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Topics - Super Caterina!

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The White Mushroom House / Wanted: Nintendo Power magazine
« on: July 25, 2009, 10:22:47 AM »
Ciao! =D
Time ago a guy on DeviantArt told me that a drawing of mine has been published under the name of someone else on the American Nintendo Magazine: Nintendo Power.

he told me that it has been published in 2005. I find it as a big coincidence, 'cause 2005 is the first time I started posting g my drawings on international websites (the first one where the drawing appeared was administred by Koopaprince- now the site is closed): the "stolen" drawing was in these first drawings. I remember it was pretty easy to find it on google under the name "Mario & Luigi VS Bowser" just that time (2005-2006)

So I looked for some information for the 2005-2006 issues, but without any result...

The "stolen" drawing:


I'm really afraid of a heavy art theft, still unpunished- and I don't like thinking that this is real. I want a proof of it, than I'll think for the rest.
Can you help me?

The problem is pretty old, but I haven't solve it yet. I don't know if this rumor is real or not and this makes me mad! @_@

If you know something, please tell me. Better if you got the magazine where it is said the drawing has been published, so that you can send me a scan.

Then, if I find it necessary, I'm going to buy that magazine from the one who got it. I pay the magazine itself and also the travel for the mail (I live in Italy, you know, so it will be an expensive mail!^.^').

Please take me away these old doubts with your help: it would be very kind from you! ^__^

PS: this drawing has been already stolen once on deviantart, when i wasn't still a memeber of it. Anyway, the drawing has been published on the Italian Nintendo Magazine (Nintendo la Rivista Ufficiale) BEFORE I posted it on some websites- they have the original one, because I sent it to them.

Mario Chat / Bowser = ...Terrasque?
« on: July 24, 2009, 12:06:42 PM »
I have always known that the koopas and their royal family has been directly inspired from the "kappa"- some kind of japanese demons who live in lakes and rivers and look like a mixture between turtles and human childrens. Also the name "kappa" sounds a little like "koopa".
No doubt here...untill when I discovered some informations relating toanother type of folklore monster, but it comes from French mithology.

It's called Terrasque.

It is a kind of dragon-turtle with 6 strong legs and a shell with bone spikes on it; it has a long tale of scales, who had a kind of " peak of spear" at the end. Moreover, it has a lion face and it can breath fire!

All these characteristics (eccept the 6 legs) makes really remind of the king of koopas: Bowser! Spiny shell, Lion face, long and spiny tale...They really correspond.

Then I just wanted to show you this impressioning correspondence!XD


8bit Bowser

They kinda look like "relatives"! Xp
So Bowser is really inspired from the Japanese mithological traditions or is he inspired from the French one? Is this just coincidence?

The legend of Terrasque (taken from the Italian wikipedia)
The legend sais that this monster was born in Galazia, the home of Onachus -a terryifing creature which could burn everything which touches its skin-. Terrasque was born from the union between Onachus and another monster called Leviatano, in fact.
Terrasque could reach the lands of Provence, where it destroied everything and killed almost all its inhabitants. Only Saint Mary could defeat the Terrasque: it resized at every "Ave Maria" it was told. When it became enough little, and so harmless like a lizard, Marta of Betania took it in the village of Nerluc where the citizien killed the creature. After that time, Nerluc took the name of Tarascon, which symbol was the figure of the Terrasque.

This is what the Englis wikipedia sais about the Terrasque:
Legend has it that the creature inhabited the area of Nerluc in Provence, France, and devastated the landscape far and wide. The Tarasque was a sort of dragon with six short legs like a bear's, an ox-like body covered with a turtle shell, and a scaly tail that ended in a scorpion's sting. It had a lion's head.
The Tarasque was said to have come from Galatia which was the home of the legendary Onachus, a scaly, bison-like beast which burned everything it touched. Some speculate that the story of the Onachus may be related to either that of the Unicorn or the Phoenix. The Tarasque was the offspring of the Onachus and the Leviathan of biblical account; basically—though disputably—a giant sea serpent.
The king of Nerluc had attacked the Tarasque with knights and catapults to no avail. But Saint Martha found the beast and charmed it with hymns and prayers, and led back the tamed Tarasque to the city. The people, terrified by the monster, attacked it when it drew nigh. The monster offered no resistance and died there. Martha then preached to the people and converted many of them to Christianity. Sorry for what they had done to the tamed monster, the newly-Christianized townspeople changed the town's name to Tarascon.

The story of the Tarasque is also very similar to the story of Beauty and the Beast and King Kong. The monster is beguiled and weakened by a woman and then killed when brought back to civilization. A similar idea is found in the myths of Enkidu and the unicorn: both are calmed by sending them a woman.

