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Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: superstarMASIAH on July 01, 2005, 06:36:10 PM

Title: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: superstarMASIAH on July 01, 2005, 06:36:10 PM
Yeah, I've been thinking alot lately(not always a good thing) but I have been wondering this one question.  What scares you the most?

Heres my list, most of it was crap I thgought of when I was little.  Most of the stuff I'm over with

Used to be scared of
-E.T.(Bad dreams)
-That stupid chucky doll(I saw the movie when I was a little too young)
-I used to think people lived undernieth the shower, thats why I never put my feet on the drain, because I thought if I did, the people would grab my feet.
-I used to read u.f.o books in school, then when I whent to sleep I would think of the crazy stories in them.
-I used to be afraid of going downstairs, and if I had to, I would run up the stairs as fast as I could when I was done.
These are the things I'm still kind of afraid of

-I still leave my bedroom door open at night, in fear of being asassinated(spelling?)
-a little afraid of the dark
-abduction (normal, or paranormal)

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: The Blue Toad on July 01, 2005, 07:07:58 PM
Used to be scared of:

-The basement.  I would run back up as fast as possible, and my footsteps would sound like a giant monster chasing me!  OH NO!
-Lord Voldemort.  That creepy evil guy from Harry Potter.  I used to leave my door open and always thought I would see him standing at the doorway, or at the foot of my bead, staring at me.
-It.  That really creepy clown guy.  He was the worst.  I'm still creeped out about him, actually.
-Aliens.  Are they really out there?  To this day, I'm still not sure.  Maybe...
-Okay, I'm gonna say it...I used to have this board game, where you played an ant, and the ant was on an ant-eaters tounge.  You would have to try to get off the tounge as the game continued on, but I was so scared of the ant-eater, I would grab the ants while my family was playing it and run away.
-E.T. (yes, me as well.  that thing was just so creepy!)
-Evil robots that have come to kill me!
-The Dark

What I am afraid of:

-Serial killers and murderers.  You know.  That old chestnut.
-Spiders.  I swear I have aractnaphobia (however you spell it) which is the fear of spiders, obviously.
-Being the last person on Earth (and hear a knock at my door).

"Lord Bowser, do you like egg salad?" ~ Kammy Koopa - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Latias Dita on July 01, 2005, 07:39:39 PM
What I was afriad of:

Grey Aliens (the ones with large heads, big black eyes, and small bodies): I first saw one when I saw the cover of the book Communionat the age of four. I didn't scream or anything, but for a few weeks I  crawled into my parents' bed instead of sleep alone. Later when I was eight or so, I saw the movie Communion, and scream when I saw the alien. I was deathly afriad of it for a year or so until I got over it.

ET-How can people say he was cute? He's creepy!

Vacuum cleaners--I have a scary dream where I got sucked into one. I was about four then.

What I'm still afriad of:
Being abducted my aliens. Of course I read up, and still read about "true" UFO stories and UFO abductions. Alot of evidence says it's unlikely we're being abducted, but if I'm up late at night, I still feel afraid to fall aseelp, or else get abducted and have breedign experiments done on me!

Roller Coaster--I can't stand them @_@!

 Random Manga Quote:
"How can I be in love with a girl who crams bamboo sticks up her nose?!"--Chiharu Eniwa. Girl Got Game volume 7.
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Markio on July 01, 2005, 07:42:44 PM
Used to be scared of:

-Spiders.  I'd imagine them under my bed sheets at night and I'd sleep on the couch for like a week if I saw one on the wall.  Now they're no problem, but turantulas are still kinda creepy.
-Skeletons.  They were so... skeletal.  Then one day I just didn't fear them.  No idea how or why.
-Those stupid games my mind comes up with.  Like, there was this one where I imagine a shark tearing through the floorboards really fast, and you have to jump onto a peice of furniture before it touches you, or you die.  Or the really freaky one where the Brain-Andross from StarFox64 comes up the stairs really fast, and I had to run up and get into my room before I imagined it would catch/kill me.  And then that strange one where when I'm in a car on the highway and trees are casting shadows on different parts, and I had to hold my breath while the car drove through the sunlight, and I could only take breaths when I'm in a quick shadow.  None of these games mattered, I just did them like routines.  Then I found out I had bipolar--just kidding.
-Myself.  Hey, it was the beginning of adolescence.  I'm over it for now, it's an on/off thing.

Now afraid of:

-Turantulas, KIND of.  At least I feel more tranquil after seeing one recently at a pet shop.  It was kinda cute, in a "big hairy spider" kinda way.
-Addiction.  It's an ugly thing.
-Roller coasters.  I'll ride one of those smaller ones without loopedy-loops, but I just don't feel like getting on those big loopy twirly ones.

