notice. And they have to be a Person of Note in the first place, or I'll never notice. Is this just me?
Why do I feel the need to announce a return after almost 2 days?
I don't know. I probably won't announce my return, if I return after leaving around New Years' day. I'll stay for the 2006 poster awards, but then I'm leaving. I already announced it in the other topic.
Hey, I've kind of been gone for a while, and how dare you care! Just kidding, you can care all you want! Just don't center your life around me like I do, try to be principle-centered. I should try that more often. Or at least I should try to be conscious of it more often... By the way, you look great today. I mean that.
How do you know how we look? Were you gone installing hidden cameras in our houses?
Look, I'm here!
On the forums!
And not in chat!
Welcome to the forums! (eyes CT) Your reputation proceeds you!
I'm back guys! Miss me? Guess where I went?
YOSEMITE!!! (Oh yeah, I'm not there anymore so you can't get me! Nah ne na nanana!)
You were gone?
I went to Yosemite. It was a lot more pleasant than my trip to Yoantisemite.
I'm back after a year and a half. I can't think of anything to say, though. Anyone know a solution?
Don't say anything at all? Welcome back, btw.
I've tried that before; it doesn't work. And XD EM indeed.
Doesn't work how?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
Donotcare needs his Metroid back. That was his basic identity for a long time.
Yeah, i'm cooled down now. I bet noyone cares though.
You may be "cooled down", but have you changed at all? You still acted immature and called PaperLuigi a loser for no reason. I think the best way to prove you've changed is to apologise to him.
Okay, it's back to the good ol' Metroid death threat. Offenders, prepare to be bapleeted. And Mr. Wiggles, so you know, I changed it because of how dramatically my identity in the last year and a half has changed. Also, Sapphira, pretty much every human who ever lived is foolish at times, so allow me to present some ancient cowboy wisdom that would have worked better, considering the situation: "Never miss a good opportunity to shut up."
I think when Plato said that, he meant overall, in general, not ever. Another way to put it is speaking when one has something to say is wise, while speaking simply because one has to say something is foolish.
Hurray, the Metroid is back!
Now to avoid disagreeing with it...
hello everybody
Welcome to the FF. Please enjoy your time here, and for the love of Murphy, DON'T BE THE METROID'S NEXT VICTIM!
I am finally back! My computer has some problems, and, guess that's it....
Whew, now that finals are over, it's a relief. Ah, I see I have acquired a custom title since I was last here...cool.
I wonder what it's supposed to mean, XD.
Apparently you all didn't understand what I meant. Never mind.
No, I think I just forget my question mark. And it's edited!
There was nothing wrong! God, I must look over my grammar and realize what's what and who's joking.
Stop being a Grammar Princess Smart-Aleck, Max.
Actually, pt_peach, the question mark isn't needed, since it's a statement, not a question. So you were fine originally.
I was just trying to make a joke. The post was fine as it was.
To be perfectly honest, your "jokes" on other people's slight, slight grammar or spelling mistakes are starting to get old and annoying. Sure it's ok to point out a blatant error or a more slight error- if the error gives you a good idea for a joke- but it's becoming constant. I just thought I would point that out.
Sorry for not contributing to the topic :/
No, it wasn't about any spelling or grammar errors. I had first interpreted it as meaning that pt_peach was suggesting that jman's CT meant XD. Then I made my post where I was trying to "clarify" what she meant (I knew perfectly well what it meant). Then pt_peach thought that I was correcting her. Perhaps because of the positioning of the post (starting a new page), this skewed Sapph's understanding of what was posted, to where she thought I was correcting pt_peach.
Anyway, everyone thinks differently. Hopefully this has shown you what I meant.
I knew you were being a smart-aleck regarding the "XD" thing. That's why I said to stop being one.
Well, regardless of whether your XD joke was purposeful or not, I'm still annoyed whenever you make fun of someone for their slight typos. Just saying.
Looks like someone has to dig up the old CT for MaxVance!
I'm a new mmeber!
You may be a new mmeber, but you're not a new member, so welcome back!
Hew new guy, you seem cool!
You remind me of someone, Markio. Nevertheless, welcome, new mmeber.
Well... I haven't been logged in the FF for a long time, (as far as I can remember) and ever since I bought Yoshi's Island DS I began to think about the FF again so I dicided to log in again.
But then again I'm probably going to keep my playing streak on Video games and not come back again for another long while =/
Hi again, MSM!
Oh yeah, I'm back. I have noticed a few little changes.
Is it me, or do you leave and come back more than anyone else here?
I dunno, I came here this morning, then left, then came back, then left again, and here I am now.
More than likely.
Oh, there was a new member topic. I didn't see it. XD
I am a somewhat big fan of the Mario series. I go to a few other Mario/Nintendo forums under the name Mr. X (I tried that name here but it was already taken). I went to SMRPG Legacy before it closed down, I go to Super Mario Legacy forums, Nintendo City forums, and NSider (as MR_X8). I don't really like NSider though. Too many rules, too many idiots. =P
I'll try to be active here.
I don't really like NSider though. Too many rules, too many idiots.
That's the truth. One of the mods here (Luigison) is also on the NSider Forums as Luigisan.
The Nsiders forums are to crowded for me. If FF ever became like that, I don't think I'd come back.
So the unpopularity of this site/forum is what is good about it huh?
The good members is what makes this forum great.
No, It's the small suprises. like the large batch of heartwarming, buttermilk cookies that await you, baked by Deezer himself. and the immense amount of pop-ups popping up every time you scroll an inch down a page.
I get no ads or popups from TMK. In fact, even the ads section of TMK is blocked! Get a popup blocker, dude.
I do! I'm just saying what would happen if you didn't, I have about, couple thousand blocked pop-ups, but not from this site, usually from Newgrounds.
Umm we removed all ads from the site months ago. Even when we add them back, there won't be pop-ups.
When? That doesn't sound good...
I go to a few other Mario/Nintendo forums under the name Mr. X (I tried that name here but it was already taken).
Mr. X made three posts, all on June 2, 2000.
The More You Know...
ZOMG! I haven't been to this place in forever! Checked my registration date and it said 2002 I also have 337-some posts!!! I sure did come here a lot....
...and there are still no avatars, wow.... At least they finally updated the old dinosaur forum system where you had to enter your login everytime to make a post. That was kludge, I must say.
You can have avatars if you change your forum theme (Profile > Look and Layout Preferences > Current Theme).
And you didn't have to log in every time, you could have allowed it to remember your details. Though, that's not for everyone...
Welcome back, btw. :)
I thought about using the "new" format, and it's much better then the standard. I can put up avatars and...........I sound like a total n00b, because this has been around for awhile. Still awesome, though. :)
Well, I guess I've forgoten more than I thought in my abscence....
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday, but...
*points to Ultimate Birthday Compilation*
Clicked the wrong topic... x_x
I'm new!I'm new!I'm new!I'm new!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!Good one!Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Pichu25, did you by chance read the rules? (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0)
I'll bet he's never been on a forum before.
I'm sorry.*sits in time out*
What's a time out?
O.OIt's when you sit in a corner,facing it,when you get in trouble
Dude, he's just messing with you.
Thanks,and sorry again.
No, I'm just so old I don't remember the old days of elementary school!
Ha ha!I'm only 10...:-(
That means you rightfully don't belong here. You're supposed to be 13.
Don't lie to him.
Well, that is partially true, but people are always getting around pretending to be older..... *laughs evily*
Don't lie to him.
You mean pichu25 shouldn't lie to us. To join you must be 13+ or get your parent's approval by federal law. He didn't get approval, which means he lied on the form that asks you if you're 13+.
So, does that mean... he could get... arrested?
Did you think to ask him if he did get his parent's approval?
So, does that mean... he could get... arrested?
Perhaps, but it's nigh unenforceable.
Did you think to ask him if he did get his parent's approval?
I think it would be too difficult for Deezer (or someone else) to process the applications manually, and to obtain proof of age.
Dang. I guess he really did lie.
Ok, seriously, where did TEM disappear to? The guy hasn't posted since early January. I miss his brand of humor.
TEM visits #tmk sometimes, but yeah, I haven't seen him around here in a while.
I think he spends most of his time playing WoW or at YTMND, coming to #tmk to share YTMNDs he likes.
I is returned :D
I've surfed this site for a long time, so I figured... why not join?
...Ok, fine, the other forum I'm on is going down the tubes. But this still seems like a nifty e-haunt!
Yeah, the Fungi Forums seem to be experiencing a new Golden Age. There are some good threads to post in currently.
When was the old Golden Age?
Beats me. I just capitalized it because I was thinking of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri at the time.
When was the old Golden Age?
I'd say the old Golden Age was the period right before the Code Wars.
Hey guys. I'm back from a 5 day trip to Colorado.
You picked a bad week. It was freezing here last week.
No I didn't. It was a ski trip. I picked the best week possible.
Ah. Skiing. You should have clarified. I haven't been skiing in a long time, where did you go?
Can you not read, sir? He said Colorado!
I think he's asking WHERE in Colorado, considering he LIVES there.
On another note, don't forget the middle Golden Age.
I'd say the old Golden Age was the period right before the Code Wars.
Mind telling me what these Code Wars were?
On the old forum system, people started figuring out how to "hack" and post in closed threads, edit others' posts, post as others, post images (a big deal at the time), and other much crazier stuff (I'm looking at you, CashCrazed). Evil people would post corrupted threads (mostly pr0n) and heroes would construct other hacked threads (The Wedge) which blocked evil threads. A Society of Forum Secret Keepers grew, and sorta helped or prevented people from figuring stuff out. This Society constantly debated whether this stuff should be allowed or not. People started going to and posting in secret "hacked" areas of the boards.
Crazy stuff, and it eventually led to certain HTML being allowed on the old boards (without hacking).
When exactly did this happen? (Meaning which years did it take place in?)
Wow, running a forum board sure stinks!
Let me guess... those Topics got deleted?
I haven't been skiing in a long time, where did you go?
Monarch Mt.
Thankfully for me, my first exposure to the forum was AFTER those times (also fortunately, it was also when moderation was taking a larger role) . I used to joke about the name of the Code Wars, however, asking things like "You fought in the Code Wars?" as a reference to Episode IV.
Ah, Monarch. One of my favorites, after Ski Cooper and Wolf Creek. Just thought I'd ask, Colorado never gets any love
Thankfully for me...
Nah, it was fun times. People like Watoad and Insane Steve and Black Mage were very active. And the secret areas were super-fun.
I think it's interesting/cool that nearly all the SotFSK members are now mods. And vice versa. The "Anti-SotFSK" people, as well. Ironic?
Too bad I only caught the leftovers of the Code Wars. I even miss those leftovers, but I suppose that was around the time of the middle Golden Age.
I remember digging through the Mario Bar and finding what I beleive to be some posts from that era. It seemed pretty zany. Too bad I didn't find out about TMK until early 2005, and didn't join until mid-2006.
Nah, it was fun times. People like Watoad and Insane Steve and Black Mage were very active. And the secret areas were super-fun.
Blast! I should have used my powerful skills of investigating to look beyond the surface, then. That probably could have been an enjoyable experience. Way back then, I was just as clever and witty as I am now (perhaps more so), but I was easily put off by things I find objectionable. As in, channeling an intense distaste that can only be explained by an immature ability to tolerate differences in what people find morally correct.
So, maybe coming back when I had been fully shocked into the realization that other people cannot be judged as evil by a handful of actions was a good idea. That occurred in 7th grade, when people were really throwing stones at me for trying to be the "perfect student." (which, incidentally, is the eventual reason a socially defunct Suffix emerged in 2004)
I remember having been around during the time when people had made many of their own "secret" boards. I wish I had registered...
Man... All this talk about Wars and Golden Ages makes this site look really, really old.
I think I joined this forum about two years ago. I made a few posts the first year, then quit, then joined back the next year. Now I feel like I missed a whole bunch of stuff... =/
Society of the forum secret keepers...I remember that. Next Sunday ( I believe) will make it four years since I joined the forum, and I remember the tail end of the Code wars, like Sapphira.
Hello everybody, I'm PaperWario, and I am the younger brother of PaperLuigi. It is very nice to be on this site.
Wow...welcome PaperWario! Hope you have a wondrous time here with us!!! :D
Hello everybody, I'm PaperWario, and I am the younger brother of PaperLuigi. It is very nice to be on this site.
Hey want to be my friend! :)
Wow, PaperLuigi has a brother? Anyway, hello and welcome to the Fungi Forums. I hope you enjoy yourself! =D
I never talked about him? Well, I have a sister too, but she's not into Mario.
Yeah, he wanted to get on the site for a while, but he didn't have a seperate email, that is, until my mom finally let him have one.
My cousin is now an FF member. So, allow me to be the first to say hello to Yukinojo14.
Um....her sig looks................nice?
"If I want your opinion, I'll gut you and read your entrails."
Guess I'm the first one then. :\
Yeah, I noticed that...
Heh, I wonder if that's a sig violation. :P
Although I do welcome her to the Fungi Forums anyway.
No, it isn't. None of the rules govern what can go in your sig so long as it isn't styled text or longer than two lines or an image, or if it's directly harassing someone or advertising something. Besides, I think it's funny.
Yeah, it was a joke Max. I didn't really mean it.
Heh, she hasn't posted yet. She doesn't get a clan rank change until she does...right, Max?
Normally, I don't post in this thread, but I couldn't resist the urge to post the 1,000th post.
Too bad you're the 1,001st post.
Heh, he's right. You've got Reply No. 1000.
Hahahaha, can't forget the first one. :P
Apparently Glorb can. :P
Heh, I think I own the 10,000th post in General Chat. I'm probably wrong, though.
How do you know?
I don't think you can own a post. I believe that any post you make on this board becomes partial property of the TMK staff, which is why they're allowed to edit them to their liking.
How do you know?
I can swear I made a post saying "10,000th post in general Chat!"
Oh, okay. Well, good for you. :)
I don't think you can own a post. I believe that any post you make on this board becomes partial property of the TMK staff, which is why they're allowed to edit them to their liking.
I own this post and the mailbox on top.
Oh man. Those jokes never get old.
Shoulda specified which kind of post I was talking about. >_>
If you did, he might not have posted the funny picture. :)
I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of going outside and photographing my mailbox if he hadn't specified.
'Hoy, you got some fresh blood here. Name's Rick, I enjoy the classic SMB stuff, and well-done hacks of said classic SMB stuff, among plenty of other things. Look forward to meetin' people around here, yes indeed.
By the way, so I'm not violating some unwritten forum law (I know there's several, I've been the moderator of a few different forums in my time), would it be frowned upon if I threw links to YouTube vids I've done so long as they're relevant to SMB?
Thanks. Again, lookin' forward to meeting people.
Welcome Rick! I'm Layla (aka Pt_Peach!). Have a good time here!
You'd be violating no law, although I think there's a thread around here for that. Someone?
I took a quick search with the search function and didn't find much of anything.
So perhaps later on when I can post topics, I'll post up all the YouTube nuttiness so long as it relates to SMB stuff. I got some stuff of mine to show, and I even made a video of that weird Test level in Super Mario World that I'd totally allow to be used for the site to show off the level (but not how to do it.).
I own this post and the mailbox on top.
Buddy, Mailboxes are government property. The U.S. owns that mailbox.
would it be frowned upon if I threw links to YouTube vids I've done so long as they're relevant to SMB?
You can post funny videos which aren't relevant to SMB here, if you want.
Thanks, but I got my own vids to show off.
Such as playing SMB1 with Mario walking backwards, and my Game Genie codes for SMB2 and SMB3 from the archives of my old site, Game Genie Code Oddities, and other such weirdness. I really look forward to showing those off.
I have returned a Myrtle Beach vacation! Hold the applause, what did I miss?
You missed about 13 banned members, Lizard Dude leaving the forums, Bird Person taking his place as a mod and the announcement of a "delayed 'till '09" Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
PL, you missed April Fool's Day.
*slaps himself in the head* Oh man, how could I have forgotten April Fools Day!
Haha, I joined here in 2001.
Can't believe I've been on the internet since 7th grade. |:
Welcome back :D
You've missed a lot of things. The biggest one is that the forums are on a new system, which has improvedd them in many ways. Also, TMK is no longer part of ClassicGmaing.
Oh, no, I've been visiting TMK almost religiously.
I just haven't been to the forums since I registered in 2001.
Heh heh, I can relate on the "Join, and only come back after a long time" sort of thing. I did that with another somewhat popular forum that I'm now a mod of.
i didnt really notice this blog so im goina start postin here, wassup peeps
Blog? What the dukar?
Here's the game blog. Find it, don't post useless crap and fix your grammar.
Also, get promoted to local moderator or better to post topics there.
Haha, you guys miss me?
Or for the record, even notice that I was gone?
Probably not.
You were gone?
well anyway welcome to Fungi Forums! again
Hi the name Clyde, I been a Mario fan when I was 5 years old and now I'm 17 and I'm still a Mario. Also, I'm a fan of Waluigi and Bowser. Also, I'm a Sonic fan but I'm not be talking about him because this is a Mario fan site. Here, I going talk about Mario and Co. and Sonic at those other websites I go to. I shouldn't be saying this but, before I came to the Fungi Forums I been going to Nintendo's message boards, anyway this is my first fan Mario site I went to and I think, I going to like it.
I shouldn't be saying this but, before I came to the Fungi Forums I been going to Nintendo's message boards,
I'm glad you came here. You might know a person there by the name of Luigisan? He's here too, except he's called Luigison and is a global moderator.
same here man, i grew up on super nintendo and mario, but my sister played the games before since she is 5 years older than me but when i started realizing reality i started playing them
'Sup guys what I miss during my accidental absence caused by my computer commiting shutdown suicide and leaving me cold turkey for a week?
Well, we've had a few new members come to the site..............and we've got this. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=10149.0)
Back from Florida. Apparently I missed a Colorado blizzard. :)
A few days ago.....here in Texas........it was 40 degrees. Now today..........it's 70. Weather is crazy, man.
I'm late, but fashionably.
For what are you late?
The Train to Oblivion.
The Train to Oblivion.
Wait, I thought you where the conductor.
I'm new. :) I've been on the website since 2002 (I think it was 2002, I really don't remember), anyways, Nice Message board and Website!
Nice to have you here, REz!
Yo dude, ever played Rez?
Well, here I am, back again from another little absent period. My last post from last year (and even from that post I hadn't posted in months) was when my grandma died, just barely over a year ago.
As of current, I've (extremely general, obviously):
-Caught up with school.... next year will be my senior year and I'll have only 3 classes vs. 7 from my previous three years.
-Been with a beautiful girl named Meagan for almost 10 months now.
-I had a Dodge Ram and I traded a guy for a '94 BMW 318is which is an awesome car.
-I started my own auto detailing business called "Patrick's Polierplatz" and it's booming. (Polierplatz is German for "polish place")
-I'm done with my 3 years of German and speak it well!
-I don't have a Wii which is saddening because my money is drained from eating lunch at school, Meagan, and the $50,000 per gallon price tag at the pump or the Wiiage would've occurred already.
-My school has featured an "Automotive Technician" course which is now offered as a dual credit course by TSTC in Waco, Texas, which will put me 7 college hours ahead of the game and two high school credits ahead. I plan to go to TSTC to earn my ASE Certification (Automotive Service Excellence). I want to work on mainly BMW's and Porsches, repairing them, adding aftermarket & custom parts & whatnot, and detailing them all in one big bundle. I'm gonna love it. One day, since my brother, Robert, is in the same college classes that I will be taking, we want to put our thoughts together and start a little business and see what it does.
That's about it!
You've missed a lot of interesting things. Khold and Watoad are gone, a few new regulars have appeared, Bird Person made the TMK Movies (1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0wMXqhGRu4) 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mESGg2IahHI) 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27U3G3Nga48)), TMK moved to KonTek, a few new boards were created, the Advanced Poster Awards were held once again, April Fool's Day happened, and most recently, Lizard Dude is belived to have been fired. Welcome back.
Yes indeed, welcome back.
Yeah it's been a whole minute.
Life is just goin' on pretty good.... just trying to get this last frickin' 11 days of school out of the way so I can start riding more and my friends will actually come ride.... too bad for all my friends that got into like stupid drugs and stuff. Like, if someone I know drinks or smokes the "illegal stuff" every once in a blue moon, I don't mind, but some of my friends took a turn for the worst and drink like fish, smoke like chimneys, and started doing hard stuff like cocaine and whatnot and it's just depressing because they used to be your right-hand man and they'd ride with you all day and be that trusting friend of yours, then later on they hang out with the idiots and start doing all this stuff that destroy themselves, then they're failing school and feeling sorry for themselves... and you're like.. "you're dumb."
Eh, I'm getting off subject here. But yeah, anyway, hopefully, this summer, no other of my other friends will trip and fall in the hellhole.
I wanna do a V8 conversion in my car; 4-banger ain't cuttin' it. Maybe throw a Ford into it or something and couple it to a 6-Gang Getriebe. Anyone who can tell me what that means without babelfish/translator.com gets 10 coins.
Anyone who can tell me what that means without babelfish/translator.com gets 10 coins.
All right, I'll use Google's translator. Translated to Japanese and back to English: "I think that we would like to convert V8 of my car; 4 fire crackers cuttin that are not. Perhaps, throw Ford to that or something, connect to 61 group Getriebe."
All right, I'll use Google's translator. Translated to Japanese and back to English: "I think that we would like to convert V8 of my car; 4 fire crackers cuttin that are not. Perhaps, throw Ford to that or something, connect to 61 group Getriebe."
Too bad that's not Japanese. No translators, Mr. Literal. heh
Welcome back, Trainman! You may remember me as donotcare95.
Too bad that's not Japanese.
But translating it to and from Japanese often makes it funny. My signature was made the same way, except with this phrase:
Remember stomping your first Goomba? Remember being amazed when Mario touched that Mushroom and grew bigger? Remember miscalculating your jump and falling down that pit?
Trainman? No way...wow.
Aaaah. Yeah I remember you donotcare, and Jman, of course.
Eh... welcome back. You proably have no idea who I am, but check FG&S. That's where I'm most active.
check FG&S. That's where I'm most active.
I'd say so, considering that you only have 13 posts outside FG&S. I hardly notice you, either.
Reason for my absence: LARGE Final homework assignments I needed to complete before graduating, my graduation reception party and some reception parties of my classmates, Graduation itself, and Pokemon Pearl version (I'm trying to evolve Lucario). Sooner or later, I'm gonna try and get SPM.
After a rather painful half-year hiatus, I'm back. The good news is that I was able to work on the fanfiction that I was writing.
Yay! Chicky's back! Just wondering, are you gonna finish MGWV? I love that story!
I'm afraid I have no plans to do so. It would seem that after my three year or so "insane period" ended, I ran out of ideas for it.
I am Hula Guy, that guy with the hula hoop in that Dance! Made in Wario microgame!
You may recognize me as Marky Vigoroth from the Serebii Forums, Pokémon Valley Forums, and PE2K, Nidhoggr from Bokura no Taiyou Online, and Behemoth from the Synthesis Community!
[Since I have posted in a lot of forums, expect me to not be like a newbie ("Newbie" sounds a lot better than "n00b", in my opinion.)! Also, expect long posts and a lot of questions from me!]
Oh, and Yoshisaurus Rex-san, this is so not a stupid thread! These type of thread make a good starting point for new members, I think.
P.S.I wanna do a V8 conversion in my car; 4-banger ain't cuttin' it. Maybe throw a Ford into it or something and couple it to a 6-Gang Getriebe.
I think that means (if Wikipedia and Google serve me well)...
"I want to convert my engine to an 8-cylinder; my 4-cylinder engine is not enough to do the job. I may also put in a Ford transmission sollenoid and attach it to a six-wire trnasmission."
Excuse me; I do not know much about cars, much less "car talk," if such exists.
Yoshisaurus Rex-san? Wha.............who the heck is that?
A member who sort of left. That remark was made as a reply to a three year old post...
Oh, I know Yoshisaurus. What the heck did he/she mean by san? I'm serious, I'm a stupid moron who doesn't know what it means.
-san is one of the terms the Japanese use to address someone.
Ah, I see.
Translation: "Mr. Yoshisaurus Rex"
I return from having no Internet access, and since my last actual day of school is tomorrow, I should remain. However, I won't be here tomorrow because I'll be at church, and I have to babysit on Thursday (though since this laptop is downstairs, I can be online while babysitting, so that shouldn't be a problem)...
6-Gang Getreibe = 6 speed transmission auf Deutsch. Tomorrow is my last day of school. No more German and having to shave my beard for frickin' school dress code!!!!!!!!!!!!
and stuff.
Hi everyone! My name is Molly, but you can call me Bees. I'm 19, and I live in central NY. (The state, not the city.) I'm not sure what else to say here....
My favorite games are rhythm based (like ddr or eba), RPGs or old side-scrollers. I own an snes, psone, gamecube, and a ds. I'll always choose an snes game over anything new - there's just something about them that gets me. (That and I'm too poor to afford new games ^_^)
In my free time I draw chibi artwork, read, and knit. My favorite tv shows are futurama and mythbusters.
I'm looking forward to being an active member of this community! </lame>
Hurray, another female member joins us.
Oh yeah, and...
No more German and having to shave my beard for frickin' school dress code!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's terrible. The shaving I mean not the German. I'm so used to my beard I can't imagine having to shave it constantly.
Hughesnet satellite fries and Internet connection becomes excruciatingly sucky. Mom calls to let them know we'll be canceling them soon. They cancel right then. We call back to get it turned back on, succeed, but it fails a good 20 minutes later. Tech support lady fixes it in my mom's and sister's rooms, but my computer, the one with the main router, somehow does not connect. I suffer for about three days before trying to fix my router. This works but ruins the other rooms. I still lose because my sister spends all day with useless tech supporters and can't get her homework done, as the other routers won't connect at all. I get the guilt trip hard, and in the last four or five hours before her deadline, my dad, of all computer-illiterate people, suggests moving her computer in here to plug directly into the modem. That works and I have no computer at all. The following weeks are very horrendous. Today my mom and I go to Staples to return a failing Netgear router and go back to Linksys. Success!
Hurray, another female member joins us.
Oh yeah, and...
That's terrible. The shaving I mean not the German. I'm so used to my beard I can't imagine having to shave it constantly.
Try having a mother who hates facial hair.
My favorite games are rhythm based
Will you marry me?
Looks like you're going to be first (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8996.0).
(Bees: One of LD's favorite games is DDR. Apparently he was once the third best player in Montana. He's probably gotten better.)
I'll play the drums for whoever sings at your wedding.
Will you marry me?
We'll see.
^_^ Only been here a day, and already being proposed to. This is going to be interesting.
I'll be a back-up dancer, should you ever need one.
And I'll bake a horid tasting wedding cake, resembling a thick DDR dance pad.
Can I be the priest?
No, that spot's been filled by Deezer.
Okay then, I'll be the flower girl...
I'll play organ. Any requests? I can also play TSUGARU and MAX 300.
Hey, I'm new here!
This is kind of a dumb question, but how big can you have your sig?
Two lines, no styled text or images.
No links, either.
Better to ask than assume you can put your desktop as a sig, with a marquee "I AM PROJECTSUPERSONI" in all the colors of the spectrum in 72pt letters beneath it.
*tries to imagine what BP just said* Wow. Just wow. That just made my day.
I just put an image and some styled text in my sig to see if the fourm will even accept BBCode in signatures. It still will.
I'm back!!!!!
[I wonder if anyone noticed I'd gone away for that while...]
I did. I was wondering where you had gone off to, but then I remembered you said something about moving. :)
[I wonder if anyone noticed I'd gone away for that while...]
I actually noticed this time. I didn't notice until yesterday, though.
You were gone?! O_O -_- O_O -_-
Actually, I'm glad you're back. The Pointless Topic hasn't seemed as.. pointless without you.
The Pointless Topic is a bloody dumpster for posting gibberish posts that don't pertain to anything or mean anything. In short, it's a topic made of SPAM. S-P-A-M. Like most of FG&S.
Oooooooooooo! That's a point for the Red team.
There's been a movement in #tmk to make posts in FG&S not count towards your post count. I support this, and I would like to see what all the new post counts will be when FG&S stops counting.
If ANY of you have noticed, I have not been posting in the pointless topic as nearly as much as I used to. I'm starting to pass it up. It bores me.
Anything without some degree of consistency (be it style, story, or silliness) becomes boring. It's a sad fact.
Join us, Peach.
I realized how boring and unproductive FG&S is when I hit puberty, really. The mind gets a lot of treatment in that stage of the life... perhaps mine more than the people with whom I go to school?
And, oh, welcome back!
Dang man, what's wrong with the FG&S? So what if it increases your post count? I mean, does it really matter that much that you have to ignore it altogether? I find that it's more fun going to the FG&S than the rest of the boards combined.
Wait, am I to understand that everyone is ignoring my story? And now it won't even count as a real post anymore?
First of all, I don't think anyone's worth should be based on their post count. Seriously, all it does is encourage people to spam their way to the top, be it in FG&S or in any other board.
Second of all, if The Pointless Topic bothers you guys so much, just ignore it. Nobody's forcing you to look at it.
Well, pointless or not, I shall use it this once.
Hiyas, I'm Aleclom! I've been a lurker for quite some time, but only now have I registered. I'm glad to finally be a part of the Fungi Forums!
I didn't get back from my sister's place till 11 something last night. I couldn't get on the Internet at their house because their network was secured, and I didn't know the key word to connect. Oh well, it's not like a three year-old and two 1 and 1/2 year-olds give you much time for internet browsing anyway. But I at least fixed up an old Pokemon fanfiction that I had originally written when I was 13, and worked on "Food to Fungi"
Last night I wasn't feeling very good. Felt like stomach flu mixed with mozzarella sticks.
Well, pointless or not, I shall use it this once.
Hiyas, I'm Aleclom! I've been a lurker for quite some time, but only now have I registered. I'm glad to finally be a part of the Fungi Forums!
Nice to see we've got a new member here.
Hi Aleclom! I'm Layla [aka Pt_Peach]
The FG&S board is alright, but sometimes the stupidity is beyond me...and why do post counts count anyways? Most of my posts are from my earlier days and a lot are spam...but I've got some good ones in there!
I often dislike reading my old posts as well, as it reminds me of how n00bish I used to be. >_<
Anyway, welcome all new members. And... I suppose I've been inactive, though I have been lurking as a guest quite a bit recently. Nevertheless, I'm back.
I miss Markio ;_;
He really was a delightful lad.
I miss Markio ;_;
Me too. I miss his funny posts and happy attitude.
Um, Hi everyone. I finally found a place where I can introduce myself. I'm Linko, a big Legend of Zelda fan. I'm pretty settled in with all the messaging and replying here, I used to go to a different forum like this.
I'm always open for a good Wi-Fi battle. I have Starfox Command, Mario Kart DS, and Mario vs. DK 2 with some of the worlds hardest levels that I created. :-) I also have a Wii with WiiConnect24 so if I make any good friends here than I will be happy to exchange Wii Codes.
I hope to stay here for a very long time and meet a lot of friends. Thanks
You've already made one. How's it goin' buddy?
Hey Paper Luigi. I was wondering if you could teach me how to PM people. I type a message in the message box, along with the person I want to send it to, then press send and nothing happens. :-(
Hm..........you typed the message and tried pressing the "send" button and nothing happened? Did it say the message was sent?
The steps are as follows, just in case. I'm sure you've sent PM's before, but it might be different here.
1. Click the member you want to PM.
2. On the member's profile, click the "send PM" option.
3. Type in the message.
4. Then send it. It should say the message was sent, but I'm not sure what happened. Try sending one to me.
No, it loaded to the same page I where I was typing my message.
Huh. Did it say a message in red at the top? Like "you can't send PMs"? The mods may have set some rules on new people that I may not know about.
I dunno what to say man. I'm sorry I can't help. :(
Maybe it's like posting a new topic, you may have to have a certain amount of posts before you can send PM's, consult a mod or admin.
- No advertising web sites.
Web sites...
Bellon, put it under the "Website" field in your profile. Click on (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/Themes/ff/images/english/profile.gif) (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;sa=forumProfile) and then click on "Forum Profile Information."
Ello' Linko! Pt_Peach here. A former n00b with no Wifi! Good to meet you!
HI!!! *curtsies* I'm gonna annoy you all!
i was invited by The Chef! Hugs the inviter*
so creds to him! Ok Hi!!!
I'm gonna annoy you all!
Oh dear...
You might want to brush up on your grammatical structure though. Bird Person's a real stickler for that.
Anyway folks, this new user is actually my girlfriend, and I invited her here to educate her on being a Mario fan. Tomorrow I'll be joining the board she posts on, Animeleague and continue from there.
PS: She's not actually going to annoy us. It's just a playful way of saying hello.
He's right*cries* I'm sorry if isomeone misunderstood. *curties* but I was playing around. I am new here so I hope someone guides me in proper ways but I didn't mean to sound threatening. Really.
It's quite alright dearest. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Right guys?
Wow, so she's the lady that Chef's been speaking so highly of, eh? Welcome to the forums. I'm Jman, and I'll be serving your side of sarcasm during your stay. Oh wait, this isn't the Mario Hotel! My bad.
Hello, Amy. I am the
crushing enforcer moderator of Mario Chat. Just remember to type somewhat like you speak, all right? The Fungi Forums tend to read like a book, or at least a good script, perhaps. And that's a good thing. We're proud of it.
A good place to get your start here is Forum Games and Stories. Just be careful.
BAD place to start. BAD BAD. BAD.
Ah, so this is your girlfriend you've been talking about.
Welcome to the forums, Amy. I am the dumbest n00b defender who ever backseated a backseat mod after I replied to a post. In case you don't know what that means, I'm sure someone can inform you.
Ah, so this is your girlfriend you've been talking about.
Welcome to the forums, Amy. I am the dumbest n00b defender who ever backseated a backseat mod after I replied to a post. In case you don't know what that means, I'm sure someone can inform you.
it would be nice if someone did...heheh
thank you for the advice everyone. ^-^
He put all this crappy custom titles into one sentence. The poor guy can't catch a break.
XP Yeah, as soon as I asked to get rid of my last crappy CT, I got a new one 3 days later. Like Luigi, I'm the butt of a few jokes here and there.
Well, you are Paper "Luigi". ;)
Hi Amy! I'm Pt_Peach! Welcome! Chef speaks greatly of you, Amy :D. And a curtsy to you! *curtsies*
I'm actually Layla, an ex-annoying-idiotic-grammar-idiot. A reformed n00b, to put it another way. I've been here since verryy late 2005 and I love it around these parts. I'm one of the few active female members. The username "Pt_Peach" is a result of a fanaticism I had with Princess Peach...I've extremely grateful that it has passed. I've gained a lifelong nickname in real life, though, because of that. "Peach" is an affectionate nickname that few call me. :D
Hi Amy! I'm Pt_Peach! Welcome! Chef speaks greatly of you, Amy :D. And a curtsy to you! *curtsies*
I'm actually Layla, an ex-annoying-idiotic-grammar-idiot. A reformed n00b, to put it another way. I've been here since verryy late 2005 and I love it around these parts. I'm one of the few active female members. The username "Pt_Peach" is a result of a fanaticism I had with Princess Peach...I've extremely grateful that it has passed. I've gained a lifelong nickname in real life, though, because of that. "Peach" is an affectionate nickname that few call me. :D
Whoa, you've been around that long? I must have missed something.
Yea. I've been here since Dec. 14, 2005, Jman. You probably just don't remember.
Yea. I've been here since Dec. 14, 2005, Jman. You probably just don't remember.
December 14? That was the holiday PaperMario's Birthday Eve! (Please update your calendars.)
Welcome, Amy. Great to see Chef was telling the truth. :P
Hi, I'm skater-girl. My interests are: skateboarding, playing video games, and crushing cans of soda and pensils on my head. My favorite game is Bully. Ever heard of it?
Oh, I've heard of Bully, that's a cool game, my friend just got that and let me touch the box and watch him play.*rolls eyes*
Nonetheless, you sound awesome! Welcome!
Hi, I'm skater-girl. My interests are: skateboarding, playing video games, and crushing cans of soda and pensils on my head. My favorite game is Bully. Ever heard of it?
Oh yeah! That game is the [insert word here]. It's so friggin' awesome.
Favortie game is Bully? What'd you just start playing games last week?
