Fungi Forums

Video Games => Mario Chat => Topic started by: Ness_Shady on March 29, 2001, 06:57:05 PM

Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Ness_Shady on March 29, 2001, 06:57:05 PM
Yoshi is cool. And thats the way he is. I mean if hes s'posed to be a dino, and we dont know what those sound like (MarioNut#1's time machine would come in handy right now) Then they're just gonna make him make noises. and i suggest you dont make him angry before he STOMPS YOU!
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Bowsa on March 29, 2001, 06:59:12 PM
Uhhh...I didn't mean to offend him. He's a sweet dino. It's just that he makes those wuss sounds in SSB.
Ah, screw it. Sorry.

Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Fryguy64 on March 30, 2001, 05:54:04 AM
Yeah, I wish SSB had used the "classic" Yoshi sounds as opposed to Yoshi's Story sounds. I mean, it's a bad enough character as it it... without also sounding like a moron.

Pocket Monster Island -
Pokémon guides, downloads and info.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: billy chilly on March 30, 2001, 05:30:36 PM
Yoshi doesn't sound like a "wuss" in Smash Bros.!  Sure, he's one of the worst fighters, but he sounds like Snoopy!  Do NOT talk smack about Snoopy.



"Mama mia!"

=ßïllý ¢hîll¥=
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Ness_Shady on March 30, 2001, 06:22:34 PM
hahaaaaaa! Hes not a bad character in SSB, in fact nobody is, it all depends on how you use em, i mean, you could kick butt with Jigglypuff if you used her right, the only downside to her is that if ya hold your shield and it breaks you instantly die.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: TRM04 on March 30, 2001, 08:52:24 PM
I hate new yoshi sounds + yoshi story.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Ness_Shady on March 30, 2001, 09:23:35 PM
Awwww :-( buncha Yoshi haters.......

"Come on come on! Come on come on Do the Donkey Kong! (D-d-d-do the donkey kooong) Do the Donkey Kong!" ~ Do The Donkey Kong - Pac Man Fever
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Bowsa on March 30, 2001, 10:45:25 PM
What? I did not mean that I hated Snoopy! Uhh...some people don't understand...okay, Yoshi's an okay fighter in SSB, but I don't like the sounds he makes in the games! I prefer the usual "Yoshi!" instead of "Hmmmm". Got it?

Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: penguinwizard on April 15, 2001, 02:29:11 PM
Hi! This is my first post, and I'm glad that I'm now a member of the Fungi Forums.

I absolutely adore Yoshi. I don't know why, maybe it's just the look.

Anyway, to the topic, I agree that Yoshi in SSB was a little disappointing. I thought "Oh no" when I heard the sounds from Yoshi's Story. I thought it was cute when he does his pose when you select him, though.

As for his voice being annoying, it doesn't really get on my nerves, except for that humming in Yoshi's Story. You'd think he'd find something else to make himself happy. So yes, his voice can get a little annoying.

I just wish that sometime Nintendo can take a look back at how Yoshi actually spoke English in the Mario cartoons, and get a similar sounding voice for him.

As for the nonsense debate about what the Yoshis are singing in Yoshi's Story, here's the bottom line: they are not singing anything English. It's vocalizing, I believe. They're singing different notes, but not any lyrics. And they are NOT singing "I want apples" or anything like that. How hard can that be to figure out?

Just don't ask me why the developers bothered to make Yoshi voices in the first place. They probably bothered due to it being aimed at a younger crowd, but I wonder how many executives couldn't stand the most annoying music in the game. IGN certainly couldn't take it, Nintendo's probably the same.

