
Author Topic: When Cool T. Helps Mario  (Read 1667 times)

« on: February 06, 2002, 06:22:40 PM »
My Time Travel to Help Mario

   â€œHey Cool T.!! Come over here!!” Said Little T. “Tell my brother how you went back in time to when you helped Mario defeat Bowser when he stole the star rod and uprooted the Princess’ castle.” “Sure” I said.” “Well” I began “ I invented a time machine. It looked like an elevator. I filled my sack with some items, put my super gloves and boots on just in case. Then I hopped in. I pushed the buttons to go into the future. The Machine started to shake and sparks flew out. Then I shot through the roof, but then it fell back down. When I hit the surface the machine disappeared into a portal. I traveled at the speed of light. When I came out of the portal I was in Bowser’s Castle. I was in the past! Some Koppatrols were coming so I hid my sack in my pocket. They took me to a jail cell. The reason I didn’t kick their butts was because if somebody (a koopatrol, Hammer Brother, Bonny Beetle or Dry bones) saw me they would have told King Bowser and he would have me killed. When they threw me in they stood guard. Then Mario came in kicked their butts and freed us. I went out to thank Mario and told him I could help him beat Bowser.” “What did he say?” asked Little T.’s brother. “Well he said no but then a Pair of Hammer Bros. Came in. I jumped in the air and came down on them. As I took impact with them they disappeared. Then Mario looked at me and said, “Wow, well I guess you could help. Welcome to the team” Mario said to me.” “Thanks” I said. “Well lets get going, by the way, whats your name?” asked Mario. “Cool T.”I said. I followed Mario to Peach’s castle. When we got inside I went in to a room. I opened a Bureau and a Toad popped out. He made the room a toad house. We took a nap and when we got up I told Mario my plan that I had a dream about. When we met Bowser he had the princess. We went to battle. Mario turn was first. When he gave me the signal I came up from behind Mario and punched Bowser in the stomach. Bowser fell over. Then Mario jumped on him. Bowser jumped on us. I jumped up like nothing happened. Then I jumped up and kicked Bowser. Bowser fainted.” “The End” Said Little T.’s brother. “Not yet” Said Little T. “Bowser got up and he took Peach. He healed ourselves and went after him. We found him on a platform. He increased his power. When we got into battle Bowser used the star rod. The Star Spirits came and upgraded the Star Beam.  Mario used it. Then I Spun around in the air kicking and punching Bowser a lot of times. Then Bowser kicked Mario. Mario fell back. I took an Item out of my sack. “HAVE A TASTE OF MY POISON BOMB!!” I yelled at Bowser. Bowser seemed to loose a lot of HP. Mario used his Mega Smash on Bowser. Bowser used the Star rod. Mario used the Star Beam. I ran behind Bowser, picked up his tail, and spun him around really fast so he got dizzy. Bowser couldn’t move. Mario jumped on Bowser. Then I took out a wind-up bob-omb. I Wound it up and threw it at Bowser. Then I took out a force field and put it around Mario, Peach and I. When the bob-omb blew up Bowser was defeated. Then the platform blew up. As the platform blew up Bowser dropped the star rod. I told Mario how to steer the force field. I told him to steer down when I jumped out. I saw the star rod fall. I jumped out to get it. When I grabbed it I fell back in the force field. Then we saw Peaches castle in a force field. Then I steered the force field to the castle. I gave the star rod to Eldstar, The oldest Star Spirit. He thanked me. Then they told us the Story of the star rod. They put the castle back were it was. Then the Star Spirits gave me a medal for my smarts, strength and courage. Then I said “I knew getting that diploma from the dojo would come would help me someday. It helped me help Mario defeat Bowser. I also knew that reading those books on making new inventions would help to. Those books helped me defeat Bowser with my super gloves and super boots, bob-omb force field, and Poison Bomb. Then the Star Spirits set the Castle back in its place and started back to Star Heaven.” “Wow” Said Little T.’s Brother. Then I got a letter from Peach today that I was invited to a party at the castle today.” She said I could bring some friends. I already know who I’m bringing and you guys do to don’t you?” I said. “Well come on are you coming to the party with me or not?? I wouldn’t let my best friends miss out on a day like this. Let’s Go!!”

Tell me what you think!!

« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2002, 06:28:06 AM »
I haven't read it yet but I will.I have to go.I'll tell you what I think later.

I am the guardian of the forests,I am the guardian of the swamps.I am half Bear,half Frog.

BearFrog a.k.a. Greg
I am the guardian of the forests,I am the guardian of the swamps.I am half Bear,half Frog.

BearFrog a.k.a. Greg
