
Author Topic: What's your favorite band?  (Read 57648 times)

« on: October 06, 2000, 08:19:54 PM »
Mine would be Bomfunk MCs.

« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2000, 08:55:47 PM »
Hmm... it's a 3-way tie between (among?) Five Iron Frenzy, Switchfoot, and Caedmon's Call.
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2000, 07:15:54 PM »
mine would be green day. always has always will be. i like rancid too my favorite punk band


  • Invincible
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2000, 12:19:37 AM »
Nirvana or Nine Inch Nails, depending on my mood.

« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2000, 09:52:11 AM »
Well, at least Deezer has good taste in VIDEO GAMES...

Favorite band, that's sort of a tough call, there are some bands with a few awesome songs but most are average, like Oasis, but if you're talking about a band with the most great songs, probably Cake.

This is bands currently active, if I went into all the 80s greats I'd never pick a favorite.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2000, 01:50:22 AM »
Hmmmm. . . favorite band, huh?  That's tough.

I'm going to have to say its a tie between KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, Three Doors Down, Papa Roach and Rammstein.  Yikes!  A 6-way tie!!
Haters gonna hate


« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2000, 12:08:39 PM »
Heh, favorite "band".. that would be technically impossible for *me* to list all *my* favorites... ^^;;;;;; I have far too many! I like all kinds of music, just lay off the rap, pop, and country and I'm good. So, to sum it up, in no particular order [As I too, like Deezer, listen to different music depending on my mood. I.E ~ When in b*tch mode, I listen to Slipknot, Korn, Marilyn Manson, ect. When in giddie/sugar-high mode, I listen to Green day, Garbage, No doubt, bla bla bla.]

~ Rock/alternative: A perfect Circle, Taproot, Alice in chains, Bush, Deftones, Filter, Korn, Weezer, Garbage, Greenday, Godsmack, Gravity Kills, Korn, Lo fifelity all stars, The Cyrstal method, Sneaker Pimps, Orbital, Kirk Hammett, Dust Brothers, Cake, ******** surfers, Moby, Dj Spooky, Stabbing Westward, Nine Inch Nails, Marylin Manson, Static-X, Kittie, Coal Chamber, Wink, Tom Morello, Slayer, Atari teenage riot, Soul Coughing, Sound garden, Roni size, Porpellerheads, Ministry, Rob D, Hire, Monster Magnet, Rammstein, Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana, No doubt, The Offspring, Orgy, Pennywise *eh... so so*, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Slipknot, Three-doors down, Oasis *love Wallflower* ^-^, White Zombie, Rob Zombie, Papa Roach, Econoline Crush, and ^.^; I know I musta missed quite a few but I'm too d@mn tired of typing band names offa the top of my head.
~ "White rap" : I almost despise this as much as "normal" rap/RB/hoochi music ^_~, but I can stand listening to Limp Bizkit, and Beastie Boys *I actually kinda like them... since they're from Brookln. ^_^* for more than 2 minutes. And none more...  ¬_¬
~ Techno/dance/trance/goa : I dun know many artists/composers, at all, but I like Yomanda, Prodigy,  Meat Beat Manifesto, Curve, & Fat boy Slim.
~ Industrial : SCORN!! 'nuf said.
~ "Goth" : Devil Doll. 'nuf said again. ^^ Although, Final Fantasy's "One-winged-angle" has a very high ranking in both here, *Orchestrated version, of course,* and the Game music genera.
~ Classical: *Yes, I've been caught listening to classic/orchestral music before, and I actually liked it ^^;* Again, I don't know any artists/orchestras by name, but anything with a dark, ominous, powerful feeling, I will like.
~ J-Rock, J-Pop: I REALLY don't like J-pop, but I will listen to it when sugar high... usually ^_^. But my most fav. Are Magumi Hayashibara, Two-mix, and Kudo Shizuka. And anime soundtracks I love as well.
~  Game music : What's not to love? ^___~ Defiantly FF music, and Zelda are among top picks. Mario...well... ^^; it's at the top............somewhere.

~Kat~   *If you're into the anime/game music as much as I, check out You'll love the radio. ^^*    Wow....what a long, pointless post. ^___^;;

Edited by - Deezer on 12/1/2000 11:05:37 PM

« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2000, 06:32:27 PM »
Well, The Question Was "What's your favorite band?" Not Band(s), So I Will Tell You My Favorite and Only My Favorite. If You Haven't Already Guess It By My Username, Its StyX.

"DoMo ArIgOtO, Mr. RoBoTo"
"dont make me come down there" -God

« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2000, 06:33:47 PM »
Well, The Question Was "What's your favorite band?" Not Band(s), So I Will Tell You My Favorite and Only My Favorite. If You Haven't Already Guess It By My Username, Its StyX.

"DoMo ArIgOtO, Mr. RoBoTo"
"dont make me come down there" -God


  • Quadruped
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2000, 08:47:08 PM »
Go Moon!

« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2000, 11:04:02 AM »
Bomfunk, Caedmon's Call, Three Doors Down, Gravity Kills, man, there are a lot of bands I've never heard of.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2001, 03:13:28 PM »
Blind Guardian has to be the best band in the world! Anyway...I also like Nine Inch Nails, Bassic, Ypsilon 5, Trance Control, Darknit, and some others.

Webmaster of Wario Castle
Did you meet my Siberian Monkey?

« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2001, 11:20:55 PM »
I have to amend my (relatively short) list to include Skillet, Grammatrain, Switchfoot, the Newsboys, P.O.D., and, uh... probably more...
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2001, 08:04:48 PM »
relient k, dc talk, switchfoot, newsboys,
If at first you dont succeed, skydiving is not for you.

« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2023, 03:29:15 AM »
AC/DC anyone?

« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2023, 06:56:46 AM »
AC/DC anyone?

The hottest band in the world, KISS!

(ACDC was ruined by the MCU)

« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2023, 01:59:30 AM »
Back in black, hit it in the sack...
