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Messages - Trainman

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Yikes, double post, and a bit late on the initial post since it was from 2011, but hey I only actually read it about a month ago.

So, I went back and reread the thread. CrossedEye7: I am about to be a massive jerk to you here, but it's a slightly brotherly:

Would you be talking about this if you had, say, 5 grand in debt? No debt? When I initially saw your first post, I sort of skimmed it because it was major long, and I wasn't going to necessarily reply to it directly. However, I just saw the part where you say you're $117,000 in debt.......the hell?  Also, kids being "coerced" into feeling as if they MUST attend college? I have a hard time believing that. Sallie Mae's fault for taking the risk? The banks, the schools, the people, the government. Basically it's everyone ever's fault is what the consensus here seems to be. In our student loan crisis, I believe the problem begins with the family.

The part in a later post where you say a loan (school loans in this case) is "not entirely voluntary." That's ridiculous. A loan is 100% voluntary 100% of the time. A lot of this unfortunately falls on your parents, in a moral sense. Not the culture, not the bank, not the government. They sat there and watched you sign yourself up for six figure debt, and you signed it in the first place. All those quotes you were replying to in your later post: you can try and debate it all day long, but it's still on you. Sad thing about it is that they're almost all valid points. How can you argue with someone that says you know what you're getting into? I'm not sure how a bank loaned you that kind of money, but even then, what did you think was gonna happen? What degree were you seeking that required over 100 thousand dollars. You can't tell me the school you attended was the only school in the world that offered what you were wanting to take.

People are complaining about the bank doing this, the government doing that, whoever doing the other. In the end, whether a person knows it or not, they are signing up for something they can't get out of that is legally freaking binding. In your case, CE7, this 117,000 in debt didn't all come at once and didn't come at a young age. You couldn't have gotten a loan or entered an agreement until you were 18. When you took your first 10,000 dollars out or whatever, what possessed you to keep going and going and going rather than saying, "holy [dukar], I can't afford this. I need to stop school so I can find a job or do SOMETHING and pay these debts off and save for college." You didn't NEED loans, and you still don't NEED loans. The bank didn't force you to keep borrowing and borrowing. I am almost offended you'd try to ask why Sallie Mae is making bad investments or why our culture is apparently telling people to go to college immediately or be stupid.

Don't spread the blame around because it's weighing down on you now. You didn't have to participate in this cesspool. Even if student loans could be discharged through bankruptcy, a Chapter 7 or 13 would be on your report for 7-10 years. You wouldn't be able to do much with that sitting on it.

I've noticed that over your last two large posts, you've basically sat there arguing everyone's points and grievances down to the sentence. It's like you're making every excuse in the world. Your parents did it, the government did it, the culture did it, Sallie Mae took a risk on you, oh it was different for YOU when YOU took out loans, but it's different for me.

Dude: bottom line. This is YOUR deal. This is ultimately your responsibility. Not anyone else's. You didn't need loans to go to school, especially not that absolutely unthinkable amount, but you seem to think they were absolutely required; they weren't. You're going to have to work on this. You have been and it's great you've been able to pay your payments so far (as of your latest posting), but sitting around trying to debate every single person's points that go against what you think should happen based on your emotions will not get you anywhere. The government is not going to help you. You can't sit around waiting for the government to fix your problems, Republican or Democrat. You can't ***** people out that have paid their stuff off, or that wouldn't want to clean up your mess.

If you feel like you can debate what I am saying, then I don't know what to tell you. It's almost like if you got a loan on a car, you'd make excuses for that: "Oh it was the dealer's fault for taking the risk on the loan for me, and the car manufacturer was at fault for pricing the car too high for my budget." In that case you wouldn't need to buy the freaking car if you knew you couldn't pay for it.

So, yes, whew, I am sorry for all that, but it built up.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: i side with...
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:51:13 PM »
I know it's past the election and all that, but:

81% Mitt Romney on Economic, Domestic Policy, Environmental, and Social Issues
77% Gary Johnson on Economic, Domestic Policy, Healthcare, Social, and Immigration Issues
60% Barack Obama on Economic, Foreign Policy, and Immigration Issues
51% Virgil Goode on Environmental Issues

Parties I side with...
69% Republican   62% Libertarian    53% Democrat    28% Green

Video Game Chat / Re: The "Wiimake" Epidemic
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:25:22 PM »

Not at the Dinner Table / Being Broke Vs. Being Poor (& Other Stuff)
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:24:18 PM »
Because I didn't want "The Wiimake Epidemic" thread to derail, I figured I could make a thread here as a response to WarpRattler's mild retort made about something I said and as an invitation for others' opinions. I would also like to talk about having different mindsets as far as financial and life needs. Sorry if it's tl;dr, but the response just sort of threw me off into a tangent:

...if anyone is still playing HD consoles with composite cables or an 18" curved screen CRT, come join us in the year 2013. You have basically no excuse if you're in high school. Mow a lawn, do a chore, do anything and spend the 250-300 dollars on a moderately-sized HDTV.
And Warp's response to that:
Also, "stop being poor" isn't a viable prospect for a lot of adults nowadays. What makes you think high school students with no degree, no real-world experience, and an existing eight-hour commitment five days of the week (not counting extracurricular activities, time to do homework, et cetera) will have better luck?

