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Topics - PaperLuigi

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Forum Games / Find that Topic!
« on: November 27, 2005, 08:23:39 PM »
I've got a great idea for a new game. The object of the game is to locate a specific topic that a Fungi Forum member is thinking of. You must give hints for the topic your thinking of. Examples would be.....time of orgin, what forum it was posted in, topic discription, author, ect. It can be any topic, from the time the FF was created, to the present. The first person to post and get it right gets to think of a new topic. I'll start it off.

The topic I am thinking of was created by Aarom 11. It was posted in General Mario chat, and was addressing to the possibilty of Mario starring in a game that was above his common ESRB rating. What topic am I thinking of?

Game Help / Pyriamid Puzzle
« on: November 25, 2005, 04:28:43 PM »
Okay, I just dug out SM 64 DS the other day and now I'm hooked yet again. I wanted to get every power star, but I'm having a little trouble with the pyriamid puzzle star in Shifting Sand Land. I don't exactly know what to do. Can anyone help?

Fan Creations / When Dinosaurs dream/ You choose the ending!
« on: November 23, 2005, 11:01:52 PM »
Lately, I've been reading those kind of stories that have some kind of path you can choose. Example: Jimmy has two doors to choose.
Door Number 1: Flip to page 9
Door number 2: Flip to page 63.
So here's what I do: I write a page in the book, then I present you guys with two or three options. The next person to post will get to decide where Yoshi and the others go. Depending on what you choose, I will guide the characters through another page, and so on. We'll keep going until the end...whenever that is!

Page one: Yoshi's journey to Subcon.

It was a dark and stormy night. Meanwhile, the king rose the tax prices to outrageous levels. Suddenly, a giant explosion presented itself on the horizon. "Gaghh! I just don't to begin.....where to start?" Yoshi sat as the table waiting for an idea to come to him. He just didn't understand writing that well. However, Yoshi was driven to prove himself to everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom. Earlier that day, a bunch of rude looking Toads had laughed at him for being "stupid." After all, he was "just a worthless dinosaur." These words had stabbed Yoshi in the heart. He bled tears all over the soft grass. All around him, the winds and the mountains teased at Yoshi with their mighty fists. Nature was speaking to him. "Run pathetic creature......." Returning home, Yoshi dragged out his paper and pencil, believeing that if he could create a master piece of literature, he would be granted respect. The problem was....well, lets just say he wasn't William Shakespeare. Still, he pushed on through the long hours of the night. He began to feel the weight of his drooping eyes around three. They became bloodshot; his arms fell to the ground and his legs began to crumble. Finally, his body told him to quit. He removed his shoes and washed his face with warm yet soothing water. Yoshi trudged into his room and fell to his wonderful bed. "Mabey.....mabey, I'll draw a picture......."

