Fungi Forums

Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: dude677 on April 15, 2006, 06:19:50 PM

Title: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: dude677 on April 15, 2006, 06:19:50 PM
Okay, lets be honest here. Some of us has been here, on the TMK, longer then our CURRENT name. Some may have forgotton passwords, other bypassing BANNED rules, and others just want a new start.

This topic is full of suprises, and some of these names you may have remember. Just remember, these people, who are posting, are smart enough not to do anything stupid again, and wish to get something off their back, so they are now posting here.

You MAY not remember me in my past life as...
*drum roll*

Rex and

but looking through the past topics, you may find me sprinkled throughout the area. Please, don't ban people again because of this topic. If they decide to post their troublemaking pastlifes, this shows them that they were changed throughout the course of a year and wanted to start all over, to get a clean sheet.

Thank you to smfan for the inspiration. Please, post your past names if you have it.

This would be the perfect compliment to "New/Returning Members".
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: -FoxMcCloud- on April 15, 2006, 06:37:03 PM
Before I was -FoxMcCloud- I was.......FoxMcCloud (without the dashes).  I forgot the password for it and then didn't post on it until the big change on the forums.  So, yeah.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: MaxVance on April 15, 2006, 06:44:26 PM
I've been here before (long before the change), but I never had anything to say. Per Sapph's old sig, I didn't want to be labeled a fool.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: BP on April 15, 2006, 06:57:42 PM
I've always been Bird Person, except for when we had the forum change. I didn't get my new password verification email, because stupid AOL labeled it as spam. I registered a new account under the name Goomba Food to get help. That's it.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Insane Steve on April 15, 2006, 07:24:22 PM
I posted on most RuneScape forums (my precursor to the FF) under the name "Krazymonkey5" -- I don't know what inspired me to change it here. I've been under this name for ages.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Mr. Wiggles on April 15, 2006, 08:19:01 PM
When I first signed up, I went under the very generic "a guy" screenname. I hated how utterly uncreative it was, and how Sadib claimed it was his account, which prompted my name change.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: PaperLuigi on April 15, 2006, 09:55:45 PM
Well, I've always been PaperLuigi, but on other forums I'm usually "peppy hare." I also thought about changing my name, but I changed my mind. PaperLuigi will be my name forever.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Pt_Peach on April 15, 2006, 10:09:36 PM
I've been pt_peach forever. Other places, I've been ptpeach, pets_of_july, and others.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Vidgmchtr on April 16, 2006, 12:14:12 PM
The name's been Vidgmchtr, and always has been Vidgmchtr ever since its conception in 1998.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: superstarMASIAH on April 16, 2006, 01:46:05 PM
I have had no other names on this forum.  I have never been banned.  [Except from the chatroom :(]
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: TEM on April 16, 2006, 01:51:25 PM
Past names on the FF: Luigisan, Master_Luigi, TheEggMan
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Bigluigifan1.0 on April 16, 2006, 01:52:10 PM
Never had a duplicate here, my brother's here, but no duplicate, I at one time was bigmariofan1.0, then noticed that I liked Luigi way more, who knows I might get another name change to something that introduces my Luigi-craze better than the current, but for now people refer to me as BLF and on MFGG it's BMF (Because I didn't get a name change there.), I guess maybe some people don't like my little "1-0" thing I like put right there, so I guess that's why I make it just plain BigLuigiFan on other forums.

To date back to my first ever forum and user name, that would be ...... mario-fan100, one of the most plain ever names to be known, and as I've stated other times before, my first forum was Mario Portal.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I've never been banned from this forum before, pretty close, but that's because forums just aren't the thing I'm used to, I think I over-react on forums more than real life, which might explain why I was kicked out of the chatroom by Mushroom_Boy one time before, I was being all backseat moddish again and it happened, the first time ever, I don't know why I don't come to the chatroom anymore, but I just might go back today.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: BP on April 16, 2006, 03:58:27 PM
I got kicked from the chatroom by Mushroom_Boy once, too. It was pretty funny though.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: PaperLuigi on April 16, 2006, 05:35:52 PM
Never had a duplicate here, my brother's here, but no duplicate

Who's your brother?
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: CrzyFlmngMnkyHead on April 16, 2006, 05:51:15 PM
I am...

Anyways, in other forums, I've been: Donut, every_name_was_taken, idonthaveaname, Administrator,
bobobo-bobo-bobo, thatguyfromthevideogame. I joined lots of forums.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Ludwig on April 16, 2006, 06:16:21 PM
-marioman93 (or something of the sort)

Yeah, I've had quite a few accounts here. In all of the above screennames, I'd always post my same Mario fanfic, and I'd always ask why nobody was replying to my post, just about three minutes after I posted it. So yeah, I've grown up a bit.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: PaperLuigi on April 16, 2006, 07:06:09 PM
I am...

Anyways, in other forums, I've been: Donut, every_name_was_taken, idonthaveaname, Administrator,
bobobo-bobo-bobo, thatguyfromthevideogame. I joined lots of forums.

It's funny how most of your names are names that you can't think of, so you don't have a name.....but you do have a name which is can'tthinkofaname.......but it's......AGGGHHHH! My head hurts.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Bigluigifan1.0 on April 16, 2006, 07:14:06 PM

Who's your brother?
WaddleDeeDude, or something like that, he doesn't come around too often.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Luigison on April 16, 2006, 07:15:24 PM
I did not have a 'before you'.  That is, I did not have any name before Luigison.  I've had some 'while you's though, mostly on hidden forums/threads that I used for testing.  I've also had a few 'you as some else's, but I don't do that anymore.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: smfan1085 on April 16, 2006, 07:29:24 PM
EDIT: Oh yeah, I've never been banned from this forum before, pretty close, but that's because forums just aren't the thing I'm used to, I think I over-react on forums more than real life, which might explain why I was kicked out of the chatroom by Mushroom_Boy one time before, I was being all backseat moddish again and it happened, the first time ever, I don't know why I don't come to the chatroom anymore, but I just might go back today.
I once got kicked out of the chatroom by Mushroom_Boy too. He seems to like to do that.

