
Author Topic: super wario rpg  (Read 3077 times)

« on: February 19, 2002, 02:49:45 AM »
wario was truckin down the highway when he heard the radio. wario: man, kid rock is cool! i like that song american bad @$$!mmm mmm!  what a cool song!static. wario: ah, s!!t! hey whats that portal? aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! when wario awoke he was in a grassy field. then he saw a dragon. it was spyro. wario: where the hell am i?  spyro: you are in spira. wario: OH NO! IM IN FINAL FANTASY TEN! then a girl walked up and said: ð‹ïÅ’»â€°»â€šµâ€š½â€¢¨â€šÅ‚ ‚èAÆ’}Æ’XÆ’g‚Å‚ ‚邱‚ƂÍŠԈႢ‚Ȃ¢â€šÅ‚µâ€šå‚¤ÂBÆ’Cƒ“ƒi[‚ÌMANGROVE LABEL‚̔ѓ‡Ž‚Ì•¶â€šÍ•K“Ç‚Å‚·ÂB
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« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2002, 04:34:24 AM »
at tiduss house........... tidus: so wario, what do you do? wario: a thief.spyro: what are you doing, letting freaks like that into our  house? tidus: hes gonns help us. spyro: him? har! har! har! good luck! har! har! help from a thief, tidus? oh god, please spare me! wario: mind your tongue @$$hole.spyro: you want a fight? rpg fight! wario: i better use mega punch. bam! spyro: to beat me, you must target me with the strongest attack possible.wario: fine then. ssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spyro: shouldnt have gave him that hint!

« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2002, 11:19:05 AM »
in the ilex forest, wario and his pals were sleeping. wario:oh....... beautiful geishas, oh... that feels so good baby! oh yeah! OH D##n!he awoke only to find himself staring down the barrel of a gun. wario: dont kill me! it was jr. troopa, a bounty hunter. jr. troopa:your lucky i didnt kill you pal!wario:what are you doing here? jrt: i followed you here because waluigi is looking for you. wario: tell him hes a dead man if he comes here! too late. ****s a gun. wl: so wario, you thought you could be a hero eh?wario: yeah, im gettin that kiss!wl: sin is the most powerful enemy you could possibly imagine. you could never kill it! wario: tell me then! wl:whisper, whisper! wario: oh god! wl: told you. hey, wheres jrt? they both looked up and they saw jrt dead in a monster mouth. coming soon: chapter3

« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2002, 02:06:20 AM »
wl: oh, s###! w: whats that? wl: the spinosaurus. he is one of sins minoins. then the m0nster let out a terrifying roar. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOAAH! run! tidus woke up only to be sleeping on spinos feet. t: a! help!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"I bleeding! I bleeding! What happen?? What happen?!"  He wasn't really bleeding, and his eyes were still closed so he didn't know what was going on. Ow! Ah I can't see!" then spyro woke up. spyro aaaaaaaaaaa! monster! yuna: tidus, run!wait spyro!shoot the tree!in a amazing display of action, spyro shot the tree with fire and it crushed the dino. tidus: lets get outta here! coming soon: chapter 4!

« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2002, 01:32:44 AM »
our hereos get out of ilex forest only to arrive at a beach. wario:b##chs in bikinis............ my kinda place! wah! you too?!tidus and yuna were wearing there " normal " swim stuff.wario: d##n, yuna is hot in white!spyro: well, i have a raft built, so come on! tidus: run! tsunamis! wario: perfect timing.


« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2002, 11:59:15 AM »
wario woke up in a fishs stomach! w: aaaaaaaaaa!tidus: dont move...... someones here................aaaaaaaaaaaaa!kill it! aaaa! help! d##n it!oh no, its mario maniac! mm: im gonna kick your c##k wario! w: lets fight! RPG! wario picks mega punch, tidus picks slash! w: his hp is dropping! yuna picks moonlight, spyro picks flamethrower.aaaaaaaaa! ive failed you my master! the fish spit them onto shore. y: were almost there!

« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2002, 09:11:28 PM »
if sum-1 wood acually tok bak u don won 2 no wut dey wood say
clone me
