
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 229571 times)


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #795 on: October 03, 2009, 09:01:31 PM »
My house gets incinerated in a lot of dreams.

It was quite a few nights ago, and little remains besides the main gist of the dream, but this one's stuck with me: The world was going to end, or some great catastrophe was going to occur, but I didn't know what it was. I think there was panic and people going crazy some places, and others--like my parents--taking it all in with quiet fear. I tried to figure out what was going on, and I don't know if everyone else knew and they wouldn't tell me (maybe because they figured I just had to already know) or if they didn't know either. I assumed it was a meteor heading for Earth, because there's not much else we fear will instantly take out the world these days.

Fear is one thing, but being afraid, and literally not knowing of what... that's surreal.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #796 on: December 01, 2009, 07:23:47 AM »
...And now for a complete 180: I have had not one, but two dreams that involved somebody I know loudly singing songs from Welcome to the Neighborhood. First, it was this annoying kid I know from school belting out "I'd Lie for You (And That's the Truth)" after he found me in some sort of airport mini-restaurant (to which I responded by singing it better and louder, so he left. Then it started playing even louder on the radio), then--a few weeks later--it was my brother enthusiastically repeating the chorus to "Not a Dry Eye in the House" in my aunt's home.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #797 on: December 05, 2009, 12:28:03 PM »
I was home from college for two or three days. I think I remember comparing this one to the Thanksgiving break I recently had IRL, which was almost a week long (even though we only officially get two days off). On Friday, I planned on bringing my laundry down to be washed on Saturday, so it would be done by Sunday, and then I started thinking about how, like during the Thanksgiving break, I could go back to college on Monday rather than Sunday, even though it's a five-hour drive, because I didn't have class until Monday evening. I think this was the part of the dream where I saw lots of slightly different kinds of underwear (all of them briefs), including one pair that was only blue on one side. I may have also looked at my laptop and seen a whole bunch of programs open on the Windows 7 taskbar.

Somehow this led to a part where a guy (who was sometimes me -- this is one of those weird dreams where sometimes I'm the character in there and sometimes I'm a spectator watching it) and a girl (who sometimes disappeared) were traveling across the country. We came to a church, where the sanctuary was laid out in a triangle. An older woman in the back, who was based on Maude from Harold & Maude, said something to us about universalism. It made us feel good. We walked a little farther and a stained glass window started talking to us (somewhere in here I temporarily switched to watching the guy instead of being the guy, and the girl kind of faded out). The stained glass window's lecture started out sounding like a rebuke of universalism in support of standard substitutionary atonement, but then the guy doing the voice (as well as a priest we saw when we turned around, who was either mouthing along with the window because he had memorized the window's rant from all the times it automatically went off when someone said some theology it didn't like, or he was doing the actual voice we were hearing) started getting kind of unhinged, talking about the stars fighting us and screaming "ONLY THE INNOCENT! ONLY THE INNOCENT!" and we noticed there were some sort of 3D-ish pigs embedded in the window, being cast out of heaven. Another priest got up and continued the sermon, as the message became more about works-righteousness, mentioning some story about how originally the way to be forgiven was to confess nine sins before a statue, thanking God before and after each one and asking for a miracle on each one, and to bring "a plenifer of gold" (around this time, he was wearing a purple and green newsboy cap) A woman, who may or may not have been a younger version of the one from earlier, stood up and said "Technically there's one objection to that," and then a bunch of other people stood up saying "We object too!" and they started saying something like what the Maude-type from earlier was saying, and this time that was the one that sounded more like substitutionary atonement.

