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Topics - Ambulance Y

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General Chat / Extreme sports. Anyone?
« on: January 01, 2006, 11:32:09 PM »
Does anyone here skate or BMX, other than me. I'd like to know if anyone else likes to eat dirt. (If you catch my drift).

General Chat / New Year's Resolutions
« on: December 22, 2005, 11:08:54 AM »
What are your resolutions this year?

*Watch less TV
*Practice guitar more
*Don't spend money foolishly

General Chat / Pets you own
« on: December 20, 2005, 04:41:40 PM »
Who here has any pets?

I have a dog, and two chameleons (no joke). The chameleons (named Izzy and Luigi*) are kind of hard to take care of though, we have to have a giant tub of crickets in our garage to feed them. But, our dog (named Butter) is a yellow lab. Yes, the ownership of pets is a long, reponsible, and yet extremely entertaining full-time job.

*I named that one! ;D

Game Help / SSBM Waluigi Trophy
« on: December 18, 2005, 02:46:15 PM »
I've gotten most of the trophies in SSBM except the Waluigi trophy...I think there's one. If there is, how do you get it.

General Chat / Ever had one of those days?
« on: December 17, 2005, 01:28:46 PM »
Have you ever had one of those long, horrible days where seemingly everything went wrong?

Here's mine, from a week back or so:

It started off, where I had to wake up about 5:30 in the morning to shovel the driveway, which wouldn't have been so bad, if the ground wasn't covered with ice, and it was about ten degrees! I slipped like four times. I finished around six to take a shower, and the water was icy cold because someone had probably used up all the hot water. (Probably my brother). Then ate a quick breakfast and got a drive to school to have early jazz band practice. Only the jazzers were at school, like usual, and jazz band was going pretty good, until like half-way into the music, our school's main water system pipe, broke right over our heads. All this sewage and dirty water got all over me, not to mention my backpack. We ran out of the school like Forest Gump. So, all of my homework was all covered in sewage in my backpack, and we all thought school would be cancelled, but it wasn't. We all had a long boring day of school. I came home after that school day (took a shower) and saw a note on the table saying I had to fix my own dinner. I made some mac & cheese on the stove, but ended up burning myself. Then later I had to go to Wal-Mart to replace all of my crap-covered school supplies. It was a pretty bad day.

I have had worse days, like when a family member died, but who wants to talk about that? Seriously, don't make it too depressing.

So, can you beat me.

Forum Games / Transformed!
« on: December 16, 2005, 04:34:01 PM »
Imagine, you are all of a sudden whisked away to the mystical Mushroom Kingdom.
But, you are not human anymore! You are a Mario character!

The point is...what Mario character would you like to be, out of all of them.
A koopa? Goomba? Boo? I would be a rocker shadow siren!

Draw a picture.

Forum Games / Mario Kart DS Quiz
« on: December 14, 2005, 08:04:59 AM »
Which Mario Kart DS Character Are You?

Some of the questions are a...bit...obvious, and there could be more questions, but other than that, it's a pretty decently put together quiz.

Have fun!

Mario Chat / "Break the Targets" records
« on: December 11, 2005, 03:25:12 PM »
What are your "break the targets" records on SSB or SSBM?

I'll post mine in a day or two, I just have to find my copies of each game. :P

General Chat / I Need a Name
« on: December 08, 2005, 09:09:32 PM »
Does anyone have a good band name? Because, my rock band is getting tired of our name, and I can't think of a single decent name. So, I went to the most excessively random and creative people I know...the members of FF!

Well...I'm counting on you.

General Chat / Bad know you have one!
« on: December 03, 2005, 07:34:17 PM »
What are your worst habits? (Keep in mind I don't want too much detail...*shudders*)

I'm a nail-chewer. I admit it. I also scratch my eyes a lot, and I know I shouldn't.


General Chat / What are you getting for the holidays?
« on: December 03, 2005, 12:07:31 PM »
A video game, a lump of coal, a fried kitten?