"Yoshi.....yoshi, wake up!" Yoshi awoke to find that Mario was standing at his feet. "Mario....boy, am I glad to see you! I had the most terrible night. I was trying to write a story........" Mario raised his hand. "Yoshi, your still asleep.....sort of."
"So, you told me to wake up from a sleep within' a sleep?"
"Errr......I guess. This is Subcon. That short guy over there brought us here."
Yoshi looked around. "Short guy? Where?"
"Down here, you twit!"
Startled, the green dino leaped out of his socks. "Whoa! You really are short!"
The strange little man's mouth emitted steam; the hair on the side of his head rose and his wrinkles twitched. "Groan...I thought YOU hated being insulted....
"You know? How?" Yoshi questioned.
The man replied, "Heck, I know everything! I'm Dei T!  The All powerful Toad, lord of Subcon, short but studly, yada-yada-yada. I've transported the two of you here to over come your problems. You Yoshi, need a story idea correct? Don't worry, I'll give you one. And Mario, you need to lose weight, correct?"
"Wha? No I don't!" Mario yelled back.
"Sure," Dei T. laughed. "You may be wondering what awaits you through those doors over there, correct?"
"Not really......." Yoshi sighed, "and how come you say correct all the time, eh?"
"Hey, don't question the master! Those doors will help you solve your problems. I can't just give them to you! That would be cheating! Cheating is kinda frowned upon at Fungi Forums. Sorry."
"Fine, just.......can we have some help? The two of us can't do it alone."
"Sure, I can bring anyone here, as long as they're sleeping."
"Hey Mario, lets bring Luigi and Wario here! They can help, right?"
"Do we have to bring Wario? Whenever we bring him, he eats all the food and farts on all my stuff."
Dei T. spoke up. "You won't need food. This is a dream, duh! It's only ment to help solve your problem. Remember the cheating thing? 1-Ups don't grow on trees, ya know."
"Just get Luigi and Wario here!" Yoshi snapped.
"Fine. But if they are to venture past the doors, they must have a problem. That would be?"
Mario thought. "Hmmmm.....Luigi would like to have more muscle. And I'm sure Wario would like to lose some weight....or earn more money. Does that work?"
"Sure," Dei T. said, "but they have to be asleep. Hmmmm....Luigi is already here. He is still asleep in that corner. As for seems that he is at a rave."
"Gaghhhh!!!! Stupid fatty!" Yoshi was enraged. He needed Wario's help, but instead, the dope was at a stupid party.
"Hold on," Dei T. explained, "he just got smacked in the head with a lamp shade! He's K.O'd, so I guess I can get him here. Ah, good. He's asleep in that corner...on top of Luigi."
Luigi was dreaming of Daisy in a bikini, but it didn't last long. His mouth was filled with the wonderful scent of Wario's brand.
"Ack! Blech! Gross! Wario you pig!" Luigi bellowed. Wario awoke from his knock out. The two had no idea where they were, of course. To make a long story short, Mario explained to them what had happened.
"So we gotta help Yoshi write a story? Gee, that sounds dumb," Wario snickered.
"Shut it, fatty. We all have problems that Dei T. can fix. Right?"
Dei T. shrugged. "I can't do that. Cheating. Walk through one of the three doors. Adventure...awaits."
Dei T. vanished into thin air, leaving the four in front of the doors.
"Well, we gotta pick one," Luigi sighed. "Might as well be door number one."
Wario shoved him aside. "No, door three!"
"How about 2?" Mario and Yoshi spoke at the same time.
Before long, they had played rock, paper, scissors, in addition to straws and eni meni miney mo. Wario had one two out of three games, so it was his choice.
"Crap," Luigi grumbled. "We're all gonna die."
Wario trudged up to the three doors. On one was a skull and cross bone. The other, door number two, was a space ship. And on the last, was a computer.
"Hmmm........which one? I can't choose!"

Which door will Wario take?

Skull and Cross Bones.
Space Ship

There you have it. Pick one of those. Happy picking.

Mario Chat / Most innovative Game idea
« on: November 21, 2005, 03:16:09 PM »
Here are the game description....

Super Mario Football: Mario and pals play Football. Need I say more? ESRB Rating: T for locker room hazing and mild nudity.
Genre: Sports

Xtreme Luigi House Cleaners: Break out the P3000 and put it to work. That mansion isn't gonna clean itself. Just watch out for mutant dust bunnies! ESRB Rating: E10 for terrible and violent images of cute bunnies being mutated into evil and ugly poop elves! The poor bunnies.....
Genre: Strategy

Waluigi World: Tired of being left in the shadows, Waluigi strikes a deal with some random wimp of a villian to steal his treasure! Now he must go through 15 worlds named after some type of food. Use attacks like skinny slap and shoe toss to K.O the bad guys! But watch out! If you work him to hard, he might break like a stick! ESBR Rating: EC. There is no violence in this game at all. Waluiogi's to weak to throw a decent punch. If he did, he might die.

