
Author Topic: Galaxy ball! / Game universes crossover  (Read 8392 times)

« on: January 25, 2009, 12:06:20 AM »
Galaxy Ball

By Kris Garrett

Within a galaxy far from any other, it is a place of immense ferocious competition. Fortred the ruler of the planet Quifeza, watches in dismay as his all star football team the Shreds are subjugated by the defending champions of a rival planet, known as the flame wolves. The score ends at 17 to 51, this game was his team’s preceding chance at the playoffs. So many things go through his mind, but the thing that upsets him at most is he put the entire planets currency on the line. In other words, he forfeited his entire planets reserves! He is approached by the coach of the wolves.

“Your team isn’t too appalling, but we could have detained them to only three. We wanted the fans to have somewhat of an enjoyable game, here at your home stadium. You have Eight month’s to get all of your planets fortunes, to Cosbo.” Phelm tells.

The two go their separate ways afterward, heading to their individual locker rooms. Players from the winning team get interviewed on the field. Fortfred gives a long agonizing speech to his players, before leaving the dome sooner than customary. He travels over to a large capital building, where the globe leaders congregate. He enters the room to see that everyone was already in anticipation of him.

“You don’t have to inform us Fortred, we saw the ending fallout. We just need to know why you thought it smart to put this planet’s future in jeopardy; you took a huge gamble and lost!!” One guy says.

“Do you think it smart to sacrifice this planet over a team game!! You’re out of your **** mentality!! Did you really think the Shreds had a chance against the champions?! Come to life Fortred, this planet has the seven worst teams out of the planets in this intact galaxy. Now what are we supposed to tell our people?!!! Our teams cannot compete with any of the top 15, and you put everything on the possibility of them beating the unsurpassed!

Over thirty different people sit at the long table, in opposition back and forth! Fortred finally shouts over them all, getting everyone’s awareness. He takes a seat at the end of the table.

“I know I messed up big time, but I think there is a way I can renovate this. It will have nothing to do with any teams of this galaxy. I want you all just to listen in and don’t ask any questions until I am entirely finished.”

The room is soundless as he speaks undoubtedly. There is not much of a choice, which leads them all to agree with his bail out arrangement.

Days later

One of the greatest heroes acknowledged by the people of the mushroom kingdom walks through the castle. He looks around at the many different photos, lost in his bottomless train of contemplation. This is short lived.

“Mario, Mario get down here!! I think we might have some turmoil!” Toad yells.

The Plumber runs down the many stairs, looking out of a window. His eyes broaden to see what seems to be an multitude of un known creatures.

“Reside at this juncture; I’m going out there to see what this is all regarding.”

Toad grabs Mario by his appendage, keeping him from departing.

“Do you think it is Peach they are here for?”

“I don’t know, and won’t find out just standing around. Just stay here; I’m not sure what there intentions are.”

Mario pulls his arm from Toads grasp exiting the front entrance. The plumber looks around, staggered at the magnitude of the colossal assemblage. He takes a few steps forward, as two of them draw near him. They stop in front of him. Mario shakes a bit uneasy.

“Don’t be fearful human, we come in serenity. In fact we need the aid of you and numerous others, so listen very carefully. Before I continue further I need something established. Are you the ingenious Mario?” The being asks.

Mario gulps bewildered and fascinated on how the individual knows his distinctiveness.

“Mamma Mia, how did you know that?! What are you creatures?”

“Your query will be answered in time, but for now we have incredibly significant information for you. We come from a planet called Quifeza, and currently right now our planet has suffered in many different ways. To get down to the point, our prime problem is the cash! We almost have none left, with that said our people will give out given the fact we won’t be able to trade with neighboring planets.”

The plumber looks up puzzled, wondering exactly why this information is being given to him. The piece about the trading with other planets confuses him even further.

“I don’t see how this is my predicament, I couldn’t help you even if I sought to. By the sounds of it, your planet has lost over trillions and trillions of dollars! Not even the Princess would be able to assist you. Can’t your neighboring planets, help you guy’s out?”

“That is not how things work out; the leaders of each planet don’t help unless they are getting something in return. We have nothing to furnish; we pretty much have nothing left. But there is still optimism.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’ll try and make this brief, but the planets in our galaxy are all for competition! Particularly sports, I’m sure you are familiar with the sport called football. Any way, this is the only chance we can make the massive bucks. Do you follow?”

“I’m just wondering where you’re going with this.”

“We need sixteen teams to be put together. Just so you are not enlightened, I am talking about the NFL style football. The citizens of our galaxy would pay large amounts to see teams compete with each other, from another world. That sport is most popular among most everyone in our galaxy.”

Mario jumps back putting his hands in front of him.

“Wow hold on a sec, I don’t play that form of football! Do you understand what you’re asking of me, it’s a unmitigated l waste of time? Go find someone else from your home planet, or some place else. The sport itself is terrific, but why have you come to me? My answer is no”

The alien life forms are quite for a little while before discourse.

“What if I told you we have spoken with Donkey Kong and Bowser, who have both arranged to take part? I believe you are associated in one way or another with the two of them.”

Mario crosses his arms while looking up at them. A small smile escapes his face.

“I guess you can count me in as well, but you need to explain to me further how everything is going to go. How exactly is sports going to get your planet back up, do you know how insane that sounds? And how am I supposed to confide in you beings?”

“Trust me Mario, it will work. I will tell you some of the small details you will need to be on familiar terms with. Since you have agreed to join, is there a precise position you’d like to play? I know you haven’t really taken on this sport, but each team will be given four month’s to prepare.”

“I would like to play Quarter back!” Mario says smiling.

“A stadium will also be built for each team; the team captain/Quarter back chooses where it will be built. Our experts can put them together within two weeks. Be sure to notify your brother about these proceedings. You will be able to put a team together once all participants are on our planet. We will be back in five hours, be sure to meet us in this exact spot.”

With those preceding words, a huge space ship shines its luminosity over the aliens. They are zapped into the ship. Mario turns away for one second, and the space shuttle is gone. Toad comes out of the castle, standing next to Mario. He is thinking hard again, trying to figure out how they knew who he was.

“So what is it they sought after?”

“I will explain to you, when Luigi returns with the princesses.”

Many dimensions away

A Lombax works on the vehicle of a civilian. A large quantity of energy forms in the firmament, as a huge space shuttle appears shooting a huge radiance down onto the grassy meadow. The alien creatures are now on a planet called Veldin. The aliens head over toward the Lombax that works on a automobile, near a edifice site.

“I take it that you are Ratchet?” One of them asks.

He steps from behind the vehicle, surprised to see these mysterious beings.

“Yes I am what is it that I can assist you with?”

“We would like you to join a huge sporting event. I hope you are familiar with football!”

Ratchet listens as he is given the information. He is a bit skeptical with the whole thing, but decides to join in an attempt to help them out. The aliens decide to split up into three different space ships to cover more ground quickly, leaving the planet afterwards. Another portal opens over an island, where an orange bandicoot snoozes under a tree. An additional Bandicoot lifts weights nearby. The bandicoot drops the pounds as the aliens approach.

“Are you Crash bandicoot?”

“No, that is him over there. Is there a message you’d like me to give him when he awakes?”

“I guess that make’s you Crunch, you will also work well for what we necessitate.”

He is given the proposition, and agrees to their offer. He speaks for Crash and himself. Worlds away in a hefty city, lasers are being shot back and forth. A wolf jumps up with two blasters in his hands, shooting at a Fox who shoots back at him. The Fox jumps behind a wall.

“What’s going on down there Fox? Do you need back up sent to you?”

“Don’t worry about me Krystal; I want you and Falco to battle the enemies off in the sky.” Fox replies through his communications mouth piece.

A portal forms in the sky, getting the attention of both Fox and Wolf. A light from the ship shines in front of them both. The aliens appear in a flash; both Fox and wolf aim their weapons at them.

“There is no need for that; we come with no impairment Fox McCloud and Wolf O’Donnell.”

Wolf is so astounded that he unintentionally drops one of his blasters. Fox puts his weapon down to the side.

“We seek your assistance, which includes you both. I have been doing this for a while now, so don’t ask any questions in anticipation of me finishing.”

The same information is given to them, just like the numerous others. Both Fox and Wolf stand in place speechless. That is until a chuckle escapes from Wolf.

“I don’t know who you take me for, do you seriously think I would devastate my schedule helping a dismal species like you?! What you have asked of me is merely for boy scouts, enough said.”

“Did I indicate there will be a lot of money involved, for teams with captivating records?”

“Who do you think I am, you just got done saying your planet doesn’t have much left. You seem like a hypocrite in all integrity.” Wolf replies.

“You don’t pay attention much do you; some of the money we get from the spectators will go toward your compensation. The people from the surrounding planet of ours will be the one’s attending your games. They will also be able to watch from their homes.”

Wolf crosses his arms while lively.

“I think I might be interested in this, how long do we have to make a resolution?”

“I need an answer right now.”

Both Corneria fighters are soundless as the moment itself becomes intense! Fox steps to the side, contacting one of his teammates. Not even a minute passes as Falco descends his vehicle onto the ground. He joins by Fox and Wolf. The leader of the star wolf team has called off the attack, enforcing his pilots to retreat.

“Can either of you tell me what this is all about, shouldn’t we be attacking Wolf and his crew Fox?! What, have the two of you decided to take a break?” Falco asks a bit perturbed.

“Quite down Lombardi, these creatures have a promising proposition for us all.” Wolf explains.

Falco stands in place as the information is given to him. His eyes narrow a bit at some of the things, which are said. Nevertheless, he does not back down from a challenge, he is the first out of the three to agree to their terms. Both Wolf and Fox agree to it as well.

“I guess we lost track of time, which will change things a little bit. I’m going to ask the three of you to come aboard our ship now.”

A laugh escapes Wolf.

“Do you actually think I am that irrational to do such a thing? I don’t think so.” Wolf replies.

“I understand that you are concerned of your wellbeing, but I can assure you that none of you will be harmed in any kind of way. We must take you all back to our home planet, which is where the draft will take place.”

“What is the draft?” Fox asks.

“It is what will be the method for putting all sixteen teams together.”

The three of them agree to their terms again, as long as they could carry their weapons aboard. Krystal as well as panther joins them before entering. They do not return to their home planet instantaneously, the alien life forms continue to travel the many different galaxies recruiting participants. This ends after a while. The many different chosen players enter the planet of Quifeza, on different spacecrafts. Tiny Tiger steps out of a ship, looking around to see what appears to be hundreds of different inhabitants. Dingodile stands right behind him, as the alien race leads the enormous group into a large dome of some sort. The many participants start conversation amongst each other. A familiar blue hedgehog stands within the crowd, among a group of his allies.

“I can’t believe how much this place is packed; wow this is getting me excited!” Sonic tells.

Knuckles just stands next to him, with his arms crossed.

“You don’t seem too excited. We must have lost Amy and tails in this large crowd.”

Knuckles does not reply, as someone steps onto a podium in front of the crowd. The person picks up a microphone, as everyone quiets down.

“I would like to take this instant to thank you all for coming, as you know our survival is in peril. I will not go through all of the details on how we got in this position, all you need to know is we need each and everyone’s help in this showground. This event will consist of 16 teams, with 16 regular season games. There will be four teams to a division.”

Everyone listens as the rules and regulations are explained.

“Before we begin the main event, I want to inform you all of a few things. There will be twenty cheer leaders to a team, and you cannot purposely commit fatal hits on the field or you will be fined. If you can all look around in this dome, we have set up one area for each position. Go to the area of the position you would like to do.”

Each individual heads over to the area of his or her interest. It takes over twenty minutes before everyone is completely finished. Sixteen alien beings step onto the stage on both sides of the announcer.

“Before we begin I would like to introduce myself, I am Fortred known as the leader of this world. I would like to introduce you all to Fred, Joe, Chris, Hec, Ken, Dan, Wiley, Mark, Jay, T.J, zelph, Carter, Ralph, Greg, Tim, and Frank. These will be the owner of each franchise. It will be a gamble for them all, as none of you are players of this sport. That is why there will be four months of training camp, once you are on a team. And just like any team sport, if you are not wanted, you will be traded. If there are no more questions, the draft will begin now.”
To Be Continue

« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2009, 01:30:06 AM »
Cool story! Can't wait to read more! By the way, did you know that this is the 12000th thread posted on this forum?
Gently push a piece of the tube containing the intersection along the fourth dimension, out of the original three dimensional space.
- WIkipedia page on the Klein bottle

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2009, 09:00:53 AM »
Nice concept but the writing needs work.

« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2009, 02:23:58 PM »
Galaxy Ball
Chp2: The draft

Someone approaches Fortred, whispering something in his ear. It seems to be something essential, which causes the man to shake his head multiple times. He clears his throat while putting the microphone up to his lips.

“All ladies within this dome can ignore what I am about to say, as there is only one role you can take part in. As far as the gentle men, the position that you currently stand in will not positively be the position you will play. Tryouts for each position will take place within training camp, after you have been selected to a team.” Fortred tells.

Everyone listens in silence as he continues to give them information.

“Before the draft begins, we would like to take about an hour to thirty minutes to see you all take part in some exercises. This way, it will give our team owners a better understanding of each and everyone’s physical endurance. That way they will have a less hard time choosing.”

The females are kept within the dome, as Fortred starts them up with running laps from the 10 yard line to the 30. He has them spread out on both sides of the field. Outside the premises, the males are escorted onto an enormous meadow. Once the group is put into different lines, a football is placed on the ground in front of each person who stands at the front of each line.

“I want you all to listen exceptionally vigilantly; the first exercise we will be performing is to see just how far each of you can throw a football. We will also be looking at your posture and style, so please do put forth effort. I don’t want any of you throwing a ball until your name is called, we will begin shortly.”

As he continues to speak, another group of men get the names of each person in the lines. It doesn’t take much longer as the event begins. A large machine is set on the field, which will record how far the ball goes by hitting the land on impact. Getting through the first Thirty Eight guys, the furthest thrown ball was for just twenty five yards. Fortred’s sport staff shakes their heads dissatisfied.

“We better start seeing something superior to this! Fortred’s entire plan could prove to fail.”

He looks down onto his sheet of paper calling up the next person.

“Up next is Link, from the Ordon village.”

The Hylian steps forward stretching his arms, before bending down and picking up the ball. He focuses in, practicing the motions of throwing the ball before he actually does. Taking a few steps back, Link finally steps up releasing the ball! It is a huge moment of silence with the ball gliding into the air with a perfect spiral. Link’s heart rate increases as he watches the ball continue down its path. The ball finally hits the ground way up field! The sport staff members all look up at the score board immediately, along with the many standing in line. Link’s eyes widen to see his score flashing on the board; he threw for Sixty Seven yards!

One of the staff member’s throws his clipboard to the ground.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!! I want you all to give it up for Link!”

Most everyone applauds the Hylian, who just smiles astonished at what he had just done. The man recovers his materials from the ground as they continue on.

“Next up we have Vector the Croc.”

This individual throws for just Twenty seven yards. The day progresses on as many others show off their throwing skills. Link’s throwing distance is finally surpassed, as Donkey Kong throws for 78 yards! Many others show good potential at the position of quarter back. After some time, the sport staff members begin moving people into different groups. Using their stats and information from the exercise, they keep only sixteen participants out of the large group who showed the best potential. The sixteen of them stay within the quarter backing practice session. A group is created for every offensive and defensive position. If someone doesn’t do well in a group, they are sent to another.

“Well, you must be the lucky sixteen!” The guy says laughing.

He looks over the papers on his clip board, looking over the group of participant’s information.

“I’d say by the looks of it, all sixteen of you have secured your spot at the quarter backing position. Each of you threw for at least forty yards or more, with good balance and technique. You guy’s did much better than most everyone else. Remember that your spot can still change in training camp, but if you all are consistent and perform like you did today, you will be just fine.”

The group is then given some time to introduce, themselves amongst each other. Some of them do not require doing that with everyone, given the fact they have already met.

Mario walks over shaking hands with Sonic, remembering him from the smash brothers brawl tournament a decent period ago. The two of them are approached by Ratchet, who introduces himself. Luigi joins his brother’s side.

“This should be extremely interesting Mario, I had no initiative we would end up on separate teams. Regardless of that, it will be enjoyable if I have the fortune of playing against you.” Luigi says.

Sonic places a hand with on the back of Luigi.

“Don’t worry pal, I’m sure this entire occurrence will turn out to be a grand experience.” Sonic replies.

Captain Falcon starts a conversation with Jak and Link. It is not too much longer before; the group is given some more exercise to do. Throughout the elongated spacious pasture, the different groups continue to work intensely. As time goes by an hour turns into three hours! All groups are then finally taken back into the dome. This time each person is directed to which area they will sit within. Fortred re enters shortly after everyone has settled in to their position.

