« on: May 22, 2006, 08:44:28 PM »
No, it will never happen with Mario. Think about it for just a few moments. A series about a cartoonish, jolly Italian plumber fighting a bunch of giant turtles, becoming "mature"? No way in the universe.
I think it was better when Sonic was more kid-friendly, but Shadow the Hedgehog is still good IMO, and it was honestly not that kid-unfriendly. (Sure, there is that one word appearing all the time in there, and I don't like that particular aspect at all, but I like other stuff about the game, and apparently my mom, who's strict about what games I get, doesn't have too much of a problem with this game, so I figure there's not much to worry about.) The game is nothing at all like M-rated games. If it were, I would want nothing to do with it.