GTA Bros. : It looks like Mario has had one Shroom too many! He's turned to a life of crime, stealing Go-Karts from innocent Toad civilians and blowing them away with his pop guns! (Hey, his budget is a little tight right now, so he has to go with the cheapest stuff he can get.) But you won't have to go it alone. Yoshi's got rotten eggs to toss at police Koopa's when the going gets tough, fresh from his bum! Uh-oh, "you've just been busted!" ESRB Rating: T for immature potty humor. Genre: Shooting

Wario Weight Watchers: Finding out that his scales have tipped to over 500, Wario has decided to go on a diet. Sadly, he has only 9 months to live. To ge him down to his target weight of 190, It'll take some awesome will power. This RPG features weapons like vegi sticks and fruit, so you can combat the evil powers of fat and cholesterol. But remember, you only have 90 days, and the clocks ticking for real! ESRB Rating: E Genre: RPG

Doctor Mario's Rampage: It looks like Mario has taken on the REAL Doctor's job, from plastic surgery to heart transplants. It's gonna get bloody. Organs will fly, and people will die. Your paycheck depends on how happy your patients are after they leave the room.....or the plane of the living. Watch out for malpractice and lawsuits! ESRB Rating: M for Violent explosions, blood and gore, and illegal use of stupidity. Genre: RPG/Action

Super Baby Mario: It's Baby Mario! Poop and barf your way to the top of the crib for a nice warm glass of milk! When you want a diaper change, go ahead and cry! For bonus points, steal Baby Luigi's and Wario's toys. Being a baby has never been this fun. ESRB Rating: AO. It's a baby pooping and barfing all over the place. It's gross, so it's rated AO.

UnSuper Bobby Brothers: Bobby and his brother John must clean toilets for a living, unclogging everyone's poop from the neighborhood's crappers. Yeah, it's not that great, but at least it pays well (not really.....) However, their life takes a huge turn when they find that Mrs. Fitt's turtle has kidnapped her neice! They must now journey across 8 worlds of urban mayhem, dodging and jumping on turtles and mushrooms that have some how sprung to life! At the end waits Mrs. Fitt's turtle, Kupa, and his horrible bridge of doom! Walk across the bridge and use the axe to hack his head off......errr, use it to cut the bridge, I mean. Beware though. There are 7 annoying midget circus performers and only one niece. Yup, you'll have to go through all eight worlds! Lucky you! Hey, it's a plumbers life. ESRB Rating: T for rude language and crude humor.Genre: Action

Mario Party 16 1/2: Drive yourself to insanity with the 16.5th installment! 143 all new mini games with virtually the same concept! Crappy plot points to bore you to death! Even more board maps that look just like the last ones! Hurry up and go nuts before we create MP 17! ESRB Rating: E for virtual stupidity. Genre: Strategy (well.....not really. You don't have to be genius to play this game.)

Yoshi's Fried Egg. Yoshi's has has some bad gas lately. Could it be that his eggs are fried? Catch 'em all and stack em up with Mario, Luigi or Wario. Line up three of the same color to score points. Just watch out. If one falls and breaks, you'll never here the end of it from your neighbors. ESRB Rating: E Genre: Puzzle

There you have it. Vote on the one you think would be a good game idea.

Forum Games / Re: Add a sentence story( this isn't mario related).
« on: August 26, 2005, 04:20:28 PM »
"Look!" said Homestar Runner. "A Krabby Patty!"

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.

General Chat / Records
« on: September 26, 2005, 07:26:53 PM »
Have any records been set at Fungi Forums? Such as: "This day was the day we recieved the most posts of any day in General Chat." I'm just curious.

EDIT: If this has been done before, please close it.

I''m-a Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 9/26/2005 6:30:02 PM

Forum Games / Strange Add a Word.
« on: September 26, 2005, 07:24:54 PM »
O.K, heres what you do. You give me a bunch of words. They do not need to be in any type of order.  When the words reach 7 posts, the next person to post must make a sentence out of the words. After that, we start again. In every sentence, we at least need a subject and a verb. I'm sure you all know what that means. Okay, here is the first word.