One more observation: about what sound Yoshi makes when Mario jumps on him. It sounds a lot like "Yoshi." Kind of like how Nintendo made Mario say "Yah!" when he jumps in Mario 64, which sounds similar to the boing sound he used to have. Yoshi is not saying phwee-phoo or anything, it's just a Yoshi sound.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: penguinwizard on April 15, 2001, 02:43:00 PM
Beware, long explanation about Nintendo and why they don't help us below:

And don't even think about asking Nintendo about the mysteries of games, like if any radically different Yoshis exist. I've seen many people try it before, and in the magazine, Nintendo always replies with the worst excuses. When it comes to the question of how Shy Guy can hold a racket in his hand when you can clearly see he isn't, Nintendo replied "velcro." Another person actually tried to find out who Morton Sr. is, thinking it was Bowser's father, which is a popular explanation nowadays, and Nintendo replied that they couldn't ask Bowser because he was too busy throwing bombs at them.
How's that for a bad excuse?

Point is, the mysteries of gaming pop up when we don't find the answers in actual games. Since games aren't advanced enough to explain any story (they're usually weak plots anyway), they don't answer our questions. And Nintendo apparently doesn't like making guesses about these, since they only help in giving tips for games. That's what they do, they review and give tips for games.

They also don't take requests for games, and with good reason. Not only do they have a lot of games in development (most of the time this seems false, but with games like Zelda, it rings true sometimes), but just think what would happen if they did take requests.
Think of all the Dragonball Z and horse racing games. This would destroy their position in the console market. Sure, these original games should be able to sell because of being original, but Nintendo, or any other game company for that matter, may not have a good idea of what the game should be like. This explains games like Superman. They tried for something different. They tried not to copy something else (it would have made the game better, but sales would be worse if it was a rip-off). So sometimes original games fail, but they take the chance. If Nintendo were to use a few of the oddball ideas it gets plagued with, their market would crash and burn. No matter what petition or plea you make to it, Nintendo won't listen to you.
They did listen to bring back the overworld theme to Majora's Mask, though, so there's hope.

And who doesn't like Snoopy? I have to admit though, his in-English thought voice in the Charlie Brown cartoon was a little strange.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Bowsa on April 15, 2001, 07:41:47 PM
Whoa! That was some intelegent(I can't spell) posting!
Yeah, every character is good in Super Smash Bros., you just have to know how to use them. Personally, I like using Ness, Link, Samus, Kirby, or Captain Falcon.

I've never seen the Mario cartoons(though I have seen commercials of one) or played Yoshi's Story, so I'll take your word for it for what's in those things.

Okay, and unrelated to Yoshi is the stuff about what Nintendo does.

Nintendo just makes games and offers advice on them. They don't have time to develop complicated stories(for most games) when they have to code the games. They also don't have time to explain about why some things are in games, and the people who ask those questions have nothing better to do, really.

The fact that Nintendo doesn't take suggestions from gamers might be a good idea. Some players have bad ideas for games, and I think it would ruin Nintendo myself.

Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Bowsa on April 15, 2001, 07:41:50 PM
Whoa! That was some intelegent(I can't spell) posting!
Yeah, every character is good in Super Smash Bros., you just have to know how to use them. Personally, I like using Ness, Link, Samus, Kirby, or Captain Falcon.

I've never seen the Mario cartoons(though I have seen commercials of one) or played Yoshi's Story, so I'll take your word for it for what's in those things.

Okay, and unrelated to Yoshi is the stuff about what Nintendo does.

Nintendo just makes games and offers advice on them. They don't have time to develop complicated stories(for most games) when they have to code the games. They also don't have time to explain about why some things are in games, and the people who ask those questions have nothing better to do, really.

The fact that Nintendo doesn't take suggestions from gamers might be a good idea. Some players have bad ideas for games, and I think it would ruin Nintendo myself.

Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Bowsa on April 15, 2001, 07:44:30 PM
Great. I did the multiple postings again.

Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: penguinwizard on April 15, 2001, 08:37:08 PM
Yeah, it looks like I am using my brain more than some other casual people, hehe...

Anyway, just to annoy you, I'll give you a few more words of wisdom (warning, EXTREMELY long).

Evil can be good.

Think about it. What would this planet be like if there was no evil? If nothing bad was happening? We'd all get bored to death, that's what.

