
Author Topic: Mario's Crowbar  (Read 10128 times)

« on: October 26, 2007, 09:23:04 PM »
April 14th, 2014-Update:

If you are somehow reading this ignore everything in this entire topic except this update. Go here:   
for the rewritten and ultimate version of the story.

May 17th, 2008-UPDATE:

Okay, I've turned into a ego orb creating that website. I'm no longer using it. I may continue Mario's Crowbar, if I get REALLY bored in the Summer. That is all. By the Way: I SWEAR. I SWEAR, that I had NO IDEA that Placenta wasn't just a name I made up in my head. I HONESTLY did not know what I later found out it was. :P I am going to RECHANGE that name when I restart this. Mmkay?

April 6th, 2008-UPDATE:

Because of Wii Internet Connections, and school, and junk, Mario's Crowbar will resume in Summer, 2008. I appreciate all of my fans, and I apologize for the delay. I will also be editing some Parts of the story, and make everything a little less choppy. If I ever need to update with news, I will do it here. New: Mario's Crowbar now has a offical Website!!!


A dark and stormy night- A perfect night to capture Peach again. Crash! The sound of constant lightning was all too familar to Bowser...

A  patrol had already been sent ahead of the main group to scout out the land before Bowser set foot on it. Bowser had sent all the new members of the Koopa Troop, all the ones he didn't need, beacause he was sure at least 10 lives would be lost that night. The forest was cold. Rain piercing the wind in a surreal mixture of torment. At least that was what it was like to Wes. Why were Koopa's forced to join Bowser's terror army? Wes didn't really have a choice anyway. Join or die. Now here he was LOOKING for Mario, not trying to escape him. He rubbed his lucky charm- a golden, dried mushroom. Was Mario already here? The intense sound of wind from a certain corner of the forest seemed to hint at something solid- and breathing.

"Hurry up Luigi." Whispered Mario as silently as possible for Luigi to hear him. But no, Luigi continued to bumble through the forest, tripping over roots, and stumps, and something dead sticking out of the ground. Right before Luigi got to Mario, he tripped over a final stump, making a loud, thumping noise as he hit the moist, wet, squishy earth. Mud splattered on Luigi's face. Mario could suddenly hear the hypnotic sound of marching, of Koopa feet, coming from the other side of an array of trees...

"ATTACK!" The scream suddenly echoed out, bursting through the woods, coming from Wes's captain, Kan. Mario and Luigi jumped into view, and the terror was on. Already, some of the Koopa's were running away, but Wes held his guard. He rubbed his lucky charm again. He ran into the middle of the commotion, swinging his arms wildly.

STOMP! CRACK! CRUNCH! The sickening sounds repeated as Mario practacilly tore apart the unfortunate Koopas. Luigi had already dissaperead into the middle of the hub-bub, but the sounds of shell-cracking was confirmation enough Luigi was succeding. The battle seemed an hour long, but soon enough, Koopa bodies were littered everywhere. Red shells, Green shells, Red shells, Green- But that wasn't a green shell. It was green clothing. "Luigi?" Gasped Mario. Mario ran over to Luigi's crumpled body.

Wes slowly moved up his head. The pain was ridiculous. "Luigi?" He heard someone gasp. He continued looking up until he saw Mario, kneeling by Luigi's side. He looked around. Everyone else seemed dead. His lucky charm must have worked. Suddenly, on the other side of Mario, opposite Wes, came a cough. A strange cough. A choked up cough. Mario looked wildly to see where it came from. The Koopa whimpered. Mario slaughtered the offending Koopa, and then picked up Luigi. He carried Luigi away, into the forest. "Thank god." Groaned Wes, trying to stand up. Suddenly, Mario's forlorn, and terrifying face apperead from the forest.

It was still raining. Still. The noises of the rain hitting the moist mud replayed the image of Luigi's broken body laying in the mud, with the other bodys. Bodys...bodys...Mario watched Luigi closer. He was laying in a warm bed, eyes closed, barely breathing. Mario was afraid that if he left to get Toad paramedics, Luigi would be dead by the time he would return. Every once in a while, he would softly call for Luigi, but Luigi wouldn't respond. Instead, Luigi's heartbeat would get more furious, as if about to break. Mario would get more and more anxious every time he would call for Luigi, for his swelling heart beat seemed to try to rip out of his chest. The sound of knocking came at the door. The red door.

The thick mud coated the inside of his throat, threatining to choke him everytime he tried to breathe. But he HAD to breathe. He would never go without his charms now. He was probably the luckiest Koopa alive, going face-to-face with Luigi, and then almost being torn apart by a grief Mario. Oh the pain... but he still couldn't get up. He couldn't call either. And more mud was being created by the storm, ready to choke Wes if it got close enough. That would be a fun death. Survive an encounter with the most terrifying enemys of Koopa lore ever, and die slurping mud. As the doom settled in, the sound of marching reached his ears. Marching. Koopa marching. Of course! The main group of Koopa's were coming, with King Bowser himself. He would be saved! Bowser and the rest of the Koopa Group marched into the once beautiful grove, trying not to groan at the terror. Bowser stepped up, stepping disgracefully on Koopa bodies, which continued to make crunches, perhaps a final message from the dead. "Pity. But only a fraction of the army." Said Bowser, looking at the bodies, and looking at him! He had to get Bowser's attention. He tried to speak, but the mud would not permit it. Perhaps if he winked? No, he was too weak to WINK for crying out loud! It would be disgraceful, but perhaps he could vomit? He really wanted to, but that would require even more strength then winking. "Come. We can't stare at these worthless bodies all night." Ordered Bowser. The group soon got into a line, backs facing Wes. This was like some twisted scary story, where it's more the torture of the character then the scariness that make's it intresting. Wait...he could move his fingers! His fingers could go up and down! He splatted them against the mud, over and over, trying to get the troops attention, but they were already moving away... they're back to him. It was time to give up.

Windy. Cold. Raining. Bowser hated these nights, but they were always the best to capture Peach, when the moronic Toad guards had no idea. After a few miles, they came to Mario's house. This was all part of the plan. This time, he wouldn't need to guard his castle, especially if Mario was dead first. Bowser snapped his fingers, summoning his 3 Magikoopa's he had brought for the affair. "Knock on the door, and don't come back without Mario's eyes." Said Bowser gruffly. The Magikoopa's nodded silently, knowing this was likely they're last night alive. The Magikoopa with the tallest cap fixed his crooked glasses, and knocked on the door.

Mario walked to the door, the padding of his shoes against the shiny wood on the floor creating a humble pap pap pap. Mario opened the door. "Mama Mia!" Yelled Mario as he ducked to the floor, narrowly dodging a Magikoopa spell. The 2 other Magikoopa's quickly sped in, shutting the door, and forming a circle with the other Magikoopa. Just as Mario got up, all of the Magikoopa's fired a deadly throat-tightening spell at Mario, yet Mario was quicker. He backflipped, landing on one Magikoopa with a force that killed it. The other 2 quickly formed a wall between Mario and the bed Luigi lay on, alternetly firing spells at Mario in a unprofessinal manner. Mario triple jumped, hanging from a beam on the celing. Just as the 2 Magikoopa's looked up, Mario dropped. Both Magikoopa's dodged Mario, getting closer to Luigi's bed, and the one with the tall cap fired at Mario. The spell hit Mario in the chest, sending him flying backwards into the wall. Thank god it wasn't a neck-tightening spell. But Mario's pain was still great, and Mario struggled to get up. The Magikoopa's cornered him, preparing a gouging spell. This would finish Mario. "Mario..." Gasped a croaky voice. Luigi was still alive! The 2 Magikoopa's turned around in surprise, and as they turned back around to face Mario, Mario kicked the tall caped one right in the beak. It screamed in pain and stumbled backwards, and Mario grabbed the other one by the neck. The magikoopa nervously tried to level his wand with Mario's face, but the shaking, strangling grasp of Mario's hands kept shaking the wand up and down. The last thing the Magikoopa saw were the white gloves...and blood was spilling on them. Mario threw the unfortunate Koopa to the floor, and turned to the last one, with a huge crack in it's beak, whimperaing. Something seemed to poesesse Mario, and he kicked harder then he ever had before.

"Go faster." Roared Bowser. His troops were failing him again. They were at Peach's Castle, but dawn was starting to rise, and the rain starting to lighten. Bowser swore he could see Toad Guards. "Go Rope Troopas!" Growled Bowser, pointing at the Rope Troopas, a set of Koopa's skilled at climbing, that always stole the princess. They soon dissaperead through Peach's window, everyone anxious to get back to the Koopa Kingdom before, perhaps, Mario attacked, ready to bring more carnage. But that wasn't the problem. The Rope Troopas weren't returning. The windows flapped in the wind. It was almost dawn. A few more minuites, perhaps? The windows flapped again. Bowser had had enough of this. He climbed up the ropes the Troopas had left, the ropes like corpses, and climbed into the window. Bowser stared ahead, his jaw dropping. He'd had many defeats before, come Mario, come Luigi, even Peach once. ...But this was strange.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 06:50:16 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2007, 10:34:24 PM »
Poor Luigi...

A very good read! For the most part, it was very exciting. I will agree, this is probably your best work, Nintendoobsessed. Can't wait for the next chapter!
In Soviet Russia, Pokemon chooses you!

« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 12:20:06 AM »
Announcement: If you want to have your name (Or a part of your name that is managable)as a character in the story's name, just ask. It's random whether you get a major part or small appereance, just depending on when you ask.


Have you ever had sweat splash in your eye? It's a burning sensation, especially if a lot of sweat comes down. Penter swore. The sweat was too much to bear this time, feeling like it could melt his eyeballs into puddles of veins. Everyone was crowding around Mitch today. They always crowd around him, shouting, gasping, and gossiping, and sometimes pointing to Penter to say something rude and negative. Penter glared, just like he always did, and he wasn't very good at glaring, and would often be laughed at by the group around Mitch. And why did he have to work here? Beacause Princess Peach said so. That's why he hated Princess Peach as well. If a Toad was caught near Peach's grounds, she would enslave them, as she liked to say, "politely asked". The Toads would only do it beacuase of Toad's with gouged eyes out being seen, and paranoid freaks, who would only think of the mysterious terror of Peach. "BY THE BEE'S KNEES!" Yelled a voice from where Mitch's club was. Penter turned to Mitch's group, and dropped the shovel. Now Toadsworth was with them. What could be going on that was this important and fabulous? Penter, tired of working in the sun, crept over to the crowded shade, and listened to the commotion.

Darkness...Swirling Darkness...Red. Red. Everywhere. Someone, please...anyone... Luigi woke up. Instantly, the pain that had been hiding away while he was asleep had come back to torture him. Luigi groaned. The last thing he remembred was calling for someone. Who? He couldn't remember. He remembered calling someone in terror of the red...He was in a bed. That's what he could figure out. He was in his own bed. The beautiful, green cloth confirmed this. And..."Luigi, thank goodness, your awake!" Cried Mario, closing in to hug him. "NO! I mean...please don't hug me." Gasped Luigi, too tired to explain  his back had a unearthly pain. Luigi turned his head, some kind of feeble attempt to block Mario's hugs, and saw the chaos on the floor. A Magikoopa with it's face crushed in. One with a broken head. Those were the only 2 he could see. Blood crawled from around the corner however. "Mario. What happened?" Asked Luigi. Mario started to explain, and then a thought he hadn't thought of occured. If a group of Koopa's were sent to scout forward, and some to kill Mario... "Peach." Whispered Mario, realizing the terrible mistake he had made. "Ma-Mario, I..." Then Luigi realized what had happened too. Bowser could already be at Peach's Castle. It was nearly dawn when the Magikoopa's had attacked, and now it was noon. Mario uttered a swear word, and  rushed to the pantry. Peach could still be saved. Mario hurridly put food and drink on a table next to Luigi's bed, and rushed out the door. He jumped over a large root, and into a green pipe laying in the middle of the yard.