“Now that we have seen you all in some form of exercise, the draft is ready to begin. We will start with first round picks.” Fortred tells.

The majority of the mass applauds Fortred as he leaves the stage. The team owners look over the information of all the participants. The dome is enormously soundless. Hec looks up from the papers, making a resolution.

“For my primary pick, I select Knuckles the Echidna at the running back position.”

Knuckles is beyond shocked to hear his name being announced first! A good portion of the participants cheer for him, before going silent again. Wiley is the next to make a choice.

“For my first round pick, I choose King Dedede at the Linebacker position.”

This process continues for an extensive period of time, as each of the franchise owners continue to select players to their teams. This leaves some of the participants displeased, given the fact they are being separated from friends or family. It takes another few hours before this entire process is complete. Something that is clear for some of the teams, is that they are short a few players. Fortred steps back onto the podium.

“I’m sure you are all blissful that is over, now the fun itself will begin in another few days. I understand that a few teams are short players, but that will be fixed within training camp. To end this day off, I would like all team captains to come up here on the stage.”

The individuals do as they are told, and are directed over to their franchise owner where they will come up with their team name and location of the squad stadium. Everyone else just sits around waiting, as theses preparations are taken care of. The team names and locations are quickly selected. Fortred steps forward informing the rest of the participants of the updated information.

“We will give you all a little bit of time to say your good byes to family and friends, as you will be returning to the planet of where your team stadium will be built.” Fortred tells.

The participants take the time to do just that. Coco bandicoot, spots Crunch within the area of the running backs walking over to him. Crunch turns just in time to see her approaching.

“I just came over to wish you a safe voyage, as you should already know Crash and I will be together.” Coco tells.

“I’ll be just fine; I still find it hard to believe Crash made it at the Quarterback position.” Crunch replies with a laugh.

Coco thinks about it for a few moments, before laughing as well. Mario walks threw the mammoth multitude over to princess Peach who sits beside Daisy. He takes a seat next to them both putting an arm around peach.

“Too bad neither of you will be cheering on my team. Oh well, I’m willing to bet this whole thing will be fun.”

Peach can hear the disappointment in his voice, turning to him with a smile. She leans over kissing him on the cheek. This causes him to blush, Peach notices this and giggles.

“Don’t worry Mario; it will be just for a little while. After all this is over things will go back to being how they were.” Peach tells.

The plumber talks with the two of them, before they depart ways. It is not too much longer before all participants are gathered up, and put onto separate space shuttles which will take them to the appropriate destination. The space ships take off into deep space. Within a shuttle, Jet the hawk sits next to Captain Qwark.

“I understand that you are going to be the quarterback of this team, with that said you better be a darn proficient one. I only agreed to join this thing to help out these people, and to win. So when it comes game day, don’t go out and throw the game away for us.” Captain Qwark tells.

Jet’s eyes open, as he looks over at this individual.

“I don’t believe we’ve met, and already you are trying to tell me what to do. I’m someone who is all about competition, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Jet turns away from him, closing his eyes again.

Planet Ireigiel

Phelm the offensive coordinator of the Flame Wolves enters a room sitting down. He is awaited by a group of persons. Cosbo sits at the other end of the table.

“Congratulations on your win over the shreds, a few days ago. I would expect that Fortred’s council will be sending payment soon. But that is not the reason I called you all here tonight. We have some what of a problem.” Cosbo tells.

He directs his assistant Elisa over to his desk. She returns throwing a few folders onto the table tops. Cosbo opens one of them, and has his assistant pass out the papers which are inside. She does this fairly quickly.

“As you all can see we are loosing viewers to our sports station. But it should be an easy problem to fix. I’m sure this is because of the slaughterer crows, Flame Wolves, ogres, blizzards, and clash Predators. They are the only teams as of late winning championships; viewers must be getting tired of it.”

Cosbo discusses with his staff on a way to resolve the quandary. A great distance away, a ship lands within the enormous city of Corneria. After all the passengers exit the ship, it takes off back into space. Falco Lombardi, being the only one accustomed with the conurbation leads everyone to the closes hotel. All check into the hotel except one. Tiny Tiger didn’t carry any money with him, leaving only one choice. Falco decides to take the big cat home with him. Pulling a contrivance out of his pocket, he uses it to call out the sky claw to his position. Falco turns to Tiny as the vehicle drifts down to the ground in front of them.

“Lets just get one thing straight; when we get back to my place I don’t want you touching anything. Hopefully we are clear on that.” Falco tells.

Tiny pats Falco over the shoulder while smiling showing his prickly teeth.

“No need to worry, I Tiny won’t touch a thing.”

Falco looks down at him with a frown, making it apparent that he is stern. Both beings hop into the vehicle, as Falco takes off into the night sky. The two of them arrive at his place promptly. Getting out of the vehicle Tiny looks around, and is impressed with what appears to be Falco’s weapon’s arsenal! There are missile launchers, blasters, many different types of grenades and weaponry! Falco opens a door, which leads them into the central section of his residence. Tiny is again enlightened by the way things are set up in this space.

“Wow who is she, Tiny is in love.” Tiny tiger asks, looking up at a picture while drooling.

Falco looks over at the picture, smiling under his beak after seeing who it is.

“Her name is Katt; I guess you could say she is somewhat a friend of mine.” Falco replies.

“Maybe you should call her, and see if she will join our cheerleading squad! Please, that would be a real treat?!” Tiny asks.

Falco attempts to say something, but stops. Thinking about what Tiny just said, he comes to a realization that it isn’t such a bad idea.

“I think we might do that, but for tonight we should just get some rest.” Falco replies.

Tiny follows Falco into his massive living room, which has a lot of furniture and a long black leather coach. Tiny leaps onto the coach sitting in front of a big screen T.V. Using the nearby remote, he turns it on.

“If you need anything Tiny just let me know, I’m going to be working on something upstairs.”

The big cat just nods as a form of response. Turning on a light, Falco walks up the stairs. Significantly far away a ship lands on the field of Hyrule, just outside Ordon village. The passengers exit, as the shuttle returns to Quifeza afterward. Link explains to everyone who is not familiar with his village, on how things work. After doing so, most of the participants decide to set up camp exterior of his village. The Hylian looks over at Zelda, who stands next to Peach.

“You should probably try and cover your features a little bit, if any of the villagers knew that the princess of their kingdom was here in this village, it could become chaotic.” Link tells.

Zelda smiles while wrapping a scarf around her head, over her hair.

“Luckily this will just be for a night; I’m going to take Princess Peach back with me to the castle tomorrow. Did they say exactly where the stadium would be built? It’s not really that important, it’s just so I can inform the kingdom choice makers it was my decision.” Zelda asks.

“I just told them it will be built on Hyrule field, about two miles from the city.” Link replies.

Everyone camps outside of Ordon village, except for Link, Peach, and Zelda. Out of the whole group, Banjo and King Boo don’t mind. Not trying to alert any of the villagers, Link directly leads both women up into his tree house. Zelda looks around, only to see one bed. She looks over at Link, placing both hands on her waist.

“Not to be rude or anything, but you only have one bed?! How is this going to work?” Zelda asks.

Link looks over at what appears to be a moody Zelda.

“Don’t concern yourself; the two of you will be sleeping in the bed while I take the ground.” Link tells.

Zelda takes off the scarf, and Link can see the relief within her face.

“Thank goodness, I thought you were going to say something else.” Zelda replies.

Peach giggles getting the attention of them both.

“What is so funny?” Zelda asks.

“It’s not really anything, but looking at the two of you talking back and forth I could see you as a married couple.” Peach tells, giggling again.

Link smiles while Zelda frowns.

“That would never happen; I am a princess of high class. My bride to be will be of a royal family.” Zelda tells.

Link’s heart drops at her words, not that he wanted to be with her or anything. Trying to escape the situation, Link decides to go get them all something to eat leaving the tree house. Peach turns to Zelda.

“I think you may have hurt his feelings, personally I think he is really cute.” Peach tells.

Zelda takes a seat on the bed, laying back.

“You shouldn’t worry, I’m sure he is fine.” Zelda tells.

Within subterranean space, Fortred’s inhabitants continue to search for participants to fill up the spots they are short. The group is very successful in their mission, coming across many individuals. They come across Princess Rosalina, giving her the opportunity of joining a team as the leading cheerleader due to her gorgeousness. She is updated on why the event is accruing, and is given the option of joining a team. Looking down on the paper, she recognizes a familiar name smiling! She decides to join that team, taking part in the affair.   

To Be Continue     

« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2009, 03:17:22 PM »
The list of the teams, and which divison each team is in.

Division 1

1. Lylat Birds,
Home stadium/ Corneria
Key players

RC: Redy the red Yoshi
RB: Knuckles the echidna
QB: Falco Lombardi
RB: Tiny Tiger
RC: Espio

leading cheerleader

2. Blood hounds,
Home stadium/ Venom
Key players

QB: Wolf O’Donnell
LB: King Dedede
RC: Bowser Jr.
RC: Boshi
RB: Dry Bones

Leading cheerleader
Rouge the bat   

3. Primates
Home stadium/ Kongo Jungle
Key players

QB: Donkey Kong
RC: Diddy Kong
RB: Monty Mole
RC: Koopa turtle

Leading cheerleader
Dixie Kong   

4. Seals
Home stadium/ Island
Key players

QB: Crash Bandicoot
RB: Funky Kong
RC: Skidd Mcmarxx

Leading cheerleader
Sasha/Ratchet series

Division 2

1. Mushroom Dashers,
Home Stadium/ Cool cool mountains
Key players

QB: Luigi
RB: Wario
RC: Koopa
RC: Fox Mccloud

Leading Cheerleader

2. Golden Knights
Home stadium/ Field
Key players

QB: Ike
CB: Dingodile
RC: Skrunk
RB: Fly guy

Leading Cheerleader

3. Speed dodgers,
Home stadium/ Down town station square
Key players

QB: Sonic
RC: Shadow
RB: Samurai Goroh
LB: Big the cat

Leading cheerleader
Amy Rose   

4. The Legends
Home stadium/ Hyrule field
Key players

QB: Link
RB: Crunch Bandicoot
RC: King Boo
RC: Banjo

Leading Cheerleader
Princess Zelda

Division 3

1. Ultra Bros,
Home stadium/ Isle Delfino
Key players

QB: Mario
DT: Petey Piranha
RC: Yoshi
RB: Shy Guy
RB: Storm the Albatross

Leading cheerleader
Princess Rosalina

2. Speedsters
Home stadium/ Big blue
Key Players

QB: Silver the hedgehog
RC: Charmy Bee
RC: Paratroopa
RB: Goomba
RB: Bio Rex

Leading cheerleader
Blaze the cat   

3. Bleach brothers,
Home stadium/ Dream land
Key players

QB: Waluigi
RB: Vector the Croc
RC: Kirby

Leading cheerleader
Kate Allen

4. Reindeers,

Home stadium/ Veldin
Key Players

QB: Ratchet
RC: Toad
RC: Clank
RB: Paratroopa
RC: Rick Wheeler

Leading cheerleader
Talwyn Apogee

Division 4

1. Hammerheads
Home stadium/ Yoshi’s island
Key Players

QB: Jak
RC: Daxter
RB: Hammer Bro
RC: Gloshi

Leading cheerleader

2. Dragons,
Home stadium/ Bob-omb Battlefield
Key Players

QB: Koopa Troopa
DE: Bowser
RC: Meta Knight
RB: Blooper

Leading cheerleader

3. Cheetahs,
Home stadium/ Cloud Spires
Key Players

QB: Jet the hawk
RC: Hunter
RB: Captain Qwark
FB: Michael Chain

Leading cheerleader
Wave the Swallow   

4. F-Zero Brutes,
Home stadium/ Port Town
Key Players

QB: C. Falcon
RC: Kamek
RB: Blood Falcon

Leading cheerleader
Princia Ramode


  • Tortuga
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2009, 05:05:17 PM »
What!  The females are all just cheerleaders!  You sexist pig!
Seriously, though, nice concept.  It will be interesting to see where it goes...
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"

« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2009, 10:42:48 AM »
Galaxy Ball
CHP3: Training Camp

A few weeks have conceded, as each and every team has been training vigorous within their arenas. Forted sits within an office with the rest of his council, discussing the details on when they will broadcast their event to the other planets. They decide to set up a press conference, with Fortred informing everyone.

Deserted Island

A stadium has been built for the seals that in whom practice routs. The ball is snapped to Crash who hands it off to Funky Kong, but is stopped at once. The defense read the play coming up the middle with a blitz. The play results in a loss of six yards. A defender helps Funky Kong to his feet, afterward both players get back on their sides of the field. The ball again is snapped to Crash, who takes a few steps back. He looks down the field for his Tight end a Goron gunning the ball into his chest! The offence picks up thirteen yards, before the player runs out of bounds. Everyone on the field wears pads helmets etc. Funky Kong Looks around, at everyone’s jersey’s which look to be over twenty years old and tattered.

“I can’t wait until they provide us with our actual attire, when game day begins in another three month’s! Hopefully our team logo doesn’t look screwy.” Funky Kong Whispers into Crash’s ear.

The bandicoot replies by just nodding.

“Alright everyone, we are going to run one more play before we send you all out on a break.” The team leader tells.

Crash has difficulties with the communications piece in his helmet, and has to walk off of the field to get the play from the offensive coordinator. After this is done, he runs back onto the field. At the line of scrimmage Crash sends Skid Mcmarx in motion. The ball is snapped to him, as the defense comes with a full force blitz! The Bandicoot looks up field and is hit as he throws. Skid jumps up to make the catch but it is too high, and ends in an incompletion. The team leader steps out onto the field.

“I want you all in the locker room within the next ten minutes; I have something important to update you all with. Afterward we will return back on the field for some exercises.”

Most of the players head directly to the locker room.

Dream Land

The Bleach brother players, all stand within their locker room suiting up. All of them get ready to take the field. All players do this hurriedly, as they know there is a lot to be done throughout the day. When on the field, the players set their helmets to the side. The head coach walks around with a clipboard to make sure that all players are on the field, calling off each name. This process is finished without delay.

“Alright gentlemen, before we begin our frequent practice session we will begin with some exercises. I want you all to be in great shape, so when training camp is over you will all scamper through our contesters!”

The group is sent off running laps from the end zone, to the fifteen yard line and back. They continue doing the same process, but switch to a different exercise after some time. One of the player’s slows down getting drowsy; the coach notices this and has the group go even longer. He has them stop after another few minutes.

“As a whole group you all did very well, don’t worry as we continue to exercise you will all get stronger. Over time it will get easier, I’m just pushing you all hard so that you will be ready! I would like to create a playoff team here in Dreamland; if you all work hard we can do it.”

The players listen to their coach speak aloud. After he is done talking, he gives the group a break before the official practice begins. The offensive players proceed to the field with their helmets ready to begin. Waluigi looks down at the plays he has strapped onto his arm. He calls his team into a huddle.

“This should be an automatic completion if you all do your part. This is going to be play hg4, a screen to WR Kirby. I need you players of the line to do a good job, unlike the last few days. Their blitz schemes are something that we need to overcome.” Waluigi tells.

The huddle is broken with the offensive players getting in position. The defensive players are on the field shortly and the session commences. The ball is snapped to Waluigi, as a group of defenders rip through the line and take him down. The defensive coordinator applauds his defense. Waluigi is helped to his feet by Vector the Croc. The Offensive players follow Waluigi back into the huddle.

“As I said before, I need the line to hold up for longer. This time we are doing play qs2, I want all receivers up field. If they are thinking, the defense will play man to man.”

The huddle is broken as each player returns to his proper position. Waluigi takes the snap and instantly can see the blitz. Waluigi runs to his right trying to avoid another sack, he is grabbed from behind as he releases the ball. This one is intercepted, but the defender doesn’t get far as he is tackled by an offensive line men. Waluigi shakes his head aggravated. He again directs his team into a huddle.

“We as the offence need to start putting something together, this defense has been destroying us for the past couple days now.”

Waluigi looks at the plays with on his arm band, choosing yet another play. The offence gets back in their positions. But this time Waluigi picks up the blitz before the ball is even snapped to him. He sends Kirby in motion. The instant the ball is snapped to him, Waluigi moves around in the pocket while looking up field. His line holds the defenders long enough for him to launch a rocket! The ball zooms out soaring into the air, with an almost perfect spiral. Kirby is alone with the closes defender a good five yards back. With much concentration the pink being jumps up making the catch! He runs for another fifteen yards before leaping into the end zone and celebrating. A smile appears on the face of Waluigi, very pleased with the play. It was a completion of 72 yards.