I''m-a Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 9/27/2005 3:43:19 PM

Forum Games / Wario's Culinary Caper
« on: September 25, 2005, 08:43:14 PM »
I loved Bird Person's story so much that I created this. Enjoy.

Wario has just returned from a a trek across the DryDry Desert. As you could guess, he was searching for money, but found nothing. It was time Wario retired to his second most favorite passion: Food. He traveled into his house and shut the door. "Slam!" Opening his fridge, Wario picked out pickles, onions, garlic, ham and bread. All at once, he smushed the ingredients together and placed them between the slices.

Wario: Yum! My favorite! Hold on....this would go great with mustard! Now were did I put it?

He searched up and down, high and low, but could not find it. After only 2 minutes, Wario decided that Ketchup would work just as well. He opened the fridge once again, only to find the mustard in front of him.

Wario: Whoa. Didn't think to look there!

As soon as he grasped the mustard and turned around, he discovered that his sandwich was gone!!

Wario: Hey! Who took my sandwich? WALUIGI!

Waluigi: Wha? Yer home already? What took you so long?

Wario: Nevermind that! Did you eat my sandwich? It was right here a second ago!

Waluigi: Shut up, you fattie! I didn't take yer stupid sandwich. Is it that important? Make another one!

Wario: No! This one was special! It had all of my favorite stuff on it! Besides, were out of groceries, so it's impossible to create another sandwich!

Waluigi: Then just go get some more, dope!

Wario: Nah, I'm to fat and lazy! You do it!

Waluigi: *You can travel miles across a desert but can't go two blocks to the mart for food....*

Wario: Hmmmm.....I've got it! The hamburglars took my precious sandwich!

Waluigi: ........idiot...........

Wario: Those fiends! I'll get them!

Wario dashed out the window, breaking the glass easily.

Waluigi: Uhhh, there's a door here........

Wario: Come on! Jump out the window!

Waluigi: I'll use the door, thank you very much....

Wario: No, you have to use the window!!!!

Waluigi: Why?

Wario: It's much cooler.......please?

Waluigi: Fine.

Waluigi leaped out the broken window. Unfortunatley, a tiny shard of broken glass had placed itself where Waluigi's face was headed. It clipped his eye, and blood spewed out every where. Because he was skinny, it didn't take long for his entire body fluids to be evacuated. Waluigi died.

Wario: Oops......uhh, I'll pretend that didn't happen.....

Wario rushed after the "hamburglars" while bumping into everyone and everything that got into his way. Coincidentally, he smashed into Mario and Luigi.

Mario: Hey, watch it fatso! Were walkin' here!

Wario: *speaking very fast* HeyMarioandLuigiit'sgreattoseeyoubutI'mlookin'fermysandwichheygreatideawhydon'tyouhelpme!!!

He took hold of the Bros. arms and kept running.

Luigi: I guess were gonna help......


Eventually, Wario had made it to the end of a dirt road. He still coudn't find the hamburglars.

Wario: Man, were are those stupid hamburglars?

Mario: Stupid! You ate those crooks 2 weeks ago! Don't you remember? Even though we beat em' up......

Luigi: You got a medal from the mayor and everything!

Wario: Oh yeah. I do remember! I ate the medal too! No wonder I had stomach cramps the next day.

Luigi: I think you need to stop eating so much. We'll help you find your sandwich, but as soon as we do, you have to promise to think before you eat!

Wario: Fine. Lets go back to town.

Walking back, Mario concocted a wonderful idea. If they could get Yoshi and Donkey Kong to help, the two could track the sandwich with their....*you guessed it*....noses! Since they had increased smelling......power (go figure), the animals could find it in no time. The Bros. persuaded Yoshi and D.K to help, but before they could begin, Wario had to explain what happened.

Yoshi: (Are you the biggest moron on this planet?) Hmmm....okay, we'll need the toppings.

Wario gave them every bit of info about the sandwich.

Donkey Kong: Okay, we look for sandwich now! We find fast. We experts.

Donkey Kong found a bug on his back and ate it, sniffing his butt at the same time.