...Only kidding. It's rare to see someone on a Mario forum who's favorite game isn't Mario-related or at least Nintendo-related. At least you have some respect for it, right?
(Speaking of which, we need to start teaching you of what it means to be a Mario fan, Amy, *nudges*)
crushing cans of soda and pensils on my head
Cans of pensils, eh? Sounds...fun.
It's rare to see someone on a Mario forum who's favorite game isn't Mario-related or at least Nintendo-related.
My favorite game is Banjo-Tooie.
Hey Glorb, I know that I spelled pencilswrong, but you didn't have to copy me! Kidding! Okay, well I forgot to include this before, but I am totally random sometimes so if I just burst out with something random like, I like pizza then just ignore me.
It'd be preferred if you'd not do that, but bless you for using English properly. :D
My favorite game is Banjo-Tooie.
Nice try, but that's very Nintendo-related. Or was at least.
My favorite game is Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. Will I get fined?
I thought your favorite game was Dead Rising. Or was it Resident Evil? Or maybe it was Duke Nukem? I dunno, but you've already made it apparent that you aren't much of a Mario fan. In fact, I never understood why you post here at all Glorb.
Oooohhh, showdown...
I thought your favorite game was Dead Rising. Or was it Resident Evil? Or maybe it was Duke Nukem? I dunno, but you've already made it apparent that you aren't much of a Mario fan. In fact, I never understood why you post here at all Glorb.
...............he isn't a Mario fan because he likes different games?
No, because he almost exclusively talks about games like the ones The Chef mentioned.
And that makes him less of a Mario fan?
Less? There doesn't seem to be anything that makes him a Mario fan in the first place aside from posting on this board, which is not Mario-related in it's entirety.
Is that a big deal, though?
It's not a big deal, but it is some kind of deal, I think.
It really shouldn't be any kind of deal...at all.
*Gets out a blackboard, and a piece of chalk.*
Now for today's lesson, How to be a Mario fan.
First, you need to have (obviously) played a Mario game in your lifetime.
Second, you need to know one obscure fact about Mario. (Actually, I'm just kiding with this whole thing. But it does help to have played a game with his name on it.)
All I'm saying is, The Chef likes to make insignificant details into big problems when really, it's no big deal, no real deal at all. If Glorb likes the Fungi Forums' Video Game Chat and General Chat more than other forums', then that's his business. Mario Chat doesn't get a whole lot of great topics anyway... Mariology gets no one anywhere, really--just shut up and play.
The Chef likes to make insignificant details into big problems when really, it's no big deal, no real deal at all.
I suppose boredom can do that to a guy. I'm bored enough to be posting at about 11:30 PM right now.
I'm sincerely sorry if I offended you, but... you could've offended someone yourself, y'know? Not me, though... not in any case yet.
I always manage to come close to offending someone unintentionally. I seriously need to post less.
Aw, it's okay. Frankly, I'm surprised I wasn't involved in this argument; most of the time, weird arguments like this are between The Chef and I. Here are a couple of shocking revelations:
1) Yes, I do play games. Some of them are not Mario games.
B) I don't post in Mario chat that often because it's really not that, uh, good, to put it bluntly.
To be honest, my interest in Mario has been declining lately, although this is still a great forum, which is why I post here.
Now, group hug.
I'm actually kinda hoping Brawl and Galaxy revitalize everyone's interests. I also wish more people were interested in Mariology. At least that gives us something Mario-related to think about while we wait.
I used to think Mariology was cool until I realized, it doesn't get anyone anywhere. It's highly likely that your opinion on how Yoshis reproduce (IN GAME & WATCH GALLERY 2 YOSHI CAN LAY A FERTILE EGG AND THE YOSHI THAT HATCHES FROM IT WILL LAY A FERTILE EGG JUST BY EATING HAM OMG OMG OMG) will ever change, no matter how many of those posts you read or make. Also, the "reality" in the Mario series constantly contradicts itself... But, hey, as long as Mariology stays in the Mariology topic, I'm fine with it existing.
To be honest, my interest in Mario has been declining lately, although this is still a great forum, which is why I post here.
Mine too............yet, for some strange reason, it grew back up when I began playing Mario Party 8. It's actually a pretty good Mario Party.
My enthusiasm/interest in Mario never dies out fully. There are times when it might be overshadowed slightly by something else, but I always come back to it no matter what. I owe Mario a lot.
I love the Zelda game a lot, but it sometimes gets overshadowed by Mario. What can I say? They are two of my favorite franchises of all time.
OH my I'm actually learning something.... :P
Mario's always been the man to me. No cartoon character ever took his place after I got a SNES. And he's still the man.
I guess we can agree that Mario is the common interest that brought us all together. In actuality, such a thought never really crossed my mind. Though my mother finds it amazing at how a thing like Mario can be shared by millions of people all over the world, how it has such universal appeal. That's gotta count for something right?
Man, with all this talk of how appreciation of this one franchise caused our paths to merge, it makes me want a slogan for us to follow. Something like, "In the Fungus We Trust" or just plain "Trust the Fungus" from the movie. Maybe "We Have Fury"?
Hey, I guess this is where you say hi? >_>
ICAP here, good to be on these boards.
Hello and welcome. :)
Thanks, PaperLuigi.
Welcome. You may wish to remove the blank line from your signature. Sigs can only be up to two lines long here (also 200 char max, no styled text, no links, no images).
Whoa, no images in sigs? :(
And I have no blank lines in my sig.
Oh, and I have two questions:
1. Why can't I see other users' avatars?
2. Why can't I post new topics? Nevermind, now I can.
1. Why can't I see other users' avatars?
You can if you change your layout.
Yeah but the "Don't show other users' avatars" option is unchecked.
Avatars don't show up in this layout. The staff's been asked to create a duplicate with avatars, but they're ex-TREMELY busy. You know the drill. /me pulls the drill's trigger a couple of times... kreeer.
YOYOYO, I'm new. I was hoping to be able to ask if anyone knew how to use Game Genie to get to SMB levels like ".-1" or something. Wassup?
-1, the Minus World. You can get there without any cheating devices. Here are the details. (http://www.themushroomkingdom.net/smb_bugs.shtml)
Hello people!
I'm back after 3 days (I think) and I'm happy! I finished middle school! However I'm a bit disappointed with my GPA this year. In my first 2 years of middle school I got a 4.0 GPA. This year I got a 3.5 GPA. Hey, it's better than just 3.
Like my parents always said-- the grades don't really count until high school. I didn't believe them, but it was true.
They really count in middle school with the program I'm aiming to get into which only looks over your middle school grades cause you don't have any high school records to look over.
Um, Hi? xD Im Lavender
This is the only sane mario boards Ive ever seen...(read a lot of topics and posts before signing up) I dont know why but...other ones just scare me, ooh I hope Im not being offending ;-;
But yeah, I hope I can have a good time here. I need to get used to this kind of forum though xD Im always posting in invision.
Well, hello. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about sanity, but I would say that this is the best Mario forum around.
I'm Toad Titan, Mario fan extraordinaire and Stunt double for The Toad (Main one)
Please do not wonder if I will act noobish or not but I will try hard to not be annoying.
I like generally Nintendo and some 3rd-party titles (and some anime too ^-^)
Well well, we've had quite a few new people joing today, I believe (either that, or some are posting for the first time). Welcome!
This is the only sane mario boards Ive ever seen...(read a lot of topics and posts before signing up) I dont know why but...other ones just scare me, ooh I hope Im not being offending ;-;
Thank you. We particuarly value intelligence and maturity here, which keeps us sane. Just stay out of Forum Games and Stories.
Words of wisdom, those are. Seconded!
Stunt double for The Toad (Main one)
THE Toad? You mean... THIS Toad?! (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=57741) Ha ha, just joking.
Just stay out of Forum Games and Stories.
Don't encourage him. It's cool that you guys don't like it, but don't take an experience away from a new member.
FG&S is what takes experiences away from people. I'm a victim, myself.
Oh, come on. Just let him try it out. >:(
If he doesn't like it well...I guess he's just another guy who hates the FG&S. Which is most everyone here.
My experience with the FG&S has been nothing but wonderful. If being serious and intellegent means giving up FG&S, then I'd rather be ignorant and silly. Wait, I'd rather be ignorant and silly over serious and intellegent anyway! :P
I have no power over what boards any member does or does not view. Don't forget that.
Yeah, I know. No one should encourage him to go there or vice versa though. Yes, I am aware of the hypocrisy.
Um, Im a girl ^^ Sorry I forgot to mention that >_>
Uh I guess I'll just look around the subforums and decide which ones I like, lol.
Random: Oooh yay another luigi fan : D
Yeah. Well you see its just that in some places, there are decent stuff to discuss and intelligent people but they get wiped out by the majority of kids, and Im just sick of reading spam. But Im just going to quit right here because I feel a little bad about saying it.
But yeah this is a great site.
Whoops. Sorry about that. :/
I thought my Forum IQ had gone up, I guess I was wrong.
Welcome back!
And a hello to Lavender! (I'm a chick, too!)
Welcome Lavendar. It is so nice to meet you. I am female as well.
Also, a welcome to Toad Titan, I am sure you will fit in just fine. :)
Yeah. Well you see its just that in some places, there are decent stuff to discuss and intelligent people but they get wiped out by the majority of kids, and Im just sick of reading spam. But Im just going to quit right here because I feel a little bad about saying it.
Despite the grammar mishap in the chatroom, I congratulate you! GUYS, YOU'RE SCARING AWAY INNOCENT NEW MEMBERS. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!
Hey y'all. I'm back from the camping trip. Not only was it fun, but I picked up ideas for a possible MGWV sequel.
Hooray! Also, now that things have started to calm down from my birthday, I should be able to be on the boards between watching my AOSMB3 DVD set, finishing thank you notes, and trying to finish my second YouTube poop. (Yes I have a YouTube account, but it's not under the Kojinka username.)
Well. what's your username? I can't wait to see your YTP! I may start making some...
Are you sure? I only have one on it right now, and it was mostly an experiment with WMM. I guess if you really want to see it, there's a hint about my username in my sig. Just don't expect mine to be, like, Kaejetokun or Goldar777 quality.
I was wondering if I could come back to the site for a little bit so I can write the rest of my fan fic, Wario’s Grill. I won’t bother to post in any other section of the board (aside from this comment), and after I finish the fic, I’ll leave as promised. Yes, I know I said I’d be leaving forever, but I hate it when I don’t finish my stories, and it’s been bugging me for a while now. I hope you guys don’t mind if I stick around just a little while longer to finish it.
(I like what you guys have done with the board, btw)
Of course! You're always welcome here! :)
Sup guys did I miss anymore more lulzy drama during my random absence?
You see, my cable got cut off and I became very sad that the sirs at Cox would take away my favorite escape from real life and so I locked myself in a dungeon for days to cry like a real man would. Then my rage grew and I began to participate in illegal cage boxing. I did well for two days until I was embarrassingly defeated by a magical schoolgirl. Then I got over it and went back to life as normal.
OK, so I fabricated most of that but now I'm living a cable-less lifestyle, which I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that 3/4 of the wrestling shows are on cable. Not to mention my siblings are much calmer when they're watching Foster's or Pokemon.
At the very least, I have lots of time now to master King Of Fighters 2002/2003. As well as finish up my backlog, which so far is at a count of 1 complete, Mario vs. DK 2.
Sup guys did I miss anymore more lulzy drama during my random absence?
Irony at its finest. You missed the end of the drama.
Maybe I should be straightforward here... OrangeYoshi, read the following carefully. As I posted after you announced your departure, I haven't had a lot of time to notice your absence. I haven't missed the drama about you, however, though the new board and everything has kept it from being quiet here... which I prefer over the drama. This is what I want you to read most carefully and know I'm not being offensive: If the "Gotta complete the story" deal is some sort of excuse to be back, don't trouble yourself with it... fix whatever anyone else found annoying (my only problem with you was the hypocrisy), settle back in, and if problems persist call again. If that was your plan, excellent. Carry it out as best you can.
Hey guys I'm a new member here.
Hey, welcome to the forum. :)
Wow, just realized I never formally announced my return from Texas. Anyway, here I am.
I feel like an imbecile for forgetting to announce that I was on vacation, but now I'm back. I guess you can pretend I was never gone in the first place. Heh.
Hey all, I'm Reading. Obviously, I like to read, and I'm also a writer (I've co-written two book-length Mario/Sonic/Kirby fanfics). I've been visiting this place for quite some time, but I've only recently started viewing the forums regularly and I eventually registered.
Hey, welcome to the forums. :)
Hello! Welcome to the forums!
hello everyone,
luigi ftw!
Your name makes me think of the nomad soul.
luigi ftw!
That's Mama Luigi to you!
Ah, hello, all! Sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye--I was on vacation (Disneyland, Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, etc.).
That must have been an awesome vacation, ShadowBrain.
Dude you should have swung up (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=Bozeman,+MT&daddr=Yellowstone+Park&sll=45.19727,-110.748995&sspn=1.699242,3.735352&ie=UTF8&ll=45.158801,-110.742187&spn=1.700398,3.735352&z=8&om=1) and visited me.
I am back again from the Dominican Republic...
I kept a journal, yet I am not finished yet due to laziness, but I will upload it for others to enjoy.
Also, I turned 15 on July 23...
(Excuse me; I was posting this on other forums, so I am a bit tired...)
WOW! This is a nice forum you got there. I've visited this website for years, but never participated in this forum. I guess now's the time, right? :)
Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Eric B., but i'm also known as Shnoogums. You can either call me Eric or Shnoogums. It won't matter.
I come from Canada, from the city of Repentigny, in the province of Quebec, so i'm a french quebecer canadian for those wondering if i'm a french guy. I'm also bilingual (i speak french and english), but sometimes, there a some things in english that i may not understand, so you'll have to bear with me when i reply in the forums or when i post a new topic of my own. I'm also a member of other forums too, but since i'm new, i'll leave those out for now. If you want to know though, just PM me and i'll gladly tell you which other forums i'm a part of.
Anyway, about me now: I was born with a neurodevelopmental disorder, known as Autism. Many of you would probably not understand my case, so check one of Wikipedia's articles about Autism at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism) and you'll understand everything about my case. Fortunately, i'm only a semi-autist, so i'm still normal like all of you and i still can enjoy life, like you all do.
I have a job that i've been doing for 12 years now and while i don't have a lot of friends in real life, i hope i can be friends with all of you here at the Fungi Forums (nice name for a forum by the way, i love it).
I love playing video games and have been playing them since 1983, so i'm pretty experienced at that. My favorite video game franchises are Mario (one of the reasons for me being here), Donkey Kong, Mega Man, Castlevania and Street Fighter. I also enjoy watching wrestling (WWE, and recently since its rebirth, ECW) and have been watching it for almost 20 years now.
My qualities are that i'm very sociable with others, i'm reliable, as well as punctual (i'm always on time at work). My defaults are that i'm easy to anger (sometimes), getting worked up for no reason and i can sometimes be easy to provoke. Let's hope that won't happen here, because i want to enjoy this forum, like i enjoy other forums as well. No need to worry though, i'm a nice guy, so things will be cool between all of us.
I also love to draw, but haven't done that for a long time now. Maybe my drawing tastes will come back someday. Who knows?
Well, that's the 4-1-1 about me. I hope we can have fun together and i hope to enjoy my stay here with all of you. Thank you!
Welcome to the forums Eric! :)
Hey Eric! Welcome to the forums! Hope you have a great stay here! I'm Layla (a.k.a. Peach, Pt_Peach, Lady Peach (in the TMK Chatroom)).
I had a friend who was autistic. Sadly, I don't see him anymore.
Sounds like Asbergers, or however you spell that. Welcome, Eric. I'm Markio, a.k.a. Markio.
Asperger's. That's a lighter form of Autism.
Welcome, Eric. I'm guessing French was your first language, considering you're using French grammar while typing in English. :P
*chuckles* Yeah, i guess you can say that, Vidgmchtr (Ouch! Strange username! LOL).
And nice to meet you too, Markio, Pt_Peach and Paper Luigi.
Well met, Eric B.!
I hope you enjoy it here at the best Mario-related forums you'll find on the 'net.
Welcome all, I'm new here coming from Digibutter.Nerr! I hope to have a great time here becasue I'm a huge Mario fan and I know good foum behavior, so you won't have to worry about me samming or anything...
I understand Autism, Eric. I have a very good friend who's autistic.
Hello Shrowser! Have a great stay here!
I understand Autism, Eric. I have a very good friend who's autistic.
Then it seems i won't have any problems here at all then. Thanks, Kojinka.
I hope you enjoy it here at the best Mario-related forums you'll find on the 'net.
I sure will!
Thank you, Eric B and Shrowser, for joining our forums!
.. but the princess is in another castle! XD
Wait a sec.. Shrowser?! I just welcomed an enemy!
Serisously, though, welcome.
Hey guys what's going on in this thread?
TEM! I thought you were in the desert, hitting animals with bones.
Hope some of you all remember me.. I wasn't very active before, but I remember posting a couple times and making some friends here.
Anyway, hello! Lumpia here; hopefully I'll make a comeback and stick around these forums for awhile. :p
What's going on here? All these old members are returning... Is Khold next?
Oh my... It's MaxVance! Good to have you back.
Man, I never left. I live here now.
What's going on here? All these old members are returning... Is Khold next?
Yeah, I wish she'd come back. I miss her. :(
Oh no.. She left?
Khold was pretty cool, too.. We totally swapped Animal Crossing: Wild World items back in the day.
I heard some great things about Khold. Sadly, I was still a toddler in the the world of FF before she left.
I remember ya, Unlimited Lumpia! Welcome back!
Yeah, I miss Khold, too. She was totally cool.
Yeah, and there was that other guy. The Zelda dude. I don't remember his name. I do remember they both (Khold and he) switched names a few times. That was out of control.
I forgot Khold's other name. :(
Wasn't it Syrinni or something like that? She switched to that, then went back to Khold in a matter of days. Then almost left in a fit of sadness, then came back again, then vanished. :/
Had anyone talked to her lately? I'd do it, but I don't think I should.
I guess you could say she's giving us the "Khold Shoulder"!
Yeah, she was alright...
How would we...talk to her? If someone gives me a way to do it, believe me, I would!
Welcome back TEM!
How would we...talk to her? If someone gives me a way to do it, believe me, I would!
Like, e-mail or something. That is, unless it's hidden.
EDIT: Ah, the agonizing defeat. Her e-mail is in fact, hidden.
I miss Khold too. She and I also played a lot of ACWW way back when. Also, welcome back, Unlimited Lumpia! I think you and I played ACWW with Khold a couple of times.
,, but! I have come back from an epic journey across the state of Arkansas. We were only gone for four days, but it was an incredible trip. Long story short, my aunt got married on Saturday, at a location called The Old Mill which was filmed in the beginning of the movie Gone with the Wind.
If luck is with me, I will have some pictures up here in the next couple of days. I have to use up that roll of film first, but it shouldn't be too hard since there's only like 5 or 6 pics left.
I have to use up that roll of film
Sure haven't heard that in a while.
My mom still has one of those cameras.
That's the only type of camera my mom uses!
Hey, my mom's from Arkansas! Both of my parents are from the South. :3
My parents are from New Jersey, the state that produces 66% of the country's eggplant!
Hi, everybody. Some of you already know me from the chatroom.
Oooh, Rao! :3
Hey Rao!
Nice of you to join us in the Fungi Forums! :D
Hey. Yeah, I've been wanting to join for a while, so I just decided to. /me waves
Welcome to the forums Rao! :)
I guess you finally got tired of us talking about things in the FF and not knowing exactly what they were.
Well, kinda. And I just wanted to be part of FF.
Since when is this topic Emoticon Central? :S
I thought Chupperson wouldn't let you join? :3
I thought he just didn't want to join and recently changed his mind? :P
Well, he just said I didn't need to, but now that I'm older, it's pretty OK.
I am totally going to try to post here more.
make note of this, people!
/me awaits Br27 and Br28
/me makes a note that everybody that has posted on this page thus far has had a Custom Title.
Here I am with a CT. Breaking the trend would be a shame, so might as well get to the next page as quickly as possible.
Yay, generic introduction! :D
Um... So I obviously like Mario, and I hack SMW, and thats about it. :P
Welcome to the Fungi Forums!
(Well...this guy has posted and therefore, everyone on this page doesn't have a CT.)
It must be nice though...
Welcome, Boingboingsplat. Recognize me? ;)
Who wouldn't? :D
Heh, nice name.
Welcome to the forum boards Mr. Boing. Is it okay if I call you that?
(Just kidding)
Hi im new here and im pretty impressed with this forum
I think that was the fastest CT ever.
Besides "banned", of course.
I don't think the two "members" who were banned based on their names got banned that quickly.
I think that was the fastest CT ever.
I don't know, I think Reading's CT came pretty quickly too.
i know that im gonna sound like a noob but what does CT means
CT stands for Custom Title, in regards to the words underneath a user's name. But you don't sound like a noob for that reason; you sound like a noob for not using proper grammar and spelling. Just take the extra two seconds to spell out words and use proper punctuation.
oh,how come i got one so fast
Someone liked your name, I guess.
More like, someone likes the Bacon Cheddar Ranch.
Kudos to whoever gave him the CT.
so do the moderators give you the CT?
oh thanks
I still can't officially return yet, but I will give you guys an update on the situation.
My mother recently got a job as a janitor for some uniform company that I don't know the name of. With two parents working, there should be two paychecks now. She says that she might get the internet back in a few weeks. Of course I'm expected to help out too and apparently keeping the house clean is the way to do it. No biggie. It keeps me busy and I can't stand pigstys.
Still, a shame that I won't be here on my birthday which is a week from now.
I lied. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=7022.msg475203#msg475203)
Also... I lost my old E-Mail address.
Hey man, back with a new name I see.
Meh, after coming back, thinking that I matured, and having a post moderated right out of the bat, I guess I still had to find more ways to mature.
Dude, you're far more mature than a lot of people on this board. Including me, 'cause not too long ago, I left for a week after throwing a huge, dramatic fit.
Welcome back Aarom! :D Hey, I think that you were a lot more mature than some other people here! :D Well...welcome back!
Welcome back, and I feel that it is necessary to say that you have a nice name. :)
Alrighty. Now I have officially returned. Much sooner than expected. I guess I need to have more faith in my mother (and she says I need faith in myself. Oy...).
Backo, jacko :D
Namaste! Returned a bit ago from a week-long trip to India, and I didn't get so say anything about it about three days before or after, as my home comp is basically broke.
Hope you had fun!
Well, it was shocking to see the thrid-world first-hand, but there was plenty of nifty temples and mosques and whatnot to see. Seriously, though, it's opened my eyes to the state of the world--and I'm really depressed.
Ladies and Gentleman, David's reign of terror on the blog is over. Haha, just kidding!
However, I am happy to announce that I have finally decided it was time to return to TMK, and once I get the "OK GO" from MB/Deez, I'll go ahead and post to my little heart's content. In the time I was gone, a lot went on in the Mario world, but since most of you already know the stuff that's been announced, I won't bother posting older stuff. I'm going to start fresh!
So be prepared, because Super-Jesse is BACK! (I can already hear Chup weeping tears....of joy!)
I'm glad that you are back, SJ. How's the baby?
I'm glad that you are back, SJ. How's the baby?
He's doing good! He is 12 pounds by now I believe, right where he should be, thanks for asking!!
Good to have you back SJ. :)
All*right!! SJ is back!! Everybody do the Mario!
/me dances.
Yay! SJ is back! :D
Big baby you've got there!
He's been back for a while now. Where were you?
Where was I?
/me thinks about it
I was gone for about a week! Technical difficulties.
The Rad'ster has officially landed into the forums of the awesome TMK website! Therefore, hello people! =)
What's chillin? I registered a while ago but I forgot which e-mail address I sent the Confirmation e-mail to. I finally found it and here I am.
Wow, you registered way back on March 10. You must have a lot of email addresses if it took you that long. :P
March 10 is a very good day to register!
Hey, everyone! New member here; I've been going to TMK for a long time now, great website, and I'm glad that I finally got around to joining these forums. You can call me Great Gonzales, Gonzales, GG, or whatever!
Awesome name, Great Gonzales.
Go Jumpman! Wait, what?
Welcome (back) Corleone! And welcome Gonzales!
Can I call you late for dinner?
You can call me Great Gonzales
Welcome, Mr. Gonzales.
May I call you Speedy, Gonzales?
Speed does not necessarily bring greatness. (Look at Sonic.)
Eh? I'm not sure what you mean Max.
It was a joke based on the name of The Great Gonzales and Rao's comment.
Yeah, I get that, but what does greatness have to do with it? In my book, Sonic is great.
That was another joke. After all, we're all "supposed" to "hate" Sonic, right?
Um, haven't you guys ever heard of Speedy Gonzales?
After all, we're all "supposed" to "hate" Sonic, right?
It didn't really sound like that's what you meant in your joke, but it doesn't really matter anyway, because I understand it now.
BTW, I do know who Speedy Gonzales is (the little mouse who ran really fast in Looney Toons).
Hey... ;)
Whoa! Markio! We haven't seen you for a few months!
And you bring good news, I see.
Hi Markio!
This time, stick around Markio! :)
Hey, it's Markio! Welcome back! :D
I'm sort of a returning member. I've been here many times, under a different name, but I forgot my password andn made a new account. Maybe someday I'll reveal my old alias.
Tell Deezer which accounts were yours and he can merge them.
I'm sort of a returning member. I've been here many times, under a different name, but I forgot my password andn made a new account. Maybe someday I'll reveal my old alias.
Hey, you wouldn't happen to be white_arrow, would you? Just a guess.
I apologize if i haven't been here for a long while now, but it's because i've been busy on another forum and i've been a regular there. I'll try to come here as best as i can, but i cannot guarantee anything. But no need to worry, i haven't forgotten this place, that's for sure.
Hey, you wouldn't happen to be white_arrow, would you? Just a guess.
Nah, I'm Hyrulian AKA LZR. Somebody merge me! I'd like to keep this new name, though.
Welcome back!
Thanks! I've missed this place.
Nah, I'm Hyrulian AKA LZR. Somebody merge me! I'd like to keep this new name, though.
Oh, hey dude, welcome back!
Well... if it isn't Hyrulian! Long time no talk, and welcome back!
how can i post?
Um, you just did.
Rao is delicious troll bait.
It should've been "how i made post," but still funny.
Can someone help me turn on my PC?
How do I breathe?
Greetings! Your sensible style of writing is much appreciated. Have a nice time!
You're French? Wow, you seem to know English really well. I'm learning French right now, but I'm not all that great at it. At least, I'm not as good at French as you are at English.
I've always wanted to go to France...
The second I leave, and the good discussion comes back. Now I'll resume posting again, but only on weekends. :D
Good to have you back, TC.
Hey, I'm Akkad. I signed up sometime in the summer, but I never posted =[. I used to visit this site every day years ago, but I didn't know that there was a forum here. I found the site recently, so I registered.
Welcome to the forums Akkad. :)
I hope you have an entertaining stay, Akkad.
Hi Akkad!
I feel like I haven't been around here for a while myself.
Hey, Akkad! This is a really cool place. Hope you enjoy it here! Post in the Mario Hotel.
Yeah, so when do we go back from the ad break...now?!?
Hi, I'm Brayds2006 and I'm New here. I am from Australia.
Welcome! That's neat that you're from Australia.
Hey, welcome to the site Brayds2006!
w00t, another Australian member! Welcome, Brayds2006!
It's always really cool to have members from countries other than America.
Well, even though I haven't quite "come back" yet. Just here to say I have no intenet at my house. We moved a while ago to a new house and we haven't gotten everything sorted out just yet. So for now I'll only be around here very briefly and every other day... because I'm using library services. School has also been somewhat of a major issue on my schedule.
That's pretty much it.
uhhh...I guess I'm "back" from not ever coming to this website. Hello :)
Hi there. May name is Sam Beckett. I am a 36 year old working class labour from Yorkshire.
However unrealistic this may sound to you, I am a doctor (became one about a year ago).
Anyway, I hope I am welcome here, and bid you all a good day.
PLUS, do I have to make a certain amount of posts to create a topic? The buttons aren't there.
Greetings. How is Al doing?
Yes, you can't create topics yet.
I do enjoy the Quantum Leap series, but I promise you, I was born almost two decadesbefore that show. It is coincidence that I have the same name (I come from an American family).
And thank you for the information.
Heheheh. I was thinking the same thing, unfortunately. Welcome!
Welcome Sam!
I'm new here. I've stalked the forums for quite a while before joining. I like how these forums are so well thought out and not like the other craptastic forums I've seen. For anyone whose wondering it's pronounced PRES-I-DEN-TAY.
Welcome Presidente! Nice username! :D
and welcome Stem Johnson!
I just joined, and I gotta say, it has been pretty cool so far.
Thanks Pt_Peach. And hello Stem!
Well, I'm Back. :D
Welcome back.
HEY! I'M TSUGI! I love the Mario games out there! My favorite one is Super Mario World. Favorite character is Dr.Mario. I hope I could fit in. I love making Super Mario Bros. illustrations. Is there a fan art Discussion? I'm anxious to meet the people and the fans of the Mario series.
Oh, yeah. This is kinda late notice, but I'm back.
Greetings, Tsugitomo!
And welcome back, Captain! IRC's cool too, of course, so I hardly even thought of you as missing.
Welcome back WarpRattle, Captain Jim! And welcome Tsugitomo! :D Have fun here!
...When did I leave?
Oops! You were saying welcome back and I thought it said "I'm back"...hmm...alright. No big.
Hey, hey hey!
Hey, guys! I just joined because I love TMK! Um, I'm a really nice person and I love to make friends and... I dunno what all to say but I hope to see you around!
We've already spoken in the chatroom, but hello to you.
hello, TMK I am new but have lurked around the forums for more than 2 years at least before registering.
Oh yeah? Then answer the question: Who is my archenemy?
My question: Name the Grammar Queen and Grammar Princess.
Thanks, Warp.
Hey guys. 'Member Pichu25? He's me, and I'm baaaaaaack. Forgot my p-word, dad's e-mail adress got changed (was using his at the time), somehow got logged out (set to forever), then BAM. But I'll be a better member now. Got Wi-Fi now (yiy!). See ya 'round!
Hey, you evolved! Tee-hee.
Errr.... don't use yellow text.
Bird Person's post = seconded. Colored text is bad, except on occasion. It just gets annoying. Aside from that, hi and welcome back!
Hi! The Pt_Peach is back!
Well, well, welcome back!
Long time no reply, Peach!
Welcome back Pt_Peach!
You were gone?
Hi guys. This is Metal_Slug_Mario. Who, apparently sometime in June, made some "vow" that I'd never visit this place again. Fortunately, I am terrible at keeping promises so here I am again.
I kept remembering how much fun I had with the topics and how I missed em, but most of all, I missed the members.
See ya in two weeks!
Hey hey hey, MSM!
Hello, Flux here.
What's cookin'?
Roast beef and some rhubarb pie. Yourself?
er, nothing atm.
*eats your pie*
Automatic teller machine? This guy's crazy.
I don't think I've been on here for a year or so but I returned today with a D.S. question. I also just picked up a Wii this past Christmas and will probably have some questions about that before long.
Welcome back!
Hi guys. This is Metal_Slug_Mario. Who, apparently sometime in June, made some "vow" that I'd never visit this place again. Fortunately, I am terrible at keeping promises so here I am again.
I kept remembering how much fun I had with the topics and how I missed em, but most of all, I missed the members.
That quote by LD was most likely inspired by me "leaving" the forum all of those times.
Hiya. I'm missingno. I'm a new member. I joined around early January, but I didn't get my activation for a while. I was checking my email today and it turned out I had gotten it after all, it just took a while. So here I am. I'll probably be a frequent visitor.
There goes all the league Hall of Fame data... Welcome, MissingNo.
I'm glad the Yeti (from SkiFree) and Phanto aren't here. If they were, it'd be the end of the universe. Anyway, welcome, missingno.
I hated that Snow-monster / Yeti.
Was it possible to get past it? Back in grade school, there were legends that it was possible. I don't know if it is though. I should check Youtube.
/me checks Youtube.
Judging by this video, it is possible... but who knows how legit it is. I hated that game.
Arr, welcome to the site missingno. Aye, the real missingno was found at sea, if ye all remember.
Ah yes, I remember missingno from the pokémon games, There is pretty much a missingno for every version now!
and [omg] the YETI... I always was screaming when I was a kid to get away from that. I even climbed uphill for 10 minutes and found him hopping up and down, smiling. =(
Thanks for the welcoming, everyone.
I remember that yeti from SkiFree. I'd play that game a lot when I went to my grandma's house when I was five or six. That yeti was annoying at times, but I couldn't help but laugh when it came. I suppose I just found it funny. I sometimes miss the old Packard Bell.
Oh, hey, missingno!
...Yeti? Fill me in, here (but if you want to talk about weird yetis... Urban Yeti, hands down)
Here's the official site (http://ski.ihoc.net/) where you can download a 32-bit (so it works in XP) version free.
Apparently SkiFree was also in a collection that got released on Game Boy Color!
I never heard of this. I'll have to get it. That way when I rebuy a GBA SP, I can play Ski Free wherever I go. ;-)
Oh, and I looked into it. The yeti in actuality is just a creative way for the ski run to end.
More games need to have your character hunted down and brutally murdered while you're still in control after each and every play.
The GBC title that contains Ski Free (Best of Entertainment Pack) appears to be quite rare. Not a single copy on eBay at all.
I believe I still have the original Best of Windows Entertainment Pack disk somewhere...
I'm guessing my grandparents had that.
Chip's Challenge was, by far, the best game that has ever been put onto an entertainment pack.
A close second would be Jezzball.
And still third, LifeGenesis.
Chip's Challenge, Jezzball, and TriPeaks are easily my three favorite games from BOWEP. For some reason, LG wasn't in there, though it was in the GBC version...
Life Genesis I never really understood at first, and even after reading the rules I still don't understand it...
I love Chip's Challenge!
As of Terms of Chip's Challenge, I never did beat "WRITER'S BLOCK" I kept trying till it fianally said, "You seem to be having trouble with this level... blah blah blah..."
Some of those levels seemed IMPOSSIBLE...
Chip's Challege was on the Game Boy? Ohhhh...now begins my latest gaming mission: search for a copy of the game you guys were just talking about.
Chip's Challenge was not on any of the GBC collections. It was on the Atari Lynx, though.
I'm pretty sure that Chip's Challenge was came in the "Best of Entertainment" pack... Or something like that.
And you can pretty much search it in whatever search engine and download it.
It was part of BOWEP (Best of Windows Entertainment Pack) and one of the regular WEPs. Also, you can download it from here (http://donotcare95.googlepages.com/chips.zip).
Some of you may remember me from.... the past... well I'm back, but I probably won't be on as often as I used to be. How's it going? What did I miss? Also..... SUBSCRIBE TO ME
HAHAHAHHAHA (I fail at advertising)
Ah! Welcome back! (wait, were you even here since I've been here? Oh, well, just trying to be nice)
I think I remember seeing your name around here once or twice, so yes.
New member here. My name is Jeremy and I'm sure I'm a lot older than most of you here but I don't care. =)
And I LOVE all things Mario!
Oh, lordy. I haven't been on here in a while.
New member here. My name is Jeremy and I'm sure I'm a lot older than most of you here but I don't care. =)
And I LOVE all things Mario!
You're only 8 years older than me :P
New member here. My name is Jeremy and I'm sure I'm a lot older than most of you here but I don't care. =)
And I LOVE all things Mario!
there are some people here that your only 1 or 2 years older than some other members here
Hey guys,
I have found this funny post with different funny Mario mustaches sketches. I have picked my favorite and its your time to pick your favorite Mario's mustache. (http://www.pollsb.com/polls/poll/6276/your-mario)
Hello to you, too.
You're only 8 years older than me :P
You're so funny.
I'm an ancient member! I just decided to see if my username/pass still existed and BAM! It does! So maybe I'll post sometime! Huzzah!
Well, well! Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Ah, hello! With a name like KinopioToad, though, you seem like you've been here all along (well, technically you have, but, well... you know what I mean).
Welcome back!
We techincally have the same name!
Hey, that reminds me--is it a coincidence that "kinopio" sounds like "pinocchio" in reverse?
you all know what my name is, so why should i rewrite it in the body of this comment?
