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Video Games => Mario Chat => Topic started by: HolyAarom on August 20, 2005, 12:00:49 PM

Title: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: HolyAarom on August 20, 2005, 12:00:49 PM
If you've seen the Mario movie, then you know that he was born in Brooklyn. But people are saying that since he has an italian accent, He was from Italy. So where is he really from?

Mario, Mario, He''s our man, If he can''t triple-jump and ground-pound, no one can!
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Mr. Wiggles on August 20, 2005, 12:44:44 PM
Mario movie =/= facts. It contradicts many of the stuff in the games. Same goes for the DiC cartoon.

And no one has ever said Mario is from Italy. Maybe his parents or foster parents were italian but he himself doesn't. He probably derives from the Mushroom Kingdom, wound up in Brooklyn through some warp, then wound up back in the MK sometime between Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros.

 Kelso: Guys this is a game of Cat & Mouse between me & Hyde. I''m gonna make him admit he''s been going out with Jackie behind my back.
Fez: Guys, what happens in Cat & Mouse if the cat is retarded?
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: PaperMario on August 20, 2005, 03:19:53 PM
The cartoon does have some things in common with thegame series itself, such as Luigi being a coward. But the movie cant be trusted if you REALLY need to know about Mario and Luigi.

" I would suggest that it''s not the medium, but the quality of perception and expression, that determines the significance of art." ~Bill Watterson,a true role model.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Markio on August 20, 2005, 03:36:57 PM
I thought he was born in the Mushroom Kingdom, warped to Brooklyn, was raised by some Italian New Yorkers until he transported back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

“Of all the people I know, it is expected that Watoad will say ‘cheese’ first.”
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Vidgmchtr on August 20, 2005, 05:08:31 PM
I'd like to think he was born in the Mushroom Kingdom, and warped to Italy, and learned English while living in Brooklyn later on.

Because as Charles Martinet said, "His English isn't perfect".
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Maxtream on August 20, 2005, 06:07:11 PM
I thought he was from Brooklyn, then one day he and Luigi heard Peach screaming from a pipe on one of their jobs and fell down it which lead to the Mushroom Kingdom. They then decided to stay there since it was better than their own life. I know Mario is stated as not being from the MK originally.

We''re on the moon? You mean, the one that''s up in the sky?
~ Peach having a "blond moment" in Paper Mario:TYD
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Johannès de Nova on August 22, 2005, 01:54:34 AM
Miyamoto first created Mario with the idea that he was an italian carpenter from Brooklyn. Combining that with modern Mario games, I derive the following conclusions of them:

Mario was designed as the absolute Japanese stereotype of an Italian. There is no doubt that he and Luigi are Italian by nationality/ethnicity. There never was a statement that they were from Italy though, so it's safe to assume they're the children of Italian immigrants in Brooklyn.

Yoshi's Island's storyline tends to counter this. In order to try to connect it to the established fact that the bros. are from Brooklyn, it is wise to remember that the Mushroom World is in another dimension. Therefore, it is probable that Yoshi's Island chronicles the bros. as babies BEFORE their birth, as though babies pass through the Mushroom World on their way to be born in our universe. This might possibly also explain why humans also exist in the Mushroom World even though it is a totally different universe. Just a complicated explanation that will take some thought. Yoshi's Island would then probably be an adventure that happens to the Bros. BEFORE their actual birth, which would also explain why they have no recollection of the events when they first stumbled into the Mushroom Kingdom.

Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: kamikaze koopa on August 22, 2005, 11:14:25 AM
However, if you take the Nintendo Power comics  into account, Mario and Luigi lived in the Mushroom Kingdom well into their childhood; long enough for Mario to meet Wario.  It's understandable how some people might argue against that being canon, but seeing as how the TV show was made by DiC (correct me if I'm wrong on that) and the movie was made by Lightmotive and Allied Filmmakers, which are both third party companies, the comic seems to be the only Extended Universe thing that you CAN consider canon, since it was the only one actually made by Nintendo and was shown in Nintendo Power itself.

