
Author Topic: wtmk guests  (Read 4017 times)

« on: June 12, 2000, 04:29:10 PM »
hey deezer!how about you have guests on wtmk?you r radio station is so popular!all my freinds listen to it in our spare time.but you could popularize it even more if you had guests such as some loyal freinds to you or a person really really really involved in mario?you know what could be cool is if you put on a mario cartoon and let the world listen to it.the company who owns the mario cartoons ran out of bussiness.thats what i heard but its just a rumor.

matt gulley

« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2000, 10:02:39 PM »
i didnt mean deezer!i meant daviddayton.or do you both work for wtmk?well could any of yall answer me?

matt gulley