Wario: He speaks my language!

Mario: ..............X_X

Yoshi: Uhhh, D.K? Mabey you should leave.


Wario screamed and pooped in his pants. Mario waisted no time and pulled out his shotgun.

BANG! D.K was dead.

Luigi: Were did ya get one of those?

Mario: I had to goad Miyamoto into giving me one. It wasn't easy....

Luigi: I can only imagine.

Yoshi: Actually, I'm glad the dumb ape is gone. He was getting to be a big, pain in the-

Luigi: Assassin! Okay, lets look for the sandwich!

After 2 hours or so of nose sniffing, they came upon a small gas station. As they walked in, Wario fell in love.

Wario: Food.....everywhere!

Mario: We don't have time! Spongebob starts in 5 minutes! Lets find the sandwich and leave!

Luigi: *sweatdrop*

Yoshi: groan.....okay, where's my payment?

Luigi: What payment?

Yoshi: Didn't I tell you? You owe me and what's left of butt sniffer five hundred bucks! Since you murdered my poor partner, I'll be taking what's his and leave!

Mario: But we haven't even found the-

Yoshi: Don't care! Hand them over.

As they were yelling and bellowing over the"payment", Wario gorged himself in the store culinary supplies. As he did, something in his mind sparked. Wario's brain, though an insignificant size, could process information 3 hours slower then a normal person! He knew where the sandwich was!

Wario: Waitaminute! I remember where my sandwich is!

Mario: You do? Where?

Wario: I ate it.

Luigi: Gaghh!!!!! Why didn't you tell us before?

Wario: I forgot.

Mario: Idiot.....big stupid ugly idiot!

Store Owner: Hey! Yer stupid friend ate all my food!

Mario: Huh?

Mario looked around, and found an empty space.

Wario: Sorry. I got hungry while you guys were talking about payment!

Mario: O-o-okay.....RUN!!

Mario and pals dashed out of the store, with Wario lagging behind. Finally, they reached Wario's house. Mario noticed Waluigi's dead body.

Mario: How'd that happen?

Wario: Long story. I'll tell you later.

As soon as they had made it inside, with Wario complaining on how they didn't use the window, Mario sat down and spoke with him for a long while. It ended with Mario saying.....

Mario: And what do we do if we can't find our sandwich?

Wario: Remember that you ate it anyway!

Mario: Good! Lets go home Luigi!

The others walked out, with Yoshi still P.O'd about his payment. Of course, not five minutes after they left, Wario got up and reached for another sandwich. Even though he needed more groceries, the blubbery behemoth made due with what he had.

Wario: Ketchup.....ham.......lettuce....

He placed it down and searched for mustard. Up and down he looked, but could not find it. Eventually, he forgot how to make it through the house. He forgot how to make an emergancy exit. He forgot how to make a sandwich, put on mustard, tie his shoes, button his shirt, pick his nose, brush his teeth, and flip the T.V on. He forgot how to eat, perform body functions, talk, see, and feel. He even forgot how to breathe. Wario died 5 minutes after Mario left.


The moral: It helps to place sticky notes on your face. That way, you don't forget how to breathe.

"And I realized a chyojin doesn''t need useless power. What''s Important and surpasses power is spirit....." Buffaloman from Kinnikuman.

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 9/25/2005 8:24:35 PM

Forum Games / Anime/Manga RPG
« on: September 12, 2005, 09:14:21 PM »
Okay, I thought it would be cool to do an RPG with out video game characters, but Anime characters instead. You can choose any character from an Anime or Manga, from the 60's, 80's, 90's or more current ones. Here's the bottom line: The year is 20XX. A young boy is reading his favorite Mangas from the previous century, when suddenly, a magic time parodox causes the entire world of Manga's to fuse and become a parallel universe. All of this kid's favorite heros have become real, however the villians have too. Now the good guys have to become a team to beat the bad guys. Who will win? You decide!