"Hah hah. He's alive. I know he is. It will make a fine dinner. The mud almost killed it, but it's alive." " has dents in that shell thing." "They can be waxed to perfection. Either way...we have a fine meal here." "Hah hah." Darkness... fading in the twilight.

"Thank you, thank you all!" The sound of Mitch's voice made Penter shudder. He hated Mitch. He hated Mitch a lot. "Amazing!" Shouted Toadsworth in a corner. Tired of trying to hear what the commotion was about, Penter decided to ask Blibby, one of Mitch's more unactive friends. "Blibby, what did Mitch do now?" Asked Penter, trying to sound normal, but Mitch's club members shouts for joy made it difficult. "Well Penter, Mitch was up in Peach's room, bringing her breakfast and all, when suddenly, Koopas attacked! Well he went and walloped 3 Koopa's and Bowser himself!" Finished Blibby with a smile. The heat of the sun...Penter thought he was going to faint. Mitch had defeated Bowser? Nobody can defeat Bowser except for Mario and Luigi. This...this... "Is there any proof?" Asked Penter, a huge drop of sweat falling into his eye. "Of course! Bowser's screaming and shouting in the dungeon, and we're gonna have Mario execute him once and for all." Blibby tried to say something else, but all the excitement made him blubber, hence his name. Penter was going to see Bowser. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't. "Halt slave! Where are you wandering to?" Shouted a voice from above. Princess Peach glared down from the balcony, giving a glare that could melt glass. The crowd of Toad's barely noticed, but a few happened to look over. Penter was about to anwser when he remembred he HATED Princess Peach. How dare she make Toad's slaves? "I'm wandering away from you...HAG!" Yelled Penter. Now the entire crowd of Toad's took notice, gasping and whispering. But Penter started to move. He was going to see Bowser. And then something else came to mind. What if he used Bowser to protect himself? But what if Bowser wasn't actully there? "GUARDS!" Screamed Princess Peach from somewhere back, and Penter moved up a pace.

Wood. It was wood, everywhere. But he wasn't in a forest. He was in a cottage. Somewhere. Somewhere. That word had a deadly ring to it. The smell of outdated tea littered the cottage, and yet another smell...a sinister smell littered the room. "Hellooo." Said a spindly voice. An old female Koopa appered. She had tea in her hand. "Mud...where is this?" He managed to croak out. He could remember mud...and the color red. But he didn't remember anything else. Who was he? "Welcome to my beeaauuttiiffuull cabin." Wandered the spindly voice. That sinister smell again. "Who am I...?" He asked, a feeble sound. He was weak, and if this strange character wasn't going to reveal where he was, then he could be in big trouble. But did it really matter? He couldn't remember anything so he would still be lost. "Why dear, your name is Laem." There was something strange about the name. "And I'm Kooply, dear. Your mother." Laem tried to nod, but there seemed to be mud that was stopping him. It seemed to paralyze him. He couldn't move. "Have cake and tea, dear." Said Kooply, pulling cake and tea from nowhere, and walking into another room which appeared to be a kitchen. ...But there was a part of the kitchen he couldn't see. He started drinking the tea, which seemed cold, but once it went past the mouth, it went red hot. He cried out in surprise the first time, but realized it cleared away the mud. And the cakes were normal. They had a absoulutely delicous taste, but the feeling he wasn't supposed to be here wouldn't go away, and... that sinister smell again.

Air rushed past Mario's face, the wind pushing Mario's hair up. THUNK. It was more painful then it sounded. Mario had suddnely just stopped. Mario looked down to where the horrendus pain was coming from. Mario's left leg had snapped open, and his leg bone stuck out at a disturbing angle. The pipe was jammed. Junk, all sorts of trash littered the pipe. Mario couldn't stand it any longer. Mario screamed, blood rushing out of his leg, and into the junk, drying and forming, perhaps making Mario's goal even more difficult. Once the pain became JUST possible to bear, Mario looked for a escape. He couldn't go back up. It was too high. And he couldn't go down. Mario was trapped. Mario swore, pounding against the pipe wall, trying to escape, but the walls were tough. Legend had it that ancient Toad's had made the pipes out of emeralds, truly hard gemstones. Sadly, that was the truth, and as Mario tried to size up the situation, the point became clear. "I'm trapped." Whispered Mario. Another painful crack sounded from his leg.

Bowser sat in the corner of a small, musty dungeon, wrinkiling his nose, and grimaceing. Everything was going wrong. Over 30 troopas slayed, and another dozen coming right up. Most importantly, he was on the chopping block too, to be executed in 12 hours. The wait was miserable yet- If anyone came in, he could blow fire on them. That way, none of those cowardly Toad's would come down. He could even get Mario by blowing through the cages, which would be too narrow for Mario to jump through. Perfect. Only midway through his thoughts, the sound of stomping, running feet echoed through the hallway. Someone was coming. His first victim was coming. He crouched even deeper in the corner, to surprise the foolish Toad. The said Toad suddnely apperead, sweat pouring down his face. Now was the time. "There...there are spikes." Whispered the Toad in awe. Bowser was truly here. Penter knew he had to get the point across soon, as the guards could be heard coming. "Bowser! I have a pl-" Bowser, taking no heed of Penter, launched the fireball straight at him. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The Toad Guards seemed to float in air, and tried to grab Penter, but instead managing to push him out of the way. 4 of the 5 Toad Guards were instantly killed, the last horribly burned. "Ahh!" Cried Penter as he hit the cold, stone floor. "Get away toad, or I'll kill you too." Growled Bowser. This was his chance to scare the Toad's away. Penter, stunned in terror, quickly got to a corner that Bowser couldn't flame him in. "B-Bowser, I want to help you escape. I have a rather intresting deal for you." Bowser listened, intent, as his life, perhaps a mere plot, thickened.

« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2007, 02:20:55 PM »
OUCH! Sorry for the wait. I've had too much homework.

Part 3:

"Wear it always, for it will always protect you." Whispered a strange voice, cooling and refreshing, oily and sympathetic. "It is a very strong charm." Laem woke up in the cool dark wooden room. It was obviously night, and a boo could be heard laughing outside. Testing to see how high he could get out of the bed, he sat right up, and fell back over in surprise. He could move again! The cake seemed to have healed him. And he wasn't staying here. He remembered voices in his early memories (which were yesterday) that had spoken of him. Two voices. And if Kooply really was his mother, she was hiding something. Something dark. He crept out of the bed and stumbled to his feet, nearly forgetting how to walk. He wanted to see if there was something here that hinted to his past, perhaps a picture. The room closest to his bed was a small library of books. Oddly, the books were all written in a strange language. There was also a window in a corner of the shadowy, musty, library. Laem nearly sneezed so he quickly exited the library, covered with dust. He didn't want to wake up Kooply. There were 2 other rooms. He decided to go into the kitchen, guessing the last room was Kooplys bedroom. Quietly, he scuttled into the kitchen. If he thought the other parts of the house were cold, this place was antarctic. He looked at the left side of the room first, completely having his back to the right side. It was an empty wall, except for a hole in the floor. "Eh, what's this?" Said Laem quietly. He bent down to the hole, and quickly moved away. It was a stench he had smelled before. He thought that he had smelled it recently, in a group of others. And the color red... It was a horrible smell altogether, and he quickly turned around to escape it. He regretted turning around very much. Blood. Red. Blood. Everywhere. Laems mind raced, all other the floor, dead Koopas, dead goombas, dead Toads, dead Shy Guys, and countless other, horridly disfigured figures lay everywhere, and that smell. That's what it was. In the hole. The smell of corpses. The smell of rotting and fresh dead. And then Leam realized the most bone chilling truth of all. Laem was meal backwards.


Luigi ripped off a crumb from the bread, the food Mario had left Luigi. He couldn't eat too much of it, as he felt it would be awhile until Mario returned. He had decided on a rule. 1 crumb per 5 hours. Fortunately, a clock was in view. Or was it unfortunate? Watching the agonizing clock. Watching it, waiting for that moment when- Oh...oh YES!-that he would get food. He drank 1 sip of water every 4 hours. It was like subscribing to two magazines, one would come certain times, another would come others and they would both be delightful. Yes, VERY delightful. And Luigi still felt some pain from the fight. Thinking of the word "fight", Luigi glanced over to the 2 Magikoopa bodies’ he could see. Poor Mario, having to go through double the fight I had to, fighting 3 Magikoopas. "Lucky Luigi" He said out loud, but he wasn't lucky. Mario was so strong. Mario was so great. Mario was so much better. And every time those jerk Toads released game recreations of Mario's adventures, they always called it "Super MARIO Bros" "Super MARIO 64". It wasn't fair. Luigi was in both of those games, but it was always Mario Mario Mario. Thinking of where he hid in Peach's Castle made him smile. That was a great hiding place. Maybe that's why they released it "Mario 64". Suddenly, 2 things happened at once. The clock broke. And the sound of a Magikoopa groan came from around a corner. The Magikoopa Luigi couldn't see

Tip Tap. Tip Tap. The noise of Peach's tapping fingers was turning even more monotonous then before, the only good thing it was doing was destroying the annoying silence that accompanied the disappearance of the Toad Guards. "Blasted guards. Can't bring me a simple Toad. Come O Guards. We're going in ourselves." The Toad guards formed a short circle around Peach, with the lead Toad Guard Tadomas in front. It didn't take long to get to the courtyard, where the screams of delight from Mitch's obsessive fans greeted them. Right when the group entered the dungeon, all the Toads formed a line in front of Peach; to make sure the crazy Toad didn't take Peach down with himself. But it was too quiet to even think. It was eerily quiet. As the group reached the end, a guard shouted in terror. "Bowser's not in his cell!" Suddenly, Peach felt the feeling of a presence behind her. Someone or something.


Laem tried to stifle his cry as he couldn't move. He was ridged with terror. His name wasn't really Laem. It was all a lie. By a Koopa that wanted to eat him. He was going to escape. Now. He launched out of the kitchen, to open the strange wooden door. But it was locked. Extreme sweating began. How long would it be until "Kooply" woke up? He ran back into the library, he had to find a way out. But something caught his eye. On a bookshelf was a gleaming book, it was GLEAMING. He tried to resist, but he picked it up anyway. It wasn't in a mysterious language. It had a strange cover. And a simple title. "POWER" It had no author. He put down the book. It was no time to read a book when a Koopa eating Koopa was after you. Yet... a gleaming cover. Exactly like the gleaming charm he was wearing. They were both gleaming. Laem had to open the book. He HAD to. He opened it, anxious and excited. There was nothing on the first page. Only blank. Just as Laem (Is he sticking with the name?) was about to turn the page, a face appeared in the blank pages, grinning. "Hello Wes." It chanted. "What? Said Wes, frozen with interest. "I'm your new friend, Wes." Chanted the book, grinning.

2 rooms away, a thing awakened, hungry, and feeling as if something powerful was happening.

"...Wes? My name's not Wes. My name's..." He hadn't really thought of what to call himself now that he had discovered he wasn't really Laem. ...But Wes was a really nice name. He would have to trust the book for now. He was in mortal danger. "Wh-what do you want?" He asked, in no time to chat. The book continued grinning. "Do you want to be powerful? Do you want great power? Venge on those who doubt you? Build money, and shift land?" What was this book? "What are you?" He continued. "Why, I'm the book of Power Wes. I can give you what you want if you help me." It chanted its oily voice smooth and charming. Although he wouldn't normally accept the trust of a talking book, the book was obviously quite smart. "Okay... What do you want?" He asked awkwardly. "Just get me ou-" CRASH! Wes jumped into the air, and the book went flying to the ground. And a Duplighost with blood all over its sheet walked in. "YOU-! YOU ESCAPE HOW DARE MY GRASP-..." The Duplighost was lost for words, utterly confused. It was now obvious that Kooply was the Duplighost, and Wes had fitted it all together. The Duplighost was always bringing things in, transforming to the species of the traveler to gain more trust- and then eating them. "You-you wretch!" Screeched the Duplighost, flying straight at Wes. "PICK ME UP WES! PICK ME UP!" Yelled the book. Too terrified to consider wits, Wes backed up and picked up the book. "Wes! Say Power Wes! Say it!" Yelled the book. Wes was now trapped in the corner of the library, the Duplighost with fangs flying at him. "POWER!" Roared the book, seeming to take on a darker atmosphere. Pages whirling around him, and the Duplighost inches from his face, Wes shouted "POWER!"


