
Author Topic: I found out something that's weird...  (Read 1578 times)

« on: September 11, 2003, 10:06:22 AM »
Well I was at and I looked up Super Mario Spuer Show and it gave all the information there was. What's weird was that the only crew memeber was the creator, Shigero Miyamoto. When I clicked his name it told created all the Mario cartoons, but that's not the weird part. The weird part is that it said that he also was the creator of the SMB movie, I'm so confused.

It''s ah me marioguy!
I HATE JON!!! He betrayed me. So now everyone can have his picture.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2003, 10:53:08 PM »
Those people are confused, or using indirect logic. Shiggy is the creator of the Mario series, so therefore, they think he's the creator of the stuff derived from Mario as well.

Darn. Just another mess o’ Chocolate Pan Dowdy.
That was a joke.