I better cut you off here, taking an overdose of Markio can be dangerous.

Edited by - Markio on 7/1/2005 6:48:38 PM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: MarlieMoo on July 04, 2005, 03:10:01 PM
Used to be scared of:

A show called Dark Shadows. (not scared of it anymore.)

Looooong hallways in the DARK. o_o

Currently scared of:

The dark (sometimes) -_-

This is gonna sound weird......TV static. Makes me think of The Ring. Or if I walk into a room and imediately see the TV screen and the reflection of me and the rest of the room. (I'm afraid I'm gonna see something behind me move! O_O Like in The Ring.) But I still LOVE that movie.

EDIT: *sigh* AND I guess Im afraid of walking into a dark room, turning on the light and seeing Samara. (Or seeing her behind me in the reflection of a mirror)

I'm pathetic. -_- :P

The citizens of Gotham city are definantly on something. o_O

Edited by - OrangeYoshi15 on 7/4/2005 2:15:58 PM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Toddathon on July 04, 2005, 08:59:41 PM
I am very scared of spiders!

I am the best person in existance!
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Screech on July 04, 2005, 10:31:42 PM
Snakes.I've never liked snakes.
The wicked witch of the west (from the Wizard of Oz) She's creeped me out ever since I saw a wax statue of her in a wax museum when I was little.
Teletubbies. Bad dream.
Furby. It kept talking to me.
Horror movies in general (with the exception of zombie movies)
I'm claustrophobic.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Trickman Terry on July 05, 2005, 12:05:30 AM
Used to be afraid of:

Styrofoam heads for wigs (the lack of facial features really creeped me out)
Mannequins (still creepy cuz they look like people)
The movie, Poltergeist (saw it too young)

Afraid of now:

People coming up silently behind me and then just talking,
Movies with satanic rituals.

-- Trickman Terry
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: CashCrazed on July 05, 2005, 12:06:53 AM
Used to be afraid of:

The dark.
A particularly mean teacher.
A lot of stereotypical kid crap.

I am now afraid of:

No afterlife.
Nuclear war.
Dieing without ever feeling true love.
My own mind.(It can be a dark place at me)

Ain't it great to grow up!

Edited by - CashCrazed on 7/4/2005 11:09:44 PM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: white_arrow on July 05, 2005, 01:52:19 PM
wasn't there already a topic on this not too long ago?

Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: BowserRival on July 12, 2005, 05:27:01 AM
I used to be scared of ice-cubes made of milk. Weird.
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Lizard Dude on July 12, 2005, 02:35:40 PM

"That Mormon almost destroyed my left hand." ~TEM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Insane Steve on July 12, 2005, 03:39:42 PM
Fundamentalist Christians. Well, the stereotypical ones, at least. Lump Social Conservatives in there, also.

I also have an irrational fear of failing at anything.

Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Tingrio on July 12, 2005, 04:53:50 PM
Things that used to scare me were...

-The Dark
-A lady in school who I'd always thought she'd punch me
-the deep end of the pool
-other ladies when I had a crush on a paticular one

Things that still scare me (or recently started to scare me are...

-When people speak of love too much (meaning giving graphic detail)
-Being tickled
-when people swear (I don't mind when they do it on Ben Stien's Money for some reason)
-being explained about the human body in social skills (certian parts to be excat)
-Women on the beach, pool, etc (with bathing suits)
-When Ray C. replaced Richard Dawnson as the host of Family Feud due to the fact that he made the show a little to civilized
-when people do drugs, smoke and drink

"We''re sorry you didn''t win any money, but you will be receiving a broken clavicle and a jar of olives courtesy of Match Game"-Gene Rayburn

Edited by - Tingrio on 7/12/2005 3:55:39 PM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: PaperLuigi on July 12, 2005, 05:54:52 PM
I used to be scared of:
ugly people

I guess I'm pretty much afraid of everything I feard as a child, except for monsters, teachers, and mabey ugly people. I don't fear UFO, aliens, ghosts, or any of that stuff, cause I'm pretty sure they're not real. As for life after death, it's simply a matter of belief. The truth is out there.

"Rockin Robots, Dr. Light!"~Megaman
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: HolyAarom on July 14, 2005, 09:52:41 AM
Was afraid of:
Loud tv (Was 2 back then.)
Like likes from Zelda
Being embarrassed

Afraid of:
Poor people who beg from me
Roller coasters even when I don't eat before getting on.

Mario Mario he''s our man, If he can''t triple-jump and ground-pound, no one can!
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: GiftedGirl on July 15, 2005, 09:20:51 AM
Things I used to be scared of:

-Taily-po (our school librarian told a good ghost story!)
-The dark (I swear, I've had that night-light workin' since this January!)
-Spiders... of all kinds.
-I shared my mom's fear for all snakes... 'xept for rubber ones.
-Dark Matter (I didn't wanna go out at night... it looked to much like "that black stuff from Kirby".)