In games, having villians is a good enough excuse to be playing it in the first place. If you actually took the story to be real, it would be you (Mario) trying to beat a villian so he wouldn't rule over the land (Bowser ruling over the Mushroom Kingdom).

But if there was no Bowser, and the land began to prosper, you'd soon be seeing the same thing over and over again. Everyone happy. Nothing new popping up.

So in that case, "Down with Bowser!" at TMK's main page may not be a good idea.

Of course, it would be good, since he's always trying to destroy Mario. For some reason, bad guys continue to try to beat the good even although they will be beaten anyway. But whatever sense it is that makes Bowser keep on attacking, it's a good sense. Then again, if Bowser went out of the picture, someone else would take his place anyway.

One phrase in the game Secret of Mana strongly supports this. The land of Mana is disappearing because they don't take what they have for granted, don't worship it, or whatever. The reason why they don't worship it is because of the land being peaceful. Because of this, the main character pulling out the Mana sword, while causing havoc, was just the thing to solve this problem. A ghost even told the main character it was his destiny, and when you get to the end, you'll realize what he meant.

And think about how it is for the bad guys. They're working just as hard as the good guys. In a way, they're of equal power, no matter what Yoda from Star Wars says. Sure, good always prevails, but think what would happen if evil did win. They'd rule the land, but it would be pretty boring if they killed off all good citizens. Kind of like how if you want to be the devil in Black & White, you need to have slaves. From what we see, evil is always trying to kill or torture good guys. It's actually better in their sense to torture them, though.

We don't have to worry about one side ruling over another, though. If the good side wins, there will always be at least one more evil guy to attempt to cause chaos. If the evil side wins, then there will always be someone brave enough to try to beat them. And since we all know the numbers are millions, we won't be ruled by evil anytime soon, nor will be get rid of our planet's troubles with robbers or other psychos.

Bowser tries so hard to get things to go his way, and it always fails. Yet he's smart enough to keep on trying. That's right, he's smart to do so. We have all seemed to grow up liking or hating Bowser. And I turn out to be one of the people that admires Bowser for some reason (probably this reason), so I don't want anyone complaining about my opinion on the matter.

As for just who you should believe on advice like this, you can't really trust anyone. One point or another in your life, taking advice from someone will fail, but you shouldn't blame them. They all have their beliefs, and no belief is wrong over any other. They all have a reason to think about things. So you might as well decide if I'm of any help to you. Some can be trusted for life, some can betray you. So you have to be careful.

Okay, Mr. Einstein has stopped talking. Tell me what you think of the points I've discussed. And see, it was Mario related, in a way.

PS. I hope to see Yoshi in a 3D GameCube environment soon. That would be so cool!
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Fryguy64 on April 17, 2001, 09:26:35 AM
...don't get a big head now. No-one likes a gloater.

Pocket Monster Island -
Pokémon guides, downloads and info.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Mega 2 on April 17, 2001, 11:23:41 AM
PenguinWizard-Don't expect intelligent replies from this board.  Whenever I post something deep and thought-provoking none of the responses are relevent to what I said.  : )

Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Ness_Shady on April 17, 2001, 02:06:19 PM
What you say?!
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: penguinwizard on April 17, 2001, 03:30:12 PM
Yes, I get the picture. I should have posted what I said on some intelligent forum, heh. This topic is about Yoshi, and it will be about Yoshi from now on.

May Yoshi live long and prosper...
Oh, and may PenguinWizard have the same treatment.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Lord Tenchi on April 24, 2001, 12:47:38 PM
Why don't they just give him a normal speaking voice and role. I mean, he can talk (check tetris attack, SMW, PM for example), I'm quiet tired of the helium-high-look-at-me-I'm-on-crack voice or that equally annoying "Swee-show" sound.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Mega 2 on April 24, 2001, 02:49:58 PM
I think he should sound like he did in the show.