What are you getting...(if you know that is). If not, just guess!

Video Game Chat / Gaming Mags
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:50:51 PM »
Which gaming mags are your favorite, and which do you get?

I just get Nintendo Power, and it's certainly my favorite, except I kind of miss the old format. May it rest in peace.

So, what about you guys?

General Chat / Senses
« on: November 27, 2005, 03:32:07 PM »
This is basically asking, would it be the worst if you were left deaf, blind, with no tastebuds, nostrilless, or unable to feel stuff?

Remember, touching is not as good as Nintendo plays it out to be! ;)

Forum Games / Crystal Star Theft
« on: November 24, 2005, 04:49:41 PM »
This is a story about....never mind....just read it yourself.

CHAPTER ONE– Desperate Dry Bones

The Koopa King was slumped over in his giant, golden throne, weeping. A tiny television monitor was sitting in front of his throne, and he watched it with anticipation and gloom. The TV blared, “Desperate Housewives will be right back.”
“Such complex relationships,” Bowser bubbled, “it makes me want to meet a gardener for my very own. WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!”
The door that led into the throne room slammed open, and one of Bowser’s assistants, Dry Bones #8124, briskly walked into the room.
“DRY BONES #8124,” Bowser shouted as he quickly switched off the monitor, “how many times have I told you not to interrupt me during my special thinking time?”
“Sorry sir,” Dry Bones #8124 replied earnestly, as he held up a large poster displaying a few bar graphs and charts, “but, here I have some important information on Mario.”
“I know no Mario!” Bowser thundered.
“Actually, yes you do,” Dry said, “he’s your arch enemy. He’s the plumber who has defeated you every time you capture Princess Peach or play some sport against him. Remember?”
“I was joking, you dimwitted piece of scum,” Bowser sighed, “now what were you going to say?”
“Yes,” Dry Bones stuttered, “studies show that Mario is currently 0.002% less scared of you than he was a month ago.”
“Mario’s not scared of me at all, stupid,” Bowser pointed out.
“That’s just it,” Dry Bones admitted, “he’s negative 0.002% scared of you.”
“No. I’ve been sent to devise a battle plan to make you more powerful to Mario,” Dry Bones said, “and this time, it’s not going to be Princess Peach.”
“More like Princess Pee-Pee,” Bowser chuckled to himself, and then said, “what can we steal anyways?”
“I for one recommend we try to steal Mario’s Crystal Stars.”
“We already tried that, and it didn’t work,” Bowser whined.
“Well, sir, we tried capturing the Princess many, many times, but you never gave up.”
“I’d rather watch Desperate Housewives than steal some ruddy stars…”
“What was that, sir?”
“Nothing, I said…um…boy, don’t you just love football? Not effeminate at all,” Bowser yelled, “but, I guess I’ll catch those stars. Anything to make Mario more frightened of my presence. Warm up my kart, we’ll hit the road for Mario’s house. I’ll be down in just a minute.”
As Dry Bones #8124 headed out the double doors, Bowser quietly flipped back on the television.
“Aw, man,” Bowser exclaimed, “I missed Katherine telling Cory if she had an affair with the oriental gardener or not!”

Will Bowser find the Crystal Stars at Mario’s house?
If so, will Mario gain a certain distrust of Bowser again?
Will Bowser’s estrogen-fueled obsession with Desperate Housewives be put to a stop?

General Chat / Cliques: Which are you In?
« on: November 22, 2005, 09:00:00 PM »
Yes, good old cliques. The "seperating system" between most school children. But, unlike most infer, cliques aren't only in high school, there are also many cliques in elementary school and college. But my question is: which are/were you in?

If you're not sure here is my summarization of all that is clique-related, (as far as I know).