Mario lay on the ground. The pain had finally dumbed down, but Mario would never be able to jump on his left leg again. CRACKKK. Mario looked down, expecting his leg fully off now. But his leg was not affected. In fact, the sound had come from the Emerald Pipe. Slowly, a large crack moved down the pipe, right in front of Mario's face. CRACKKKKKKKK. A piece of the pipe fell to the jammed ground. Beyond the pipe was dirt. Mario looked at the Emerald piece, but the sound of falling emerald forced him back, stabbing a pain in his legs. A huge chunk of emerald fell right where the little piece was. Mario looked up to the darkness. It was his only chance. He would have to go back up by Emerald piece. He climbed onto the piece, until another fell. The slow and painful process

« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2007, 02:11:41 PM »
To all Gamefaqers: Yeah, it's me. I'm making TWO copys for everyone who isn't on the Board. Even if the people here are mute. ;) (Cept' for Robert)

Part 4

"I repeat, you go on this mission, or die by the claw of your own king!" Shouted the Armored Koopa in the front. It was a die or die situation. Go on the mission, and die by... the red. Red! Do not go on the mission, and die by claw! Red? But what was red? I...I can't remember.....The whiteness slowly faded away, and the scene came back. The dead Duplighost laid in a mess less heap. The book was on the ground, covered with dust. And Wes fully came to, he was changed as well. He was wearing a black cloak/cape, with mystic threads keeping it together. A feeling of power was also present. Wes figured this all had to do with the book, and as he was about to pick it up, the surroundings caught his eyes. The entire house had collapsed. The massive forest was all around Wes, the sounds of strange creatures screeching filling the air. "I-I" But what was there to say? The word Power and the strange book combined to make a true power. But Wes wanted answers. He opened the book, shifting through the pages, but there was no face. It was gone. And Wes was in the middle of nowhere. He wasn't going to wait for some horrible creature to attack, he was moving now. He closed his eyes, spun around, and pointed in the direction of south. He slowly started moving, to a town, or somewhere. But was there a somewhere? How did this world work? Did people live in the middle of nowhere? Were towns real? Or was it a idea floating around in his mind? Wes grew anxious, and when a Goomba jumped out from behind a tree, mouth and fangs open, Wes released an energy building inside of him. BLARRACK! The sound of trees falling like dominoes commenced. Wes opened his eyes to the sight. At least 70 trees had been knocked down, the Goomba crushed by one. This was going to be interesting.


"Ughhh..." The foul groan came again. Luigi started to sweat. A magikoopa was alive, Mario was gone, Luigi was crippled, and the Magikoopa was alive! "Mark...Mark...?" The magikoopa was starting to speak. It was recovering too fast. And Luigi couldn't see it. It could be hiding, right around the corner, about to fire a fatal shot of magic. "I...I'm alickve?" It croaked. This one must have speech impairment; Mario must have destroyed its face. "I'ck...I'ck cank movk." It's voice continuing. But was it lying? Could it be part of an immense strategy to get Luigi? Luigi started sweating again. He choked on a piece of bread, the sound coming loud and clear. A rustling sound confirmed the magikoopa could hear him. Little known to Luigi, the magikoopa was thinking the same thing as Luigi. Is he behind the corner, waiting to kill me? The air in the room grew thick with terror; you could slice a knife through the air. Then the terror ended suddenly. "Please don't hurt me." Said Luigi, being cowardice. "Pleack dok hurk meek." Said the magikoopa at the same time. The broken clock, hanging high on the wall, suddenly fell and broke with a loud crash.

"Hello Princess." The voice chilled Peach, and the cold claw of a monster soon curved around her delicate skin, drawing a little blood. Peach cried out, but Bowser continued making his escape, walking backwards, carrying Peach to the entrance to the dungeons. As Bowser entered the courtyard, he swung Peach in front of him, as a hostage in case that freak Toad attacked. Bowser did, in fact attract Mitch's attention, and he began to make his way to Bowser. "Don't even try Crap Cap." Laughed Bowser. The hot sun was uncomfortable against Peach's skin, and she really wanted to yell at a Toad. "Unhand the Princess, or I'll be on you like a Fuzzy, you scoundrel." Shouted Mitch. Bowser had a certain talent for telling true intentions, and Mitch, in reality, was a jerk Toad who was pretending a shaky, valiant act. "If you attack Toad, the princess could have a messy accident. We wouldn't want to cry over spilled Peach's, now would we?" Even if Mitch was a jerk, he had a certain loyalty to the Princess, and this nasty turtle was starting to annoy him. But could he do anything? "Show me the way out, and Peachy won't get hur-" BUMP! A Toad went flying into the air. Someone had jumped on Bowser from behind. Penter came sailing to the ground, sweating as usual. Bowser had dropped Peach, and she had scrambled away, gasping for air. Mitch couldn't believe it. That wimpy Penter had knocked out Bowser. He actually had. But he was not handing his pride away to that loser. "Wow, try not to trip on me, considering the effects." Said Mitch in a mean voice, following to spit in Penter's face. His Fan club followed suit, all spitting in Penter's face. Mitch wasn't done. He kicked Penter in the face too, just for his own consolation. His club followed. But Penter was tired of spit and sweat, which formed a sphere of imminent torture, working for the secretly tyrant Peach, or being hated upon by fellow Toads. Penter was tired of it, and never would he have to put up with it again. SMAP. The sound of a kick into Mitch's stomach. BANG. The sound of Mitch's head being kicked into the cement on the ground. CRACK. The sound of Mitch's spinal cord breaking, and suddenly, Mitch, the temporary hero of the Mushroom Kingdom was dead, murdered by another Toad. Penter looked down to the crumpled heap on the ground. Was he insane? No. No. Was he insane? he wait...what was he? Was he insane was he? ...Yes?


Silence. A cold silence. And then the voice spoke again. "Whook arck youk?" Came the magikoopa's voice. Luigi wasn't sure what to do. The cry of terror from earlier confirmed that the magikoopa was crippled too. But Luigi was crippled too. Everything was turning into a deadly game, and Luigi had to play smooth. "I'm Mario." He said, in a loud voice, to show he couldn't be a crippled Luigi. But he had completely forgotten that he himself had already said "Please don't hurt me." Silence... The magikoopa meanwhile was figuring the game too. His only goal was to escape before Luigi (It was very obvious it was Luigi) could somehow attack. He would need to pretend he was weak. "Whuck ark youk goik took doick tuck meek?" He gasped. Luigi could tell what he was saying. He had to scare the magikoopa into not attacking before Mario came back. Once Mario came back, everything would be solved. "If you come around the corner, I will attack." Bellowed Luigi. The magikoopa knew he was winning the game; he would just have to show just how much of a weakling he was. "Wanuck plake ake work gake?" He said. (Wanna play a word game?). Luigi didn't know why he could understand the koopa's malformed words, but this was all working into his favor. "Okay." Replied Luigi.

"Heh heh he-ACK! COUGH!" Generally, Bowser considered Toad's stupid, humble creatures that had no strength or further purpose in life. He had just been proven wrong. It was strange how close of a power that Toad's was to Mario's, as it had certainly caused some head damage (not brain damage). No matter, the Toad's had been occupied by the fight that the Toad was flaming. All the toads in the castle were in the chaos, trying to stop the freak toad. Because they were all so busy, Bowser had escaped from the castle, and was on his way back to the Koopa Kingdom. He would rebuild forces, and then attack the Mushroom Kingdom again, now that Mario had been killed. (He could only assume). But to get to the Koopa Kingdom, he would have to cross through the forest...

SNAP SNAP. The twigs crunched against Wes's feet, now strangely...more powerful. From the sign of the forest, slowly starting to unthicken, Wes could tell he was near a clearing. But then...something else was coming. SNAP SNAP. Coming from the Northeast. Wes was prepared. Wasn't he always prepared? The power of anxious curiosity always flaming? And yet... The figure stepped into view. It looked like a huge koopa, with head bruises. Horns, and spikes on its shell. Wes was prepared incase it tried to attack. "What? ...a magikoopa? Were you sent to retrieve me back to the Koopa Kingdom?" What were these words? Magikoopa? Koopa KINGDOM? There's an entire kingdom? Either way, Wes was not in the mood to bow down to anyone. He had a memory to retrieve. "I work for no one." Said Wes simply. He continued on his way. But Bowser wasn't done. "Get back crooked shell! You are a Magikoopa obviously, and magikoopas aren't accepted into Toad society." Wes ignored the words of the ugly beast. Bowser was becoming infuriated, despite his bruises. "GET BACK HERE OR I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" He roared. A fight? Wes wanted to test his ability’s. Wes turned around. "That's better, now guide me back bucket head." Said Bowser nobily. "No. You mentioned a fight." Said Wes. Bowser laughed. "You must be insane. I am King Bowser. You’re King!" Cried Bowser. "No." Said Wes. Bowser is very simple. He is angry. Or semi-angry. "WARRGH!" Bowser slashed out a claw, but Wes shot a bolt of magic energy from his mind. It hit Bowser, sending him into a tree trunk. Bowser jumped up with lightning energy, coming down at Wes. Wes fired another spell from his mind. One that disfigured. But Bowser dodged it- in the air. He was too crafty. Bowser swung back, and smashed his claw into Wes's face. Wes fired a red spell of unknown power at Bowser's chest. A brilliant flash of light followed.


Mario crawled up out of the emerald pipe. He dusted himself off. Suddenly, the pipe shattered, and all that was left was a large hole in the ground, with razor sharp emeralds at the bottom. Mario started his way to the house, but swore. The leg still hurt. was starting to hurt less. That was a good thing, wasn't it? Mario coughed very loudly.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 02:20:07 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2007, 04:18:58 PM »
I bring you another spicy hot dish of Mario's Crowbar!


"He killed him!" Cried out a voice from the huge mob of Toad's that had gathered around a small scene. Penter, a Toad with a crazy look in his eyes was next to the body of Mitch, who he had killed. Other gasps and cried were whispered around the group. Some Toad's backed away, afraid of him striking out. Others tried to examine him. "Move!" Shouted the Head of the Guards, Blaine. It was the first time since Blaine had become the Head Guard that a Toad was the cause of chaos. The cloud of Toad's opened a path, in which the Guard's, led by the Head Guard, walked upon. Penter noticed the Toad's coming. He wasn't going to let them bother him. "Stay back. Or...or..." Penter didn't really hate the Toad's, as he more hated Princess Peach and Mitch. But now... "Or... I'll kill you." The Guard's didn't flinch. Instead, they started to grab him. He was just another random Toad who had gone insane, except this time, this one had actually killed. ...But was it something to worry about? It was too late to turn back for Blaine, as he had already grasped his hand around Penter's arm. Bad choice. Penter had a sudden burst of power, and swiped his fist into the Head Guard's unprotected face. And then sudden chaos. Half the guards launched forward to grab Penter, while the other half backed off in terror. A first regular guard approached Penter. He kicked the unfortunate guard in the face. The guard knocked into the one behind him, and the guard behind the guard who had been knocked into by a guard swore and fell over. Soon, all the Toad Guard's were on the ground, swiping at thin air, proving the Mushroom Kingdom's bad defenses. With all the guard's on the ground, Penter started running. Peach, who had been resting against a Castle wall the whole time noticed his escape. "You stupid buffoons! He's going that way!" She cried out, pointing in Penter's fleeting direction. But Penter was already on his way out of the Castle.


