Fungi Forums

Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Topic started by: kurtvegita on August 15, 2005, 09:49:43 PM

Title: Wario's Ketchup
Post by: kurtvegita on August 15, 2005, 09:49:43 PM
Something I'm gonna write really quickly and might expand on it if it's funny.

One day when wario was picking his nose he went and and a bag of chips. Garlic his favorite, especially with ketchup! He opens his fridge and NO KETCHUP! He wasn't surprise because last night he stuck it up his nose and pushed to see what had happened.

"Hey Waluigi, Mario used the last of my ketchup"

"go buy sommore then wario"

"why didn't I think of that? Oh I remember you crashed our go kart!"

"No you did on your last ketchup run"

"I guess I have to walk then"

Wario arrives at the grocery store. He goes to the ketchup isle... none. He sees Mario purchasing the last bottle. Wario then starts knocking over the shelves of the store. People were buried for days under the rubble. Wario, of coarse, was arrested but not before he beat the ATM with a golf club because he needed cash.

Later that day

Waluigi is out at the park at night as he handed the man a bag of oney he also recieved a bag. A STAR! Waluigi haden't had one of these for a while.


Title: Re: Wario's Ketchup
Post by: PaperLuigi on August 16, 2005, 06:53:04 PM
Ha ha! Those people got burried in rubble for 6 days, now that's funny! Wario is so dumb. Keep it coming.

"You fools! You''ve messed with the natural ordaaaaaaa!!!"~ The story telling crow from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.