
Author Topic: King of Kong reclaims title  (Read 3780 times)


  • Unstoppable News Machine
« on: July 31, 2007, 11:20:52 AM »
You might remember the blog post I made about the upcoming DK movie, King of Kong (read more here). Billy Mitchell is one of the men that's portrayed in that movie, and he had the title of the highest score for Donkey Kong up until four months ago. He lost that claim to Steve Wiebe, who bested Mitchell's score with 1,049,100. Upon hearing this, Billy started practicing. He practiced all summer long, and finally, two weeks ago, he was ready. He attended an event at the Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers and made his run. Two hours and 39 minutes later he was the champion once again, with a score of 1,050,200. Billy states he could have gone for a higher score, but wanted to keep it close for future challengers.

He's the current champion, and Wiebe recently responded with a challenge to go head-to-head with Mitchell to settle it once and for all. Mitchell hasn't responded yet, but even if they do match up, I have a feeling this is only the beginning...

<Kojinka> When I saw this thread back on top, I was afraid this was gonna be another pointless bump by a new member, but when I saw Super-Jesse's username, my fears were laid to rest.
