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Forum Games / Mario on the Apprentice
« on: September 25, 2005, 11:53:09 PM »
Mario: I hate-a my job. I was-a working on some-a clogged pipes today and-a some s*** blasted out and-a hit me.
Luigi: That's great.
Mario: I'm-a gonna try to work-a for Donald Trump-a.
Luigi: That's great.
Mario: You're-a ignoring me!
Luigi: That's great.

When he got there, he realized he had some competition.

Mario: Wario! What are... Bowser? Yoshi? Luigi?
Luigi: That's great.
Donald Trump: Let's start over here. What are you?
Bowser: I'm Bowser, the Koopa King!
Trump: That's a hideous suit. There are holes in the back.
Bowser: Those are my spikes.
Trump: You've ruined one of my boardroom chairs with your spikes! Bowser, you're fired.
Trump: get out.
Bowser: Okay.
Wario: DA****! I'm on the floor again!
Trump: Another chair broken. Wario, how smart are you?
Wario: I don't know, I can't remember.
Trump. Wario, you're fired. And what are you?
Yoshi: I'm a Yoshi.
Trump: And your name is Yoshi? What if my name were Human?
Yoshi: Well...
Trump: Yoshi, you're fired. Hmmm, Luigi.
Luigi: That's great.
Trump: You're fired.
Mario: !
Trump: Well Mario, you're the last player left. You're hired.
Mario! Yahoo!

He got fired 9 seconds later because he didn't know what the job was.

The end

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.

Site Discussion / The FFs should have a short FAQ
« on: September 25, 2005, 05:50:59 PM »
Where the rules are stated, there should be a short FAQ for the obvious reasons.

Q: How do I make a sig?
A: Go to profile, enter your name & paswword, and you can change anything but your name & password.

Q: Why is there a " instead of a ' in my sig?
A: If you want a ' copy your sig from Microsoft Word or something.

Q: What do the mushroom icons mean?
A: A green one indicates a topic that was updated since you were last here, a red one indicates a topic that wasn't, a purple one means the topic is closed, and a yellow one means you need to fix your monitor.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.

General Chat / Backgrounds you use
« on: September 25, 2005, 05:05:04 PM »
I couldn't find the old one, so...

I used to use this one.

Now I use this one.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?

Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.

Forum Games / Wario Exercises
« on: September 25, 2005, 03:50:17 PM »
Wario: Hey, Waluigi. I found this rolled up thing outside.
Waluigi: That’s the Newspaper, stupid.
W: I want breakfast!
3 minutes later
WL: What the H*** are you eating?
W: I had a sudden craving for Pork fat, Crisco, cottage cheese, cherries, and lard.
WL: That’s disgusting!
W: What?
WL: Cherries? Bleah!
W: Chomp chew gulp
W: Huh? How did I get on the floor?
WL: Great job, you broke another chair. Throw it in the pile.
W: Chomp chew gulp
WL: Great, now we have to have the floor repaired.
25 minutes later
W: burp, sneeze, fart.
WL: Wario, you need to start exercising.
W:  Shut the h*** up!
WL: It’s true, you fatty!
W: * pokes himself * jiggle jiggle. Maybe you’re right…
WL: Here’s a card I picked up from a place that I implore that you go to. You can go at 4 today.
W: 4? That gives plenty of time for another snack!
4 pm
Wario: Won’t you please come with me?
Waluigi: If I exercise at all, I’ll disappear. Go on, lose a couple hundred pounds.
W: Sniffle… thank you for the motivation.
Wario had a little trouble entering but noticed that everyone else was obese, but not like Wario. Dodo from SMRPG was there, Gourmet Guy from PM was there, Heff T. from PMTTYD was there.
Gourmet Guy: Wow! I have so much more self-confidence now!
Wario: Shut your noise tube!
Instructor: Shut up you fatties! I see we have another hopelessly fat appendage in our group today. What is your name, glutton?
W: …
I: If you have anything to say, SAY IT NOW!!!
W: Squeak!
I: I see. You are now going to do 3 push ups. GO!
W:  One… T-two… ughh…
I: I understand. You are a hopeless idiot. Remain at the back with the other hopeless ones.
6 hours later
W: Aaaah, I feel great! I could fit through the door! Holy s***! There’s a skinny guy in yellow and purple where my mirror used to be! Oh god, that’s me!!! Double holy s***! There’s a fat guy in purple and black where my lard snacks used to be!
 picture here:
WL: I… ate one of your lard snacks and my belly shot out from nowhere! Apparently, any food you touch makes someone fat!
W: Maybe that’s why I was fired from my job at the restaurant…
To be continued (When I used enter, it didn't work on the actual post.)

Edited by - Bird Person on 9/25/2005 10:22:23 PM

Video Game Chat / The greatest flash game you've ever played
« on: September 24, 2005, 11:49:50 PM »
By flash game I mean the homemade ones like those on My favorite is there, it's Musical Lantern. Next is Defend your Castle, then Save them Goldfish.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.