Somehow a fire got started. As a spectator, I was watching this unfold with my mom, and thought about telling her that I had previously considered becoming a Catholic, figuring it would not be a good time now to say that, because this church was apparently supposed to be Catholic. Then I went back to being the guy in there. Everything was being destroyed. There was a sort of dollhouse-type thing that was burning. A priest tried to grab the burning roof off of it, which was apparently supposed to stop the fire somehow, but it was too hot (odd, because there were plenty of other priests in there routinely grabbing things that were on fire and being okay). The fire in the dollhouse continued, and lots of tiny white squares of paper flew out of it. I applauded their use, because they both added to the realism (newspapers stuffed in walls as insulation) and made it look cooler as it burned. The Maude-type lady was happy with the whole fire, but seemed especially pleased about the dollhouse. She told us that she had already been going here three days and hadn't even thought to do something like that (even though I don't remember if we even had any role in starting the fires) There was some kind of thingie with tiny Post-It notes that was falling down -- I held out my hand, and a huge row of them somehow started building up in my hand and then down my arm.

I went on a brief mental interlude thinking about how Post-It notes are made. I considered how sometimes the bottom note on the stack is still kind of sticky but not as sticky as the others. I wondered if in some factories they just had the workers grab the right number of notes off a big stack and separate them into little stacks, and if others put a bigger one in the stack every fifty notes so the workers could easily grab exactly fifty, and also wondered why they were still having people do that instead of robots.

Then I was back in the church. The fire was out, the priests were gone. Apparently we had won. But then someone brought over a kids' board book from a book shelf. We all felt a bit scared at the ominous title, The Stars Won, because of the mention the window had made earlier about stars fighting us. We opened the book and started reading. The whole thing was a little girl asking her father what different parts of nature sound like when they talk, and each time, the father responded with three paragraphs of creepy Lovecraftian gutteral sounds. One page showed him with his face twisted into the grotesqueness it would have to be twisted into to make those noises, and the girl was laughing. Then on the last page, the girl asked what the stars say, and the father said that the stars are an ultimate hammer of judgment.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #798 on: December 05, 2009, 01:29:51 PM »
^ That is one strange dream. For some reason, I love the part where you said "...and made it look cooler as it burned"; it just feels so out of place in the otherwise surreal and...what's the word I'm looking for? Not stern, not serious...agh, just something. :P

Last night, I had a dream in which me and my family were apparently on vacation, dining in a restaurant that looked a lot like my Chemistry class, waiting for hours for our food. I can't remember all of the details, but I apparently got bored and decided to go on some kind of adventure in the nearby area, a part of which involved examining boxes in a library with other people. I saw one person hold a small box and warned them not to open it, since it might contain an explosive. They didn't believe me, however, and promptly opened the box...only to be destroyed in the ensuing explosion. Strangely, nothing else seemed to be harmed.

A couple of nights ago, as well, I had a dream that involved being at a beach, and there were these big mounds of sand everywhere that looked like someone had decorated them with multicolored frosting in squiggly patterns. This actually gave me a new idea for an area in my Super Mario World hack.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #799 on: January 01, 2010, 06:37:37 AM »
I don't remember whether there was any narrative structure to this one, so I'll just put bullet points of what I remember.

- I was playing Spirit Tracks, except the main gameplay mechanic was talking to people while falling down, which also worked on upside-down plants.

- There was a somewhat flimsy papercraft DS (actually it was like a papercraft clown head, but it made sense at the time; you know how dream logic works) that I was somehow playing a new WarioWare on.

- There was another DS that just had one screen that Bowser's Inside Story was playing on.

- Wheel of Fortune had a new puzzleboard with completely movable letter trilons. Some of them also had more trilons behind them. The contestant was up right next to it in the bonus round and saw them move to make completely different potential words. I didn't get to see how it affected gameplay, if at all.

- After saying that I'd never heard of F-Zero Wii being in development, I heard some music from it, even though I told myself that even if it were in development, this music wouldn't be from it, since this is a dream, but it might be some music from the TV show if I had ever seen any of that (it turned out it was just a slightly altered version of the same theme I had heard earlier as being from GX, which actually wasn't from anywhere). Bowser Jr. was going to be a pilot and there were a bunch of giant things including something that was a cross between the Warpstone from Star Fox Adventures and the Bendu Statues on the Ando Prime courses in Star Wars Episode I Racer, except more dignified and vaguely evilish. If you tried to drive through it, it would grab you and stop you.