“That is what happens if you blitz us too much, eventually they will be burned for it. Just like this play.” Waluigi tells Vector.

The Croc smiles as well, ecstatic with the play. Kirby returns down the field only to be taken off to the side. Another receiver is put in, so that he could rest up after the long completion.

Hyrule Field

The team known as the Legends practice and train hard throughout their stadium. Link walks off of the field and over to the offensive coordinator. The Hylian puts his arm up, pointing down to a specific play on his arm band.

“I like the route Banjo runs on this play, but we have both seen his speed and I think his route should change. The other receiver is fine, but I think we should make some adjustments to this play, so we can hit Banjo up the field a little further.” Link suggests

The coordinator opens his play book, looking for Play S1. He finds it after flipping through a few pages, and looks it over. Looking over at Link he smiles while pulling out a pen.

“I’m definitely going to agree with your request; he is a very fast individual. You will now need to throw the ball to this point; the two of you just need to get the timing down.”

Link puts his helmet back on while walking onto the field. The Hylian gets back in his position. Link yells out something to his offence noticing something familiar from the defense. The ball is snapped to Link, who hands it off to Crunch. The bandicoot finds a hole to run through, lowering his shoulders he is taken down by two defenders. The play results in a gain of seven yards. Link takes his offence into a huddle.

“Good work so far today, you have all done fine. Lets try play av5.” Link tells, looking down on his arm band.

The offence returns to their standpoints. The ball is snapped to Link, faking the hand off to Crunch he looks up field. He punt fake’s to Banjo looking to the other side of the field he has a player open. Stepping up he throws the ball putting a lot of zip on it. King Boo makes the catch, but is pushed out of bounds after a gain of seventeen yards. The Offence moves up the field as they continue. The ball is snapped to Link, with defenders coming at him from all directions. The pocket collapse as Link runs forward, stopping in place. The Hylian launches the ball into the air! Banjo is double covered running into the end zone all three players jump up for the ball. Surprisingly Banjo comes down with the ball! Link and the rest of the offence are thrilled, by his great effort. Banjo along with the defensive players walks down the field to return with everyone.

“Wow Banjo that was a really amazing catch. You sure do have good hands.” Link says.

Banjo walks over to the Hylian, patting him on the shoulder.

“I couldn’t have done it without the tremendous pass.” Banjo replies.

Link responds by smiling. The head coach walks onto the field.

“Before I send you all out on your thirty minute break, we are going to practice the two minute drill. It is quite apparent that you are able to put away a game when on top.”

Players on both sides of the ball get into their spots, getting ready for the exercise. A few miles away, Princess Peach enjoys a hot bubble bath within Hyrule castle. The princess looks up at the ceiling, thinking about her kingdom. It bothers her, not knowing if everything is ok. Her thoughts are interrupted as someone knocks at the door. She slides up revealing the upper part of her body.

“Who is it?”

“No need to panic Princess Peach, I’m just a messenger sent from the central vestibule. I’m just letting you know that Princess Zelda will be returning to the castle within the next ten minutes.”
   “Ok, thanks.”

The guy leaves afterward. The Princess finishes shortly after, stepping out of the tub drying off with two towels. She wraps one over her hair, and the other over her body. Making her way out of the bathroom she feels refreshed, leaping onto the bed laying back. It isn’t long before the door to her room is opened. She looks up to see Zelda, who closes the door behind her.

“I hope your enjoying your stay here in Hyrule so far. We have cheerleading practice this evening, but afterward we are going to have dinner down in the dinning room. Their will be a lot of guests, I just thought I would inform you.” Zelda tells.

Peach sits up looking at her, as the two of them smile.

“That sounds good.” Peach replies.

Zelda leads Peach over to a closet so that she can find a dress to wear for the occasion.

Down Town
Station Square

A stadium has been constructed and built for the Speed Dodgers. Special shoes have been provided for Sonic, Shadow and anyone else who has over the top speed! It slows them down to a playing level of almost everyone. Sonic hands the ball off to Samurai Goroh, who runs up the middle breaking tackles. He is finally taken down after a gain of twelve yards. The offence moves up, before getting in position again. The ball is snapped to Sonic, a blitz is preformed by the defense, but the line holds. This gives sonic time, punt faking to Shadow he throws the ball to his tight end. They pick up nine yards. Sonic decides to take his team into a huddle.

“Nice job everyone, I especially want to give credit to the line you guy’s are giving me loads of time to do things. Anyhow let’s go with RL2.0, I smell the end zone. These guys’s are probably expecting us to try and pick up small yards.” Sonic tells.

The huddle is broken up, as the players get in their rightful spots. Sonic sends one of his receivers in motion as the ball is snapped to him. The hedgehog steps back looking up field, smiling. He bullets the ball into the air with a flawless spiral, Shadow out runs everyone with the closes defender ten yards behind him. Shadow looks over his shoulder, making the catch running into the end zone for a 51 yard completion. A lot of defenders shake their heads over the blown coverage. Shadow returns down the field with the ball.

“Great catch pal, couldn’t have done it better myself.” Sonic tells Shadow.

The head coach comes out onto the field, informing the offence to practice a hurry up offence.

“This should be fun, I’m all about speed.” Sonic adds.

Both the offensive and defensive players get into their positions. The ball is snapped to Sonic who runs to his right, seeing nothing open he tosses the ball to his running back. Samurai Goroh picks up over four yards. The hedgehog gets his players to the line. The ball is snapped to him. Sonic guns the ball in the direction of Shadow, but a defender knocks it away. Sonic has the ball snapped to him again, but this time a defender comes in un touched taking him down for a loss of three. The hedgehog gets up instantly shaking it off.

“Watch for the blitz guys, we can’t afford to give up yards.” Sonic tells.

Sonic signals for the ball, as it is snapped to him immediately. The Hedgehog scuttles around within the pocket; one of the line men falls over as two defenders come through. Sonic does the smart thing and makes a run for it. He dashes off to his left where there is a great deal of just green grass in front of him. Sonic picks up fourteen yards before he slides down.

Isle Delfino 

A football stadium has been built for a team called the Ultra Bros. Mario runs around in the pocket trying to get away from the pressure, but is sacked by Petey Piranha for a loss of 8 yards. Petey helps Mario up, as they both get back to their set positions. The ball is again snapped to Mario who hands it off to Storm the Albatross. Petey Piranha comes from the side taking him down for a loss of three yards. The entire defense applauds the plant for his great effort!

“I can tell you this for sure when it comes to playing the many teams in a few months; Petey will really be a difference maker on defense. He has been making big stops for the last few weeks.”

The defensive coordinator talks with the head coach. Mario decides to take his offence into a huddle.

“Mammia if we want to get something going, I need at least two to three guys blocking Petey. He is just too dangerous.”

Mario discusses with his line men on what he wants, and calls the play afterward. Heading back to their places, Mario feels a bit more confident. He takes the snap, stepping back a few yards the defense comes with a blitz. The plumber slides to his left, looking up field. Petey and another defender break through the line coming after Mario who steps up to throw. Yoshi makes a perfect catch fifteen yards up, but is not taken down instantly as a defender misses the tackle. The dino runs for another ten yards before he is brought down. It results in a completion of twenty five yards.

“That is more like it, but aside from that we have one tough defense.” Mario says.

Shy Guy shakes his head agreeing. All players move up the field, to the point of where Yoshi was stopped. Mario signals for the ball and gets it, stepping back a bit. He finds Yoshi, launching the ball into his chest. The Dino makes the catch but is taken down by Petey and another defender. They only pick up five yards on the play. The head coach yells out on the sideline getting everyone’s attention.

“That will be enough for today, you guys can head into the locker room and go get cleaned up.”

Everyone does that except for Mario, who notices someone sitting over on a bench. He walks over to the individual taking a seat next to her, and taking his helmet off.

“What are you doing here so early? Doesn’t the practice session for you all begin in another hour?” Mario asks.

“Yes that is true, but I thought I’d stop by a little earlier so that I could see you.” Rosalina tells.

Mario smiles while giving her a hug.

“That is really nice of you; I will see you at the hotel back on Sirena beach. I need to go get cleaned up.” Mario tells.

“Ok see yah later.”

The princess takes another lick of her chocolate snow cone, watching Mario heading to the locker room.


It’s somewhat of a cloudy day in the city of Corneria. The team known now as the Lylat Birds, practice within their stadium. Falco Lombardi takes the snap, having no receiver open he dumps the ball off to Knuckles the Echidna who picks up two yards. The players get back in position, with the ball being snapped to Falco again who hands it off to Tiny. the tiger runs over the defenders picking up Twelve yards before running out of bounds. Falco heads up the field with the rest of the players. Immediately he takes his offence into a huddle.

"We don't have much time left in this practice; this will most likely be the last play so let’s make it good."

Falco looks down on his armband, making a decision. Back in their positions, Falco takes the snap. He looks up field to see the defense playing man to man coverage. Looking for his best receiver Espio, he throws into double coverage! It is caught by his receiver in the end zone.

To Be Continue
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 11:15:11 AM by RaphaelTMNT »

« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2009, 11:58:48 PM »
Galaxy Ball
CHP4: Training Camp PT 2

Over a month and a few weeks have passed. The sun levitates over Yoshi’s island awakening Jak. He sits up on the bed stretching and can feel pain throughout his body. This is due to the training within camp. Getting out of bed he gets dressed, and can see that it is 5:35 am in the morning looking over at a clock. Feeling very restless he exits the room heading down a group of stairs and into the kitchen. Jak pours himself a bowl of cereal while sitting down at a nearby table. Someone enters the room sitting next to him. He looks over to see one of his team mates.

“How are you doing this morning Gloshi? I couldn’t sleep so I just decided to get up, after I’m done eating I’m heading out to the stadium for some morning warm ups. The others should be there by 6:45.” Jak says.

The dino picks up a nearby magazine, looking through it.

“I guess I will follow you out there, besides I know our head coach is already at the stadium planning our practice for the day.”

Gloshi gets up from the table, walking over to the coffee machine to make himself a cup of it.


The players get suited up within the locker room. Afterward they are guided onto the field by their team leader. The players are ordered to run across the 100 yard field twice. This gets them prepared for what they will do throughout the day. The offensive and defensive players get into their appropriate spots, which are determined by the play called on the sideline. Koopa Troopa takes the first snap but trips up over a line man, trying to sustain his stability; he plummets back for a loss of 4 yards. Blooper helps the individual back up. Koopa Troopa takes the snap running to his left, throwing up the field he is intercepted by Bowser! The defender brings it back fifteen yards before being taken down. Koopa Troopa shakes his head at the mistake. Bowser approaches the little turtle.

“I dare you to throw my way again, next time I’m taking it to the house.”

The words from Bowser bring trepidation into the petite turtle. Both players get back on their sides of the field and get ready for the next play. Koopa Troopa takes the snap handing it off to Blooper who runs to his left. Blooper takes a few players up the field six yards before he is taken down. Koopa Troopa looks down on his arm band to find a play that can get them further yards. Moving up the field the ball is snapped to him; shifting a few times he gets rid of the ball. Metaknight makes the catch picking up 16 yards.


Ratchet sits on the sideline geared up, waiting for the practice to begin. The Lambox drinks Gatorade, looking up into the bright sky and smiling. There is not a single cloud within the dazzling blue sky. Setting his helmet down to the side, Toad takes a seat next to Ratchet.

“How’s it going Toad, I’m glad you came my way I need to discuss something with you.”

Ratchet shifts his body a little bit.

“I need you to stop having short arms, when you do that we are going to have a lot of in completions. And what I mean by that is whenever you hear footsteps approaching from any direction you tend not to reach out, I need you to ignore them and make the catch.” Ratchet tells.

Toad understands what it is he needs to improve on, but at the same time it won’t be easy to completely fix. Ratchet places a hand on his teammate’s shoulder.

“There is no need to feel down, I know it might take a little time. Besides for the most part, you, Clank, and Rick Wheeler have been terrific.”

It isn’t too much longer before Ratchet and Toad are directed to the field along with everyone else. With the first play Ratchet hands the ball off to Paratroopa who is very quick on his feet. The turtle runs up his left side picking up four yards and a few inches. Ratchet playfully hits Paratroopa on the shell after the play. Ratchet signals for the ball, taking the snap. He takes a few steps back, looking up field for something big. Finding something he steps up throwing the ball, which is caught and dropped by Rick Wheeler.

Ratchet takes his players into a huddle.

“Listen up all of you; we are going with the Ye3/ the coaster Wheeler option. We have about a sixty percent chance of throwing them off, and if we do it should make for a good gain. One of you bone heads better not mess this up.”

Ratchet looks over at a few individuals with a glare in his eyes. Once at the line Ratchet sends Rick in motion. As he takes the snap all of his receivers are quick getting up field. Punt faking to Rick, Ratchet causes the defender guarding Clank to fall. Ratchet takes this opportunity throwing to his open receiver. Clank leaps into the air making the catch and running off into the sideline. Ratchet smiles while moving up the field with his offense.


Falco stands up against a wall with both his arms and legs crossed. He watches the footage which is showed to him by Hec, the franchise owner. The ace pilot studies a single person on the screen, which is Tomler/ the quarter back for the slaughterer crows.

“Do you expect me to play the position of quarter back, similar to this individual? That’s just something I’m not interested in doing.” Falco tells.

“I’m not asking you to imitate him exactly, but I do however want you to study him. He is arguably the best Quarter back within my galaxy. When opening game day comes, I want you to be top three in this league of 16.”

Falco decides not to respond, watching Tomler’s posture and style. Outside of the room and down on the Stadium Tiny Tiger sits on a bench, along with a Goron from Hyrule. The two of them watch as the kicker for there team practices kicking field goals. Tiny picks up and opens a play book which is lying next to him. The Tiger flips through a few pages before stopping.

“Tiny like this formation, the defense has a hard time stopping us when in it. I just hope the lead man doesn’t have us do too many additional aerobics today.”

The tiger talks with the Goron who is an offensive lineman. The two of them look just in time to see the kicker of the Lylat birds kick a fifty seven yard field goal. Together the rest of the players enter the field from the locker room. Falco also returns to the field, with Peppy Hare the offensive coordinator. Tiny jumps up running over to Falco.

“Can we please run the hurry up offence first, please?! That is the best way for I Tiny to get warmed up.”

Falco looks down at the energetic Tiger.

“I’m sure that won’t be a problem, but you will have to ask the head coach. Only he decides what we will and won’t do.”

Tiny follows the team captain over to the rest of the offensive players. Falco looks down at his selection of plays, waiting to see what the team will commence with.

Cool Cool Mountains

It snow’s severely, which is why the top to the dome has been placed on. Luigi sits in a lounge which was built for the players sipping on hot chocolate. Fox Mccloud sits in a nearby coach along with two others watching a T.V. Flipping through a few channels he stops, seeing someone proverbial. Fortred stands before a huge crowd of different beings. He waits for the commentators to quite down before speaking. Many pictures are taken of him as he stands before everyone.

“I’m glad to see that you have all come, for the announcement of an upcoming event. I would like to make this short and sweet so I will cut right to the chase. All citizens of each planet will have the pleasure of attending the football games, of 16 new teams that will compete against each other!”

Throughout Fortred’s announcement laughing can be heard within the crowd of people. It doesn’t take too long before he is finished speaking. At this time many hands go up to ask questions. He selects a person to speak.

“Not to sound like an idiot or anything, but this is completely preposterous. No one will pay money to see unskilled players engage in games against each other.”

Fortred answers many questions only to be criticized more and more. The head coach for the Mushroom dashers enters the lounge getting all of his player’s attention within the room.

“I want you all on the field right now, your thirty is over.”

Fox crushes his Pepsi can, standing to his feet.

“Obviously the critics aren’t expecting much, I guess that will leave it up to us to give them a performance they won’t see coming.” Fox says.

All players exit the room ready to take care of business on the field. Luigi puts on his helmet leading his offensive players to their usual sideline the group waits for the offensive coordinator who doesn’t take long.

“Before we begin I would like to say that I am proud of the offensive line, for helping with better pass protection in these last few practices. But I would like to see improvement in the area of opening holes for the running back. We haven’t done to well on that, besides that you have all done well.”

The coordinator sets down a simple plan for his offence, before they are lead onto the field by Luigi. The defensive players are on the field not long after. Luigi signals for the ball, getting it right away. The plumber hands the ball off to Wario, who manages to only pick up a few inches. This time Luigi sends his number one receiver in motion. Taking the snap he runs to his left, looking down the middle of the Field is Fox Mccloud. The defense play’s man to man, Luigi launches the ball downfield. Fox makes the catch over his left shoulder while in stride. Outrunning everyone he makes it to the 10 yard line before being stopped.