Without responding directly to Warprattler (that happens below), I am under the impression that the vast majority of high school students have the time and ability to earn money outside of their existing commitments whether it be from simple chores, manual labor, or a real job (whether it's a normal old job or a little side-business a student might have). Keep in mind I'm talking about a large majority of students; there are special circumstances for some, I know. Overall, an 8 hour high school day for 5 days a week is not that taxing on the mind or body even with any other school-related activities.

As an example of this: I've had a job since I was 17 years old. I would go to school then go to work in the evening working my ass off for my uncle's plumbing business when he was still alive. I would work full days on most weekends, as well. Yes, it was a challenge, but I made time for what I needed to do and actually sat down and did it. I didn't come home from work late at night and dick around for three hours on the computer just to turn around and cry the next day about not having time to take care of my responsibilities. As of late, I am a full-time student working two different part-time jobs. My day is: get up at 7AM, go to school at 9AM, get out and go to my first job by 1PM, then get out of there at 6PM to either go to my evening film class (if it's Monday), or go to my second job which is 7PM to 11PM-Midnight. Since my second job isn't eeeevery single day of the week, I use any time I'm not working at it to do my homework. If I'm busy all day, I'll do it late at night or early in the morning.

That's why I say there's really not much excuse for a typical high school kid to not be out doing something productive with their time, working, or both. I can sometimes be the laziest dude in the entire world, but I still can at least manage to do what I'm doing now. I bought my own vehicle, I'm paying to maintain that vehicle, I'm paying my bills, and I'm paying cash money for my college. I refuse to take out loans, and I can only hope I earn enough money to take care of the cost of living and go to college without borrowing money when I end up transferring. Without trying to sound like the "SIGH I DO IT ALLLLL" guy, I look at myself and realize I do do a bunch of stuff and somehow manage to take care of my life and grades, so, as a result, I have a hard time believing a 17 1/2 year old kid or whoever that says he has 0 time to work or whatever, yet seems to spend all his off time from school playing video games or fapping.

Now with my own personal job rant over and to move on to the main subject of the thread, I believe there's a difference between being broke and being poor. I tend to believe it's a mindset. Being poor is, "YEP SAME [dukar] EVERY DAY. THE OLD DAILY GRIND. JUST TRYIN TO MAKE IT OUT THERE. ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AHEAD. JUST WORKIN MY DAY JOB WITHOUT A PLAN OR CARE IN THE WORLD." No, that's stupid. There is a way to change. It's all about whether you want to make an effort or not. I experienced that for a while. I was depressed for a long time and I thought I'd be doomed to a life of mediocrity because of how crippling the day to day bull[dukar] of my life was. I sat around waiting for the perfect thing to come by at the perfect moment and then I realized that, oh wow, no one is gonna give you [dukar] if you don't get it yourself. No one's gonna hand you a good job, a good grade, or a good girlfriend/boyfriend. You obviously have to make an attempt if you want to change. Has anyone noticed that if you don't make an attempt, jack [dukar] happens? The basic philosophy is if you want it, go get it. Go earn it. Then, after your hard work, you reap the benefits of it. It doesn't have to be physical labor. It can be anything that requires some type of effort on your part. That's what being broke is to me: "I know that I don't have a lot of money, but I am not staying this way and I REFUSE to. I know I don't want to be in this situation forever, and I know that I am going to be in a better position in the coming years."

Did I just fall into making good grades or working two jobs? Hell no, I obviously had to put in effort to achieve both of those things. I got the jobs I have now because I put effort into finding them, applying for them, then interviewing for them (and I had at least a small portfolio of previous job experience). Everyone must start somewhere, of course. I stand by the "whatever you put into it, you get out" philosophy so much because it works on every level, big or small. You can directly test it for yourself and it always seems to work. The second I started putting effort into my life, I noticed that I finally got some results, so I ran with it. Now I'm in a much better spot even though I'm making a low amount of money. If I would've stuck with my old, [dukar]ty mindset, I'd be in the exact same position years later that I *****ed and moaned about before.

Direct response to WarpRattler in the context of my post: Just by your response to my post, I am under the impression that you don't do anything after school (not counting homework or extracurricular activities) besides play shmups.

let the flame war begin

Video Game Chat / Re: The "Wiimake" Epidemic
« on: February 23, 2013, 06:04:31 AM »
Yeesh, I had an old rear projection TV from 2007 that was slowly dying from overscanning. When I got my new flat screen, everything was 1000 times better.

Also, the difference between SD and HD with video games is enormous. When I had my stupid Dazzle SD capture card, I was forced to have my 360 output 480p to capture Bad Company 2 footage at the time. I couldn't even make out other people's gamertags or really any info on my HUD. 480p on Wii seems to make everything brighter and a bit sharper with the drawback of jaggies being more prominent as a result. My friend just bought a 46" Vizio and was playing Gran Turismo 5 on it... but he doesn't have component cables. The game looks terrible and you can't read much of anything on the menu. It hurt my eyes.