"I win!" Said Luigi. He was proving he was strong, and not to be dealt with. "Anck Ike looke." Said the Magikoopa. He was proving he was weak. Both had no idea of the others intentions. Luigi looked at his food. There wasn't much left. And the day wasn't even over. Why did the clock have to break? WHY? If Mario didn't come back soon, Luigi would starve. ...But what about the Magikoopa? As long as it was alive, Luigi could survive too, as the magikoopa had nothing. Where oh where was Mario? Wh- The front door slowly opened. Mario came inside. He was pale. His left leg had a horrifying avulsion. And Mario coughed. But he was holding something behind his back. Luigi couldn't see what Mario was holding. Mario was right next to the magikoopa. All he would have to do is turn to see it. "M-" But then Luigi saw the magikoopa. It was crawling behind Mario. Trying to reach the still open door. Did Luigi want to tell Mario? ...No. Luigi knew the second he would tell Mario, the magikoopa would be in trouble. "Luigi." Said Mario. Mario coughed again.

Each pull was another struggle. What made it worse was not being to make a sound. He couldn't let Mario hear him. But now the strength was gone from him. He couldn't move. "Luigi." Said Mario. Mario proceeded to cough. Good. Mario was distracted by Luigi. But he couldn't make it. The magikoopa had to think it over. If he was caught by Mario, he wouldn't instantly kill him. He had time. He needed backup to get him out of there. He couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before, but he had a small phone. It didn't take long to get the number. "Helloke?" He gasped. "Helck. Tracked inck Markio's houck. Seck helck." He gasped. Mario coughed.

It was easy for Mario to hear the loud, desperate, voice. Mario coughed, and turned around to the magikoopa, who was halfway through the door. Mario stared at the creature, crawling through the door, trying to escape from the tortures of Mario's house, but they weren't over. Mario screamed insanely, pulling from a trouser pocket a silver, shining, crowbar. It didn't stay silver for long. Soon, it was red. Deep red. Mario had also destroyed the phone. Luigi shuddered. This wasn't Mario. Mario wasn't a bloodthirsty monster. Mario had something wrong with him. Something was affecting his min-. Mario coughed hideously, and turned around again. Clutching the crowbar, he slowly made his way to Luigi, stepping with his words with terrifying accuracy. "Do you like my tool Luigi? I found it in a green pipe. But who care's about-COUGH, HACK-green, huh Luigi? Red's the best. It's everywhere. It's inside everyone’s bo-HACK,COUGH-dys. Don't you want to see your red Luigi? Don't you?" Mario approached Luigi's bed.


Seigal sighed. It was another boring day in the castle. Magikoopa's bossed him around; Bowser's children abuse him, and getting terrible jobs, like waxing shells. Everyday, he would think the same thing. This is what life is. A horrible mixture of nasty tortures, with nothing to gain. And when you died, you would be trapped in your body. Trapped in a coffin. Trapped underground. Forever. Always. An- BZZZERT! CRACKLE! Seigal jumped in surprise. His current duty was to man the radio station, where other contactors could call for help, or send messages. Was it finally King Bowser? Everyone had been waiting for him. The lucky koopa was to get a higher position in the army. Seigal quickly picked up the receiver. "Hello?" He said. "Helloke? Tracked...Markio's...helck..." The transmission ended. Seigal shook with excitement. Could it have been King Bowser, trapped at Mario's house? What could be assumed was that someone was trapped at Mario's house. ...But that was it. Seigal didn't know anything about the mission with Bowser traveling to the Mushroom Kingdom, except that it was happening. Could Bowser have stopped at Mario's house to finish him in Mario's sleep? Could a fellow koopa be trapped? Seigal knew this was his big chance. He was going to rescue him-or them-right now.

"Buffoons! Half-wits!" Peach's annoyed cries echoed in the distance. Penter could hear her every word. But did it matter? The point was that Penter was going to have a new beginning. Away from Peach. Away from the Toad's that support her. He was leaving the Mushroom Kingdom once and for all. He looked back to the days when he was a small Toad child. Mitch was in his school classroom. There was always a huge map of the Mushroom Kingdom and nearby areas. To the north, the cold, Icoa regions lay. To the west was the forest, which for thousands of years, has had no name. To the south, forest. But to the east... Penter looked forward. Far in the distance, a sprawling desert lay. No one knew what lay beyond the desert. It was known as the Shifting Sands Desert. Almost nobody ventured in. Penter smiled. For a life on the run, this was the perfect place to escape to. "RUN FASTER!" The screaming echoes of Peach sounded in the distance behind Penter. Behind him, an army of Toad Guards were on their way. "Time to run." Muttered Penter, running into the uncharted desert.

Seigal looked around. No one was around. Good. He continually shifted around the wall just in case, however, as there were always guards at the gates. Seigal could hear guards talking. Seigal stopped to listen in. He would have to stop for a while anyway, they were gate guards. "Haven't you heard? The planting group heard something in the forest. Some kind of explosion." Said the Guard, looking nervously around. "What's your problem Qwerty? You act so paranoid when you tell me stuff." Qwerty's anger could be heard in his voice. "I'm not supposed to tell you this stuff. It's confidential. Top Secret. However you wanna say it." What were they talking about? Explosion? "What??? It's top secret?'s just a explosion..." Murmured the other guard. "No, you don't understand. From the lights, they could tell it was Magikoopa. But it was so powerful. Most powerful thing in recorded magic history." Whispered Qwerty. "WHAT?" Gasped the guard, loudly. "Quiet down! We don't want everyone to hear us. Come on. Let me show you the papers. Just don't say anything, and the plan might go smoothly." Smirked Qwerty. They disappeared around a corner. Finally. Thought Seigal. He quickly escaped through the gate. Time to rescue King Bowser

« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2007, 05:42:25 PM »
DEAR GOD. Don't kill Luigi, please?

« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2007, 04:06:11 PM »

The eerie sounds of meat being chopped up continued in the kitchen, SLAPTCH, SPLOTCH. ...With a crowbar. Luigi was in a terrible situation. The last thing he remembered was Mario swinging his crowbar at Luigi's head. Now it was night. It was raining outside. More chopping. What was Mario doing in there? Luigi turned his head to the kitchen. He immediately wished he hadn't. The Magikoopa bodies were all over the floor. At least chunks of them. Mario was chopping... blood running down the kitchen floor...the color RED. Red. Luigi had to escape. If Mario thought he was dead, then Luigi would soon be a grisly meal as well. He crept under the covers, and crawled from the bed. He could ONLY crawl, however, guaranteeing a long journey. Soon, Luigi was crawling over the blood of the unfortunate Magikoopa, red getting on his beautiful green cloths. Ugh. Mario started laughing in the kitchen. The sound of the crowbar echoed through the house, a gory song of failure, being murdered by a madman. After what seemed like 4 hours, Luigi was at the door. A small crack left it open, and he pushed the door. Outside, the rain was even more violent then it heard. Huge, fatal mud puddles were everywhere, threatening to drown a human- or a Koopa. Luigi knew he had to make it to the warp pipe, to get to Princess Peach's Castle to warn everyone of Mario's insanity. But when Luigi looked in the pipes direction, it was broken, destroyed. Then the forest was Plan B. According to a map Luigi once saw, Peach's Castle was to the Northeast. Time to crawl. Through the mud, and the drowning rain, crawled Luigi. A Raven pecked at him, but he continued, through the nasty mud. Right before Luigi got to the forest, the house door slammed open. "MEAt! WhErE iS mY mEaT?" Screeched Mario, an unearthly sound. "No." Cried Luigi, crawling faster. "MeAt!" Screamed Mario, running at Luigi with his crowbar. "No!" Cried Luigi again, face falling in mud. "ChEwY mEaT!" Screamed Mario, plunging the crowbar into Luigi's head.

"Blasted rain." Muttered Seigal, continuing across the mudflats to the Ancient Forest (It is known by this name by the Koopas). Seigal guessed that Mario's house was northwest, along with Peach's Castle. Word of mouth was that Mario's house was somewhere in the Ancient Forest, hidden in a clump of trees. SPLAT! "And blast mud too." Added Seigal. Just another unfortunate circumstance in Seigal's life. What next? Mud monsters? "Ughhhack." Gasped a voice coming from the mud. Seigal jumped back in surprise. Couldn't he get a break? A claw reached from the mud, clawing away the mud, revealing the thing underneath. But it wasn't a thing. It was King Bowser! "Ki-King Bow-bowser!" Gasped Seigal. King Bowser? In the Mud-flats? "Lack wordks." Croaked the muddy voice. "What are you doing here? What happened?" Asked Seigal, excited beyond words. This was his chance! "Waterck." He gasped. ...Water. Seigal had brought some along. He didn't need it anymore now that he found Bowser. Seigal had barely brought it out when Bowser snatched it. He downed all of it in one gulp. Then he started speaking. "Last...words... I'm too weak to live. Too many...attacks. gave me water. You are making my end bearable. For that... you will be my successor." Seigal choked. This was beyond what fame he had expected. " will prove your...royalty." Gasped Bowser. From under his huge left first claw, he pulled out a gemstone. "Th-thank..." Started Seigal. "NO! You must know what I know... there is a Black Caped Magikoopa. It has powers of a god that even it cannot truly grasp. You must...HACK!...beware it.'s...still...." Bowser died.

The coffin lowered into the mushy ground, still wet from the previous night. Toad's stood in perfect files, head's down. The mood was shallow and disturbing. The Mitch fan club stood by a tree, loudly, and dramatically, sobbing. Even the men. Soon, the grave-diggers started to fill in the grave, the coffin slowly disappearing beneath soil. "Let's go now. I want that freak hunted down, and we don't have much time before he gets away."
"Which one, your highness- Bowser, or the toad?"
"Good words Blibby, but the freak we speak of is...the toad. Bowser would be impossible with his filthy troops."
"Yes, your highness."
Soon, the toads at the funeral had all journeyed back to the castle, except for the obsessive Mitch group, and the gravedigger, a lonely shy-guy. Every once in a while, a toad would jump to the grave, and start trying to dig Mitch's body back up, sobbing a storm. The grave keeper would have to wack the annoying toad, and/or toads, as sometimes 3 or 4 would leap upon the grave. It would be hours later that the toad's would finally their grave tirade, and leave the grave keeper in peace. In their obsessive way, it wasn't over yet.

SLAM! The door to the Koopa Kastle's main entry room slammed open, and Seigal marched in, clutching the beautiful gemstone. Roy jumped in his way, but Seigal shoved him away. "Where do you thin-" Seigal revealed the gemstone with 2 fingers, taunting his former bully. "Whuh-whuh-Zizix?" Gasped Roy. It was like that with all the other Koopalings he met. Other koopa's simply were stunned by the beauty, as it seemed diamond. Also walking past Qwerty, and the dim-witted guard he was scheming with. Finally, he came to Ludwig, Bowser's eldest son, the one who was, without word, guaranteed to be Bowser's successor. And then Seigal showed him it. Ludwig swore, his previous ego popped like an oversized balloon. He cursed, swore, (said every word that would ban someone that said it from gamefaqs.) Seigal knew that he had great power. He wouldn't have to wait for Ludwig to end his magnificent temper tantrum. "Stop screaming you freak. You are a son of the late Bowser, and my new General. You have great responsibility, and honor." Seigal didn't know where the words truly came from, but they worked, Ludwig slowly making his way back to the overcrowded desk, which was filled with gadgets, back to the position he was in when Seigal had walked in. Ludwig was still full of torment however, and his head slammed against the desk. "So, what exactly is this Zizix?" Said Seigal. "Revolution." Muttered Ludwig. The sound of pounding echoed from the hallway...a crowd was coming

Snap. Crack. The blood covered creature dragging through the forest was making no effort to conceal itself, but it didn't need to, its strange weapon dangling with blood, just daring any creatures to attack him. Although, some were foolish, thinking Mario's broken leg would slow him down. It cost the goomba and the wiggler their lives, only adding to the disturbing painting on Mario's Crowbar that only painted one color: Red. And, if you looked deep enough, right before Mario insured your grisly death, you could see a sinister glint of silver. Silver and Red. After 2 hours of creeping through the bland forest, Mario finally came to see his goal, a great distance away. He had traveled Northeast, thorough the forest, heading to find Peach. She was to be the next victim. He had made a slight miscalculation however, and came to the Muddy Route, the large patch of brown west of the castle. But Mario was lucky. There, in the distance, some 3 miles, was Peach and some of her Elite Toad's, making their way to the castle. They were coming from the north, from the Graveyard. They had buried fresh meat. What was wrong with them? Fresh meat is delicious... Mario would be able to catch up in an hour, stalking the Princess at a distance. Then he would wait for the Toad's to leave and... With Mario insane, he was completely oblivious to the extreme pain in his leg. He started running.

