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Messages - Mega 2

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Video Game Chat / Re: Hard Games
« on: January 02, 2008, 02:05:07 AM »
SMB3 I still can't beat though. Maybe I should try since I haven't in a few years.

I did this once, in one sitting, with no continues or warping (I did skip skippible levels, though).  The people who tried to talk to me while I was doing this all thought I was nuts. 

I wouldn't say it's that hard to do, if you've played the game a lot recently.  It just takes a while.  Not allowing yourself continues actually helps a lot, since it gives you plenty of incentive to not get yourself killed.

Video Game Chat / Re: New Names
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:52:39 AM »
What do you think they would've called Super Mario 64 if they didn't use the "64" suffix?

"Luigi Is Missing."

Mario Chat / Re: Musical Taste/Favorite SMB Theme
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:48:16 AM »
Listening to the SMB3 Airship theme I can see he based it off of Gustav Holst's Planets suite's first movement somewhat.

It's cool that you mention this, because just recently I was listening to "The Planets" and my brother pointed out that it sounded like the Doom Ship theme.

As for the Overworld theme variations, none match the original for me.  When I hear it, I feel all excited and nostalgic because I heard it so many thousands of times during my childhood.  Some of the other versions of the theme are fun alternatives, but they don't do the same for me.  I really love the way it plays, unaltered, at the beginning of the "Super Mario Bros." movie, underscoring a black screen.  Unfortunately then the movie begins.

Video Game Chat / NES Game Prices
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:40:10 AM »
Can anyone tell me how much a typical N.E.S. game cost when the system was introduced, and how much one cost when the Super Nintendo was introduced?  Just ballpark figures are fine.

Mario Chat / Re: Worst Moments In Mario History?
« on: June 08, 2007, 03:17:52 PM »
I'm surprised to see "Super Mario 64" referred to a classic so frequently.  As I recall, I was one of the games few defenders when I posted here ca. 2000.

Mario Chat / Re: Mario species...
« on: June 08, 2007, 03:12:15 PM »
A few years ago I tried cataloging all the Mario "species" and putting them into groups.  I had to give up because 1. I went to college and didn't have much spare time, 2. there were too many, 3. the catalog covered games I didn't have so I was depending on second hand sources of sometimes questionable accuracy.

If this is ever done it will require several people working together, all with more patience and devotion than I have.

Video Game Chat / Re: Need Help Identifying Games
« on: May 26, 2007, 12:34:44 AM »
What about "Ninja Gaiden 2?"

The real Mario canon is...

Captain N: The Game Master!  Where Mario's planet is mentioned but never visited.  You can rest assured that it in almost no way resembles any actual game, like every other planet in Videoland.  ; )

*waits to discover if anyone else remembers that show*

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario Game
« on: May 26, 2007, 12:24:54 AM »
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

I think the "system" of powers, blocks etc. established in "Super Mario Bros." and used in its sequels (minus the American "Bros. 2") as well as "World" and the first 2 "Land" games is the best system to be used in any Mario games, and possibly in all adventure-type video games.  I also feel the best variation on this system is in "Super Mario Bros. 3," with elements like the system of storing powers and acquiring exotic powers like the Hammer Bros. suit and Jugem's Cloud.  I also think its difficulty level is better than that of its rivals ("World," by contrast, is too easy).  The Mario vs. Luigi aspect of it makes for more enjoyable 2-player gameplay than other 2-player Mario games, which usually have them working together.  Besides all those things, I think the programmers really outdid themselves with the graphics, music, and gameplay, making the most of the N.E.S.'s capabilities.  Although I was pretty young when it came out, I do remember it seeming like it was head and shoulders above other N.E.S. adventure games in terms of looks and what you could do.

That's why I like "Super Mario Bros. 3" the best.

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Music in Mario Games
« on: May 11, 2007, 12:04:50 AM »
Have any of the musically inclined members made recordings of their performances of Mario music?  I think that would be fun to hear.

This subject would also make a good poll, but the options would have to be narrowed down first.

Video Game Chat / Re: Need Help Identifying Games
« on: May 09, 2007, 05:30:00 PM »
If memory serves it's a fun game, but not truly outstanding.  That's probably why no one recognizes it: it didn't earn the status of a classic like certain other N.E.S. games did.  But I'd still love to know what it was called.

Now that I think about it, it might have been one of the "Ninja Gaiden" games.  Is there anyone who's played through those who can tell me what the final bosses are like?

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Music in Mario Games
« on: May 09, 2007, 12:14:50 AM »
Off the top of my head...

Piano theme, "...Bros. 3"
POW stadium, ibid
Ice World, ibid
Piano theme, "...World"
Vanilla Dome, ibid
Tree Zone 2, "...Land 2"
Koopa Beach, "...Kart"
Cave theme, "Yoshi's Island"
Hazy Maze Cave, "...64"

Good stuff.  : )

Video Game Chat / Re: Need Help Identifying Games
« on: May 09, 2007, 12:05:26 AM »
I haven't played this game in 14 years.  You're not gonna get a mock screenshot.  : )

I just remember that there was a big eyeball, and the ceiling around it dripped green stuff.  If it hit you it hurt you, but if it was allowed to build up it formed vertical pillars.  You could shoot out segments of the pillars, but the parts above would remain, defying gravity.  I think the ceiling also moved up and down.

It wasn't "BattleToads," and I'm pretty sure it wasn't "Contra" either.

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario Pictures
« on: May 08, 2007, 03:18:41 AM »
I laughed out loud when I first saw this:

If you go to and look up a user caleld Smashmethod you'll see lots of very good Mario C.G.I.  I won't link each work.

Mario Chat / Re: 'Super Mario Land 2' Enemies
« on: May 08, 2007, 03:13:43 AM »
Okay, that's an understandable mistake. : ) I thought you just linked me to the first list you found without checking if it actually had the enemies for that game in it, which is why I was annoyed.

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