“Some how we need to shut that Fox down, whenever they get the ball to him he always picks up huge yards.” A defender complains in frustration.

All players jog down to the point of where the ball ended.

“That was a good catch and run Fox, I thought you were goanna go the whole way.” Luigi says.

“It doesn’t always work out that way, but you can always look to me for a huge completion.” Fox replies.

Both players trade smiles getting back into the huddle. Setting up the screen Luigi takes the snap. Luigi throws to Koopa in the end zone for a completion. The defense was totally thrown off by the play.


Wolf O’Donnell walks down a hall within the stadium coming across a soda machine and stopping. He inserts a dollar, getting himself an energy drink. Feeling another presence behind him, he jumps a bit startled.

“No need to be frightened dare. I guess we haven’t had the chance of introducing ourselves. I’m Rouge the bat, and this is Mia we are both part of the cheerleading squad.”

“And I am supposed to care; the two of you shouldn’t even be here. The practice for your squad isn’t till later in the day.”
“You sure are rude, but anyway we just came to see you all practice. Don’t worry it’s just the two of us.”
“That’s fine by me, but if you could get out of my way, I have to get ready.”

Wolf walks passed both of them not saying a word. Both females turn to each other.

“He sure has a grouchy personality.” Mia says.

Wolf enters the locker room, getting into his pads and whatever else just as everyone else in the locker room. Different conversations can be heard throughout the room. Wolf gets into his stuff getting out onto the field. He walks over to the defense coordinator who is none other than Panther Caruso.

“I’m glad to see your up and around, so how is that right shoulder of yours?” Panther asks.

“It’s actually quite fine, I just dislocated it yesterday. I will be able to perform at 100% today.” Wolf tells.

Wolf warms up by throwing the ball back and forth to his tight end. The two of them do this until the remainder of players and coaches come onto the field. The players warm up by doing stretches and jogging on the field. Afterward each player gets into his position. Wolf yells something out to his line picking up the blitz from the defense. Wolf gets the ball and is taken down by King Dedede before he can hand it off to dry bones. Dedede helps Wolf up.

“[darn] it’s going to take three of us to hold Dedede; this guy is a born natural brute.” An offensive lineman nags.

Wolf takes the snap, taking three steps back. Dedede comes from Wolfs left side with two line men falling over smashing into the quarter back’s side. This leads to a fumble with Dedede recovering it and running back to the opposite end zone. Wolf gets up brushing himself off.

“It’s a good thing I won’t have to play against King Dedede and this defense, when it counts. They will be a huge part in this team’s success.” Wolf says.

Dedede comes back up the field with the ball, in addition to the offence starting over. Wolf takes the snap, just keeping his attention up field and nowhere else. The pocket holds up for a little while, but a few defenders come through. Three defenders get a hand on wolf as he releases the ball. It is caught by Boshi up field for a gain of eleven yards.

Kongo Jungle

The Primates practice without a top on the stadium. The temperature is at 79 degrees, with a little light rain. Candy Kong sits at a bench on the side with Kiddy Kong watching the players practice.

“Watch for the deep pass to Koopa, make sure that turtle is double covered. While you do that, the front four will try and burry DK into the dirt.”

The defense gets themselves organized, not trying to let the offense get anything. Donkey Kong takes the snap moving around a little bit. The line holds the defenders trying to come through. Donkey Kong throws to a receiver who drops it, hearing footsteps coming from his backside. Taking the snap DK immediately tries to get the ball off to Koopa, but is intercepted just because of that. Donkey Kong leaps forward in an attempt to tackle the individual, but the defender just jumps over him. He is eventually taken down by the running back. After the lengthy press conference, Fortred and his group begin putting the schedules together.

“Listen carefully, remember to put some of or teams here in the planet Quifeza on teams games. Just choose them at random; this will be a good way to see how good the teams are in this 16 team league.” Fortred tells.

To Be Continue

« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2009, 06:05:15 PM »
Galaxy Ball

CHP 5: Training camp Pt3

Much time has passed, and it is now just two days away from the opening game day. Small news within this time span is Krystal was traded from the Lylat birds too the mushroom dashers. Replacing her at the #1 spot is Katt. The Lylat birds also picked up Charizard at the defensive end position. Coming off of their fifteen minute break, Ike takes his offensive players to the field.

“While we wait on everyone else I would like to take this moment to congratulate you all.” Ike sets his helmet down. “It’s been a real pleasure working with this group, and come Sunday in two days we’ll show everyone we’re the team to beat!”

The offensive players listen to Ike’s speech which gets them wild up and ready to play. The owner of the franchise comes onto the field, surprising everyone. He is hardly ever seen by any of the players.

“Just letting you all know that Fortred and the league, have released the official schedules for the season. Your first game will be against the reindeers, but you will be traveling to their stadium.” The owner tells.

He gives a few copies to Ike, who hands them out to his players. It isn’t much longer as the coaching staffs along with the defensive players enter the field. The head coach gets the attention of everyone.

“I know you’re all really excited for what’s coming up shortly, but we need to take advantage of these two last days of practice.”

After he finishes speaking, the practice session starts up.

Down Town

Station Square

Taking the delayed handoff is Samurai Goroh, who runs up the middle turning and throwing the ball back to Sonic. The hedgehog steps up throwing a flea flicker. Shadow locates the ball over his shoulder, but when trying to make the catch he bumps helmets with another receiver. The two of them plunge too the ground and gaze at a defender making the interception. Shadow is swift to get up stopping the defender from gaining any yards. Sonic laughs a bit as the players come back down the field.

“What is so funny?” Shadow asks with a slight grin. “Sometimes I just don’t understand what goes on in that little head of yours.”

The Blue Hedgehog does not reply, getting everyone ready for the next play. Sonic lines up in the shot gun, with an empty back field. He signals for the ball a few times, receiving it belatedly. The defense plays in a cover 2. Taking a chance he throws across the field into traffic where the ball is caught by his tight end. This play results in a gain of thirteen yards.

“This will be a quick slant, keep the D moving.” Sonic whispers.

Sonic takes the snap and finds an open receiver up five yards throwing to him. This individual can’t quite pull it in, which results in an incomplete pass.


The sun levitates over the kingdom, with the Hylian Link returning from a morning walk to his tree house. Climbing up the latter he looks at Epona, giving her a smile for indebtedness. After doing so he makes his way up the full latter. Once he enters inside he smiles at the sight of a sleeping Banjo. Link sets the bag of stuff he carries onto his bed, the honey bear snoozes on the ground in a sleeping bag with a pillow. Link bends down patting Banjo over his shoulder, awaking him.

“Sorry to disturb your sleep, but it is almost time for us to hit the road.” Link pulls the bag off of his bed. “I’ve even brought in some breakfast for us, before we head out.”

Banjo yawns sitting up observing the room. He and Link decide too take the food with them. The Hylian and Honey bear depart from the tree house, climbing down the latter. Link hops onto the back of Epona, while Banjo gets on the top of another barrowed horse from the castle. Epona leads the way with Link, but Banjo doesn’t trail too far behind. They cross a few miles on Hyrule field finally reaching the stadium. The two of them enter, leaving the horses.

“By the sounds of it, I’d say we’ve arrived very early.” Banjo looks down the long quite hall. “I guess it’s better than being late.”

“That’s for sure, last time someone was late it sure was a hectic practice.” Link replies.

Advancing down the hall turning a few corners, the two individuals come across the cheerleaders who hang around in the lounge.

“What are the two of you doing here this early?” Banjo and Link look over at Hena who speaks. “Don’t you guys have another forty five minutes before your practice?”

Banjo is silent while looking over at Link.

“We just felt that it would be nice to get ahead start on everything this morning.” Link says, a bit edgy.

This causes many of the females throughout the room to giggle. As a reaction both Link and Banjo become nervous, but strive their best not to show it. A door opens across the room, taking the attention off of them. Entering is a wet Princess Peach, wearing a towel over her body, and another wrapped in her hair. She jumps startled at the sight of the Hylian and Honey bear!

“No need to ask questions, we were just leaving.” Link says maliciously.

“You don’t have to leave, sit down.” Peach walks over to a coach taking a seat. “Don’t be a stranger I won’t bite; besides we really haven’t had the chance to talk.”

“The two of you can discuss whatever it is you want, I’ll be in the training room.” Banjo pats Link on his shoulder. “See you in a bit buddy.”

Link can hear through Banjo’s voice that he used this as a way to escape the situation. Banjo exits the room and Link subsequently takes a seat next to Peach.

“So how has it been like working with the princess Zelda?” Link sets his hand on the sofa’s surface. “I’ve only really seen her on a few occasions until this event came up.”

“She is a really nice person, but can get moody when it comes to making decisions for this kingdom. That reminds me of myself, we are much alike in some ways.” Peach replies.

The Princess slides over close to Link placing one hand over his. His comfort level drops a bit, but shows no signs of this.

“It must be somewhat stressful being the team captain in all. But I’ve seen how you handle the position, and you will do just fine.” Peach says giving Link a smile.

Cool Cool Mountain

Fox MCcloud sits in a back room on a computer typing. A door from his backside opens with Luigi and the head coach entering.

“How is our best receiver doing this afternoon?” The coach asks.

Fox does not answer immediately until he types in a password hitting enter.

“I’m doing just fine, since we have this day off from practice I thought I would take this time to check up on some things.” Fox clicks into his inbox. “Wow it looks like I have a lot of messages from Myspace.”

The coach places a hand on the shoulder of Fox smiling a bit.

“About that, I need you and Luigi to get suited up in the locker room and meet me out on the field. It’ll just be the two of you; everyone else is a few miles from here snowboarding. I’ll explain everything when you get out there.”

The coach exits the room leaving Luigi and Fox.

“Here I was thinking this was going to be a day of relaxation… that blows.” Fox complains.

“Don’t worry man; we probably won’t have to do much of anything.” Luigi replies.

The two of them leave the room together walking down the long halls to the locker room. With any resonance, it echoes through the lengthy corridor. They get suited up in their pads helmets etc. Luigi slips his arm band on last, which contains his important offensive plays.

“So what’s your guess of what our official uniforms will look like?” Luigi asks excited.

“I have no clue, but everything will be revealed tonight. I just hope our team logo is fierce, the franchise owner did however reveal to me which number I will be wearing.” Fox tells.

“What number is it?”

“Eighty one.” Fox replies with pride in his tone.

The two of them waste no more time departing from the room. Fox leads them to the field where they are greeted by many.

“Before the two of you begin I will tell you what is going on. These people are part of Fortred’s organization; they have been observing the practices of every team for the past month. A few receivers have really caught their attention, and you’re one of them Fox. So what is going to happen is, Luigi is going to throw you a series of routes.”

“So basically they’re taking an even closer look at me, I got yah.” Fox concludes.

Luigi shakes hands with the women and men.

“So how did your institute come up with the schedules for each team?” Luigi asks.

This is explained to Luigi by a young woman who tells him each team has division opponents which they must play twice. The prime time matches were set up using what the observers saw from each team’s practices, which looked to be the best. Fox and Luigi head onto the field to commence. Two men from Fortred’s staff enter the opposite side of the field, playing as defenders. One plays man to man, while the other plays safety. Luigi sends Fox in Motion, giving him the signal to run his rout. They go through a few different curl routes and slants, with Fox catching every single one. He also beats the safety deep on a rout making a one hand catch! The groups on the side line write notes on their clipboards.

Isle Delfino

Mario bench presses in the workout room, wearing tan pants and a sleeveless shirt. In there with him are several defensive players, including Yoshi who works on a machine to help increase his speed and endurance. Petey Piranha lifts weights. Outside of the stadium are many Piantas, Boygeys and Tanooki’s purchasing tickets for the big game tomorrow. They’re all very energized for the huge event.

Some distance away Rosalina lies out on Sirena Beach in a bathing suit, along with some of the cheerleaders. One of them rubs sunscreen on her back. They laugh and talk about what they’ve been doing for the past few weeks.

“Would you ladies like something to eat or drink?” A Pianta asks walking by with a tray.

All of them order the islands finest smoothie. He takes their order walking off back into the hotel. Behind them approaches Storm the Albatross. All of them notice him right away.

“What brings you here, aren’t you supposed to be with the rest of the guy’s preparing for tomorrow?” One of them asks.

“I just forgot my good running shoes in my hotel room and had to come back. I saw you all hangin around here, and just thought I’d say hi.”

Storm turns to walk off but is tapped on the shoulder.

“When you do get back to the stadium, could you tell Mario I think he is very adorable? I wonder if he would give me his number.”

All of them begin laughing except Rosalina who almost roles her eyes, Storm just smiles.

“Make sure you tell him the message is from Angela.” She almost says seductively.

“No problem, I’ll let him know. Tomorrow is a big day, and I must be going now. You ladies have a nice rest of the day.” Storm replies.

They all wave as he walks off. Angela lays back, resting her head on the upper part of Rosalina’s leg.

“So are we goanna go through the opening routine any more today.” Someone asks.

“Yes of course, we must be fully prepared for tomorrow.” Rosalina replies, running her fingers through Angela’s hair.


Ratchet runs across the field dodging defenders with spin moves but is quickly brought down. This was because of the fact there wasn’t an open receiver anywhere. He is helped up by Toad.

“That wasn’t too bad a play, but you did have Rick Wheeler open for a second on the cross route.” Toad says.

Ratchet just pats Toad on the helmet getting back in their positions. Taking the snap the Lambox moves in the pocket, waiting for something to develop up field. He throws to one of his receivers on the left slant. It is a gain of sixteen. With the next play, Ratchet takes the snap handing the ball off to Paratroopa who finds some running room up the left side. He picks up decent yards before being stopped.

A great distance away, fortred discusses the big event with his council.

“Tomorrow is going to be a big day; by the looks of it we have already pulled in some nice numbers with pre ordered tickets, especially in that of Corneria, Station square, and Dreamland!” Fortred tells.

A door to the room opens with two others joining them at the table.

“Good news sir, we’ve got the transportation set up for civilians of the surrounding planets of ours to attend the games.”

“That’s excellent, now have a seat this meeting is far from over.” Fortred stands up passing papers out to everyone. “Let us discuss the huge interview we have for the public this evening.”

Everyone at the table puts in their ideas, arguing back and forth before coming to a consensus. It is then they move on to the next set of business.