Anyway, to get back on topic: Mario and Luigi seem to have been born in the Mushroom Kingdom; that's a given.  However, since Bowser, and what seems to be the beginnings of the Koopa Klan, were already aware of the brothers existence in SMW2, then it seems only logical that their family, and possibly the Mushroom Kingdom itself, would have feared for their safety.  Thus, they might have transported them to Earth in an attempt to keep them safe until they reached maturity and could return home.  Since Mario and Luigi are also always refered to as Italian and not American, it seems only logical that Mario and Luigi would hail from Italy itself.  PLUS!  If you take into account the fact that Donkey Kong '94 and Donkey Kong Land state that the original DK game took place not in Brooklyn, but in Big Ape City on DK Island, it's possible that Mario and Luigi have never been to America at all.  Unless the other games like Wrecking Crew and such also state that they took place in Brooklyn, which I'm not aware of.

"The bigger they are, the harder I fight."
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Dogss on September 04, 2005, 09:57:30 PM
FIrst of all--I agree with Koopa. I hardy think that a movie with Danny Divito as Mario and a humanlike Bowser and a Luigi without a mustach is canon at all...

I dont think that they (Mario and Luigi)ever stepped foot on earth. In my mind, The Human's left earth because conditions there were chaotic and upsetting. They moved to a close bye moon/planet and several other creatures evolved somehow from the samples they had with them...

So they are not in another dimention anyway. Mario couldn't get back to earth unless he got a space vessel..

And the Italian thing, I think that they simply live in an Italian culture and everyone speaks Italian. Ever notice the Italian like Music in the background in Isle Delfino and the Signs hanging up exlaiming, "Buenovito!"? It just evoved that way after settleing. And they speak Italian-not english. It's just translated for our gameing pleasure. :P

Edited by - Dogss on 9/4/2005 9:00:10 PM
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Johannès de Nova on September 08, 2005, 02:05:12 AM
Well, I did more research onto this and came up with the following theory/conclusion if anybody wishes to check it out. It's too long to retype:
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: smfan1085 on September 08, 2005, 08:51:55 PM
Did Mario really, officially live in Brooklyn? If it only said that in instruction booklets or other non-game sources, then I don't necessarily take it as "true". I mean, Birdo was supposed to be a boy in SMB2 originally, according to the manual, but later was officially stated to be a girl. Also, I don't think that in the later games the ? blocks and all those other items were supposed to be the people of the Mushroom Kingdom who had been transformed by Bowser; so it seems unlikely that they "truly" are in the original SMB. Similarly, I don't know that the thing about Mario being from Brooklyn really fits in anymore.

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Toddathon on September 08, 2005, 09:24:13 PM
Neh! That's ignorant thinking Danny Devito played Mario.  He was played by Bob Hoskins.

I am the best person in existence!
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Johannès de Nova on September 11, 2005, 06:30:38 AM
Well, I'm only stating what has been stated in the older stories through media as well as from Miyamoto's mouth. As for it not applying anymore, that can be the case, however it has never officially been proven to be revoked. Did you read the link I sent? That should explain everything. I don't quite want to have to post it here.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Chupperson Weird on September 11, 2005, 06:23:17 PM
I thought Donkey Kong and Mario Bros. took place in Brooklyn.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: BP on September 11, 2005, 08:57:06 PM
I'm for Markio's explanation.

You can put a spoon between two slices of bread and it only sticks out a little bit! –Andy Milonakis
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Trainman on September 11, 2005, 10:32:37 PM
"FIrst of all--I agree with Koopa. I hardy think that a movie with Danny Divito as Mario and a humanlike Bowser and a Luigi without a mustach is canon at all..."

Eh, Danny Divito? More like... Bob Hoskins... how can you get that confused.. unless I didn't read that correctly.

