
Author Topic: TinyGame Challenge 2006  (Read 1660 times)


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« on: August 15, 2006, 11:57:47 AM »
Welcome to TinyGame Challenge 2006! The main goal of this competition (?) is simple: make a very small game (no longer than ten minutes for the player to finish) and then submit it by posting it here. It can be any format you want - Game Maker, FPS Creator, Inform, whatever - and any genre at all, whether it be action, shooter, puzzle, platformer or interactive fiction.
But here's the catch: All the games have to follow (loosely) one narrative and pick up after the last part. For example, if one game ends with a cliffhanger, then the next game entered must resolve it and pick up from that ending. The competition will start in full with the first entry, and will end on September 10th of this year.

Of course, there are three conditions:
1) All entries must take no longer than ten minutes and no shorter than four minutes to finish by a normal player, and must be beatable. The game must have a definate beginning and end, though whether or not they're noticably broken up into sections in up to you.
2) The game must be mostly free of bugs. Total professional-quality polish is not neccessary, but the game must be free of game-crippling bugs. The game has to be winnable, remember?
3) Finally, each game must pick up where the last one left off. It's against the rules to simply end your game with "this is the end of the story" until it's okay to do so (i.e., it's very close to the deadline).

Otherwise, you have free reign over what goes on in your game - Plot twists and new characters are appreciated. And so, to get everyone started, here's the beginning plot:
The player has been invited to a New Year's Eve party sometime in the near future (even though it's not New Year's Eve). Suddenly, ninjas! Thousands of them! What happens next is up to the first contestant.
I really hope that a good amount of people sign up for this. It should be fairly easy to make the games, as there's supposed to be small in size.