Toad: Yes, indeed we do. Except mine's a bit redudant. But don't tell that to the 12 year old me. ;-P
Everyone: Thanks! Tis good to be back. Now maybe I'll re-join the chat and not idle. Anything can happen!
yeah, I'm Chuck Norris. I just joined today.
But your sig says you're not Chuck Norris. What am I to believe?
But your sig says you're not Chuck Norris. What am I to believe?
you should beleive Chuck Norris.
i mean my username is chucknorris.
i mean my username is chucknorris.
yeah, I know
well WHATEVER man...
oh hi guys, I'm wheelman543 an I registered a few hours ago
well nice to meet you wheelman543!
Whoa, I dig the avatar man. :)
im new here how to post message??
Whahahaha, I think you figured it out.
Bump, bump, don't get banned.
Just stopping in to say hi! I'm having a ton of fun with Smash Brothers Brawl at the moment and all of the Mario-y parts reminded me of this place.
Good to have you around.
Oh man. Back from a four year absent I see. Well, actually it's more like one year, but you didn't really post that much in 2007 and 2006. Welcome back.
Hello. Sorry I haven't been here a lot.
Sorry? I see no reason to be sorry. I mean, this is a great place to be, but I don't think it's necessary to apologize for not being here. It's not like you did anything wrong, right?
Hi, I'm new. Can someone point me to the "Mario 3 beta levels" topic? I tried to search, but I couldn't find anything.
PS: I have a personal site located here: http://sora.phppoll.org/
If you're interested in making games you should stop by.
Yay I'm back look at that. Yay.
Wow-- and right off the bat, you're back in the Game Blog. It's good to see you again.
Yay I'm back look at that. Yay.
Wow, you seem so... enthusiastic. I, for one, am pretty happy about that fact.
Praise the Lord, he's returned!
I'm back again for a second!! Just felt like stopping by quick to say hi and see how many people I could shock. :) Hello to everyone who is back or new here! I used to come here often (like a million years ago). How is everyone doing?
Super-Jesse's back!!
I'm back again for a second!! Just felt like stopping by quick to say hi and see how many people I could shock. :) Hello to everyone who is back or new here! I used to come here often (like a million years ago). How is everyone doing?
Holy crap, it's been ages! Nice to see you back Yoshisaurus Rex, even if it is just for a second.
(Yeah I know. I broke the rules of my own challenge.)
I want more YR posts. You were one of the best posters here. :(
It's nice to see you're still alive and well though.
It's also awesome that Super-Jesse is back. The Game Blog is much more fun.
Hello! I'm Turtlekid1 (as indicated by my username :P). Before the name generates any misunderstandings, Turtlekid has been my nickname since before I played Mario games; I actually like Mario better than any koopa. I'm sure I'll enjoy being here!
PS: I enjoy video games and slightly overcooked lasagna (just another coincidence, I swear).
Welcome, Turtlekid.
...Don't you remember me?
I am very happy to be here again and I have a lot of news for you!=D
1) I have just started University
2) I got lost in Darkland these years ^.^''''
3) I am officialy the Admiral of Darkland and I work for King Bowser! Long life to King Bowser! (that's since when Mario ate all my ravioli)
In other words, I am in the other side now: I'll be eviler than ever! Mwaaaaa ahahahahah! ]XD
..But my English is getting worse...T.T Be patient with this poor meeeee!
Ah, Super Caterina! That name brings back good memories.
Hello my name is Keiji Dragon. I have been lurking for a several years now, so now I'm revealing myself now. I've known the site for QUITE a while.
I have know and played Mario since SMB3 (Skipped most of the SNES & N64 eras).
Of course, video games aren't my whole life. I enjoy watching wrestling, listening to anime, video game, R&B and Hip-Hop music (particularly Eminem), as well as playing Basketball, and of course, interested and always concerned on how reality and life works.
Here's basic rundown of my interests:
Video Games
Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Crash Bandicoot, Mega Man (Legends|Rockman DASH all the way baby), Elite Beat Agent, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy (IV, X), EarthBound, Chrono Trigger, NiGHTS, etc.
Favorite Books
The Outsiders, Beowulf, Game Over, Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho (Vol. 1-13), Dragon Drive (Vol. 1-5), Bleach (Vol. 1-4). Books about celebrities.
Favorite Movies
The Terminator, Stand and Deliver, The Simpsons Movie, RoboCop.
Favorite Music/Bands
Video Game Music, (some) hip-hop/R&B (particularly Eminem), R&B/Soul (Jamiroquai), 80's music, Michael Jackson, Weird Al.
Favorite TV Shows
Law & Order, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Trigun.
Grades are always a priority too! Unless I feel to procrastinate.
I hope to make new friends and meet old ones.
Really colorful forum here and really quite awesome site. The best Super Mario site I've ever seen, hands down.
colorful forum
Gray, slightly darker gray, black, and a bit of blue. Yep.
Gray, slightly darker gray, black, and a bit of blue. Yep.
Maybe he meant the member's in the forum! =D
You're very welcome, bro! I also have started with Super Mario Bros 3 (in the collection Mario Bros all stars): it has been not only my first videogame, but also the Game which brought me Super Mario passion!^^
Nice to know I'm not the newbie here anymore...
and welcome, Keiji Dragon!
I'm new.
Yo, Crazy Flaming Monkey Head!
Welcome, CrzyFlmngMnkyHead
I'm new.
I think that I can actually post in this thread now, being gone for almost a month.
You were gone?
Hello again everyone. I have returned.
Super-Jesse returned a while back, too.
Hey, I am new here, nice to meet you people!
What do you have when you turn the lights off?
Now, there are a ton of "dark (whatever)" screen names out there, but this one's decently or inadvertently clever. I salute you.
Okay, my home internet has been down for nearly a week. My dad told me that if it doesn't come back up tomorrow, he's going to call our ISP. Currently on my grandma's dial-up.
i have returned to post here for the umpteenth time.
expect me to stop in a few days when i forget...
also i idle in the chat room a lot.
I think a few of you remember me as Meowrik or Meowrio, but either way, I'm back with a new name. for the past four or five years, my IP address was randomly banned and I couldn't find a way to get back here, but some reason it just started working again. Good times.
Welcome back, Forest Guy (though I never actually knew you by that name, since I stopped visiting the FF for some time before you changed your username again, and then you were gone when I returned). You might know me by the name of donotcare95? Good times.
Hi, Forest Guy! You might remember me by the name of ShadowBrain, even though you left before I was here and I've never changed my name.
yeah you guys sounds familiar. that's cool.
Argh...I couldn't stay away from this place for more than a month. I'm addicted to the Fungi Forums. Does anyone have a cure?
There is no cure for the Fungi Forums.
We also have no funding for research and development, so your just plain out of luck.
So I guess Vid left while I was gone, huh...
Eh, yin and yang. Hello again!
Yes, and people are griping about the Fungi Forums dying again.
Yikes, I thought we were over that hill.
Man, I've said it once and I'll say it again: It seems like every time I go to a forum, it starts going downhill.
Hmm... how could I use this power for good? Maybe I could join a terrorist message board...
Hehe, but do those even exist? :/
Anyway, leaving the forum didn't really change my life as...um, drastically as I thought it would (for some reason, I thought it would get me out of the house a little more and prepare me for college, but I've decided to cross that bridge when the time comes). So hello again.
Hey, welcome back.
ShadowBrain: Don't worry about it. The quality of this board seems to wave up and down. But it's not like it's out of our control--what's the board if not all its members? If the board sucks, it's our fault for sucking! Let's suck less.
Lemons are too delicious for me to stop sucking.
I pretty much did the same thing as you did, PL.
hey, PL nice to see you back. and about Vid, yeah he left but he probably still lurks through here... somewhere.
I pretty much did the same thing as you did, PL.
You mean leave for a little bit and then come back? Yeah, I guess that's all I really needed. Just a short break. I probably shouldn't have given a farewell address, but at the time I really though that it was necessary to leave due to college. But college is still a long way away, so I came back.
Welcome back, PaperLuigi!
Let's suck less.
I need to get that on a t-shirt.
Well, I suppose its a bit of an overstatement to say there's a pattern to be found in the downfall of sites I go to. I mean, the first site I ever joined was the FlashPlayer forums (at eleven or twelve... ouch), which is still up and running. After that, I joined one site--already in bad shape--and some of the people on that site created their own site, which I also joined. I mean, since the two were symbiotic, so to speak, they were destined to go down together (and they did).
Ahh here's the intro area. Well hey.
Hello there! We, or at least I, hope you enjoy your stay!
I haven't been here since, what, Christmas? Anyway, I just picked up skateboarding about 4 months ago and I just got sorta good at it. I haven't been on the computer all too much lately, but I just saw something about a Mario skateboard and the steps led back to here, so I figured, "Hey, why not revisit?" and here I am.
Well, what's new?
Well, what's new?
Vidgmchtr left, there's a new Wario platformer coming to the Wii, and we're considering this (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=11772.0;all) as image and/or thread of the year.
I'm back!
Not that I've been gone all that long, but I am married now. Jubilations!
Sadly, that also means I have to go back to work, also, but hey, we need money.
I'm basically new because the last time I remember using this forum was... like 4 years ago. I'm Tenac, the assmark on JB's right buttcheek.
...Well, I would've introduced myself in a different manner, but hi anyway.
My first attempt of joinning did not send me a email to acctivate, well it works now so Hello there fungi's
my Hello slurrrring man's. Wellcome to A, great board!
I'm back!
Not that I've been gone all that long, but I am married now. Jubilations!
Sadly, that also means I have to go back to work, also, but hey, we need money.
SSBB announcer:Congratulations!
And, Corleone, disregard my PM. The site has "re-died".
Welcome back all!
Hi, I'm new! I just joined literally 1 minute ago. I think that I will have a lot of fun here.
Oh it is fun. Nice to meet you, Hyrdakiller4000.
Nice to meet you too. You also spelled my username wrong.
Because I capitalized the "h"?
That's the mis-spelling.
I'm sorry, Hydrakiller4000. Just a typo, you know.
I think I'll just call him "Hercules4k" for short.
Or how about "Herc4k?" Welcome, hydrakiller4000.
New member here...
Hi. I often go by Zarkan on message boards, although my full username is often Zarkanthesmasher, signaling my love of the Smash Brothers series. I'm an extremely casual gamer, and don't have a ton of money, so don't be suprised if there's a game that I haven't beaten or even played. :P
"Casual", as in "not a lot", or casual as in, "games about ponies and sudoku"?
Well, hi either way! ...I think.
"Casual", as in "not a lot", or casual as in, "games about ponies and sudoku"?
Well, hi either way! ...I think.
Casual as in "not a lot." I have other big hobbies too, so video game's aren't my main thing. The only way I would ever go near a My Little Pony game unless you paid me a substantial amount of money, and then I brainwashed you after you gave it to me so nobody knew it happened. :P
Hello, Zarkanthesmasher. Hopefully we'll have you converted to a hardcore gamer in no time.
Hello, Zarkanthesmasher. Hopefully we'll have you converted to a hardcore gamer in no time
Hopefully NOT, if your definition of "hardcore gamer" is the same definition that sites like Gamespot use, where a hardcore gamer is one that spends all his time playing first person shooters that are all the same. :X
Old definition of "hardcore gamer": One who sets up all-night LAN parties and potentially wears an adult diaper during Halo sessions.
New definition of "hardcore gamer": Anyone who bought videogames on an intermittent basis before 2004.
They had to change it because...
Then: There are Gamers, and then there are Hardcore Gamers
Now: There are Hardcore Gamers, and then there are Casual Gamers
See what I mean?
My name is Beakston and I'm about kicking equus asinus. Hello, TMK.
/me leads his donkey into the barn and locks the door
Don't ask me about my name. You can guess if you like.
Yeah, I've been wondering myself...
See what I mean?
I know! The whole thing's just... insulting.
/me leads his donkey into the barn and locks the door
Hi Beakson!
Hey! I thougt that hardcore gamer is a person who plays everything of every consolle and computer, have a lot of videogames and spends most of the time playing them.
Yeah, that's what I thought...
Welcome, Beakston!
Clearly his real name is Nenson Dubois and he won't tell us because he doesn't want his real name revealed.
No. Nenson Dubois is obviously an anagram of Suds Bon Nenoi, my bathtub-based nemesis! How dare you encroach on my digital life, Suds! At least your shampoo bazookas and bubble bath army cannot reach me through the internet! I told you to stay away from me after the Battle of Cape Conditioner, but your ears must be filled with soap scum because here you are. En guard!
^Post of the Year Nominee^
Tentatively seconded.
Yeah, that's what I thought...
Like I said, old meaning.
But I'm not that old...
Excuse my week long or so absence. I was sorta homeless. Let's hope that next time I leave the house it will be better planned...
Lizard dude may on to something.
That eating cats is good?
Nope. My name.
Ah. You didn't quote him so... I wasn't sure.
I had a sub. teacher named Mr. Dubois.
I will be out of town until Tuesday, or Wednesday, or something like that. My parents and I are going to visit some old family friends of ours.
Nothing will come of July 8. To those whom I previously spoke to about this date, I am no longer concerned with said issue that bothered me. We'll see how it is next year.
What's this guy talking about?
I like to whisper too!
Im new here, well to be specific new MEMBER i have been visiting here since 1999 but never got around to actually joining infact i posted a message in the mailbag regarding a supposed mario cameo in a japan only baseball game way back in 00-01 under the name mike. anyways i feel my life now has a purpose since i have joined you guys. oh yeah i DO have a life but i thought i should try and suck up.
That's... heartening. Welcome.
He is either boycotting against capitalizing single I's, or else he just loves everything made by apple.
"He's an iWitch! He must be destroyed!"
Welcome, Starlord.
Well, since I haven't exactly been as active as before (I'll bet no one could actually tell.), I suppose this is my announcement that I'm back. Kind of. I'm probably still not going to be more active, but at least I'll actually be online.
To inform anyone unaware, I've been in a slow process of moving. Really slow. About the day I got out of school(June 13th), we had to get on some planes to Texas for a family reunion. We were coming from Savannah and taking a connecting flight to Atlanta that would take us to another flight to Texas. My mom was supposed to leave us (My siblings and I) after the first flight to go to Seattle. (We're trying to move there.) The first flight was brief and went along nicely, after that, we scrambled to our next flight. As I walk on up to the waiting area, I see the word/location "Milwaukee." I was rather dyslexic at that moment to say in the least. I called my mom just after she boarded her flight to Seattle to tell her what had happened, and it turned out I missed the flight to Texas. She had to get off her flight to come to us because the people that worked there couldn't do much for the situation. So we all missed our flights and went up to a desk to see if anyone could help our situation. It turns out we had to wait until the morning for the next flights.
We got some kind of voucher for our group situation (Which totaled up to $40) and we given the chance to stay at a hotel for the night. We went over to the bus ramp at the airport to find it looking like we were surrounded by illegal immigrants waiting to be deported. We crammed into a bus tightly with more than enough people and made it to the room that night. I didn't sleep well. In the morning we went back to the airport and went to a Chili's for breakfast (Which was very awkward to me. I don't eat breakfasts at airports normally. Specifically not at Chili's.) We made it to our flights with some interesting "running around the airport" memories and ours was still quite brief. In fact, our grandparents turned out to be exactly where our baggage claim area was and we were out of the airport almost instantly. I stayed at my grandparent's house (Which was actually ours some years ago) for a couple of days until I realized I'd rather sleep than be dragged around by my younger cousins/siblings. I had only been on the internet once since I was at my grandparent's house at that point. (My computer was temporarily broken)
So I arranged a plan to go to my uncle's house to stay... mostly away from my siblings. It happened and I enjoyed it there... except I still couldn't use the internet and my computer was still unusable. It also turned out that my aunt and her children (My cousins) came to my uncle's house regularly to babysit his one year-old daughter. So I was still having to run around doing stuff with my cousins, but this time it was slightly more enjoyable. I eventually got a decent amount of sleep. I believe the following week my mom had flown in from Seattle just before our family reunion. At that point it was decided that my mom and siblings would all move into my uncle's house to stay temporarily/until we left (Until the 4th of July) and things went pretty well downhill for me by then. There are a good plethora of details I'm leaving out, but I'm not much for long speeches.
Anywho... I'm still dead-tired and need some sleep. I also still need to get my computer fixed and stop using my dad's. But hey, I'm still in some kind of almost semi-normal internet/computer using state!
IN OTHER NEWS: I have Mario Kart Wii... all I need is a TV. Yes, we haven't moved very much of our stuff here yet.
Welcome back!
That was a very adventurous airport time. I was at a station at the boarder before. It was shameful how they treated the people they were deporting.
Welcome back, Bigluigifan1.0.
I'm back too. Yay...
Yeah, so it's been a long time... I've been busy with my senior year of high school. Since I left, I've gotten a GBASP, was elected onto homecoming court, where I did a Mario-themed skit at a rally with my partner(I saved Peach from a mascot, accidentally killing her with a fireball), went to a dance with a girl, got into a college, and now it's summer and I'm bored and lonely, so hey! Now I won't feel bored or lonely, but rather just guilty for leaving without warning! But whatever. I'm half-new here again now. Hope I'll stick around this time. *glares at himself*
Welcome back, Markio and Bigluigifan (that whole moving process sounded way more stressful than it ought to be)! Great to see both of you back!!
Welcome back Markio.
Even though I don't know you...
I'm sure we can be friends...
...And if you say no, you're toast.
Yeah, the moving process was a rather huge pain. I have a TV now though, so I might post a friend code (for Mario Kart Wii) soon. I can't say you'll see me in the chatroom anytime soon though.
On another note, welcome back Markio!
I, too, have returned. Being deprived of the Internet made me really appreciate how it has raised me. Through the Internet, I have learned to seek out truth and logic in all communications.
Also, being away from your friends for a week sucks.
Remain vigilant.
Not so similarly, I have just returned from a few days of hot and allergen-saturated suffering in Hood Canal.
Nice. Hello again, Bigluigifan 1.0 (are you still in Beta?) and Nice to meet you, Markio (never did meet you before.)
Remain vigilant.
I have returned from my long absence! But my with speakers that refuse to work. My computer says there no plugged in but they are! what's wrong with them?!? They were working before the explosion. Anyway, what's been going on here? I missed this place!
Ah, finally the YouTube poop enthusiast returns.
Paperluigi? I thought you left.
Well, I left for a month back in April, but I've been back since then. You haven't noticed? :/
I guess I haven't been around that much...usually just to update my Super Smash Brothers story.
Hey! Suffix here for a few minutes. I found a router at this camp Arrah Wanna on Mt. Hood (with Longview Community Church), and I'll be officially back on Friday evening.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get started on the daily slideshow recap.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get started on the daily slideshow recap.
I'm not even there and I want to kill myself.
For my sake, or their sake? It's rather irritating for me, but the youth love it. It's less of a recap than a bunch-of-pictures-of-people-doing-cool-stuff-oh-hey-there's-me.
I had no internet for the last few days, so I was gone. Now I'm back. Hi.
Hello [again], CrossEyed7.
And suddenly, it's not so annoying... ;)
I'm back!
Greetings, I am a new member at the forums. In reality, I have actually been visiting The Mushroom Kingdom for quite awhile. I have been a big fan of the Super Mario Bros. series ever since I was first introduced to Nintendo. I normally can't find a lot of Mario sites or forums to join, so I kinda decided to join this one. The reasoning behind my username is that I am also an Ace Attorney player and fan, I am often known as 'Super Judge Bro' in those kinds of forums.
I am also planning to someday create a Super Mario wiki, and slightly base it off of Bulbapedia. (Which is probably one of the most famous Pokemon wikis around). I just need to find one of those free wiki page things, since I can't afford my own host and my parents won't let me anyway, or find someone generous enough elsewhere.
Also for the record, I am addicted to MIPS the rabbit.
Welcome. You could contribute to our wiki instead. It's pretty basic right now, but there are big plans for the future.
I would, but to be honest - I don't really like the way it is set up. I'm sorry. :/
Oh (http://www.mariowiki.com/Main_Page) great (http://mario.wikia.com/wiki/Mario_Wiki), another (http://smw.wikidot.com/) Mario (http://themushroomkingdom.net/wiki_help.shtml) wiki (http://mario.neoseeker.com/wiki/Main_Page).
>_> Hah, I see your point.
However I plan to make mine different and hopefully as big as Bulbapedia. I'm sure the others can't compare to that. But then again, I am just assuming.
Dang, that's the fastest CT I've ever seen.
Oh, and welcome.
Welcome, Super Judge Bro.
How convenient, there's already a period at the end of your name.
...Strikethrough doesn't work for periods, does it?
I quite like the effect it makes, though.
The unibrow effect, you mean?
I haven't been here for a while just decided to come back. I didn't come because I just got a guitar and been really in to playing
Whoa... What'd I miss?
Mostly the unibrow effect...
man, I love doing that.
Greetings everyone,
I'm a longtime (long, long, long, long time, really) visitor to TMK, but tend to be a lurker on message boards rather than an active poster. But now that I have signed up I will post from time to time.
Welcome MvComedy. Enjoy your stay and be sure to ask any questions if you have them.
I'm subconciously pronouncing that name "Em versus comedy".
Welcome, MvComedy.
I guess it's kind of obvious, but I have been back from a weekend trip that I said I was taking a week ago.
So, er.. belated welcome back, to me.
[Even more] Belated welcome back, Toad.
Hello. I had to make a new account. I am dontcare3000. I lost my password. I think my computer changed it itself for security.
Welcome [back], dc804.
Well, I haven't been here in at least 4 or so years. I registered at the age of 11. I am 15 now. Talk about nostalgia.
Amazing, you remember your password after all this time?
Yeah, I still use it a lot.
guess whos back!
I havent been able to post in so long cause ive been trying to enjoy my summer, but I decided to come back.
well here I am
I wondered what happened to Ol' megamush... welcome back.
Oh, yeah, he was gone... Well, hello, in any case!
*Cough Cough*
Hullo, again.
It's been what, 2 years since I last checked in, and about 4 since I was an active member? Or Perhaps it's been 5? In any case, hi!
HEY!! I'm BACK!! It's Elizagoom! I haven't been here in a while, but I'm back! and I have a Wii and DS now. If you want, I'll give you friend codes for these games I have.(PM me if you want my codes. Make sure u put ur code in the PM too!)
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Guitar Hero 3
Mario Strikers Charged
My DS is having internet problems so I can't post those.... :s. Happy 2 B Back Yall!!!! I haven't been here in a year!!! I just still can't believe I remembered my password... Usually I forget those... :D I'm on my Wii on this Website since our real Computer Broke. But that's still fine w/ me! I just can'tpost pics or anything like that. But I'm still OK and glad 2 be back! LOVE YALLZ!!!!!!
Ur Old Friend/Member,
Welcome! Welcome Dairy King and Elizagoom!
thx 4 the warm welcome back turtlekid!
Well, I'm back from my vacation to Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Mackinac City, Tahquaemenon Falls, Pasties, etc.)!
Pictures coming soon hopefully!
After being accidentally banned for nearly two weeks, I'm finally back, thanks to Deezer.
After going to camp for the weekend, I, too, am back, thanks to... me...?
Back from Gustav.
well thank you, its nice to hear that some people remember me
Well, I'm back. I was in the hospital because I was shot twice in the arm and once in the leg because of the recklessness of some gangbanger. What happened was I was walking down the street and I saw a car pull up next to some guy, at first I thought they were just talking so I just walked on by, but the guy in the car pulled out a gun and shot up the entire corner which had like 3 other people on it. I can't fully remember everything, but yeah, hi everyone.
Seriously? Shot? Seriously?
Would happen to have some pics you'd like to share?
I don't mean to sound rude, but he was just shot. I don't think he's in any mood to show pictures.
Johnny_Macho has gotten much manlier for being shot. This makes his name even better.
Great to have you back, Johnny_Macho. I hope you never have to go through something like that again.
Johnny_Macho you are the man. I mean it.
Yes, for you to pull through something like that and not be traumatized is very admirable.
Elevate the man to Johnny_Hardcore, already!
This is why I ask for pics. Show 'em. Then I'll buy it.
Pics or it didn't happen? So if someone's mother got killed by a bolt of lightning, you'd demand pictures of it? I don't think he'd lie about this sort of thing, unless he was really, really desperate for attention.
Both are completely in the realm of possibility, but they are both out of the ordinary. If your grandma did indeed do the thousand gigawatt tango, than it's a crying shame. If you go onto the internet, well, lots of crap gets posted on the internet.
Johnny_macho could have indeed have been shot three times. Johnny_macho could also be a fifty-cent fan.
If your grandma did indeed do the thousand gigawatt tango, than it's a crying shame.
This quote is awesome. I'm going to use it as my sig.
I guess you're right, but for now I'm just going to believe him. He'll show pics if he wants, and if he doesn't, that's fine with me.
I would not lie about this sort of thing. Being shot is a serious thing that goes down around where I live and lying about it is just flat out disrespectful to those who lost loved ones due to being shot. Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable putting up pictures right now and if you don't believe me than that's fine, all I know is that I'm glad to be alive and well and typing right now.
That's fine--I don't flat out don't believe you.
If you're gonna quote me, PL, at least change that 'than' to a 'then'. :X
Hm, maybe I shouldn't have used copy and paste. :\
I'm back.
Welcome back, Glorb; it's been disturbingly un-sarcastic since you left.
Why thank you.
And since my pic doesn't seem be to showing up, it's a screen from Terminator when Arnold drives the car into the police station after saying "I'll be back".
I always pictured your return being more like... driving a unicyle into a chicken coop. But welcome back anyway.
Glorb left? How did Turtlekid survive without having his lips firmly affixed to his butt?
Lulz. Ohai. This is me reporting I am able to go on the Fungi. First, yay for the political discussion. Second, I noticed 3 veteran members "left" (kinda, in my case.) in a row. Welcome back LD, Glorb and EM.
*salutes* Hi, new member here! Nice to meet you all.
Welcome. I'm now officialy back. Story time: One morning, I was talking to my dad (the computer was set up.). "The computer runs Vista, right?" "Yeah." Heres what my dad says: "Me and your mother decided to have you use the old computer." So, I was angry. And then I got over it. The end.
Hello, BellaPiranha! It's great to have a new member who's actually posting.
It's great to have a new member who's actually posting.
QFT. Also, welcome back, Luigalaxy.
From now on I will refer to BellaPiranha as BP.
Welcome to the forums!
From now on I will refer to BellaPiranha as BP.
Welcome to the forums!
Another BP? Oi....
Well, welcome to the forums, BP3.
Who's BP2?
This guy! (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=9326.0) Who coincidentally just returned to the chatroom today.
Oh, yeah, him! I guess I forgot 'cause he's only a chatroom guy.
After emerging victorious over the trials of reformatting my head to accommodate the massive amounts of work required of me, I find that there's enough room to come back here and relax!
I'm glad to see the FF has not become any worse in my leave. I might even visit #TMK from time to time!
You missed the struggle for political discussion freedom (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=12066.0).
After emerging victorious over the trials of reformatting my head to accommodate the massive amounts of work required of me, I find that there's enough room to come back here and relax!
I'm glad to see the FF has not become any worse in my leave. I might even visit #TMK from time to time!
Hey, Suffix, glad to see you back!
Your return art praised, Sir Suffix.
Hi I'm Eblo and I've been a Mario fan ever since I could hold a controller. I have one quick question:
Why does Princess Peach legalize mushrooms that get people high and makes them think that they're giant?
Welcome back luigalaxy and Suffix, and welcome to the Fungi Forums BellaPiranha and Eblo! I believe that question should be posted in the Mariology topic on Mario Chat so it can be more open for discussion!
Hi I'm Eblo and I've been a Mario fan ever since I could hold a controller. I have one quick question:
Why does Princess Peach legalize mushrooms that get people high and makes them think that they're giant?
...because they don't?
Technically Super Mushrooms do make you get high. ;)
Hey hows it goin I'm higuy662. My life consists of this and airsoft. If you don't know what airsoft is look it up or shoot me a PM and I can answer any questions you have about it. Just dropping by here to say hello to all of you guys. So....... ya....... that's me in a nutshell and I'll see you guys around.
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, higuy662.
Haha I get it! "shoot me" a PM. ha... ha... ya.
"look it up"!! Because air is up! Ha!
He's "in a nutshell"! He'll suffocate! Hee hee hee!
Hello, all. :3
Welcome back, good ol' Peach!
You were gone?
Well, it didn't really occur to me, but now that's she's here again I remember she had said something about going a bit back. In any case, hello!
Welcome back!
Yay! Welcome back, Peach. You have been missed.
Hi, my name is Danielle and I have been a fan of Mario since I first played Mario 64 back when I was twelve. I am a Senior in High School. I am currently trying to buy an N64 again, yes, I said again because I gave my other one away to my next door neighbor. LOL, I wish I never did that. The worst thing is that she never even plays it. Anyways, if you wanna chat PM me :-)
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, and good luck finding that N64 (or buying it if you already found one).
All right! Peach has returned!
I said again because I gave my other one away to my next door neighbor. LOL, I wish I never did that.
You should go all ninja and steal that sucka back.
Oh, also welcome.
Oh, and since I forgot the first time, welcome to the forums, Danielle.
Welcome to the Fungi Forums... can I call you SG89?
If your name is The Chef, please don't read this:
The Chef is going to hit on you within a few posts, sg89.
Hey Danielle! Welcome to the forums!
You should go all ninja and steal that sucka back.
Haha, yeah I should steal it back. The weird thing tho is she is an old lady. I'd feel bad stealing from an old person lol. I'll take it back when she dies. lol.
What is an old lady doing with a Nintendo 64 in the first place? I can understand owning a Wii for the exercise, weird.
I gave it to her because she plays Super Nintendo and PSX. Idk why she doesn't play the N64.
Eh, I'm gonna pass on this one, LD.
Yes, I ignored your warning. ;P
Ok, I'm confused. What do you mean Hit on me? As in like flirt. Because since Chef said he is gonna pass i am quite offended, lol. I find myself quite attractive lol. But, I have a boyfriend so HAHA. lol. j/k
Lizard Dude was making fun of him because The Chef has done that with other female members before. Or at least with one's fingernails. Don't mind either of them, they're both a bit loopy.
Fingernails? Ok... lol. I think i have nice fingernails lmao.
How much of a decision could I make if I don't know anything about you? All I had to go by was your message board ettiquette, which isn't as good as Kojinka's or Caterina's, sorry to say. <:)
Virdict no longer cared about. I BE BACK.
Lawn gnome?
I don't really care if you hit on me or not.
message board ettiquete?
What's that supposed to mean?
How old are you Chef?
When in doubt, stalk.
^ Would this look good on the site?
I don't really care if you hit on me or not.
message board ettiquete?
What's that supposed to mean?
How old are you Chef?
I'm 17. Says so in my profile. And I meant that your typing/grammar isn't up to speed. Sorry dollface. ;)
LMAO, my grammer isn't up to speed? I think I have pretty good grammer for an American.
Well, you might want to cut back on the "LMAO"s, but I'd say you're grammar's impeccable compared to most people on the internet (personally, I always strive for proper spelling, etc.)
I always strive for proper spelling
That's a personal grammatical choice! (besides, "strive" doesn't mean "do")
Right, I am not used to talking in message boards. I usually use chatrooms or IM's.
Generally you're supposed to put time and effort into a post on a message board post since you're not in a back and forth conversion with somebody, thus giving you time to think before you speak.
When around The Chef, you have to use Propere Ye Olde Englishe, lest ye stir up his ire.
Wait... I saw a relevant post!
Virdict no longer cared about. I BE BACK.
That was short-lived...
I guess...
Trust me Danielle, I joined this forum back when I was about 15...I know all about having to learn message board manners. I sounded like a dope in many of my first posts.
Edit: Oh, and before somebody burns me, I know it's coming, so your efforts are in vain.
*lights a match under Jman's foot*
*spills his coffee all over Jman's crotch*
Sorry dude!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeouch! My friends take things too literally! This wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that I just spilled gasoline on myself a moment ago!!!!!
Well ain't that the pits?
*tries to light a cigarette but drops the lit match on Jman*
Sorry dude!
Minister: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to a forum veteran. It's a shame to think he was ended by an unfortunate gasoline spill followed by a lit match being dropped on him. Actually, it's pretty funny, but this is a funeral so we should all act sad.
/me is crying from laughter.
Thank you, Jman, for all the years of laughter and tears.
Jman: What tears would those be?
Toad: Why, tears of laughter!
*Sits up in coffin.* What is going on here? Geez, don't you people ever take a pulse? Besides, you all know I drank the sacred water, so I can't die!
/me gasps
*Looks up from the mortuary snack table with mouth full of food* Wait, what? *Cough* What happened?
*sets Jman on fire*
What? His blood jumped out when I put a hot wire on it! He's a Thing replicant!
Hi guys.
Oh, I was wondering who you were (I saw your other posts before this). Guess I should start checking this thread first... Hi and welcome!
Looks like you need a recap of Fungi Forums events.
- Forum Games and Stories was split into Fan Creations and Forum Games (posts in the latter no longer count) in July of 2007.
- A fellow named Super-Jesse joined the staff for a while and did a great job finding various bits of Mario news and dumping them into Game Blog, but he left several months later (presumably) due to real-life issues.
- Lizard Dude was taken off the TMK staff and demoted to "regular" user; on the other hand, Bird Person is now a moderator.
- Deezer banned political discussion for a while, but he re-allowed it after much demand from most of the rest of the forums. It is now allowed in Not at the Dinner Table, which has become something of a catch-all for various "controversial" issues.
- As with the usual progression of time, TMK celebrated birthdays and the forums held the ADVANCED Poster Awards each year.
Oh... sorry, didn't know you were just gone awhile (well, maybe I vaguely remember seeing one of your posts last year--I checked your "last posts" link to clarify--but that's it).
(posts in the latter no longer count)
They still count... in my heart.
Lizard Dude was taken off the TMK staff and demoted to "regular" user
It's true. I poop nearly every day now.
I'm back from my epic weekend vacation with my family and friends. I have a heck of a Brawl shots update to do, as well as several stories to share.
But, that's for another time when I'm not at work..
I suppose Count Bleck must finally come to rest in such a small haven of neautrality such as this.
After all, even one such as myself has found entertainment in the medium known as Video Games!
Count Bleck therefore shall formally introduce himself to the Fungi Forums - I do hope we all get along comfortably, heh heh
Oh - and please - don't mind the small vortex growing in the back, I have NO idea what chain of events caused it's...sudden appearence! :D
BLEHEHEHEHE...BLECK! *Ahem* Excuse me, heh heh.
{{ Yeah, I know. XD <Shrugs> Total Bleck fan here - You'll have to excuse my Bleck-styled posts as a result! 8D }}
Oh no! Everybody run! He's found the Fungi Forums!
....Yes, run - run for your...<Ahem> I mean...come, come - I'm not here for anything other than mildly intelligent discussion about things like...butterflies and black holes, for example. =D
Hmm. <Pauses for thought> Perhaps that wasn't the most ideal thing to say, given the circumstances! Ah, no matter...
{{ :P Dun worry, I'll try not to Go too crazy with it...I just like t'have some fun and such - after all, that's what these boards are for, first and foremost! ^^; }}
I'm a big Glorb fan, so don't be surprised if you see me posting in his style every now and then.
Hey, all's fair in love and Glorb, after all...=P
...There are fans, and then there are guys like you...
Ya know, you could always just enjoy it for what it is...just somebody having fun. Oo <Shrugs> What's wrong with a few entertaining posts here and there.
Fact is, so long as I actually make sure the point is relevent to the post, there's actually nothing wrong with just making a little fun with it too.
Approach with good humour instead of with Criticism...!
Welcome, Count. I sense you shall be an interesting presence in these forums...
Sooner or later the roleplaying is gonna get annoying. People will complain. Of this I am certain.
So am I, but I just figured I should at least greet the guy before I start bugging him.
I like him more than The Chef already!
Ah, but the roleplaying will be used for posts where it's more needed - after all, I don't plan on applying it to everywhere...
But at the same time, nothing wrong with enjoying myself at moments where something just screams an obvious Bleck appearance!
You may not like it, but I'm not here for your leisure...as long as none of the authority folks have a problem with me, I'll keep at it! :P
Why? Because I can...
I like him more than The Chef already!
I never said I liked him less than you, O swami. :P
Hey hey, easy with the bickering!
