
Author Topic: The ANGST thread: Complain here!  (Read 1714718 times)

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #1095 on: November 27, 2006, 07:38:59 PM »
"finding yourself"
That was a joke.

« Reply #1096 on: November 27, 2006, 07:56:17 PM »
What would YOU call it then?  This is what I mean by stereo typing, you know nothing about me, for all you can know I could be some statistic making a test to see who thinks what.  Which is why I suggest you tell me exactly what you think I am.
I only watch [adult swim]


  • Poop Man
« Reply #1097 on: November 27, 2006, 08:12:08 PM »
You know, there are other, safer ways to "find yourself".

« Reply #1098 on: November 27, 2006, 08:17:19 PM »
Drug use can only lead to destruction. There are may other ways to "find yourself."

Things you can do to find yourself (other than drugs)

1. Get help from friends.
2. Read about others who have used drugs. Notice something?
3. Go to Church. Jesus might help you.
4. Do something you enjoy.

Mabey you'd be happier if you didn't take these drugs. They're depressants by nature. (I've noticed your complaints towards not having a girlfriend.)

My advice to you is stop using them. I know you're gonna hate it, and you don't want to here about what I have to say, but seriously. Do you really think these drugs can make you happy?
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #1099 on: November 27, 2006, 08:53:13 PM »
People on drugs do think it makes them happy, even though it doesn't and they don't realize it.
That was a joke.

« Reply #1100 on: November 27, 2006, 09:41:54 PM »
Hm, the drugs DO seem to explain his constant complaints about not having a girlfriend, lots of people for some odd reason like to think they're a little more philosophical or something when they're high on drugs or under the influence of alcohol.

I wasn't going to say this, because I leave people around me who also engage in doing drugs alone as long as they don't blow smoke in my face. Now that I see that you do engage in drugs, I'd say it'd be good to stop. It'll make you think more clearly (saying drugs is the reason you think more clearly is complete BULL, because I know people who have told me their experiences with cannabis, and I've had conversations with them while they were high, and they don't sound too bright at all when they go on philosophical tirades, and they actually sound coherent when they're not high).

I'm a senior in high school, and I've never had a significant other. This is because I don't care, and I don't want one. I believe my education is of utmost importance, and with my hobbies I have no time to please someone who I ultimately won't be with in the future.
I also don't do drugs, because I know it'd mean a not-so-good future for me, and I'm happy without them. I'm not trying to sound condescending or cocky, but I do know any type of drug that isn't a prescribed one can severely mess something about me up.

Look at your posts from before December 2005. If your approximate time of starting to use cannabis is correct, it shows that you only started complaining AFTER you started using it. You didn't seem to care much or lose any sweat over a certain girl before that.

So, I'd say getting off the pot would be good for you, and make you stop whining about not having a girl. The cannabis is also the reason you're not doing anything about finding a girl. It's called being "amotivational", marijuana turns even the most willing, mobile, assertive person into someone who does nothing at all every day. Of course going cold turkey isn't a good idea, so tell your parents if they don't know, and tell them you want to stop and I'm sure after they're done yelling at you they can help you get off. They're your parents, they love you.

Of course this is advice from someone over the internet, and I'm sure you're not going to take it, because you're probably thinking I'm attacking your beliefs on how great recreational drugs are. I don't care if they're really great (or legal) or not, I've found other great things to do for myself.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • Normal
« Reply #1101 on: November 27, 2006, 10:35:17 PM »
I can't find drugs all that appealing.  I mean, they cost money, and if I wanted to feel good I'd take a nap.  Seriously, sleeping is like the new drug.

Stereotyping happens everywhere.  Sometimes we just have to accept that.  I mean, I don't care if I'm classified as a Drama kid, because either the person clasifying me doesn't know me well enough, or else I really am a Drama kid and I don't care.

