
Author Topic: For those who want to see the mario cartoon...  (Read 8868 times)

« on: March 14, 2004, 10:31:58 PM »
Go here
there is a new episode every week.

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2004, 05:28:29 PM »
Wow, excellent! This website is incredible! Kudos, man, you have found a truly great website.

If it is black and white and smells awful, I assure you it''s adorable.
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.

« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2004, 06:12:41 PM »
That's perty cool! The only problem is that all i get from the cartoon is "Hey Pizanos, It's the etc..." Only sound. Stupid AOL...

"When life gives you lemons squish ''em in your eyes so you won''t see yourself get torn apart..."-Mario (about to die).
"Smash anyone and anything that gets in your way!"-Falco, Star Fox: Assault

« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2004, 07:14:05 PM »
Thanks, Hipery!

Si las paredes podrían hablar, podría perforar los agujeros en ellas así que cerrarían el infierno para arriba.


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2004, 12:58:20 AM »
Whoa, it's Hipery!! Seeing a post from him is easily four times as amazing as seeing one from me.

“Hey, Strong Bad. You jumped over some u’ my busses.”
The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.

« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2004, 01:20:47 AM »
Yea my last post was over a year ago

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2004, 06:40:33 PM »
That was a joke.

« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2004, 10:47:27 AM »
HOLY SMOKES!!! The "Mario's Flying Carpet" one, I wanted to download that one (I still have videos but I want it on my computer anyway)! Man, I can't wait to get home!

Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let''s do the Mario all together now! You got it! It''s the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again! Let''s do the Mario altogether now! Come on now! Just like that!
Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let''s do the Mario all together now! You got it! It''s the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again! Let''s do the Mario altogether now! Come on now! Just like that!

« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2004, 01:32:39 PM »
Is there actually any way to download them to your computer?

Si las paredes podrían hablar, podría perforar los agujeros en ellas así que cerrarían el infierno para arriba.

« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2004, 08:26:32 PM »
No easy way. And they want it that way.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”


« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2004, 02:43:18 PM »
Bah. I don't meet the system requirements. It won't even let me see what they are! Lousy Yahoo...

IBM: Inferior But Marketable

« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2004, 06:56:50 PM »
There is a new episode already. It gets a new one every Monday.

« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2004, 05:42:50 PM »
This looks awesome. I've always wanted to see this again. Of course, I absolutely have to ask a couple of questions about this.

1. In the intro, Mario turns into Fire Mario after touching the Starman. Why doesn't he turn into the flashing Invincible Mario?

2. Is this illegal? I don't want to get sued because I watched a cartoon on the internet.


« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2004, 09:54:22 PM »
1. It is a messed up cartoon, I dont know.
2. It is legal dont worry.


  • Mr. Manure
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2004, 06:46:17 PM »
How could those jerks bring back painful memorys that embarrassed Mario to shame? Next thing you know they will show episodes of Lord Harry.


Lonic the Elfinhog: Everyones favorite Big Fat Evil Pervert.
Professional Paisano here
