
Author Topic: Star Fox story  (Read 1641 times)

« on: July 17, 2002, 05:19:34 PM »

Peppy: Help me out here, Fox. I’m gettin’ old!
Fox: C’mon, Peppy, you’re better than that!
Falco: Yeah, hurry up, ya old fogey!
Slippy: Falco! Don’t say that!
Falco: …
Fox: I’m coming, Peppy.
   (Fox helps Peppy load heavy supplies on to the Great Fox)
Fox: (as the last box is loaded) There! Done! I think were just about ready to go check out that new sector.
Peppy: Maybe we’ll find new life forms there.
Slippy: Yeah! And with my new Life Scanning Device, we’ll be able to know just about anything about that species!
Falco: Yeah, sure, great, now can we hurry up and go?
Peppy: Falco, we can’t just launch without permission from the Cornerian Government!
Falco: Geez, how hard is it to fly these days?!?! Back when I used to...
Fox: Used to what, Falco?
Falco: ...Never mind...
Fox: Hmm...well, anyway, let’s go get that permit!
Two days later
Fox: Okay, ROB, we’re ready to launch.
ROB64: Affirmative. Sequence activated. Launch in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1.......Launch started.
Fox: All right, guys,  let’s go check out that new sector.
Slippy: What should we name it, Fox?
Peppy: We’ll see when we get there, Slip.
Falco: I’ll be flying along in my Arwing.
Fox: Err...okay, Falco.
   (Falco leaves in his Arwing)
Slippy: Can you hear me, Falco?
Falco: Yeah, unfortunately...
Slippy: Okay, Falco. I’ll leave you alone. Contact
Falco: Fox...hmm...he thinks he’s all that, being the self-proclaimed boss and all, but he’s really not that tough. Just like some of the boys...yeah, the bad guys...O’Donnell...Leon...ah, if only they were the same as before. Fox made himself an enemy out of O’Donnell...Leon hates me because of that’s sure not like the old days...
Slippy: Falco!
Falco: What?
Slippy: Falco, we see something ahead, can you go check it out?
Falco: Uh, sure, yeah. I’m on it.
Slippy: Okay, thanks a lot, Falco. Contact off.
Falco: Wow, what is that?
Mysterious Voice: Falco...I heard what you said about Fox...
Falco: Whoa...I must be going crazy...
Mysterious Voice: You’re not Falco. You do not recognize my voice, annoying bird?
Falco: No way...Leon?
Leon: Yes. Hello, Falco.
Falco: How did you hear me? My radio was off!
Leon: Simple. A Radio Transmodlifier. Your radio was on! Do you really feel that way about Fox?
Falco: Well...I’m sure you feel the same about O’Donnell.
Leon: You mean Star Wolf? No, bird, we are a true team, out to avenge Andross.
Fox: Falco! Shoot him! He’s with Star Wolf!
Leon: Ah...Fox. What might you be doing in our quadrant?
Fox: Yours? I don’t think so! This is uncharted territory!
Leon: Oh, no it’s not, Fox!
Slippy: How is it yours, then?
Leon: Be quiet, pesky frog! We were here first Fox, therefore it’s ours! So now I say, get out!
   (Fox fires a few warning lasers at Leon from the Great Fox)
Fox: Get out of the way, Leon, or we’ll shoot you down!
Falco: No, wait, Fox! Leon, please, we don’t want trouble now, I’ve got enough going on now!
Leon: Well, you haven’t heard the last of Star Wolf just yet! We’ll get you one of these days, you just wait!
   (Leon flies off quickly into the distance)
Fox: Hey, Falco, why didn’t you want me to shoot him?
Falco: and Leon have a...a...a history together...
Peppy: You and Leon together?!?!
Falco: I don’t want to talk about it...
Slippy: But why...
Fox: Slippy, leave him alone.
Slippy: ...Right, Fox. Contact off.
Three days later
Peppy: Slippy, how’s that map coming?
Slippy: Fine, Peppy. Here it is.
   (Slippy types some things on the computer and a strange looking map shows up on the screen)
Fox: Good job, Slip.
Falco: I’m goin’ to my Arwing.
Peppy: You sure have been spending a lot of time in there, Falco. What’s going on?
Falco: I just sometimes feel like being alone, that’s all. Geez, ya curious rabbit.
   (Falco leaves for the docking bay)
Peppy: I tell you, something’s up with that kid. He spends too much time alone. I’ll bet he had a hard childhood.
Fox: Maybe...well, anyway, let’s focus on this for now, guys. Don’t worry about Falco.