Bendu statue


- I was in an airport where everything was dark and cloudy outside and inside there were lots of people lined up along banisters overlooking the floor below. Suddenly, everyone started tipping themselves over the edge, starting with the ones farthest from me and progressing toward me in sequence like dominoes (except they weren't tipping into each other, they were tipping out), since pretty much everyone in the room somehow decided they all had to kill themselves. Someone just out of my peripheral vision shouted that there was a 1 in 10 chance that they wouldn't land on their heads and therefore wouldn't die, but it seemed to me like pretty much all of them did. I ran down some stairs so I couldn't see them hitting, but I saw blood dripping down the sides, again, progressing in sequence. I saw that some people were decapitated when they hit (A thunderstorm may have started outside around this time). I saw a girl insanely painting a glass pane above her with blood which I think was someone else's. A scientist explained that all the decapitations caused everyone's body heat to dissipate out to the room, and because of the huge number of people all being decapitated at the same time, we could all feel the room warming at an alarming rate. A little bit earlier, I was convinced that I remembered this from a movie but couldn't think of which one (I was leaning toward Day After Tomorrow, even though I've never seen it and I'm sure it didn't have a scene like this), but by this point, I was getting severely freaked out, and forced myself to wake up. After waking up, I was afraid to close my eyes for a minute or two for fear that I'd see it all again.

Other than that last part, it was pretty cool. I'm not on drugs, by the way.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #800 on: January 03, 2010, 12:18:12 PM »
Also, somewhere in there may have been something about me trying for a second time to use a DS stylus on a Wacom tablet. Just remembered that this morning while looking at my spare styluses.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #801 on: January 05, 2010, 08:54:49 AM »
Somehow we (a group consisting of me, some people that were supposed to be my family but may have been actors, and some girl) ended up going to Disney World (but it was the made-up version of Disney World that my dream mind thinks is Disney World). This Disney World was inside of a large warehouse-shaped office building. There were signs and marquees hanging from the ceiling that reminded me of what I saw in the Greyhound section of the Port Authority in NYC when I had to wait for a transfer there a few months ago when taking the bus home for Thanksgiving. Near the entrance of the Disney World building, there was a ride whose name I forget that was purportedly something about old neglected Disney characters. All you could see was two doors in a wall, with the name of it between them. The somewhat pimply teenager employee in front of the ride told us that if we were planning on riding it, we should know that it usually takes most people all day to ride it; twelve hours minimum. This made more sense once we walked through the door and saw that it was a whole nother park inside of the park. Apparently, at least; I only remember us seeing a big bazaar of stores and food stands. We had to go down a big metal staircase from the door to get to this park. Me and the girl ended up getting separated from the group and somehow ended up going out a door, which left us outside the Disney World warehouse. We went back to the hotel lobby/bus terminal entry place to get back in. The girl got in because she had a paper card that my parents had given her (and apparently everyone else in the group except me) that proved she was supposed to be there. I didn't have a card, and only had my own protestations that I was with her, and the security guard wasn't having it. He said I could only get back in if I had a card or if my hand was stamped. I asked if I could at least wait in the lobby until my family came out because it was cold outside and I had lost my shoes somehow. The security guard, who at this point was a woman, said no, and I had to go out on the steps outside the door (the steps and the area around the side door reminded me somewhat of my high school). As I was sitting there, I noticed that I somehow had gotten shoes, but they weren't the shoes I wanted, so I cried a little or something, though I told myself that we could just go to Target later and get another pair that the soles weren't falling off of. Later, I thought of just buying another ticket in, but I didn't.

Later that night, we were reunited (a cab may have been involved somehow). A reality show-type interview with the security guard who kicked me out, who was now a man, showed up over top of me getting into the cab with my family. He said that he was just convinced I was pulling some kind of con. When it went back to us, my family was definitely actors. As we were driving (it wasn't a cab anymore I guess), a car swerving from the other lane narrowly missed hitting us. We noticed that we could have gotten out of the way earlier, but he was trying to make his original swerving into the wrong lane look more deliberate and cool. At this point, the car was purple and looked kind of like a giant metal feather with wheels. Once it turned onto the gas station lot, I turned and looked at it and it was shaped like a Jawa sandcrawler made out of plywood and painted festively. And it was apparently made by the KKK for some reason. I looked up at the sky and it was in insane colors with visible brush strokes or texture or something.