To be continue  

« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2009, 12:58:44 PM »
Team schedules
WK= Week

Lylat Birds/ team schedule
WK1. Blood hounds
WK2. Bleach Bros
WK3. The seals
WK4. Golden Knights
WK5. Hammerheads
WK6. Primates
WK7. The Cheetahs
WK8. The seals
WK9. Speedsters
WK10. Blood hounds
WK11. Reindeer
WK12. Mushroom dashers
WK13. Speed dodgers
WK14. Primates

Golden Knights/ team schedule
WK1. Reindeer
WK2. Hammerheads
WK3. Blood Demons
WK4. Lylat Birds
WK5. Speedsters
WK6. The reindeer
WK7. Bleach bros
WK8. Ultra brothers
WK9. Primates
WK10. Bleach bros
WK11. Speedsters
WK12. Silver flies
WK13. Ultra brothers
WK14. The Seals

The Legends / team schedule
WK1. Mushroom dashers
WK2. The Seals
WK3. Speed Dodgers
WK4. Speedsters
WK5. Reindeer
WK6. Hammerheads
WK7. Mushroom Dashers
WK8. Primates
WK9. F-Zero brutes
WK10. The Dragons
WK11. Speed Dodgers
WK12. Bleach Bros
WK13. The Reindeer
WK14. Hammerheads

Bleach Bros / team schedule
WK1. Ultra bros
WK2. Lylat Birds
WK3. Speedsters
WK4. Ultra bros
WK5. Silver flies
WK6. Speed dodgers
WK7. Golden knights
WK8. Zippers
WK9. Blood Hounds
WK10. Golden knights
WK11. Sharks
WK12. The legends
WK13. Speedsters
WK14.  The dragons

Mushroom Dashers/ team schedule
WK1. The Legends
WK2. Blood Hounds
WK3. The Reindeer
WK4. Speed Dodgers
WK5. Primates
WK6. F-Zero Brutes
WK7. The Legends
WK8. Speed Dodgers
WK9. The Cheetahs
WK10. Hammerheads
WK11. The Dragons
WK12. Lylat birds
WK13. The Seals
WK14. The Reindeer

Blood Hounds/ team schedule
WK1. Lylat Birds
WK2. Mushroom Dashers
WK3. Golden Knights
WK4. The Reindeer
WK5. The Seals
WK6. The Dragons
WK7. Primates
WK8. Speedsters
WK9. Bleach Bros
WK10. The Lylat Birds
WK11. Primates
WK12. The Seals
WK13. The Cheetahs
WK14. Speed Dodgers

The Reindeers/ team schedule
WK1. Golden knights
WK2. Speed Dodgers
WK3. Mushroom Dashers
WK4. Blood Hounds
WK5. The Legends
WK6. Golden Knights
WK7. Speed Dodgers
WK8. Hammerheads
WK9. The Seals
WK10. Sharks
WK11. The Cheetahs
WK12. Primates
WK13. The Legends
WK14. Mushroom Dashers

Ultra Bros/ team schedule
WK1. Bleach bros
WK2. Speedsters
WK3. Primates
WK4. Bleach Bros
WK5. The Drags
WK6. Speedsters
WK7. Silver flies
WK8. Golden Knights
WK9. Zippers
WK10. The Seals
WK11. Hammerheads
WK12. Speed Dodgers
WK13. Golden Knights
WK14.  F-Zero Brutes

Primates/ team schedule
WK1. The Seals
WK2. F-Zero Brutes
WK3. Ultra Bros
WK4. The Seals
WK5. Mushroom Dashers
WK6. Lylat Birds
WK7. Blood Hounds
WK8. The Legends
WK9. Golden Knights
WK10. Speedsters
WK11. Blood Hounds
WK12. The Reindeers
WK13. The Dragons
WK14. Lylat Birds

Speed Dodgers/ team schedule
WK1. Speedsters
WK2. Reindeer
WK3. The Legends
WK4. Mushroom Dashers
WK5. F-Zero Brutes
WK6. Bleach Bros
WK7. Reindeers
WK8. Mushroom Dashers
WK9. Zippers
WK10. Silver Flies
WK11. The Legends
WK12. Ultra Bros
WK13. Lylat Birds
WK14. Blood Hounds

Hammerheads/ team schedule
WK1. The Cheetahs
WK2. Golden Knights
WK3. Zippers
WK4. The Dragons
WK5. Lylat Birds
WK6. The Legends
WK7. F-Zero Brutes
WK8. The Reindeers
WK9. The Dragons
WK10. Mushroom Dashers
WK11. Ultra Bros
WK12. The Cheetahs
WK13. F-Zero Brutes
WK14. The Legends

Speedsters/ team schedule
WK1. Speed Dodgers
WK2. Ultra Bros
WK3. Bleach Bros
WK4. The Legends
WK5. Golden Knights
WK6. Ultra Bros
WK7. The Seals
WK8. Blood Demons
WK9. Lylat Birds
WK10. Primates
WK11. Golden Knights
WK12. Zippers
WK13. Bleach Bros
WK14. The Cheetahs

The Cheetahs/ team schedule
WK1. Hammerheads
WK2. Silver Flies
WK3. The Dragons
WK4. F-Zero Brutes
WK5. Sharks
WK6. The Seals
WK7. Lylat Birds
WK8. The Dragons
WK9. Mushroom Dashers
WK10. F-Zero Brutes
WK11. The Reindeer
WK12. Hammerheads
WK13. Blood Hounds
WK14. Speedsters

F-Zero Brutes/ team schedule
WK1. The Dragons
WK2. Primates
WK3. Sharks
WK4. The Cheetahs
WK5. Speed Dodgers
WK6. Mushroom Dashers
WK7. Hammerheads
WK8. Sharks
WK9. The Legends
WK10. The Cheetahs
WK11. The Seals
WK12. The Dragons
WK13. Hammerheads
WK14. Ultra Bros

Seals/ team schedule
WK1. Primates
WK2. The Legends
WK3. Lylat Birds
WK4. Primates
WK5. Blood Demons
WK6. The Cheetahs
WK7. Speedsters
WK8. Lylat Birds
WK9. Reindeer
WK10. Ultra Bros
WK11. F-Zero Brutes
WK12. Blood Demons
WK13. Mushroom Dashers
WK14. Golden Knights

The Dragons/ team schedule
WK1. F-Zero Brutes
WK2. Masters
WK3. The Cheetahs
WK4. Hammerheads
WK5. Ultra Bros
WK6. Blood Hounds
WK7. Masters
WK8. The Cheetahs
WK9. Hammerheads
WK10. The Legends
WK11. Mushroom Dashers
WK12. F-Zero Brutes
WK13. Primates
WK14. Bleach Bros

« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2010, 05:43:09 PM »
Galaxy Ball

CHP6: Game time

After numerous hard fought weeks of training, the day has finally come where dreams will begin or be shattered. Each franchise is set to try and be the best, but their can only be one crowned victor in the end! Fortred speaks before the many news casters and critics, mounting up to hundreds. The pressure is definitely on, but there is no way he can show any weakness or panic. It is just thirty minutes before the opening kick off too the first set of games!

“So Mr. Fortred how did you and your team of experts decide on which teams get the chance of playing prime time games such as the Monday night game tomorrow between the Legends and Mushroom dashers?” A commentator asks.

Fortred steps forward clearing his throat out before speaking.

“As you should all know we have been keeping a close eye on all sixteen teams through camp. So using what we saw to be the best performers is how we put the schedule together.” Fortred replies.

“Do you really think you will get much viewers tuning in, or even attending these games? Lets face it is a bunch of amateurs playing against one another?”

Fortred just shakes his head as more and more rude comments are yelled out. Regardless of what the media says, there are many spectators already in the stadiums of the games about too begin. Who knows if it was for the excitement and hype for the event, or maybe some were just curious to see how the whole thing would turn out. Not just that but many sit at home watching the event on flat screen TV’s.

Port Town

The sportscasters sit in a booth some distance above the stadium, getting settled in. The camera’s record them as they speak about the game.

“Behind us is the Big Blue stadium, which is named after this city. And today it will be the F-Zero brutes up against the Dragons who have a very hard hitting D. C-Falcon might have a long day if their running game doesn’t show, The Dragons offence is nothing too special but has a good set of schemes.”

“Don’t mind if I get in Allard I just wanted to add this game will most likely be decided on which team has the fewest mistakes. Neither team has an explosive play maker such as some other teams we’ve seen. In about another minute or two the players should be taking to the field.”

Allard and Ken continue to entertain viewers watching at home as the F-Zero brutes exit out of the tunnel and onto the field to their roaring fans. Captain Falcon comes out last sprinting across the field smiling as some get up to their feet and cheer.


Tiny Tiger sits on the sideline staring down at the logo on the side of his helmet smiling. He is very happy with whoever designed their team jerseys and overall uniform, because they did a magnificent job! Tiny looks up at the field with a pounding heart as the ball has been kicked off! The Lylat birds had won the coin toss and elected to receive. Tiny stands to his feet as the ball is caught by Troshi the punt returner. The dino doesn’t get far getting leveled at the nine yard line. The audience lets out a loud roar at this. Troshi is helped up by one of his teammates.

“Alright guys this is it, all of our hard weeks of training must deliver. Just remember your assignment, don’t worry about the other guy next to you.” Falco tells.

He tries hard to get his offence wild up, but can see that most of them are very tense. Falco couldn’t blame them; this was the first time they would be playing in front of billions! Even with the pressure most on him, it only excites him further. Falco takes his offense onto the field to face off against the defense of the Blood Hounds. The audiences at this point are incredibly deafening.

“Remember all together we’re one mind and spirit and can accomplish everything, now let’s put together a drive that will leave them stunned.” Falco tells his offence.

The intensity can be felt among those watching and the players themselves as the huddle is broke. Falco, Knuckles, along with Tiny Tiger wear black visors on their helmets face masks. Lombardi steps back getting into shot gun formation. The ball is snapped to Falco who hands the ball off to Tiny who runs to the left, but ripping through the line is Dedede to drop him for a loss of 2. The crowd boo’s at the result of the play. The next play is quickly run as Falco again hands the ball off to Tiny who gains only one yard trying for the other side.

“Well now it is 3rd and 11, if the Lylat birds do not convert here they will be forced to punt, and what a way for the Birds to open their first home series like this, what a shame.” A commentator speaks.

Falco again works out of the shot gun, signaling for the snap receiving it. A corner blitz is brought on by the defense, with King Dedede coming from one side and a Goron from Hyrule on other. Falco steps up throwing the ball into the chest of Redy, who runs the cross rout. A defender misses a tackle allowing him to pick up three extra yards. The play is a gain of sixteen. The appreciation can be known by the cheering crowd.

“Well the Lylat birds only needed eleven yards but picked up sixteen, and you can see just how much potential Falco has as a quarterback, he put that one into tight coverage.” A commentator tells.

The Lylat birds now stand on their own twenty four yard line. Falco takes the snap moving around in the pocket running to his left. Dedede rips through the line coming after him and as the big bird smashes into Falco he launches the ball deep! It is headed up field toward the right side where Espio is being covered by just one defender. The ball comes down with the defender getting a hand on it knocking it to the side, but jumping over and making a one handed catch is Espio! The defender grabs hold of his waste trying to pull him down but just tumbles and falls. All he can do is watch as Espio runs the remaining yards into the end zone!!

“Touchdown Espio, wow Seventy six yard completion!! I knew coming into this game, this player would have a big game!!”

Station Square

“The weather is great down here in Station Square; the temperature is around Seventy eight degrees with a light rain. The Speedsters won the coin toss but decided to differ, which means the Speed Dodgers will be receiving the ball. The most asked question coming into this game was who would have a more explosive day between that of Shadow the Hedgehog or Bio Rex.”

The commentators continue to speak in the booth with the offence of the Speed Dodgers entering onto the field. Sonic looks around the stadium noticing that basically every seat in the massive stands have been bought out. There must be over thousands of Spectators looking down on them! This doesn’t bother the hedgehog much, as he loves the attention.

“It’s time for us to give them all a show, let’s not disappoint guys.” Sonic tells.

Taking the snap Sonic pitches the ball back to Samurai Goroh. He takes off at full speed to the left side trucking over two defenders, being tackled after a gain of seven. With the next play Sonic gets the snap taking several steps back observing the field. Moving around in the pocket he throws the ball watching as it is caught by his post receiver running a quick slant. The team gains eleven yards, and now are on their own forty two. This time Sonic works out of Shotgun. The hedgehog takes the snap faking it to Samurai Goroh spinning while looking up field. On the left side of the field his tight end is wide open, but decides to go for something much bigger launching the ball deep! In stride is Shadow who is double covered with two defenders on both sides, looking over his shoulder and locating the ball. All three stop at the last second knowing the ball was thrown a bit short jumping for it. A huge pause can almost be felt throughout the stadium with the Hedgehog coming down with the ball, being tackled instantly!

“Wow, are you kidding me! This defense seems to be asleep; they don’t seem to have an answer to stop this offensive power house. I still can’t believe Shadow went up and made that catch, those defenders stand at around 5”9 and 5”10 while Shadow is barely passed 4”5. All I can say is this individual has hops, but we have to give credit to Sonic who put the ball right in the middle, or else that ball would have been intercepted.”

The audience is loud with much excitement, watching as the Speed Dodgers move up onto the 25 of the Speedsters.

“Nice catch Shadow, for a moment there I was worried that play would end in disaster.” Sonic congratulates his teammate as they get into their positions.

While in Shotgun Sonic hands the ball off to Samurai Goroh who runs up the middle for three yards. On 2nd down Sonic takes the direct snap running from the pressure brought on by the D. He throws the ball with it being caught by Shadow for a gain of 13 on a simple slant. The offence now moves up to the nine yard line of the Speedsters.

“Let’s go Speed Dodgers, get that ball into the end zone and shove it in their face!” Amy jumps up excited. “Come on Sonic I know you can do it!”

The offence has trouble on the first and 2nd down only picking up four yards, left with a 3rd and 6. Many fans within the stands sit with crossed fingers, hoping for six points. Sonic punt fakes to Shadow looking over and throwing to another receiver in the corner of the end zone. The receiver catches the ball but is tackled not maintaining possession. This play results as an incompletion bringing up 4th down. Sonic and company get off the field as the field goal unit comes on. The ball is kicked going straight up the middle, giving the Speed Dodgers a 3 point lead.

“Wow this must be heartbreaking for the SD’s; they had such a good drive and only have three points to show for it.”

Much more time progresses throughout the day, with the battles in stadiums to try and receive win number one.

Isle Delfino

It is within the 4th quarter with only seven minutes left to play. The Ultra brothers lead over the Bleach bros 38 to 24.

“It looks like a timeout has been called down on the field by the Ultra brothers. What the Bleach bros need right now is to stop Mario and this offence on 3rd and eight, they need two touchdowns to still have a chance to run off with this win.”

During the timeout Rosalina runs her group of cheerleaders through a simple routine keeping the audience entertained. Both teams come back on the field getting in position, for this crucial down. Mario drops back as the pocket collapses with the pressure getting to him. Mario goes down hard while being sacked loosing six yards. Storm the Albatross shakes his head disappointed with the result of the play. He walks over to the sideline along with Mario.

“Well it looks like it is up to our D to make a stop, I have faith in them.” Storm walks over sitting on the bench next to Mario. “Let’s pray that we can close this thing.”

Mario nods agreeing with Storm looking up at the score board. Storm looks across the field at Rosalina who glimpses back in his direction at a particular individual. He had noticed this action several times through the game and it became obvious to him that she has a crush on Mario. Not wanting to keep it to himself, he reaches over patting Mario on the shoulder pad.

“I just have a quick question for you. Um is Rosalina like your girl fr..” Storm stops in mid sentence. “Just forget it; I’m sure it’s nothing.”

Mario looks up at his teammate a bit worried. Both watch as Waluigi completes a seven yard pass to Kirby. With the next play Waluigi takes the snap handing the ball to Vector the croc that is taken down by Petey Piranha trying to make a cut up the right side.

Cloud Spires

“This has been a great game so far, the Cheetahs lead by just seven with the score being 21 to 28. But with just under three minutes to play, time is running out on the hammerheads. Both teams still have one timeout remaining, so this game is not over yet.”

The Hammerheads lineup at their own 32 getting ready for what could be the final drive of the game! Jak sends a man in motion taking the direct snap while in shotgun. He looks up field but can’t seem to find much of anything dumping the ball off to the running back. Hammerbro runs straight up the middle picking up fourteen easy yards. The defense was playing deep zone making it an easy gain. The Hammerheads make their way up to the forty six yard line. Jak receives the ball dropping back with the defense bringing a zone blitz. Running to his left he throws the ball over the head of Gloshi who reaches out making the catch running up the sideline dodging one defender before bumping helmets with another and falling. The team picks up seventeen yards. The defensive coordinator pulls a few players off to the side infuriated with the coverage on the play. Jak takes his offence into a hurry up mode, working in the shotgun formation. Stepping forward is Jak making an adjustment at the line; the team is just forty one yards away from a touchdown.

“We came here today to leave an impression, and that is what I will follow out and do.” Jak tells.

Dropping back Jak throws a screen to Hammerbro who only picks up two yards. It is at this time that the 2 minute warning goes off. Jak takes this opportunity going over to the sideline.

“Now that we’re down to the last two minutes, we need to burn some time off while trying to score. It’s time to start using some of the play action deep set of plays.” The head coach tells.

After the short time both teams return back onto the field, ready to finish the final minutes of the ball game. Jak drops back with the ball in hand looking and throwing to Daxter who is immediately tackled picking up five yards. The offence now faces a 3rd down and three. Jak licks a finger signaling for the ball and getting it. He guns the ball into the chest of his tight end on a curl route. The Hammerheads gain another five yards. With the next play the team goes with a play action fake to Hammerbro fooling the defense who tackles him almost instantly. Jak moves out of the pocket quickly while looking up field. He finds something that he likes stepping up and launching a bullet! Daxter jumps up to try and make the catch only to have it tipped and caught! To Everyone’s surprise it was by that of Gloshi who was coming across on a deep post! The dino is finally tackled after picking up two extra yards. Jak yells out demanding the rest of his offensive players to get down to the twelve yard line so that he could spike the ball. Everyone hurries down getting into their set positions as Jak does just that. All that remains on the clock now is just 45 seconds, with both teams with one timeout each. Most the audiences stand to their feet, the intensity of the game has just doubled! Jak takes his offence into a huddle.

“Alright this is it guys, just like what they say its games like this that champs win. We started off being down 7 to 21, now let’s just punch it in and tie this thing.” Jak speaks loud getting his players hyped.

