
Author Topic: Ever had one of those days?  (Read 1684 times)

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« on: December 17, 2005, 01:28:46 PM »
Have you ever had one of those long, horrible days where seemingly everything went wrong?

Here's mine, from a week back or so:

It started off, where I had to wake up about 5:30 in the morning to shovel the driveway, which wouldn't have been so bad, if the ground wasn't covered with ice, and it was about ten degrees! I slipped like four times. I finished around six to take a shower, and the water was icy cold because someone had probably used up all the hot water. (Probably my brother). Then ate a quick breakfast and got a drive to school to have early jazz band practice. Only the jazzers were at school, like usual, and jazz band was going pretty good, until like half-way into the music, our school's main water system pipe, broke right over our heads. All this sewage and dirty water got all over me, not to mention my backpack. We ran out of the school like Forest Gump. So, all of my homework was all covered in sewage in my backpack, and we all thought school would be cancelled, but it wasn't. We all had a long boring day of school. I came home after that school day (took a shower) and saw a note on the table saying I had to fix my own dinner. I made some mac & cheese on the stove, but ended up burning myself. Then later I had to go to Wal-Mart to replace all of my crap-covered school supplies. It was a pretty bad day.

I have had worse days, like when a family member died, but who wants to talk about that? Seriously, don't make it too depressing.

So, can you beat me.
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 03:02:58 PM »
Oh, I've had plenty of days (unfortunately, none specifically) where I have had tons of things go wrong. Mostly, when I was in 4th and 7th grade.

In 4th grade, EVERYONE hated me. This included the teacher.

Bit of a background:

In the late Summer of 1998, I had moved from one county to the one east of it. I had suffered from "new kid who doesn't fit in" syndrome. My odd behavior was enough to make everyone in the class insult me. The teacher gave 4 or more assignments a day (including Fridays), meaning I had TONS of homework PLUS stuff I didn't finish at school that day. So, a lot of boring school work + mean children + witch for a teacher = DEPRESSION! One day I just came home in tears to my parents (my father usually was never home, that day he stayed home due to an injury, and my mother did not have a job yet), explaining how everyone including the teacher was very mean and insulting. My father had me lay down on top of him on the couch in front of the TV (No cable yet, all you could do was watch videos). He tried to give me an example on how my teacher was actually nice once you got to know her (This was obviously before he met her. He found out who she truly was later on).
After that, my mother put The Adventures of Milo and Otis (my favorite movie at the time, always cheered me up) in the VCR to make me feel better. After the movie ended, I told her how many assignments I had that day (at least 6, 4 assignments plus 2 classwork assignments I didn't finish), which made her and my father flip out. Started the homework shortly after the movie ended (around 6 PM), finished at around 11 PM.

A few weeks later, after my mother had a job, and my father was back at work, his leg fine again, I came home to a house with no parents in it. With no one at home. I was still in a depression (It didn't end until after my 4th grade year ended), and with no parents to console me, I found the next best thing: The refrigerator. It had just been installed at that time. So, whenever I was depressed (see last set of parentheses), I'd eat (this is mainly why I look like I do today, I was fairly thin before the 4th grade).

Unfortunately, the kids in that class were nice compared to the demons I was sharing classes with in 7th grade.

I started 7th grade on September 5th, 2001. I had 5 main teachers (Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science). Now, the teachers were nice, that was the only difference between 4th and 7th grade. I was placed in a class with a bunch of mean jocks, wiggers, potential hookers and just plain bad people (any mods/admins feel that the words I used are a bit too offensive, feel free to edit it, though I suggest not to, as that's what most of them are today).

Also, due to the effects of 9/11 with my father losing his job (no, he did not work at the WTC), I had once again gone into depression (I thought we'd be losing the house).

I have significantly gained weight thanks to the mean children of 4th grade, so it wasn't just my behavior they insulted, they also insulted my outward appearance. I went through a semester and a half of their heartless comments, their insults, and annoyingness. One of them had called me racist for disliking rap music, if I recall correctly. I had absolutely nothing in common with them. During the third quarter, I had had enough of their insults, and switched to other classes (Same teachers, different periods). Of course, there were mean children in this class as well, but there were also a couple of friends of mine from the 6th grade in it, so I felt much better at this time.

After 7th grade, I haven't been much of a target of insults (actually, I haven't been insulted since then).

Though I haven't answered your question per se, I'm sure I have had one of those days where everything had just gone wrong, but I cannot think of any that were memorable.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2005, 03:05:10 PM by Vidgmchtr »
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2005, 03:11:59 PM »
You know, LiveJournal now comes with 6 user pics on free account.


  • Normal
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2005, 06:34:41 PM »
Yes, I do have off-days.  It does suck.  It reminds me of this song my brother would listen to on the way to school that I didn't like because it was unsettling.  It started with "It's just one of those days, where everything is [beep], and everybody sucks, and yadda yadda don't know the rest... then the chorus was like "it's all about the he-says-she-says [beep].  You better just quit, you little [beep], or you'll be leaving with a fat lip."  Yeah, not a great song.  Sorry if acknowledging the fact that there are swear words in the song makes you uncomfortable.

"You could've just not written them out!"

Well excuse me, my-interpretation-of-the-general-audience!  I just wanted to get the general feeling of the song across!

"Hey, stop making the general audience look bad!"
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."
