
Author Topic: Walking through the mushroom kingdom part 2  (Read 1689 times)

« on: August 09, 2003, 02:02:11 AM »
Bowser began to explain," Well, you see Mario I've actually been having a lot of trouble with this new guy." Mario nodded his head he'd seen bigger fish then Bowser before and knew what it took to meet a challenge so Mario took some of Bowser's advice and headed for the west end of the kingdom where every one lives in fear of the new villan everywhere mario went chaos and suffering were left in the path of this new evil he helped the people overcome the evil slowly but surely he was gaining on the evil one then he finally arrived to the place where the evil one took refuge by this time Mario had learned many of the evil one's tricks and had to face many trials that without his incredible jumping power he would have failed, but while progressing through the well guarded facility he noticed the arch nemesis had remarkably good plumbing something no one else but Mario had  what does this mean Mario never worked here who could have been behind Peach's abduction? When would the enemy face Mario?

"The Answers are hear Mario." said a remarkably familar voice in the shadows
then the figure of a slightly tall man in a green jumpsuit melted into view LUIGI?

Find out next episode.
I''m Shakezilla the Microphone Rulah!

I HAvE FuRy!!- Fawful

« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2003, 01:17:25 PM »
The story is still good. Nice plot. But just one thing... PLEASE DO NOT START A NEW TOPIC FOR EVERY CHAPTER!!

Edited by - Dr. Mario on 8/9/2003 12:17:42 PM