The team comes out of the huddle with much confidence getting into their positions. Jak drops back with the ball in hand throwing to Daxter who is tackled for a loss of three. On 2nd down and 13 the defense brings heavy pressure down the middle. Jak notices this throwing the ball into the end zone with his post receiver making the catch! This quiets most of the home team’s crowd. The kicker comes onto the field for the extra point attempt. The snap along with the kick are good, but someone gets a hand on it causing it to bounce the opposite direction! Fortunately for the Hammerheads it is caught by the kicker who tries to run the ball into the end zone. He is denied being taken down by a group of defenders, and with only 24 seconds left on the clock the game is over!

“What a series of events, this game is goanna haunt the Hammerheads for weeks to come.” A commentator tells.


Ratchet has taken a knee to end the game. The Reindeer beat the Golden knights 45 to 35. With the passing of a few more minutes all games come to an end. Fortred prepares himself for yet another press conference; hopefully the media have changed their views on the event. At the universe wide sports station a set of commentators recap the games played for the viewers.

“Welcome back everyone, I am here with my associate Kara, and boy has it been a great event so far.”

“Yes you are right Victor; we will begin with that of the Bloodhounds vs. The Lylat birds. What began as a close game fell apart for one side; we’ll take you down to Corneria live.”

On one of the T.V. screens in the studio appears a man who stands on the sideline.

“Hello to you Kara, Just as you were saying this game started off close until the injury of Falco Lombardi in the start of the 2nd quarter. He is the one who scored the team’s three touchdowns connecting with Espio twice along with Redy the red yoshi once. The final score ended in 59 to 24, this was truly a disappointment for the fans and the Lylat Bird organization. What really killed this team today were the five interceptions by Garldo, the backup QB to Falco, three of which were run back for touchdowns.”

The sports caster pauses for a second sending footage to the commentators.

“As you can see in this video Wolf O’Donnell walks over to the sideline of the birds taunting the injured Falco with the closing seconds of the game. Corneria fans must pray for Lombardi to have a speedy recovery, or this team might find themselves struggling just to get even one win. On another note both defenses played extremely well, it was the offence of the Lylat which seemed to roll over.”

“Thanks a lot for the inside, but now we’re goanna move on to the match up of the Dragons vs. the F-zero brutes, which was quite an enjoyable game. The ending score in this one was 21 to 24 with the Dragons taking the victory.”

The commentators continue on talking about the different games.

Isle Delfino

While the rest of the players head into the locker room, Mario stands on the sideline while being interviewed.

“So it must feel really good to win, so how did your team prepare for this game?”

Mario does not answer right away giving the question some thought.

“We actually didn’t have a real plan coming into this’ a game. But we will be better prepared for our opponents in week 2, seeing as there will be video footage to look off of.” Mario replies.

“In your opinion, who will win the Sunday night match up later? Will it be the Primates or Seals?”

Mario has no knowledge of either team deciding not to respond.


Link lays back bench pressing with the door to his left side opening. Entering is Princess Peach, Link quickly stops trying to reach for his shirt but is grabbed by the wrist. Peach sits down by his side moving her fingers over his forearm. She wears a white skirt with a blue trim along the edges as well as a sky blue shirt.

“Wow Link you sure are strong, so are you ready for the big night tomorrow?” Peach asks.

She takes her hands off him, realizing that he might be uncomfortable with those actions by her.

“Yeah I’d say so, all of us might be a little nervous but we’re definitely ready. Is there something you wanted to ask me?”

He knew there had to be something, why else would she randomly come into the men’s workout room. The princess leans back a bit putting one leg over the other looking up at Link.

“No not really, but I did however want to say thank you for being so kind to me over the past weeks. I’m not really too accustomed to Hyrule and all so thank you.”

“Don’t mention it; I try to do the best I can.” Link replies.

Peach moves over closer to Link putting one hand on the side of his face. Link does nothing as she rubs her hand over his face. What she does next scares the hylian, but in a good way! She brings her face close to his pressing her lips up against his! It is at this time that she wraps her arms around his neck embracing into a deeper kiss! Link’s eyes widen as her tongue enters into his mouth. Link decides to go along with this reaching over and wrapping an arm around her waste. Peach pushes off of him almost immediately hearing the sound of footsteps near the door. The princess stands walking a few ft away from Link before turning and looking back at him.

“See you later cutie.” Peach says seductively.

Peach blows him a kiss before exiting the room. The hero of time can’t believe what he had just done, wasn’t Peach Mario’s girl?!! How could he have done that? But it wasn’t his fault, she came on to him. Link tries not to worry about it putting his shirt on. Besides he has a big game coming up against the Mushroom Dashers lead by that of Luigi.

Great distance away

Fortred enters onto the podium with a piercing media with many questions and comments. So far his plan was working; the huge event has the attention of almost everyone. Questions are ranging from the players training sessions to possible production of jerseys of star players to be purchased by fans. What was supposed to be a joke too many is turning out to have potential to be compared with the professional teams.

To be continue

« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2011, 12:53:42 AM »
Galaxy Ball

CHP7: Primetime battle

The moon stands out through the twilight sky along with the bright stars; as there is not a single cloud in sight. So far the event has attracted much positive attention, maybe Fortred's plan will in fact work. The stadium within Kongo Jungle holds over 42,000 spectators within the stands! Only a thousand are home inhabitants of the jungle, while the rest traveled from other planets to witness the late showdown between two division opponents. The crowd grows loud watching as the Primemates enter onto the field led by Donkey Kong.

"Well Matt this should be a good one, there isn't much we can say given the fact this will be our first time seeing either of these two in action. But I will say that DK has one heck of an arm, I've seen him throw Sixty to Eighty yards down the field. Him being an ape gives him the advantage of being one of, or if not the QB with the biggest arm in this 16 team league."

"I couldn't agree with you more Darrel; which is why I'm taking the home team in this game. From what I've heard, The Seals entire offensive scheme is based around a west coast system. We'll just see if that will be enough for them to keep up with the Primemates."

"You definitely have a point there; Crash Bandicoot might have to do a little more than dinking and dumping against this team. Just looking at some footage the other day, the secondary of the Primemates has a few question marks."

The broadcasters within the booth fill in all viewers tuning in, on the advantages and disadvantages for each team. On the field the home team won the coin toss but elects to differ; which will give them the ball first after the half. So far the game is living up to the hype with many on their feet. Waiting near the goal line is Vince a raptor from port city who catches the kickoff. He cuts it up to the right side with a lot of running room. The space closes quickly, so Vince sprints to the other side spinning out of one tackle but is then taken down at the 36 yard line. At this time the return squads for each team exits off the field. Diddy Kong walks over taking a seat next to DK.

"I had no idea I'd be this nervous, why'd they put us on primetime; now over billions will be focused on this one game." Diddy tells already sweating down the left side of his head.

DK pats Diddy on the shoulder pad a few times trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry once we're on the field you won't be so nervous. This team is goanna need you to stay focused, so don't disappoint." Donkey Kong informs.

Diddy stands up walking over and filling up his sports cup with some Gatorade. DK looks onto the field watching his defense get in position for the first drive against the Seals. Crash sends a man in motion who runs to the left side, receiving the ball and handing off to Funky Kong who runs straight ahead. He pushes the pile forward for two yards for a play that looked as if he would have lost two. On 2nd down Crash gets the ball rolling out to his left throwing to his tight end Jimbo, picking up three yards. On 3rd and 5 Crash steps back into shot gun. He looks over the defense setting an audible of the play. Taking the snapped ball, the bandicoot stands straight in the pocket observing the field. He steps up throwing a rocket across the middle intended for Skidd Mcmarxx who has the ball knocked away. But then a flag is thrown to the ground.

"Pass interference defense 25, ball wiil be placed at spot of the fowl; first down Seals." The official tells.

A lot of the audience boo in the result of the play. The ball is moved to the 48 yard line. The offence of the Seals moves up to their positions. Crash takes the snap quickly dumping the ball off to Funky Kong who is grabbed by the waist taking the defender up the field 11 yards before being gang tackled at the 41 of the Primates! Crash heads up to the new position along with his teammates. Crash gets close up behind the center sending Allen the half back in motion. Taking the snap he drops back throwing underneath to his tightend Flynch; who does a few quick moves picking up another eight before being taken down."What is this defense I'm seeing, come on now we need to send out a good message." Diddy Kong says on the sideline takes the ball again handing it off to Funky Kong who looses his footing trying to gain balance shoving a cleat into the turf. He falls forward for three yards, giving the team yet another first down. Crash again takes the snap throwing out to Skidd Mcmarxx who picks up five. On 2nd down Crash drops back looking toward the end zone but doesn't see the defensive end come on a corner blitz sacking him for a loss of seven. Crash is helped up by one of his offensive tackles. On 3rd and 12 Crash works out of the shotgun taking the snap. He moves in the pocket watching as the defense brings heavy pressure; he steps up throwing a strike in the chest of Skidd Mcmarxx who is tackled after a pickup of only 10. It is at this time the Seals send out their field goal unit. Crash takes off his helmet walking over to the sideline. The snap along with hold are good, and so is the kick. The Seals take a 3 point lead. At this time DK tries to get some of his players ready for their first drive."Remember the most important thing for us to do is to go out there and have fun, and at the same time give our home crowd what they came here for. Lets go out there and destroy some Seal!" Donkey Kong says trying to bring more energy into his the field the ball is kicked off to the Primemates; catching it is Ethern the Orangutan who is almost hit immediately not calling for the fair catch. The ball is placed at the nine yard line where Donkey Kong will begin.

"Alright guys lets do what we came here to do; scoring six will win you games not three."

With the first play DK throws incomplete for Willey his slot WR. On 2nd down he hands off to Monty Mole, who only gains a yard. On 3rd down they go with a play action fake with DK rolling out to the left side throwing to Diddy who catches but then drops the ball!

"Wow you've got to be kidding; the Primemates go three and out with a terrible drop by Diddy Kong." Matt says.

Donkey Kong walks off the field with the rest of his offence shaking his head irritated by their start. The ball again is kicked off to Vince who catches the ball at the 48. He dashes forward into a large crowd trying to break through, and as he almost does he looses the football! He is pushed off to the side with many bodies piling on top of it. The officials come in trying to move everyone to see which team came up with the ball. At the bottom of the pile it is confirmed, the Primates recover!

"Man what kind of stuff is that; Come on D give it right back to us." Flynch complains.

Skidd Mcmarxx slams his helmet to the side, disgusted with what just happened. A few of the players pat Ethern on the back trying to keep his confidence level up. The Primemates begin at their own thirty eight. Donkey Kong comes back onto the field with his offence ready to obliterate any memories of the opening drive. On First down he receives the snap dropping back and throwing incomplete for Diddy Kong. The coverage was great, and would have had to be an almost perfect pass to be complete. On 2nd down DK fakes the hand off to Monty Mole stepping back and buying some time. Donkey Kong steps up launching a rocket down field. Kenj the Koopa Turtle reaches out catching the ball at the 16 yard line outrunning the cornerback into the end zone!

"Touchdown Primemates 58 yards," A commentator tells, "What a catch, and what a satisfying job Kenj did in his route to get that much separation."

The kicker comes out making the extra point easily, now making it a four point game. Crash warms up on the sideline getting ready for the team's next drive. The ball again is kicked off to Vince who calls for a fair catch in the end zone. A Few minutes pass before the Seals again step onto the field starting at their own twenty. Crash sends his halfback in motion taking the snap and throwing across the middle to Jerald, his 2nd receiver, who picks up eight yards. On 2nd down Crash hands the ball off to Funky Kong who takes it to the outside, picking up another fifteen yards. This puts the Seals at their own 43. Donkey sits on the sideline smiling; impressed by the improved speed of Funky Kong compared to what he is use to seeing.

"So far this isn't too bad a match up; I know many love shootouts but sometimes a little smack mouth style of football isn't too bad." Darrel says.

"Yeah I'd have to agree with you; but the strange thing is I expected to see a lot of sloppy football out of the teams who played today seeing as none of them play this sport. But watching over some of the different games, I'd say some of these teams are a force to be reckoned with." Matt replies.

Back down on the field a few more drives have been ran by each team. on first down Crash fumbles the snap but falls on top of it. This brings up a 2nd down and 12. Crash again takes the snap looking to his right, but throws to his left watching as Jerald catches the ball once again gaining nine yards. The play results in a 3rd down and 3. Crash receives the ball dumping off to Funky Kong who dodges a few defenders picking up five. On the next play Crash lines up in the shotgun with two wide left along with two wide right on his other side. Crash takes the snap throwing a quick pass to have it nearly intercepted! On 2nd down Crash is forced to burn a timeout not being able to hear the play called over on the sideline because of the crowd noise. The Bandicoot walks over to the head coach on the sideline.

"We're goanna run it to the left, so send Skidd in motion to that side to try and help block. We have time for just this one play before the first quarter ends." The head coach explains.

Crash nods informing him he understands what to do. After the 30 second timeout he returns back onto the field with his offence. Crash takes the snap handing off to Funky Kong who picks up three yards. With that the first quarter comes to an end.

"Well so far it hasn't been too bad; at least we scored on our second drive," DK sits on the sideline beside Willey, "We most definitely need to win this one, especially since it's a division game."

"You're certainly right about that, we'll particularly need it when it comes time for the playoffs!" Willey replies.

Donkey Kong feels his heart rate rise significantly by the words of Willey. It is much too early to be thinking that far ahead, but the idea of the playoffs excites him!

The second quarter starts off rather slow with both offences of both teams struggling. The Seals manage only to put up three points while the Primemates put up nothing, with the first five drives by both teams. The cause of the stalled drives evolve around dropped passes, incorrect routs ran, along with many miscues. After yet another three and out the Primemates again kick to the Seals with 5:20 left in the half. This time it is Jerald who receives the ball running forward; he is hit and dropped at the 16.

"So far here in the second quarter it has been more of a defensive game, just as it has been for much of the game."

Crash takes the snap looking up and throwing to Skidd who gains five. On 2nd down the ball is handed off to Funky Kong who looses two. On 3rd down Crash fakes the hand off to Funky Kong throwing a screen to Urim the halfback. The Seals pick up another eight yards. Crash this time works in shotgun taking the snap and throwing a quick slant to Jerald who drops the ball. With the next play Crash connects with Jerald on a curl route for three. On 3rd down the crowd gets loud trying to disrupt the Seal offence, hoping for yet another stop by their defense. The ball again is handed to Funky Kong who is wrapped up at the line of scrimmage, being taken backwards. He powers out of the grasp taking it to the outside. He stiff arms another defender running out into space down the sideline alone! Nothing but green grass stands in front of his path! The Seal running back takes it all the way to the end zone with the closes defender twelve yards behind!

"Touchdown Seals! Wow that was a Sixty nine yard score!" A commentator for the Seals yells.

With on the Sideline of the Primemates is DK who sits in disbelief. How was it that no one was able to bring him down, especially at the point it looked as if he were stopped in the backfield. He shakes his head watching as the extra point is kicked putting the Seals up three. The ape knows now that it is time for business; his team must answer back to the score. Over on the Seal sideline, Funky Kong gets congratulated for his long run. The ball is kicked off to Ethern who gets the ball up to the 23 yard line. That is where DK will begin.

"Now let's see if the Primemates can respond to that shocker the Seals just laid on them. This game is far from over."

Donkey Kong takes the snap handing off to Monty Mole who goes backward, but manages to get back to the line of scrimmage before being taken down. On 2nd down DK throws a quick laser to Kenj picking up seven. With the next play DK steps back into shotgun formation. He takes the snap moving in the pocket a little, not seeing the linebacker rip through the front. Donkey Kong is taken down hard for a loss of nine. Diddy Kong stomps at the turf angered by the protection up front. He feels he had broken free from the corner and could have made a play.

"We obviously have a lot of work to do on Tuesday's practice," DK walks beside Diddy, "Thank goodness we will have film on our next opponent."

Both players so badly want the first win, just as the Seals do. The ball again is kicked off to the seals only to have it bounce out of bound at the 31. On 1st down the Seals run the ball picking up just two. On 2nd down Crash takes the snap dumping off to Urim he gains another two yards. Crash steps back into the shotgun looking over the defense and altering the play. He takes the snap handing off to Funky Kong who is wrapped up and taken down by two defenders almost instantly. At this time the punt unite is brought out onto the field. The ball is kicked off to the Primemates who call for a fair catch back at their ten. The Primemates end up running out the remainder of the clock taking it to the half.

"What we have here tonight in the jungle is no doubt a football game, there isn't much scoring but hey it's still entertaining!"

"There is no doubt about that, I'm sure all viewers tuning in at home are enjoying. For the many watching remember that you can sign into our website and check out scores and stats from each individual game."

