This girl liked me (and she only knew me for like a week when she told me) and I tried to convince myself that I liked her so I would know what it feels like to love someone who loves me again. Sometimes I was really convinced that I had feelings for her. Other times, I was more convinced that pursuing her was just me trying to get outta loneliness. Yesterday, I decided it was the latter (and the relationship wouldn't have worked out anyways; I mean, distance is hard enough [most of my friends I interact with through the internet] but due to her schedule and stuff I interacted with her at most like twenty to thirty minutes a day), and I told her that I wanted to be friends with her and that she should (and easily can) find someone better than me.
Now I feel horrible about it, though. I understand there were multiple factors leading to the conclusion that the relationship would have been a horrible idea (Partially motivated by loneliness, distance + scheduling, very sudden and outta nowhere) had I decided to fully date her instead of just doing that weird kinda-sorta dating thing that most couples do shortly before they date each other (Y'know, with the flirting and teasing all the time for a couple days or so), but she's a pretty cool person and I feel like she didn't deserve to have her heart broken like that. I feel like I can't complain about loneliness if I'm going to ruin it for the girls that like me.