...There's enough of me to go round all of ya...XD
You actually kinda remind me of Red Paratroopa. That's a good thing. :D
Well, I'm glad. :P <Nods> I've been a member of many boards - both game-based and not, and I'm familiar with how not to totally screw up! :D
Grammar is a valuable commodity in a place where text is 99% of the point of communication, lol
I heartily agree with you, sir. Too few people realize that speech and text heavily benefits from a good understanding and execution of a language.
I'd award you with a mushroom cookie, buuuut I'm fresh out! :D
Grammar is a valuable commodity in a place where text is 99% of the point of communication, lol
Anyway, I'm known as the Grammar Princess around here (among various other titles). You seem to have earned my respect.
But he's actually a potted plant who uses the computer on the same desk as himself when no one's looking. Any pictures of "Max" are actually pictures of the dude who waters him (not knowing that Max feeds on small animals).
Ahem - Previous post that was here was a result of early morning blarg and misreading of the above post! 8D
I really should get something for breakfast eats! XD
Welcome, Count Bleck.
Hola! I was guided to this thread to introduce myself, so..
Greetings! I is Marrie-Chan, I'm from Amsterdam the Netherlands and I'm 24 years old. The reason I stumbled across this place, is because I'm searching for friends for MarioKart Wii online racing. Dunno how to add friends there yet, but we'll get to know things in time right?^^
I am not going to write a whole story about me self, used to be a bad habit of mine..and a waste of time. So, if you want to know certain stuff about me or just my interests just ask. I'd love a good chat!;)
I'm a Nintendo veteran since the moment NES was released in my humble country, so that counts back a lot of years.lol
Nyway, I come in peace! *waves* ^^
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, and good luck finding racing buddies!
I used to come into the chat on occasion, long ago. long, long ago. I don't think anyone would have remembered me though, especially since I went by a different name.
Wow, lots of new people these days. In any case, nice to meet you!
I really needed to find a Mario forum... so, here we go. Hopefully it won't be as nutty as... say, The Hylia. People don't exactly freak over the Mario franchise like they do Zelda, which is good.
Two new folks in a day? Well, hi! Just try and stick around...
Or at least two new real people. You all definitely beat that spambot, that's for sure.
I will definetely stick around!..I hate spam!XD
I really needed to find a Mario forum... so, here we go. Hopefully it won't be as nutty as... say, The Hylia. People don't exactly freak over the Mario franchise like they do Zelda, which is good.
OMG, were you on TheHylia as well? I were mostly there in art gallery section..That forum is boring!
I kinda still am, but for the reasons listed I don't pop in much. It's mostly "Link is my hubby" or "this game is better it has pretty graphics" or "Is there a fourth triforce?" You know, the really dumb stuff.
-Master Hand-
I used to come into the chat on occasion, long ago. long, long ago. I don't think anyone would have remembered me though, especially since I went by a different name.
I remember that ten bucks you owe me.
And also hi people who came here.
So, another college semester has come and gone. I hope to get some writing done...maybe even continue two of my projects that have been on infinite hiatus (The Revenge of Luigi comes to mind). Oh, and it's my birthday today for one more hour.
Hello ev-raybody! I'm new here...well, actually, I've been a guest here reading the forums for about...4 years now and couldn't join because of complicated technical issues that I don't care to talk about right now. Anyway! I'm happy that I'm finally able to join the Fungi Forums community! :) I'm also going to miss Markio and Luigalaxy. I hope they can drop by every now and then...by the way, I may not be here as much
either due to my somewhat busy life. Oh, and Merry Christmas! :)
Welcome, FlamingBlueMardio. Can we call you FBM?
Hello, and a belated Happy Christmas to you, FlamingBlueMardio!
Thanks! And sure, I don't mind being called FBM. :)
It's okay, I'm back. You can stop holding your breath.
My computer's back up and running (just barely though; it's retained all its crippling viruses). My holidays went okay (I got a whole bunch of DVDs, including Tropic Thunder, some cash, and, for about the sixth year in a row, Eragon), and I intend to play L4D for about ten hours straight once I get the chance. More later, maybe.
Oh... sorry, I didn't know you'd left. Well, in any case, welcome back!
Our garage burned down yesterday, so we didn't have any internet until just now.
Oh, man...I'm sorry to hear that. At least you and your family are safe. That's what's important. Do you know how the fire started?
This should probably be discussed in the angst thread.
Also, welcome back!
My new year's resolution is to frequent this, my very first internet forum, more often.
Um...hi fellas. It’s been four months or so since my last post (for some reason, it says my last visit here was November 6...I think it’s because my family owns 4 different computers and I had to log out from the forum on each one). I just wanted to come back and say hello. I don’t know if I’ll be hanging around full time, but it looks as if the accursed political board has died down a bit (no offense to those who like to squabble over religion and politics lol), so you might see me often.
EDIT: I totally forgot about the Winter Awards. Why did the majority of you guys pick me as Most Missed? I'm not that likable anyway! Seriously, Super-Jesse is 1,000 times cooler than me. Please give the title to someone else. I don't deserve it by coming back just a few days after the voting closed. I bet Max has already made the certificate though. DOH!
Well...whatever. I'm back.
Woot, welcome back! (I saw another post of yours earlier but, well, it just didn't register with me for some reason)
Welcome back, PL. I seriously wonder if SuperJesse will come back.
Welcome back! I missed you very much on the Mario Story topic when you were gone.
Hey, welcome back! Here's hoping you stay a while.
2 years after my last sign off, I'M BACK!
after 10000 years I'M FREE!!
Welcome back!
Paper Luigi! Good to see you again, friend.
EDIT: [darn] it...I totally forgot about the Winter Awards. Why did the majority of you guys pick me as Most Missed? I'm not that likable anyway! Seriously, Super-Jesse is 1,000 times cooler than me. Please give the title to someone else. I don't deserve it by coming back just a few days after the voting closed. I bet Max has already made the certificate though. DOH!
Well...whatever. I'm back.
I was hoping that someone would take notice of my "There's nothing wrong with Chocolate Mario" as POTY. Oh well, there's always 2010.
Yeah, it's good to be back. Eh, sorry about the curse word (I noticed that you edited it out).
Hey guys, I'm new here...This seems like a nice forum. I've already been to the IRC. I got here while looking for Mario sound effects that I could use in my flash animations. I was able to find some and I then found my way to the chat room page. I already had mIRC for other servers, so I decided to see what goes on there. From what I saw, the people there are either playing video games or are talking to everyone else to decide what video game to play next...Do not get under any assumption that I am another stupid Mario fan who does nothing but sit around and do nothing but play the games. Well...okay fine, but I also do other stuff like...erm...well...I have a website. Does that count for anything? No? Hehehe...alright then...I'm another stupid Mario fan who does nothing but sit around and play the games. but there's one thing that I do want to say before I leave this thread today. That is this:
I am not a n00b! ;_;
-Lemmy out
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, Lemmythekoopa! We all welcome you. Just so you'll know, Deezer's the Boss-Man around these parts. So be on your best behavior. And remember, have fun, man! Whooooooo! :D
I am not a n00b! ;_;
Gasp! That's exactly what a n00b would say.
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, Lemmythekoopa! We all welcome you. Just so you'll know, Deezer's the Boss-Man around these parts. So be on your best behavior. And remember, have fun, man! Whooooooo! :D
Hey, what about the mods? And MEGAB¥TE and Chup seem to act admin-like.
Hey, what about the mods? And MEGAB¥TE and Chup seem to act admin-like.
Oh yeah. Them too.
No offense Lemmy, but claiming you are not a n00b, and then typing said statement in oversized black text, is contradicting.
But... but he is
not a n00b!
But seriously, welcome and enjoy yourself, lemmy.
No offense Lemmy, but claiming you are not a n00b, and then typing said statement in oversized black text, is contradicting.
No, he clearly used oversized white text.
Actually, this is white.
This is black.
I am suddenly reminded of those "say the color of the words below" things they put on t-shirts and use to weed stupid people out of Mensa.
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.randomhouse.com%2Fimages%2Fdyn%2Fcover%2F%3Fsource%3D9780307429605%26amp%3Bheight%3D300%26amp%3Bmaxwidth%3D170&hash=32a13552c3bf026d8ac3993928c20de8d0c983db) (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fphotos-g.ll.facebook.com%2Fphotos-ll-sf2p%2Fv47%2F160%2F73%2F55303319%2Fn55303319_30430742_1799.jpg&hash=c186ecd28f290ee544bf3bc4fd890ef7ae0c2f70)
You may have noticed I'm back... I hope no one missed me too much...
*looks around*
...guess not. Well, you won't get rid of me that easily.
Wait, so no one else has posted here in almost a month? I could've sworn... well, I guess it was the "I'm Going Away!" thread.
Yellow, I'm new here
unless you're on MFGG, you may not know me...
I'm back (surprisingly) from my unexpected vacation from the 'net. Hello, all. Hello, internet...anyway, I've been gone for a while now due to some technical difficulties, but now I'm back.
Oh yeah, and welcome back, Turtlekid1. :)
Welcome back to you, as well, FBM. Hope the internet troubles stay away.
OH No new person! AHH!
Hello, Fungi forums!
Coolest user name ever.
Though I'll feel uncomfortable every time I address you, welcome.
Oh no! Are you... a zombie!?
I hope you people realize that's not his entire username...
Coolest user name ever.
:D Why thank you.
Haha, now what would make you think I'm a zombie? >.> <.<
I'm only here because I was a and still a Mario fan from when I was a little kid. I loving find new hidden stuff in the classic and sometimes modern Mario and other Nintendo games. I have found tons of things ranging unused options to sprites.
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, TLB! Make yourself at home.
I already posted a few but I just noticed this thread. I guarantee I am cooler than everyone here, even Deezer and Glorb.
Anyone who declares themselves cooler than Glorb and Deezer is automatically uncool. Sorry kiddo.
I already posted a few but I just noticed this thread. I guarantee I am cooler than everyone here, even Deezer and Glorb.
And you're humble, too!
With modesty like that, how could he be uncool?
But seriously, welcome.
Welcome, Ped Xing!
I planned on ignoring him, but that would've been jaywalking. So hi!
I'm back. Again.
As soon as I got home for Spring Break, I got terribly sick. Go figure.
Hey howdy!
Welcome back!
I'm back!
It's good to have you back, TEM!
Wheelman543! Wassup, buddy! Haven't seen you in forever! Man, those were some times we had together.
have been too obvious?
I'm back.
I've found my new wallpaper. I just pray that my computer can handle the awesome.
I am moving to a new account named mario3648. (Delete this Account plz admins. :3)
...who are you again?
I think I remember you... there's a lot of people here with Bros. or Super or something of that sort in their name.
He's the guy who made a thread a while ago saying "I'm gone *****es!!! Please don't cry..." after like ten posts and everyone was like "Who are you lol"
Welcome back.
This thread? (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=11087.msg489889#msg489889)
Welcome back, though.
It's The Man Who Makes Everything A Title! Even Better, Individual Letters And Insignificant Words Become Titles!
Hiya I'm new here. I recently started getting back into all the older Mario games again and while looking up info on that whole "L is real 2401" nonsense, I found this forum and I must say, looks like a fun little place so I thought I'd join.
Btw yeah, I'm a girl.
...so yeah, Hi. :]
Welcome to the site Stephzie! :)
Welcome to the forums! It's always nice to have more FFFs (Fungi Forum Females).
You just made that up now.
Yes. Yes I did just make that up.
I like it.
I always thought we called them Female Fungi Forum Fmembers.
But yeah, howdy. The Chef's going to try to hit on you.
But I'm all outta pick-up lines. :(
That's for the best, I think. ;)
Welcome, Stephzie!
What up, Stephzie?
Hello there.
Welcome back, Pt_Peach.
And welcome to the Fungi Forums, Stephzie.
Hi, Stephzie! I won't hit on you unless you want me to.
Sorry guys, I am already taken. ;D
Hello Stephzie!!
uhhh I was gone for a while, so hi, I'm missingno. I'm back-ish.
/me suddenly has 128 Swiss army knives
Welcome back. And cool custom title.
Now I REALLY want a CT :\
Trust me, no you don't. Custom titles are way overrated. I've had mine for over a year for a stupid joke I made with Lizard Dude.
Trust me, no you don't. Custom titles are way overrated. I've had mine for over a year for a stupid joke I made with Lizard Dude.
Ohh... never mind then.
Welcome back, missingno. And that's the CT you were born to have.
I laughed at FBM's new CT.
Why are you talking about custom titles!? Do you WANT this thread to get locked!?
Why are you talking about custom titles!? Do you WANT this thread to get locked!?
Whoa! Suddenly we have new female members at the old FF? That's been rare over the years. I'm just popping in for a quick chat before finals week, during which I'll be ridiculously busy again.
Hey! Welcome back Jman!
Hi, Jman! And, well, bye, I guess...
Don't worry...I plan to become a regular again once my classes are over. Actually, my two finals are on Monday and Friday, so expect me to check in while I'm taking a study break.
...only two?
hello, my name is steven9wii. i have been here 3 days and 3 people think i am a robot
Three people exactly? I'm pretty sure everyone thinks you're a bot.
I dunno, you could also be a banned member/troll. In any case, please don't stop posting. You're hilarious.
ok i will even make topics
That's...not exactly what I meant, but okay! Anything to entertain me, bot.
Tell me Steven9wii, do you have...a neural net processor? A learning computer, so to speak? Did Skynet pre-set the switch to read-only when you're sent out alone?
I want to know why you don't like llamas, S9W.
well CE7, i dont see llama's!!!
Yup, Skynet pre-set the switch to read-only.
There's no way this guy is a bot.
He's probably just trolling. It's still pretty funny though.
Maybe it's ShyGuy92 trying to get revenge for "ruining" his topic the other day, hahaha.
I laughed at FBM's new CT.
I laughed at it too. "Doesn't actually trust PaperLuigi," that's preposterous. PL and I are chums. :D
But now I'm starting to regret ever asking for a CT. :|
Oh, and welcome back, Jman.
...only two?
Three. One is online, so I can do it anytime next week.
anyone want to add me on wii?
Sorry, I don't have a Wii. I could add you on my Nintendo 64 though.
you mean nintendo DS?
No he hacked his 64 so he can access the Internet and add Wii and DS friend codes.
ok tell him to add 8026464860495860 to it (its my wii number) also tell me his/yours.
p.s. is there a video of this hack? (show link only)
Here's the link, Steven9wii.
Here's the link, Steven9wii.
t-shirt hebdomadaire Wrong Video fabrique fabrique paper bowser fables grade jubilaire objectif 9 t-shirt wiiconnect77
This is what happens when someone gets Rick Roll'd, I'm afraid. Learn to protect your children and friends from Rick Rolling.
I'm back! I can post from work again, but no more of those of crazy pictures had better turn up on his computer..
Welcome back, Toad. :D
Hello fellow Mario fans! Well, I'm new here! So I'd like to introduce myself. This is really my first time I've ever joined a forum, so I don't know much of what I can do on here, but I'm glad to be here!
Welcome, and here's hoping we don't confuse you with Markio.
Thank you very much Turtlekid!
I already posted and didn't notice this topic. :P So hello people of TMK. I am UG. I've known about TMK for quite a long time and it's my first time actually joining the place. :)
I don't post much here, but I'm back. I get a truckload of homework every day and since the school year is windong down, I thought it would be a great idea to post something.
I already posted and didn't notice this topic. :P So hello people of TMK. I am UG. I've known about TMK for quite a long time and it's my first time actually joining the place. :)
Hey, and welcome to TMK.
I don't post much here, but I'm back. I get a truckload of homework every day and since the school year is windong down, I thought it would be a great idea to post something.
Welcome back! I hope we don't interfere too much with what schoolwork you have left...
I finished college as of last Friday, so I am back as a regular, or at least I'll try and post that much.
Welcome back, Jman and RaceDrv709. And welcome to the Fungi Forums, Marwiio and Ultimate Gamer.
I'll try to come back for real this time.
Weather permitting, I'll be making my triumphant return tomorrow.
Weather permitting? Does that mean that you plan on posting tomorrow because it's gonna rain and you'll have to stay inside, or because you're only going to post if you can bring a laptop to the park or something?
It was in relation to the fact that our last scheduled Internet-fixing guy couldn't come out here because of the weather. This time, however, weather was great - too great, because it's way too hot outside right now - and we got our stuff connected again. So, I'm back...
I know how that feels...it was unbearably humid here the past two days.
Just rediscovered my account, will attempt to be more active ;)
It seems likely that I've woken from a deep sleep and terrible dream that started June of 2008. I slipped and fell down a hole that brought me all the way to the bottom of hell. I climbed my way back up, with a few slips and falls managed to make my way back out the mouth... How is everybody doing?
Welcome back. Good to see you're doing better. :)
Hi. I'm new here.
Welcome, yoshisdreamislands. Have fun!
I'm back from my epic journey across the state! My son is fine, and my daughter is back with us. Grand parents were watching her. All is would be right with the world, but my son is not home yet.. I guess we just have contentment right now.
Good to hear, Toad. Say, are there any photos forthcoming? Just curious.
Pics or nothing ever happened, ever.
Pics may be forthcoming. I'll have to see if my wife wants to share pics of the twins. She has a hard time trusting random people on the internet.. Not that I don't trust you guys of course..
I just took a trip and two things that would interest TMK happened:
- I saw a distant relative named Mona. She brought me pizza. I grabbed a hot slice and took a big bite.
- Right before leaving my house I had played a bunch of BIT.TRIP CORE. I started driving and came across a (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.traditioncreek.com%2Fstorefront%2Fimages%2Fproducts_signs%2Ftrail18_4_way_intersection.jpg&hash=779ce7b0cc945b2a81369045eadb8ca7dda7f13b) sign. For a full second I was very befuddled as to why the interface was on a sign.
I have returned. You may now bow down to me.
Oh my, now here's a blast from our more turbulent past.
I see this place is as crappy as ever.
Who is this newest member who apparently is a vetran?
He's sadib, aka marioguy (I think).
The name certainly rings a bell. Any further background information, anyone? I'm personally not the kind of nooblet likely to delve into the annals of TMK history, so yeah.
I doubt there are more than five non-mod regulars still around who were around in those days.
Some non-mod people active right now who had accounts then (regardless of whether or not they used them at that time) in order of join date: Lizard Dude, frostbite, penguinwizard, Jman, myself, Trainman, TEM, and Meowrik.
All newer members believe me...as a six year vet of these forums, the name sadib100 is notorious around these parts.
Oh, I wouldn't doubt it -- His four-post history is truly quite astounding.
Notorious? This is the internet. No one is "notorious" and/or tough on the internet.
I had no idea I missed that stuff so narrowly. I always pictured it being 2001 or 2.
Hello again everyone.
I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I've decided to start contributing again after a few weeks of lurking. I haven't been on this forum for a good two years or so.
Since leaving here, I've learned of and witnessed the true depravity of the greater internet. I've become hardened to society both online and in real life. I have ended most of my previous real life relationships. I've seen, learned and heard things I could never even possibly imagine last time I was here. Though, on the plus side, I feel I am more mature.
This forum itself hasn't gone without some noticeable changes. Some of the regulars have since become mods, while others, who seemed relatively easygoing, have been banned. There is a slew of new users and returned users, I'm sure. Also, Lizard Dude, you don't seem as whimsical as you once were; you seem to have outgrown your jokester ways in favor of a more serious, and at times, cynical, persona. Kind of like myself, I suppose.
Though, what I've noticed above all else, here, is the slight atmosphere shift. What once seemed like a relatively small community has since expanded and thus gained exposure to the customs of the greater internet. The swear filter is distinctively more lax than I remember it being, and people are more open to displaying varying degrees of internet humor and language. I feel that, in some cases, such as the "Forum Games" board, this has been a change for the worse. I applaud the "Serious Discussion" board, but, in my perspective, this place has fallen from grace.
I cannot promise to post frequently, though, due to some issues that are of interest to me, I have decided to rejoin the userbase. So... yeah.
Hey there Area 64! I remember you. Welcome back.
Well, at least he's honest. Hi, Area 64!
So I guess you're wondering why your conversations have been relatively ShadowBrain-free for the last week or so. Well, pull up a chair (assuming you stand to use a computer) and lend a virtual ear...
It was sometime last week--or perhaps a bit before, I can't remember the exact date--when I was suddenly struck with a cold. Headache, a Kleenex-depleting nose, and muscular aches were the primary symptoms, and all I could do was take lots of pills and wonder how I got sick in the middle of the summer. During this period of time, I intended to air my complaints concerning my condition on the Angst Thread, but never got around to it. Time passed, and just when things seemed to be improving, I woke up last Sunday morning (having not slept well any of the previous nights, I guess I that should read: about 3:00AM) with escalating nausea, an inexplicable addition to my already considerable list of ailments. I took some Tums and tried functioning normally, but it got to the point where I only felt comfortable in a bathroom with an open toilet lid. It had been a while since I had thrown up, and I quite literally had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that it was about to happen again... but no! Yet the pain was such that I felt induced vomiting was in order. No dice. I tried drinking water, coughing and gagging, thinking of 2 Girls 1 Cup, and whatever was in me stayed put. Without exaggeration, I think I spent the better part of an hour deciding whether or not to poke my uvula. Eventually, when I realized other people were getting up, I decided to instead throw in the towel (figuratively speaking). When mom heard about my state, I spent most of the rest of the day in bed, sucking down 7up as best I could and eating small amounts of toast. When dinner rolled around, I felt confident enough in my appetite to eat a small amount of heavy food... which later resulted in me becoming so sick to my stomach that I could only comfortably communicate through hand gestures and head jiggles. Oh, and did I mention my grandparents came by a little earlier and I still had a responsibility to pack for an extended hiking/camping trip starting the next day? That's right, and that's the main reason I was gone so long. As you may know, I am a (somewhat reluctant) Boy Scout, and the "50-Miler" trip stretched from Monday morning to Friday afternoon. In essence, with my brother and dad along for the ride as usual, I spent five five days and four nights in the Olympics, hiking considerable distances and braving, among other things, a bee sting (unprovoked! I wasn't the only one, though, and both my bro and dad got it as well), a horror movie's worth of flies almost every day, bears, forest fire-induced detours (it was planned as basically the 60-Miler, then it looked like it was going to become the 45-miler, then copious day hikes and moderate rationalization made it live up to its name), and the possibility of cougars and lightning strikes. There was a picnic when we got back yesterday, though.
...And I was sick the whole time. Never threw up, though! Oh, and I would've posted yesterday evening, but I was busy trying in vain to catch up on GoNintendo news updates.
I don't know why, but I think seeing somebody come back to this board all hardened and grizzly and be surprised to find everyone else all hardened and grizzly is really cool.
But A64, you haven't seen the worst of LD's transformation. For a while back he was a crusty, wiry husk of a former human being until he toned it back a bit.
Area64 reminds of a post-apocalyptic zombie outbreak survivor who has dared to venture out from one of the world's few remaining safeholds, only to discover upon returning that it has been overtaken and devastated by the undead just the same, and that its inhabitants are every bit as wary and grizzled as himself. Deep [dukar], man.
On another note, ShadowBrain, you're a trooper. You earned the oppurtunity to pay $100 for EarthBound.
Thank you for remixing my post with zombie bits added, Weegee.
Sorry that I didn't mention this before, but I left last Sunday to Massachusetts for a very short vacation. Over there, I had no internet access because I didn't have a computer. Anyway, I'm back!
I see this place is as crappy as ever.
Hey you still here Sadib? How's it like knowing your fortune will disappear as soon as congress tells you guys to screw off for manipulating oil prices and instead use corn and electricity to power vehicles instead?
Also, it's pretty cool to see Lizard Dude take a page out of Tsukento's book and turn into the Abe Simpson of the board.
I bought LoZ: Phantom Hourglass. It's pretty easy so far, sometimes puzzling, but very fun.
Hello, there. I'm your newest member and I will not be speaking with you today.
I'm just here to say today I made a halfway decent caricature of Fonzie.
I like this guy already.
I like this guy already.
Well, I am an extra extra clever mongoose.
/me stumbles into the room and makes a loud racket.
Lizard Dude told you guys.
Hey Rao.
Rao's back?!
Hey there! I'll let John Sebastian say the rest (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVS3WNt7yRU).
/me stumbles into the room and makes a loud racket.
:) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness)
Hello everyone. <3 I'd like to get into this place, it seems interesting.
Welcome Dreamy Yoshi. :)
Interesting is one word for it. As an nerf'd moderator, I tend to think of it as more-or-less par for the Internet. In any case, welcome to the FF, Dreamy Yoshi.
I deserve to be banned, I don't know HOW I'm posting. Welcome back, anyway.
Wait...you're welcoming yourself back?
If you can learn to chill out, then, uh, good to see you.
It's been three years since your last visit and you were nine at the time if I recall correctly. You're still not legal to be here without a form but I doubt most will care.
I didn't really put any effort into that because my visit here will probably be short. But yes. I am...welcoming myself...back...er whatever.
Yes, I shouldn't be here. I'm hoping I can stay, but probably I won't be able to. Oh well, I enjoyed my time here anyway.
Welcome back, coolkid!
Meh, I've been around since I was 10, and I'm still not able to log on legally.
come on legally.
Uh...you might wanna change that to "log on legally" Luigalaxy. Just saying.
You can legally join a forum as long as you're at least thirteen years of age or have a parent's consent. That's assuming you live in the U.S.
Well, I don't have any written consent, but my parents seem to be okay with it when I mention it to them. They aren't all "WAH YOU MAKIN DEM THINGS PEEPL CAN DO BAD THING TO YOU TAKE IT DOWN NAO RAWR", but really, I don't see what's so bad about this site, considering that it's a lot more family friendly than the Starmen Forums, despite what the rules will tell you. I.E., back in my olden days, every swear I knew of (even the mild ones) were censored, whilst you can get away from saying anything but an F or S bomb over in Starmen.
EDIT: Holy crap, mods have warmed up to me after all, as my custom title is no-longer "Banned" like it still was when I first logged back on. Thanks a lot, guys.
I say that if you can't tell they're little, don't ban 'em. Unless you have horrible things on your forum.
O-ho-ho! Believe me, you could DEFINITELY see I was little back before I got banned. That was why, you know. I was a really stupid poster.
Uh...you might wanna change that to "log on legally" Luigalaxy. Just saying.
How did that word... um... come to have that meaning, anyway? Or do I not want to know?
I remember you Coolkid. Last time you were here you barely knew how to type. :D
How did that word... um... come to have that meaning, anyway? Or do I not want to know?
It means you've "arrived" at your "destination".
I remember you Coolkid. Last time you were here you barely knew how to type. :D
At least I wasn't like those guys on fanfiction.net who are all like, "lol mro ned sav teh prncess o noes lolololo" ;p.
For those of you wondering why I suddenly disappeared over the last couple of days (I know you're out there)
I just moved back to Long Beach and for some reason my roommate's router refuses to let me connect wirelessly so I have to connect by wire. For some reason, it won't let me access TMK or the board. As such, I will only be on while at school (or maybe during class, like I'm doing right now do ho ho).
Maybe this time I won't be gone for an entire year without warning.
EDIT: OK, it seems I can view the site using a proxy at home. Perhaps my new IP address matches one of a previously banned member?
It's easily possible, considering that the same thing happened to me. It's worth inquiring with the powers that be over it.
So I was at camp all weekend. Other than a mild cut I got on my finger at archery, and a chapel service that was about a mile wide and an inch deep, it was pretty routine.
So yeah, that's why I wasn't here yesterday or Saturday.
Well I see things have not changed here, at all really
That depends on how long you were gone. BP left, font color is disabled, the Randumb Garfield thread went to pot, and Glorb... Glorb is Glorb.
Insane Steve...now there's a name I haven't heard in awhile. Welcome back.
I should also take the time to say that college has taken up a significant portion of my time lately, so I haven't posted in about three weeks.
Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats crackin!!!!!!!
And Brian, I consider myself a lot Glorbier than I used to be.
Insane Steve hadn't posted since he got a Wii... Coincidence?
Hi there, new zelda fan here. :3
Why hullo thar, Miss Moonlight! Hope to see you around often.
Hello Miss Moonlight! Hope to see you around and Zelda freakin rocks.
And, of course, you're female.
Welcome, Miss Moonlight. Hope you enjoy the forums.
Welcome Miss Moonlight.
Good day, Miss.
Hello, ma'am. Hope you have a good one here, and remember: The Chef will try and holla at you.
Welcome, Miss Moonlight. Please, enjoy your stay. :)
And welcome back, Insane Steve.
Is there a reason the new girl had more welcome posts than the return of Insane Steve?
...Insane who? Anyway, your question answers itself by its seventh word.
Kuromatsu was online earlier today.
So I've heard... well, I won't comment anywhere beyond that.
Hello Ya'll I'm Contra Sonic! Yes I know weird username but I'm still Mario's Fan and I was in search of Mario forums and I been going to this site for all things mario and decided to become a member of this forum so hello mario fans!
Welcome Contra Sonic. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome! Don't worry about usernames. Be questionable :)
Welcome... Welcome New Galaxy... Galaxy... Galaxy... Galaxy...
Welcome... Welcome Miss Moonlight & Contra Sonic.
Hey there! You know, a mere twenty bucks will get you into the TMK Fraternity.
I'm a new member here but definitely not a new visitor to the forums, the main site, or the world of Mario games. I've been visiting here since 2001 and finally caved and joined the forums.
Mario games have been my favorite since I got my first Nintendo many moons ago and while I don't have as much time to play as I used to since I'm in my fifth year of college (I'm going for more than one degree) and about to get a real job I still play whenever I need a break from work or studies.
As my name implies I'm a big Pittsburgh Penguins fan and am hoping for back to back Stanley Cups!!!
Hey there! You know, twenty dollars will secure you a spot in the TMK Fraternity as well.
$20 isn't bad; I think I had to pay $35 or so to join Psi Chi (which is the honors fraternity for psychology).
Hello PghPens. Don't let Weegee scare you, he's not as frightening as he seems.
...you have to pay to get into a fraternity?
I always figured you just needed to apply or win a game of beer pong or something.
Sup guys. My name's Crappy Blue Luigi, but due to the whole "luigi" being reserved thing, I'm just Crappy Blue. I've been visiting The Mushroom Kingdom since around 2000 or so, if I remember correctly. Never once thought to join the forums, but I thought "why not?"
So here I am.
Wow, you've been monitoring the site for nine years? Welcome.
Lots of new members lately.
This may just be what will bring the board out of its current rut, so I for one welcome our newcomers.
...you have to pay to get into a fraternity?
I always figured you just needed to apply or win a game of beer pong or something.
For an honors fraternity, the dues take the place of beer pong. Keep in mind this fraternity is academic in nature (the socialization aspect is more or less related to the discipline of psychology, but it's nice since you can make some connections this way and possibly find out about something that will help with a project). You do have to have other criteria as well--Psi Chi requires a 3.75 overall GPA or higher and professors have to recommend you for it. Also, we don't have a "frat house" or anything like that--meetings are held in conference-type rooms.
Welcome PghPens and Crappy Blue (tsk, tsk)! You guys have, eh, been around for a while!
As long as you guys don't start turning into giant ******nozzles seven years from now like 90% of this board, welcome.
Hey, new guys, alright. Welcome, PghPens and Crappy Blue.
Welcome, newcomers. Make yourself at home. :)
Crappy Blue (tsk, tsk)!
... What?
No seriously, I don't get it.
Oh no, I meant nothing bad of it. My friend had said something that involved the words 'crappy and 'blue' and your username reminded me of it.
Yay, new peoples. Hope they're not the type to just ask a question about SMRPG in Game Help and never post again once it's answered.
Oh, and I'm back from D.C. Also visited Gettysburg and Hershey.
Did you buy a (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fen%2F7%2F78%2FHersheybar.jpg&hash=065556646f305a0ceb3b56a9ce7c151460eefa84) while in Hershey? :D
Anyway, welcome back. :)
Got the regular 1/2-pounder, the Cookies 'n' Creme 1/2-pounder, and the Special Dark 1/2-pounder.
Best. Place. Evar.
We used to visit the Hershey factory in scenic Smith's Falls, Ontario every summer until it was shut down by Hershey's head honchos and supplanted by a new factory in Mexico, destroying hundreds of jobs in the process. It's estimated that about 5% of the town's population was employed there.
I'm soooo jealous. I want all of that chocolate, even though it loves to break me out.
Oh, hey, it's you again! How's long's it been?
Ambulance Y, it's no wonder you needed a year and a half of emotional recouperation time after having read the thread you last posted in before your hiatus (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=11972.0). Lawdy.
Welcome back, ledzeppelinrocks. >=D
Well hello there stranger. :D
Welcome back, Ambulance Y. :)
Dear Fungi Fourms,
Yo there guys! It's been, like what, two years now? How's everyone doing? Also, can I post in red yet, or are we still doing the prissy thing here?
Yours forever,
Three years, actually... Welcome back! As for coloured text, no such luck.
Blame inquire with Lizard Dude for as to why.
EDIT: You're never going to live down your early posting history, guy:
What wouldENT Mario carikters say! I dont have a clulew, but thats wer you com in!
the utimet video gamer striks agen!
...No offense.
None taken! House the bade speller now?
Welcome back!
Howdy TLW. :)
I did not login and expect to see uvg posts today. In English.
A good spell check goes a long way.
In fact, the irony of the story is that I'm now know for being very uptight and anal about post, back at SoaH.
hey nightstar here, i live in california, im 15, and im a big mario/nintendo fan. i own a famicom, and many games for it, including mario games. it is my favorite console! i joined here so i could talk to other mario fans. ^_^
Yo there nightstar, welcome! Have some fun, why don'tcha.
(Also, if you could just capitalize your "I"s, be much appreciated. Thanks.)
Hi, I'm ZootyCutie! :D
I just registered today, and I'm really excited to be here!
I know GiftedGirl from deviantART (PuppyLuver on there), and she got me into coming here! :D
You might know me from deviantART, fanfiction.net, The Toon Patrol Boards, Muppet Central, or Wikipedia (where I go as ZootyCutie), or from Neopets (where I go as mabby_o_matic).
Besides Mario video games, I'm also a big fan of Muppets (where I got my username), Homestar Runner, Sgt. Frog, Jeff Dunham, and Transformers.
I can't wait to start posting! :D
Hey, Maddie! *waves frantically* Great to see ya! 83
Greetings. Any friend of GiftedGirl is welcome here. Especially one who's a fan of Jeff Dunham.
Hey there, new folks! May I take this opportunity to direct your attention to the number in your profile labelled "Posts". They are actually known as Coolness Points among those in-the-know, and good things come to those who accumulate them. To garner said Coolness Points, all one must do is be an active contributor to the forum, which means not just posting one question about Super Mario RPG or something and then leaving forever to do the same on similar websites.
tl;dr: We'd love to be graced by your presences on multiple occasions, as opposed to having you just drop off the face of the forums after three posts. And with that, welcome! :'D
Weegee's only saying that stuff because he's extremely lonely and can't function otuside this board :P
Welcome ZootyCutie!
By the way, your username is the most adorable thing ever. Call me strange but I don't mind!
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, ZootyCutie and TLW. :)
Hi all out there!!!
Well my name is Alan Warp Zone em... well I dont´a discurse to this but I´m a Mario fan since... well I can almost say that before my birth I could heard Mario picking coins and jumping. So welcome!!!
A hearty welcome to ye.
'Sup, AWZ.
Also, Cervantes (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=60656), I know you haven't posted yet, but you think maybe you could hook me up with... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivy_(Soulcalibur))
I haven't been able to access either TMK or Fungi Forums from my last computer (don't ask me why, it just showed a "This page does not exist-message), so that explains my inactivity here for the last couple of months.
But yeah, I'm back. Hiya, folks!
Ah, yes, El Gato. Welcome back!
Welcome back, El Gato.
Greetings! Whenever time permits, your talents would be great appreciated in the MS Paint Story thread.
So, you've probably been wondering "Where in the heck is Toad?" Well, wonder no more!
Last Thursday (the 5th), I had part one of my root canal. There was so much infection. They did as much as they could, gave me a rX for some antibiotics, scheduled the rest of the root canal for tomorrow and sent me on my way. Things were going fine until late Monday night/early Tuesday morning (depending on how you look at time). At around 1am, I woke up shivering uncontrollably and running 103 degree fever. I got Toadette awake and we called my mom. Toadette took my temp in the mean time.