Vwee-voo!  Forget "Yoshiyoshi!" "Vwee-voo!" is better!
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Bowsa on April 24, 2001, 04:53:44 PM
Whoa, this is turning out to be quite some topic! If you don't know, I'm the one who posted this in the first place. Anyway, in my personal opinion, I think Yoshi should keep his "Yoshi!" or "Zip-zoo!" sounds, as I'm used to those. Also, Mario can understand the Yoshis because they talk like this. It just make sense.
Oh yeah, if you're gonna post on here, don't be too rude or obnoxious. Ok?
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: yoshiboshi on April 30, 2001, 10:52:53 AM
Good stuff, penguinwizard!

"Hammer time!" -hammer bros.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 15, 2001, 10:29:12 PM
Yeah, I get the picture Bowsa.

Anyway, after that dumb hacker finally decides to destroy my site, and when I get a new account, I might put up a section featuring some of that intelligent posting.

If you don't know what I mean by hacker, read the "Hacker On The Loose" post.

It''s hard to save the world when you''re a penguin in wizard clothing.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Brother Hammer on May 15, 2001, 11:19:56 PM
Well, I think without evil, fiction is boring...well, unless you liked disaster pics, like the Perfect Storm or Armageddon, which I don' the real world, evil doesn't exist, we;re all sahdes of gray
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Brother Hammer on May 15, 2001, 11:20:37 PM
Well, I think without evil, fiction is boring...well, unless you liked disaster pics, like the Perfect Storm or Armageddon, which I don' the real world, evil doesn't exist, we;re all shades of gray
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 16, 2001, 09:37:31 AM
You've got a point there, Brother Hammer. We are all shades of gray. And no one is truly white or black. But some are light shades of gray, and some are black shades of gray. And most are neutral.

It''s hard to save the world when you''re a penguin in wizard clothing.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Bowsa on May 16, 2001, 03:38:17 PM
...I didn't mean my last post that way. Look, it was just for any new comers to this topic. I only did it for FRIENDLINESS. I don't want this to get too disputed. OK? I do this because of the board rules...some people don't understand...
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Hinopio on May 16, 2001, 05:47:36 PM
Alright, here's my only beef with Yoshi.  It's supposed to be a male, right?  The recent yoshi voices have all been rather...

Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: DarthTedd64 on April 17, 2002, 05:29:24 PM
Yoshi is cool.  But how do you have a language with just the word "Yoshi"? Yoshi yoshi, yoshi yoshi yoshi.  Yoshi yoshi!

Microsoft X-Box unanimously voted "Worst Game Console There Ever Was And Ever Will Be"
I am a Mario Hacker! Specializing in SMB1. Hacks completed: 2
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: CashCrazed on April 17, 2002, 07:59:57 PM
Why does everyone love Yoshi? He's almost useless in SMW and really sux in Mario Kart. On top of all that, he's just plain annoying. Whenever I play a Mario Party or Mario Kart with my friends, they always fight over who gets Yoshi. Am I the only one here who hates him?  Mario's the real deal here! He doesn't need Yoshi to be a star! Yoshi already has how many of his own games? I'm surprised Mario hasn't already beaten the sh*t outta him with his hammer for taking a lot of his fame!


Mario:Hey, where''s Luigi?
Toad:I think he''s on that new adult site.
Mario:Daisy''s gonna be furious!
Luigi:Oooh, yeah!!
Mario:Luigi, stop being a dirty b*stard and get your a*s over here!
Luigi:Hey, that picture stopped downloading. D*mn server!
Mario:I did that! If you don''t stop looking up naked b*tches online, I''ll....
Peach:Don''t worry kids. When Mario and Luigi stop swearing, we''ll continue the adventure.

Edited by - CashCrazed on 4/17/2002 7:02:18 PM
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: GoldenYoshi on April 17, 2002, 08:44:09 PM

You insulting me? That's it! GROUND-POUND!

*CashCrazed is reduced to a thin paper*
*Yoshi eats the paper, spits it out, and tears it into pieces*

I don't get it. Nintendo has treated the Yoshi as a wimp. In SMW, he runs away from Mario, let's Bowser put him in eggs, falls into lava like a dummy and more! Speaking of that,
How could Bowser put a Yoshi into an Egg. It is born in an egg!