"Not just that, but be sure to see Fortred's press conference, which will be shown following the end of this game."


Banjo walks around in the hallway looking for Crunch but instead runs into Hena.

"What are you still doing here?" Hena places a hand on her waist. "Shouldn't you be back at the village resting for the big game tomorrow night?"

"Usually I would but Crunch, Link and I were goanna go over a few things. But Link couldn't make it for whatever reason, so I'm supposed to be meeting up with Crunch."

"Oh come to think of it why don't you check the lounge. If I can recall he was in there playing cards along with a couple other of the guys."

Banjo pats Hena on the shoulder heading in that direction. Some distance away Link is accepted into the castle by a guard.

"So what brings you to the castle, if you're here to see Princess Zelda she won't be able to speak to her for about another hour. She is in the middle of a meeting concerning the kingdom."

"Actually I'm here to see Princess Peach, you wouldn't happen to know where she is would you?"

The guard snaps a finger getting the attention of a woman who sits at a desk, informing her to come over to him.

"Elisa here will be able to show you where she is currently resting."

Elisa leads Link down the hall and to the first set of steps. They travel up a few floors before walking down a hall to a specific room where music can be heard inside.

"She's inside there; keep your visit short." Elisa says giving him a frown.

Link narrows his eyes confused on why she shot him the grimy expression. Link enters into the room closing the door behind him staggered by the beauty and size of the room. He walks forward peaking his head around the corner to see Peach dancing facing the opposite direction to him. Link opens his mouth to call for her attention, but doesn't almost hypnotize by the movement of her butt and fast paced body all together! He almost drools but clears his throat calling her name. She wears a tight pink skirt with a pink tank top to match it. Peach turns around facing Link, almost blushing. She bends down turning off the music box.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"You don't have to worry I just got here." Link lies smiling.

"Why don't you have a seat and stay awhile, I promise I wont bite."

Link laughs a little at her remark.

"I can't stay long so lets make this quick," Link looks down at the floor fiddling with the material on his gloves, "Why did you come onto me like that earlier, aren't you and Mario together?"

Before Peach can answer, the entrance to the room opens. A guard walks up placing a hand on the shoulder of Link.

"It's time for you to go; King Boo is waiting for you in the main lobby, it sounds like it's important you better come now."

Link nods letting him know he'll be on the way.

"We can talk later princess I really should see what sup."

Link exits the room with the guard. Peach sits at the edge of the bed lying back smiling at the thought of Link being jealous of Mario. Which indicates he has a thing for her! It is no secret she is definitely feeling something for the hero of time, what could this mean about her relationship with Mario! She doesn't give it much thought just laying back.

Much time passes; the game has now reached late into the 4th quarter.

Cool Cool Mountain

Luigi sits within the lounge with Fox and a couple other teammates watching the game.

"Man the Seals have missed so many opportunities to score some more points, the penalties are killing them." Fox says

Luigi shakes his head agreeing.

"I don't know who will win this game, but tomorrow night we're goanna stomp all over the Legends!" One of the Mushroom Dasher players says.

Kongo Jungle

The score between the two teams sits at 17 Seals 21 Primemates. The ball sits at the 32 yard line of the Seals with only 1:03 left to play in the game. The audience are now at their highest watching as the Seals come on for what will be the final drive of the game.

"The Seals can't kick a field goal in this case, they need a touchdown to win and put away the Primemates. They only have two timeouts remaining, so in other words they still have some time."

Crash takes the snap out of shotgun looking up field for any sideline shot. Crash steps up throwing into an open zone to Jerald who pulls it in for a gain of seventeen yards. Crash runs up with the rest of his offence to the line of scrimmage to try and spike the ball. They get it done with: 41 remaining. Crash again steps back into the shotgun taking the snap stepping up and hooking up with Skidd for another 17 yards. The officials come in placing the ball at the 29 of the Primemates. Crash burns one of the team's timeouts. After the 30 seconds crash comes back onto the field in shotgun. He takes the snap pumping stepping up and throwing into the end zone! The ball is intercepted and ran out to the five yard line before the safety is tackled. Crash looks up at the game clock to see only 19 seconds remaining, knowing the game is over. The crowds within the stands go crazy with some coming out onto the field. Donkey Kong comes out onto the field with his offence taking a knee to officially end the game. DK walks over shaking hands with Crash afterward. The players of both teams do the same as well.

To Be continue

« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2011, 12:56:57 AM »
Galaxy Ball

CHP 8: Primetime battle PT2

Just yesterday on the opener of the team competition, many squads received victories; but just as many fell to a loss. It is just fifteen minutes away before both teams take to the field for the conclusive game of the opening weekend. Sitting in a corner alone is Link fiddling with a brass triforce connected to a chain. This will be the opener for the home crowd of Hyrule; there is no way he was thinking of loosing, hopefully all of their hard work through training camp pays off. Picking up his helmet he rubs a finger over the logo of the sword and shield displayed on both sides. Standing he walks over joining the rest of his teammates.

"So do you think you're ready to lead us to a win," The center for the team asks, "We'll have to be on our A game we know nothing about this team we're about to encounter. I promise you the guys upfront including me will give you all the time in the world."

The words of the Goron bring even more confidence to the hero of time. All of this waiting around is a killer; it is felt between numerous players in the room that their nerves will calm once on the field. The coach of the team goes over a few basics with the them making sure everyone is prepared. It is hard for some to concentrate hearing the already deafening crowd just outside. It must be that the other team has just entered onto the field; this is quickly confirmed hearing the names of players being announced. Not long after the Legends take to the field, the spectators only add to their confidence. There is nothing like playing in front of the home crowd.

"You seem to be a bit nervous; you should settle down a bit," Fox Mccloud walks over standing next to Luigi, "I'm sure once we get out there and begin your nerves will die down a bit."

"I sure hope you're right, my brother Mario is a lot better at handling his emotions in situations like this."

The leading member of the Star Fox team pats him on the back assuring him it will be that way. Moments later both go out for the coin toss, but it is the Legends who win therefore electing to receive. Both sides exit off the field with their special team's units coming on. The ball is kicked off but bounces out of bounds near the three yard line. Looking to the side Link locates his helmet lifting it over his head while putting it on tightening the neck strap.

"Well this is it." Link whispers tense.

On the sideline is princess Zelda who leads the group of girls through the opening routine. In some ways she wonders why she agreed to any of this, cheerleading is not her style, along with that she has a kingdom to look over. If anything it does relieve stress and has also put her in better shape.

"Oh dear look at the way the princess shakes it! Mario is missing out, this is surely a side a Peach that I really haven't seen" Luigi says stunned.

"Stay focused, keep your mind on the task at hand. Try not to pay much attention to what is happening on their sideline." The head coach informs.

Luigi nods looking away from her and onto the field where Link stands behind the center. Taking the snap he hands off to Crunch who is wrapped up by his ankle loosing two yards. This now puts them at their own 1 yard line. The Hylian now steps into shotgun giving himself a little more room to work with. Taking the snap he rolls to his right running away from the defenders who close in out of the back of the end zone for a safety!

"Wow you just can't do that, the rookie from Ordon village is goanna have to learn that sometimes it is necessary to just throw the ball away." A commentator says.

The Mushroom Dashers now lead by 2 even though their offence has not yet set foot on the field. The ball is kicked off to the Dashers who call for a fair catch at the 49 of the Legends.

"Hey don't worry about it," Crunch pats Link over the shoulder, "We'll put up some points our next drive."

By the looks of it his words don't seem to help out much, this is not how they pictured this game beginning. They believe themselves to have the most explosive offence of all the teams within this 16 squad league; it sure didn't look that way just now. Out on the field is an excited Luigi ready to lead his team into the end zone with excellent field position.

"Hopefully our D will hold them to just three." Link utters.

Banjo shakes his head hoping that will be the result. Taking the snap Luigi throws a screen to Wario who receives vast blocking picking up nine before being taken down. On 2nd and 1 they run Wario up the middle picking up 4. Stepping back with the snap Luigi throws a ten yard strike to Fox who crosses through the middle spinning off two defenders picking up six extra yards. The completion puts them down at the 20 yd line.

"Right now the Mushroom Dashers seem to be moving easily, the crowds within the stands are definitely quite; A touchdown here and the Dashers could put themselves up by ten if they choose to go for two." Another commentator tells.

Taking the snap Luigi takes the tosses it back to Wario who only gets it back to the line of scrimmage. On 2nd down Luigi takes the snap dropping back and throwing to Lorph the tight end who picks up seven. Taking the snap again Luigi looks into the end zone throwing for the corner where Fox waits. But the ball is tipped up and intercepted! The Hyrule habitants within the stands go wild pleased with the great defensive play. But everyone holds their breath as there is a flag that has been thrown.

"False start offence number 84, ten yard penalty repeat 2nd down."

The audiences show their disapproval and disgust, the penalty gives the ball back to the Dashers at the 23. The penalty was called on Relik the 3rd receiver for being two yards off the line of scrimmage. Replaying 2nd down Luigi hands off to Wario who picks up four. Taking the snap Luigi feels the pressure throwing a quick strike in the chest of Koopa who only picks up seven. The play results in 4th down, which brings on the field goal unit.

"Well I guess that wasn't a horrible start, I felt as though I was about to break for a big one." Wario says.

He stands at the side of the offensive coordinator watching as the ball is kicked going straight down the middle giving them a 5 point lead. The ball again is kicked to the Legends bouncing out at the six yard line this time!

"Wow it's obvious their punter has probably been putting in more time outside of practice." The left tackle for the Legends mumbles.

This is the 2nd time they'll be backed up within their own territory. Now would be a good time for them to put a scoring drive together; they're in no means in a bad spot, a touchdown here would put them up. Leading his offensive squad onto the field Link feels a bit more relaxed; it's not like he could screw things up more than what their first drive ended in.

"Lets at least pick up a yard hahaha." A member of the O-line jokes.

A few others laugh a bit trying to make some humor of the deficit. With the first play the ball is handed off to Crunch who breaks a tackle picking up three. Taking the snap Link steps up throwing into double coverage having the ball knocked down. On 3rd down the Hylian steps into shotgun. Receiving the snap he rolls out to the left buying some time. He throws across his body hitting Banjo in stride who travels up the sideline. The bear is pushed out after a gain of 27!

"Now those are the type of explosive plays we expected to see from this team coming in."

The commentators up within the booth keep any viewers watching on the tube in any other dimensions updated. The Legends relocate up to the spot of the ball which sits at the 35 yd line. On 1st they come in with a five receiver set with an empty backfield. Running back is Link looking up field throwing and hitting Petiz the tight end on a simple slant. The team gains another 13 yds. Making their way up to the spot the ball is faked to Crunch who is gang tackled almost immediately. Link runs back being grabbed by the shoulder pad just shrugging off the linebacker stepping up and launching one deep. Up the sideline is Banjo who strides out with the CB/ Cornerback. Catching the ball over his right shoulder the honey bear runs into the end zone for a touchdown!

"How about that, what a throw by Link he put that ball on the shoulder opposite of the defender perfectly! That play between both the quarterback looked very professional; the two of them look as if they've been playing for years."

"I'll have to agree with you Leonard, they made it look easy. That is the 2nd deep ball caught by Banjo, he's obviously the team's 1 WR."

Running down the field the Hylian wraps his arms around Banjo giving him a giant hug for the spectacular completion. All parties except for the field goal units take to the field. The extra is put through easily putting the score at 7 to 5. The ball again is kicked off to the Mushroom Dashers; down at the one catching it is Gim. Using his speed and quickness he takes it up to the twenty five before he's brought down.

"Mamma Mia, they kinda scored fast. It looks as though we might have ourselves a shootout here." Luigi says sounding nervous.

Arriving back on the field on first down Luigi sends one of his men in motion taking the snap and dumping off to Wario who runs up the middle picking up eight. The Dashers loose two yards on 2nd down. On 3rd down Luigi takes the snap taking a few steps as the pocket collapses! He tries to step up but is brought down being sacked. Standing to his feet he pulls off his chin strap jogging off the field with the rest of the team. The ball is punted to the Legends who call for a fair catch at their own 37.

"Lets hope our D is better prepared for this series." Luigi hopes.

The last they were on the field only brings more self-reliance for this now poised offence. Link takes the snap throwing a screen to Petiz who picks up 11. Moving up with another first down Link this time hands off to Crunch who runs through trucking a few defenders adding another 12. The Offence moves forward once again. Smiling while taking the snap is a proud Link blissful with the two first downs in a row.

"Goodness Link looks great out there," Princess Peach blushes while shaking her poms around, "What a cutie."

She giggles while continuing to watch along with everyone else. This time he just throws the ball away just as the pressure gets to him. On 2nd down he steps back into shotgun taking the snap picking up the hot read and throwing to Helst his 4th receiver who picks up five. On third down he takes the snap dropping back escaping the defensive back who comes in unblocked ; stepping up he throws deep down the middle! Catching the ball down at the five is Banjo who drives forward into the safety pushing them both into the end zone!

"Touchdown Legends!"

The viewers within the stands are now at their loudest that they've been all night. With the extra point being put through the Legends have now scored 14 unanswered.

"Oh dear, we had better do something soon or this might become a blowout." Luigi tells.

The left tackle shakes his head agreeing with the super Mario brother. The ball is kicked off with a fair catch being made back at the 15. That is where the Mushroom Dashers begin the drive. Between almost all the players the life feels as if it has been drained from them. If anything they need momentum and fast. On 1st down Luigi steps up throwing toward the left sideline hitting Relik, who takes it to the middle trying to shake off the corner. He picks up another fifteen before being taken down. The play is a gain of 39! The ball now sits on the 46 of the Legends.

"That sure was a good individual effort by Relik; and he looks determined to turn this game around."

With a new set of downs Luigi takes the snap handing off to Wario who only gains two. On 2nd down Luigi steps back noticing the D is playing zone. He steps up launching one deep down the middle watching as it is caught by Fox Mccloud at the 6 yard line! Both the safety and corner smash into him causing the ball to pop out! The ball comes down into the hands of the corner who is taken down by Lorph at the 17. Sweat runs down the head of Luigi; what in the world is happening, is someone stopping them from scoring? So much frustration builds up within him. The audiences cheer with much pride, at the moment their Legends are handling the Dashers.

"Looks like it's time for us to get to work again." Link says happily placing his helmet over his head.

He leads them out onto their own 17 to begin yet another drive; hopefully it is as successful as the first two.

"Man right now stomping all over this team is easier than taking candy from a baby." Crunch says.

Once on the field the team begins with a run up the middle with the fullback who picks up nothing. Taking the snap on 2nd Link steps back observing the field throwing to Helst who runs a fade route. It is a gain of 13. Getting up to the spot on 1st they again handoff to the fullback who this time picks up eight. On 2nd the ball is handed to Crunch who picks up another 4. Luigi sits on the sideline shaking his head back and forth not happy with how they move so easily. Picking up another 1st down Link hands off to Crunch who fakes to the left taking back to the right. Ripping through the defensive line there is nothing but green grass in front of him! Taking off at full speed down the middle he scampers into the end zone spiking the ball for a 58 yard touchdown!

"This has been a nightmare start for the Mushroom Dashers, this game might be over soon if we don't start seeing something out of their D."

All Luigi can do is look down at the turf, it's not time to roll over and quit but it sure looks as if the defense has done just that.

Isle Delfino

Walking across the shoreline on Sirena beach in a blue bathing suit is Rosalina who enjoys the view of the sun setting over the ocean. The drenched sand underneath her feet are comforting because of all the routines and practices. This is one of the squad's days off and she intends to enjoy it. Looking up closer near the hotel sits Mario under a palm tree reading something? It's strange that he would be alone, she figures he would have been watching the game. The Princess chooses to see what he's doing walking that way. Feeling an extra presence the hero of the mushroom kingdom looks up from the laminated paper.

"What are you looking at there?" Rosalina asks with red cheeks.

He notices this becoming a bit confused, is there something she wants to tell him. Why is she blushing?

"It's nothing really, just a few plays I'm 'a going over," Taking a closer look at her his jaws drop! Her overall shape is staggering, she's so sexy, "What can I 'a help you with?"

His reply along with facial expression only make her giggle. It cannot be any more obvious that what she currently wears catches his attention. Mario gulps when she doesn't reply; intensity builds inside him. Feeling butterflies in his stomach he looks away from her and back onto his set of plays. Smiling she bends down resting her knees in the sand pushing the paper off to the side putting a finger to his chin raising his head.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how pretty do you think I am?" She asks seductively.

