So I got a virus in January, and it wiped a lot of stuff out, including photos, music, and my comic and art stuff. Needless to say, it sort of burnt me out for a bit. Instead of Defenders of the Gene, I worked on pin-ups, new methods, and short 3 page pieces from other people's scripts to work on layout and storytelling. I'm feeling ready to start over on my comic, but wanted to get one more thing done, doing a bit of fan art of two of my favorite games' protagonists.

That's right, LD, Perfect Dark, again.
Faith, from Mirror's Edge, and Joanna from Perfect Dark, done with a digital painting method I found using base colors and then using the eyedropper to sample. I don't have a traditional art background, it was a little slow start, but I was surprised how quickly it made more sense going along. But now I'm ready to get back to my stuff again.
And as a side note of content, if I could have fit in Batman Beyond and Deckard in there somehow, I would, but they were more Dark setting futuristic, where these two were more stark or well lit. Well, kinda. A few levels of PD were a pain to see. But in general...