Mom brought her blood sugar stuff with her (no, it wasn't a blood sugar issue, thank goondess). We decide to call the dentist in the morning, and that I should cover up with lots of blankets in the between time. We call the dentist and tell them what's going on, they reccomend going to see a doctor and they don't think it's the tooth (even though my mouth hurts in that general area).
We go to see the doctor. He thinks the antibiotics the dentist gave me are not strong enough, gave me an rX for some stronger ones (and some migraine meds. Hurrah!) We pay an astronomical fee and decide never to go back to that particular office.
That's the reason I haven't been posting so much over the past week.
Well it's good to have you back.
I think I may in fact count as a returning member, having not posted in 18 days.
I for one was beginning to wonder. Hullo again!
Hello guys. I'm new to this site, just joined today.
This is just a guess, but are Toad and Bowser your favorite combo in Mario Kart: Double Dash?
Actually, no. My =favorite combo was Bowser Jr. and Paratroopa (I liked light charactors). I was just thinking about how interesting it would be for Bowser to turn into a Toad. Cruel irony.
Welcome, ToadBowser.
That statement seems more ominous than inviting, considering your current avatar.
...But greetings nonetheless, TB.
Greetings. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome aboard, ToadBowser.
Hey guys! I've been gone for a while because my other computer crashed, but now I have a great new laptop with Windows 7 that is amazing so far! It's great to be back!
A hearty "welcome back" to ye.
I've decided to return on this one day of days. So how is everybody?
Downright holly jolly up here. Yourself?
Hey, Jman! ...Wait, it's the 27th--you still here?
Hi I'm new here I am pacmancdi and I look forward to talking with all of yous:D
Greetings, o charismatic one!
Hi I'm new here
I agree.
I am pacmancdi and I look forward to talking with all of yous:D
I look forward to talking with all of yous, too.
I'm not sure if I feel comfortable imagining what a Pac-Man game on the CDi would've been like, but whatever. Welcome!
Er, um, I mean: welcome, and have a good time.
Hey, Jman! ...Wait, it's the 27th--you still here?
Yeah, I'm still here. My new year's resolution for 2010 is to spend more time on the very first forum I ever joined.
I'm returning, if nobody minds. Why am I returning? My Mom died November 13, 2008 (The medical examiner said the 14th but we highly suspect the 13th) and my plans for college have changed. (there goes my 888th post record, to be noted of it's unworthiness.)
Wow... That's terrible to hear, Nenson. I'm at a loss for words besides my sincerest condolences... We're here for you, man.
Sorry to hear that. Welcome back, though.
Wow, sorry about your loss nensondubois, glad you've come back though
I'm also sorry about your loss, nenson. Welcome back.
Hello, I`m new here. That is all.
Hi. What's up with the grave accent?
Where I'm from that's a signal to the local gay community that you are also gay.
I`m also not gay. That is all.
Prove it.
Oh, and welcome to the FF.
His words say no but his grave accents say yes.
You know, some of my friends and I used to hang out with a skeleton. He was a pretty cool guy, but we eventually stopped hanging out with him because of his grave accent.
Did that skeleton ever come out of the closet?
Yeah, he admitted to boning some dude.
As it turns out, he wasn't dead all along! He had just contracted AIDS, which accounted for his gaunt figure and hollow expression.
Oy vey, with the puns.
Yeah, he admitted to boning some dude.
I will forever rue the day you got here before I did to say that.
Prove it.
Look! I`m not talking in a grave accent no more! HA!
Man, you guys spout more puns than a 4Kids voice cast.
You could say these jokes are quite childish.
Alright, which one of you reregistered as Stevenwii?
The sig and personal text seem authentic. If it's not the real deal, the imposter is skilled.
Now we just need to prepare for Steven2wii through Steven8wii...
I'm back. Internet is set up at the new place, so expect to see more of me. :)
Did I miss anything while I was gone? XD
Not much besides a discussion on Pokemon Rule 34.
And Weegee being trolled about the correct names of The Who song titles.
Anyway, good to have you back, Toad. I was beginning to think you had...
/me puts on cool shades
Weegee being trolled about the correct names of The Who song titles.
Heck, even CD Warehouse trolled me by slapping stickers saying "HAI GIZE, THIS CD HAS TEH CSI: MIAMI AND CSI: NY THEME SONGS ON IT" onto classic Who albums. Urghh.
BLEHEheheHEHEHehehe...Guess I re-discovered the place after checkin' the old emails, who woulda guessed?
Anyhow, even though none of you' are ever gonna remember my brief but fun stint here last year, I shall continue to drift around the forums and have some randomly appropriate levels of fun and such...sometimes with a little Bleck'ism on the side, and sometimes without! {But overall, shouldn't be a dull moment either way!}
...BLECK! >D
I definitely remember you. Your writing style was, after all, quite memorable. In any case, welcome back.
Oh, come on, how could I forget you? Welcome back.
Well, that certainly comes as no surprise...NOBODY forgets their first time, after all...:D
Holy shoot, in the 2 years I've been a member here, I've only been here for...about a month. Totally forgot about this place. >_>
Yipes. Ah well, hope to be of some service.
Anyone with the username "Ultimate Gamer" has got to be a cool dude.
Well, welcome [back] aboard.
Well, I must have missed that month. In any case, re-greetings!
Holy shoot, in the 2 years I've been a member here
Err, you signed up in May of 2009. But, at any rate, hello again.
Err, you signed up in May of 2009. But, at any rate, hello again.
Whoops. Forgot about that. >_> Anyway, thanks.
I'm back, *****es!
I'll now limit all references to male genitalia to obscure euphamisms so as not to offend one person.
Excellent comeback statement, Glorb. Good first impressions are a must.
I've been popping in and out again this year. College has been tough, but I try to get here when I can.
im here again
Now how to celebrate...?
Really, Fox? We hadn't noticed!
Really, Fox? We hadn't noticed!
Good. im glad, because if you noticed if i was gone, you probably would go into convusions and died.
I'm back.
Also, I want to apologize to everyone for my *ahem* coarse language and double posting.
*Dogpiles PaperLuigi*
I suppose this would be as good a time as any to say I'm basically officially back after being mostly gone for the first two thirds or so of February. I'll get around to the awards soon, I swear. Falling in love kinda distracted me, I guess.
I'm back (no, it's not because I'm one of those people who always change their mind)! Though I'm back, I'll have less activity (I'm kinda busy lately, so I have stuff to do.)
...you were gone for less than a day.
it was more than a day >.>. me and my family were planning a trip, but we didn't/couldn't go.
Hi, I'm new.
And I'm a PC.
Welcome to the Fungi Forums.
Thank you.
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thefischerbus.com%2Fblog%2Fjames%2FSite%2FInterests%2520_files%2FY%2520HELO%2520THAR.jpg&hash=ec26e1d8b122306bfc177530a50d0ce97f61407b), sEEker!
Helloooo there. Missed you all!
Likewise, I'm sure. Welcome back!
Pt Peach and PaperLuigi return within a few days of each other? It is a good time indeed. I've missed you guys.
Hey folks! Brand new here, just registered tonight. I'm pretty much a lifelong Mario fan (been playing the games since SMB2 was new).
I do have some questions about the forum. Is there some sort of adoption system here? =P
Welcome to the Fungi Forums, Rew.
I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean by "adoption system," though.
Eh, nevermind--just a feature of a couple other forums I've been to. =P
Thanks for the welcome, though!
I suppose I'll submit my questions in here. First off, I'm a bit confused as to the thread starting privileges. I know those aren't given out to newcomers but have to be earned. How exactly is it earned?
You just have to post around a bit. Perhaps starting in Forum Games or something. Anyway, you'll be able to post new threads eventually, although I don't know the exact criteria for the ability.
I hope you do start making threads because people here are scared to (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=9813.msg569263#msg569263).
I'll see what I can do, Lizard Dude. =P
Oh, and I just realized: I joined yesterday, which was MAR10. How appropriate for this forum!
Welcome aboard, Rew!
Meh, I've never been one for thread-making. XD
Hey, alright, new guy(s)! Welcome, all.
I was a lot more about thread making when I was a newbie. I make the occasional topic from time to time now, but only if it's something I think would make for a good discussion (Old Shames on the FF, for example), and not something like "OMG[wtd]BBQOBAMASUCKSBECUZHESADEMOCRATLOL!"
Oh, and before I forget, welcome to the forums, Rew.
Thank you, Peach, Shadow, and Jman!
I only asked about the thread making because of this one idea I had for a thread; it's not something I would do chronically. =0)
Welcome, Rew!
I've been away from the Fungi Forums for a while now, but I'm back. So, what's new, tmk crew? (:
Well, CE7 finally did the awards, and... anyone else remember something significant? I've been gone a little more than usual lately.
Not all that much is new, really. PL and I have been getting into the usual periodic scuffles on NatDT, Tv_Themes is still being Tv_Themes, and the lack of exciting news has even been mentioned on the SMG2 thread.
Oh, there's a new handheld system coming out - that's something.
Anyway, welcome back, FBM.
Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do here; I have a few pages full of posts and replies that I haven't read yet. And it's good to know that CE7 finally announced the winners and runner-ups of the Winter 2009 ADVANCED Poster awards. :D
I'm back.
Oh, we noticed...
(I'm glad. Apparently I... wasn't banned... or the ban wore off...
You were apparently too butthurt to let coolkid stay, however.
Howdy hi hello.I'm new here,and...thats it,basically...so...yeah.
Welcome to the FF and enjoy your stay (here's hoping it's longer than the stays of most promising new members).
Welcome to the FF and enjoy your stay (here's hoping it's longer than the stays of most promising new members).
Greeting and salutations, Jord. Here's hoping that you enjoy TMK's customary "initiation" ritual for new members.
Greeting and salutations, Jord. Here's hoping that you enjoy TMK's customary "initiation" ritual for new members.
Do I have to eat a unicycle?
Only if the gaint Wheel of Selection you'll be strapped to points toward that option.
Only if the gaint Wheel of Selection you'll be strapped to points toward that option.
Hm. Well then.
I'm opting for strapped to a chair while playing Just Cause 2 for seven hours.
Nice to meet you.
How about this weather, huh?
...all that good stuff.
You were apparently too butthurt to let coolkid stay, however.
You got it!
Welcome, newcomer whose name is Jordstar! :)
Jordstar, welcome! Allow me some time to assemble a repetoire of star-related song gags...
Initiation: Start hating me. Everyone else didi, and they passed!
Such a warm welcome! I feel warm and fuzzy inside. :3
Hey, guys! I, too, am new here! How's it goin'? :3
Hey, guys! I, too, am new here! How's it goin'? :3
That's my face. >:3
Just kidding.Welcome!
no ur face
Goo goo g'joob.
Oh, and welcome.
I'm not feeling hatred yet... :(
Well, I don't know about you guys, but Ifidn it preytt hard to type whilst traversing strawberry fields.
Oh holy crap (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle0mbhrlnv?from=Main.HesBack). HYESZ (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MemeticMutation).
So I'm lurking less now. hai gais
hai gais
Luigalaxy just called us "gays", albeit in improper English. This calls for another lynch mob.
Oh, and welcome back for the time being.
I'm back from my weekend trip. Not much else to say except that it was a fun weekend.
I'm a "Mariologist" (but because the word is already taken, let's say I'm a "MushroomKingdomologist"...) since '05. I'm 13. I play Mario games since 1998. I play Kirby games since 2009. I play MOTHER games since 2009 too. I play Touhou games since 2010. I'm French. I like lemon. I suck at everything, even when I try to be good.
... I think I've said everything.
iVelkommen desü ka!
Welcome. Hope you aren't too weirded out by us silly English Knnnnnnnnnnnnnnniggits.
CrossEyed, I'm having a hard time figuring out what language you were using there. Gerspapanese? Also, much welcome to Koopalmier.
Welcome. Hope you aren't too weirded out by us silly English Knnnnnnnnnnnnnnniggits.
Salut, Koopalmier!
Oh, and fox: IT.
That's the most racist candy I've ever heard of.
It's not referring to candy, it's referring to McDonald's' Chicken McNiggits... made only with white meat.
Please, Glorb, don't tell me that you, thriving on jokes and humor as much as you do, have never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Hello. Greetings. I am Shoyu. I would like to inform you that all your base are belong to us. Thank you <3 XD
I love this guy.
He fires off memes completely regardless of the context?
No no that's not awesome. That's horrible. Especially if they're old memes.
hey luigi mario lives across the stret frome me and luigi !TALK you are just not posing
Hello everyone, tough I'm not much of a Mario fan, I still like Mario at least a little bit.
Anyway, you may know me from the mushroom kingdom chat room, and if so, I believe I need no introduction, if that's not the case, however, then well...I still have trouble making them. >_<
The best way I can describe myself is the say: I see myself a somewhat weird person, so don't be surprised if I talk a little strangely, or anything like that, and...that's it!
Heya, Klardy. Welcome to the forum.
Please, Glorb, don't tell me that you, thriving on jokes and humor as much as you do, have never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
**** Monthy Python. It's not funny, and never will be.
omg glorb are funnay
I'm back from my 24 hour trip. I'm sure I haven't missed anything.
I just arrived two days ago at my new house in PA. I will have those Mario Galaxy sounds soon.
Uh, this isn't #tmk, nense.
I know, but I was just... whatever.
College has had me by the throat yet again, thus explaining my most recent absense (end of March until yesterday).
Hello. I am a new member. I am also not a member of /b/ but I am random. Expect to see :) thats not a threat by the way <3
Either you're a bot whose programming tells you to post things at random, or you're just misusing the word "random."
...I felt compelled to point that out in the absence of BP.
If you really wanted to honor BP, you should've slaughtered the guy on sight.
But /b/ is sooo totally randoom! lololol invader zim cows
You missed Lady Gaga. Oh wait that's deviantART.
It's rather disheartening to see that more quality discussion went on during the time I was away doing our school's 30-Hour Famine than in the past week or so. Heck, even Glorb made some meaningful posts.
I love the fact that he explictly pointed out not being a /b/tard.
Wanting to post, but not knowing where or what, I came across this thread. And so I will take advantage of my fairly new... ness, and introduce myself. Yo. Hopefully I'll muster up the courage to actually post more (since, gosh darnit, everyone here seems much smarter than I am, which is quite intimidating). I also generally have nothing of importance to contribute to most conversations, so bleh.
Actually, you sound like the most intelligent newcomer we've had in a while.
I heartily assure you that all the smart people left long ago. :)
Disregard LD's statement.
It was only most of the smart people...
Luigison is certainly one of the remaining smart people.
I more so just try and type as politely and correctly as I can, which only makes me appear intelligent. However, I'm incapable of wit or anything that requires me to think on my feet. :'D But thank you, regardless!
Hullo there, stranger. *Internet-hugs*
I heartily assure you that all the smart people left long ago. :)
It's apparent that you're still mourning the loss of your friend and mentor, Vidgmchtr.
Hullo there, stranger. *Internet-hugs*
*hugs* Hello, person I am certainly not familiar with at all. *poke in the ribs*
Wait, so do you two know eachother in real life? If so, that's awesome!
Not quite, but first online friends count for something, don't they? (http://www.animalcrossingcommunity.com/boards.asp) More drama went on in those forums than in our entire ANGST thread.
Weegee and I go way back, man.
Daphne is planning on making an account on here soon, hopefully. Blame her laptop getting eaten by a virus.
Once she joins, this will be the fifth forum on which we've all been members... Lawdy.
You mean there
are will be two three of you!?
"Lawdy" may be the correct term to use.
I had a lot of fun. Lots of fine dining and stuff. I didn't have fun wearing a tie, though.
And... you have back pain? Huh?
Oh hello all. Just checking in! Life is hectic!
Yes, life is hectic.
I won't get into details, but I've been gone for a week due to having to stay at the hospital with one of the kids. But we're both home and ok now, so everything is fine.
I'm back from what was probably the most enjoyable field trip I've ever been on. Over the course of four days in New York City, we saw the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Ground Zero, Broadway, Chinatown, and Alec Baldwin. The whole experience really made me appreciate the relatively easygoing nature of my native Ontario.
I bet it did
That was vaguely menacing.
I mean, welcome back, Weegee. 'Course, I've been sparse 'round here myself lately, so forgive me if your absence went unnoticed by mine eyes.
Eh, I'm lovedove830, but just call me Brandi.
I love Nintendo, most notably the Mario series. I'm half South Korean and half American. I am very proud of my race.
I love to draw, even if it's not good. I also love to laugh and I am a very relaxed person.
Welcome! Don't be stranger - stick around and make some posts!
Uh-oh, Weegee scared him off.
Darn it, Weegee, this is why we can't have nice things.
Nice things like 14-year-old girls?
Oh, he's a she. My bad.
Sorry, been having a busy schedule.
But, thank you for the welcomes :) I will post something soon.
And do not worry, PaperLuigi. That is not the first time I have been called a male.
I did not say I was japanese! I said I was teaching myself the japanese language! also I was going to try to have a nice time so can everyone start off on a clean slate with me and be nice and just say hi and look closely at what the post says instead of going to conclusions please! (sorry if I broke any rules on moderating) Just please be nice to me!
Over the last week, I've come to the strong opinion that Deezer should remove the ability to post images.
Over the last two years, I've come to the strong opinion that Lizard Dude is a communist who hates all expressions of individuality.
Hi! I'm pretty sure this is the kangei (in case anyone doesn't know japanese kangei means greetings) topic but anyway konbanwa (good evening) I'm Ruiji Kaabii and I'm teaching myself japanese so I'm practicing japanese on my greetings post!
You're not Japanese at all. You're a pasty white nerd. Just like the rest of us.
pasty white nerd
Is there really a difference? I mean, that's pretty much what the Japanese are.
Nah, they're pasty off-white nerds.
...Best New Member 2010?
Anyways, I'm relieved that we've managed to fend off another Weeaboo. If only he had seen my previous signature...
I did not say I was japanese! I said I was teaching myself the japanese language! also I was going to try to have a nice time so can everyone start off on a clean slate with me and be nice and just say hi and look closely at what the post says instead of going to conclusions please! (sorry if I broke any rules on moderating) Just please be nice to me!
Read this(and yes I edited my first post!) ^ and @Weegee: what's a weeaboo and if you tried to fend off me you'd need to try mmmuuuccchhh hhhaaarrrdddeeerrr ! still I'd really like to get along with everyone!
A Weeaboo is someone obsessed with Japanese culture to the extent that he or she essentially tries to become Japanese. Typical symptoms include pretending to be Japanese online, critically comparing one's own culture to that of Japan, and becoming immersed in Japanese or psuedo-Japanese media.
As long as none of the above apply to you, I'm sure we'll get along fine.
Does owning two super famicom cartridges make me a weeaboo?
I wouldn't say so, but keep flaunting it and it just might.
All weeabooness aside, welcome aboard! Try not to get too angry at anyone while you're here!
Over the last week, I've come to the strong opinion that Deezer should remove the ability to post images.
I'm sorry, I just didn't think that saying "Desu!" would've had the same effect.
Okay everyone sorry for getting mad please forgive me.
Omg desu desu desu! Kawaii desu bakka gaijin! Ninja gaiden! Pikachu!
I have saved you the trouble of looking at any of this new dude's posts guys, you can thank me later.
@Glorb: what does that say since I said I was teaching myself japanese (sorry if it seems like I'm angry I just didn't want anymore misunderstandings)
God forbid someone actually wants to learn a second language.
Then again, considering that thread filled with abused and broken spanish a couple years ago, maybe we'd be better off not learning more than one language.
That's what I've been trying to tell Canada for years.
Dear all new Fungi Forums members ever ever,
What's up buddy! Just a heads-up: You do not have a "Start new topic" button. This is on purpose. Asking about it will not, contrary to what you may be thinking, cause it to appear.
Hi, this is Adarsh from India and I am new to the forum and presenting a quote by Monroe Forester "Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear." Thanks
Hi, this is Adarsh from India and I am new to the forum and presenting a quote by Monroe Forester "Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear." Thanks
Stop making fun of me, Mexico will defeat Argentina in a big game one day.
Right guys? ;_;
Nobody here gives a [darn] about soccer, Señor Wiggles.
You're just mad because Canada isn't important enough to matter for anything.
You're just mad you're 1) not Canadian and 2) not awesome enough to appreciate the greatest sport in the world.
The only sport worse than soccer is beer pong without the beer.
the greatest sport in the world.
Wrong again, *****. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd-sfqzFdmk) Besides, soccer only matters if you speak Spanish and/or live in western Europe. That being said, I'm Dutch-Canadian, so I've already taken the liberty of hiring a gypsy to place a curse on the Spanish team.
The only sport worse than soccer is beer pong without the beer.
Super cool story bro. Don't you have a Modern Warfare 2 tournament to attend, or some catty girlfriend you've got to carry shopping bags for?
soccer only matters if you speak Spanish and/or live in western Europe.
Yes. Which is why both Koreas, Russia, Japan, Africa, Serbia, Australia and many others participated and greatly promoted that tournament.
I have returned.
As it seems, somebody hacked my account and made me look like a fool, ah well.
Hey, it's Waddle!
...when did your account get hacked?
I'm not sure, but I never returned, and somebody told me that I posted that I did...
Yeah, I was in Australia. Did I miss anything?
Luigison hates Forum Games and Glorb hates homeschooling.
And I'm sure you missed about a half-dozen opportunities to work your innuendo magic.
Hi! I'm Samus123. By my name you can probably guess that i like metroid. Well I do and I like Mario. My Favorite games are Super Mario All-Stars (I say that instead of typing Super Mario Brothers a bunch of times) Super Mario Brothers X (Redigit), and Super Mario World. I also like Super Metroid. I may or may not be on here alot because I like to play many of the games listed above.
Well, it's interesting to me that you rank a fanmade game as one of your favorites... but in any case, welcome!
Hey guys. I just realized I haven't been on here since the end of May. I'm currently posting from Buena Vista, Colorado. I'm on vacation right now, and I'll be back home on the 27th.
Hey, J.
And Weegee...
Wow, it's been a few weeks since I've been on here. Does that make me count as "returning"? Anyhow, I'm back after some computer issues involving a new motherboard and two processors. Altogether it was a pretty expensive repair.
Heeey, it's BriGuy!
Computer troubles are a pain. Welcome back.
Well, it's interesting to me that you rank a fanmade game as one of your favorites... but in any case, welcome!
well, the game is pretty awesome! So, I rank it up there with the other nintendo games. ;)
Hey, I'm new and junk. Don't really know what to say....I like Mario.
You're junk? Don't be so hard on yourself.
K thanks. You're my new best friend now, let's get a pizza!
Hey, it's me again. Been a couple years since I've been here, longer since I was a kinda-regular. I remembered this place the other day, and I haven't really been a part of an online community for a while, so I thought I would pop back in, see what's new.
Welcome back!
Well, you must have been here before me... in any case, welcome back!
What was it that reminded you of this place? Did you see a bunch of young children arguing over something that didn't actually matter? Did you attend a social gathering which sounded promising but turned out to be a neckbeard sausagefest?
Weegee, the Fungi Forums wasn't a neckbeard sausagefest until you arrived.
I'll take that as a compliment.
I'm starting a band named Neckbeard Sausagefest.
What a coincidence!
I'm starting a band named Neckbeard Sausagefest.
Need a bassist!? I just quit 'My Tossed Salad', formerly known as 'The Nightime Jailbait Seekers."
Sure bro, although I think I'm gonna try and recruit the drummer from my last band "Caverns of Smegma."
I take it you'll be playing mostly emo/scene/indie material?
Mostly Neutral Milk Hotel covers.
It's 'a' me, Suber Bloober. Ask me something, I'll think about it!
I'll take that as a compliment.
It is. He's implying that you've gone through puberty and have a discernible neck.
Can we please get back on topic?
In any case, I'll be away from the forums for two days because I have to work a lot on my online game; I'm preparing a huge update for it.
Ahoy, TMK crew! Long time, no post. I've been absent from the online realm for weeks, so I'm sorry if I caused any of you to worry about my sudden disappearance. Getting disconnected from the Internet was inevitable, and unexpected. Almost like being sucker-punched. I was having some Internet issues, but for the time being, I'm back. So, what's new with you guys? I hope everyone is doing well. Also, I'll be dropping some more fan art in my museum as soon as possible. :)
Hello! Glorb's been having... issues, and that's about it.
I'm back. Are things good again?
Well, they've been worse.
Run while you still can.
Things are... different.
Your sig says it all, really.
Ahoy, TMK crew! Long time, no post. I've been absent from the online realm for weeks, so I'm sorry if I caused any of you to worry about my sudden disappearance. Getting disconnected from the Internet was inevitable, and unexpected. Almost like being sucker-punched. I was having some Internet issues, but for the time being, I'm back. So, what's new with you guys? I hope everyone is doing well. Also, I'll be dropping some more fan art in my museum as soon as possible. :)
Latest Member: hello
Might be worth mentioning that I was at camp this weekend, if anyone cares.
Hi I'm Vinyboiler and I'm a Marioholic,
I have posted here once years ago but kinda forgot my password and wasn't bothered to find out. Now I am a bit older and feel I should give this fourm another chance.
I am doing an SM64 hack which is currently a work in progress (follow it here http://z6.invisionfree.com/DonutPlains/index.php?showtopic=350 (http://z6.invisionfree.com/DonutPlains/index.php?showtopic=350)).
I am a active member on other websites although I don't expect you to remember or know me. So class any questions?
Welcome to the forums. Hope you stick around longer than other cool guys who have all but left.
If you need help boiling any extra vinys, let me know.
Uh I did stuff a long time ago here
I haven't done stuff at all since
Now I'm doing stuff again
Well holy heck, dudettes
You sure? Because I've seen a few guys post here that they're back but then they weren't really back.
Seeing Insane Steve post is like hauling a live coelacanth up from the briny depths of presumed extinction.
It only happens during rainy afternoons?
Oh WOOOOOOOW!! I caught aiving fossil!
Incidentally, it's been raining all day here.
Here too.
Last few days has been pretty overcast here, too.
Boy, Insane Steve really knows how to make an entrance.
Well well, lets see whats going on in these parts...
What a wonderful kind of day!
Alternate: Chu! Chu!
Latest Member: arthritis (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=60938)
I knew the forum had passed its prime but this is ridiculous!
Alzheimer will join us next week.
I thought I would just try this place out and (hopefully) not die in the process. Unless that's a problem?... Anyway. I'm a nice guy. We should get along fine unless you guys don't want to put up with a psychopath. Other then that we should be fine. *Pumps shotgun
Good god, I cannot believe my account still exists...man, did I waste away a lot of my youth
trolling posting here.
What am I doing back here? Bored at 2 in the morning, caught a link back to here from some emulation page.
Will I stay? Probably not....too busy nowadays, what with engineering exams eating me alive.
It's been...*checks*...4 years since my last visit. Does anyone even remember who I am?
*crickets chirping*
I remember you! But you wouldn't remember me, for many reasons, not the least of which being that I wasn't using this nick way back when. Years ago, back when the Internet was freer and I was twelve, I was donotcare95.
Things that happened during your absence:
-Everyone went to college
Oh, and marioguy came back for a while. Gone now.
Yup, I remember. The last post you made had SushieBoy's name in it. Whatever happened to him I wonder?
Anyways, welcome back.
Yeah. Lizard Dude, Chupperson, and Luigison still post regularly here as well.
I do as well, but I tend to close the browser before hitting the Post button more often than not these days.
I've seen your name in old threads, but not much beyond that. Well, in any case, welcome back!
Hello... and presumably goodbye for now. Good luck with those exams.
Fun Fact: Even though we completely switched forum systems, there are STILL various threads out there that are totally messed up by your 1337 h4x.
I do as well, but I tend to close the browser before hitting the Post button more often than not these days.
Hey, I thought I was the only one who did that!
(didn't used to, though...maybe that was part of my problem)
Fun Fact: Even though we completely switched forum systems, there are STILL various threads out there that are totally messed up by your 1337 h4x.
Are you serious? I thought the forum switch cleaned up the giant mess I made (in fact, I thought that was the primary motivation for doing it). But I guess if the conversion tool just did a straight HTML copy, then....I wonder if I can find the flashing hell thread?
Some of the exploits obviously don't work anymore, but some do. And some were broken but now have new secondary effects...
The worst part of the forum switch was the loss of the secret forums.
I couldn't find much of my old stuff because something's screwed up in my profile (big surprise). I know I had over 2000 posts at one point, but it says my post count now is around 1200. And if you search my posts, it still returns over 1600 of them. Lord only knows how this happened.
I gotta say, it WAS fun while it lasted. I know I got a little very drunk on power at one point, but whattaya expect out of a 15 year old kid who just discovered hacking?
Posts made on the Forum Games board no longer count as actual posts.
They once did?
They once did?
Yeah. Some members had well over 4,000 posts at one point.
I think CashCrazed predates even the very existance of Forum Games as its own board.
Indeed. I don't remember that board being here during my major posting days. All the games we did ended up either in Mario or General Chat.
That avatar of Mario in a pimp suit keeps staring me in the face every time I log in....too bad I never managed to finish making that fangame. It was crude, and offensive, and the battles were incredibly hard, but it was my baby!
Good times...*changes signature*
I hate to break it to you, CC, but that "The UMB Website" of yours no longer exists.
Well, that figures. Geocities blew up a long time ago. When it was running, that website was devoted to a different fangame of mine. I suppose I'll redirect the link to Mario Fan Games Galaxy, which is the only remaining host for Ultimate Mario Bros. It's not that bad, actually. It's quite possibly the only game I've ever managed to completely finish programming.
I guess I'll honor tradition and introduce myself here.
Can't say your name is getting you off on the right foot, but no matter. Salutations!
Hope i have more fun and friends here.
We don't take too kindly to bots, sonny.
We don't take too kindly to bots, sonny.
You're kidding, right? I've never seen a message board hero-worship bots quite as much as this one.
I'm diggin' this chick's avatar. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=60973)
You're kidding, right? I've never seen a message board hero-worship bots quite as much as this one.
PaperLuigi's not a bot!
I love how new members come here to post and then just seem to disappear. Who was the last active new member that we had?
I think... Weegee is the most recent member that's stayed around for any length of time, sad as that is. I hope Moronic Rascal stays, for what it's worth.
Whatever happened to Count Bleck? He was a pretty cool guy. eh rollplayed and didnt afraid of anything
Every recent member with a website is a bot. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=mlist;sort=registered;start=0;desc)
Woah CashCrazed!
Woah Koopaslaya!
Woah Nostalgia!
Hi, it's Johnny1up. I've been going on TMK years now but I just decided to make an account on the forums a few weeks ago. Can't wait to be able to post, hopefully I'll bring up some interesting topics.
Hi, it's Johnny1up. I've been going on TMK years now but I just decided to make an account on the forums a few weeks ago. Can't wait to be able to post, hopefully I'll bring up some interesting topics.
I was the same way. I found this site around '99 and joined the forum in '03.
Heeey, it's Mr. Wiggles!
Please stick around?
We're a little short on active members right now.
Wiggles my niggle! (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=6635.msg581232#msg581232)
Honestly, unless old members start coming back like the dickens, TMK will need a recruitment drive to keep Fungi Forums alive.
Don't worry about another abrupt disappearance. I've pretty much become a Hikikomori since school started again and I had some big project due every other week. Which sucks because there's a bunch of events and internships I had to turn down because of priorities.
So how bout that new Donkey Kong eh? Back in my day, water levels were standard and we could tag with Diddy...
Anyone heard from/about Watoad lately? I miss that guy.
Also, CC, I remember the source of that quote, but I was VP so I should. So should LD and CW. Where is frostbite?
Obscure Japanese terminology
Leave. Now.
Remember Me?
Hey guys it's me SushieBoy. It's been a while, huh? Last time I was here was what... 2008? Yeah I decided to check this place out after so long, maybe I'll stick around again.
Heeeey. And because you said the magic words, you win one Higgs.
Heeeey. And because you said the magic words, you win one Higgs.
haha, I knew someone would post him.
Ah, my fellow "SB"! Welcome back!
Hello everyone.
It's been awhile now, so I thought I'd go register... so here I am.
This skin is a bit dark, but I guess it will have to do.
What a racist!
haha, I knew someone would post him.
SushieBoy! Geez, that brings back the memories...
Welcome back, SushieBoy!
Honestly, unless old members start coming back like the dickens, TMK will need a recruitment drive to keep Fungi Forums alive.
You called?
I haven't been posting here for a couple years, but I think I'm gonna stay for a while.
Anything significant I've missed here on the forums?
Only about a million cool people leaving because they think the forum is turning into 4chan or some such nonsense.
A new-old member?
Hey, jmdblazer! Where have you been?? It's great to have you back :)!
Thanks for the warm welcome back! I don't plan on leaving, and I'm glad to be back!
Kimimaru, I'm not really sure why I stopped coming here, I suppose I was taking so much time here, but that was a while ago.
I took a little time off for finals, but now that the break is here, I have returned once more. How's it going, everybody?
Like its almost 2011 and I was thinking about how much everything has changed.
Lots and lots of crazy things have been happening these past few weeks, and now that the storm has passed for a few days (will pop in intermittently after everything has been settled a bit more), so time allows me to make a few informative and ill-witted posts.
Seems legit. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=61058) I like how "she" entered the URL of the website as the profile picture.
Hi! :D I'm Jazz. I'm a touch shy, but it's nice to meet you all!
Welcome aboard.
Thank you! :)
A sentient new member, and a possibly-female one at that?! C'est incroyable!
Meanwhile, this guy (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=61069) evidently hasn't read the Big Book of Compromising Information You Shouldn't Reveal Online. Maybe he's expecting an autographed t-shirt from Deezer for joining the forum.
Welcome Jazz! Stay for a while, will ya?
Now I just need to drag Jim's arse in here so he can make a joke about me flirting with the new girl.
Thanks, everyone, for that welcome! Hee hee...Feels warm in here already. ^___^
Well, we try. Welcome to the forums, JazzyLuv.
Much appreciated, Jman! :D
I have some Mario art stuffs to show when I get talking more on here, so I'm happy to be here to share it!
ooh, and she's artist. Maybe she can fill the void left by Caterina's unusually long absence. :D
...Wow, where does the time go? ...Hello, citizens of The Mushroom Kingdom! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and peaceful Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years. Sorry that I haven't been very active here. The real world wouldn't let go of me. I also became a little overwhelmed by the amount of requests left at The FBM Museum, but I quickly got over it, and drew some rough sketches of the requested drawings.
Then, I started to procrastinate. I don't know how, it just happened.
The procrastination train kept on rolling as I got to know my new Windows 7 computer. I think I'll keep the current OS installed and work with Ubuntu and Windows 7 alternatively. I was also in the process of completing M&L:BiS, and fiddling around with my new camcorder. So I was pretty distracted by these captivating products/devices...which explains only half of the reasons why I wasn't here. Long story short, the holidays were fun, but they also wore me out.
I also had (or still have, I don't know) a mild case of winter blues. It's weird because sometimes I feel really depressed, and other times I feel just fine. So yeah, I'm back again. I'll try to remain consistent in what I do around these parts. (:
Hey, FlamingBlueMario! Welcome back! Don't fret over not being able to go on often; it happens to all of us.
Welcome back on board!
He hast returned!
Hi AceSMBFan here and very exciting to be here too!
I love the main site (The Mushroom Kingdom) and have a whale of a time reading through all the great articles.
I'm here because I think I have found something out about the European NES version of Super Mario Bros that I have not seen in any article on The Mushroom Kingdom
I won`t post it here as I don`t think its the right place to and I don`t want to spoil it for myself (If I'm right then I'm very very excited about it)
I don`t know if i can start a new thread yet but if any mods are reading this then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I start one?
I look forward to telling everyone here about my discovery
Welcome aboard AceSMBFan!
I don`t know if i can start a new thread yet but if any mods are reading this then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I start one?
Ok, go ahead.
Welcome, AceSMBFan! As Deezer stated, feel free to start a new thread.
Another mushroom has sprouted. Welcome to the Fungi Forums, AceSMBFan!
Hello, Ace!
hi! just joined 5 seconds ago from when this was posted! ^^
An eleven-year-old girl on Fungi Forums? Better not tell Mr. Wiggles.
I am the living dead!