Toward the end of the dream, I was becoming a little too aware of it being a dream, and things started to fade in and out a bit. At the very end, visuals were going totally black and speech was transitioning into thought, as I asked my parents why they didn't give me a card, fully aware that it was a dream (although my continued anger at not getting a card may have meant that I wasn't yet grasping the full implications of it being a dream). By the time they could answer, I could tell that it was just me thinking to myself, and I gave up and woke up.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #802 on: January 10, 2010, 11:29:28 AM »
^ That part about the car changing into a bunch of different things cracked me up.

There was much more to my dream last night than this, but I only vividly remember the last part. Also, darn, we don't have the text colors anymore. I wanted to do that again. Oh well. I'll see what I can do with the formatting we still have...

After a segment dealing somehow with a desert and the corner tiles of Super Mario World's cave foreground, I found myself at the left side of the front of my school (although it seemed to look more like the junior high school I went to). One of my friends, hereafter referred to as M, was presenting something while people were watching. I think this was carried over from earlier in the dream; somehow I remembered other people doing this as well, and everyone was just watching the different students present. Once she was done, it suddenly turned into night, and everyone started leaving to go home. It looked like the end of the school day, since there were buses lined up in front of the school (which I'm now certain was actually the junior high, since where I'm at now the buses line up on the side). As I was walking toward my bus, my friend F came up to me and told me that our after-school Jazz Band schedule had been modified and we were going to it today even though it was Friday. Apparently, we had to get on a bus to go there (hmm, maybe that was some community event and not the school I was actually supposed to go to?), so we went and got some of the other members, including J. It was so dark, I was almost blinded by a nearby streetlight, so I faced the other way and held on to F and J's hands to guide me as we went back toward the buses. We got onto one rather small bus, and by then, everyone else was already there, so it was quite crowded. The inside walls of the bus appeared to be black with glowing dots on them. The people on the bus didn't seem to actually be people from my Jazz Band, and another one of my friends was there, so I sat behind her and next to F and talked with them while we were driving.

And...that's all I can remember.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • Banned
« Reply #803 on: January 10, 2010, 01:46:08 PM »

This is the scariest thing I've ever read on this forum.


  • Guess who's banned!!!
« Reply #804 on: January 10, 2010, 02:20:39 PM »
my dream was freaky.

Arizona and new mexico were at war, for some lrgal reason. i was living in arizona when a newscast said that bomber jets were coming and that we had 1hour to find cover and hide. my aunt and cousins ran off to hide in another neighborhood, while my mom, sister and I hid in our house. just before the hour was up, i decided it was unsafe to hide in our house, si i (stupidly) decided to run across the open desert to find safety. i soon heard the planes and looked out to my right only to see a mushroom cloud. soon, explosions were all around me, and i was running in a cloud of smoke. i dived into a lake, and it was filled with mines. they started exploding around me. i jumped out uf the water, and a plane dropped a bomb next to me. i burst into flame. then i woke up.
Guess who's back!!!


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #805 on: January 12, 2010, 04:04:10 PM »
There were four kittens in my house who were sometimes trying to eat me, and Turtlekid was going to buy a DSLR camera.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #806 on: January 15, 2010, 11:37:56 AM »
Toward the end of this dream, our family was parked in the parking lot of a Walmart with a restaurant inside that was an old family tradition. There was a Candiru in the car with us; it was a large planaria that was all black with either red or orange eyes and a red or orange triangle marking on its head. I was informed that it was from Taz-Mania, and we began singing the Taz-Mania theme song. Reading noted that the kangaroo who was singing the song (who looked kind of like Rocko and for some reason we were calling a dingo) was under 29, because of the exaggerated facial expression it made at a certain point in the song, which Reading then mentioned that he found rather cute.

