
Author Topic: colin quinn show  (Read 1563 times)

« on: March 19, 2002, 03:09:55 PM »
it was just on last night and it was pretty funny
i know it was the second one but it was better than the first
anyway, i was trying to tell my bro <who was too busy doing homework or something to watch it> about the one part with the people who thought they were funny

i couldn't remember hardly any of the jokes though
i know there was the "are those for me?" with the flowers
the "is today wednesday?" "all day" one
and colin's "can i do that last part over again?" "i don't know CAN you?"
but does anyone remember the other "jokes"?

in memory of that marble mouthed superclownman...0-/<):
who wants to buy a skunkle?