An eleven-year-old girl on Fungi Forums? Better not tell Mr. Wiggles.
lol he sounds like the dad of the wiggles XD i'll kick him if he tries anything
Welcome to the FF, pegpeg0025. I hope you enjoy your stay!
lol he sounds like the dad of the wiggles XD i'll kick him if he tries anything
As a matter of fact, I am his dad.
No, I think he was saying that Mr. Wiggles sounds like the father of The Wiggles.
Oh, I see. Regardless, the fact still stands that Mr. Wiggles is my son.
Welcome back Kojinka, not to mention BP and Sapphira!
No, I think he was saying that Mr. Wiggles sounds like the father of The Wiggles.
I thoroughly and completely apologize for that (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDHSbrPZH4A&feature=related).
Welcome, one and all I haven't welcomed!
Welcome, welcome new galaxy!
ER.. well, welcome to the FF!! .. or, welcome back in several cases!!
'Kay, guess I'll post a message up here too huh? XD
Well I'm not entirely new to TMK, I come here quite often, but I didn't actually sign on until I saw I could actually help out a little. But no matter.
I'm Yosher, so, pleased to meet y'all! You'll never guess who my favourite character is... ;P
Hi! Glad to have you aboard.
Your favorite character? Um... I dunno, Mouser?
Thank ya, muchly appreciated!
And, no. I hope you're kidding... =P
Always glad to have another Yoshi fan 'round these parts!
Welcome, Yosher! We're all glad to have you here!
Thanks, glad to be here too!
I'm helix. I've always loved the Mario series. Heck, when I was little I used to want to be a plumber! XD
Though I'm a really big fan of Yoshi and the Paper Mario series in particular. I cherish the moment when I went to FuncoLand and was confused because it was now a GameStop and then picked up a copy of Paper Mario on the N64. Good times good times...
Well... what I do is make music!
I do remixes/arrangements of different music from a variety of games and also some original works.
I've got a channel at YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/FennecResonance) and also post music in some other places.
As you can probably guess from my user picture, I am a big fan of cartoon animals. If you have questions or misconceptions about it or the fandom associated about it, just ask.
Well that's all I've got to say.
Peace Out!
If you have questions or misconceptions about it or the fandom associated about it, just ask.
Weegee is going to have a field day with this statement, I can tell.
Welcome to the forum in any case.
You're welcome here with open arms as long as you keep any yiffing within the privacy of your own home.
Just for future reference, we can't see your avatar without going to your profile, thanks to the sub-par forum theme we're stuck with.
Welcome, anyway.
You're welcome here with open arms as long as you keep any yiffing within the privacy of your own home.
Haha that never happens anywhere around me. It's sick.
Welcome to the FF, fennechelix! It looks like we have something in common because I also love the Paper Mario series!
As you can probably guess from my user picture, I am a big fan of cartoon animals. If you have questions or misconceptions about it or the fandom associated about it, just ask.
Oh cartoon animals. Those are a-ok. But furries on the other hand...
Okay, first of all, lemme welcome fennechelix here (even though I'm still new here myself, haha)! Hope you'll enjoy your stay like I have so far, great people on this forum (albeit a little slow at the moment)! :)
Secondly, what's wrong with furries? If I'd had to go by Weegee's post, I'd say it's the yiffing part. If that's the case, then you have an entirely wrong idea of what a furry actually is, since, just because someone is a furry doesn't mean he or she will automatically yiff everything possible.
Most furries weird me out, but I'm no bigot. Welcome, newcomer!
There's nothing wrong with weird fetishes, just, no one wants to hear about them. I'm sure most people with 'em realize that. It's the few that love to talk about it and let everyone know that give them bad reputations. It's kind of like with vegans, young actors, and ice cream truck drivers, it's the vocal and annoying ones that make you hate them.
I understand that, but nobody was expressing their fetishes here (as far as I could see, at least, unless stating you're a fan of cartoon animals is a fetish these days, which in itself shouldn't even mean someone is a furry in the first place), so the hate towards furries was rather uncalled for. I bet there's even some furries on this forum right here so you could quite offend somebody with such a statement without even realizing it. Somebody who you could otherwise talk with perfectly normally, at that, since you never know who could be a furry.
Anyway, let's not ruin this topic with that discussion and scare off new members here. They should feel welcome, not feel like there's a war going on here, because this place is great really. XD
Well, actually, there are furries here, along with a bunch of other fetishists (as those who've followed "ShadowBrain's Harem" and "What is Up With These Ads?" can readily attest). But like I said, whatever someone wants to do in the privacy of their own home/Anthrocon is fine by me.
Some of the nicest people I've ever internet-known are furries. You're plenty welcome by me.
We don't take none too kindly to your types 'round here.
You'd best be movin' along now, if you know what's good for you. I don't wanna catch you messin' 'round in the stable again, neither.
I feel so bad for laughing at that.
Guess who's back?
Well, you probably don't need to if you're reading this...
Welcome back!
I really hope your opening line was deliberate.
I really hope your opening line was deliberate.
I -wha?
Surely you can't already have forgotten your best friend and his signature. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=60689)
Oh, you mean that 9-year old liar who got butthurt over his friend getting kicked off for being both underage and kind of...um...stupid and so he decided to get me banned over it? Nah. Who cares?
Now that you're thirteen you'll have to start worrying about neckbeards.
I think I remember that being some kind of injoke in the forums.
More like an injoke in the entire internet, actually.
There was a borderline neckbeard in my Creative Writing class. He sort of made me think of what I might end up like in a few years if I had worse parents.
hey there everyone. my name is Puqtd, but you can call me puqtd (lowercase; it's less formal, and i don't like being referred to in an overtly formal manner). i'm new hear, so i will go about introducing miself to everyone hear.
my name is Puqtd (or, as stated earlier, puqtd). i enjoy many things like video games, animes, computergames, videogames, movies, comics books, and girls, and music, like rap music and rock music and music from video games (and videogames) and reggae. my two favorite musicians are ray charles and nine inch nails. i don't like typing in uppercase or writing in uppercase because i feel that it's too formal, although i'm totally okay with it if you want to talk in uppercase and i won't judge you for it. my two favorite video game characters are probably michael jackson from michael jackson's moonwalker, and samus aran from metroid. i don't know how to drive, but i do have a learner's permit. my two favorite movies are inception starring leonardo dicaprio, and breakin' starring ice t. my two favorite television programs are how it's made, and the british version of life on mars. i love writing short stories in my spare time. i have never flown an air plane. i always shave. i have never flown a helicopter. i only own two hot wheels cars (that i know of).
anyway, i hope that is enough information for my introduction here.
You always shave?
Are you shaving right now?
no, why?
Then it seems you lied to us, you liar.
Welcome to the FF, Puqtd!
Chef, this is the second time I've seen you call Puqtd a name; not a very good example of being a moderator. If any of you wants new members, quit it right now.
Normally I'd agree but this guy is Steven9wii 2.0.
Well, I'm about fed up. EVERY time we get a new member, we just HAVE to insult him or her based on his or her beliefs. If this trend must continue, I'm out.
Hypothesis: Either Puqtd is female, gay or related to Weegee.
Does THIS leave a good impression of a moderator on these boards? No.
Now that I think of it, Chef only called him a liar the one time in this thread. What was the other time? Was it in a secret moderators-only board or something?
Now that I think of it, Chef only called him a liar the one time in this thread. What was the other time? Was it in a secret moderators-only board or something?
Hypothesis: Either Puqtd is female, gay or related to Weegee.
This isn't a direct insult but an implied one.
Wow this is really stupid.
....I was being sarcastic. People do it around here all the time. Why am I suddenly being singled out?
New members don't know how we act around here. This is why they always leave.
C'mon, being related to Weegee wouldn't be THAT bad
oh jeez you guys
We hath been trolled, my brethren.
C'mon, being related to Weegee wouldn't be THAT bad
Sometimes I wipe my tooth-grime onto a pillowcase to gauge how much longer I can go without brushing.
Thank god I'm not the only one!
New members don't know how we act around here. This is why they always leave.
Puqtd appears to have stayed. There goes that assumption.
It hasn't even been a day yet and you automatically assume I'm wrong? I guess you haven't noticed Yosher's lack of posts lately, have you? Apparently this forum no longer has room for cheery, light-hearted people like him.
Puqtd is obviously Glorb (you can tell by stuff like the Breakin' reference), and the ancillary posts are all pretty lame, but man that introduction post is gold.
(P.S. Unban Glorb)
I am a HUGE mario fan. I know i'm a girl, but that doesn't mean i don't have tons of mario figures and suffed animals. I also have all the latest mario games (but sadly no old ones cuz i can't change the settings on my wii so i can hook it up ta da internet) and like the old ones too. Don't think im weird, but i like how mario & luigi talk. it's funny. Also, I know Peach is 27, Mario is 30, Luigi is 29, Bowser is 37, Wario 32, and Waluigi 31. surprising, huh? you can tell the ages by the appearences in games and the nintento previews.
ok, u guys DO argue alot. dats why new members (like me) leave. Geez. ya probly dont even know eachother in real life an your'e TILL fighting!
this guy spreaks the truth!
maybe if ya peeple didn't argue alot, u would get alot more answers ta ur quetions cuz der wud be more peeple
So if Puqtd is Glorb, then who's this other one?
Our name is Glorb, for we are many.
this guy spreaks the truth!
*googles spreak*
He sure does Spring Break the truth.
The Chef, that's probably some hideous offspring that budded from my 8-year old self somehow.
Must everything be about you and your 8-year-old self?
Also, I know Peach is 27, Mario is 30, Luigi is 29, Bowser is 37, Wario 32, and Waluigi 31.
I think perhaps lexc123 should've waited a while before joining to make the troll invasion a little more subtle.
maybe if ya peeple didn't argue alot, u would get alot more answers ta ur quetions cuz der wud be more peeple
We lynch newcomers. Just so you know. The ones who survive get to be members.
That's why Weegee twitches from time to time.
The physical scars heal with time, but the emotional ones only worsen.
Don't lie, you enjoy those scars.
We hath been trolled, my brethren.
i'm not a troll! i don't even go on fourchan,....how am i trill, that's honestly a heavy insult to level on someone, sir :)
Well, on a very basic level, your spelling. Seriously, who spells troll differently twice in a row.
Abhorrent grammar is unfortunately not as much of a troll giveaway as it should be, but that signature is certainly suspect. Unless Puqtd is actually... a telegraph!
Glorb, you've bypassed the ban; just stay and be normal. The mods probably won't stop you as long as you don't break any rules.
I do like that you're creating a lot of threads.
Glorb, you've bypassed the ban; just stay and be normal. The mods probably won't stop you as long as you don't break any rules.
I do like that you're creating a lot of threads.
oh jesus...who the heck is glorb anyway??? do i look or smell like her or something? i just joined but everyone here is weirdoes!
Her? Oh, fakely pretending to not know who you are by assuming the wrong gender? Glorb, you were subtle before, but now it's just sad.
You smell like strawberry Pop Tarts, same scent she always wore
I do like that you're creating a lot of threads.
Same here, and they all ask quality questions.
I like Puqtd even if she is Glorb.
My perspective on ironically enjoying things over the internet has long since gone the way of the end of Inception: I don't care if it's real anymore, as long as I'm enjoying myself.
Which, incidentally, is the same as my perspective on whether or not I'm enjoying Tokio Hotel and Justin Bieber ironically.
It's also SB's rartionale for looking at hentai.
Just don't ask me what my totem is.
k, guys. ya don't even know eachother and ya fight. honestly. ur on the computer. iz not real world.
k, guys. ya don't even know eachother and ya fight. honestly. ur on the computer. iz not real world.
Welcome to the internet. ;)
(and on that note, welcome to all new members!)
k, guys. ya don't even know eachother and ya fight. honestly. ur on the computer. iz not real world.
This guy is WAY funnier than Puqtd, in my opinion.
Er...yeah. Chick. Whatever.
Seriously, a bump from 2000? The entirety of "NUTHIN BUT MARIO" in general?
Glorb really hit the nail on the head with that one.
Puqtd is Glorb's Lawful side, lexc123 is her Chaotic side.
i really think that I'm was just using the same p.c. As glorb. b.p. said that we have the same ip numbers so that we look like we're sharing the name same but ewe're different people all together.......i have never even met her or him but glorb was banned so she must be a pretty horrible person...........which i am not!!!
Glorb was the [dukar]. I have no idea why they banned him.
He was too Alpha for us, what with his girlfriend and his massive PC games collection, and his love of that abomination we call Godzilla 98.
Glorb was the [dukar]. I have no idea why they banned him.
Because he grew so increasingly desperate in his attempts at comedy that he was annoying everyone rather than amusing them?
i really think that I'm was just using the same p.c. As glorb. b.p. said that we have the same ip numbers so that we look like we're sharing the name same but ewe're different people all together.......i have never even met her or him but glorb was banned so she must be a pretty horrible person...........which i am not!!!
Well, out of curiosity...how would you get access to Glorb's old compy? Maybe you bought it off him and didn't know it was him. (Assuming you're NOT a troll, of course.)
True, posting NNNNNNEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDSSSSSSS in huge text is annoying and is a pretty lame attempt at comedy, but not lame enough to get him banned. Er, not in my book.
I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for saying I was gonna stick around, then leaving after a few weeks. I really enjoy this forum, and I haven't come across a better one yet. I will (once again) try to stay this time!
I actually didn't leave. I was just very stressed out and got annoyed at every little thing because I had finals this week and couldn't get them off my mind. Now that they're done, I can finally sit back and relax! Kimimaru is back in business!
That's usually how it goes.
You were right about Chef, though.
Welcome back. I can sympathize with you there because I just bulldozed through a bunch of midterms.
Welcome back, guys.
Well hey! Welcome back!!
You were right about Chef, though.
anyone who's a gold member PLZ unlock my topics!!! V
On a serious note, there's no such thing as a "Gold Member" and I locked your topics because they were needless and vague and you kept flooding the board with them.
anyone who's a gold member PLZ unlock my topics!!!
Sorry, Deezer won't let me be a gold member yet.
The Gold Membership sign-up link is on the secret page.
Dude! Now it's not a secret!
Don't worry, I was lying. It's mostly porn.
So is the Gold Membership-only forum.
(Why do you think Kimimaru complained about anime girls when he left?)
Now see, if I were making posts like these that would be wrong, because apparently I can't make sarcastic posts due to risk of being "mean-spirited" to fellow users.
Except these posts are clever and in good fun. Your posts are actually mean-spirited.
Need I say more?
O my God!!!! people!!!!!! you don't even know eachother in rl life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lexc, they lock your topics because they say ask stupid questions and are filled with rampant terrible posting. No offense, man, but you really, REALLY need to learn a little more before you just get an account on a forum. Really, I'm just being honest.
Um, he's a troll.
I dunno, he seems pretty convincing.
I hope that's the case. Even I wasn't that much of a spaz when I first joined the forum.
It is the case. Trust me.
Oh, so apparently it's also wrong for me to lock troll topics as well. What a revelation.
You're missing the point dude. If someone is trolling, joke with them. Don't close their topics or call them stupid. That's going to give them more incentive to troll.
Until you just ban them, anyway.
If I could, I probably would've banned him.
Again, you guys are missing the point. You don't need to ban trolls for making stupid (albeit humorous) topics. Only when their actions are explicitly harmful should you bring down the ban hammer.
Or when they break the rules.
Dudes, Lex-23 is a guh-URL
Quit callin' her HIM, that's the pronoun for GUYS
yes, im a girl. And I can assure you I'm NOT a troll. Honestly.
Kinda doubt anyone would seriously remember me, but I took an unannounced break from here a while back.
I also don't think I'm going to be posting regularly here (like I even remember when I did, haha) because I've become more involved in other online communities lately and just don't have all the time I used to that I can spend here. I just bought a Nintendo 3DS, so check out the post I'm about to make in the 3DS topic I guess...
So, I guess this is a semi-return post. I'll be logging in more often, but probably more browsing than anything else.
I remember you.
Semi-welcome back, I guess...
I remember you also. It's been about a year and a half.
lexc123 will you date me please?
Keep it subtle, Glorb.
lexc123 will you date me please?
She's Weegee's wifu.
She's Weegee's wifu.
I thought Glorb was.
The more the merrier, I always say.
Welcome, hjfh67hfdg (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=61234)! I've no doubt you will be a constructive and beneficial member of our community.
I will have been a member here for 9 years, come this June.
Another blast from the past.
Welcome, hjfh67hfdg (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=61234)! I've no doubt you will be a constructive and beneficial member of our community.
Now it's gone?
brand new here, love anything to do with Mario, but anyways, if you want to know more about me, check out this video, I make em funny so enjoy
I disliked your video. :)
Hey, everyone! Shame on me for not updating myself. :( I've had an interesting few months, but I moved recently and I'm settling into the new province and home! I had to leave a bunch of places online because I needed to prepare myself for this big move. It's nuts leaving the place I'm so used to seeing every day. Right now I'm looking for a job, and working on art stuff!
I hadn't drawn Mario stuff for a good while, but I drew nonetheless, and I FINALLY updated my website! So! Whenever I get more Mario stuff drawn, I'll be happily showing it. I've missed you guys, as short a time as I've been on here!
Oh, hey, welcome back!
I disliked your video. :)
That video WAS pretty awful.
Ahoy, JazzyLuv!
Yay for Jazz!
*HUGS* Hi, Weegee and CrossEyed7! ^___^
Welcome back, Jazzy!
I'm back! Unless popular demand (or any) gives reason stating their dismay of my returning.
Spending less time here and a few other places on the interwebs gave me the opportunity to think about things regarding my future, and the ability to attain some of my personal projects made my life overall productive. In short: I'm overall happy with the way things turned out and are pending. Though, I don't think I will be posting as much insane [dukar] as I used too, but still, its good to be back at TMK. And no, this isn't a generic message I typed for numerous other places where my existence has been reinstated.
'Ello guv'nor.
Suds Bon Nenoi!
He's back! Well, stay as you may, go as you know, or something along those lines.
August 10th. Huh, it's been awhile.
Hey, I'm new, I'm LilKitten but I like being called Kitten.
I love anime and video games and kittens.
I've stalked TMK for a while but I've just recently decided to check out the forums and make a account. So hopefully I'll post more XD
Welcome aboard.
Hi Kitten!
I hope you get along with lizards, birds, turtles, and rattlers.
No one probably remembers who I am but I'm back nonetheless. So Its nice to see at least one familiar face. Lizard Dude. :)
I read that as "I'm black nonetheless."
I hope you get along with lizards, birds, turtles, and rattlers.
No mushroom people..? XD
Anyway welcome Kitten!!
No one probably remembers who I am but I'm back nonetheless. So Its nice to see at least one familiar face. Lizard Dude. :)
I kinda remember you. Welcome back!
Christ, I hope that's not a real transcript... Anyway, hello, neotev and Kitten!
Hello Turtlekid, Toad, Lizard dude, shadowbrain, weegee and everyone else.
Welcome to the Kingdom, we got Forum Games.
...Sorry, I get real hyper sometimes. :P
Hello PaperLuigi
Welcome RM-kun XD
Weegee, don't even say it.
Welcome RM-kun XD
You had better actually be from Japan.
She always calls me that. Me and LilKitten know each other on a different site. I'm not from Japan. :P
Hey guys. Noob here. How's it going?
You had better actually be from Japan.
You had better actually be a chef.
(Also welcome aboard, new guys)
This recent influx of new members is a pleasant surprise.
Might it have anything to do with the release of SM3DL?
Lilkitten led me here to be honest, though I do have Super Mario 3D Land, and it is awesome. (Some of those special world levels are hell, though)
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=dlattach;attach=7072;type=avatar) You had better actually be a chef.
You had better actually be a pony.
You had better actually be
gay HIV-positive a member of Queen.
A letter of the alphabet maybe?
You all had better be basement-dwelling neckbeards with no lives...oh wait.
Welcome to all the new members!
What has The Chef started...?
Chef Guevara?
I am new.
You had better actually have blue hair.
Nope, black.
Don't mind CrossEyed, he is racist.
Welcome to the forum.
Don't mind CrossEyed, he is racist.
Wait, what?
Don't mind Turtlekid1, he is a troll.
Welcome to the forum.
For the record, I'm a revolutionary.
Don't mind Turtlekid1, he is a troll.
If I'm a troll, what does that make Weegee?
Unless you're going with that "entire team is Weegee" theory...
Don't mind Luigison, he is old.
Welcome to the forum.
Lilkitten led me here to be honest,
True story -w-
I also led RM-kun here, I've been here since about 2007 though.
Don't mind A, he is BP's alt.
Welcome to the forums.
Don't mind everyone else, they're just figments of my imagination.
And Weegee's mind goes a little crazy every time a girl posts.
Mind Weegee, he is to be hated with every ounce of your soul.
True story -w-
I also led RM-kun here, I've been here since about 2007 though.
Is Japanese your first language or not? Cuz if it isn't....
Also, only Germans are allowed to say Gesundheit and only Mexicans are allowed to eat burritos (if you're American, you must call them wraps).
Well, there's a difference between calling something what it is (burritos are a specific thing), and using identifiers from a different language for no reason. With American English as my first language, I am not going to use señor or mademoiselle before someone's name.
Eh, you could still just call them "meat wraps" or "bean wraps."
Also, German and Mexican culture don't have a little thing called weeaboos surrounding them.
How do you know that?
I don't know, there's some kids who watch a lot of Dora the Explorer that could qualify as... Spanaboos.
American kids who listen to Rammstein are Deutscheboos.
Also, unless The Chef actually went to cooking school, he is a cookaboo.
I haven't been a cookaboo since I was like 16. I just never got my username changed. :\
Welcome, monsters
Is Japanese your first language or not? Cuz if it isn't....
No but it will be my secend...or third. I think secend.
....Is English your first?
No Chef, it's obviously Russian.
Who's the racist now, ya dang polack?
psst kitten, just say the magic words:
haters gonna hate
U mad, bros?
by the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!!
I'm an alphaboo. I wasn't born as the letter A; I just really like the Aanese culture and language and their cartoons and wish I caould be an Aean.
....Is English your first?
1. English
2. Spanish
3. Will be japanese
- BP
Kay :p
- BP
Oh my God you're really BP in disguise! I shoulda known!
I wouldn't make TWO alt accounts man, A is all I need
Uh... Hello. Yeah, it's me, Genogenesis7. Though I've kept up with updates on the main site since around the early 2000s, I'm new to the forums.
Well, there's not much more to tell. I'm a proud member of MFGG (http://www.mfgg.net/), and I enjoy making fangames and other stuff like that, although mainly I rip sound effects. I also have a youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/Genogenesis7), where generally I do animations, weird AMVs, and videos of my fangames, although saying my videos were unpopular would be an understatement... :-\ I also have a Newgrounds (http://genogen7.newgrounds.com/), but I haven't uploaded anything or even touched Flash in years. Although, it's not like I don't want to - I just don't have the right hardware right now, and even if I did, you'd be hard-pressed to actually see me finish a flashmovie.
So... Yeah, I guess you could say I was pretty creative. ;D So how's life at the Fungi Forums?
Heya - welcome to the forums.
Oh, I lurk around MFGG. I used to be an active member of the forums, but since I dropped my old fangame hobby I haven't really found an appropriate way to reintroduce myself there. I haven't felt creative or capable enough to make a game worth showing there in a while. I do have a couple things submitted there; most of them are reviews.
Is "flashmovie" a word?
Oh, I lurk around MFGG. I used to be an active member of the forums, but since I dropped my old fangame hobby I haven't really found an appropriate way to reintroduce myself there. I haven't felt creative or capable enough to make a game worth showing there in a while. I do have a couple things submitted there; most of them are reviews.
What's your username on MFGG?
Is "flashmovie" a word?
I don't think so, but it's sort of flash slang popularized by Roger Van Der Wiede I guess.
On the mainsite I'm still bigmariofan1.0, but when I rejoined the forums I decided to use CallMeAl... stupid choice, but it's different.
Hi, I'm new. I'm getting a 3DS and Mario Kart 7 for Christmas and I'm quite excited. : )
And a kweh to you, good sir.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here and at least make it to 300 posts!
And stay here for at least twelve years!
I'm actually coolkid, but since I foolishly confirmed my account to a fake e-mail as a joke since my e-mail has since become unacceptable, I made a new one to a new address. Woo-hoo.
Aw, I was all excited to meet Thor.
Well, I'm returning in that I haven't been here in 3 years- new in that i'm no longer a dbag/troll and wont get banned this time with any luck :P (many apologies for my past actions)
What are these pictures I keep seeing under names I've been here for like 8 years and I don't even
Don't know what you're talking about:
Let the record show that WarpRattler has avatars disabled. This fact has been validated by Lizard Dude, who has quoted it, for truth; you won't see any avatars while logged in as WarpRattler, no sir. Details at 11.
'Sup. Internet's back, and so am I.
I have missed this place immensely since I've been gone. I plan on being here for a while. Feels great to be back! :D
I remember you. Weclome back!
So after cleaning my room and pondering my life, I figured out where I had left the other part of me: The Fungi Forums!
And I am very aware that that was extremely cheesy.
I wondered what that arm was doing lying in the corner
Well, sorta. More like just popping in when I still have better things to do and making a big show of it. Hey, we have a YouTube button now!
Hi. I'm new here. I hope I won't be a bother to everyone.
Welcome to the FF!
Welcome aboard!
Are you really a mullet?
Well, Bowser did first hit the scene around the 80s... welcome, crudely-coiffed Koopa!
After a little over a week without internet and having moved I am now back.
Obligatory Introduction post
Oh, hi guys. I am zelkova. This is a neat little forum you got here, i've taken a liking to it. I'm especially a fan of the "you awesome you lose" thread, at the moment. I like video games of all varieties pretty much. My favorites rank among the classics; Pokemon, final fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, and many others. I have an interest in learning how to use flash well, and I sort of want to learn the Unity Game Engine, seeing how its free and looks shiny. I also have an interest in learning Japanese, although I suppose that is also obligatory given my previously stated interests and the fact that I also enjoy Manga and Anime. And for that matter, I guess eventually I want to make a comic / manga. I do draw allot, but I've never made a complete one before. And well, that's about it. See ya' around.
I like the way you post. It shows character.
For some reason, I keep reading your sig as "Wii Fit."
Anyway, welcome aboard! I liked your rat post.
[darn] i feel old now
When you think about it, Pokemon is almost as old as the N64.
Sixteen years old is reasonably "classic."
For comparison, Half-Life and StarCraft came out in 1998. Fallout and Final Fantasy VII came out in 1997. Super Mario 64 came out in 1996. Chrono Trigger and Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together came out in 1995.
(also released in 1995: the original DonPachi, Night Warriors: DarkStalkers' Revenge, Highly Responsive to Prayers)
You don't have to yell, dude! I'm right here!
Welcome! I hope you hang out for a while.
(Mario RPG was also released in 1996)
This Zelkova person must be that guy who writes all those elementary school vocabulary books. ;P
Thanks for the welcomes and so on, Ladies and Gentlemen! ... though... I don't quite follow your logic, The Chef, but hey i guess i'l take it! *shrug*
I don't know if there is some sort of concrete time-mandate in the criteria for what qualifies as a classic, though i guess to an extent its really about personal taste. Back in the good old days, I had my trusty GBC, with its chronic lack of a low battery reminder and fantastically dim color screen, and a copy of Pokemon yellow.... and that was all I needed. I also really enjoyed the Crystal/Silver/Gold and the Ruby/Sapphire series, but ever since they seem to have lost that feeling that made them great.... *sigh*....
At any rate, the originals remain classics to me!
You don't have to yell, Navi! I'm right here!
oh hai, font color workaround
This guy's a genius.
Pokémon Red and Green actually came out just eleven months after Chrono Trigger in Japan, so yeah, I'd say it's old enough.
I don't feel old reading his posts -- just nostalgic, for how people typed online in the late 90s.
But hey, you know what, we could use some variety here. Welcome aboard, zelkova!
I think our newest member had a heart attack while registering for an account. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?action=profile;u=61593)
Hey everyone. I've... sort of returned. Been pretty busy. College, also started working at a TV network, also girlfriend.
Hell, last time I was here was right when the forum change happened, and that was eons ago, and even before that, it'd been forever.
oh hai
The Trainman cometh
It's weegee and toad. And lol LD. Though, I've been seeing him posting some times in Trials Evolution recently.
I'm new here, I want to share a few things I've recently thought up that is mario related. Hope yo guys will like it.
just asking how do I make threads?
Be patient. Follow the rules. Read the forum posts. Reply appropriately. Eventually you will get the privilege of making your own threads.
I'm new here, I want to share a few things I've recently thought up that is mario related. Hope yo guys will like it.
just asking how do I make threads?
Welcome to the Fungi Forums. ^.^
Hey there, hi there, ho there.
I'm new here obviously. I thought there weren't any Mario based messageboards anywhere to be found on the internet at all.
I guess I wasn't looking hard enough.
Ho where?
You're as welcome as can be.
Love your avatar by the way! *thumbs up*
Thanks much, I drew it myself~
Sorry for being an attention whore and sorry for posting Alex Jones and that stupid Chernobyl video. Anyway, I'm posting here again.
I'm back! On a new computer!!
Ok, so it's only been nearly 24 hours, but incase anybody was wondering where I was after abruptly leaving the chatroom yesterday..
I should be back in the chat some time tonight. If I'm lucky..
I'll probably be back on now for the long run (hopefully).
Long time lurker; first time poster. Any suggestions?
But for cereals, how long have you been lurking?
Long time lurker; first time poster. Any suggestions?
Ooh, an LTLFTL!
Latest Member: steveixnotxbox360orps3
i see
what you
I am grinning broadly.
I'm back! 12 years runnin' y'all! Thanks to Deezer for helping me recover my old username.
How's this place holding up?
How's this place holding up?
How's this place holding up?
How's this place holding up?
Great! Wonderful! Super! Lovely! Yeah!
i see
what you
I thought I was the only one to notice.
I'm back! 12 years runnin' y'all! Thanks to Deezer for helping me recover my old username.
How's this place holding up?
Totes voting this guy for Blast from the Past.
Speaking of blasts from the past... ;)
Whoaaaaaaaa. Welcome back, man.
Oh boss, it's Markio.
We were like, just talkin' about you on the chatroom the other day. :U
It's a bit stifling to think that I have a preexisting reputation based on who I was four years ago. So I guess I just want to reassure everyone that it's alright, I'm just as irritating as I was before. 9_6
Welcome back!
Oh wow!
Good to see you again, Markio!
Welcome back. Even including your absence you still have an average of over one post per day. o_O
Hey Markio! Welcome back!!
Holy dukar, it's Markio! I extend my arms in greeting.
A little late, but welcome back Markio!
Thanks for being welcoming, you guys! I was so busy at college I didn't have much time for online chat or video games. I'm back because I graduated, and because Sapphira still owes me five dol-- oh...
She also hasn't finished The Prophecy yet.
Also welcome back too.
Hi, im a newbie i just got on here ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pretty much anything i say can efect people differently my name is Crimson, i control thunder (yeah right) XD
Welcome to TMK, Crimson! This place is pretty cool, I hope you enjoy it.
You better believe it is. Isn't it? Isn't it! Right guys!
hai i'm new ;_;
Welcome to the FF!
Welcome! I hope you stick around for a while!
Good day, and enjoy your stay, Missing Score!
Don't cry
I extend the traditional Fungi Forums greeting:
I thought it was "LEAVE WHILE YOU STILL CAN"
That comes across as too much of a recommendation.
Weegee's signature complements that greeting something spectacular.
Now that I have my own laptop I should be coming here more. Keyword being 'should' because last time I said something like that I quickly stopped visiting. Anyway, I've been lurking and occasionally posting for awhile but I might be more present now.
Random thoughts and reflections: when I first started posting here I was a stupid junior higher and I said some things I regret (and chose a username which I'm unfortunately stuck with). This really is the only forum I've stuck with over the years. Anyway, it's good to be back.
I vote Super Mario Sunshine, because it makes you:
a: want to explore those tropical places
b: feel intrigued about shadow mario
c: ?
I think super mario sunshine is better than galaxy or 64 because of the whole hawaii-esque theme and great deals of exploration
Yeah that... I still think it's a great game (good for what it was, just not exactly as a Mario game), but I was much less... eloquent back then.
Did you want a name change?
Well Lizard Dude will add your picture to his dartboard if you get one, but...
I think I'll stick with the one I have. It's what I've been known as for a while, and even if it's as simple as my initials combined with a word 7th grade me thought sounded cool, it's not terrifically bad.
Wanna know what's scary? When someone who's been gone for about five years returns to haunt your thread! *makes ghostly sounds*
Hey everyone. I just thought I'd drop in again and say hi to let everyone and let you know I'm still alive. I know, I have a strange habit of coming back every few years just to greet everyone, and I'm still trying to figure out why I do that. I guess it's just crazy to know that my name is still beside this thread after all this time and it might be for awhile. And I have fond memories of this place. Anyway, welcome everyone to my website! lol
Hey! I remember the last time you came on and greeted us; nice to see you again!
Well, I'm not sure if I'm pleased or perturbed to still find so many familiar faces (i.e. names) still about the FF. It rather puts strain on my spread-thin Internet presence: map-maker, audio editor, guild-member, translator (not J→E anymore, but now the reverse), jikkyousha a.k.a. LP'er, voice actor, etc. Some of these have ended, some of these have just begun. Nonetheless, I recently remembered why I enjoyed putting about the forums, so I may be popping in again, from time to time.
It's certainly great to see you around here again! Hopefully you can make time for us here (and, more hopefully, in IRC).
Indeed. Y'know, I unearthed 20-some megabytes of IRC logs on my external hard drive recently. It was kind of fun to go back and see what I was like in high school, which is to say, hopelessly immature in ways that weren't very obvious to me then. I've learned much since grumpily slinking off when FF policies swung towards passive moderation.
But I've been rather heartless in my interactions since then, worming my way into communities, learning whatever I can, and then sneaking into the next one. In retrospect, I may have drifted away from TMK not because of my personal opinions on moderation and the civility of conversations, but because I had learned everything I thought I would concerning web design. I suppose there was also the small detail that, lacking some the nostalgia of the members who had owned S/NESs, I entered PC gaming with no regrets.
Who knows. I may eventually abandon my Nico Nico Douga subscribers (1/4 of which signed on because of this... thing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kyl2p5rTCG0)) when I consider myself satisfactorily fluent in Japanese. But one thing's for certain: I had always missed the relationships I developed at TMK.
Hello, Suffix! :0
Ugh, when I read my old posts on here I think I sound like a preteen girl who was trying desperately to make friends by alternating between randomness, appropriate sassiness, and unusual profoundness. At least now I sound like a kind of smart, kind of friendly male who initiates Hangman.
TMK: The haven of people in high school and onwards who preferred imaginary plumbers and turtles to the real people around them.
Heh, I think you're on to something there. Hmm... I need to look up the "what does your voice sound like" or whatever thread and link that one English parody song I did last spring.
Suffiiiiiiiiiiix!! Hi! Daps!
There'll be some fierce competition for the "Blast From the Past" Award this year.
Kristoph Suffix.
Kristoph no longer! For the time being, I've switched to my Fallout New Vegas character as drawn per request by somebody on the other side of the Pacific. I might switch to my rakugo performance photograph, since it looks better on a dark background.
Thanks, Kimimaru! See you all again in another 5 years!
lol I have to agree with Suffix and Markio that reflecting on how I sometimes acted on the Fungi Forums in the past is a little embarrassing, but I'm glad that I had a place to hang out where people didn't insult me when I said dumb things. It's nice to have a positive, E-rated website where everyone can have fun without the other disrespectful junk you see across the internet. I can't forget the memories of looking for the secret page, counting down till the DS and Wii, Deezer the snowman, Lizard Dude faking his death on April fool's, Chupperson's "blow'd up" song, reading fan fiction and mailbags, "What does your voice sound like?"... *goes on for five minutes longer* Now I'd like to make my own let's plays and my first unfinished one is SMB Lost Levels. It's a pain to edit the way I did it but it's funny at times so I want to finish it.
On another note, I've also become a big fan of something new. I won't say what it is but I will say it's something that Turtlekid1 probably likes too. Yaaaaaaaaaay. :)
(Wow... I'm also a little jealous of Suffix's skills)
Please come back to #tmk Suffix! I miss you! Me and Deezer could also probably use your Mad Japaneze Skillz™.
