Well, I voted for Sapphira, but that's solely because she is a female. J.J. has potential because he is not so active here and most people here are nerds; plus he's very political and most policticians are married. MegaByte is smart but not so nerdy, and girls like generally smart males. Chupperson might have a relationship develop over a long period of time, but he could definitely end up married, just not quickly. Lizard Dude is more best man material, I think he'd try to maintain bachelor status for a while until the girl of his dreams swoops down and somehow woos him over, despite his reputation for being independent enough to not fall into a serious life-consuming relationship. Deezer might, but there's not much to encourage it, except that I don't know much about him. These are all cruel generalized stereotypes and shouldn't be taken seriously. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong on all or most of these speculations.