Things I'm scared of now:

-People in Peru (they eat guinea pigs!!!)
-Big spiders (teensy ones and grandaddy spiders are nice, they don't bite)
-My dad dancing
-Eggman dancing ("What kinda dance is that?" "I think it is called The Jerk.")
-That's it.

"Whilst thy banter is freshest of any month-old fruit, I must away, you poppinjays! I''m off to find me lute! Forsooth!"
"..... What the crap was that all about?"

Edited by - GiftedGirl on 7/25/2005 9:25:13 AM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: BP on July 15, 2005, 08:40:41 PM
     I'm terrified of spiders.
     I'm not scared of dying. The only people who should be are people who think they're going to... the other place...
     But I am afraid that if there is no heaven or... the other place... what will happen?
     I'm scared that I might possibly see the day when there is no more room in the ground for corpses to be buried in. I personally want to be cremated, not worm food.
     I don't like the thought of living forever. Eventually, the world will end and then what? You're floating in space, no Mario games, possibly no aliens, you'll starve to death but not die, you'd choke without air and not die, etc. I'd like to die someday, please.
     I used to be afraid of the vacuum (Because of the Brave Little Toaster movie).
     I was scared of roller coasters until recently, when  I flew off a sea doo with my cousin at Lake Kaweah, CA, and that fear was no more!

Got Bird? –Bird Person<(^v^)>

Edited by - Bird Person on 7/15/2005 7:59:27 PM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: NintendoExpert89 on July 15, 2005, 09:18:44 PM
Things I was scared of then:

*Heat radiator popping noises
*Wind pounding against the window
*Beatrix Potter illustrations


*Making my dad angry
*When GiftedGirl makes stupid references to Homestar Runner
*When mosquitoes buzz right near my earlobe

"My spirit burns like the sun and I shall dry you like a prune."
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: mario_luigifan104 on August 14, 2005, 03:46:19 PM

Hello is this Pizza Castle?~Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Glorb on August 20, 2005, 10:12:17 AM
When I was a kid, I was really freaked out by this old Santa statue we kept in our garage. You see, it was, for some reason, tall and lanky instead of short and fat, and it held a long candle. The face always creeped me out even in the light, but in the dark it looked like a gruesome, tall monster with bloodshot eyes, a drooling mouth, and a giant knife in its hand. The shadows it cast were enough to make me never go into the garage until my parents got rid of it. I was also scared of looking out a window at night, for I thought a scary head would pop and say something.

"How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us !! You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. HA HA HA HA ...."
-Cats, Zero Wing (Genesis)
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Jin on August 20, 2005, 10:44:37 AM
If you ever saw the movie exorcist im scared of the possesed girl. She looks scary as heck
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Suffix on August 20, 2005, 11:30:18 AM
The probe lines from <U>War of the Worlds. Even in the book (which I read 5 years ago), the particular probe caused a huge feeling of suspense and anxiety.
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Koopaslaya on August 20, 2005, 03:47:41 PM
Things don't scare me as much as they just freak me out. Thinks like old food in the fridge, or the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well in OoT. Those things alway freaked me out quite a bit.

Unfortunately, the one thing that always has scared me to death is the loss of a fmily member, since I have never had that experience in my life. I don't know what it will be like, and I don't wish to loose those that are close to me.

When I was younger I was afraid of the Re-Dead so much, that I didn't play the adult part of OoT for a year. Also, the Siberian Special forces in Goldeneye scared me a lot.

Push Button...
Receive Bacon! ®

Edited by - koopaslaya on 8/20/2005 2:49:29 PM
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Glorb on August 21, 2005, 07:09:29 AM
I was never actually scared of videogames as a kid. In fact, I've now built up an immunity thanks to years of watching "The Evil Dead" and playing Silent Hill and Fatal Frame, and am not scared nearly as much by games and movies. But "Saw" really creeped me out. It sucked, but it was scary.

"How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us !! You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. HA HA HA HA ...."
-Cats, Zero Wing (Genesis)
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Martini on August 21, 2005, 10:16:59 AM
-and especially the thought of ernie and bert together all the time!
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: BowserRival on August 21, 2005, 11:18:31 AM
I like spiders... they taste great.
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: NintendoExpert89 on August 21, 2005, 03:54:07 PM
Playing against computer players in Mortal Combat used to scare me. After playing Super Smash Bros I am no longer afraid.

"My spirit burns like the sun and I shall dry you like a prune."
Title: Re: Things that scare you, or used to.
Post by: Mr. Koopa on August 21, 2005, 06:22:19 PM
The King from the Burger King commercials