Far, far to the Southeast, another figure was in a slightly similar situation. The figure was in the forest, bleeding horribly. Only a few figures recognized the figure, and as a Koopa, the goomba's didn't attack. "" But there was no mud. Only leaves, 20 inches deep of leaves. Fall was almost over, winter was coming, but their was no mud. Not anymore. The Koopa realized this soon enough, and got up, dumbfounded and confused. The last thing he remembered was... going into battle. Kan shouting...the colors Red and Green. ...OF COURSE! He was with the new batch of soldiers, going up against Mario to scout out the land. And... Then he was horribly wounded. In the mud, crippled, rain, Bowser and the rest of the troop not seeing him... and then nothing. Everything was gone. What had happened? He couldn't remember. At least 24 hours of memory...gone. He got up. He, Wes, felt better then he looked, blood everywhere. But...there was so much blood! Some of it was somebody else's. But who? Interrupting his thoughts, a nasty laugh sounded. From the ground, a book flew over to Wes, floating in air. "What the-?" But it wasn't as much of a surprise as it should have been. He had seen this book before somewhere... "Ah, you are awake Wes." Said the book. That voice... " I?"
"You’re in the Ancient Forest of course." Said the book. It called the forest "Ancient Forest.", so it obviously had Koopa roots of some kind. "But...what's been happening...?"
"Don't you remember? We're best friends! When I found you in the Shifting Sands Desert, you were almost dead, and I nourished you back to health. And then you showed me that amazing magic trick where you say 'Power', and something good happens? And then that guy in the red hat said that Bowser was captured at Peach's Castle?" The strange book said this in a innocent voice, yet something about the book... "Bowser's at Peach's Castle?" Exclaimed Wes. If he saved Bowser, he would get a high-rank almost immediately. "That's what Mario said. And that if you said 'Power' you would be warped their immediately." This was beyond strange, his memory missing, and a book that talked. But their was no time to wait. He didn't even notice his strange clothes. "Power!" To him, it sounded like a dumb-catchphrase. Unfortunately, certain catch-phrases cause catastrophe. As in this case.

(I'm sorry, but it was destiny, Corleone)


  • Bruised
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2007, 09:03:31 PM »
Wow, I've seen some pretty messed up things on the Internet, but this takes the cake. 
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2007, 02:14:14 PM »
...But do you like it? Considering this is my first story that more then 1 person comments on, I'll take that as a yes. (But you can tell me no)


It was raining again. For Princess Peach, it was nothing, as she was in her warm castle, looking out the gloomy window. The rain splattered against the window ominously, chilling Peach. Her guards had gone, back to they're outside positions, and 2 outside her door. Peach listened. Then smiled. She was going to sneak out. She loved to do that. The first thing to do was always put pillows in her bed sheets, to fool any Toad's who wouldn't pull away the bedding. Peach placed pillows under the blanket, next- a feeling of worriness began to ail her. But...what is there to worry about? Thought Peach to herself. Nothing. ...But where is Mario? Peach hadn't thought of it at all. Where was Mario? Had Bowser... No, she mustn’t think such thoughts; she must wait for him, as she always had. "Oh Mario..." She whispered. THUNK. Something blunt hit the main door to her bedroom in the hallway. Someone was out there. "Be quiet! I'm trying to relax!" Yelled Peach to the guards outside. SPLAT! Another strange sound echoed from the other side of the door. Peach lost her temper. "BE QUIET! What the heck are you doing out there? I-" Peach opened the door, and time froze. It was a beautiful, ancient door, made by toads of ancient times somewhere in the misty past. It was almost a heirloom, a posseion, of priceless value. ...Not anymore. SPLATCH! A crowbar swung into the side of the ancient door, snapping it from it's silver hinges, and falling on Peach. Peach didn't even have time to scream. Above her, Mario dragged in, carrying the toad guard’s bodies. Peach, nearly out of breath, watched from underneath as Mario dragged into the room, his leg still producing disturbing amounts of blood, which turned to blood piles on the wooden floor, staining it, and creating a river of blood heading right for Peach's face. Peach groaned as the warm liquid touched her lips. HACK. Mario coughed, facing away from Peach. As far as she could tell, he could not see her. Hopefully? Mario turned to Peach's bed, and seeing the pillows-under-bed display, began swinging his crowbar violently upon the bed. Peach filled with terror. But she was stuck! The only thing she could shake was her feet. This was her only escape. Shake her way backwards and out. She started backwards, terror increasing, as Mario began to see no blood coming from the bed.

Evening. A few feet away from Mitch's grave, a band of toad's watched, paranoid eyes watching the swollen mud covering the grave, thanks to the rain. The shy-guy had finished piling long ago, and was back at his shack at the corner of the graveyard, opposite corner of the disturbing toads. Tenchai considered himself the leader of the strange Mitch crowd. It was probably due to his brother, Ryuan, who was the leader of the famous Toad Brigade, as it leads Tenchai to desire of leadership. Although, in trueness, Mitch was the true leader. He was what the grotesque-minded toad's always desired. To be him. To see him. It didn't matter why. It just WAS. And it would always be that way. Tenchai was sure the shy-guy gravedigger was a good distance away, so the operation began. "Come." Whispered Tenchai to the other toads, which started moving toward the grave. When they approached the grave, they brought forth the emblems, the symbols of their club- nay, they're cult, and set about the unholy work. Each toad had brought a shovel, and most were already digging as fast as they could. The grave wasn't very big, but the obsessive cultists had to have the body as fast as possible. Some of the toads accidentally hit each other with shovels, but they did not feel pain, for they were concentrating on the dead body, the body that feels no pain. Soon, the casket was hit, and the toad's wrenched it open. They gasped with delight as the super-fast-rotting corpse greeted their hungry eyes. They grabbed it and laid it on the ground. The ceremony of their worship could not wait. Tenchai quickly started drawing a circle on the ground around Mitch. Others drew complex shapes and math equations, all focused on the corpse of their affection: Mitch

The sound of pounding was already evident on the other side of the ornate door. Ludwig was grasping his hands with his head, the mysterious knocking breaking him down. But he was still speaking. "I have to explain this fast. That crystal, the Zizix, has been passed down through the royal Koopa family for 800 years. It was given to the ancient Koopa King, after the Age of Emperors, by a duplighost, whose name has been lost. The duplighost was a prophet, saying that 'When the Zizix be given to Koopa worth soil, destroyed will be the Koopa Royal.' My father is a fool. He has given you the Zizix, and you are a common Koopa- a Koopa worth soil- who has no power. ...Now you have it all. The fall of the kingdom means revolution, and you’re the new king! But-" CRASH! The door broke open, and showers of Koopas, Magikoopa, Paratroopas, Lakitus, Buzzy Beetles-any and all kinds of Koopas showered through, grabbing Ludwig, and carrying him out squirming. "Are you out of your mind? That's the son of Bowser!"
"Hush, King Seigal!"
"What-? What are you going to do to him?"
The Koopa's didn't respond. The door shut, and a horrible scream came from the hall. Blood rushed from under the door. Seigal felt sick. He couldn't rule a kingdom. What if Mario attacked? Or Luigi? Or...that mysterious thing that killed King Bowser? It wasn't just about being a lazy slob...
Seigal took a look at the strange Zizix. Was it only a tool of prognostics arts? Or was they're more?
"You go down that hallway. Roy will probably be there. Be creative. And you...that door. That's Wendy's room." The rest of the Koopalings were being hunted down. Were these Koopa's insane? He hadn't even ordered their deaths. Was something affecting their minds. Was there more to the magic of the Zizix? Wendy's high pitched scream echoed into the room.

Evening. An amazing paradox between the fight of day and night. CRASH! Peach's high-tipped shoe had caught onto a string that connected to a high cloth holding a small, mini-cupboard in the shape of a star. It crashed down onto Peach's leg, and she had to use all her mental power just not to shout out in pain. It felt like it was almost broken. Mario had heard, and started a festive scream filled with loud, aching coughs. The long crowbar in his hands glinted in a mysterious silver light. The crowbar. Peach had never seen it before. Before this incident. It was beautiful, a ancient work of art. But where did it come from? "GLINT!" Bellowed Mario, with-out-warning making his way towards Peach, and the rubble she was semi-trapped under. It wouldn't matter. If Mario investigated the noise to an extent, he would find her. What would happen next was something Peach tried not to think about. She started crawling backwards, the ache in her leg seeming to form a sprain. If Peach kept going backwards, she'd make it into the hallway. Then she could run, and get help. Sliding backwards, she had little time to wonder why she was sliding, and she quickly found out. Her heading coming out from under the rubble, she came into the hallway, right into the chopped up toad's, who had served her till' the end. She quickly got up, blood and a chunk of toad cap dripping down her dress. She couldn't take the nightmare anymore. Peach screamed. Mario's wild whooping came from the room, and chunks of the door came falling down as Mario chopped at the door with his crowbar. Peach started running, nearly sliding and tripping from the blood. Coming down a corner, she quickly climbed the stairs. Panic was tricking her. She didn't realize she would be trapped at the top. She climbed up the infamous endless stairs, forgetting she didn't have the Special Key with her. Although the distorted music was not real, the magic of the castle caused it to never end. Peach ran, sobbing and screaming, trying to escape from her old love. Suddenly, Mario was behind her, swinging the crowbar. Peach cried, trying to escape. But the stairs were a never-ending terror.

Before Seigal knew it, he was in Bowser's old throne. It was an ancient masterpiece, created even before the Age of Emperors, back in the Age of Lords, when the Koopa species hadn't proved its power yet. Jewels that told ancient tales encrusted it, and holes where jewels had fallen out, or stolen, were tales as well. Seigal told the guards where Bowser was, but they reported back, telling him the body had sunk into the mud. The day was strange. Everyone treated him like a King, because that's what he was. He was told secrets that only the royal of the Koopa's got to hear. He was given a secret book that told all the known secrets of the Koopa's, including the origin of the Zizix. The only thing he wasn't treated to was the affairs of the Koopalings. They were silently captured and executed. Only Roy and Lemmy had escaped. But search parties of hundred’s were already out, hunting them down. Seigal had never realized how big Bowser's army was, but there was more then 60,000, a vast army compared to how much were killed everyday. But the whole time, Seigal could not stop thinking about Bowser's words. A mysterious monster the woods... it was troubling. But was it a delusion? Tired of the mysteries, he opened The Book of Silent Terror. The secret book. Skipping to the last chapter, he came to a mystery that had puzzled him for a long time. Why capture Princess Peach? The page was sketched with pictures of Peach, and a star. Straight from the book-"Peach is known as the easiest to obtain of star kids. However, her power is hidden, and must be harnessed through spells." Seigal thought about it. Then he knew. It was his turn to capture Princess Peach.


  • Bruised
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2007, 03:19:01 PM »
I like it.  I'm just not used to horror stories.

This image I made was a Halloween themed avatar I used in a different forum.  It's more cheesy than scary.
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2007, 09:32:37 PM »

CRAKA-THOOOM. Another violent thunderstorm had started in the midst of the night. Wes woke up to find himself in a destroyed room. The door had been smashed over, and the bed sheets had been torn. It was silent, except for a strange faint sound of padding feet. "What is this place?" Murmured Wes to himself. This couldn't be Peach's Castle. ...Or could it? The Power Book sprang out, the nasty grin frozen on its pages. "It's Peach's Castle, of course. Your wonderful spell worked. You're so smart Wes! But we need to get going. Bowser..." The book seemed to pause at this point. An awkward moment followed, as if something in a delicate plan had gone wrong. Then the book recovered, and began to grin even more broadly. "Bowser...he's at the top of the stairs. Here, let me show you." Wes had nothing to say. This was going to be easy. Bowser hated all things non-Koopa Troop, so he'd never expect the book to know the way. Ha ha, instant king-ship. Soon, they came to a door. The door led to long stairs. The top was beyond eye reach. Wes began the trial up. After some time, the book carried him up, with superb speed, and then, the sound of shrieking started up. 2 figures were up ahead. One behind the other. The one behind was about to pounce on the higher one. The book dropped Wes, and he continued running, but neither was Bowser. Instead, it was Mario and Peach. "Mario." Gasped Wes shocked. As the book caught up to the affair, the crowbar started glowing.