Anyway, folks, you should just go read the "A Little Insight on Mario" article on TMK's main page on the left column to answer all your theories.

Edited by - Trainman on 9/11/2005 9:34:01 PM

Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Mr. Koopa on September 15, 2005, 08:09:33 AM
Brooklyn NY.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: PaperLuigi on September 15, 2005, 06:41:40 PM
I don't like the whole "stork taking the baby Bros. to their new home" theory.... but I'm afraid that's what happened.......

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: AIph on September 27, 2005, 08:18:49 PM
I think it's actually very simple really. If you take into account YI, DK94, DKjr, MB, and SMB, then the early Mario history is pretty straight forward.

Mario and Luigi were born in the MK (which accounts for their super human abilities), but because of the events in YI (and also the events soon to happen in M&L2), Mario and Luigi were sent to an alternate dimension for their safety. They were then raised by an italian couple who lived in Brooklyn, under whose care Mario eventually becomes a construction worker. Later, DK escapes from the zoo and captures Mario's girlfriend. Mario chases him through various places, on the way they pass through DK Island. Finally Mario captures DK and cages him up to be brought back to Brooklyn. On the way back he passes through DK Island again, at which point DK Jr rescues DK and they escape. Mario returns to Brooklyn, where he was likely fired from his job as a construction worker for basically destroying the whole construction sight (It WAS Mario who tore down the girders). Mario would then join up with Luigi and start a plumbing business, because of which they would run into a koopa invasion coming in through the sewers. They travel down, destroy all the koopas, and go into the warp pipes from which the Koopas had been coming. They would emerge in the Mushroom World, where they would see a people under seige whom they would free. After this, they basically continually protect the Mushroom Kingdom from attack.

Concerning DK Land, and Big Ape city, there is one thing we know for sure. Big Ape city is intended to be the Big City in DK94. But DK Land never shows or implies that Big Ape city is located on DK Island (and quite frankly, it doesn't make much sense for it to be there, nor does it ever get referenced again in all their time on the island). Therefore, it follows much more logically that Donkey Kong must have followed King K.Rool back to Brooklyn. If he could go there once, why not again? Since DK Land lacks a map screen, it never showed what means DK used to travel to Big Ape City. But if Big Ape city is in fact Brooklyn, then one can safely assume that he used a boat similarly to how DK Sr did in DK94.

Edited by - AIph on 9/27/2005 7:25:43 PM
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: koopaul on October 18, 2005, 06:00:21 PM
Sorry to reply to such an old topic, but too many people beleive that he once exsisted on earth. There is nothing shown in any (Japan) game Mario has ever been in to say all that you have theorized. The fact is simple, Mario and Luigi were born and raised in the MK... Never left at all. Anything said of his italian heritage was all american interpitation that was evntually passed down to Charles Martine himself. Miyamoto (for some reason) never really cared about logic in Mario's games. So he let Martine do that voice. Oh, and in my own theory. Mario and Luigi were born by a wish from the stars by their parents, and delivered from the heavens by a stork. Because they were born supernaturally, that is why they have supernatural powers. But that part is just a theory. But it does sound more likely to happen in a Mario game than your theories.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: yoshimastar on October 18, 2005, 08:58:36 PM
It all just depends on your own perseption of what you think is correct.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Bigluigifan1.0 on October 18, 2005, 09:22:07 PM
Don't worry, I bumped one from 2002, but for a good reason.

Guy:That dial tone is annoying.

Other Guy: Well thats because someone''s cat was strangled on the phone line.
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: HolyAarom on October 19, 2005, 07:23:28 PM
Title: Re: Where is Mario really from?
Post by: Bigluigifan1.0 on October 19, 2005, 07:26:43 PM
Yes, you see I made my own Sub Forums, and then these wierd post about skins pop up, and so I decided to ask why ....... and, well, there you have it.

Guy:That dial tone is annoying.

Other Guy: Well thats because someone''s cat was strangled on the phone line.