Okay, I need a few people to join up. I'll put in a real storyline after I have about three or four people. Pick any character you wanna be. I'll be Kinnikuman.

HP: 20
Attacks: Kinniku Buster; does 4 HP damage to start out with, can only be used once the enemy has dropped to 1/2 HP. Kinniku Driver; does 3 HP, cost 2 FP to use. Megaton punch; basic attack that does 2 HP on coin flip if heads. If tails, it does 1 HP.

After 2 battles, your character levels up 1. Each attack will do 1 HP more damage each level up. You will have the chance to up your own HP or FP by 5. You can't do both, however. You also have a set of attacks gained after a certain level up. EX: Bob learns fart attack after he makes it to LV 8. Here are Kinnikuman's level up attacks:

Elemental Mixer: Learned at Level 4. Does 1 HP damage to start out with. Three part attack, if Kinnikuman can avoid damage each turn, he will do 2+ each time he does the next motion of the attack.

Gori Special: Learned at LV 3. Does 1 HP of damage, and stuns enemy for one turn. Needs 2 FP to do.

Muscle Spark: Learned at Level 6. Does 5 HP to start with. Needs 3 FP, and it K.O's enemy for 2 turns.

I think that's about it. Okay, this is open for anyone who wants to join. Come on down!

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.

General Chat / Associating
« on: September 09, 2005, 10:43:43 PM »
One time, while I was playing Paper Mario: TTYD, the toilet in my bathroom flooded and the whole hallway smelled terribly. So, whenever I play Paper Mario, I associate it with bad smelling carpet. Ever have something happen to you while playing a specific game, or watching a T.V show? And then, when you play this game or watch this show you associate it with that situation?

EDIT: Please don't hurt me if this has been done before.

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 9/9/2005 9:44:36 PM

Mario Chat / Pokemon voice over in Mario Baseball?
« on: September 04, 2005, 02:07:04 PM »
To anyone who has played, or owns Mario Baseball.......

The other day, I was playing Toy Mode in Mario Superstar Baseball, and it just struck me. The music sounds just like the music in Pokemon Stadium for the N64. You know, the Kids Club music? I thought, "No big deal, they just sound the same." After this, however, I went to go play a game againts Wario and his team in challenge mode, and I had picked Goomba for my team. His voice might ring a bell for those of you who play the Blue and Red versions of the old Gameboy Pokemon games. It sounds like an odd, but familiar Pokemon cry, doesn't it? Anyone agree? In a sence, the Goomba brought back old memories from the days of grade school......

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.

General Chat / A friend I once had.....
« on: August 26, 2005, 04:19:10 PM »
Has this ever happened to you? Okay, my Freshman year, I had a real good friend. He was funny, and always had a little bit of wit to him when he was tellin' a joke. Well, now he and I are Sophomores, and he has become a huge jerkface. I ask him a question, and the guy tells me to shut up. I dunno what happened to him over the summer, but I think it could be his ego. I'm not going to go into huge depth, but I really wish this had not happened. But the question is: has it happened to you? Ever had a real good friend who hates yer darn guts nowadays?

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.

Fan Creations / Mario's sewage problem.
« on: August 23, 2005, 08:27:37 PM »
Okay, I think I'm finally done with Mario's Sacrifice.  The original was wonderful, but the sequals were poorly made. I have time for this comedy I made up. Sit back and enjoy. By the way, I based it on the original Mario Bros. Arcade game.

Chapter one: Workin' on the drain.

"Oh, man....not another one." Mario groaned. He looked at his brother, who had come along to help with the third toilet clog this week.

