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Fan Creations / Super Mario Subconscious
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:56:06 PM »
I was thinking the other day about Mario. He's explored the aquatics, and even space. What other frontier does he have to conquer? How about the frontier of the human mind?! I formulated a plot in which Mario suffers a head injury and during a coma, discovers the depths of his own subconscious and analytically questions his life and vitality. I present: Super Mario Subconscious!


It was those days, those warm yellow days, when nothing however burdensome could gnaw on the mind. Mario’s mind was usually a burdened mind, but not on those days; those days with the blue sky and the green grass and just about every other pleasantry you could imagine. He reclined onto a lawn chair next to Peach, sitting in front of her enormous castle. He exhaled and stretched out like a deflated balloon. Peach read a magazine and a lone toad mowed the picturesque lawn.

Peach, without moving her head from that glossy publication, frowned and said, “You know, you still haven’t repaired the royal bathroom.”

“Dang it, Peach. You’d think that the one day when I can sit down and free my mind from kart maintenance and tennis matches, and let’s say, SAVING YOU, you would at least give me the liberty of relaxation.”

“Well what do you suggest I do?”

“Have you ever heard of public service?”

“You’re telling me that I should pay money for a questionably professional plumber, when I have an all-star right next to me?”

Mario sighed and smirked at Peach, “You know just how to butter me up.”

He furrowed his brow and violently launched himself out of the lawn chair. He left Peach in a drizzle of guilt, which subsided when she thought of her soon-to-be-functioning bathroom. Mario cursed under his breath about the 50 other bathrooms in that cavernous castle. However, whether he was aware of it or not, he was her wind-up toy, scouting around and cleaning her messes, returning her world to “just-so.” He climbed flight after flight of velvet stairs, and eventually found himself standing on the slick marble floors of the royal bathroom. He spotted the problem.

A chrome pipe shook threateningly on the other side of the room, periodically spurting bursts of water. It appeared to have been connected to the sink. It looked like a dangerous and difficult job, but Mario, upset about his nice day interrupted, approached it incautiously. Reaching into his pocket for a wrench, he bent down and grabbed the shaking pipe. There was a swift solid movement, and then all was white.

Half an hour later, a whistling toad maid strolled into the bathroom with a mop and a bucket only to find Mario on the ground, unconscious, with a chrome pipe protruding from his skull.

Video Game Chat / Funny Zelda file names
« on: May 10, 2008, 08:38:45 PM »
I'm sure most of you have at one point named one of the files on your Zelda game something humorous. For example, in OoT, I always got a kick out of calling my file "Zelda", and then when Link meets Zelda she asks what his name is and then says "Zelda, eh? Sounds familiar." And of course there's the option of naming your file something like "Poop" or "Homo" and reveling in joy when you see it in the dialog. I also named my horse in TP something rather naughty which I will not repeat, which proved to conjure some hilarious one-liners from Ilia, as you can imagine. Has anyone else manipulated the save files, or am I just crazy?

General Chat / Those games that you see in the newspaper
« on: May 10, 2008, 03:31:05 PM »
This is probably the most pressing question for the modern world.

General Chat / What did you learn today?
« on: May 05, 2008, 03:36:08 PM »
Write something (from school, work, or even a bumper sticker) that you learned today.

Not at the Dinner Table / Manners and morality
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:56:22 PM »
I want to talk about manners. I want to talk about morality.

I believe in both; I think that human advancement is impossible without morality. I think that society could never have even existed without morality. And manners? Why NOT use them? Many a time I've gone without a "thank you" or a "please", and it would've made all the difference. I also believe that morality can be taken too far, or out of context. This is when PETA starts to attack horse-drawn carriages and a feminist starts to believe that women deserve MORE rights than men. Its cases like these that lead me to believe that some use morality as a tool for their own personal benefit, rather than for using it for the benefit of others, which is the idea behind morality.

Let's approach this intelligently and mannerly.

Not at the Dinner Table / Ouija boards
« on: May 01, 2008, 05:43:47 PM »
Have you ever used one? Did you have any outlandish experiences? Are you a skeptic or a believer? 

