
Author Topic: Luigis mansion 2:Boos castle  (Read 3647 times)

« on: July 27, 2002, 09:14:37 PM »
Did you see the Super luigi 64 topic,well this ones spreading rumors about a game like it.

How too play as Bob:(Real rumor!)
Once you have reahced Mario mansion,talk too mario and select yes when he asks you if you need help,you get too play as him and instead of a vaccuum like object,he has his water backpack.Go too fire dugout and get ruid of the flames with the water too proseed through the will find the cloud meddalion,next go too Luigis mansion(He still owns it)and visit the garden.water the beanstalk thing and it will grow really high and reach the need the cloud meddalion too shoot clouds too walk on too fill in the huge will reach spiny parakoopa village,and I'm too me and I say
"Mario?Its me,Bob!
I just got this cool item and it really works good!Do you mind If I help?"
Select yes and you play as him.
Bob's wings can fly,but not very fast.he got a jetpack too jump with(It'd be cheap too fly)and it has a little robo fire launcher coming from the jetpach strapped too his arm so whenever he thrusts his arm forward or presses a button on a strap that goes around his hand,then he shoots fire. better than luigis,it can burn up fluffy objects and has a reverse tornado attack that he can use with another button on the hand star too suck up boos(A tornados main ingrredient is hot air)

BTW,mario can also suck up ghosts by holding down the button,the water will start pulling it in.
For those of you who don't understand:Heres the storyline.
Mario tried another vacation becuase The tropical island was not a sucsess,so they walked up too the mansion and some new ghosts came,one was the new king boo..
they started duplicateing and invading town by town,as later mario recieved his own mansion too and was getting sick of being with his brother.The ghosts started trapping proffesional ghost busters in question blocks.luigi wanted another adventure and set oof too victory.
play as Toad:
The finall playable character is toad.
From the start of the whole game,(Inside the corridor of luigis masnion)
then head out too the front yard and walk out too the street and press b on the sidewalk once you get there.luigi will put his thumb up and a taxi comes too pick him up and you get too drive,it will seem like the simpsons road rage but you cannot turn may stop too look at the signs and when you see two exits,the right will always let you keep moving.the left is a town.once you go past all of them you will reach a town at the end and the other side is blocked,so you have too go too the last town or touch the reverse pad in the middle(The reverse pad is a spring like pad that will send you in the oppisite direction and now you will go back.turn left on the first stop to reach toad tow and youcan play as toad when you talk too him,you will need too stay in toad town but then you can explore anywhere in  the castle,and get some usefull information.

The Crazy Takes are comeing the crazy takes are comeing the crazy *Trips over*
Director:Soon...We Will Reveal...*Ash''s Pants fall down*
Mario:Ha ha ha ha!!!Mamma mia.
I need too get n one-a these shows...

« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2002, 12:02:52 PM »
There isn't such a thing as being Mario, Bob, or Toad in Luigi's Mansion. You can't even leave the Mansion. The front door is locked
Does anybody ever wonder why the Blue Toad in Super Mario Sunshine wanders off from the rest of the group?

« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2002, 04:18:11 PM »
shouldn't this b in the story boards

So theres sonic running at full speed blue blur right behind him he remembers that he left his chili dog at the hot dog stand so he runs back and all he sees is the blur in his face he finds his way out and a poll shows up out of no where and so sonic is left with a long red mark going straight down his face
I ignored the rules about signatures, therefore I am most likely a spam account.

« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2002, 08:47:02 PM »
Still,some people don't get it....
IT'S A JOKE?SEE?*Shakes head*

« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2002, 08:59:32 PM »
I just got a couple good tricks!:

How too get the water slicer:(Works on mario luigi and Bobs weapons)
Go too the construction site at toad town lake and climb up the structure until you reach the top,hold on too the crane and wait till it drops you over on the unreachable part of the construction site.if you fall you
fall into the water below.keep climbing until you reach a treasure it and you get the water slicer,a fan like object you atttach too  you're weapon,hold X and L down and you will turn it on and you will float over the water and waves will surround you becuase of the wind and you will be able too glide over the water and be invincible...if you use it as bob,than you can do that on lava!

« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2002, 10:17:03 PM »
It's Luigi's Mansion TWO!

Mario, Mario, Mario! What happened to Mr. Andretti?
The pen is mightier than the sword, unless the sword is in the hands of Lu Bu.

« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2002, 03:23:08 PM »
There is no Luigi's mansion 2.

« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2002, 07:17:06 PM »
Gosh this is a joke now will you shut up?>:0

The Crazy Takes are comeing the crazy takes are comeing the crazy *Trips over*
Director:Soon...We Will Reveal...*Ash''s Pants fall down*
Mario:Ha ha ha ha!!!Mamma mia.
I need too get n one-a these shows...

« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2002, 01:31:59 PM »
Acctually,I forgot,All characters can jump.bobs weapon can also like marios,he can shoot lava out of the bottom of his weapon thingy as a double jump...

Heres a list o' enemys:

Goomba ghost
Ghost koopa
mukky milee(A mukky pirahna plant that pops out of pipes)
Blupper(A bloober you may surf on as luigi)
Magic ghost(A magickoopa ghost)

Thats not all of them,but I can't list em' all!

1:Collosal koopa ghost
2:Giant murky monster(A giant monster made out of sludge)
3:Koopa kids(All of them at once!)
4:Candy thief
5:Evil marios ghost
7:King boo + Evil marios ghost

How too defeat the koopa kids:

First,keep attacking iggy until he falls over.suck him up quickly and he doesn't fit in you're weapon,shoot him out at morton,and he will  get ready too hit you with a giant bomb attack,Suck up a cloud elemental and shoot it out at them and step on top of it.vaccum all of the clouds and jump,you will land on iggy too defeat shoot the clouds that you sucked up at the floating candle,it will set on fire.suck it back up and launch it at morton.he will get stunned.suck him up and launch him in the air.suck up wendy and aim her up straight at morotn and they will lemmys fireballs,and when the pipes pop out of the ground,go too the oppisite one that he jumps in and jump on.he will appear there and he will get run up too ludwig von koopa and suck up a candle and shoot the fire at him.keep jumping on him now and he will soon the same too roy,and when larry appears,grab the bob-ombs that appear and toss them at him.suck up some watere from the
lake and then squirt it at him.suck up a ice elemental and shoot it at him and freeze the pipes after defeating will know witch one is safe because you're next destination is the fireiy sewer and the pipe won't freeze.jump down and go in.

How too reach collosal koopa ghost:
Go too koopa kingdom and talk too king koopa.he will tell you he needs someone too get rid of the ghosts in his castle.vacuum up the ghost goombas and the boos,(The boos have 20 hp) and talk too him again.he will give you permission too his duengon.go inside and vaccum the spider webs of the warp pipe so you can reach the next will find a huge koopa ghost.he will run around trying too smush you flat.

« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2002, 07:46:15 PM »
BTW,I didn't say this is rumors for luigis mansion...please don't treat me like kirby_101 because this is all a joke...
I made it too have something too actually do.

Win against big boo+ evil mario:

First,what the course looks like:
A room about as big as the roof of luigis mansion,too mucky pirahna plants on each side,and a bunch of ? blocks,suck up one and shoot it out,then you will recieve an item and also launch the block itself into someone..

How too defeat them:
First big boo will appear.launch five ? blocks at him and he will get stunned and turn into a normal boo with 50 hp.suck him up and it shows a cinema scene,luigi jumps up in joy for saving the world,but then he shakes the platform so evil mario falls from a high spot and you battle him...thinking that big boo was easy you expect this too be hard.the mucky pirahna plants will wake and start launching little fireballs.clean it up with the a water elemental and clean up the mess,and it will the same for the other while dodging evil mario,and then evil mario will start tossing fireballs and wiping a cape around at you and you must use a water elemental and put it out,and it will turn into an ice elemental.suck it up and freeze him.keep sucking up water too hurt him so his spirit suck it up quickly(20 hp) before it reachs its body and he will leave a
potion of shows a cinema scene where luigi Bob and Mario open it up,poor it on the ? blocks the ghost busters will trap them and you see the credits...for once peach doesn't make a appearance in a game where marios the star..