I was a news anchor in some building with other news anchors. We were supposed to all know that we were in a dream and had been in the dream together for quite some time now. We saw a guy who may or may not have been wearing a shirt with his pants walk through the sand covering the entire floor of the building and sink in. Then a life-sized Lego Darth Vader sunk in. Someone tried to criticize Sarah Palin for saying "which" in a place where she should have said "who", but upon closer examination, she was using it correctly. My hair was longer in back than I thought it was, so I cut off some random chunks of it.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 11:40:32 AM by CrossEyed7 »
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #807 on: January 17, 2010, 07:43:37 AM »
In a hotel room, there were two guys dressed up as the Twin Towers, a third guy holding a toy airplane, a fourth guy dressed as Bin Laden, and a fifth guy who I don't remember anything notable about. The Bin Laden guy grabbed the fifth guy and threw him out the window, then threw boxcutters after him. At the bottom of the stairs in the hotel, Matt Damon and some other guy were waiting for the fifth guy to come down. It was apparently the time of day when everyone leaves their room and goes down the stairs at the same time, and they didn't see him. They started going up the stairs and checked each door -- lightly knocking on it, putting their ear up to it, and smelling it a little (by this time, I was either Matt Damon or the other guy, and at least one of us may have been large, blue, and furry). We soon realized that we were starting to look suspicious, though nothing ever came of that.

Once we got to a door that we heard people talking behind, I was Claire Bennet and the other guy was Angela Petrelli, and for some reason we were in the past, and our past selves were talking about something inside that room. Past Claire asked Past Angela a question that Present Us knew she should have answered, but Past Angela acted like it wasn't important. We snuck in the room as they were leaving. I dropped down on the floor behind a sofa in a position where it didn't make any sense that Past Claire and Past Angela (who was now a guy named Elroy who was taking her out on a date) didn't see me when they turned around.

As Past Claire and Elroy left the room, they ran into another guy. Claire mentioned something she had been thinking about wearing earlier that she decided not to do; the other guy laughed mockingly and agreed that it was good that she didn't wear it because it would have made her look stupid, Elroy quietly said he thought Claire would look good no matter what. The other guy turned to Elroy and asked him why he had such a stupid nickname, saying that by his age, he was supposed to have grown out of naming himself after Jetsons characters.

Suddenly, the Jetsons theme song. The camera zoomed out from the hotel we were in and it turned into the Jetsons' apartment building. The whole thing went up and down on the big pole, then individual rooms started moving on their own. Mr. Spacely fell out of his room, only avoiding plummeting to the ground by grabbing the red circular thing that was falling down with him and unfolding it into a personal helicopter. He yelled at George. Suddenly, George was in the helicopter, and on his way to work. He somehow bumped into a woman standing next to her car on the ground. She had really big beehive hair, and had been halfway embedded in the car door by George bumping into her. George flew away before she could say anything; when he got away, she turned to the camera, shrugged, and said "I just wanted to say thank you!"

When it cut back to George, he was on a motorcycle running from the cops. He rode past a car full of anarchists that the police were arresting -- on top of the car was a sign reading "WE WANT WORLD KICKASS ACTION". Although the sign was obviously just put in by the animators to push the PG rating and be relevant to the action sequence, me and Mike Nelson, who were watching the movie, thought it was hilarious when evaluated as the anarchists' actual creed, and laughed at them while calling them "the dumbest anarchists ever" as we watched steak fries and a glass jar of jalapeƱo sauce being loaded into the back of the car which had become a van.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #808 on: January 17, 2010, 12:06:11 PM »
The fifth guy was Obama. [/forebode]
YYur  waYur n beYur you Yur plusYur instYur an Yur Yur whaYur


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #809 on: January 17, 2010, 10:29:04 PM »
tradition. There was a Candiru in the car with us; it was a large planaria that was all black with either red or orange eyes and a red or orange triangle marking on its head.
Here's the freaky part: I had no idea what a Candiru was before the dream; I just knew the name from Glorb's post. It actually kinda looks like it did in the dream. Lot smaller, though. And the wrong color.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse
