
Author Topic: The Machine.  (Read 2369 times)

« on: February 14, 2006, 07:24:12 PM »
Okay, for a long time, I've been wondering. My goal on the FF was to write the greatest story ever. This may not be it, but I'm going to give it a shot. It's kind of a "what if" thing. What if Luigi hated Mario, and wanted the kingdom? What if someone else was helping him in his deadly mission for dictatorship? What if Yoshi became a hero? Welcome to the machine.

Part One

"I've always hated him. Ever since we were children, that idiot has continued to mock me." The Mushroom Kingdom Grand Police office was filled with criminals of the highest caliber to the average thrift store theif. You couldn't go a single step without running into a jerk who would give you a dirty look (or a spit on the shoe, for that matter.) In the middle of this great chaos was the kingdom's second greatest hero. He was driven to the point of insanity, for reasons yet to be explained. He continued his rant. "I'm telling you, the fool deserved to die. This dump is better off with out him."
"And why is that?" Asked the cheif Toad of police.
"Hehe......Why? I don't believe this. I suppose I was right about this pathetic kingdom."
The Chief stared at him in the eyes. It was late at night, and he wasn't in the mood for jokes. He took his night stick and beat the "criminal" over his head.
"I don't like games," yelled the chief. "Tell me why you killed him, or you'll be sorry."
The criminal snickered, with blood dripping from his nose. He didn't answer.
"Do you know who I am? I'm the authority in this whole darn place. I can have you put away for life. Or worse......"
The Chief continued to smack him with his night stick. Normally, someone would have stopped him, but no one had sympathy for the cursed soul. This went on for a couple of hours, until the "criminal" spoke out. Blood was all over the floor, a mess the janitor would have to deal with later.
"Why....didn't you kill me?"
"Eh?" The chief replied.
"My purpose in life is complete. I want to die."
Chief Toad laughed at him in disbelieve. He had never met someone so low before. He killed his own brother, and now he wanted to die.
"Rubbish. I'll kill you when you tell me why you did it."
"This place is dumber then I ever believed. Fine. I'll tell you everything."
It was silent in the room for a few seconds. The "criminal" was toying with the emotions of the chief. If anything, he wanted another wack from his stick.
"Spill it out, boy. I won't hit you until you tell me."
"The fool was a con. A phony, I'm telling you. Why do you think that Koopa kept coming back? It's because he wanted the fame, you idiot! Every time Koopa came back, he'd conveniently rise to defeat him. He didn't care about the Kingdom. He just didn't have the heart to kill the beast so that we'd live in peace. If you let me go, I'll destroy Koopa for good. The Kingdom is better off without the whole lot of them."
The chief ordered the rest of the crew to take the criminal to the electric chair. He had his information, so why keep him around? At 12:37 that night, he was executed. The two greatest hero's of the Mushroom Kingdom were gone forever.
"Gaahhh....what a night. Phone Yoshi and tell him the news. He's the successor. So put him on duty."
The chief sat down at his desk and sighed. He looked across his desk.
A strange figure had walked into the room, with only a trench coat. His hat concealed his true face, so it was hard to tell if he was an enemy or not.
"Is he dead?" The strange man asked.
"Yes, executed 5 minutes ago."
The man said nothing. He threw down a bunch of papers at Chief Toad's desk.
"What the heck is this?"
"Oh, it's a distraction."
Sound erupted throughout the entire office. It was the sound of a gun shot, and it had been fired off by the man in the trench coat. Chief Toad's body lay on the floor. Blood covered the papers.
The man in the trench coat made his way into the room with the electric chair. A few gaurds spotted him the minute he walked in.
"Hey, you can't-"
Bang! The bodies hit the floor with a loud thud. They didn't move.
"What weaklings. I can't believe I have to save him from these losers."
Out of his coat, he held a 1-Up shroom. He gave it to the criminal's dead body, which was laid out on the chair itself.
Slowly, the criminal opened his eyes. He had died, and was alive again.
"Darn it. I wanted to kill those morons, but I didn't want an uproar. Looks like you did that for me. Eh, Sonic?"
The man took off trench coat, reviling his true face to be Sonic the Hedgehog.
"Come on, we have no time to lose. We have to get out of here and back to Koopa's before the entire force comes looking for us."
"Wait. Won't they be searching for the last Life Shroom? They'll use it to revive him, you know."
"That's why we must get there first. Hurry and get out of that stupid chair."
The two dashed out of the office, only to be confronted by the entire Mushroom Kingdom army.
The boss, who was atop a very huge tank, held out an over-sized microphone.
"Sonic the Hedgehog of Region 6, Zone Mobius, and Luigi Mario of Region 3, the Mushroom Kingdom! Did you have any participation in the murder of Mario Mario of Region 3, the Mushroom Kingdom?"
The two looked at each other and snickered. Luigi walked foward and screamed.
"We did it! We killed Mario!"
The boss gave a hand signal to the fleet and withdrew into his tank. He gave orders from a control unit inside the machine.
"Then prepare to die, villians!"
Luigi and Sonic took fighting stance, drawing in energy. No matter what happened, Luigi was proud of what he did. If it was his time, he would die with a smile on his face.
"Those cruel villians killed our hero! Remember that!" The boss gave out more orders to lock and load. All around the office, tanks, gunman and aircraft prepared to fire. It was now or never for Luigi.

Yeah, I know it's a little violent. But I had fun writing the first chapter, so please check out the next installment of "The Machine"! What is the machine? I won't tell you yet, so you'll have to keep reading.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 07:34:47 PM »
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 07:38:33 PM »
Chapter 2, Part 1.

"He-he! What a treat this is," Luigi snickered. "The entire fleet has come to kill us. Let's make sure this is a party everyone's gonna be talking about for years to come, eh?"
Sonic had taken a vow of silence. If anything, he was not proud in helping Luigi murder his brother. Sonic was once a wonderful hero that everyone had respected, who of course, planned to kill his ultimate rival on the battle field. As fate would have it, Luigi and Sonic shared common goals, yet Luigi wanted to destroy his brother by means of teaming up. So, from the day they murdered Mario to the very moment they stepped outside the office, Sonic was Luigi's partner.
"So.....kept your mouth shut, eh Sonic? Fine then. I don't care if don't talk to me for the rest of the trip."
Luigi stepped foward, tripping on his own legs.
"Hurk! Uhhhh....."
Sonic raised his hand and pushed him back.
"You have not recovered from the execution. Let me handle this."
The blue blur vanished into thin air, leaving Luigi standing by himself. The army was dumbfounded at what had happened. They begged their general for orders.
"Sir, he's gone," Private Toad gasped. "What should we do?"
The general was also confused at the situations inconvenience. He wasn't sure what to say, so he thought up a lie.
"T-the guys run away," he stuttered. "I-If he's gone, then a-all he have to do is kill Luigi! Take aim, brothers!"
What the general didn't know, as well as the rest of the fleet, was that Sonic was the fastest known being alive. While they were talking to each other, he had taken the tank's gunner and pulled it upside down, so that it pointed directly at the tank itself. He then repeated for each tank in the first line, following the second and so on. When they fired, the entire army was blown off the face of the Earth.
KABOOM! BANG! The sound was heard across the whole Kingdom, presenting choas and panic to the citizens of the city. People everywhere were knocking down their own doors just to escape the house. They filled the streets, bashing over sighns and other weak objects. It was the worst disaster in the history of MarioLand.
The blasts had disintegrated every soilder on ground, along with everyone in the tanks. Only a few aircraft remain. Of course, they to feared Sonic recking havoc upon their machines, so they gave orders to each other to fly off.
"Cowards," Luigi spit. " I can't believe that idiot. He sure made quite a mess of things."
Sonic returned to Luigi's side and laughed.
"I heard that. It's not like you did anything."
"Well, now you have the entire Kingdom in an uproar. Do something, will ya?"
The hedgehog grabbed Luigi by the arm and began a mad dash out of the area. Luigi wasn't used to the great speed Sonic was using, so he threw up all over the ground. It was moving at such a high speed that it hit an unexpected civilian and knocked him to the ground.
"Slow down! I can't take it!"
Sonic ignored his rash commands and kept running.
"This may feel odd, so hang on."
He pulled out a strange looking green emerald, and cried out.
In an instant, the two were gone. The Toads kept rampaging through the streets, not knowing that the threat was millions of miles away.....

Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2006, 10:32:25 PM »
Chapter 3, Part 1.

"So......I have to stop these two, you say? Sounds like a plan."
Princess Peach's castle was no longer a quite area of town, but a court house, filled with officers and army generals alike. Talking Toads and screaming shy guys crowded the halls, making it difficult to move about inside and out the large structure. However, Peach herself had a secret room at the top of the castle that she used for small purposes, such as reading and sleeping. Peach was currently in that room, speaking to the new hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.
"Please Yoshi, you must find and punsih these criminals. They took Mario away from me. I can never forgive Luigi for what he's done."
Yoshi put on a wide grin and stood tall. The death of Mario had made him stronger; he understood that his dearest friend would not live forever. He picked up a few items on the desk by Peach's bed and stuffed them into his bag he had tied to his shoulder. One of these items once belonged to Mario; his hammer would give Yoshi an extra boost in beating down Mario's killers. Once he had everything, he made his way out of the room. He turned to the Princess and put a thumbs up.
"Don't worry Peach, everything will be alright. I'll get those two if it kills me. I promise."
He exited the safe heaven and shut the door behind him. He looked down at his shoes. Tears dropped from his eyes.
"M-Mario," he sniffed. "I-I won't let you down."
He slammed his fist againts the wall, so hard that everyone in the castle heard it. The workers all stopped for a moment and questioned what had happened. But they couldn't be bothered by the sound of a fist, so they kept working.
"I-I-I can't cry," Yoshi bellowed. "M-M-Mario would never cry."
He continued walking down the castle stairway, recieving hi's and hello's from workers and officers.
"Greetings, Master Yoshi," they would say.
Yoshi ignored them as he dashed down to the first level of the castle. Before he left for unknown journey, however, he had to make one last stop. Yoshi walked up to a small doorway and knocked.
"Hey," he snapped. "You ready to go?"
No answer. He tried again.
"Are you coming or what?"
Silence filled the room. The workers were wondering who was inside.
Yoshi pulled out something from his bag. Panic struck the civilians, who of course, thought it was a gun.
"Is it a 12-gauge?" Asked one Toad. "Please don't shoot! He may be asleep, you never know! Please, you don't have to blow the door down!"
Yoshi snapped again. "Keep quite, you idiot. It isn't a gun."
Yoshi pulled out not a gun, but a bag of Mushroom Coins. Little chocolates that a certain someone loved.
The crowd was confused to discover that Yoshi had taken out an odd treat, and not a weapon.
"Eh?" They all asked. Yoshi raised his hand.
"I'll eat them if you don't-"
BANG! The door flung open as Wario rolled out like a giant bowling ball.
"Eh Wot?" He screamed. "Who has the chocolate? Gimme Gimme Gimme!"
Wario searched the room unsuccessfully. He just couldn't find the chocolates at all.
"I smell chocolate! But I don't see chocolate! Who has it?"
Underneath the doorway Wario had smashed down, was Yoshi.....and the chocolates.
With all his might, Yoshi pushed the doorway up. Wario tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his rump. He began to complain, as he usually did.
"Hey! Gimme those chocolates! You've been holdin' out on me!"
Wario stuffed each one down his throught as fast as he could. His face and fingers were covered in the stuff; the smell was divine, but the image was so disgusting that everyone in the room flinched at the sight. Wario's smacking sounds were louder than Yoshi's fist hitting the wall.
"Mfff! SCARF! BLARF! Sooooo......good!"
"Well?" Yoshi asked.
"Hm? Oh, yeah, you wanted me to do wanted me to do."
Yoshi pushed Wario's head back with his palm and continued walking.
"You know what? I don't need your help. I need no one's help. So get lost!"
The crowd was silent, listening to Yoshi'd fit. Nobody had ever seen him this angry before. Not even Wario, who by the way, continued to eat his chocolate. He withdrew back into his room and bolted the door back up. Yoshi, on the other hand had already escaped the hustle of the packed building and made his way onto the road.
"Idiots don't wanna help me find two dangerous criminals eh? I'll do it myself."
« Last Edit: February 18, 2006, 03:19:44 PM by PaperLuigi »
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?
