
Author Topic: Congratulations Nintendo, for over 25 years of gaming excellence!  (Read 1663 times)

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« on: August 13, 2002, 12:44:00 PM »
I am so glad Nintendo has gotten things right with the GameCube. It has so much good potential to offer in the videogame industry. So what if it doesn't have a CD/DVD player or a computer port like the Eecch-box or PlayStation2? Videogames were not made to incorporate those features.

The DVD/CD feautres on Eecch-box and PlayStation2 are simply extras, and do not enhance the gameplay experience at all.

Nintendo has come to realize the true direction of videogaming, and is taking advantage of that opportunity--in both graphics and technology--to create future games that are far more superior to their competitor's (Microsoft [boo!] and Sony) achievements.

Ever since 1985, with the release of their very first videogame system: the Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo has managed to create some technically astounding games that are actually FUN! Fun is what Nintendo is all about. Without the extraordinary talents of Shigeru Miyamoto and the other technicians, Nintendo would not have the knowledge to create such beloved characters as Mario or Link or Kirby.

Nintendo is basically what started it all (the videogame craze). They revived the videogame industry and brought with it the hop-and-bop action of Mario, and the sword-and-sorcery of Zelda. Let's not forget the millions of loyal fans that have been supporting Nintendo since the very beginning (me!)...

Without fans, there would be no hopes for survival. You need fans in order to stay alive in the videogame business--as well as in any other business. And that's one thing Nintendo has plenty of: fans who will stay loyal to the company no matter what new competitors arrive. I am one of these people. Sure I have played other systems besides Nintendo. But none of those systems could capture the charm or quality that many of us have come to expect from Nintendo. A quality that shines throughout the games and products Nintendo makes. This quality is what makes Nintendo who they are, and no other company has managed to copy this feature.

Nintendo has returned, and they have a bright future ahead of them. With the success of the GameCube and Game Boy Advance, it seems Nintendo is finally going to achieve the respect and admiration they have strived for so long!

So, congratulations Nintendo, for bringing the fun and enjoyment out of videogames and into the lives of so many of us loyal fans!

Simply put (and this is stolen from another member's signature): A world without Nintendo is a world without videoagmes.

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 8/13/2002 12:16:54 PM
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2002, 07:37:49 PM »
You have a good point, who wants a DVD player in the video game console? would you like a vaccuum cleaner in the side of your refrigerator? i don't have a gamecube, but i have an N64 that I'm currently perfectly happy with. i also have a DVD player, and a CD player, and a computer. now, unless these Microsoft fans have developed extra arms, and have several dozen televisions in their homes, I don't see what the point is in having two in one. can you do both at once? can you somehow have both projecting ontop of eachother on the TV, and be able to play/watch? or can you hook the one concosle up to several tvs, so you can keep switching your head back and forth between them, like you were watching a tennis match, trying to do all at once? "DVD capabilities"! who cares? way to go Nintendo!

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2002, 09:12:18 PM »
Hear hear!
It seems to me that the reason that those other systems (which are worthless as well as bad) have DVD/CD players is because their games aren't even good enough to play! So they had to think of something to let those poor foolish off-brand system buyers have.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
That was a joke.

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2002, 04:46:44 PM »
Exactly, that's been my point all along!

Nintendo has and always will be the best in videogaming because they know what they are doing. They have made games for over 25 years, so they know the technology to produce games that everyone will enjoy!

Microdick and Sony are rather new to the videogame business (though Sony has been in the business for about 5 years), and they are rather unsure of their future success, so they decided to add extra features to their systems in order to boost consumer interest in their products.

Who cares about videogame systems that have DVD/CD players in them! Videogame systems were not designed to incorporate those features. Nintendo knows that, and that's why they are not opting to include them in their systems!

Now, I'm not against Sony. I love their products, and I even like the PlayStation systems. I just like Nintendo's products more because that's what I grew up playing: Nintendo games!

Microsoft...they suck! Bill Gates has no idea what he is doing with the videogame business. He should've stuck with computers...

Congratulations Nintendo! 25 years of videogame excellence!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.