Point is, if anyone is still playing HD consoles with composite cables or an 18" curved screen CRT, come join us in the year 2013. You have basically no excuse if you're in high school. Mow a lawn, do a chore, do anything and spend the 250-300 dollars on a moderately-sized HDTV. Even worse, if someone is still stuck back in the early 2000s where "graphics aren't everything" and they think that a game must either have good gameplay or good graphics with no blend of the two, then I will probably just hate you.

General Chat / Re: Patrick Gets It Goin'
« on: February 14, 2013, 07:42:35 PM »
Well thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

General Chat / Patrick Gets It Goin'
« on: February 14, 2013, 07:14:23 PM »
So, the series I mentioned in the new year's resolution (I think) thread has finally begun. Patrick Gets It Goin' will follow my path to becoming healthier. The first episode is pretty cool. Everything was made with After Effects and FL Studio.

Please enjoy! (I recommend watching it on Youtube itself in HD!)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Video Game Chat / The "Wiimake" Epidemic
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:49:54 PM »
The Wind Waker remake announcement got me thinking... back then I would've basically been on the bandwagon for hating seemingly constant remakes of Gamecube games or whatever coming from Nintendo, but I've never really been bothered by it (I have a life to worry about, like most of you). However, I've noticed there's a distinct difference between a good remake and a bad remake: whether it unfortunately supersedes a legitimate sequel or spiritual successor.

With the Wind Waker remake, I was pleased to hear about it. I've been wanting to buy it again, but now I have a reason to wait for it. The updated visuals look stunning, and 99% of it is because of its lighting (kind of like how Minecraft looks amazing with Sonic Ether's "Unbelievable Shaders" dynamic lighting mod). The point is it's not going to take the place of a legitimate Legend of Zelda sequel. There is a proper Wii U version being developed, of course, and having a Wind Waker remake tag along is perfectly fine with me.

An example of how this doesn't work is when Nintendo slaps something useless onto an existing Gamecube game (New Play Control: Mario Power Tennis, anyone?) and decides to let that be the star of the Wii generation. We never got a proper Mario Tennis Wii or anything, and porting MPT to the Wii with motion controls was probably one of the poorest decisions Nintendo could make. Here's to an actual Mario Tennis/Golf Wii U game!

I've raced on that track before. It's about 50 miles south of where I live.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Sexual Orientation
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:10:14 PM »
I hate to revive this thread while, even worse, being off-topic, but PaperLuigi, I must mention, I'm not sure why you think that is a shock. Why be ****ed off and facepalm about what people might believe. I also don't understand Red Lewd's denouncement of that percentage's beliefs. Ignorance, garbage? Were those terms really necessary?

Not to reference anyone at these forums, but it sort of reminds me of friends I've had that say, "**** RELIGION STUPID SHEEPLE HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID." I ask them why they have this apparent hatred for anything religion-related, and the usual answer is, "WELL BECAUSE THIS ONE TIME SOMEONE TRIED TO TELL ME <insert_something_they_didn't_like> AND/OR TOLD ME I WAS GOING TO HELL."

While there are people who are extreme in their beliefs in any sector of... well anything in this world, there are honest, innocent people in them, and then there's *******s. There's good people of every race and *******s of every race. There's good people of each religion who don't impose their beliefs on others, and there's *******s that try to condemn others for not following their beliefs. Just because crazy people like WBC and raging atheists are the ones that get media attention doesn't speak for religion or lack thereof as a whole.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: What's your opinion on swearing/cussing?
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:47:11 PM »
I swear sometimes. I don't lace my sentences with swears, but I'm sure as hell not one of those people that say, "ONLY DUMB PEOPLE USE SWEAR WORDS." Random and meaningless comparison, but that's like people who think they're smart by putting periods and commas outside of quotation marks (which will forever be incorrect). Anyway, whether you swear or not is not a sign of intelligence or lack thereof.

The only place it will bother me is if someone I know is just swearing away or whatever in front of children or in social situations where it's just completely unnecessary. I also don't swear around people I don't know until I get to know them. While I always respect senior authority, it just feels strange swearing around people who are quite a bit older than me because it's like.... like...... I'm still a kid to them, so it's just weird.

Thank you, Luigison! I'm glad my post kicked up enough wind for you to read the entire thread over.

Whatever you do, TMK staff, don't make a karma system like ebay's.... A++++++++++++++++++++++++

General Chat / Re: New/Returning Members Post Here!
« on: January 06, 2013, 10:27:55 AM »
I was meaning "flamed out." And yes, I do remember all that stuff. He is still on my Live messenger. He signs on every once in a while.

I'd like to know what happened to Rork.

Was it just me or did every post he make contain some form of him taking offense to someone's comment and font that was enormous.

Would've lost if I hadn't seen it a million times before.

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