This may surprise some of you, but I was banned from the forums once. It was because I did something stupid that was against the rules - posted in very old topics - although I didn't know at the time that I wasn't supposed to do it. But the way I worded one of my posts accidentally made it sound like I was trying to make trouble. Anyway, I was unbanned after I explained myself on the chat (that was the first time I ever went on the chat, also).

I've never had another name besides this one on this forum, even though I now see that it is indeed a very generic name. (Incidentally, the 1085 is supposed to denote the release date of SMB in the U.S., not my birthday. I was born in 8/86, so I'm 19 right now.)
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Ultima Shadow on April 16, 2006, 10:30:40 PM
Old TMK name: Luigi Simpson
PE2k name: Elite 4 Mitch
Old ZP name: Shadow the Hedgehog
Charas project: Luigi Simpson Dragon of the Wind
Various online petitions: Metal Mario Mewtwo Man

... so many bad names! AAAGH
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: BP on April 16, 2006, 11:18:59 PM
Ultima Shadow's a cool name (it also fits in with the fact that when you show up here it's usually dark in others' locations).
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Koopaslaya on April 17, 2006, 07:04:47 AM
I have always been Koopaslaya. And I will always be Koopaslaya. Although it used to be koopaslaya, and KoopaSlaya. But then, I settled on the capitilization issue.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: NintendoExpert89 on April 17, 2006, 07:07:27 AM
I've always been NintendoExpert89, though for years my nick was just nintendoexpert89, without the caps.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Kojinka on April 17, 2006, 09:19:27 AM
I've always been Kojinka on most forums, but my ZE forum and old MCLoZ forum screen name is/was Jinkondorf.  The MCLoZ forums were reset, so I just re-registered as Kojinka.  My neopets accounts (none of which have been frozen yet) are pikagin, pikagin237 (probably my main account), drago_quaza, Kojink, and I used to be pikagin291, but I gave that account to my cousin.  She used to have an account with a cybunny, but it got frozen.  I felt sorry so I gave her my pikagin291 account which has a cybunny.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Pt_Peach on April 17, 2006, 09:34:05 AM
My neopets is pets_of_july. My pt_peach was frozen. It had a painted tuskaninny but now from the pound I have adopted a stinkin ugly christmas chia. Yuck. It's up for adoption in my guild.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Master_M-Dog on April 17, 2006, 10:09:33 AM
I had a lot of names in my time. :S Here are a bunch:

The Creepin' Kirb
Master Mario
Master Mario XP
Logus (o_O)
Paper Bag
Master Heatman

those are just to name a few. :P
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: Glorb on April 18, 2006, 01:26:20 PM
I've been Glorb ever since I joined the FF. I once joined another forum, before the FF, as Glorb, but it was the worst place ever so I just never went on again. Technically, I'm still registered there, as you can't un-register, but I've never gone on ever since early 2005.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: MaxVance on April 18, 2006, 04:34:15 PM
I got kicked from the chatroom by Mushroom_Boy once, too. It was pretty funny though.
I once got kicked out of the chatroom by Mushroom_Boy too. He seems to like to do that.
Mushroom_Boy is a bot (he tells me he isn't, but I think he is). He'll kick you if you use profanity, or if you say one of #tmk's kick words. The only two I know of are "Ima" and "!warp", either of which must be said at the beginning of a line. Get kicked 3 times by him and he bans you.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: BP on April 18, 2006, 05:41:24 PM
Ooooh... That's scary...
Chup asked what I was using (referring to a music player) and Mushroom_Boy said "cocaine." Later I said "Is 'what are you using' another trigger, or was that targeted?" No response. I feel special.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: HolyAarom on April 18, 2006, 06:23:49 PM
In other forums, I've been:

SuperMario or Super Mario (If the name is available.)
Aarom12 (I started using it when I was 12.)
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: smfan1085 on April 18, 2006, 08:20:58 PM
Mushroom_Boy is a bot (he tells me he isn't, but I think he is). He'll kick you if you use profanity, or if you say one of #tmk's kick words. The only two I know of are "Ima" and "!warp", either of which must be said at the beginning of a line. Get kicked 3 times by him and he bans you.

I already knew Mushroom_Boy was a bot. But it seems to me that he's fairly different from other IRC bots I've seen. I remember another bot on the KRR chat which anyone could trigger (except me after a while, probably because I activated him too much, and possibly one or two other people).
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: MEGAߥTE on April 18, 2006, 09:04:56 PM
People can set up scripts that respond to triggers without being bots.
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: dude677 on April 19, 2006, 02:12:07 PM
Mushroom_Boy is a bot (he tells me he isn't, but I think he is). He'll kick you if you use profanity, or if you say one of #tmk's kick words. The only two I know of are "Ima" and "!warp", either of which must be said at the beginning of a line. Get kicked 3 times by him and he bans you.

Whats wrong with those kick words?
What do they mean?
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: TEM on April 19, 2006, 02:20:34 PM
They mean DETH4j00
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: dude677 on April 19, 2006, 03:24:42 PM
Title: Re: Your Past Identities: The Before You
Post by: MaxVance on April 19, 2006, 04:25:50 PM
Ima no longer works, but !warp still does.