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Messages - BP

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Forum Games / Re: The Texting Abbreviations Game
« on: July 08, 2015, 10:50:16 PM »
Thank you for putting two z's in a row, i didn't want this thread to stay active either

Paris, Italy. Zachariah, Zimbabwe. Anaheim, Ireland. Probably Are Spuriously-Titled Areas.


Video Game Chat / Re: Let's review...
« on: July 07, 2015, 08:22:58 PM »
TP is really fantastic, if your name is Ocarina of Time and you enjoy giving oral pleasure

Or if your name is Fourteen-Year-Old Boys Who Disike Wind Waker For Its Visual Style Making You Insecure And Will Like Anything Devoid Of Heart As Long As It Is "Epic"

Okay, okay, it's not THAT bad, I'm really cruel and unfair to it. It just feels like Nintendo saying "Okay fine, here, have exactly what you think you want, instead of thinking or learning anything." Which wouldn't be as stupid if Wind Waker weren't about change and letting go of the past, and if it didn't DROWN Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask and Wind Waker look at Ocarina of Time and think "where can we go from here?" Twilight Princess thinks "Okay, we do that, but overclock it, and filter every meaningful character interaction through this little shadow elf"

"Aaaand make the tutorial part of the game like three years long"

i just think

actually i hardly remember it, i remember the mattress surfing scene [wtd] is this the princess diaries

it wasn't really even that good as its own thing, it wasnt funny and it wasnt bad enough to be so bad its good it was just kinda really forgttable and boring and that's even worse

Close enough


I have a Super Mario Bros. Movie drinking game. It involves going into the comments section of any YouTube video or article or log post or forum thread about the movie and taking a shot every time you see one that says something like "Everyone seems to hate this movie but I actually like it!" or "This is just one of my guilty pleasures!" Is this one canon yet?

The "questions" thread you linked rapidly became a debate about whether or not it is real while the guy who has it never came back...

Mario Chat / Re: The Silly Mario Fan Theories Thread
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:52:14 PM »
Yeah, I like how much of a show-don't-tell touch it is. You don't need to explain what or why it is, it's clear, and sets them apart from Bowser's slackers even though plenty of examples of idiots exist in their ranks.

Forum Games / Re: The Texting Abbreviations Game
« on: July 03, 2015, 05:02:34 PM »
First I Suplex. Then I Chokehold. Ultimate Foot! Finishing Suckerpunch!


Spin-off: spun-off of something. Like when you have an unfunny sitcom and make another unfunny sitcom about some recurring background characters. Or when you make a kart-racing game with aesthetics and tone borrowed from a platforming series. Typically a spin-off is only really a spin-off if set in the same world with the same canon (barring an AU).

Crossover: The properties meeting have proportional representation. Mostly. You may just forget to include the titular character of your most mega-iconic franchise now and again. Oops.

Guest appearance: Yoda fights the soulcalibur people

Site Discussion / Re: Question about usernames.
« on: July 03, 2015, 04:30:06 PM »
For the last five? years I've gone by Skeleton in the chat and pretty much anywhere else (and aJollySkeleton where Skeleton is taken). This place is an exception because I don't want to make Lizard Dude cry too much.

I do want to make him cry... but not TOO much

Mario Chat / Re: The Silly Mario Fan Theories Thread
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:11:02 PM »
Don't be rude. Passive-aggressive is fine but rude is just bad >:(

The X-Nauts run an ISP on the side
Where did they get the funding to build a fortress on the moon and how was it a secret? Well, they got the funding because it wasn't a secret, they built a facility up there to provide satellite internet from the earth's natural satellite. That is why a humongous computer is up there and why Peach can e-mail Mario.

The X salute they do comes from the icon you get for images that don't load because satellite internet sucks

Forum Games / Re: The Texting Abbreviations Game
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:57:13 PM »
Doesn't Even Notice The Imminent Stop, Then Rearends You


Site Discussion / Re: Question about usernames.
« on: July 01, 2015, 10:23:06 PM »
The creativity goin on here could power a small town for a week

Forum Games / Re: You Nostalgia, You Lose
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:22:28 PM »
I hope that leak maker doesn't like or want half of the terrible ideas in there! Early access? Really? Nintendo, who still acts like their games are Santa Claus and have no developmental process and are plucked from the aether and nothing about them is not deliberate, would let you pay for literal unfinished games? And when has anybody liked controller buttons emulated on a touch screen? Never? Double-never?

I'd like to think people are generally smarter these days to disbelieve leaks until they are proven to be real, and I'd like to think even more that Nintendo is smart enough to laugh if these ideas are ever seriously proposed to them.

General Chat / Re: I think it's about time ... we saw each other.
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:59:49 PM »
Teen Weeb

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