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Topics - Mr. Wiggles

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Mario Chat / about mario being replaced
« on: August 15, 2003, 09:58:30 PM »
okay listen up to all of you who believe that crap about Mario being replaced its not true. most of the big mario sites have said it was the result of a mistranslation. What he said was that they are going to create a mascot AS POPULAR as Mario NOT REPLACE him!
stop believing that bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mario Chat / Hi
« on: July 15, 2003, 07:23:39 PM »
Im new here but ive been coming to tmk for some time and I gonna put up some rants they go in this order:
1.Luigi will never backstab Mario
2.Mario needs a new show(should be Anime:))
3.About me
4.New Mario games
5.Marionette and 100 Marios

Okay now im sick and tired of seeing these fanfics and flashmovies about luigi fighting mario.Fist of all Luigi is not jealeus of Mario and he would never attack Mario.Second Mario Never takes all the credit (unlike jay rosep who thiks Mario is a big ego maniac that wants to take over the world) Mario does not neglect Luigi nor is he an Egomaniac. Luigi doesnt even want to be famous(Proven in an interview withn EGM) So stop saying stuff like that.(end of rant 1)

Rant #2

If any of you watch The Saturday Morning lineup of Kswb and FoxBox (like me) You see That some video games already have shows(Pokemon,Kirby,Megaman NT Warrior,and the upcoming sonic X) so why not Mario? It would give Mario a plot add personality be anime Get back more fans And it could have More mario characters along with ALL the old ones. It could be on Foxbox replacing The crap s***.End of rant 2.

Rant #3

I live in san diego and Ive been a Mario fan since 1993. I was born on 3/31/90 And Ive even Made my own Mario Characters(Ongguito and Spider Toad) My favorite Mario Character is Mario Im 13 and I like more Video games like Fox Sonic Megamanetc. I hate Xbox and I don't care about PS2 becase nintendo rules.Im a video gam freak and Im Mexican-American.End of rant #3

Rant #4

Im really looking forward to all the upcoming Mario games the ones i really want are Mario KartDouble dash And Mario and Luigi.Ihope people wont overlook these games Just becase they like PS2 and Xbox better.End of Rant #4


Has anyone heard of Marionette and 100 Marios? Miyamato-Sama is working on both of them.Im really looking forward to these games an if anyone has any information on them than can you please post it on this forum thank you.End of rant #5

That is all for now....

No one in the world is Beauti ful, Just some people are uglier than others

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