Toadsworth stumbled through the hallway, carrying tea. Toadsworth couldn't wait to please the princess. He had heard Peach enter the Long Stairway. Taking out his key, he gently placed it in the hole, and opened the door.

Suddenly, everything was chaos for the group ahead. Peach went flying into the wall. Mario hit the stain-glass window, cracking it. Wes tripped, and fell into Peach. Mario's Crowbar went flying. Right into the Power Book.

"Hm hm hm, hm, hm, hm. Hm. Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm-" Toadsworth loved humming the old ditty. It was one of his favorites. It was a shame it would be his last. BOOOOM.

The shock was amazing, the crowbar and the book went flying, the book in a face of concentration. The crowbar started glowing. The book started glowing. Then they disappeared. The shock completely destroyed the entire top of Peach's Castle, the entire tower. Mario, Peach, and Wes went flying into the dark night. The toads of Peach's Castle would never forget it, even though most of them died.

Far away, in the graveyard, as the spell was just completed, the explosion sounded. The trees blew, and the spells were glowing. The rotting corpse started floating. Lightning. A tree fell on a toad. The wind exploded and crackled. It was a magic night. But whether it was good or evil was unknown to anyone in the Mushroom Kingdom. Yet.

The journey almost immediately began the next day. The Koopa Troop was used to constant journeys, so everything seemed to go well. Instead of taking the weakest, however, Seigal took the strongest. A legion of Magikoopa's. A crowd of Koopatrols. A nasty mass of Lakitus, with almost unlimited resources of Spinys. The Troop was ready. Weaker Koopa's were left to guard the castle, with a few Koopatrol's thrown in, everything was seemed to be perfect. ...But was it? Seigal had been up all night, figuring strategy and calculations. Even when an unearthly explosion sounded to the northwest, he was busy. It was more then who go's and who doesn't. Food supplies were limited, and the Monty Moles who usually sold it from stealing from other kingdoms were busy preparing for winter. Seigal was even discouraged to stop, the problems insane and unsolvable. ...But he had read a interesting passage in the book: "Peach also contains amazing political power. No matter what she does, her people are always entranced in helping her." This was what Seigal needed. He'd capture her, and talk to her whenever an uprising or problem began. He needed Peach. There was no CHOICE whether to capture her or not. Some of the Koopa's seemed suspicious, such as a secretive duo Placenta and Qwerty. They had always been known to be trying something. But Seigal had made sure that suspicious characters came with on the journey, so they could be watched by the most powerful of Seigal's Troop. 6:00 AM It was dawn, and Seigal wanted to make sure to leave as early as possible. Reading from a great list that had all the names of everyone who was going, he finished at 11:00 AM, and seeing the time, rushed everyone going out. Without much lag, the journey began. First, they would have to cross the Koopa Marshlands. Then they would enter the Ancient Forest, and curl along the side near the Shifting Sands Desert, and then attack at an angle, surprising Peach. Taking out a distorted map, he found it unreliable, as it only mapped the area around Koopa Kastle. Cursing, he called on Placenta, the dumb, but reliable geography-master. But after some silence except the pounding of feet, Seigal called again. But Placenta was not with them. He and Qwerty had snaked off the journey, leaving the Troop, already miles away, being lost.

"Hah ahah! What a fool! The new King has already been checked!" Qwerty and Placenta were in the Library, the ancient place filled with priceless history. Reading a book, Qwerty laughed. "It's true! All we have to do to overthrow the government is to acquire the 'Zizix'. All the emperors and kings have had it, apparently. And according to this bo-" Placenta hadn't even been listening. He was reading a old storybook titled "The Legend Of Smithos".
"PLACENTA! Stop reading that! We'll be the new kings in no time!" Qwerty swiped the book, and threw it into the fire. Facing them, the pictures of a mechanical creature with a round head and star in the middle of its chest was destroying a shrine. What happened next would never be known, as the book curled up in flames. Placenta looked sick.
"Anyway, the king must always leave the Zizix in the castle. Placenta-all we have to do is find it, and we are the new kings!"
"Whuh happened to Booser?"
"Bowser you mean? I don't know. But by the time he come's back, we'll be the rulers! Ha ha ha!"
"Huh huh huh! Wuhtta short plan!"

No one would ever know if it was the lightning, or the spell itself, but Mitch was walking-again. At first, he stumbled, black eyes sightless. Then he spoke. "I...walk...again?" His voice was different. A deeper voice. "Mitch!" Cried out a toad child. The un-dead Mitch stared at the child. "Mitch?" He replied. The toad's looked closely at him. Something different about him. Beyond the rotting body. Mitch stared at his own body, and cursed. "Weaker body? Rotting and weaker?" The cult had no idea what he was talking about anymore. He was Mitch-wasn't he? "What year be it?" Rasped Mitch. Tenchai spoke up. "It's the same year as when you...fell. 6479 A.S." Mitch struck out at Tenchai, sending him sprawling. "Tis' not the same year! What is this 'A.S.' you speak of?"
"After Smithos. Time relies on the myth." Said the same toad child from before. "AFTER Smithos?" Muttered Mitch. Something was important about it. Beyond the glossy eyes, a spark of amusement and annoyance was in his eyes. "Remember, Great Mitch? The great legend...from an unspeakable dimension, Smithos came, and almost destroying the world-"
"He suddenly fell." Finished Mitch. His eyes closed. "They never knew why. And it was so mysterious; they thought it was fake, didn't they?" Whispered Mitch. The toads muttered. Something was weird with Mitch. Mitch broke the silence again. "Who destroyed this body?" He asked, the chilling air hiding a horrible secret. "You-you mean your body? The...the evil Pencer!"
"Pencer?" Said Mitch. The toads were starting to get suspicious. Opening, and then closing his eyes, he announced "Don't you mean Penter?" The toads nodded. Of course this was Mitch. How could it be anyone else? "Where has he gone? We shall hunt him down."

2 days. 2 days in the horrible desert. He had trekked for unknown miles. Now he had completely lost direction. It felt like he was going...? He didn't know. His hunger was gnawing at him. His thirst drying him up. The tiredness knotting him up. If he didn't reach the other side of the desert soon, he would be doomed, and he knew it. By now, he would rather have the toad's rip him up then be out here. But it was too late. Going back would take even MORE time. 2 more hours passed. He couldn't take it anymore. He was going down. No water. No food. No sleep. Just as he gave up all hope, and began to plunge himself into the flaming hot sands, he spotted the end. The end of the desert. It was mire. It contained WATER. WATER. WATERWATERWATERWATER. Penter flung himself in the bog, licking up the water, ignoring the disgusting mud slurping into his mouth. After a while, he got up. It was a long mile, but even with the mud, there was water. He had made it beyond the desert, he had made it farther then any- Interrupting his thoughts, he heard a long groan. The Koopaling crawled out of the mud. At first, Penter panicked. Then he thought about it. What if he joined the Koopa's? Peach was a monster. How had he never noticed before? And even if he tried to come back, the weight of killing Mitch was there. His cult would slice him to mush. He coughed. "A toad?" He gasped. "A Koopa?" Retorted Penter. Roy was being serious, however. "You-you...I don't care about the toads anymore. You can't enter here. The Koopa's...something's wrong with them. Something's altered their minds. They can't think rationally anymore. They only think about their-HACK-new king! Because Bowser died." Penter was not worried. He would convince this "New King" that he could be reliable. He pushed the Koopaling aside, and they went separate ways. Roy to the desert. Penter into the bog. He stopped, and then turned around, calling to Roy. "Who is this 'new king'?"
"They call him...King Seigal!"

« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2007, 02:13:43 PM »

South of Toad Town's crop fields, and west of the desert, in the massive forest, is Grove Village. It was one of those towns where everyone knew each other, and was very social and happy. Everyone always knew that Ironel was the kindest, most thoughtful of all, always happy. Something you must know, however, is that the entire village was comprised of women. No men. A few children. 2 boys. That's why it was so mysterious and shocking when Ironel was found to be pregnant. She didn't know how it happened, and swore that she knew no one. And it was true. Even more absurd, was the baby was growing so fast, that days churned like months, the baby growing faster then possible. And midnight, an explosion took place, somewhere from the castle. And then Ironel gave birth.

Winter already? Was it? The frosty cold of winter stung as it hit the skin, a thousand knives falling from the sky. But how could it be winter? It was only fall, and then... Wes opened his eyes. The snowflakes that landed on his face stung the hardest. Brushing them away, he slowly stood up, the impact forcing upon him. Why was he in a desert? The last thing he remembered...that stuck-up giant Koopa. Wes looked down. His strange clothing was shredded. Was that from... King Bowser? Feeling his face, he jumped in surprise. A huge scar was on his face. This was from Bowser. After trying to figure how large the scar was, Wes looked around. Immediately, his eyes caught a ...princess? Princesses were real? Not another ...creative thought? There wasn't enough time to check, as the princess woke up, mumbling something about a tower. She didn't stay ignorant for long. "Koo-koopa!" Cried Peach falling backwards. What was her problem? "Yes, and your a-...human?" The word flung back to his main thoughts. How many hidden words were there? "Don't...don't hurt me! I've already gone through enough!" The princess sweated. Then she calmed down a little. "...You’re not like other Koopas. Most would already have captured me. are like them, aren't you? That's the whole reason you were in that midnight blitz, right? For your nasty King Bowser?"
"King Bowser? That gloating freak?"
"Gloating, eh? You’re still an original. A NICE Magikoopa! Hah. You’re not fooling me."
At this, she started to run. He didn't really care. She was severely misinformed royalty. ...She didn't make it far in the snowy desert. From out of the white winds, a sleigh knocked right into her. Nobody even saw what happened, because of the severe winter state. Except Wes. Peach went flying, right into the deep, cold snow. The sleigh stopped, and a penguin hopped out, running to Peach. Wes, figuring he would be able to get some solid info, walked to the figures. From that point on, an unlikely trinity was born.

As the hour's grew, and the twilight set in, the baby developed even faster, hours working like months, and within 4 hours, Ironel was rushed to the small, but faithful medical house. The last baby had been born 5 years ago, and the baby's fast development didn't help the rushed doctor who ran around, yelling orders for the untrained nurses. No one had expected another child...and so soon. "No! NOT THAT ONE! The one labeled... ...I told you... it's... ...YOUR IMPOSSIBLE..." The voices faded in and out, the pain immense, even more due to it being the fastest development, in perhaps, history. As far as the people in Grove Village knew. "NO! Don't drop it... ...why'd I hire you? You’re..." Another voice "...ARrrrgh! Smithos!" Someone swore. "Do you know how much this is? Those Monty Moles have ridiculous prices! ...SO STOP DROPPING THEM!"
What were they doing? What was happening? The pain was horrible, a mixture of sores and knives, everywhere. When would it end...? Or was this hell? Did she die? And all the things no one knew she had done...had they given her hell? The pain...Yes, this was hell, wasn't it?