>The story of the Tarasque is also very similar to the story of Beauty and the Beast and King Kong
Ah!! Dejavou.... =3

Mario Chat / Mario: Italian mascotte for pizza muffles??
« on: June 17, 2009, 03:07:35 PM »
Give a look at this website:

This is the official site of an Italian Company which products muffles to cook pasta and pizza: NOTHING is random!!

IT :Facile come un gioco, buono come una volta
ENG: Easy as a game, good as time ago

YES, you have understood very well what its slogan is trying to say.
And  I guess you have understood also the NAME of this Company... No, you don't need to change glasses or use them: this is all real! ;D

No word for the mascotte of it: it talks for itself! =>

Ah, spaghetti! Ah, ravioli....Aaaah! Mamma mia...!

PS: anyway this is not the first time I see something like this: Mario is very famous in Italy, maybe more than there. He is also mascotte of some plumbers companies here: you can see their cars with Super Mario drawn on it, some plumbers use his clothes -for real (red pullover and red hat + blue overalls.), some of them take Super Mario gadgets or keychains with their job items and or receive those as presents from the chief of the company.
Moreover, when I was little, I saw a plumber who really looked like Mario: same clothes, same moustaches! XD And he was also the plumber of  the primary school where I used to go!
When I told this to my parents they couldn't believe me (because they thought it was because of my fantasy again XD), but when they also saw him, they had to! =p


General Chat / The Big eartquake of Italy
« on: April 10, 2009, 01:04:32 PM »
On the 6th April 2009 there as been a very strong eartquake, which has hitten almost every zone of Italy (also my zone, but it was a very weak earthquake), but especialy in the centre of my Country: Abruzzo.
It destroied everything there and almost all the people lost everything, from houses, to friends and relatives. The worst thing is that also the new houses, which had to be built with new antisismic techinque, felt down. This is only one of the many things that creates total disaster in our country: bad architecture projects are not only the new problems after the eartquake, but also the arrival of those people called "sciacalli". They go to the destroied houses to steal the last things that people have; other people coming from other zones of Italy and from other Countries also oblige those, who are escaping from the earthquake, to pay for they safeness: like they stop them into streets and they make pay them!! Then other people, especially tourists, try to be like false Italians who lived this earthquake and get all the free spaces and food, stealing it from the people who really need it. Then journalists give troubles to the earthquakers, filling them of stupid questions (like: why are you ungry? why do sleep outside you house?), making jokes of them (one of them took a photyo of a guy who was crying at his totally destroied house, and the journalist said of the photo: "this photo is awesome beautiful!" witha  big happiness and excitement.Idiot:), and they also stop policemens and other people who are working to save others!
Then politicians come in the destroied towns, taking all the journalists with them and creating total mess, like they want to take photos of their false sadness and false love for citizien.

In less words it's a total mess.

Not only the continuing earthquakes (there have been about 800 earthquakes from the 6th april!!!), but also evil people, who are taking advantage from this mess, are creating many troubles to our country.

I hope Italy will change after all this events, because it's always getting worse! =(

There are about 280 victims and other have still to be found. Today we celebrated the national funeral for those people.

Unluckily I have realised that in this site there isn't a Super Mario fanart gallery, and I know that there are many Super Mario fans who want to put their own creations...But Super Caterina is here to solve the problem! =D
I have decided to open a topic that will look like a little gallery where I will put all my favourite Super Mario drawings I have done during my apparent absence in the Fungiforums!=D
I hope you'll enjoy them as I enjoied doing them, too!^^

Today I will start with a full tribute to king Bowser drawing!=D

And that's meeeee! X3

Here you can have a full view of the drawings! =D

By the way I won't finish here with my Super Mario drawings, because I have many other "working-projects" under my hands (delayed only because of Super Mario galaxy and Mario Kart wii! XD).

*The Bowser VS Mario and Luigi is pretty old and was also in Koopa gallery sometime ago....=) But I'm still proud of this pic! I hope to do again something like this!^_^

The White Mushroom House / HEY! I'm looking for the famous manga....
« on: February 09, 2006, 10:57:08 AM »
...of Super Mario pubblished some years ago in Nintendo Power magazine!!!!!!

I've found some scans of it in internet, but it's not enough for me!!!
First because it's impossible to find the full adventure in scans on internet, second because I WANT A REAL AND WHOLE COPY OF IT not dirty, or something like this...).

I'm very interested in it. I can pay you in Euros (or, if it is really necessary, in dollars) for a copy that looks new. If it won't be as I want, you can forget this affair.

This is a scan of the comic I want (The Super Mario Bros Adventures issue 1-2-3....
PS You've done a beautiful site kittykatstar. I know you're here!!! BWA,HA,HAAAAA!!!! I remember you! ;) ):

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