Edited by - Bird Person on 9/24/2005 10:50:41 PM

General Chat / In the future...
« on: September 14, 2005, 11:54:28 PM »
In the future, ordinary people can visit, or even live, on the moon. And I guess scientists created an artificial atmosphere or something. What do you do?

I say live there. You'll get stuff (space)shipped from earth and satellites will connect our phones and internet. I'd lose a lot of weight, just by living there.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.

Game Help / Okay, it needs to be official.
« on: September 14, 2005, 11:07:17 PM »
You CAN get a Mew through a harmless glitch in Red and Blue! Requirements: you canNOT have beaten the gambler outside the underground entrance on the route west of Lavender or the kid north of cerulean with the slowpoke.

Exit the underground exit. take one step south and immediately open the start menu before the gambler can walk to you. Fly to cerulean. Beat the kid with the slowpoke & fly to Lavender. Walk onto the route where the gambler is and your start menu will automatically open. Press b and the Mew will appear.

There are further effects I've found when I forgot to avoid the kid with the slowpoke: each trainer you beat when you escape from the gambler seems to be "represented" by a pokemon, and that kid just happened to be mew. All appear when you fly to lavender and go to that route. And, if you fly from the gambler to lavender and go to that route, the people there don't talk or notice you.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.

General Chat / Mysterious ice cream
« on: September 13, 2005, 10:41:27 PM »
Well, my dad bought to boxes of ice cream, one was cookies 'n' cream, the other cookie dough. I personally don't like cookie dough as much as a 13 year old is supposed to, so I chose Cookies 'n' cream. When I was done with the box after about 4 days, thc cookie dough box was replaced with CHOCOLATE! Weird. Then, I opened the chocolate the next day, and it was FULL! Actually, I opened it from the other side. I know how stupid this is.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.

Forum Games / New story: add 1/2 a sentence!
« on: September 13, 2005, 07:57:34 PM »
So you'd either and the subject or the predicate, depending on what the previous post was. So like this.
Post 1: One day, Mario
Post 2: was chewing raspberry bubblegum.
I'll start now.

One sunny afternoon, Mario

Video Game Chat / Good and Bad experiences with game "accessories"
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:26:49 AM »
Bad: MadCatz. They are horrible. So far, I've had a broken N64 controller from them, a broken GCN controller from them, and a corrupt GCN memory card.

Good: Intec. I got a nice car adapter for my DS and a hand comforter for my SP. That one broke, but I think it was my fault.
Pelican. I like how their memory cards aren't disfunctional.
Radica. They made this thing for the SP so that you could put 3 games in and move the switch if you wanted to play a different one. That kinda made up for the intec hand comforter, too.

Maybe I should ust get reliable Nintendo brand stuff...

You can put a spoon between two slices of bread and it only sticks out a little bit! –Andy Milonakis

General Chat / Top 5 or more things you wish you could do
« on: September 12, 2005, 11:45:19 PM »
1. Walk through walls without the use of a door.
2. Stay up until 2 am and be able to wake up at 6:30
3.Afford Nintendo stuff.
4.Time travel; I wish I'd never gotten my GBASP. Too crammed, my GBA is just fine. But My SP is scratched and worthless.
5. Use Telekinesis (My room is so dirty)

You can put a spoon between two slices of bread and it only sticks out a little bit! –Andy Milonakis

Mario Chat / Too much credit to Mario in SM64DS!
« on: September 11, 2005, 09:58:18 PM »
He's first in the instruction manual for controls and you can't open star doors without him. What's up with that? Yoshi rescued him, remember?

You can put a spoon between two slices of bread and it only sticks out a little bit! –Andy Milonakis

Game Help / Pokemon Fire Red- HELP!
« on: September 11, 2005, 08:39:05 PM »
I have THREE fresh waters AND a soda pop. But the guard blocking Saffron won't let me through! I even beat Blaine and did Bill's errands on the islands. Is my game defective or did they change this part?

You can put a spoon between two slices of bread and it only sticks out a little bit! –Andy Milonakis

Video Game Chat / ...PS1?
« on: September 09, 2005, 11:23:18 PM »
I'm thinking that I should get a used PS1 to play Final Fantasy, but not if Nintendo's putting more on the DS. Should I?

You''re not the boss of me, Carson Daly! Get off me! -Andy Milonakis

Mario Chat / If you could be any creature from any Mario game...
« on: August 11, 2005, 06:59:50 PM »
If you could be any creature from any Mario game, which would you be and why?

1. Lakitu: They can fly, and Spinies are cool.
2. Yoshi: Everyone loves Yoshis!
3. Bob-Omb: They can 'splode. I've always wanted to 'splode.
4. Goonie: They're the best birds in the Mario Universe.
5. Shy Guy: I'd know what my face looked like beneath that mask!

You''re not the boss of me, Carson Daly! Get off me! -Andy Milonakis

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