To start I would like to mention how kids are catergorized in the elementary. First off, there's the Cootie-Face. This is a boy/girl who is usually of the opposite sex of the one calling him/her a Cootie-Face. They usually are outcasts to the other kids, because once somebody is called a Cootie-Face, others tend to agree, just fit in with in crowd. There's also the Teacher's Pet. The suck-up to all school faculty. He/she is either looking for a better grade or just gets along with adults well. Like Cootie-Faces, when declared a Teacher's Pet, you are an outcast for a short to long period of time. But, other than these too, in elementary, kids are all on the same means of social status.

Now, the big clique years are junior and senior high school. This is when people start to "find themselves." Well, I might as well start off with the most shallow cliques, known as Preps. Now, not all Preps are shallow, but most are just hopless romantics, or just trying to make other kids look worse. Most Preps usally look just for a good body in a relationship, which is the worst way to judge that sort of thing. Oh, and if you are wearing an Ambercrombie shirt right now, you are most certainly a Prep. An off-clique of Preps are Jocks, not to say that any other clique member can't be a Jock. But, as most of you know, Jocks are categorized as the sports guys or gals who are at the top of athletic ability. But, to move on, let's discuss another clique, Goths. Goths are usually distinguished as liking the darker side of things, and listening to heavy metal bands like Slipknot or Korn. (Sorry, no backwards R). Athough many people can't understand this clique and infer that they're extremely annoying. Many can't see past the peircings and heavy amounts of eyeshadow to the real, actually troubled souls that are inside. Most Goths do these things because there are troubles at home, or just to rebel against corporate America. But I suppose that is more of a Punk thing. Punks are like Diet Goths. A little less dark, and a little more spunky. Although they have the same stubborn additude against Preps and Jocks. These four cliques seem not to understand each other. You may see a Punk listen to Green Day and Blink 182, rather than the heavier type of music. They usually wear skate shoes...Adios, Etnies, or Elements, and might be wearing a concert T-shirt. But, one the other spectrum of the school is the Geeks/Nerds/Dorks. Every one dipicts them as really uncool and desperate for a friend, but I can assure you that if you try to get to know them, they will be a very good friend. Plus, they can do your math homework for you. Possibly the smartest clique, these folks get a kick out of long books and INTERNET MESSAGE BOARDS. XD, just kidding guys, you ain't dorks. But, dorks are cool, and they are interested in very fun things. I know a lot of Preps who secretly really enjoy making Lego Star Wars. No joke. Next clique. Gangsters, you know, the ones with their liscened jerseys hanging down to their knees, and the saggy shorts. Usually listen to hip-hop/rap music. Now, if I catogorize this group any further, I'll probably get beat up, because I'm not a Gangster, and that's how it works, my friends. A few last cliques include what I like to call the In-Betweenies. Just the guys or girls who are not really part of any clique, but hang out with a select few from each clique. There are a few more off-cliques I'd like to metion. There's the cheerleader, cutter, stoner, skater, snitch, drifter, and of course the freshman. HA HA! 

College. Now there's only a few here. By now, most people are focusing on their grades, or possibly parties. There's the infamous Frat Boy. They are the men one the frontline of the party ego. Drinking is their oyster. But, they are usually very very loud and obnoxious, and looking for cheap thrills, but all I can say is, toga on, my drunk friend. But there are the Hippie-Peace people. We thought they died off in the late 70's but no. They come back in our schools. It's these and the intuectall types that make up most of the collegefront. But, I wouldn't know as well as some, but I do live near a campus, so I get used to these college cliques.

So there we have it. The complicated divide of the schools, with interlocking groups, drifing together and away as they please, but all of this makes my brain hurt. But, back to my main question. WHICH ARE YOU IN? Any thoughts?

P.S. Not trying to be stereo-typical, but this is what I see in these cliques, and many agree with me.

ALSO NOTE: Do you think that just because somebody writes about something, that means he/she agrees with it? If so, why are there so many books about the Holocaust and 9-11? All I am saying is that, like many of you, I also think cliques are very shallow, I just find it interesting to discuss.

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