The cold snow blew across the chilling winds. Peach groaned for the umpteenth time. Wes smiled, and ignored the greedy princess. Or was she greedy? Was she really feeling annoyance? He glanced over. She was buried under 6 blankets. The real question was, how could she groan through those? Abz interrupted his thoughts. "-They call it The Legend Of Smithos around here. We penguins enjoy the old tales of the world. This one's my favorite out of em' all, whether 'The Sacred Scrolls' or 'The shattered-'"
"...Smithos" Muttered Wes. That didn't sound familiar. It FELT familiar, as if he had felt a presence of something. He had to learn more. "Go-go on. Tell me...this 'Legend of Smithos'"
Peach groaned beneath her blankets.
"That's the spirit. Besides, I tell it to myself even when no one else is with me!"
Peach rudely groaned a 3rd time.
Abz looked a little annoyed, but began anyway.
"Many, many years ago, or if you believe in the legend...6479 years ago...the world was finally at peace, the great war that tortured the land and the people all over the planet, due to the Guyte Invasion. It had finally ended, and the Treaty of Shy Guys had been signed, stating the Guyte's could live here on this side of the world, but would have no kingdom, and to be known as Shy Guy's. And 12 months passed, that day, which the ground rumbled. From deep in the Ancient Forest, a ripped hole in the fabric of dimensions revealed Smithos, a great being, powerful beyond anything. He was unstoppable. Countless lives were lost, sadness and sorrow filled the world, as Smithos was unstoppable. ...But as the mighty Smithos began it's finally swing, the swing to take down the rest of the lives and souls on the earth..."
The silence was a torture. Was this some kind of game? Thought Wes. Abz had fallen silent. Is this to see how patient I am? Wes grew annoyed at this, and about to destroy the game, Peach's voice came up.
Abz smiled. "He fell. Destroyed. He simply fell and disappeared. No one knows why. He just died. It's a great mystery, so great, and impossible, that it is believed a fairy tale. However, it is fact that 6459 years later, the portal was opened again, in the form of Exor. Many believe that the dimension Smithos and Smithy came from was the Factory. Essentially hell. There are also some who believe that the Factory is the true culprit, creating endless Smithy’s. Peach shook. She had gone through an experience with Smithy, and like all who have, it is pure terror.

The simple plan was executed in about a hour. Placenta's blunt punching power knocked Koopa guards into unconscious. The one's guarding Seigal's room were pathetic and weak, and one was even killed accidentally from Placenta's power. Qwerty didn't really care anyway. It was all part of the plan. Qwerty and Placenta had broke into Seigal's amazing bedroom with ease, and began searching for the Zizix. It was obviously going to take precious time, as the room was annoyingly behemoth sized. Hidden closets and rooms were constantly being found, and Qwerty began to think the bedroom was larger then the castle even looked on the outside. But then he'd simply, calmly, remind himself, he was winning the game. Seigal was losing, and Seigal couldn't do anything. Because Seigal was out there. Qwerty was on the inside of Seigal's weakness, plotting, deceiving, lying, and in the end, becoming the Koopa King. But what was the greatest of all the facts was that it was so EASY. Seigal had left the weakest of guards here. He was too unprepared to be a king. Too confused. He did not know the ways and laws of the Koopa Government. In fact, he was probably uneducated, not even knowing history facts, like the years of the Age of Lords. Ha! He was such-CRASH! Actually, it was two crashes. Placenta had accidentally found ANOTHER hidden room. The wall had collapsed on him, and now he was on the ground. It was also the sound of the door to the hallway coming down. 3 nasty looking Koopatrol’s smashed in instantly head butting at Qwerty. The Koopatrol was fast, but Qwerty was faster, dodging out of the way just in time, but running into the collapsed Placenta. Qwerty swore and tripped over Placenta, flying into an ornate wall. "Oh no. The terrible Klutzy and Pathetica trying to destroy the great Seigal’s room. We knew you simple-minded rats were up to something. You think you’re so clever, but we knew you plotting all along!" The Koopatrol’s to the sides sprang out, one at Placenta, and one at Qwerty. Placenta had gotten up, but now backed up in fear, and knocked into a still crumbling piece of the passage, sending a torrent of stones on the Koopatrol. Qwerty, a Koopa of speed, jumped up just as the Koopatrol smashed into the wall beneath him. However, he landed on the spike, and jumped up into the air, landing on Seigal's soft bed. The wall to the right side of the bed suddenly moved away, revealing a passage. "Wow. You’re so impressive. Maybe you should get a metal, long tipped trophy. Get the point?" The lead Koopatrol rammed at Qwerty. Placenta picked up the Koopatrol collapsed under rubble, and threw it at the lead Koopatrol as it crossed the room. A nasty CRACK went out, and the LK screamed in pain. His skull had been fractured. The last Koopatrol didn't ram anyone however. Instead it took out a wand from its armor. Qwerty groaned. Could this get any worse?
No one was sure what would have happened if Placenta hadn't sprang into action, but it would have been bad. Picking up the still whimpering Lead Koopatrol, he threw it at the Magitrol. It also helped a window was right behind the hapless Koopas. They smashed into the window, and fell out it, the glass on the floor leaving blood stains on the carpet. "" Muttered Qwerty, and they left it at that. The bed passage that had been opened was very short, for right inside was a small crystal. Qwerty greedily grabbed it, and observed the shining gem stone. "Kill Seigal" suddenly echoed through the castle. Qwerty put down the crystal, and looked out the window in disbelief as koopa's left the castle, going into the marshlands. What was wrong with them? Was Qwerty and Placenta the only one's not hypnotized? Or was it because they had the crystal? He watched the last Koopa leave, looking for blood. They're goal: kill the fake king, Seigal.

« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 02:25:52 PM »
Wowzas! Extra long part!


Penter had ran through the Crop Fields. Crawled through the desert. And swamped through the nasty Marshlands. He had finally made his goal: Koopa Kastle. By the time he had gotten there, the last few Koopa's were leaving the castle, heading into the lands he had just escaped. But where were they going? Were they going to capture the princess? If Bowser was with them, (which would be foolish considering Bowser's horrible a toad) Penter decided that he might be able to control the castles famous traps, as too gain dominance above Bowser. ...This was all in the hope Bowser or any koopa's were in the castle. Penter took a chance and walked silently through the large door left open by the leaving troopas. The castle was cold and airy. The feeling of rot came from what Penter assumed to be the dungeons. In feeling, it was a gruesome place, an evil place. But was it evil? The Koopa Wars had been going on for at least a thousand years. Because the name "Koopa" was posted on it, it was assumed the Koopa's were the scum of the planet. ...But were they really? No one even knew how the war had begun...
"I can't imagine how it worked." Came a voice from the staircase. Penter hid behind a large statue labeled 'Laribdus the Scribe'.
"I's just a crystal. How could such a powerful enchantment be in it? It control's thousands of minds. It's simply...diabolical."
"I can't even count that high!"
"It'd be nice if it could control your stupid mind into a smarter one, Placenta!"
"Don't be so mean. If Boozer was still here, he would whip you or sometin'."
Penter had heard enough. Bowser was obviously gone. Where, who knew. But somehow, these two morons... Placenta and...? Were in charge. They talked too loud. Perhaps they could be convinced of Penter's plan. Penter stepped out from the statue. Placenta jumped, and the other one nearly dropped a strange crystal to the floor.
"A toad? A weakling? What are you looking for? We have no time for you."
"I'm here to compromise. I hate Peach too."
Qwerty didn't really care about Peach. He only wanted to be king. But this wacko toad's hate Peach. It was almost a law. All the toads loved Peach, even if she did horrible things to them. Was this guy insane? Elegantly stepping down the staircase, Qwerty confronted the toad.

Across the Muddy Route. Past Toad Town. Mitch's group had been walking endlessly, towards the Shifting Sands Desert for hours. Mitch still was acting weird, and Tenchai was getting nervous. Did the great Mitch want to kill Penter, or does he want us to kill Penter? It was a VERY serious question. Mitch seemed to have unearthly power. He just kept walking. Everyone else got tired. But Mitch wouldn't stop. Eventually, the most insolent and rude members of the cult pleaded to stop somewhere, build up strength. Mitch would ignore them. But then, Mitch showed his annoyance, and the fourth time it happened, Mitch grabbed the toads arm and twisted it to point towards the forest to the south. Completely around his back. "Where? There? Sounds interesting." Said Mitch mockingly. The toad whimpered a little, and later, the arm was found to be broken. If anything, Mitch seemed more sadistic. Even if he was like a zombie, he acted as if something great had happened that had ruined everything. Death? No, it was beyond that. After birth...before death...but...
As confirmed in the scene above, the cult headed into the forest. The toad winced, not sure whether to be happy, or sad. Soon, they had a direct course, and soon they would rest. And whether or not they knew, or if anyone knew they were, they were heading straight for Grove Village.

Revolution. It was simple to the mind-warped koopa's in the camp. Anyone who had the Zizix was the new king. The previous person who had the Zizix was a fake. But were time's always like this? Had the cycle been working for centuries, a king is overthrown and killed, because another one found a crystal? Unfortunately, yes. Seigal was already in terrible danger. The koopa's took no time. Whatever they could find, large branch, thorns, and some simply took their brawn. They were going to kill Seigal. The ones with fists got to the tent first. They smashed the tent open, and violently attacked the sleeping bag. It would be 10 minutes later they would find it empty.

Seigal was running faster then ever, even after the time he had found Bowser. It was strange, but something had woken him up. By the time he looked around, it was gone, but the moans of "Kill Seigal" echoed around the camp. Somebody had found the Zizix. As Seigal escaped through a backwards flap in the tent, and started hopping over twigs and crackly leaves, he had already figured that this was Qwerty's doing. Qwerty had escaped from the journey early, and Placenta was too reliant on Qwerty to do this. It was definitely Qwerty, and the more he thought of it, the more angry he got, and started stepping on twigs and leaves without noticing. It was fortunate that he was far away from the camp by this time, or the mindless koopa's would have heard him. And what was Seigal going to do? If he returned to Koopa Kastle, Qwerty wouldn't even have to order him to be killed. Run to Peach's Castle? The toads would probably kill him without asking questions. Where could he go? To the far north, where the penguins trusted anyone? Too cold. The south of the Ancient Forest was famous for it's deadly monsters. The east was the desert, where a few koopa's roamed. He wouldn't be safe their. Could he go anywhere? The was the best one. Many different species lived in the west. It was also a dangerous place, where pirates roamed, and everyone disguised their identities near the Sea. Better then the south. And so, Seigal began his most dangerous journey yet.

"Umm...the one who killed you. He umm...don't you remember?"
"Of course I don't 'remember' you idiot. Why do you think I'm asking?"
"Uh...sorry. Penter is a toad, and he-"
"Describe a toad."
" ...Well your one... (?)...and we're somewhat related to-"
"Do they run and scream? Do they cower and hide? I think I may remember them."
"...? Well..."
"Yes. I remember them, running for cover, screaming for help."
"What? Why are you bothering my thoughts again."
"The patrol toad's came back. They think they found a...village."
"So? ...Oh I see. Murder is still popular, is it?"
"Isn't that why you found a village? Too kill everyone in it? Watch their terror and sadness? I thought you said you were toads!"
"Yes, I need to kill somebody. I feel so... old and RUSTY without it."