"Another clog?"
"-but I....."
"Yeah......I know."
Luigi had thrown up the day before, as the "out house" of a middle aged, over weight male had produced a foul stentch that would send even the most powerful soilders of valor and courage running for their lives. The brother's loathed the task ahead. But in Brooklyn, it paid handsomly. Not many would look forward to cleaning rusty pipes, now would they? As they pulled up to a parking lot, the engine began to fault. It was lucky that Mario had made it to their destination.
"Blasted Van. Piece of...." Mario paused.
"Lets get out our tools."
"Alright, but I want you to unclog this one."
"Fine, just don't vomit all over my shoes this time..."
Mario paused again. He looked at the adress.
"This can't be correct. That warehouse has been abandon for years."
"So, you made a mistake."
"I dunno, the address is right, but......."
"Come on bro, they might be a group of homeless civilians, looking for a plumber."
"Let's go...we have no buisness here."
Luigi grabbed his belt and traveled inside. Mario was shocked that he had ignorned his warnings.
"Grr....that blasted fool. He will-a get himself killed one day."
Mario followed. Catching up to his brother, Mario tried to smack him on the head. But he noticed that the warehouse in fact, had a small John in the middle of the floorboard.
"Lets go."
"Luigi, this could be a-"
It was to late, as Luigi had already began to work on the clog.
"If you're not going to do it, I will. We need the money, remember?"
"Stop it, please. If we need the money, we will get it somewhere else. Besides, nobody is here. Quit slacking off, and get outta here."
"Slacking off? You're the one not doing anything. Help me while I-"
Just as he paused, the toilet began to swerve like mad, grabbing Luigi and swinging him around like a cheep toy.
"I warned you! That thing is the demon beast!"
Luigi didn't even get a word from his lips. The toilet sucked him under. Mario locked his hands around Luigi's legs. No matter what, it wouldn't give the poor plumber up. In Mario and Luigi went down, taking on water.
Finally, the two had passed out. As anyone could have guessed, oxygen was not present. And then........silence.

"! Wake up already!"
"Hmmm? Luigi? Where are we?"
"Dunno, but I reckon we've been down here an hour."
"So that toilet sucked me down after I grabbed you. I warned you about that thing. I mean, it was out in the middle of no where! And wasn't it odd that we were called to the location, but no one was there to pay us?"
"No buts, were down here and that's that! How are we gonna get out?"
"Mario, it's-a important that we don't scream, we don't fight, and most importantly, we don't-"
Just then, an odd looking creature popped out of a pipe that was grouped againts many. It was ugly, round, and had spikes on it's back. A turtle, if you will.
"Panic? M-m-m-Mario?!!! What the heck is that thing?"
"Mamamai! I told you that toilet was trouble!"

Mario and Luigi are in a pickle all right. Not only are they lost in a huge cave of the unknown, but they don't seem to be getting along well. And what's with this strange creature? It's an uphill battle that you won't want to miss! Tune in next time for Chapter 2: Of Pipes and Flies and Turtle Wax. And Koopa Troopa's and calamity.

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 8/23/2005 7:29:29 PM

General Chat / Help with flash
« on: August 06, 2005, 05:35:47 PM »
Okay, I have a ton of sprite sheets, and Adobe Photoshop. I need help getting the sprites to move! I am just now starting to make flash, and I'm very confused. Does anyone have any tips? I've read through the instructions and training video, but it won't tell me how to animate sprites. Please, I just need a little help. If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great!

"You fools! You''ve messed with the natural ordaaaaaaa!!!"~ The story telling crow from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.

Mario Chat / What happened to Wario?
« on: August 05, 2005, 09:57:10 PM »
Okay, I know this happened way back in the month of March, and I'm sure that there was a thread just like this. To those of you who watched the Robot Chicken episode where Mario, Luigi and Wario were in a race againts cars like the Robot E. Lee and the dude from that racer anime.......what happened to Wario at the end of the race? I noticed that in screen shots he wasn't at the finish line, and I've looked all over to find what really happened to him. Was he killed, or crushed, or did he run away? I didn't get the chance to see that episode, and I am embarrassed that I would have to waist space on the Forum boards just to ask this question. I'm sorry that I have done this, so as soon as I get the answer...please close this topic.

"YOU FOOOOOLS!!! YOU''VE MESSED WITH THE NATURAL ORDAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" ~ The story telling crow from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 8/5/2005 8:57:47 PM

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