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Video Games => Video Game Chat => Topic started by: HolyAarom on March 28, 2005, 01:04:10 PM

Title: DS vs. PSP
Post by: HolyAarom on March 28, 2005, 01:04:10 PM
Which is your favorite? DS or PSP? My vote is
the DS

DS  1 vote
PSP 0 votes
Title: Re: DS vs. PSP
Post by: Watoad on March 28, 2005, 03:30:57 PM
I will not vote without giving some reasons why I prefer one over the other, and right now I do not have time to give reasons.

Instead I will vote for asking this question: What drives you to post four new topics on your first day here? Not criticizing—just curious.

EDIT: What?! Who closed this topic? And why? . . . I'll just go ahead and vote for DS without giving reasons because I'm already too late.

DS: win
PSP: lose

"He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep for the sake of what he can never lose."

Edited by - Watoad on 3/30/2005 1:11:40 AM
Title: Re: DS vs. PSP
Post by: Black Mage on March 28, 2005, 03:53:44 PM
Welcome to the forums, as it seems you're new.

 However, I had formulated my opinion of this topic before I discovered that you were a new member, and had prepared some of which I am about to write before hand. Now, if you would indulge me, take what I'm about to say at face value, and nothing more. My intent is not to scare you from the forum, nor make you uncomfortable in anyway. All I wish to give is what I would take as simple advice -- something which you're free to take, or disregard at your leisure.

 This is a topic that becomes very complex. There are those who simply flock to one system due to who made it, there are those who take into account only certain aspects of a particular machine, and there are those who don't care one way or another. And then, there are those who are tired of listening to all of the above types argue.

 Unfortunately, I fall under the fourth category, but that does not mean you made a mistake posting this topic. Many people love to debate the same topic over and over, and others are new to the debate. However, I will warn you, in posting a thread concerning a topic such as this, in a Mario themed forum, you're not very likely to discover a variety of different view points. Still, that's no reason to avoid posting a topic, I understand that. There's always a chance someone will speak for the other side, and you may even learn something new about either machine. If something like that occurs, no matter how unlikely, that's great. There's nothing better than becoming more educated on a topic.

 However, my problem also comes from the fact that this is a widely discussed, and I use that term loosely, topic. It's almost guaranteed to have made its way to a forum like this. In fact, it took me a mere 30 seconds or so to find
this thread.

 And I'm sure there are more like it, elsewhere on this forum.

 All in all, it's good you wish to discuss something, but it's also good to take a look to make sure it hasn't already been done.

Edit: Added HTML as to avoid table problems.

Edited by - Black Mage on 3/28/2005 1:59:11 PM

Title: Re: DS vs. PSP
Post by: Lizard Dude on March 28, 2005, 04:05:55 PM
The strange return of Black Mage.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”
Title: Re: DS vs. PSP
Post by: Ambulance Y on March 28, 2005, 06:59:23 PM
Personally, I vote for PSP. I hate to break it to you guys, but I'm a hardcore PlayStation fan. In my opinion, Sony is making a very smart move with the extra capibilities. The graphics look stunning, plus with the movie-watching, and music-listening features, I am extremely pleased. Don't get me wrong, the DS has amazing new control features that make us gamers drool like blood-hounds, but to me, PSP looks even  better. My vote goes to PSP.

DS 1

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker

Edited by - ledzeppelinrocks on 3/28/2005 5:00:54 PM
Title: Re: DS vs. PSP
Post by: Suffix on March 28, 2005, 07:46:26 PM
*ominous voice* I'm sorry to hear that, sir...

 I must admit, I like that big screen. But I like the touchscreen more.
Title: Re: DS vs. PSP
Post by: Lizard Dude on March 29, 2005, 12:31:17 AM
I vote DS for price and games and features and battery life and originality.

DS 2

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”