Fungi Forums

Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: BP on September 12, 2005, 11:45:19 PM

Title: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: BP on September 12, 2005, 11:45:19 PM
1. Walk through walls without the use of a door.
2. Stay up until 2 am and be able to wake up at 6:30
3.Afford Nintendo stuff.
4.Time travel; I wish I'd never gotten my GBASP. Too crammed, my GBA is just fine. But My SP is scratched and worthless.
5. Use Telekinesis (My room is so dirty)

You can put a spoon between two slices of bread and it only sticks out a little bit! –Andy Milonakis
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Hirocon on September 13, 2005, 12:23:35 AM
1. Control the flow of time (stop it, restart it, slow it, speed it up, reverse it, etc.)
2. Move things telekinetically
3. Fly
4. Be invincible (just so I could participate in the extremest of extreme sports without fear of injury)
5. Permanently solve all of the world's problems (that probably should have number 1, huh?  I'm selfish)
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: TEM on September 13, 2005, 05:57:45 AM
1. Have lots and lots of money
2. Fly
3. Other generic superhero power
4. Be able to speak any language
5. Have sound on my computer

Time slowed and Reality bent.
But on and on the Eggman went.
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Bigluigifan1.0 on September 13, 2005, 08:02:01 AM
1.  Time Travel.

2. A clean room.

3. That wierd sound on my computer's speakers to go away.

4. To have a better lawn mower.

5. A cellphone.

A diet is what helps a person gain weight more slowly.
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Markio on September 13, 2005, 08:08:02 AM
1. Put my picture on the internet

2. A back handspring/backflip

3. Afford stuff

4. Get a book published

5. My homework right away

“Of all the people I know, it is expected that Watoad will say ‘cheese’ first.”
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Watoad on September 13, 2005, 01:16:06 PM
1. Get on CatEye.
2. Read a book quickly.
3. Become good enough with Japanese.
4. Fly.
5. Be utterly undetectable (so I don't freak people and governments out when flying).

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Suffix on September 13, 2005, 01:57:58 PM
1) Telekinesis! I've wanted this since I was 6!
2) Preposterous supercomputer-ish mind capabilities (rapid learning, rapid thought, probablilty weighing, etc.)
3) Create the finest chocolate milk the world has ever seen and replicate it constantly.
4) Build fantastic machines that would enable me to actually perform no. 3., not to mention the fantastic quantum space tunnel expander Jonathon Gilch is so fond of.
5) Extreme empathy: An ability to understand points of view and help manage the difficulties other people experience.

"The Suffix: Last but not Least."
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Markio on September 13, 2005, 06:31:49 PM
I remember when I was in second grade I would wish and wish and wish I could fly.  I actually thought that if I tried hard enough, I really could do it.  I would swing on tree branches and think that for a second that the weight of gravity was ever so slightly lessened by the power inside me.  If not flying, I must have SOME sort of magical power; I rember spraying my thumb with a hose and the water bends so it looks like water was going through my thumb, which I thought must lead to some greater power.

  Eventually I got over that ... and started wishing that pokemon would be real and a Bulbasaur would live in my backyard.  After that, I wanted a place like Hogwarts to be real.  Then I learned that was sacreligious and stopped that sort of behavior.  But I don't regret it one bit.  It made life fun and full of hope.

“Of all the people I know, it is expected that Watoad will say ‘cheese’ first.”
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Koopaslaya on September 13, 2005, 06:35:52 PM
"4. Fly." Watoad, me too. That may be the only thing that I really really realllly wanted to do. Other than that, no homework, get straight "a"s, and be better able to serve others to assist them in whatever they need. I would also like to not dislike anyone in the world.
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: superstarMASIAH on September 13, 2005, 06:43:47 PM
1. The ability to fly

2. The ability to summon U.F.O's from their hidden positions in our atmosphere

3. The ability to read 1,000 pages of literature in 10 seconds or less

4. The ability to solve all my problems in an instant

5. I probably should have put this as #1 but, it is to get my picturre on the internet.

But burning in my heart, the memory smoulders on, of the gunner''s dying words on the intercom...~ Roger
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Vidgmchtr on September 13, 2005, 08:21:57 PM
1. Do anything with my brain, like set things/people on fire

2. Teleport to wherever I want

3. Have a bottomless wallet filled with infinite amounts of cash

4. Understand all languages as well as speak them

5. Be impervious to really hot or cold temperatutes

(Did I use the right word for that? Hm...)

Edited by - Vidgmchtr on 9/13/2005 7:24:52 PM
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Black Mage on September 13, 2005, 09:12:14 PM
1. Teleportation
2. Teleportation safety: What good is teleportation if there's a chance you'd end up in a wall, or another person?
3. An end to financial woes.
4. Magical abilities. That'd be grand.
5. Permanent Health. Can't do much when you're struck ill, eh?

Edited by - Black Mage on 9/13/2005 8:14:30 PM
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Insane Steve on September 13, 2005, 10:33:28 PM
1) Understand people. Not control them or read their minds. Just understanding them is a seemingly unreachable goal for me, much like setting them on fire with your mind is an unreachable goal for you.

2) Draw. I'd have so much fun if I had any perspective sense or dexterity whatsoever.

3) Write with both hands simultaneously. A useless talent I've wanted for YEARS.

4) Play in the World Series of Poker main event. Just once.

5) Ok... one truly unobtainable goal (As if #1 was obtainable in the first place): I've always thought it'd be cool to be able to do whatever I wanted with my mind, telepathically. Teleport myself? Cool. Throw a cinder block at something? Cool. Set myself on fire? Ouch, but cool. You know. That stuff.

Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: BP on September 13, 2005, 10:35:59 PM
Teleportation safety: Teleport slightly above the ground and land slowly with telekinesis. This may make you crash into me, but not in a wall.

6. make frostbitten ice cream good again.
7. Breathe underwater. I could find Atlantis or join the swim team without having to use oxyale (magic water that constantly provides air from Final Fantasy 1.)
8. Ability to terminate spiders
9. Breathe fire & ice for obvious reasons
10. Breathe ACID! My friend John can! See my sig below.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Fifth on September 14, 2005, 12:53:49 AM
5. I want to be able to bound.  Like, move in large leaps, or something.  I know it's odd, but I'm more often bounding than flying in dreams.
4. ...I can't think of a number 4.
3. I want to be able to get paid for doing something I love.
2. I want to be able to talk to people, like, a normal conversation.  And not have it seem akward or anything.  The knack of it has always eluded me...
1. ...And I want a tail.  Is this the appropriate place for that?

Go Moon!
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: BP on September 14, 2005, 08:24:02 AM
I've had dreams about jumping out of a plane and landing in a lake. It was awesome, so I wish I could do that.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: Vidgmchtr on September 14, 2005, 12:28:47 PM
"1. ...And I want a tail. Is this the appropriate place for that?"

Oh, man. That's so cool. I wish I put that in my post...
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: PaperLuigi on September 14, 2005, 06:48:31 PM
1. Travel through time.
2. Be invincible
3. Do everything.
4. Fart.
5. Eat anything I wanted and it wouldn't hurt my body.

I've got some strange ones.....

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.
Title: Re: Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
Post by: BP on September 14, 2005, 10:50:52 PM
6. Save. That's a nice alternative to time travel.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?

Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.