
Author Topic: Mario Mysteries Inc.  (Read 1886 times)


« on: September 06, 2003, 08:20:08 PM »
(Author's note: I don't really think of Mario as stupid. It's just a way to view him. Don't be offended.)

Mario Mysteries Inc.

Case 1: The Missing Tode-Stool

Mario, the renowned hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, was bored. Ever since that weird vacation to Delphino, he had felt useless. None of the usual things that intriuged him did. He was browsing the internet, looking for a neat idea.

"Hmmmmm." Mario mused. "Maybe I'll-a try to look for a hobby."

Mario quickly searched the internet, and came to a site where, if you input your favorite things to do, would come up with a few hobbies.

"...Gardening? Nah....Repair work? No-a chance! Detective? Puhh!" Mario said after putting in a list of his favorites. "Meh, nothing-a that I even somewhat like-a. Besides that detective one. But-a, what would I need to do-a?"

Mario got up from the computer and, preoccupied with his thoughts, mumbled a hello to his brother, who just came in.

"Has the Princess been-a kid--" Mario started, not really paying attention. Nothing surprised him anymore.

"No, not at all-a. I'm-a sorry. I know that it's hard-a for you to be bored-a." Luigi said quietly, interrupting his brother.

"No problem." Mario sighed. "I'll have to try-a being a detective then."

"Really?" Asked Luigi increduously. "Could I be your-a sidekick?"

"Aren't you-a always?" Mario smiled. "Lets go rent-a one of those buildings in-a downtown MK."

"Sure! Our-a fame is sure to get us a couple-a clients!" Luigi said, a mischevious grin covering his face.

"Lets get-a started then!" Mario said, striding out the door of their small pipehouse.

"Alright!" Luigi said, following his brother. He stopped for a moment and put the "Out and About" sign that meant the the two were on an adventure on the doorknob. "The princess can get herself out of a tangle if she messes up again!"


Two days later, Mario Mysteries Inc. was opened. Two days after that, Mario and his brother greeted their first client.

"Hello? Is this the dry cleaners?" Asked Toad, one of Peach's loyal mushroom retainers.

"No." said an irritated voice, with an Italian accent. "It's down-a the street."

"Oh. Mario? Is that you?" Toad asked, squinting his eyes into the darkness. "Why don't you turn on the lights? It looks like your closed."

"We haven't paid the light bill. We can't afford it." Luigi said quickly, averting Mario's wrath.

"Why not? Don't you have any clients?" Toad asked, taking a good look into the darkness. He could, if only barely, see a large nose and a pipe, if he squinted hard enough.

"No. We will probably close soon." Mario said, the edge to his voice getting larger.

"Really? You can't even help me?" Toad asked feebly.

"YOU?!?!" Mario said loudly. Toad cringed. "REALLY! OH-A JOY! A CLIENT! THANK-A GOODNESS!"

Toad had to dodge the wildly dancing Mario, while Luigi, with his fancy footwork, managed to secure Mario before hyperventilation set in.

"Yes." Toad said, relieved. "I need your help. See, my twin brother, Tode, has recently gone missing. This was gonna be my next stop after the dry cleaners."

"Don't worry, Toad. We'll be-a sure to find him." Luigi said, for Mario was daydreaming.

"Thanks guys!" Toad said, walking out of the dark building.

"Mario, you need to contain your glee." Luigi said, shaking his head.

"Sorry Luigi. I was too-a happy. Lets get down-a to where Tode lives." Mario said, standing up. He had a magnifying glass in hand, pipe in mouth and a cape on back.

"Where does-a Tode live?" Luigi said, looking quizzically at his brother. Mario was stunned, but only for a second, because a second later he was on the street yelling "TOAD! WHERE DID-A YOU GO?!"

Luigi just shook his head in pity. One of the two obviously didn't get the major IQ development. Grabbing the Poltergust 3000 and F.L.U.D.D., he set out to follow his brother.


After catching up to Toad, Mario and Luigi headed into the nearby Whomp Woods, where Tode lived making games for people to play.

"Why-a haven't I ever heard-a this before? This... Vid-E-O game. Games on-a TV? It's-a madness!" Mario said, throwing up his hands.

Luigi just shook his head and focuesed on the not-so-well traveled path ahead of them. "Fludd doesn't help-a thing, so I'm stuck doing-a all the work with the Poltergust." He muttered under his breath, and the noise of the vacuum.

"What was-a that?" Mario asked, staring at his brother accusingly.

"Oh, nothing. It must-a be the noise of the Poltergust. It's-a so loud now that we got a 1-up Mushroom stuck inside. Who's-a bright idea was that, by the way?" Luigi said, staring down his brother who sheepishlyturned his head.

"It's a poison mushroom..." Mario muttered.

A few minutes after this witty conversation, Mario and Luigi found themselves in a clering in the dark woods, with a small hut in the center.

"I deduce that this-a is Tode's house!" Mario said excitedly. Luigi rolled his eyes.

"No, it's-a the Popes." Luigi said with a slight chuckle. Mario just glowered at his brother.

"Well let's-a look inside for clues of Tode's wherabouts." Mario said, pulling a out a magnifying glass from Fludd's storage compartment.

"Oh brother." Luigi said, slapping his forehead.

"What?" asked Mario inquisitively, making Luigi laugh out loud.


Walking up to Tode's house, Mario's head was hovering about the ground taking in every small detail.

"Luigi! I found-a ant!" Mario shouted happily. Luigi shook his head and went up to the door and opened it.

"Luigi! The ant likes me! It-a does! It's-a crawling up my shoe...Ow! The ant-a bit me! Die-a, you stupid ant!"

Mario's shouts echoed through the the small house, and a tiny figure leaped up at the rampant noise.

"Tode? I'm Luigi. We-a talked the other day." Luigi said, gesturing towards Mario.

"Huh? Oh, Luigi, I'm too tired for this now. Bring back your brother some other time.

"Luuuiiiiiiigiiiiiii! There are-a five ants now! Ow! Nice-a little anties! Ow! Ow! Ow! They're-a giving me kisses! Ow! Hurty kisses! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Tode stood, thunderstruck. "That's the great Mario?"

"No. That's-a the Princess-saving Mario. I don't-a know a great Mario." Luigi said, chuckling.

"Wow. I thought he'd be a little smarter, and able to figure out that I'm not missing," Tode said, shaking his head.

"Luigi! You-a found Tode! Great, these-a ants were mean, but I-a took care of them. Ow! Let's-a go back to Toad and tell him we found Tode. Ow! Luigi, could you-a use the Poltergust and suck these-a off of-Ow!-me?" Mario said, crawling with ants.

Luigi shook his head, thanked Tode and angrily walked out of Whomp Woods.


"...and that's-a how we found Tode!" Mario said, covered in band-aids. Toad looked extremely bored.

"Uh, thanks. Here ya go Mario. 1000 gold, just like you asked for. It should pay for more than two months lighting." Toad said, handing over several gold coins to the plucky plumber.

"Whoopie! We're-a rich now, Luigi!" Mario said, jumping around the room, knocking all of the pop-up books off the shelves.

"Thanks Toad. You're-a real sport-a. I'll-a see you Tuesday, we've-a still got that tee time, right?" Luigi whispered.

"Yep. Seeya then." Toad whispered back, slipping out.

And thus ends Mario's first case, solved by following the nasty ants to the house. We leave our heroes in erratic happiness and vague pity. And this is not the last of Mario Mysteries Inc. It's only the beginning.