"The baby's alive, but..."
"Don't tell me...why did you rely on those apprentices? Especially on a mother giving BIRTH!"
"It''s not the apprentices fault. It's mine...I gave her the wrong poultice...after that..."
Ironel listened. They thought she was dead. But she was still alive. ...But why did they think she was dead? Right before she could make herself heard, another doctor burst into the room. "Dr. Carmen! The baby's struggling...we're doing everything we can!"
The doctor burst out of the room, and her shout of "Stats!" Could be heard from the hall. The strange visitor. Left the room, sighing. Ironel got up. She was still in her old clothes, and she had to pull a white blanket off. Why did they think she was dead? Her baby's scream echoed through the hallway, reminding her to run. She burst out of the medical room, past the small office. A secretary saw her and fainted. Fortunately, the medical clinic was VERY tiny, and there were only three rooms. Ironel rushed into the Medical room. Inside, the doctors struggled over the baby. It was screaming and choking. As the doctors and nurses rushed for herbs and expensive mechanical devices, the baby started to choke, and required attention. As Dr. Carmen made her way again, she turned and saw Ironel. She slipped and feel, sending the herbs flying...right into the baby's mouth. The baby cried and screamed...and strangely instantaneous...the baby choked. The nurses tried to get something...anything to save the baby, but they were never prepared for this. By the time a nurse decided on just using fingers, the baby died. Ironel cried out, and shoved doctors aside, and picked up the baby. "Amythyst." Whispered Ironel. But the baby was dead. When Dr. Carmen saw the dead baby, she screamed, and ran out the door. Ironel walked out, carrying the baby. Into the village square. Toads and Shy Guys, and others watched her, swaying. The mysterious baby, born early, pregnant fast. And how? "Amythyst?" Something mumbled. The baby. The baby was talking. "Wha-what?" Gasped Ironel. "Amythyst?" The baby mumbled again. The baby was alive. THUMP THUMP. The sound of marching echoed through the woods. A crowd was coming. Mitch's cult. They entered the village square, as it was the closest thing to the woods in the village. The villagers watched silently as a strange looking toad that had grey and green skin step up to the front. "What be this village's name?" Asked Mitch.
A brave Koopa stepped up. "Grove Village. The village of roses."
"I don't care what it's 'of'. Who lives here?"
"Women. ...And children."
Mitch burst out laughing. "Women...women and children? Too easy."
"What?" Murmured Ironel thoughtfully.
"Kill them all!" Screeched Mitch. The toads looked as if to confirm, then ran out with branches.
The women broke off, and ran. Ironel was paralyzed with fear.
"Except that one. Break her legs." Mitch pointed at Ironel.
"Whuh-what?" Cried Ironel.
Tenchai ran up, and punched her in the face, giving him enough time to steal Amythyst from her. Ironel screamed, and started to follow, but 2 toads smashed branches into her legs. Ironel screamed, and fell to the ground. The toads continued breaking her legs, until bones poked through. It wasn't even halfway over, however.
"Run off and kill the rest. I'll deal with her. Slowly."
Mitch took Amythyst from Tenchai, and sat down next to Ironel. Amythyst started crying.
Holding her baby, Mitch grinned evilly at Ironel. He took out a knife from his previously unmentioned belt, and stuck the knife right under Amythyst's skin. Amythyst screamed, and so did Ironel.
Mitch laughed as he started skinning the baby, right in front of the mother who could not move.
"Insulting me will only make it worse for your baby. A unhappy ending gone even worse."
Mitch jammed the knife harder. Amythyst screamed again.
"STOP! Please. I'm begging you... please!"
"Ha ha. All the better. Your baby almost died, and through a miracle, it survived. Look what happens to miracles."
Amythyst screamed again.
" WHY?"
"Ha ha. This is so fun. Your baby was so smart, wasn't it? It was going to have a successful career I suppose. And now it dies early, never having a chance."
"Stop...stop...please...what is wrong...with you?"
"There's nothing wrong with me. I'm meant to torture. I'm meant to hurt. You shall die screaming, and so will your baby!" Laughed Mitch.
At this, the cult gathered in a circle around the disturbing group. They watched silently, some trying to hold back their truths, because they knew this was wrong. ...But Mitch was doing it. ...It was Mitch, right?
Soon Mitch finished. The baby cried one last time...and then really died. Mitch kicked it into the forest, as if trash. Ironel was already in a state of crying at this point.
"Kill her now. ...But make it quick. We need to find this 'Penter'." The cultists nodded, and beat her into a ditch. Ironel screamed for mercy, but the cultists were brainless, Mitch was their brain, and it said to kill. They left her, stuck in a ditch, and shoveled bodies on her, of all her friends. Then they left the once peaceful Grove Village, where the roses used to grow.

2 hours later...
The headache was immense, but the thing that hurt the most was her legs. Oh...her legs. They really were broken. They would not help her to escape from....? Where was she? It was so...warm here. And then she realized she was buried under bodies.
"Aaaahhhh!" She shoveled bodies off, and climbed out of the pit, onto fair ground. It was now snowing, and the cold wet snow relieved some of her stress. ...But not enough. It still burned inside her. Anger. Hate. Sadness. Sorrow. Terror. Fear. Confusion. Pity. Self-pity. They were too much. So many emotions... she felt a scar on her head. A gift left by her attackers. It was large, and unpleasant. And then she noticed the body in the woods. How had she and her child survived? They both seemed dead... now she was dead. She was to die, then to live then to die again... the emotions, so powerful...
Ironel exploded from emotions. A swirling cloud shifted around her, like something from Dragon Ball Z. It brought power around it, and a 2 ton tree went flying 70 feet in the air. The clouds crackled from lightening, and it began to rain, and storm, and snow, and fire fell into the village, because Ironel emotions were immesnefully powerful. And her scar released them, even closer to the outside, where they became forces of magic.
A house that had been destroyed smashed into the woods. A nearby goomba was torn apart. A shy guy ran from the place, and soon, the village was a storm of chaos and weather. A true power. A dangerous power.

« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2007, 02:49:55 PM »
Nothing that horrible will happen again, it was just a required part of the plot.


"Ha ha. This is a joke. You’re a spy, right?" Smirked Qwerty. This was one dumb toad, even if their were a lot already. This one was even dumber.
"No. I told you. Princess Peach is a tyrant."
"That cute princess? Ha ha. That's pretty funny."
"It's true." Said Penter coldly. He was starting to hate this 'Qwerty'. He had driven out Bowser somehow, and was being very brash about relationships.
"I'm telling you. Tie me up in chains, I don't care, just let me help you conquer the kingdom without Mario problems. You'll see I'm valuable."
"I see your trash, but you are right. I should tie you up in chains. Guards!"
Two brawn guards emerged from the dungeons, carrying huge knifes.
"You idiot! You can beat Mario, and Luigi, whoever you want! I know all the secrets-"
"Lock him in the dungeons, and...let him rot."
"NO! You-"SLAM!
"Errr...Qwerty, I don't think that was a good idea. I think he really wanted to us."
"Shut up. You know nothing of the matter. Besides, I'm king. And your a idiot."
But Qwerty was getting the annoying feeling that perhaps the toad WOULD be helpful. Even if the toad tried to escape, it would probably die in the marsh. No. Such thoughts were what brought down great leaders. Leaders...that reminded him...
"Where are those blasted guards? Haven't they killed Seigal yet? They should have come back."
The only guards still at the castle were the ones that had realized Seigal was already doomed with all the guards with him, so they had come back to help their new king. Qwerty was out of patience, as the guards were very weak, except the dungeon ones, and the dungeon guards had repulsive slime all over them. They were not fit for royalty.

"And then, the scrolls-"
"There's a jump!"
The sled almost smashed into the ground, but the weight of the group had kept it upright. If Abz had not found the other two, he would have been crushed by the sled.
"Stop telling stories...and pay attention!" Snapped Peach, trying to fix her crown.
Abz looked a little embarrassed, and soon the sleigh started again, bound for the southwest Fahr Fahr Outpost. From there, Peach and Wes would simply have to travel south to reach Crogo City, and take the Airship to Toad Town. Wes was interested in Crogo City, as Abz had mentioned it lay next to something called a 'ocean'. A vast body of water apparently. Then, Wes noticed something that made him feel dumb.
" is this sled moved? There is no..." He was going to finish with 'Snowman' but then he realized another memory had been restored!
"I thought you'd never notice. I've got a rare Undersnow breed. They swim underground, which makes this journey much faster."
"It's already slow enough." Grumbled Peach.
SPLOOSH. The sound of wet snow splashed from under the snow. But it wasn't the Undersnow's.
"Ice Blarrgs!" Cried Abz, panicking.
"What?" Said Wes quickly, and the beast that rose from the snow came quickly too. A giant Ice Blarrg rose from the snow, and began chasing the sleigh.
"What next?" Pouted Peach.

Far, far away, on the top of the great Mountain, Cookol Mountain, Mario lay in a heap. His crowbar lay several feet from him, glowing in the cool snow. And up above, a book watched, and laughed, the sign of a collapsed plumber stating the sign of the Apocalypse. The Crowbar glowed fiercely, stating Mario as its possession. The book continued laughing. If the Crowbar was so sure of Mario's ownership, it would almost be even easier, working behind the scenes with his own project- a moronic fool named Wes. How cute. A walking duck. Both of them. Mario and Wes. ...But there was one more out there. One more object that owned a being, and used it to bend minds. Wherever it was, was a mystery to the book, however. Mario budged, and the book, sensing something troubling happening to his pawn, disappeared. Picking up the glowing Crowbar, Mario screamed fiercely. Someone else needed to die.

Pad, pad. Any Goomba’s, or Shy Guys or Pidgets that tried to bite or smack the peaceful looking creature would die a messy death-blowing up. Ironel smiled every time it happened. Her emotions were destroyed, instead causing her to get the wrong ones during moments. Next, she blew up a Piranha Plant. She burst out laughing. Everything was wrong. Ironel tripped. She screamed in fury, and blew the ground apart, trying to kill it. It was chaotic. And yet...that's what power was. Another tree went flying. Any army that bonded with her would receive valuable power.

"MY CROWN!" Screamed Peach. The fast blowing wind caught it, and it blew with it, right into the mouth of the Ice Blarrg. It didn't even flinch. "My-my-MY CROWN!" Screamed Peach again.
"Shut up!" Cried Wes, trying to figure a way to stop the monsters from eating them. Abz cowered in a corner, shouting for the Undersnow's to swim faster every once in a while.
"We're DOOMED!" Screamed Peach again.
"Shut up!" Said Wes again.
"Go faster!" Whimpered Abz again.
"Don't just cower!" Cried Wes. The sled went over a jump. The Blarrg smashed right through the hill.
" you need some help? It's me, your FRIEND Wes. I can always help you."
It was the POWER Book. Wes jumped in surprise.
"Where have you been? I-"
Another hill was destroyed.
"Hurry Wes! Use my power! Just say 'POWER' and all your wishes-"
"Will the sled blow up?" Said Wes. No one else seemed to notice the Book.
"No, no Wes. I'd never let you get hurt. Never ever." Said the book. It's grin slicing through him, and glinting in the sunlight

"Expensive. Expensive, and now BLOWN TO BITS!"
In the great snowy expanse of snow known as Cookol Clearing, and scientifically known as the Icoa Regions, three figures were almost buried under snow, and pieces of wood all around them. Abz dug himself out and picked up a broken piece of wood.
"Almost priceless! And the Undersnow’s..."
At first, Wes was shocked. Then he was angry, as the Book had been lying. Brushing off snow, Wes also emerged into the warm sunlight. Peach was still buried, screaming and kicking, only her legs visible.
"Now we're truly doomed. Lost out here in the middle of Icoa. And if another Blarrg comes..."
Wes shoved the snow off of Peach. She exploded out, and tripped, landing face first in the snow next to Abz. But she was fast off her feet.
" in the...? How...? How did this happen??? And my CROWN!" Peach finished the tirade with a scream, and started a temper tantrum.
"That is a mystery..." Said Abz. "How did it just blow up...?"
Had they not seen the book? Nor heard the words Wes shouted? If Wes ever met the Book again, there were going to be a lot of questions.
"No matter...we must head southwest. We are fortunate that Fahr Fahr Outpost should only take a day of walking."
"A DAY?" Screamed Peach. Wes and Abz sighed, and the long hike began.

"Amazing. That felt simply amazing. She was so was so...horrible. So"
The Mitch Cult was on their way to the desert, to find Penter, and supposedly kill him. Tenchai was nervous. They had just completely obliviated a peaceful village. Everyone had died, and two were maliciously tortured. Now they were going for another death, although Penter deserved it. He deserved to be tortured. Tenchai would continually offer the idea of torturing Penter alive over and over, but Mitch would simply laugh, and make Tenchai feel he needed to ask again later.
"Are there anymore townships in our path to kill and torture?" Asked Mitch to Tenchai. Mitch seemed to finally be figuring Tenchai as second-command.
"Hmm...Only Diblis, the great Koopa City. I don't think we could take down such a large area, though."
"Ha ha ha. Ridiculous. This...'group' can take down anything."
Right at that moment, a large area of trees blew up in flames.
Tenchai jumped in surprise. Had Mitch done it? It was so powerful...had Mitch gained these powers from the dead, or had he always had these powers?