(Wow... I'm also a little jealous of Suffix's skills)
Mind you, Yoshisaurus, that some of the things I've spent a great deal of time on, particularly map making for TF2 and L4D, ended in utter failure. Skills were developed, but there was a distinct lack of talent. Hence, the skills developed are nigh useless to me now. In the case of TF2, I became lost in developing my own little world in the maps, and paid no heed to the common scales and distances that make players comfortable in new maps. So, I definitely learned something, but there was no real talent.
This sort of "jack of all trades, master of none" thing, or trying new trades without dedication to any of them, is the influence of growing up in a small-town, or so I'm told. Still, I must have some degree of talent with LPing, however, as I've been able to entertain a somewhat-foreign audience for two years, now.
I'm sure that if you can find something productive that you enjoy, be it something I've done in the past or not, you can surpass whatever I've tried my hand at. Except for the jikkyou play, perhaps.
Please come back to #tmk Suffix! I miss you! Me and Deezer could also probably use your Mad Japaneze Skillz™.
俺でよければ、いつでも出来る限り翻訳してやるよ! I'm always up for a linguistic challenge, but resuming IRC activity may be a challenge unto itself.
I don't know how long I'll be back, but for now, I'm back. this board doesn't seem as active as it was when I posted here all the time like 10 years ago.
It's like an old TMK family reunion in here! I feel unworthy.
How is this even possible
I read an off-topic post on the Beach Boys forum I post at about Wii U, and I looked it up on Wikipedia and found out about the new Mario game and figured that this site would be a little more informative. And at first I typed in "classicgaming.com/tmk" and it didn't work! hahahaha
I've been playing more Mario games lately, plus I've recently gotten more free time. I got all nostalgic about this place, and, well, here I am.
Actually, I returned to #tmk about a week ago, and it's mostly been a positive experience there. I was hesitant to "officially" return to the forums, though, so, for a little while, I've just been lurking here.
Dunno how long I'll stay or how much I'll post, but I'm back for now.
It's nice to see all these returning members! :D
Well it's nice to see you too, Sapphira! :D
It's nice to see all these returning members! :D
I agree. Welcome back everyone!
What is this, 2005?
It's a little like 2005, but we're all old and jaded now.
There's probably more fact to that than we might want to admit. Ah, and welcome back to the forums, Sapphira.
Suffix's homemade birthday presents were the best things ever
I attribute it to the economy, which leaves us underemployed people with more free time to spend online and an increased desire to escape to a fantasy world where gold coins abound.
Suffix's homemade birthday presents were the best things ever
Ah yes, the products of a mind unswayed by the tedium of a double-A high school. In any case, Studio MX was probably the best birthday present I had ever been given (from my grandfather, no less). Even if it crashes like nobody's business on Windows 7.
Heh. Before Glorb if at all we need Watoad who left for half way around the world and Chupperson who left because of a number.
Chupperson who left because of a number.
Wait what?
For his 11,111th post, Chupperson posted this
111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111
1111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111
11111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111
and never posted again (although he apparently logged in back in August).
CC7 beat me again.
Something seems wrong with the search. I tried five different searches and came up empty. Also, note the attached image.
He should've waited until 11/1/11.
Nah. That would have been too obvious.
(Chup was active in the chatroom relatively recently)
Hello there. I'm new here.
I've been waiting for you.
Welcome, comrade.
You say this site is run by communists as though it's a bad thing.
I wish I got on the Watoad/Suffix bandwagon and actually learned more than rudimentary Japanese.
Why's Glorb banned?
Hi frostbite
Dude, this really IS like 2005! Which was a pretty awesome year in TMK/FF history, IIRC.
Heh, Chup, are you resetting your post count whenever you post now? XD
Hello, Chupperson!
I usually look at any mention of "good old days" or "golden years" with suspicion, but I do remember a time when I was in high school, and I was always itching to see what was going on in the forums...
So are the events of 2006-2011 non-canon? Should we be working on the split timeline theory for the events of the Fungi Forums? :O
One timeline included Herbal Essences, and the other did not.
/me sees that Chup is back
/me thinks he has stepped into some alternate time zone
Yo. I love TMK.
Welcome! Welcome new galaxy!
Old members!
Seeing everybody reappear all at once is so terrificly impossible... it can only mean that the Great Re-Mario-ing is almost at hand!
Yo. I love TMK.
And TMK loves you.
Sapph raises a good point: why didn't CW's postcount increment? Is he deleting a post for each new post? For each post born, must one post die?
Mods apparently now have the ability to change post count. "Posts" under Account Settings is a text box with the number in it, at least for me. Who knew? :o
I'd bet that's just what he's doing.
Glad to see so many people come back! The FF can definitely use the diversity from time to time!
Yo. I love TMK.
Did you get your name from that one guy in Mario Tennis: Power Tour? :B
Did you get your name from that one guy in Mario Tennis: Power Tour? :B
Mason is actually my first name IRL :P
Lurked a bit and very much liking the style of conversation around here. Hello all.
Hi, then.
Mason is actually my first name IRL :P
Mason, eh? Listen... Can I call you Perry?
Mason is actually my first name IRL :P
Look at this guy. Risky business on the internet. He lives life on the edge of the edge.
We sure have a lot of Matthew's here.
Let's test this theory. Apparently my preferred language is Dutch.
We sure have a lot of Matthew's here.
My word. The internet is a frightening place.
Mods apparently now have the ability to change post count. "Posts" under Account Settings is a text box with the number in it, at least for me. Who knew? :o
I'd bet that's just what he's doing.
I just changed mine to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286, but that's not what it shows on my profile. Check it out.
Let's test this theory. Apparently my preferred language is Dutch.
I didn't realize/remember having both Personal Text and Custom Title options.
Oh no! What have I done?!
You have unleashed devastating inflation on the intangible currency that is post count, that's what. Kind of like what happens when you make your own weapons for use in RPGs, especially those of the Diablo sort.
Umm... I guess I'm back too, now?
It used to be club '86. It feels like club '05 right about now.
This year's Blast From the Past should be interesting.
This means we, who were regulars, must revert to our past selves.
I'd better not catch anybody making typos. XD XD XD. What's an Xbox? Can I eat it? XD.
This means we, who were regulars, must revert to our past selves.
I'd better not catch anybody making typos. XD XD XD. What's an Xbox? Can I eat it? XD.
Okay then, I'll go bump some old forum games.
Edit: Wait, you don't mean all the way back to-
2005 or 6, yes. Goodbye! Hope you enjoyed the future!
Well, I'm new and I hope that joining during this apparent time displacement won't cause anything bad when things are back to normal.
I like your name.
Is that what parents are naming their kids these days?
I just did an online search, and was very surprised...
There are fewer than 1,573 people in the U.S. with the first name Weegee.
There are fewer than 1,573 people in the U.S. with the first name Ymiynlzctezmzc.
... Until I realized the results were the same and likely invalid. Otherwise, what a great coincidence this would be.
If Ymiynlzctezmzc is weird, Koopaslaya is as normal as Mike.
I for one am looking forward to Ym9iYnlzcTEzMzc equalsign's conversation. Or, as his name would seem to imply, his descent into madness.
So.. is #tmk experiencing the time warp, too?
I just realized how much I'm making me look like a spambot and not some cryptic dude.
I was expecting your name to be a YouTube URL, but as far as I can tell, it's not.
So.. is #tmk experiencing the time warp, too?
It actually hit us before it hit the forum.
Contributing to the 2005 Blast from the Past. I'm most likely not here to stay, but I still figured I'd pop in and say hey. Hey!
Good God, man. I've heard tales of you, but never actually seen you.
Come to think of it, it's more of a class reunion from what I see. Unless my new sets of skills are in need, I, for one, will probably be disappearing again before too long. There are still Internet frontiers out there for me to conquer explore-- but this is a story for a different thread.
Good God, man. I've heard tales of you, but never actually seen you.
All a part of my infamy, I suppose. I was a pretty terrible person from ages 12-15 or so; it was just that "I know everything" phase of my life where my ideas were challenged and I didn't like it. Now I challenge everything! I'd like to say I live a Rurouni Kenshin style of life, sans the incredible swordsmanship. I wander from forum to forum, sticking around for a bit before growing bored and moving on to the next one.
Anyway, I may pop back in the chat room tonight as I did last night, though it might not be until after midnight EST (as I might be going to see/play bass with a friend's band.) I hope to be present when some more of the ol' regulars appear again.
Hey Ian!
Come to think of it, it's more of a class reunion from what I see. Unless my new sets of skills are in need, I, for one, will probably be disappearing again before too long. There are still Internet frontiers out there for me to conquer explore-- but this is a story for a different thread.
There are plenty of internet frontiers, but TMK is an internet home.
Come to think of it, it's more of a class reunion from what I see. Unless my new sets of skills are in need, I, for one, will probably be disappearing again before too long. There are still Internet frontiers out there for me to conquer explore-- but this is a story for a different thread.
Funny to think about it that way. I just had my ten year high school reunion..
You should at least pop in every time you get a chance, even if you're not here to stick around. It's always awesome to see you.
what's everyone else's excuse for returning? I found out there was going to be a new console and figured this would be the most comfortable place to get information about it (I am a big fan of forums in general).
Lizard Dude coerced me into posting in this past-fest. Also I don't feel like posting here is a waste of my life so that helps too.
An oldie smiled at me!!!!!!
This is the customary TMK greeting ritual. It's like dogs sniffing each other's butts.
You need 20 posts to be able to make a thread, right?
Rules. Read them. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0)
On another note, Luigison, can you please fix your post count? It's totally messing up the stats!
Of course
I didn't know anyone used the stats anymore. Since I changed it to "null" does that affect your stats?
Well, it moves you off the Top 10 Posters list. You should have 5708 posts presently. I went ahead and fixed it for you. Hope you don't mind.
WTD! You "fixed" my post count? Did you fix Chupperson's too?
Just kidding. I'm fine with it being correct. I just wanted to see what it would change various things to. Did you simply leave it blank so it fixed itself or did you have to type in 5708? If you had to enter it, where'd you get the actual post count from?
She went back and counted all of them, duh.
I counted 6984 posts, but that doesn't filter out the ones that don't count.
I should have used the <sarcasm> tags...
I knew you were being sarcastic. I shouldn't have been. I actually just looked at the screen and copy/pasted the number. No counting needed.
I typed it in. I used this post (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=7022.msg602109#msg602109) as reference, went to Show Posts on your profile page, and counted all the non-"Forum Games" posts you made after that post's time-stamp.
Hi, everyone. My name is Richard, and I thought it'd be epic to make myself at home here. As you might have guest from my username, I am a Brogre. Yes, I realize that we have gotten some bad press on the internet from Shrek-haters and trolls, but I assure you, I'm a very cool and productive poster.
In addition to my love for Shrek, I also like Mario. That's how I discovered this site. I'm also a huge fan of Internet Meme Faces, and when I went on Know Your Meme and found out that my favorite Meme Face, Advice Dog, started here, and right from the gecko, I just knew I had to join. I also have brown hair.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I promise my posts in the future won't be so wordy!
right from the gecko
In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
I had to read the entire mockery before realizing "gecko's" true intent... Also, hello Richard. I've never heard of "brogres," so I'm afraid I must assume you made that up to describe yourself.
What's wrong with Shrek
Another quote nomination for post of the year.
In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
It's copypasta.
What's wrong with Shrek
wait sherk
don't go
But his time here is ogre...
It's not ogre til it's ogre
This is the customary TMK greeting ritual. It's like dogs sniffing each other's butts.
1. BrOgre 3 thumbs up
Someone who has your best interest at heart but is always in your business and giving you attitude about your behavior and doesn't care if you get mad about it.
Why didn't you go the party last night? I was going but my older cousin heard me saying that there would be booze there and he threatened to kick my [badonkadonk] and tell my mom. He's such a BrOgre.
buy brogre mugs & shirts
2. brogre 4 up, 4 down
A large man whos daily appettite usually consists of shrooms. A brogre usually drives a green van and lives off alicia. A brogres farts can be compared to death gas used to kill asian terrorists. It is one of the only known gasses that can make asia smell bad. The gas is considered highly toxic and is lethal to large animals.
The brogre clogged erics toilet...
buy brogre mugs & shirts
CrossEyed7, a Brogre is someone who is a fan of the Shrek movies, much in the same way that Bronies are fans of My Little Pony. We also like to use Ogirls for the girls among us (of which there are plenty, trust me!).
1. O-girl 53 up, 27 down
n. An Orthodox (Jewish) girl. These chicks drive secular guys crazy because of the alluring appeal of their perceived innocence. Synonyms include dox, nash and denim skirt.
"[Dagnabbit], i wish i could get some of that O-girl action!"
buy o-girl mugs & shirts
2. o-girl 8 up, 13 down
Slightly more frum or observant then a MO - Girl.
Randy: Tova, you have my stamp of approvel as an O-girl.
Tova: Yay!
buy o-girl mugs & shirts
brb, ordering O-girl shirt and matching mug
Where are those definitions from?
Urban Dictionogre... I'm not good at this.
(Note that I have no idea if the word replacement is on purpose as a joke, like "(br/p)onyification" of words, or if he's making his posts from an Apple device with up-to-date software.)
Urban Dictionogre... I'm not good at this.
Actually that was pretty funny. I would have gone with something like Ogre Dictionary.
Or Ogrerban...
Just came back from the land of hiatus to say...ahoy, TMK crew! Sorry that I went momma m.i.a last year. 2011 wasn't a good year for me (mainly after March). Some crap went down at home between my mother and sister, and it threw me into a state of depression and jadedness. Basically, I was down, but not out. I don't want to talk about it too much because everything between them is fine now. But yeah, 2011 sucked for me. (I hope it didn't suck for any of you though.) Nevertheless, I'm alive and well, and my mother and sister are getting along with each other. And I couldn't be anymore grateful for that.
I know this is a website dedicated to Super Mario, but I couldn't just come back and sugarcoat things or stay away and not give an explanation on where I disappeared to (honestly, it felt like I was transported to Hell). I think that would've been weird or out of place to some extent.
Anyway, enough about that. How's everyone? Everything still looks to be in one piece... *examines walls and ceilings* mhm, yup. Awesome. :D
Did anyone preorder the Wii U? I know I didn't. /fail
But I have a 3DS! :D /win
Sorta, I only have three games -- hey! Money is tight, okay? Have you seen the prices of those vidya games?! Don't judge me. :|
Welcome back.
Sorta, I only have three games -- hey! Money is tight, okay? Have you seen the prices of those vidya games?! Don't judge me. :|
I understand. I only have two 3ds exclusive games. One I paid lke 40 cents for (after trading in OoT3D and Star Fox 3D, which I got with the system) and one was a gift.
Oh, and welcome back!
Hi everyone, I'm Shadow Yoshi.
I've been coming to this site for about 6 years but finally decided to register at the forums.
I run an under-construction Mario site called Stardust Fields (http://www.stardustfields.net/), along with its own IRC network. Its expected launch date is July 9th, 2013.
Anyway yeah, hope to get to know you guys more and it looks like a fun community.
Hello! Welcome to TMK. It's a great and fun community!
brb, ordering O-girl shirt and matching mug
Do those come as a set, or do you have to buy them individually?
Hello! Welcome to TMK. It's a great and fun community!
Don't believe Koopaslaya's lies.
Oh, believe them with every ounce of belief you have.
I noticed Markio returned a few months ago. I must say, wow, he died out in like... what, 2004 or 2005? Late response, but what's goin' on?
All we need now is sadib100/marioguy, and nintendoexpert89, and it'll be an early 2000s party.
Party, no. Attempt at a party failed by marioguy/sadib, yes.
I "died out?" You mean left? It wasn't until late 2008 that I officially left because I had more pressing matters to attend to in real life. College and stuff. Coming out. Getting a job, that kind of stuff.
Remember jon and that whole "Yay!" thing? "Mario likes to dance in his backward pants?" I still laugh when I think about "Luigi really hated it when he craped his pants."
I was meaning "flamed out." And yes, I do remember all that stuff. He is still on my Live messenger. He signs on every once in a while.
I'd like to know what happened to Rork.
...ahem... Hi, I am Doormat, and that is because I couldn't under any circumstances think of anything else as a username, other than Philip, but people would probably think that's my real name (it's not.) I also couldn't think of an avatar. Of course, I like Nintendo. I've been looking at this site for years now and finally joined when I realized people under 13 could join. Although, I'm only a year shy of being 13. I enjoy formatting messages, as you can see by the oversized text above. Looking forward to seeing you people around the forum. ;D
EDIT: And, a question: are custom titles given to users who've been around a bit longer or can they be used by anyone?
Custom titles are bestowed upon users once they show the worst aspect of their personality.
Custom titles are given by mods after a user has established something about themselves. They're usually "funny."
Mine has changed a couple times; now it's just a reference to my username. Welcome!
EDIT: I wrote this before seeing Weegee's post, and I refuse to alter my post (besides by doing this) just because of that. ;)
Well, then I'll establish that I am a fan of Commodore/Nintendo 64. XD
And thanks for the welcomes.
I enjoy formatting messages, as you can see by the oversized text above.
I would recommend staying away from the big text for now. We've had some abusers of [font size=woah] recently.
people under 13 could join
Not 100% sure on that one.
You're the most articulate 12 year old I've ever met. Feel proud.
Not 100% sure on that one.
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi45.tinypic.com%2Ffbyhz4.png&hash=667b53d639c956b5b7edeba84f1274c6f35024f3) <- You click on it and you can register. I had to go through a confusing process about sending an e-mail to the address it told me and some other things of no particular interest.
Hooray for making images transparent for no reason other than to make it look good
You're the most articulate 12 year old I've ever met. Feel proud.
2. especially, speaking in a clear or effective manner
I feel smart now
One more question for future reference: does having a quote within a quote confuse the parsing?
No, but quoteception isn't used on the quote button to make posts readable.
Hello and welcome, Doormat! I'll try not to step on you every time I enter the forum.
Hi Doormat! I like your avatar.
I concur. Your avatar is quite amusing.
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi45.tinypic.com%2Ffbyhz4.png&hash=667b53d639c956b5b7edeba84f1274c6f35024f3) <- You click on it and you can register. I had to go through a confusing process about sending an e-mail to the address it told me and some other things of no particular interest.
Hooray for making images transparent for no reason other than to make it look good
I feel smart now
One more question for future reference: does having a quote within a quote confuse the parsing?
Oh, I was just saying that because I got banned a couple times for being underaged. (Then again, you're not a complete moron like I was/still am.)
you're not a complete moron
Who told you that nonsense?!
...that's all really.
Hi Steve.
Hi Steve!!
I see a lot of people I recognise here. This is an awesome sign. :D
Also, having made a bunch of DDR charts since avatars apparently become a mainstream feature of the board the chart in mine is horribly made I need to fix that someday.
Whoa! I was totally thinking about you the other day (and that spiral shirt of yours)! Welcome back!
It's great to have the Professional Cynic back, but based on your recent Hopeful post I think you may be a little less cynical.
Welcome back, Steve.
Steve's back!
Blast from the Past 2013?
The only thing missing in the great comeback of 2012-2013 is Vidgmchtr.
Wasn't he banned?
He was. I've just realized, though, that I never found out why.
It's apparently been removed.
If I remember right, he'd asked to be banned to make sure his dramatic departure stayed permanent.
Yeah, it's not likely that he'd want to come back. But he was a genuinely good member for a while.
And then he messaged me with ill will after I spoke poorly of him following The Departure.
...that's all really.
Are you really insane or is that just your handle?
He was insanely cynical, but sadly he is now merely...
Ho ho, well I find myself on this site again! Although I didn't do jack [dukar] before.. I'm back. So.. hi :3
Also, I'm gonna be using a different account called Blaze the Fox since I can't figure out how to change my username. Just waiting for the stupid email to be sent.
You ask a mod to change it. I'm one of 'em. I'll change it for you if you like.
Yes please!
Can't, the new account already has the name and they can't both. I guess if you confirmed it and that one was renamed or deleted or whatever it'd probably work.
I'll change your display name. Your username will stay the same, by the way.
Awesome! Thanks, Deezer, and BP for trying.
Also, I'm gonna be using a different account called Blaze the Fox since I can't figure out how to change my username. Just waiting for the stupid email to be sent.
Boy does that sound like a terrible Sonic OC.
Awesome! Thanks, Deezer, and BP for trying.
Thank you so much for-to changing his name!
Welcome back!
Boy does that sound like a terrible Sonic OC.
Boy does that sound like a terrible Sonic OC.
LOL it's not, don't worry. Although, now that you mention it, it would be a terrible idea for a Sonic character.
Funny that that exists. Not exactly unexpected, but funny.
That reminds me,
Story Time
When I was perhaps 8 years old, a made a sonic spin off character named Lightning who was basically exactly Sonic, but green and a good mechanic. I was so proud of that terrible OC until I googled the name and discovered that someone else had already made a green hedgehog named Lightning. When I was 8 this made me sad. In retrospect, it's mostly funny how trite and predictable Sonic fan characters are.
Google [your first name] The Hedgehog and see what you get. You will get something.
I hate you, BP.
LOL it's not, don't worry. Although, now that you mention it, it would be a terrible idea for a Sonic character.
So bad the name has already been used by sega?
Also, no documents :( (http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&oq=+Ym9iYnlzcTEzMzc+the+hedgehog&gs_l=mobile-heirloom-serp.12...51409.75007.0.75558.
Oh god it's true
Josh the Hedgehog. ;_;
Both my real name AND username yielded results. x__x
Sapphira the Hedgehog is actually kind of adorable.
What have I done.
You've done nothing. You've only summoned a darkness that was already dwelling just beneath the surface.
OK I dunno what animal that's supposed to be but as far as Sonic fan characters though this one's actually pretty badical. And nicely drawn to boot.
Mike the Hedgehog!
It's a lizard hedgehog.
Mason the Hedgehog. Check the guy's DA entry for a dumb backstory.
I love how many of these seem completely unaware of how simplicity was one of the fundamental rules for Sonic's design scheme.
He also has a human version:
And here's my middle name:
Incidentally, I'm starting to get some ideas for Searscats.
"Human" my arse. He has no nose!
Krillin would take offense to your statement, Chef.
The nose seems rather trivial in light of all these terrifyingly large hands, feet, heads, and that spherical skull.
EDIT: I pray that my post does not invite more scribblings to appear beyond the fold.
Sonic's world has to show us any humans that look like (for lack of a better word) Mobians. The Dragon Ball world on the other hand has guys like Chazou.
I am convinced the internet produces terrible sonic OC's faster than they can be viewed.
1) Take Sonic
2) Color swap
3) Dress him in clothes you wish you owned doing things you wish you could do
4) ???
5) Deviantart followers!
I usually enjoy these two-page tangents, but...
Hello, you may have remembered me as hello:). Now, I like Hetalia.
Forgot your old account's password?
Can't you get the administrators to email you a new one?
Actually, I just couldn't type in my iPad, and couldn't remember any of my passwords.
Hello, I am the cat. I love cats (obviously)
How very narcissistic, or rather... Machiavellian? Welcome, by the way.
How very narcissistic, or rather... Machiavellian? Welcome, by the way.
Briguy whatever and so-and-so made me do it. Seriously I don't know what to post here. It's 3 am and I don't want to think.
Welcome, both.
So-and-so is a great man.
Briguy92 is okay.
Huh...look at that...I guess I have visited this forum somewhat recently if my avatar is any indication.
Jman! I daresay little has changed since you left a year and a half or so ago.
Holy crap, this place still exists? You guys have to be one of the longest-lived server-side HTML-based forums I've seen (and the longest I have ever been a part of). I've logged in once a year at most. :P
On a lighter note, if Luigison is still here, he might appreciate the fact that I am now a physics teacher. I can't decide if that's irony, or just my natural calling.
Man, it's like some of last years noobs generated new interest for old-timers that left.
Last year's noobs? I haven't been here in a year. How could I know whatever noobs you guys have recently?
Well, I just meant that there have been a lot of old forum goers coming back or just visiting.
I had a strange dream last night where I was working on my old Mario fanfic. I woke up this morning wanting to come back here (I've been hanging out at the Something Awful forums for these past two years...), but I hadn't had the chance to until now. I had been logging in and out in order to add chapters to my story every six months or so, but I feel like coming back for a prolonged visit this time. So, hello everyone! Just taking a quick look around, it seems a lot of the people I remembered are still here.
I had a weird dream a long time back where Insane Steve bet the entire Earth on a poker game...and WON. Of course I wouldn't have expected anything less from him.:D
(though looking back at the hands now as far as I can remember them, he did have a mathematical advantage in saving the Earth, but I would have hated to see the Earth be destroyed by bad luck)
Y'know, CashCrazed, I've always wondered... back when the HTML trick was a thing, how did you go about doing it? I discovered a method after learning from you that it was possible, but I never confirmed if your method was the same kinda thing.
What I would do was find some other site's forum that supported HTML (by putting a different number in the forum's URL, of course), then find the bit of HTML in the page source of that forum's "submit post" page that included the "enable HTML in this post" checkbox, then copy/paste that into a saved version of the "submit post" page for the post I was about to make, check the now-added checkbox, and post.
Was your method similar? If you still remember?
Forgot to say, I was at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Bought about 30 CDs.
I actually don't remember the original trick, but I remember one better. This way I feel you discovered yourself...but so much more was possible. The original Gamespy ASPFORUM software had many forums. If you went into another forum running on this flawed software, entering the right topic and forum id numbers in the URL address allowed you to post to that forum using another forum's permissions. That means that I could post anything I wanted from here, and that forum could not stop me in any way. The admin himself even said I did not appear on his member list, so he couldn't do anything about me. It also meant I could post anything I wanted here from there...and not even Deezer could have stopped me. I could even edit other people's posts. Quite a power trip, for such insecure software. Just what an idiot 13 year old kid like me needed to feel like somebody :P
So, I used to be a staffer, and then life slapped me in the face. But now, years later, my son is a huge Mario fan by accident, so I have returned, to try and reignite the fire within.
I am a budding filmmaker, and honestly, my dream movie is a reboot for the Mario movie. So guys, let's hope I stick around, and please forgive me if I seem dumb to the new stuff; I'm trying to catch up to a world where time moves faster than the speed of a spiked blue shell.
Holy crap dude, welcome back.
my son is a huge Mario fan by accident
Riiiiiight. ;)
But yes! Welcome back!
I am a budding filmmaker, and honestly, my dream movie is a reboot for the Mario movie.
Oh. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=14149.0)
But yeah! I remember you! You were cool! And also left very shortly after I joined.
Please don't bring ColonelKR into this.
Why? It's not like you're him or anything
Oh. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=14149.0)
But yeah! I remember you! You were cool! And also left very shortly after I joined.
I'm still cool I'm still cool!
Holy crap, Super-Jesse's still alive! And there's that other guy too!
Speaking of movies, let's not forget that TMK already has the greatest Mario movie ever made (http://themushroomkingdom.net/fanfilms.shtml#taomal).
FAKE EDIT: Oh, wow, I didn't realize Lizard Dude LIVE was 11 years ago.
Now why on earth did we never add my Nintendo/Super Mario documentary?! /u/Deezer!!!
He is risen! Thanks for keeping the TMK spirit alive with your learned presence, SJ.
Now why on earth did we never add my Nintendo/Super Mario documentary?! /u/Deezer!!!
I can't tell if you did that as a joke or not.
So, I used to be a staffer, and then life slapped me in the face. But now, years later, my son is a huge Mario fan by accident, so I have returned, to try and reignite the fire within.
I am a budding filmmaker, and honestly, my dream movie is a reboot for the Mario movie. So guys, let's hope I stick around, and please forgive me if I seem dumb to the new stuff; I'm trying to catch up to a world where time moves faster than the speed of a spiked blue shell.
By accident? I don't believe that's possible at this point. The Mario games have corrupted him, however subtlely, and have done it WELL. They now own him just as they own you...and if you think I'm joking, I've been stuck here for 12 years...off and on, but never cut off for certain. This place has some sort of Siren's Song...and you KNOW IT.
Could be the free soda.
Could be the free soda.
That stuff screwed me up hard, man.
...and if you think I'm joking, I've been stuck here for 12 years...off and on, but never cut off for certain. This place has some sort of Siren's Song...and you KNOW IT.
It's true! It's so true.
He is risen! Thanks for keeping the TMK spirit alive with your learned presence, SJ.
No problem, though I think at this point you guys are the ones that will be teaching me a few things; took me a good 15 minutes just to remember how to properly post a "blog" type thing in the Mario Chat forum!
I can't tell if you did that as a joke or not.
Oh no, my friend, it was very ridiculously real. I actually had done it for a History project. We had to give the history of "something", but based on a few points they gave us. It was originally just a powerpoint presentation, but I went super overboard and did that little video. In case anyone hasn't seen it, it's on my facebook video page (and the quality isn't the best because I had to compress it a lot, and it's like 20 minutes long: Here is the link. (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150282170794951&set=vb.175377335816611&type=3)
By accident? I don't believe that's possible at this point. The Mario games have corrupted him, however subtlely, and have done it WELL. They now own him just as they own you...and if you think I'm joking, I've been stuck here for 12 years...off and on, but never cut off for certain. This place has some sort of Siren's Song...and you KNOW IT.
I guess the giant Mario Sunshine poster in my room didn't help, as well as the fact that I still have my Mario outfit in the closet. Waiting for the day I'm called back to The Mushroom Kingdom. ;-P
as well as the fact that I still have my Mario outfit in the closet.
You have weird fetishes, man.
Oh no, my friend, it was very ridiculously real. I actually had done it for a History project. We had to give the history of "something", but based on a few points they gave us. It was originally just a powerpoint presentation, but I went super overboard and did that little video. In case anyone hasn't seen it, it's on my facebook video page (and the quality isn't the best because I had to compress it a lot, and it's like 20 minutes long: Here is the link. (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150282170794951&set=vb.175377335816611&type=3)
I actually meant trying to link Deezer's name as if it were a Reddit comment.
I want that picture as my new avatar.
I actually meant trying to link Deezer's name as if it were a Reddit comment.
I was hoping he's taken my suggestion to turn the forums into a subreddit-like adventure.
If red is mod and yellow is admin, what's green?
Former mod?
Half-mod? Weremod?
Warp pipe
Superball: Can post blogs, but not a mod.
That's a pretty badass title.
Guess you could say he's Superballin'.
Superball: Can post blogs, but not a mod.
Should add: If he disappears for 3 years again we are confiscating his Super Mario stuff.
Guess you could say he's Superballin'.
If my current signature wasn't so cool, I'd make this my new one.
That's a pretty badass title.
I like this one too. Except I'd take creative liberty and make it say "Super-Jesse is pretty badass".
I'm back! It's Trutly! for Welcome Board to myself Forum the Trutly!
Made it back just in time for your first post. Great work.
Made it back just in time for your first post. Great work.
It's a moment in history we should forever immortalize. I should know, I am from the future.
Like Hitler being rejected from art school?
Like Hitler being rejected from art school?
This reminds me, everyone should check out Justice League: Flashpoint. Trust me when you watch it you'll know why this comment reminded me to mention that.
Hey guys, some of you may remember me as the infamous Martini from a few years ago on this forum.
I was just browsing the web when somehow this forum seemed to have come up and I started feeling a bit nostalgic so I
decided to check it out and see what was happening here. I'm glad to see some familiar faces usernames still post here!
I know I wasn't the best user, as I recall, my last words to Megabyte were to "kiss my butt!" or something along those
lines...Sorry about that by the way man, I hope there's no hard feelings.
To be honest I'm not entirely sure why I mustered up the audacity to come back here and post something. Perhaps I'm seeking
closure of some sort. I know it's just an online forum, but back then it really was somewhat part of my life as I posted here
on a regular basis and even befriended a couple users.
All I can say is that I've grown up since then, as I recall I lied about my age when I first started posting here and in
actuality I was only about 11 or 12, so naturally I was immature, and since I was going to a new middle/high school the following
year full of bigger and older kids, I was always trying to keep on this tough guy exterior, even online but obviously
I'm actually 20 now, currently in college. I'd understand if I'm not welcome back after all the
ugliness that occurred back then and I'm sure I still got some 'splaining to do. I'm an open book, I'll be willing to answer
any questions I might've raised after my departure and to those who actually remember me, hopefully there's no hard feelings still
floating around between myself and anyone I might've wronged in some way.
It's okay, Martin. We still love you.
Hello everyone. I used to post here, then used to post here again. I'm surprised I remembered my account details!
Meh. I'm returning. *flag unfurls with "bang" written in bold green letters*
Now I'm feeling all nostalgic-like.
Hello everyone, I'm Theo. And I'm probably going to make a fool out of myself in this forum many times.
I'm an avid player of games, I play many games of many different types. Including the Mario series. But why would I be here if I didn't. I also love to write and draw, and do anything generally creative. I have all the retro systems, and some new ones. But I still haven't gotten a 3DS or Wii U, although I really want them, money troubles and all. As for what I like to do on forums, I mostly stick to topics I create, but I will occasionally head into others. I also love it when a forum game section of a forum allows for RPGs and Choose Your Own Adventures, as it let's me practice my creativity with my favorite subjects. CYOAs, and Video Games. I actually have quite a few planned for just this forum. And I'm pretty sure it says your allowed to in the forum games section.
Overall, I hope to have a lot of fun and make new friends here. Although I'm wondering, do you have to wait to be able to post in the forum games sections like some other topics? Because I'm hoping to start soon and I was just wondering how long the wait generally is. I'm not a common poster outside my own topics, as I've said, so I might hang around here a bit and help greet new people if it depends on post count. I'd be a good way to meet new people as well.
Anyway, hope we can all have fun together.
For CYOA. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?board=1059.0) Though you might need this. (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?board=4495.0)
Hm...now I'm confused. Do I use Fan Creations or Forum Games for it? Well, I suppose it would depend on the type, thanks for your input.
You would use Forum Games for CYOA stuff. Also, the very first line in the rules (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0) addresses your concerns about posting.
That said, welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay. I'm sure at least one or two others also hope you enjoy your stay.
I am sorta new but i have made a few posts already...
So many infamous banned guys like "TheKoopaTrooper", "ColonelKR", and "Martini"
What're you trying to say.....? ? ?
Oh no.. it's Colonel, remastered.
I've got some very important exams coming up for university and I can't afford to be distracted by online forums and such things.
So I'm back. :P
Hello, Yoshers15 is in the house! I've been coming on this site for a long time actually, so you can call me a "lurker" I guess. For unknown reasons, I decided to register here. Pretty neat having a Wii U developer signing up here, huh?
Neat! Welcome aboard.
We have a Wii U developer as a forum member now? That's awesome!
...also hi.
Hey there! New member here, I'm glad I finally found the Mario community (or a part of it). I was looking forward to make a couple of questions to you guys but I just learnt I can't start topics yet. So let me ask you a little one here.
I'm a composer, I write orchestral stuff and I'm a big fan of Super Mario World. I'm currently working on a SMW album, I'm making orchestral arrangements of the original songs. I have a couple of those on youtube and everyone seems to like them but I wanted to know your opinion about something. Do you think a SMW album should have every piece of music from the original? I've covered a lot of them, including small pieces like 'clear course', 'mario dies', etc. but I feel there are too many castle levels pieces, boss battle, etc. that change the mood of the album. I like the original music because it's playful and fun and that's what I want in the album. What do you think? Is it sacrilege to miss some darker stuff uncovered?
PS. Apologies if this is not the place to ask questions!
Hi Ruben,
A warm welcome to the Fungi Forums! Enjoy your time here; it's a great community.
It just doesn't seem right to me to have an SMW album without having all the songs...but you can go in whatever direction you want with it. It doesn't have to be a full Super Mario World tribute album.
Be sure to post some samples in the Fan Creations board!
Hello and welcome! Enjoy your stay!
In response to your question: Put whatever you like on it! If you want it to have all the pieces, go ahead. If you think they don't fit, leave them off. If someone dislikes it because of that, then so be it. The most important thing, I think, would be for you, the creator, to like your own work.
Thanks everyone!
@TheMightyThor and @BriGuy92 both are good arguments, I haven't made up my mind yet so for now I guess I'll keep working on it and see what happens.
How do I post in the Fan Creations board? I'm unable to start a new topic, is there a topic for these cases?