ROB64: Setting co-ordinates for coming galaxy. Proceed?
Slippy: Keep the info coming, ROB.
ROB64: Affirmative. Data analysis complete.
Fox: This one’s got just one planet and a star. Strange...
Slippy: Fox, that’s no planet, it’s some sort of base!
Falco: Out here? No way!
Peppy: ROB, what’re you doing? Don’t get close to that thing!
ROB64: Great Fox’s controls have been shut down. Tractor beam suspect.
Fox: We’re being pulled in! ROB, can you do anything?
ROB64: No. All flight systems down.
Falco: Great, we just had to come around this galaxy...
Slippy: Wait! Maybe I can get us out of this beam!
Peppy: How, Slippy?
Slippy: With my Breaker Shield! It’s worth a try, huh Fox?
Fox: Do it, Slippy!
Slippy: Right!
   (Slippy heads over to the control panel and presses a certain button combination. A secret compartment opens and Slippy grabs a strange looking device out of it)
Falco: Slippy! Hiding inventions from us again?!?!
Slippy: I saved this for an emergency.
Peppy: Good thinkin’, Slip. Now, break that beam!
   (Slippy presses a few buttons on the device and suddenly the ship is under control.)
ROB64: Control gained. Ship on course.
Fox: Wow, Slip, it worked!
Falco: You never even tested that thing?!?! It could of exploded for all I know!
Slippy: Well, Falco, it worked. What more do you want?
Falco: ...(grunt)...
Fox: Okay, guys. Let’s go.
Mysterious Voice 1: Not so fast, Star Fox.
Mysterious Voice 2: Yeah, why don’t you hang around for a while?
Mysterious Voice 3: You killed my uncle, and now you’ll all pay!
Mysterious Voice 4: You were so rude back there, Falco.
Falco: L...Leon?!?! O’Donnell?!?!
Wolf: That’s right! We’re back, Star Fox team, and we want revenge for Andross!
Mysterious Voice 3: You’ll die just like my uncle, for I am Andrew, nephew of the Great Andross!
Mysterious Voice 2: Hey, Peppy, long time no see! Remember me?
Peppy: Pigma?!?! What’re you guys doing out here?
Pigma: After you defeated Andross, we fled here and built this amazing base. Now, were back and better than ever!
Wolf: Hey, guys, let’s end this minor problem here and now!
Pigma: Heehee! I’m always up for a one-on-one with Peppy!
Andrew: This one’s for you , Uncle Andross!
Leon: Annoying bird! Now I’ll get rid of you once and for all!
Fox: Okay, guys, let’s go get ‘em!
Falco: ...Leon, you’re first!
   (A massive dogfight ensues as Falco relentlessly attacks Leon until he is too far damaged to fight, Pigma is taken out by Peppy, Andrew is killed by a Nova Bomb from Fox, and Wolf runs away as soon as his teammates are taken out of the fight)
Wolf: Fox! Your day will come! We will regroup and destroy you! All of you! Just wait!
Pigma: You haven’t seen the last of me, Peppy!
Falco: Good riddance, Leon!
Fox: Let’s get back to the Great Fox. All ships report.
Peppy: I’m all right, Fox.
Falco: Yeah, I’m here. That Leon got some hits in on me, but I’m fine. Just worry about your own hide.
Slippy: Shields at forty-five percent, but I’m fine.
Fox: All right, team, let’s go.
That night, 03:00 hours
Fox: (yawn) Slippy, what’re you doing up? It’s three o’clock!
Slippy:I just have to...uh...check something, Fox. That’s all.
Fox: Slippy, what’s wrong?
Slippy: (sigh) You guys have a reason to fight Star Wolf. I don’t. O’Donnell? Which one’s that? See, I don’t know these things! I don’t have a history with them. What’s the point of fighting them?
Fox: Slippy, you fight because we all fight. We’re a team, Team Star Fox. We do things as one whole, no matter who it is. If they’re for Andross, we take them out, together. That’s why Star Fox is so great.
Slippy: ...I see now. Fox, now that I think about it, I seem to remember a “Leon” from our school days. Of course, he wasn’t bad then, but he’s still Leon.
Fox: Right, Slippy. So just stick with the team and you’ll be okay. All right?
Slippy: ...Okay, Fox! I gotcha! Now, I think I’ll stay up little longer, all right, Fox?
Fox: Okay, Slip.
~TMK''s resident mute~

« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2002, 05:21:01 PM »
its not finished yet, so be sure to check back because i will add on to this. enjoy!
~TMK''s resident mute~