Why is she asking him this, only children do things in this kind of way? It doesn't help at all feeling her breath over his lips. I wonder what she tastes like? Wait what! Why is he even thinking this way, this is beyond unprofessional. If she is trying to turn him on she has done a good job so far! Princess Peach is his only interest; he must end this now before something he regrets happens.

"Hey Mario why aren't you inside watching the gam..."

Yoshi stops in mid sentence seeing Rosalina leaning over almost in the lap of Mario!

"I'm not interrupting something am I?" Yoshi asks wanting to laugh.

Rosalina stands to her feet giving Mario some breathing room.

"Your fine Yoshi we're finished here; see you later Mario." Rosalina says making her way down to the beach where a few of the other cheerleaders swim.

Both Yoshi and Mario glance at one another for a few moments.

"What was that all about?" Yoshi asks.

"Quite honestly your guess is as good as mine." Mario replies.

"You coming in to watch the game?"

Mario stands to his feet following Yoshi into the hotel to see how his brothers Dashers are fairing.

Lava Refineries

Some time has passed and the game is now in the 4th quarter with the Legends leading 38 to 5. Sitting back on the sofa is the Lombax Ratchet. Nearby is Paratroopa who stands off to the side watching as well.

"Sucks to be the Mushroom Dashers right about now, or any of the teams who have lost in the opener. After this game is over we had better get some shut eye, because we have to be at the practice facility at 6: A.M. In the morning tomorrow." Ratchet informs.

Paratroopa shakes his head agreeing, it's no doubt that 1-0 feels pretty good. The turtle truly believes the Reindeer can go the whole way, with all their dedication and hard work why not?

"Would either of you like a soda?"

Both look over at the kitchen entrance seeing Toad leaning up against the left side of the wall. Both agree to his offer; he returns into the kitchen afterward. Looking onto the T.V. Screen Ratchet watches Fox catch a 35 yard touchdown pass from Luigi.

"Bout time, it's a bit to late now; there is only a minute twenty four left."


The Mushroom Dashers fail on their two point conversion. With close to just a minute left in the game and being down by now 12 to 38 they decide not to kick an onside but just squib kick it instead. Link does not come back into the game; taking his place is the backup QB. The Legends milk out the rest of the clock with two runs and a QB knee. At this time players from both teams come out onto the field greeting one another.

"You have one heck of an arm, you're my new idol." Luigi says jokingly to Link who shakes hands with him.

"I won't say your team is completely horrible, you just have a lot to work on; as do we." Link replies.

After saying a few more words both head their separate ways; Luigi finds Peach over on the Legends sideline embracing her in a hug.

"It's good to see you Princess, how have you been; do you miss the Mushroom kingdom any?" Luigi asks.

She breaks the hug brushing dust off her skirt.

"In some ways I do, but overall I'm really enjoying myself. Zelda has been very kind and has made me feel at home, so I'll be just fine."

Exchanging a few more words he gives her a final hug returning to the locker room where he and his team will prepare to leave out on the team space ship to return to Cool cool mountain.

To Be Continue

« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2011, 01:01:07 AM »
Galaxy Ball

CHP9: Week two battles

A few days have past since the Monday night game bringing it to one day before game 2. All teams prepare themselves for game two coming in just a day. Fortred along with his team of experts have not yet paid any money to that of Cosbo. They were given 8 months to do so, which is why they will stretch it out as long as they can. So far the event has pulled in more than first expected, but it'll take a lot more to get them out of the danger zone.

"For those of you tuning in welcome back to the galaxy wide news station, I'm Kenn Divs and at my side is Kara. We'll start today with the new event being hosted by Fortred, and boy has it been good so far."

"I couldn't agree more, some of these teams don't look too bad given the circumstances. Three teams that are very impressive to me one game in are the Blood Hounds, Speed Dodgers, and Legends. The Hounds look like they may posses the best defense in this league comparable with the Dragons, while both the SP Dodgers and Legends hold a lot of offensive power." Kara tells.

Big Blue

Silver jogs around in the stadium alone listening to music; it is the team's day off from practice but he decided to come anyway. Being 0-1 isn't exactly what he or the team prepared for, somehow they need to build momentum and get on a winning course. Going through several more laps he comes to a stop making his way to the locker room and showering. Once done he dries off exiting the locker room but is startled running into Blaze the cat just outside the stadium.

"What are you doing here?" Silver asks scratching his head.

"I could ask you the same thing, but I think I might have an idea why. Pull yourself together it was just one loss. You should be out with the rest of the guys relaxing."

Silver looks down at her not knowing what to say, how did she know what was on his mind. Regardless of that he'd rather not talk about it thinking up a way to loose her.

"Nice talking Blaze, but I gotta go."

Before she can reply he takes off out of sight down a hill, trying to find a place where he can clear his head.


Another two players have been brought in to improve the team. Cornerback Lucario along with 6'6 ft Eloshi Wide receiver from Yoshi's island. Both were selected by the team president to help the team amp up it's already decent squad. All players have been called into the meeting room by the head coach.

"Listen I know we suffered a horrendous loss against the Blood Hounds at home, but I need you all to keep your heads together and prepare for the Bleach Bros. We'll be heading out to Dreamland for that game; I hope all of you have been watching the tape on them carefully. I need you all to rally around Garldo, he'll be the Quarter Back until Falco is up and ready to go, which should be by the 4th game of the season."

Many roll their eyes adding on side comments, if this is their answer to the backup QB position they're looking at possibly starting 0-4! Getting everyone's attention, the two new players are introduced to the rest of the team.

"I want you all suited up and out on the practice field ASAP."

The players are dismissed to head off to the locker room except for the new players who're taken into the main office to sign some papers. Already out on the field sitting on the sideline alone, the wind blows his feathers off to the side. Looking up into the empty stands, for the first time he truly realizes how massive this place is. Anger as well as shame build within him; he let his team down, why didn't he see the Mlob coming at his blindside! If only his ankle could heal faster; of course if they were in the playoffs there's no way he'd sit.

"Mind if I have a seat next to you?"

Hearing the familiar voice he shakes his head inviting the individual to sit.

"So is it getting any better, how long until you think you'll be ready to play again?"

Looking her in the face he can see the concern for him reflecting. Of all his associates Katt is the only one who ever gives him butterflies. Reflecting on the fact, it isn't a bad thing.

"It gets better day by day, I should be ready soon. Most likely sooner than what the medical staff are saying."

They sit together for awhile before the players take to the field, which is when Katt decides to leave.


Sitting on the top of a hill under a tree watching the sunset over the mountain tops is Link along with both Hena and Princess Peach. Not much remains in the basket they brought for the picnic, apart from that it has been a very enjoyable evening.

"It sure feels good to just relax, all that working out in camp still has me a bit sore." Link tells stretching out his arms.

Out in the distance a large group of birds pass by, sometimes it's a mystery where they all go. But what still amazes him even more is the many galaxies out there; he had no idea there could be that much life outside of this planet. The Hylian tries not to think about it too much, after all he's been doing too much of that as of late. Being tapped on the shoulder he comes out of his thoughts back to reality.

"So what do your colleague's back in Ordon village think of you taking part in all this? I'd imagine it's a lot for them to take in." Hena asks.

Sitting back while grinning out of nowhere a flower blows by landing on the tip of his nose. Both ladies laugh at the expression on his face; he takes it off watching the wind blow it away out of sight.

"Honestly I didn't give them all the details, such as the games being played away from the stadium here in Hyrule; are located in different worlds. Even if I did tell them, most of them wouldn't believe it."

Peach moves over next to Link resting her head on his shoulder; Hena does the same on his opposite shoulder. Leaning up against the tree the three of them watch as the sun goes down.

With the passing of the night another day goes by bringing up the 2nd game of the season. It is just moments away before the kickoff to the starting games.


The Bloodhounds have won the coin toss, but choose to differ. The broadcast for the game is 76 degrees with partly cloudy skies. While the Bloodhounds stand at 1-0 the mushroom Dashers are just the opposite; both ready themselves for the showdown. The ball is kicked off to the Dashers rolling out of bounds at the 34. Stepping onto the field, Luigi readies himself for the opening drive.

"Well let's see what this offence can put together here, last week against the Legends they really struggled." A commentator tells.

Receiving the snap, Luigi hands off to Wario who picks up four yards before being stopped. On 2nd down out of play action Luigi throws a strike to Lorph his Tight end getting them to the 45 of the Bloodhounds. The crowds disapproval can be felt.

"Good job up front, keep double teaming Dedede. Good thing we had tape to prepare for this guy." Luigi says.

Taking the snap on first down, the ball is thrown to Fox who makes the catch being taken down after a gain of Six. On 2nd down Luigi hands to Wario, who rips through the line but is wrapped up by his waste being taken down by King Dedede. There is no gain on the play. On 3rd and 6 Luigi steps back in shotgun taking the snap moving back. Surveying the field, at the corner of his eye Dedede powers his way past the blockers. Stepping up he throws to Relik on a slant only to have the ball go right through his hands. The drop brings up 4th down, which brings on the punting unit as the Mushroom Dashers decide not to try and kick a field goal.

"Well now it's the offence of the Bloodhounds who need to answer the call to the stop by their D."

The ball is kicked off to the hounds with the returner calling for a fair catch back at the nine. After some moments Wolf O'Donnell picks up his helmet heading out onto the field. Something that he notices instantly is the crowd noise, it was much louder back in Corneria a week ago.

"Blue 40, red strips, red strips." Wolf yells to audible the play.

Standing back in shot gun Wolf receives the snap quickly dumping off to dry bones. Bones picks up eight moving the squad up some. On 2nd down out of play action, Wolf zips one to WR Walsh who picks up fifteen. The offence moves up to the 32 yard line.

"Twilight, twilight, J sug streaks." Wolf says changing the play on the line.

Taking the snap ripping through the line is the middle linebacker who smashes into Wolf fortunately getting rid of the ball throwing it out of bounds.

"You're goanna have to be a lot faster than that. What do you run, a 6',8?" Wolf asks trying to get into the head of his opponent.

Stepping back under center Wolf looks over the defense deciding to burn the team's first timeout. Jogging over to the sideline he steps next to the head coach.

"Sorry I had to get rid of one so quick, their D was showing an entirely new look I've never seen."

The two go over a few things just as he returns to the field afterward. Stepping into shotgun, he takes the snap throwing a quick strike to Boshi who picks up six being tackled on the spot. Hurrying Wolf takes the Snap moving around in the pocket buying time. Stepping up throwing across his body the ball is caught down at the 22 by his tight end Zerk.

Distance away within his main headquarters Fortred gives another press conference. He talks to the press informing all viewers that some of his most skilled professional teams will appear on the schedule in some of the 16 team leagues schedule/games, to test their level of skill. The teams chosen for this were selected at random.

Yoshi's Island

The Hammerheads now come out for their 2nd drive being down 3 not putting up any points starting the game. Taking the snap at the 20 yard line Jak throws a screen pass to Daxtor who picks up seven yards being taken down by his ankle.

"Booster zets, chopz, chopz." Jak yells out.

Taking the snap he moves to his right stalling. Stepping up he launches one to Gloshi who makes the catch at the 46 pulling his way up to the 49.

"Good pickup guys, lets continue and finish this time." Jak tells.

On first the ball is dumped off to Hammer bro who takes it up the left side only gaining three. On 2nd down the ball this time is handed off to Hammer bro who takes it straight up the middle. They're only able to pick up four. On 3rd down Jak fakes the handoff to Hammer bro running out to his left. Making a quick decision he throws one for Daxtor who can't quite pull it in. This brings up fourth down, but the fact the offence doesn't step off the field brings tension to much of the audience.

"By the looks of it, the Hammerheads have decided to go for it; a pretty gutsy call if you ask me."

Jak steps back into shotgun shouting out for particular blocks noticing the defensive scheme. The snap is low falling at his feet! He quickly picks up the football moving around while observing the field. On the run he throws having the ball caught by Gloshi who is stopped and dropped at the 23. The fans cheer showing their enjoyment.

"Finally we're seeming to look sharp, hopefully we'll continue to improve and grow as the season progresses." The offensive coordinator tells.

"I'm sure we will, the loss a week ago only has brought these group of guys closer together. Losing by 3 or less is always tough to swallow." The head coach replies.

Standing on the 23 of the Golden Knights, Jak takes the snap throwing at Walter who catches the ball turning up field getting tackled at the 12. Moving up the spot Jak pulls his team into a huddle.

"They seem to be playing soft coverage, Pbots49 should get us six here. Keep your eyes open, I could be going to any of you."

Getting into their positions Jak takes the snap zipping one intended for Daxtor but almost has it intercepted. The play brings up 3rd down; Jak works out of shotgun giving himself some room. Signaling for the snap he gets it, stepping back somewhat. Throwing to the corner of the end zone Gloshi goes up and brings it down for a Hammerhead touchdown! The field goal unit comes on for the extra point attempt. The snap hold and kick are good putting the score Hammerheads 7, Golden Knights 3.

"That was a good looking drive the Hammerheads put together, my only concern for them thus far is some of the drops by Daxter and Walter. A few of those cost them a win last week in Cloud Spires. Good thing Gloshi the dino is picking up their slack." A commentator tells.

The ball is kicked off to the Golden Knights who don't have a chance to return the ball seeing as it is kicked out of the back of the end zone. Stepping out onto the field Ike looks over his armband at a certain set of plays. On first down Ike hands off to fly guy who looses 3 yards. Taking the snap he throws to WR Kaed across the middle picking up 17 yards. They move up to the 34 yard line with a first down.

"Watch for their rotations, they're good at disguising." Ike informs his teammates.

The ball is handed off to shy guy who is taken down loosing six this time. It's true that Ike feels sorry for the little dude, he wonders why their owner drafted him. It seems everyone except the man upstairs knows this was a poor decision. Taking the snap on 2nd Ike moves to his right throwing across the middle, this time it's caught by Skrunk who picks up 13.

Dream Land

Time passes bringing all games somewhere near the end of the 3rd quarter. The score stands at 28 Bleach Bros, 0 Lylat birds. On the Sideline the injured Falco exchanges a few words with Coco Bandicoot. It's true he's unable to play, but he decided to fly out with the team. The Birds threaten standing on the eight yard line of the Bleach Bros. Garldo takes the snap on 2nd and goal throwing a pass off target intended for Redy the red Yoshi. The incompletion brings up 3rd and goal. Receiving the ball he fakes the handoff to Tiny Tiger running out to his left he throws across his body having the ball caught/intercepted by the Corner who takes it out running the other way. He takes it all the way to the twenty on the other side of the field before being taken down.

"Yet another bad pass thrown by Garldo, he could have dumped that off to Tiny or Knuckles, both were open near the two yard line."

Waluigi Steps out onto the 20 of the Lylat birds, receiving the snap throwing up the left sideline, Frank the iguana pulls it down picking up 11. Moving down to the spot they get the play off quickly throwing the ball out to Vector the Croc who gets trucked by the new signed Lucario having the ball popped out. Charizard leaps up intercepting the ball running forward while knocking over a few offensive players.

"Charizard has room, he cuts back looking for some blocks which are there. BREAKING THOURGH HE'S GOT A HOLE! He might go ALL THE WAY!"

Running at top speed he travels down the sideline not ever looking back, the only thing on his mind is to score. Diving into the end zone he does just that giving the Lylat Birds their first points of the game.


The 4th quarter has just begun with the score sitting at 45 Legends to 6 Seals. The Legends have the ball at their own 35. On 3rd and seven Link hands off to Crunch who breaks through a hole up the middle picking up a surprising 16 yards. They move up to the 49 of the Seals. Crash sits on the sideline grasping his Gatorade, hoping they don't score yet again. This team seems to be almost unstoppable, it's hard to score against them as it is to stop them.

"Blue twenty, seck, seck, flares on three."

Signaling for the ball he receives it faking the handoff to Crunch stepping up in the pocket. He throws a bullet over the middle but can't quiet hook up with King Boo over throwing him.

"Right there Link again showed his magnificent arm strength; it's funny to see him miss one for a moment there I thought he was a machine." A commentator says.

Taking the snap on 2nd down Link rolls out giving himself some room. Looking down field he steps up launching one deep into the end zone. Making a sliding catch is none other than Banjo!

"Touchdown Legends you've got to be kidding me! Two home games in a row and it looks like they'll be starting 0-2. The Seals are goanna have a long week after this one. Wow Link's 4th touchdown pass of the night."

The kicker comes in to make it 52 to 6. Standing over on the sideline something begins to grow inside that of princess Peach. The desire for the hero of time builds, scaring her but in a good way.

After some time all games come to a close leaving only the Sunday night game/ Speedsters vs. Ultra Bros and the Monday Night game/ Speed Dodgers vs. The Reindeers to be played.

To Be Continue