General Chat / Disney moviez!
« on: November 18, 2007, 01:22:30 PM »
I'm sure each and every one of you has a favorite animated Disney movie, whether it be because it reminds you a more carefree childhood, or if you actually enjoy it for cinematic value. I didn't post all of the animated Disney movies. I only posted the ones that I thought might be chosen. Think about it. Who would actually choose that degenerate feature Home on the Range. Seriously, did anyone enjoy that? I didn't.

Anywho, pick 5 or less. There are quite a bit of options, after all. I picked Pinocchio, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Toy Story, and Ratatouille.

Video Game Chat / I laughed...
« on: November 14, 2007, 10:05:07 PM » this.

Fan Creations / C.O.L.E.
« on: November 10, 2007, 02:32:52 PM »
This is my newest brainchild. This is the Cheesy One-Liner Encyclopedia. Basically, this is a list of the overused lines you hear in movies, tv shows, etc. I've already contributed a few, but I would like some from you guys to think of some more. If I like your cheesy one-liner I will add it.


"I couldn't have done it without you."
"I've got a bad feeling about this."
"Now you tell me!"
"Uh oh! Here we go again!"

General Chat / Pain!
« on: November 06, 2007, 04:23:16 PM »
Does anyone have any crazy injury stories? They can be sad, gross, or just downright funny.

I've got a few:

January 2003 - I was sledding down a hill at incredible speeds. Speeds you wouldn't imagine would be experienced on a sled. I think it had to do with the unusually slick material it was made out of. Anyhow, there was a dense group of trees at the bottom of the steep hill, and I don't know why, but I didn't jump off. I did, however, manuver myself so I wasn't heading for the trees headfirst. Instead, I hit one of the trees with my side. I ended up lascerating my liver! True story.

Feburary 2004 - I was once again sledding. A little girl was swinging around a snowboard for a reason I'm still unsure of. As I sledded down, the snowboard collided with my chin, and left a huge gash. It stung! The scar that remains isn't incredibly noticable, but every once and a while someone will ask about it.

Funny how all my injuries involve snow. 

Forum Games / Surreal Sentences
« on: November 04, 2007, 12:44:52 PM »
Here's an exercise of creativity, as well as a chance to be as weird as possible. Basically, just write a really bizarre sentence, and the next person will post a new weird sentence.

Person one: "The fawns of steel are attacking! Prepare the polystyrene brigade!"
Person two: "Fear not, Dr. Marshmellows, the polystyrene brigade has been placed in Sector Awesome."

I'll start...

"The night of falling pixels approaches, yet our feast of gigantic grapes is a disaster, says I! Any words of discomfort, Principal Burnbook?"

Forum Games / Shroomvania!
« on: October 31, 2007, 07:57:04 PM »
Hello! "Shroomvania!" is a my new choose-your-own-adventure thriller, with a post-apocolyptic feel. In this story, the year is 350 A.M. (after Mario), and it takes place in Shroomvania, the remainder of what was the Mushroom Kingdom. Times have changed! The Mushroom Kingdom is no longer the happy place it once was.

Anyway, this IS a choose-your own adventure story, so after each chapter, there will be a set number of options you can choose from, and which ever one appeals to you most, you should pick (post your choice). And when I get ready to write the new chapter, I'll tally the number of votes and the new chapter will be based on the most popular choice.

So, I hope you enjoy this one as much as Fungi High, if not more. So read, and please vote!

WARNING! This episode contains mild language and sexual themes.

Prologue – A Mountain and a Temple
There stood an icy mountain, jutting out of a monstrous sea, and silhouetted against a vibrantly pink sky. Giant, withering, brown mushrooms grew all along the mountain. On top of the iciest peak there stood a large temple, coated in limestone, and wafting out the gentle crooning of a harp. Behind the temple's enormous pillars, down several elegant hallways, and behind an ancient oak door, sat Orville.

Orville smirked.

He sat on a large throne, disgustingly manufactured out of his victim's bones. He didn't care. These were the final days of Shroomvania. Overpopulation and disease gnawed at this country's fragile figure.

"Somebody fetch me a cup of wine," Orville yawned at some whimpering koopa servants at the foot of his throne.


The servants stared at one another, seeing as all of them had uttered that instant response. Under Orville's power, such loyalty was not rare.