The only difference between us is that you take drugs, which are considered dangerous or unhealthy or whatever.  While I would like to think that you'd stop taking drugs for non-medicinal purposes, it's really your choice and you have to accept things that go with it.  When someone takes drugs, their credibility is usually lost because people think they're under the influence.  And who knows, maybe they are.  Or not.  Either way, you'll always be considered a druggie by one person or another when you take drugs.  So yeah, angst for that... but it'll always happen, so get used to it, I guess is what I'm saying.

And if you really have a lot of love to give, give it to everyone, even enemies.  Just strive to be a good person, instead of finding yourself. Because what good is finding yourself if yourself isn't very nice?
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #1102 on: November 27, 2006, 11:23:32 PM »
Prescription drugs can mess you up too.
That was a joke.


  • Normal
« Reply #1103 on: November 28, 2006, 08:51:10 AM »
At least then you can say, "I'm on a prescription."
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #1104 on: November 28, 2006, 01:28:59 PM »
Prescription drugs can mess you up too.

As long as it fixes something that annoys me, I'm okay with the temporary side-effects if there are any.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • Poop Man
« Reply #1105 on: November 28, 2006, 03:36:12 PM »
Oh, and superstarMASIAH, look at what drugs did to your idol, Syd Barret.

« Reply #1106 on: November 28, 2006, 06:17:43 PM »
superstarMASIAH's really hard topic to talk about

      I'm going to explain a few things in this, and don't worry I am not denying everything you may say.  I am only telling you how things are with me, from the person who know's me best.  In these cases the accusers have yet to really listen to the addicts and just write them off as denying everything, thats why this topic is very hard for me. Bad things that I have found that drugs have done to me (let me remind you that the only one's I have taken are cannabis and psilocybin containing mushrooms, both which are organic, not that that makes a difference) are that I'm often grouchy when I havent had a buzz in a while, although it may not appear like it, thats the way I feel inside.  I guess the tar in my lungs would be bad, although I can run for a while without being out of breath, the tar is still there though (organized sports was never a hobby of mine though).  The mushrooms have killed some brain cells, I'm not Ozzy Osbourn yet but I found out as I use them, my WANT for trying them again deminish's, I have only had them 3 times.  I am often lazy, but I will get things done if they have to be, and I am still persistant on the things I enjoy.

        Some relatively good things that drugs have brought me would be the love of all things, I never hurt anyone physically or mentally, although I am constantly getting into arguments with my parents (I think most teenagers are common with that in their quest for independence).  I never ask to borrow money, and I never steal money to pay for drugs (all the money I use is 100% earned by myself).  I am an artist, and I can remember everything that happens to me when I'm on drugs, (although that isn't that common in most people) so one trip can produce about 80 to 100 good ideas for art peices that I want to do.  And believe me, I utilize that to the best of the abilities of my wallet, incase you didn't know, art supplies can be expensive (so I run out a lot).  I like to think that drugs have helped me develope a life philosophy.  It has sparked an interest in music and motivates me to find various meanings in things. 

       Now for the hard part.  Although it's hard to admit, it seems as though cannabis has always been there during the hardest times of my life, and beleive it or not I think the hardest times really were between Now and December 2005.  Even though it is difficult to think about, besides the curiosity, I think part of the reason for my drug use was about my grandmother.  Just the summer before she had been admitted to a care facility, and thats when things started getting bad.  Whenever we were there to visit her she would cry and ask me to take her home.  Even though I couldn't, I wished that all that happened to me instead of to her.  Then she had to be moved out and into intensive care because she was biting people, thats when she forgot how to talk and walk.  So then she was basically in a wheelchair, and could only make facial expressions, she could move the upper half of her body though.  Then months went by and by, and suddenly it was April and I hadn't gone to see her in 3 months.  She was in very critical condition, so my parents left that night to tend to her.  I remember I was watching on that night, a program on public access about the liberation of psychedelic drugs and cannabis.  I only remember this because later that night my parents had called and told me that she died.  about a half hour before they called, which is when she died, I was walking out of the bathroom when I heard a noise behind me.  The light was off, but there behind me peering around the corner was a minature figure of my grandmother (about a foot and a half high).  But what I remember most about that was that she was garbed in green sheets of cloth and was glowing.  And for the rest of that night, when I was in my bed I felt as if she was sitting right on the corner of my bed watching after me.  I took this as a sign that I should live my life how I want and that she would always be there, through good and bad.