In SM64, Yoshi jumps off the castle!

why does everyone dis this very cool dinosaur?He's just so cute! Not meaning wimp-cute, but the 3 C's: Cute, Cool, and Completely Neat-o! (What? I had to come up with a 3rd C!)
They're nice, rainbow-colored, have the most puzzling vocabulary, and were Heroes in SMW2:YI!

Yoshi is fast, great jumper, and smart

"Ooooh, what kind of gowld donkey is dat? looks wyke fun! Me wanna ri-i-ide! MINE! MINE!"
-Altered Baby Bowser Quote

An extremly rare and valuable Yoshi!
"Who want''''s to buy a gold Yoshi? Selling Price, $99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999!" (almost 10 Googols!)
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Insane Steve on April 17, 2002, 08:58:02 PM
If he sux so bad in Mario Kart, How come, even after trying out EVERY character, All my best times come with him? (except in Super Circuit: I seem to do best with Toad...) I agree about him not being good in SSB, And All the characters in Mario Party are the same (but I still notice everyone fights over Yoshi) And I don't use him in Tetris Attack (I prefer Gargantua Blargg) BUT I GREATLY disagree that he is useless in SMW, How can you beat the game in 12 exits without him? Do you realize how hard it is to beat Funky without him (well, not very for me) Or, even harder, beat Tubular without a Blue Yoshi? (The P-balloons are SO annoying!) And don't get me started about the Cheese Bridge's 2nd exit....

However most of the games starring Yoshi (except for YI and Tetris Attack) are rather mediocre at best... but still, Yoshi is not as useless as you make him out to be.

SUMMARY: I agree that Yoshi a somewhat overrated (Am I the only one here who uses Yoshi in Mario Kart for reasons OTHER than "Beacause he's Yoshi"?) character (and the NC site lists him as a "Neglected Mario Character"... go figure.), but he is still my best character in certain Mario games (i.e., the Mario Karts) and I am VERY surprised that ANYONE can hate him. (CashCrazed, I am not saying you are wrong, and I respect your opinions, I am saying that I have NEVER seen anyone who hates Yoshi until now) And this summary dragged on for way too long. (stupid parentheses)

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: CashCrazed on April 18, 2002, 09:27:46 PM
Is the reason everyone loves Yoshi is because they're lured in to his charm? Yoshi looks so STUPID in the SNES Mario Kart with his tongue hanging out. Any attacks I get on the Mario Kart or Mario Party series I mostly take out on Yoshi. I always play as Mario on any of the Mario Karts. I try to avoid using him whenever I can on SMW. I can go the whole game getting all the goals without using Yoshi.

And why does everyone have such a problem with Tubular? It's not THAT hard, even without Yoshi.

Ther's probably more Yoshi fans than of any other Mario character, including Mario himself, although I don't know why.

Mario:Hey, where''s Luigi?
Toad:I think he''s on that new adult site.
Mario:Daisy''s gonna be furious!
Luigi:Oooh, yeah!!
Mario:Luigi, stop being a dirty b*stard and get your a*s over here!
Luigi:Hey, that picture stopped downloading. D*mn server!
Mario:I did that! If you don''t stop looking up naked b*tches online, I''ll....
Peach:Don''t worry kids. When Mario and Luigi stop swearing, we''ll continue the adventure.

Edited by - CashCrazed on 4/18/2002 8:31:08 PM
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: bandicootbuddy on April 19, 2002, 01:46:32 AM
 yoshi should talk in english.

crash: d@#N! sexy fujins on snubbull shima!
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: frostbite on April 20, 2002, 01:46:43 PM
What is wrong with you people? Why must  you revive all these stupid old topics, when y ou have nothing at all to contribute to the conversation?!?
Title: Re: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Post by: Purple Yoshi on April 21, 2002, 08:24:37 AM
Either way, Yoshi is the best!