
Author Topic: Mario's Rock Band II: Plumber Nation  (Read 1807 times)

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« on: September 19, 2005, 06:23:54 PM »
This takes place just where we left off in Mario's Rock Band I...kind off...well, just read it please.


Chapter One – Proposed Homicide

The sniper rifle felt cold in his hands. It was an unpleasant night for him, it had been raining for hours on end as he stood on the cold rooftop, waiting…waiting for the man who had ruined his entire life. He shuddered, standing there, a huge dark mass, unseen in the midnight hour. “Master, when will he pass here,” exclaimed a small high-pitched voice. There was a long pause and a sigh. “Eleven-thirty”, he replied. Confusion split through the air like the crack of a pistol. “But…but sir…” the small voice inquired, “it is twelve-forty seven!” Another dreadful silence aroused. Then the sniper exploded, “NOBODY TELLS THE KOOPA KING WHEN TO GIVE UP!” “Sorry, Lord Bowser, I don’t know what I was thinking.” Bowser slumped back to his position overlooking the grimy Mushroom City street. A distant police siren could be heard through the falling rain. “I just thought,” Bowser whimpered, “this would be a more direct route to killing that foul plumber. I was so stupid just to capture the Princess to lure them to my castle and fight them without any weapons, rather than just blow there brains out with a weapon! But, SOMEBODY DECIDED TO NOT SHOW UP!” “Well, it’s not like you invited them. Who told you Mario and his wretched band would drive past here anyway?” Bowser’s koopa assistant chimed. “Oh, some doofus playing the harmonica,” Bowser droned. “You mean Luigi?” “WHAAAAATTTTT??????” Bowser screeched. “He’s always playing the harmonica,” the koopa responded. “I’m going to kidnap Luigi right here and now, just to teach Mario a lesson he should have learned a long time ago,” Bowser screamed, “always allow Bowser to destroy you!!!” Bowser tromped away, while his assistant scampered along, as the rain poured down, a dark omen to Mario, Luigi, and the entire population of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.