Have you read the rules (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8638.0)?
Yes, I know I can't start a new topic. I was asking if there's a thread on the Fan Creations board to share some music or something similar.
Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding. Most people don't bother to read the rules, and are very confused at not being able to post topics. Glad to see you're on top of things!
There's not really a general "anyone post stuff here" thread, at least to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me. Hang around for a while, and before too long, you'll be able to post something for yourself. It'll give you a chance to make yourself known and get to know the others here, which is always a plus!
My name is Caterina and I am new...just wanted to say "HI!"! =D
Just kidding! It has been a long time we haven't seen, eh?? I am sorry for my long absence!! =(
Hi, welcome back!
Hey stranger! Welcome back!
I remember you! You make cool art! Hi!
Hey, Super Caterina!! Long time no see! (post?)
Hey, Super Catarina, I remember you!
Woah. Anyway, welcome back, old-timer!
Glad you remember me! =D I have been missing this website, probably one of the few decent one around the web "nowadays". I see a lot of stuff have changed!
Your art is super cool :o
Woah holy crap Attack on Bowser
HiI I'm the new guy! Nice place you got here!
Y-you too
I love your work.
I have returned from the bowels of forumless hell!! ( For those interested, My original account was Goomba-Koopa Hybrid) Splee!
Oh thank goodness I thought you were CTOAN
Also welcome back
I received exactly two StreetPass hits between Ottawa and Charleston, South Carolina.
Hi I just joined. Some of you may have seen me idling in the IRC channel. I am Clive Koopa, a long time fan of the Mario franchise and Koopas in particular. I've been around on the net for a long time and you may know me from various other Mario fansites and forums. I decided to join this forum finally. Most of the other forums are now dead or dying. I haven't played much games lately but will get myself back into them hopefully soon. I also write fanfiction and am starting to draw also.
You'll find that this forum is very active. Especially the Mario board, Game Help board, and Site Discussion boards!
I guess its alive as a Mario forum can be in this day and age.
I guess it's alive as any forum can be in this day and age.
Who are you?
He's the knight of metal, obviously. But seriously, welcome back!
SSB4 is approaching, and despite not having any means to play it, it's piquing my dormant interest in Nintendo ever so slightly. So here I am again. 'sup.
Hey, me too! Except I never left the FF.. Welcome back!
Back again! Looks like I've been here almost 12 years. Wow.
According to my profile:
Date Registered: 20 August 2002, 12:43:52
Is that my actual registration date/time or when the FF were reworked into the best forum them on the internet?
It appears that FF was migrated a couple years earlier. The earliest topics on the Mario board are from June 29, 2000.
Look how many more topics there were :(
If it's any consolation, someone will probably be sad about it when facebook groups or whatever are also dying.
The days before avatars on the Fungi Forums... those were the good old days!
As it happens, my Latin nerve has always twitched at the name Fungi Forums... I want so badly for it to be the Fungi Fora... Or at least the Funguses Forums (to keep the bad Latin consistent.)
If it's any consolation, someone will probably be sad about it when facebook groups or whatever are also dying.
When Facebook anything goes away, I'll likely by leaping for joy rather than wallowing in melancholy
You'll find that this forum is very active. Especially the Mario board, Game Help board, and Site Discussion boards!
It's rather remarkable that the FF is as alive today as it is. Another testament to the fine community here!
When Facebook anything goes away, I'll likely by leaping for joy rather than wallowing in melancholy
I wouldn't get too comfy, communication methods abhor a vacuum.
(waits out time for all older TMK members to die to claim seniority)
I wish CashCrazed would make crazy things happen to the html on the Forums like the old days!
I haven't died yet.
Hi everyone. I'm new to the forums by name, but not "new" to the forums per se. Years ago, I was a member here. However, I have some general questions about Nintendo-related things and have come back. For the life of me, I can't remember my login, so I went with a new username. I don't think I've posted here in nearly a decade now!
I was still a student when I was last here. Today, I own a tutoring business. As such, I do still keep up with what the kids are playing, although I don't own a current console (the Wii is my most recent). That's not to say I don't enjoy an occasional game or two, even as an older guy. In fact, I played a round of Smash Brothers on my old N64 earlier this evening before coming here (which is also how I cooked up the username).
I had actually gotten away from video games entirely for a while. Prior to starting my business, I was in a terrible work environment in a city where I knew almost nobody. One night, I dusted off the N64, which I had moved with me just in case I had decided to pick it up again, and played a round of Starfox. I hadn't felt that good in a long time. Since then, I've played on occasion (usually when I need some "me time") and have actually gotten into having retrogaming tournaments with my friends. (As you can tell, my friends and I are getting old).
Since I sold my SNES when I was between jobs (bundling Mario RPG with it used to fetch a good premium!) I actually have a renewed interest in the system and have bought the games for the Wii. In fact, I ordered a classic controller a few days ago, which is the most I've spent on video games in about four years. This includes the iPhone (which, if you ask me, is a terrible choice for gaming--give me back my old Game Boy any day for gaming on the road, or even a TI-83 calculator since I did have the Mario game for it).
Hopefully I can be a contributor of some sort on here beyond the questions I want to ask!! I've only played a Wii U a few times, but if you've got a problem with the older stuff, especially Mario-related, chances are good I've played it at some point.
Hey! Welcome to the FF. Enjoy your time here, it's a fun group!
Hey Guys I'm new here, y'all can call me Ghazzle :) i'm looking for some game gear on the net does anyone know any sites where i can purchase exclusive or unique gear with super mario prints and stuff. Thanx in advance!
And then he vanished never to be seen again.
And then he vanished never to be seen again.
You dead wrong you are going to see me here more frequent than you thought! Anyone who knows an online store where you can buy stuf from Mario&Luigi, Link&Zelda or even DBZ?!
Depends entirely on what you're looking for. Maybe try Amazon?
I'm looking for stylish but unique clothing with funny statements and game characters. I found some stuff on ebay but i'm still looking for better quality.
I always see really cool art on ShirtPunch (https://www.shirtpunch.com/) and they're constantly doing 10-dollar sales.
I always see really cool art on ShirtPunch (https://www.shirtpunch.com/) and they're constantly doing 10-dollar sales.
Thanx i've checked it out and it is unique tho but not much variety. The Dbz is cool tho. Do you know any more sites?
I always see really cool art on ShirtPunch (https://www.shirtpunch.com/) and they're constantly doing 10-dollar sales.
It's been a while since i've been here but i found a website with real cool stuff its not cheap but it is unique tho.
I've made my first order this week :) can't wait for mr postman to deliver my package.
its a new company tho so i hope everything goes smooth, incase you or someone else like to see what i'm talking about go see the website vumetti.com
It's been a long time since I've posted here............where did everyone go? How is everyone? It's been a while since I've been here so I think I'll ask everyone how they're doing.
It's been a while since I've been here so I think I'll ask everyone how they're doing.
We were doing fine until you came back.
To be completely honest, I thought he was banned.
[darn] green folk.
Welcome back!
I'm YoshiAngemon. I came here from the SEGA Forums, because it's gotten a little too crazy for me on the Nintendo Section of said forums. I do like Mario, and the Legend of Zelda. And I do have a Wii U and 3DS. I'll try to be a good member. But I couldn't get an Activation email sent to me, and I thank the administration for manually activating it for me.
We were doing fine until you came back.
probably the most farquaad thing I've read all day
Hello everyone! I've been to TMK many times before but never actually visited the forums. Used to search around here for Mario-themed skins for Winamp 2.X back in the day. :-) So I'm feeling somewhat nostalgic and decided to register here. I love Nintendo to death and have been a fan of the Super Mario franchise all my life.
I'm from Sweden and my English skills are pretty poor in comparison to a native-speaker. Just pointing it out so you people don't mistake me for a dyslexic person.
Also I'm very pleased to see that the layout still looks the same, I miss the look and feel of "the old internet". :-)
Welcome, H4rbert. I too feel a great sense of nostalgia from revisiting the Fungi Forums and TMK. The FF was my first forum (11 years ago!) and TMK was one of the first sites I used on a regular basis (joined the FF after following the main site for about three years).
Hope you enjoy your stay!
Another lurker, eh? Nice to have you, I hope you enjoy your time.
Thanks for the welcome!
Here's a post. I'm not dead, somehow!
Hey, new member here.
Well, only sorta.
I've been a semi-regular visitor to this site since 2007 and had an account or two in the past on fungi forums, long gone, maybe 1 or 2 posts.
So hopefully this one sticks around a bit longer.
Welcome, StarJumper.
I'm a veteran member trying to become a regular again.
Welcome... back? I guess? Maybe?
I've been here around 3 years, and I'm sorta spotty on when I visit.
Hello, Koopris yes a the Forum.
Sorry, what?
Hello, Koopris yes a the Forum.
yes a the Forum.
a the Forum.
I'm guessing that was Google Translate working with the Polish word tak, which can translate as "yes", "like", or "so" (either in the sense of "so much" or "in this manner") depending on the context. One of those kinds of words that machine translation has a really hard time with.
Anyway, witaj, Koopris!
kup teraz (yes I know what that means)
Wait, Scatman John is gonna post here? :O
He's dead :/
Perfect fit for this forum.
The deader the better.
Lil' late for that.
RIP In Butts themetaknight
"A little late"
I just wanted to post that after an extended absence from the Fungi Forums, I've decided to return.
I remember you, I think!
Hey, so
It's been like a year since I lasted posted here.
How's everybody doing?
I'm well, m'Luigi.
I'm still hanging 'round, and life is doing pretty OK-ish.
Also nice profile pic.
Thank you, Stardust Crusaders ended last week and I needed something that symbolized not just my love for the show but also my status as a sad, lonely nerd who watches anime.
Welcome back PaperLuigi!
I leave for a while and suddenly all you hooligans can talk about is videogames.
To note my spontaneous return, here is a picture of a sock I drew for Briguy92's hitbox channel.
Nice to see ya again!
ay guuurl
Je m'appelle Champoad, j'ai 14 ans. J'ai des connaissances en HTML/PHP/CSS/SQL...
J'ai découvert ce site par un ami et je le trouve cool. ^^
Voili voilou :p
I hope you speak English well
Lol I speak English, not very well :(
I was looking through the websites I had saved passwords for and lo and behold, this was here. And I decided to log in.
Welcome back!
Hey! The person who went inactive around the time I joined!
Oh well, it's great to see ya, even if there's barely any activity.
Hey there.
This may be my first post, but I've actually been a member here for almost two years and have been visiting this site much longer than that.
Anyways, I need help from you guys:
I've been out of the Nintendo loop for a very long time, due to my wanting to make fighting games my favorite game genre, as well as delve into other non-Nintendo games, franchises, and systems, all this in order to find and keep my favorite game of all time. Long story short, it has not worked out. At all. Hence why I've spent almost 10 years trying to find my favorite game of all time.
Now I wanna give Nintendo another chance, by getting back into the World of Nintendo, rebuild my decaying Nintendo collection and make it bigger and grander than it was before, and hopefully find and keep a Super Mario game as my favorite game of all time.
Is it too late for me to become a Nintendo fanboy again, after being gone so long? Also, even though it's been falling apart over time, my Nintendo collection is still large and impressive, so it shouldn't be TOO hard to whip it back into shape, right?
Your "favorite game of all time" isn't something you force, it's something you feel after you get a magical feeling from a certain game that other games just don't give you.
I do have to say this:
When I made my previous post, I was hell-bent on making either SMB3 or SMW as my Favorite Game of All Time, along with their respective system as my Favorite Game System, mainly because they were widely regarded as the best Mario games ever made.
BUT, a few days ago, I decided to make the N64 my Favorite Game System. NOT because of what other people think of it, but because of my own personal experience with the system.
Long story short, I love everything about the N64: Its design, its accessories, and more importantly, its game library. It may not have had as many games as the NES and SNES (or even the GC), but the brilliant quality of the games it does have more than makes up for it! My first system was a SNES, and I played my fair share of it as well as the NES when I was a kid, but as soon as the N64 came out and I got it for X-Mas that same year, it pretty much dominated the rest of my childhood!
Now, I was gonna make Super Mario 64 my Favorite Game of All Time to go with the N64, but it hasn't been holding up very well as my favorite, and like you said, probably because I'm forcing it to be. However, even though it's been a long time, I've been falling in love with Mario Party 3 all over again, and even though it'd seem like too much of an obvious choice, I really do like playing Ocarina of Time (even though (sad to say) I've never beaten a Zelda game before in my life. It'd be one helluva goal to work towards though, and I'm up for it...) Also, Super Smash Bros. comes the closest to what I envision every time I think of a dream game (A DC Comics VS Marvel Comics fighting game using the SSB engine).
So in short, it's now between Mario Party 3, Ocarina of Time, and Super Smash Bros. I would say at this point, "What do you guys think?", but then again, it's not about what you guys think, it's about what I enjoy the most. So I'll get back with you on this...
Instead of just flat-out jumping to another game as my Favorite Game of All Time (like I usually do and which never ends well), I instead decided to re-evaluate Super Mario 64 as my Favorite, and determine why it deserves to be my Favorite, and not just because it's for the N64...
Super Mario 64 has given me MANY magical feelings, like you said a Favorite Game of All Time should accomplish. When I first got my N64, my first two games for it were the two launch titles, SM64 and Pilotwings 64. I played SM64 a LOT more than Pilotwings, even though I really enjoyed that game as well. However, I loved SM64 so much and was so excited about it, that whenever I was asked to do the family prayer at the dinner table, I would throw in "Please help me to get all the Stars in Super Mario 64!" until my dad threatened to take away the N64 if I didn't stop doing that :P . Also, I've said before that if I could pick any one place where I'd feel absolutely at peace and good about everything, I would go to The Secret Aquarium (from SM64 obviously).
Obviously I've been playing SM64 just as long as I've been playing the N64, and it's had just as much of an impact on my gaming life (and my life in general) as the N64 has. So yes, Super Mario 64 DOES deserve to be my Favorite Game of All Time, and I'm proud to call it that.
Dude, don't worry yourself so much about which game is your Favorite™. Just play games that you like. Maybe one of them is the one you like the most, but even if it is, that's not even all that important. Maybe a game that is your favorite now will not be your favorite later. Maybe you'll never have one single favorite game. Your favorite game doesn't have to be on your favorite console. Heck, you don't even need to have a favorite game, console, or anything.
I guess my point is chill out a bit. Try not to stress about putting an order to which games you like. Just go play games and have fun.
Yeah, just like what you want.
3 years ago I would've hated myself for liking FFVII, but now it's my 3rd favorite PS1 game.
And even then, I don't really have a "favorite game".
Now, if I were to have one, it definitely wouldn't be Mario 64, but that's just because I didn't grow up with it.
But hey, at least you're proud of your favorite!
There are twenty-nine good games
Punch-Out!! for the Wii
Dark Souls
Project M
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Chrono Trigger
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Dead Rising
Half-Life 2
F-Zero GX
Viewtiful Joe
Super Mario World
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Yoshi's Island
Mother 3
Metroid Prime
Super Mario 64
God Hand
Elite Beat Agents
Ghost Trick
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
There could be more
Like everyone else said...just chill and play what you like. Having an absolute favorite really isn't that important. We all grow and change and your fave game now might not even hold your attention in a couple of years. Just have fun!
Peach is right. I recall putting hundreds of hours into some Atari 5200 games as a child. My top 3 games back then wouldn't make my top 50 today. To paraphrase Lizard Dude, "The game I'm playing now is the best game ever."
Hi, I'm Lakitu and I am new!
Hi, Lakitu! Welcome. Enjoy your stay here at the Fungi Forums, where "what we lack in activity we make up for in quality."
Hi, Lakitu! Welcome. Enjoy your stay here at the Fungi Forums, where "what we lack in activity we make up for in quality."
i make poost
Quality™ Post™
You posted a mobile link to a video that can't be viewed on mobile.
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F6.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fgallery%2Ffirework-gifs%2F3257821561_9ebb3c1794_o.gif&hash=751b7f5d9b107ca0ba65b1230f9be4a9e469ba44) | (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F6.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fgallery%2Ffirework-gifs%2F3257821561_9ebb3c1794_o.gif&hash=751b7f5d9b107ca0ba65b1230f9be4a9e469ba44) | (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F6.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fgallery%2Ffirework-gifs%2F3257821561_9ebb3c1794_o.gif&hash=751b7f5d9b107ca0ba65b1230f9be4a9e469ba44) |
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/images/e3/09/100_3677.jpg) | |
(https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F6.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fgallery%2Ffirework-gifs%2F3257821561_9ebb3c1794_o.gif&hash=751b7f5d9b107ca0ba65b1230f9be4a9e469ba44) | (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F6.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fgallery%2Ffirework-gifs%2F3257821561_9ebb3c1794_o.gif&hash=751b7f5d9b107ca0ba65b1230f9be4a9e469ba44) | (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F6.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fgallery%2Ffirework-gifs%2F3257821561_9ebb3c1794_o.gif&hash=751b7f5d9b107ca0ba65b1230f9be4a9e469ba44) |
That is still one of my favorite posts ever.
We only post high quality Mario game posts.
Also, welcome, Lakitu. This forum is seriously one of the best I've been on and I hope you like it here.
Just like I said, posts of both superior excellence and finest vintage.
We only post high quality Mario game posts.
Also, welcome, Lakitu. This forum is seriously one of the best I've been on and I hope you like it here.
Hi, Lakitu! Welcome. Enjoy your stay here at the Fungi Forums, where "what we lack in activity we make up for in quality."
Thanks guys!
How do yo get that writing under your name. e.g. bobbysq1337 has echo
Also how do you get that quote thing e.g. Koopaslaya has Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου
The "writing under your name" is what we call a "Custom Title", and it's something the mods give you if and when they feel like it. I went to Ireland eight years ago and it's stuck with me ever since.
The text that appears beneath your posts is a Signature, and can be edited from within your Profile. The profile link looks like this (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FQYF9N7O.png&hash=8c8c5711c34f929f2091d7481b674e8b50bcadb0) and is in the top-right corner.
Once you're in there, look on the left for something like this: (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FxyanKd9.png&hash=843829bbb95d99454a5d0f5bc980b0b71ad99d17)
That's where you can change your signature. Note that this forum does not allow signatures with images, or that take up more than two lines.
Excuse me if my memory is faulty, but weren't we allowed to set Custom Titles at some stage?
I think custom titles have always been bestowed upon us from above.
I can set mine I think because I'm Super, but I can't set anyone else's
Word or warning regarding custom titles: If you're bad with computers, keep it to yourself.
And if you have a decimal in your username implying an unfinished program, SHHH.
And if you live near the ocean....
I may have just joined last week but i have been reading these forums for about 5 years
I was the same way, way back when. But welcome!
And if you live near the ocean....
And if you're not from Kansas...
And if your first account was called "Hello"...
And if you can do whatever you want...
And if you can do whatever you want...
And the winter 2016 ADVANCED Poster Award for best cutsom title goes to...
And if you used to quote every post above you out of habit due to a stupid rule on another forum...
Remember when you had to set your avatar to something you selected from a list (that included celebrities) that would only show on your profile? That was weird. Why was that a thing?
I like how the celebrity options still haven't been updated since 2000. Avril Lavigne? Cameron Diaz?
I don't even know who half those people are, and I was born in the 80s.
I like that Bono is just called U2.
Who even remembers Fred Durst anymore?
I do
Mainly because of Vinesauce, but still.
Who even remembers Mr. Melee anymore?
[I wish I didn't.]
Hey! I was just recently wondering if you'd ever come back here.
I'm still here. Lurking. Biding my time...
Hey! I was just recently wondering if you'd ever come back here.
Hey Bri! I was talking with none other than Eclipsed Moon on a Twitch chat a few nights ago, felt nostalgic, and decided to pop back in. Still throws me for a loop that the look of this place has not changed since I started coming here over a decade ago.
Hasn't changed? Of course it has! Most people are gone and everyone still here has had babies, or gotten jobs, or gotten jobs delivering babies
I gave birth to sextuplets and named them all after you.
I am one of the babies.
I'm slightly better looking, but that's about it.
Hasn't changed? Of course it has! Most people are gone and everyone still here has had babies, or gotten jobs, or gotten jobs delivering babies
Thankfully, I fall in the middle of those three!
Given up on birds, Sam?
I'm slightly better looking, but that's about it.
I can almost certainly grow some form of facial hair now, but it's none more impressive than it was in 2006 than it is ten years later.
frogs and skeletons these days
/me is still Toad.
But seriously, it's awesome to see you!
I can almost certainly grow some form of facial hair now, but it's none more impressive than it was in 2006 than it is ten years later.
I've a competent beard myself at last!
Meanwhile I need to shave.
Hello everyone I am new here!! I have been a fan of the Mario series since I was little. Since probably 8 or 9 years old.
I made a really cool video of me playing Super Mario World Blindfolded!! Would love it if you guys gave me some feedback!!
Really glad I found this great community!
I'm back. Did I miss anything?
But seriously, I just want to thank this forum for all the great discussions. This and KRR were my childhood, and I love seeing it again.
Maybe I'll stick around a while?
Looks like your last post was in the thread when Club Nintendo launched.
Now Club Nintendo is dead.
Looks like your last post was in the thread when Club Nintendo launched.
Now Club Nintendo is dead.
I still can't believe warioware didn't give me any points.
I didn't try putting in any codes after that, to be honest.
Welcome back, even if you killed Club Nintendo!
You'll see things have receded to a... leisurely pace.
Another of your last posts was in this thread (http://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=12227.msg530762#msg530762) about the Nintendo logo being changed from red to gray, and now it's back to red again! (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1204370)
Hudson is in absolutely no danger of dying, just so you know.
Good thing Konami's not going anywhere
Are pachislot machines a valid destination?
[Something about Trump having no chance of becoming president]
Look on the bright side: now we have a chance to get a bomberman pachinko machine!
You got your wish (http://www.sammy.co.jp/japanese/product/pachislot/bomberman-victory/) about ten years ago.
And you didn't even have to ask Konami!
Hi there, i just joined this site because i love the Mario series, i was dropping by to say hi, that's all.
Two new members in one day, wow!
please dont leave us
Hello! I've been looking for an active Mario forum to be a part of. If you've been to MarioBoards between 2013-2015 you may know me from there. But alas, I was banned after that. So I really would like to find a new Mario forum home. Maybe this place is it~
I'm a huge Mario nerd, particularly for the RPGs. My favorites are Super Paper Mario, M&L Superstar Saga, Bowser's Inside Story, The Thousand-Year Door and Dream Team. In that order. I also like the rest of them, except Sticker Star... and I find Paper Jam mediocre. My favorite Mario characters are Fawful, Dimentio, Count Bleck, Antasma, Cackletta, and many other RPG-exclusive characters. I wish they weren't mostly one-hit wonders.
Also I have my own somewhat active-ish Mario forum dedicated to the RPGs... but I won't link it because I'm not sure if I'd be banned for advertising.
Welcome, Fawful!
An active-ish forum? In 2016?
Now there's a feat.
Anyhow, welcome.
I mean, the Qhimm forums are rather active, considering that the original site is about as old as the PC release of FFVII
Yeah, I think this style of forum (still) has lots of advantages over "social" media. Comparatively smaller, fun avatars and signatures... call it nostalgia, but hey, I'm still here after close to a decade!
Social media has avatars.
Now I'm imagining facebook with signatures and laughing.
Dude, that would be rad. I'm gonna add mine manually like a tool.
Yeah, true, avatars are still around.. maybe it is just rose-tinted glasses about the aesthetic.
Social media avatars are either your face or a pink equals sign.
I thought everyone here also used their real face.
I definitely do.
>mfw i have no face
>mfw my face is a Stand
>I stand by my fish face
I am Mario Who Has Had Just About Enough Of This Crap,
Your license expired a year ago, man. Might want to get that taken care of.
In any event, I feel like the ones around here don't change as much.
Ey, thanks for reminding me to.
*Beeps fedora*
Signature is staying the same forever though.
Oh god I'd get this name changed in a millisecond if it weren't for the fact that everyone here knows how stupid I am, I don't need to make an attempt to cover up how awful I was in the past.
Hey man, it's fine to like <popular entertainment media>
Yeah it's not even that I hate people that like it, I just don't really wanna be reminded of the time I did.
Yeesh I was a [dukar]ty kid.
Honestly, I think people who don't claim that about themselves likely haven't grown out of it.
I still haven't grown out of it probably but at least I'm better than when I was in 7th grade.
I know I definitely reflect on some of my long-past posts here with no small amount of cringe.
Picture of me using the computer to prove my avatar is me
Seems you've put on some weight.
It's just the angle!
I see you also shaved your beard.
And got a spray tan...
You're too close to the screen, your eyes are going to burn right out of your skull
Holy crap I'm never posting a pic of myself again
Okay, so, after many futile attempts to reset my password, I had to create a new username. If you read my personal text under my profile name, you might be able to guess who I am.
If not... it's none other than Trainman!
I forgot I don't have topic posting privileges yet. [darn]. I wanted to post some stuff about my stuff.
oh hai trainman
RIP trainman's old account
Well, hey, welcome back!
Hello Trainman.
I'm still here, everybody, in case you were wondering.
Been hanging out in the IRC daily for almost a year now. Though I know I've stopped by it a few times in past years before I started getting on regularly.
Apparently my last post here was a good 10 months ago, somehow. How
Time flew by me
anyways if ur cool get in the irc nerds
I'd probably be on the chatroom more if it weren't for the fact that modding Smash 4 and school takes up most of my time now.
I bet if you talk to Deezer he could reset things for you. Perhaps.
Hello fellow Super Mario Bros. fanatics!
My name is Justin.
hello welcome to the graveyard
hello welcome to the graveyard
Hello! =D
Do you remember me? Is this forum still alive? :o
I remember you, and you're great.
But this forum is about as alive as the birds my cat catches.
I missed you!
I also miss the forum being alive...
the space jam site is more alive than this forum
I believe this is one of the rare places where I can still find genuine Super Mario games fans, it's a shame it is dying!
Is there anything new guys??
I could work as freelance in the gaming industry in the latst years, however I found really difficult to draw fan art again. Though I am trying to find sometime for it!
What about some of my old friends?
Oh hey, welcome back!
Welcome back!
Once again I'm back after a little over 2 years. Got out my SNES yesterday and I've been working through Yoshi's Island to get 100 scores on all the levels. I'm currently up to world 5.
Greetings Everyone!! Im Conradd. Hope to meet new fellow friends here :>
Welcome, Conradd. We hope you enjoy you experience here!
Hello! I've been lurking around TMK for many, many years now. I decided it would be nice to finally sign up and interactive with the community now that I've done the same with my other favourite sites.
Welcome! I have only been here for 2 years and it is a very good forum with like-minded people.
Thanks! Also yeah, I can't wait to meet some people with similar interests.
So, any folks who happen to still remember me?
So, any folks who happen to still remember me?
New year who dis?
I am a new member. Woah, this topic is 14 years old - how old is the forum?
Welcome. i believe the forum started around nineteen diggity doo. Well before it's current incarnation.
That makes me feel ****ing old. I mean, I was 8 when I first started coming on here, and now I'm 20.
To try and answer your question, the oldest threads remaining on the forums are from June 2000. As I understand it, TMK (the site as a whole, not just the forum) has been around since at least 1999, though not always on this domain name.
Apparently, it's existed since March 24th, 1997. Little less than a year since Super Mario 64 came out.
Jesus christ I joined when I was 11. I'm gonna be 17 soon. This site may be mostly dead but it was a massive part of my childhood.
some dinosaurs still exist.
I haven't posted here in over 3 years, thought I'd say hi. I've changed a lot since then, such that I probably won't be accepted here now. But eh, what the heck. Figured it was worth saying something to see if anyone remembered me at all lol
Hey guys, just checking in. So glad this place and my old posts are still around.
I was posting here around the same time I created this masterpiece: https://web.archive.org/web/20030924194600/http://solarmario.com:80/smwp1.html
Nice story.
Yeah, I'm thinking I shouldn't have had internet access when I was 8.
i joined this site, maybe when i started middle school? i was 11.
i graduated high school abt a week ago. i turn 18 in a lil bit less than 2 months.
rest in peace, old friend.
Rest in peace? This site is still plenty usable my friend.
Wow. I joined over 3 years ago. Feels weird.
I don't recall when I joined. The forums date is wrong though since it was revamped and the dates didn't carry. Regardless, I see on the 'new' forum I still average greater than one post per day.
As stated, the TMK site is very usable, but the forum is fairly dead. How can we revive it?
Reviving this would require providing something other forms of social media don't already. Moreover it helps if the nucleus of a community is less mainstream than Super Mario; hence why lesser exposed and/or regarded works are labled "cult." Back when this site was active and people tried to steer the conversations towards more insular (to put it diplomatically) ends, it seemed to me it'd be more productive to join a community centered on those and ask if there were any Mario fans around rather than vice-versa like people where doing.
Mario alone is nothing to center a relationship around, especially if confines aren't kept and enforced. They weren't so people drifted off.
I infrequently do get the impulse to revist this forum because it was the first online community I ever engaged with. To be perfectly honest it's also one of the first places I really tried to earnestly socialize... and the results were naturally embarrassing. Some of what I said hang on me like the chain links of Jacob Marley. Some I still stand by, however, even if my approach was flawed; the principles in general are still very much resolute.
From gleaning the last few posts, even back then I was much to old to communicate with many of you. Holy crap, most forums have a 13 age minimum policy.
The community does live on—not here, but on Discord (https://discord.gg/fFGs37z).
It's especially lively right now with SMM2 just released!
*Comes in drunk*
Heyyyy everybody... Just seeing if I have an avatar or not heh heh...
Oh. Things are kinda dusty, huh? Lizard guy and Boo Dudley and Luigison are all still posting, even though it's been so long. At least, they posted last year. But even that's pretty recent, eh? Well, cheers, cheers...!
I've changed a lot since then, such that I probably won't be accepted here now.
Well? Bring it on! I definitely remember you, by the way--but until I saw Luigison's avatar, I had you filed incorrectly.
... So nobody change your avatar! Also, my avatar is pretty sweet, if I do say so myself. By the way, Luigison, I still have that epic stylus. Regular toothpick styli don't even compare.
Can you remind me the context of that epic stylus?
It's-a me, Markio! (I honestly don't think I've ever used that line). Just dropping in to say hello and see how things are going. :)
I joined in 2003 when I turned 13 and spent basically all of high school here. I left here around college age in order to focus more on school and real life issues (like seeking employment, pursuing higher education, dating, etc). This forum provided me both a real sense of community, as well as a stepping stone toward independence as a teenager. It's simultaneously comforting and unsettling to see that this place still exists, which all my teenage ramblings still viewable for the judgment of others. XD
A lot of the current news focuses on how politically divided the US is, and it got me missing the heterogeneity of this forum, with members as far away as Montana and North Carolina! XD I'm also planning a Mario halloween costume, and so I felt compelled to revisit to check on things.
Currently I am still in California, am engaged to a guy I've been with for 7 years, and am currently studying to get my license in clinical psychology. My fiancee did not play video games growing up, and trying to get him to play Mario Kart 64 was like teaching a toddler to hold a spoon ("Hold the A button to move!" "What's an A button???"). So I guess I just miss you all and stuff. Hope you're all doing OK!
Oh man, any idea why this place is still around? It's practcally ancient! Ah well, as long as I can get acquitanted with some peeps here. Anyone using Steam here? If you see this username in other places, you can bet that it's me and no one else.
hi guys im new here
Man, I guess it hasn't been that long since I've used my old account here, but it sure feels like it.
It's Tavros (gosh I ended up regretting that name fast), also known as IAmHello. Joined here in 2012 or 2013, way too young for this site, but man, I wanted to actually talk to all of the cool people that I saw here.
The last time I posted I had just left high school. The first time I posted I might have been entering middle school. Now I'm in my 2nd year of college. Being on here again is a trip.
I know the Discord is more active, but I have more fond memories of this place, to be honest.
But, yeah. I know this is a pretty dead thread, but it's definitely nice to revisit this place after so long (and just to be period accurate, I'm doing it on a Windows XP machine, too).
I hope everyone here is happy. I know this site gave me a lot of happiness.
Man, I guess it hasn't been that long since I've used my old account here, but it sure feels like it.
It's Tavros (gosh I ended up regretting that name fast), also known as IAmHello. Joined here in 2012 or 2013, way too young for this site, but man, I wanted to actually talk to all of the cool people that I saw here.
The last time I posted I had just left high school. The first time I posted I might have been entering middle school. Now I'm in my 2nd year of college. Being on here again is a trip.
I know the Discord is more active, but I have more fond memories of this place, to be honest.
But, yeah. I know this is a pretty dead thread, but it's definitely nice to revisit this place after so long (and just to be period accurate, I'm doing it on a Windows XP machine, too).
I hope everyone here is happy. I know this site gave me a lot of happiness.
Does TMK even have a Discord server of it's own nowadays?
Yes. It's not great, though. :/
Yes. It's not great, though. :/
I see. Nonetheless, it certainly seems like that these forums doesn't have much of a future nowadays... Although this too is a long runner after a fashion, it's anybody's guess when it will fizzle out once and for all...
I doubt that it will fizzle out completely. This board was old when I joined about 5 years ago. If it wanted to die, it would be dead by now.
I have returned.
I have returned.
How are ya doing, Peach?
That's all we do here is return. But I started playing Yoshi's Island last week. I'm up to World 5 so far, with 100% completion of all previous worlds.
I'm new here lol
I'm new here lol
(welcomes Mecha-Blooper)
I'm new here lol
Nice! I hope you're enjoying time here, as dead as these forums happens to be in the end...
Wow, thanks for the welcomes. Yeah this place is pretty dead, but it's nice to see that the owner(s) have kept out the spam bots. It's always a little sad when I go to check on an old forum and it either doesn't exist at all anymore, or it's been completely overrun by bots.
To be honest these forums being empty is what made me want to create an account. I originally wanted to make an art blog in the fan creations sub-form, but I guess I need to post more before I can create a thread lol. Thinking back on it now a month later it seems dumb, but at the time the idea of setting up camp in a secluded corner of the internet and posting Mario fan art there appealed to me. I still kind of want to do it so I might end up hanging around here more. Besides, the length of time between replies gives everything a more laid-back feeling imo.
To be honest these forums being empty is what made me want to create an account. I originally wanted to make an art blog in the fan creations sub-form, but I guess I need to post more before I can create a thread lol. Thinking back on it now a month later it seems dumb, but at the time the idea of setting up camp in a secluded corner of the internet and posting Mario fan art there appealed to me. I still kind of want to do it so I might end up hanging around here more. Besides, the length of time between replies gives everything a more laid-back feeling imo.
(likes idea of this "feeling")
Yoshi55. I was an edgelord when I was banned maybe 15+ years ago. Gomennasai.
I joined the Navy and got stationed in Japan in 2011, my annus mirabus. My 00s bigotry deserves no forgiveness.
NESPlayer, I talked to the webmaster in 2011 in Japan, but now I have a stack. A 1985 NY NES, a PAL NES (ealy 90s), 1992 Hyundai Comboy, a dead AV Famicom, and a standard Famicom.
Yoshi55. I was an edgelord when I was banned maybe 15+ years ago. Gomennasai.
Hello so new here, hi everbodies! How come cannot post a new topic thread?
Hello so new here, hi everbodies! How come cannot post a new topic thread?
(suggestion: try again)
Good God, it's been a while since I have been here. Never banned even though I should have been. I still can't believe I remember my old password.
Never banned even though I should have been.
(wonders about this perspective (about being one who should had been banned))
Dang, people still posting here huh? I've gotta say, I'm glad to see it. It's nice that this place is still going; I think I'll stick around.
Yeah. It's gone from a flowing river to a very strong-willed trickle.
How do I make new posts on threads since I am new here? Also anyone here know Japanese?
Hi, you should be able to start a new thread now.
Can you remind me the context of that epic stylus?
It was a contest of sorts, possibly involving Mario Kart time trials. In any case, the stylus itself has a triumphant Mario aboard his kart. I think it may have been E3 swag.
Aaaand I found it. (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8670.msg392884;topicseen#msg392884) Man, that was fun. Thank you.
I have recovered the original photo (deleted by Photobucket) (https://themushroomkingdom.net/board/index.php?topic=8670.msg396851#msg396851) of the aforementioned E3 swag.