Eventually, one of the koopa servants waddled off to the kitchens. During his wait, Orville observed his whitening skin, twiddled the ends of his long auburn hair, and rubbed his sleek silver overalls (which nicely complimented his black undershirt and cap). He took off his cap and admired the large, threatening, capital “O” on the front. His brain swimming in a sea of self-adoration, he heard the scuttle of reptilian feet and the tinkle of expensive glass.

“Master Orville! This was a mistake!”

Orville’s head craned slowly to a section of wine-stained and glass-sprinkled carpet, a nervous koopa standing near. He could always replace the glass and carpet. But incompetent servants were a bit harder.

“You two,” Orville drawled to the other servants, “have him slaughtered.”

“B-b-but, sir,” stuttered a particularly brave koopa, “we can clean the carpet and buy you a new glass. It was only an accident.”

Orville stood from his skull throne, his face splattered with the light draining in from the neon pink sky. He lifted an unsteady hand and violently clutched the throat of the renegade koopa. 


Chapter One - Skeleton and Candy
Skeleton chuckled and took a long drag on his cigarette. He blew a large smoke ring around his darkened apartment. He was the man. He was the street-walkin’, dice-rollin’, stripper-gropin’, chain-smokin’ badass of Mushroom City. He stroked his five-o-clock shadow and thought of last night…or what he could remember of it. He remembered only the beginning of the insane party he threw. The cops were called in the first five minutes! But it was alright, even the police were charmed by this lovable rouge. Skeleton could’ve been the coolest cat in the world, for all these reasons and more, if not for the fact he was a purple-dotted toad. Yes, sadly, above all the leather, whiskers and cigarette burns was a large mushroom head, covered in violet dots.

Skeleton’s gal pal, Candy, entered the smoky room.

“ARGH,” she moaned, throwing a newspaper on the table, “look!”

The top story dealt with a pair of koopas being charged for having links to Orville and committing a brutal murder to one of their own kind.

“That’s [darn] sick,” Skeleton grumbled, “I may live with on the EDGE of edge, but I got morals. I know that all creatures big and small have got some use in ‘em. Orville just kills ‘em to kill ‘em. And the followers he’s getting; it’s ridiculous!”

“No kidding,” Candy sighed, “Mario was a deity! But that doesn’t mean his great-great-great-great-whatever-grandson can go around spitting death.”

“When the hell they ever gonna catch this menace,” Skeleton exclaimed.

“Maybe never.”

“The government can’t do nothin’ right, Candy,” Skeleton mumbled, “and because of that, I need a drink. Wanna go hit the bars?”

OPTION ONE: Hit the bars!
OPTION TWO: Stay home and stay clean!

General Chat / Bands you like, bands you hate, yatta
« on: January 26, 2007, 11:26:33 PM »
Hey. I know, this idea has probably been used, but I'm taking my chances. Who's in a band? Who knows someone in a band? What bands do you like? What bands do you hate? Speaking of which, one and all should check out my latest band, Pandabears With Pinstripes.

Maybe another band will be added to your favorites.

Video Game Chat / TP vs. OoT
« on: December 27, 2006, 12:26:57 AM »
There have been people saying that Twilight Princess is a better game than Ocarina of Time. I've gotten my Wii, and I'm fairly far into TP, and given, it has outstanding gameplay, stunning visuals, and a wonderfully dark storyline. Yet, OoT is still number one in my book. Though, I can't say that I'm far enough into the game to make assumptions already, but I'm already in Snowpeak, and there's only a few more temples to beat before the game is over. So, I want to know what you guys think. Ocarina or Twilight?

Not at the Dinner Table / For or Against?
« on: August 09, 2006, 10:56:37 PM »
This might've already been done, but I was just wondering what everyone's opinions on gay marriage were.

Myself, I am for it. Love is love after all. Homosexuals are people just like you and me, so shouldn't they have the same rights as any of us? Some people's defense is that the Holy Bible forbids anything homosexual, but the country isn't run by the Bible, so the what's in the Bible shouldn't always be in the Constitution. I mean, if we deny homosexuals rights, then essentially, we are sending our selves back in time. America has denied groups like women and African-Americans privileges in the past, so shouldn't we learn from that? That's what I think

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