      In conclusion, I've been above the influence for a little over a month although I have been planning on getting high for a while, but have been able to resist.  I don't get cravings like people who smoke cigerettes (and I think that is partly due to the fact that cannabis isn't manufactured).  But I do have dreams about it, maybe thats my subconcius craving about a trip.  I havent made a decision on wether I am going to quit or not.  But if I don't I guess I'll quit when I have kids and I am planning on it. 

       One common misconception that I have to get out of the way is that drugs only had a minor effect on Syd Barrett when he went recluse.  It was mostly the pressures of fame and fortune and the death of his dad in WW2 when he was 12.  Although the drugs unleashed these, he soon recovered near the end of the seventies eary eighties.  He just didn't want to remember any of the things that had happened in the sixties, he was almost completely normal after the fact.  And you have to admit that Syd had a little more magical mind than most other people did, even before he started the drugs.
I only watch [adult swim]


  • Normal
« Reply #1107 on: November 28, 2006, 06:54:09 PM »
Is the fact that you were watching the program at the time what inspired you to take the drugs on the program?  I'm kind of just curious.  Also, did you used to hurt people physically or mentally before taking drugs?  I'm again just wondering.  I don't know anything about you!  Jeez, I don't know anything about anybody... wait, where am I?  Just kidding...

I guess I personally don't have any business in this, but I'm thinking it would be cool if you decided to stop (lest I make a horrible joke involving the fact that this message board is called the Mushroom Kingdom...).

All I keep thinking about is that episode of Hey Arnold where Chocolate Boy goes to Arnold to get off chocolate, and he apparently had a nanny that would give him chocolate, but then the nanny moved to Delaware and Chocolate Boy missed her and subconsiously ate chocolate to remember her, and Arnold brought up the point that the nanny probably wouldn't want him to eat chocolate all the time, so he stops.  Weird episode.

Drugs are a tough subject, because some people are completely against it, or else don't care, or are entirely for it.  I don't ever want to take non-medicinal drugs, but some people do.  I'm not saying you're stupid for using them, and I don't know you very well so I can't exactly not see you as a person but as some internet character.  So as some random guy hearing about a person doing drugs, all I can say is that I'm concerned for your health.  I mean, drugs aren't natural or very safe and all that.  I'm glad good things happened to you in your life, but I don't think taking drugs will always have a direct correlation to your happiness.  This is about to be a weird comparison, but drugs and masturbation and alcohol are all things that can only bring short-term happiness, and they usually have some bad side effect.  All I can say on this subject is that I'd personally wish for you to play it safe and not do drugs.  It's your choice though, and I hope you don't suffer depending on your choice.

(EDIT: And you said you were an artist.  Cool.  What medium do you use?)
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #1108 on: November 28, 2006, 07:10:14 PM »
I guess I personally don't have any business in this, but I'm thinking it would be cool if you decided to stop (lest I make a horrible joke involving the fact that this message board is called the Mushroom Kingdom...).
Don't eat the mushrooms Mario wouldn't eat.
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #1109 on: November 28, 2006, 07:24:43 PM »
Hahaha, that was a cool show for kids, man. I remember that episode.
Today we took a survey in 5th period about health and stuff, relating to exercise, sexual intercourse, and you guessed it, the use of drugs. I'm 100% anti-drugs, and all I can really think of to say is... if you're going to quit, quit now. The sooner, the easier, I'd bet.
Anyway, about the survey. A lot of the answers I bubbled in were A's (No, I don't take prescription drugs when a doctor hasn't given the okay. Never in my life have I smoked. I took meth zero times in the last year. Doesn't apply; I do not smoke. Doesn't apply; I do not drink alcohol. Strongly disagree, it's easier to get addicted than people think. The odds I will smoke in the next year are inexistent.) so it was just like I was talking to someone asking questions that I have already said don't apply to me: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!
