
Author Topic: Loud Drums in Mario Kart 7  (Read 5644 times)

« on: December 08, 2011, 01:27:03 PM »
What is it signifying in Mario Kart 7 when a loud drumbeat kicks in and the hi-hat just starts GITTIN' AFTER IT. I think it only happens when you're in 1st, but definitely not always when you're in 1st. I also don't remember ever hearing it the first time I played through all the tracks. For a while I thought it meant I was on pace to set a personal best but I'm starting to doubt that. It happens in both single-player Grand Prix and online races. Searching around online, I didn't see this mentioned anywhere.


  • In flames
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 04:07:52 PM »
It's when you're in first. Konno talked about it in Iwata Asks.

Konno: Another simple thing is how when you're racing in first place, the background music livens up. Like zoon-chaka zoon-chaka! We call it the "Go-go Track." (laughs)

Iwata: You can hear it when you're in first?
Konno: Yeah. The groove gradually picks up, so you naturally realize you're in first.
Iwata: Oh, so that's why when I'm in first I feel more elated than in previous Mario Kart games. The background music was livening up. I hadn't noticed that either!
Konno: That's how natural it is. I think some of the staff members never noticed! (laughs)

« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 05:06:02 PM »
Ah! This kind of stuff was throwing me:

Nagata: When the driver in second starts to catch up, the "Go-go Track" gradually fades. In other words, you can tell the distance without looking at the bottom screen.
Yabuki: And when a shell hits you, the "Go-go Track" suddenly ends, doubling your disappointment. I think that's another effect! (laughs)
